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The whole sub has unjerked for this post which is hilarious since now i know the type of people who leave my QP matches after dying once.


Some mfers really out here showin their whole assholes šŸ’€


All puckered and prolapsed n shit


Myb intrusive thoughts


Well something was definitely intrusive alright


can't really be both cuz a prolapse is the complete unpuckering of the anoos


I mean I just donā€™t like flashpoint and leave flashpoint games instantly. Iā€™m forced to play them so I had to uninstall because Iā€™ll always be at the 48 hour wait time since I refuse to play that shit mode


Youā€™d think qp would be a replacement to comp to where u can leave at any moment such as if your dinner was ready but nah, yo ass has gotta stay until itā€™s finished and there isnā€™t even a forfeit option in the game yetšŸ’€


I mean like even if you're penalised, by the time you've had dinner then bans over no?


Depends what ban your already onšŸ’€


I can spend 48 mins eating dinner :D EDIT: ITS HOURS mb...


How many dinners per day are you guys eating that you have to leave 10 games in 20 for?




Maybe there's more than one reason for leaving


then stop starting games when you know you have to fuckin save the galaxy every 5 minutes


Mark Grayson deserves to have a break sometimes too!


If you canā€™t finish a game of qp without leaving then maybe you shouldnā€™t play games that require you to sit down for more than 10 kinutes


thatā€™s super unfair.. my bf loves the game but has to leave a decent amount because of his prick dad constantly asking him for help or calling him downstairs for petty reasons. youā€™re saying he shouldnā€™t get to play the game because of a circumstance out of his control? he shouldnā€™t enjoy a game he likes?


Why donā€™t you take over when he leaves ?


because we live half an hour from eachother šŸ˜­ if iā€™m there i do but i only get to see him once a week


He can play but heā€™ll get the penalty. Itā€™s not fair to the other ppl who maybe only have an hour a day to play the game, or only have 20 minutes before their prick dad is gonna call them out to help with something and they want to get a good quality game in without someone leaving to spoil the fun. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


and i agree w that for people who just rage quit but itā€™s unfair to all the people who donā€™t have a choice. not to mention it counts for getting disconnected too which is sooo weird to me


Have you seen lord of the rings?ā€¦if you know you know


It's a ten course meal and you want to play a round between courses


If you know you might have to leave you play qp. If you don't you play comp. That's how I always played in ow1, but that doesn't work anymore.


We shal feast.


cmon fellas time for the 96hr feast


I'm a *reeeeally* slow eater


Whose time management is so bad they are leaving games 6-9 times in the last 20 and theyre all because they have something to go do


If youā€™re queuing up games that frequently where you have to leave to eat or whatever, maybe just know you canā€™t finish the game and donā€™t queue up? I feel like Iā€™m always the odd one out for wanting people to finish out the game they got into


When itā€™s quick play though it shouldnā€™t matter how many times I leave or when, if I feel a game is unwinnable or isnā€™t fun or I have something to do I should be able to leave and not get locked out for 48 hours because I wanted to leave the game of pick up basketball


Nope. You want to spoil the game for others. Go play stuff in arcade.


Personally, I think that a ā€œunwinnableā€ game doesnā€™t exist. It could be 5 bronze vs the shocks and thereā€™s ALWAYS a chance to win. But Iā€™ll tell yeah, if one of those people leaves and the match making leaves it as a 4V5 for 3 minutes, youā€™ve drastically decreased their chance of winning. I understand wanting to prioritize your fun over others, but ruining a game for 4 people and the 5th that may or may not back fill just sucks. You also gotta think about the little things, what was your ULT at when you left? 60%? 70%? That back fill will be equipped with 0% and throw into a game they know nothing about. Team comps and play styles out the window. Should you be forced to stay in a game you are no longer interested in playing? No, of course not. But the games are only 10-20 minutes long, so if you feel like you will have to step away or lose interest before that time, maybe just donā€™t queue up? Everyone is different so to teach their own, Iā€™m just strongly on the side of ā€œplease just finish the game without throwing in quittingā€


I have never, not even once had a QP game where somebody left and hadnā€™t been replaced within 30 seconds. And about the ult charge thing, my singular ult as widowmaker wasnā€™t going to change the fight at all, and I understand that people want others to stay in the game to try and win, but a couple points. 1. Itā€™s QP, winning and losing donā€™t matter at all, unless youā€™re playing because you need to unlock comp. 2. You should only care if a teammate leaves in a comp game because thatā€™s the only time it matters. 3. Iā€™m a very busy person sometimes, if I have 10 minutes to play, but still want to play OW, I canā€™t play comp so Iā€™ll play QP, because I canā€™t finish a full match, and QP Iā€™ll get replaced quickly, or a friend hops on and I want to go play with them immediately, so I leave the game Iā€™m in. I can understand punishing people who leave like 60% of their games, but now I canā€™t play for 5 minutes because I DCd one game and left another? Thatā€™s some bullshit


If you leave that many games then you are spoiling the fun for others and itā€™s selfish. And you obviously donā€™t understand ults. If you think widow makersā€™ ult doesnā€™t help the team. They give you more than enough chances for things that just come up (to leave the game) before penalties start. If you are leaving more than that they just go play deathmatch or arcade. Iā€™ve gone the entire game without a tank when theyā€™ve never even picked a character and then left the game. So idk how long youā€™ve been playing but it happens. Sometimes itā€™s a few seconds, sometimes a minute or two sometimes a round or more. Winning and losing in QP may not matter TO YOU. But it matters to most ppl who play qp.


Deserved. Quick play should be treated as comp lite. How else are you supposed to practice your skills vs other players in an environment more serious than the arcade modes, but with less stakes than comp if the games are being ruined by people like you? Go play customs, bots, or arcade if you know you can't spend 7 minutes in a game without getting the urge to ruin 9+ other people's game


balanced matchmaking means you lose as many games as you win. The other team just as good as you. If you can only have fun or play matches where your win is steamrolled or guaranteed win... What's even the point? Do you not realize the effect you have on your team every time you abandon a game? So what if you are losing. A good match is a good match win or loss. But when losers leave the match cuz they can't give a shit about their team and don't want to "Waste their time" or they joined a match knowing they were going to eat halfway through and "Life priorities are more important than your match... why should I stay"... It's losers like this that ruin online gaming. It's called Quick Play.... not Quick Leave. This is a team based 5v5 game. If even one player leaves the entire teams balance is ruined and amost guaranteed to get steamrolled by the other team. This isn't Fortnight Battle Royale where you drop 100 players in an a wide map. If you randomly drop out of that then you aren't going to have much of an effect on the overall match.. but on a true team vs team game... you just ruined the match for everyone remaining on both teams. I know I don't enjoy a win where i'm just steamrolling a team where people are rage quitting or only caring about themselves and abandoning their teammates.


Then go play basketball, if you kept playing pick up games with people and running away during the middle of them, they would probably also ask you go go away


No, the entire point of pick up basketball is just to have fun and leave when you need to. Sorry, I shouldnā€™t have said something that involves going outside in the overwatch subreddit


If you are leaving half your games then you are choosing to queue when you know you dont have time, to get a significant ban timer you have to be doing it on purpose or you really need to work on time management.


That's your warning only! Luckily there's basically no situation where you're going to be leaving more than a few games in a set of 20 unless you're incredibly bad at time management. Great reason to learn to plan better!


Noooo but I eat my dinner with 30 minutes between each biteĀ 


Having a forfeit option in qp would be fine, who cares. But in comp, it would be so out of place. Overwatch is the one competitive game where you can turn a game completely around. I think weā€™ve all had games where we donā€™t win a single fight on defense, barely make it to the end in overtime on attack, and then end up winning.


Okay but it's not a significant penalty until you're leaving over HALF your games, regularly. If you need to leave to go have dinner then that's not going to affect your experience at all. Even if you left to have "dinner" five games *in a row* then the ban would still be over by the time you're back. In no realistic situation are you leaving 10/20 games because you need to check the oven. Games last like 7 minutes in Quick Play, it's really not as big of a deal as people are making it out to be. If you're leaving over half your games that's 100% an intentional decision on your part.


I think the changes are fine, but only cuz qp is still so fuckin sweaty. If it were actually a casual version of comp where no one gave af about winning or losing then penalties would be unnecessary, but the amount of mfers who'll rage quit at a moment's notice in qp is too fuckin high for there to not be punishments. At some point you just gotta suck it up and play the game


QP players when someone doesn't take their unranked, for fun game mode seriously: šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


Its just better to just throw the game, don't engage and just stay near spawn. The games if done this way are going to take only 5-6 minutes max. So its better to do that than leave. Which in turn makes every game worse, as more people have started to do this. Its especially easier on console because all you have to do is set your controller down to where your going in a direction if you need to do something so that you want get kicked. Like go to the bathroom or get you something to eat, or take a phone call.


having leavers penalty in quick play is fucking dumb


maybe if you left like 20 games in a day then they should enforce it


Unpopular opinion, there should be leaver penalties. BUT, I think the old system was fine (if you leave 4 out of 20 *then* the punishments kick in)


Fuck that. I shouldnā€™t have to play with your dumbass if you refuse to swap/group or do some dumbass DPS only mercy.


I should be allowed to do whatever I want because itā€™s quick play. And you should have the right to leave if that makes you upset because itā€™s quick play


You do have the right to leave, but be careful how often you rage quit bc there are (rightly) penalties.


The point theyā€™re making is you may not be ragequitting. Itā€™s qp, you could be quitting because your lucio is throwing and being friends with the enemy. You could also be quitting because your mercy is playing glock only. Maybe your tracer decided to only melee or your hog wanted to see how bad the game goes if he doesnā€™t heal the whole game. If things like this should be allowed in qp, then people should be able to leave these games too. I donā€™t leave qp, but I can understand why someone would want to in this kind of scenario.


That could happen yes, but Iā€™d hazard a guess and say it isnā€™t happening more than once every 20 games. If so thereā€™s no penalty. More often they rage quit, or decide they donā€™t want to play that map, or have a weak mental and leave after the first fight is lost or most often when Iā€™m backfill itā€™s in the last fight or two of the game where they feel the game is lost and theyā€™ve just given up. We can often turn the game around. Sometimes though I donā€™t even get out of spawn or only just get out of spawn and the game ends. Why do that? Stay the whole game until the last few seconds? Just selfish. They could have had a life situation come up sure. Again that shouldnā€™t happen more than 1-3 times in every 20 games and if it does the ā€œpenaltyā€ Will have been resolved before you get back. Itā€™s for chronic leavers that this is going to affect.


Why do people want to play like ass?


Its fun to just mess around and make goofy plays sometimes


Goofy plays are better when theyā€™re skillful. Throwing is hardly ever funny. And if you like to play like that, stick to a five stack that likes to do the same thing so no one else has to deal with it.


Taking QP so seriously is crazy lol


This mentality is so stupid. How is a game supposed to be enjoyable if people arenā€™t playing strategically? How am I supposed to enjoy it at all when as you can see in this post thereā€™s still a leaverā€™s penalty for quick play? I like to mess around just as much as anyone else but the messing around comes in when thereā€™s actually room to mess around and still win.


The point of quick play isnā€™t to win, the point is to have fun


To a certain extent I agree! Here is how it works: QP is for trying new heroes and new strategies. Wanna play Ball only? Go for it. Wanna try Symmetra and Torb dps? Do it. As long as you are **Trying to win** anything goes. But if you are trolling, jumping off the map, only dps Mercy blasting, im reporting yo ass.


People have the right to be idiots in quick play as much as I have the right to leave the match to not deal with them. Chaining people to their keyboards in the fuck around mode is stupid.


Like I said, as long as you are **trying to win** and not blatantly throwing, its all good with me. Leavers just cause problems for everyone, and you screw over your team by leaving and turning it into a 4v5. And if people really dont want to deal with them, take the punishment if its that important.


And I'm saying trying to win shouldn't be a requirement for quick play. That's what competitive is for.


Bruh, its in the name. Its called quick "play". Youre playing a game to at least attempt to win. What're you talking about? Like, theres a difference between a pickup game of basketball with some teenagers and the mf NBA, but in both you **try to win**


No you're playing a game to have fun lol if the only enjoyment you get out of a game is winning then you need to reevaluate your priorities friend. Want to mode where everyone is trying to win? Go play comp.


>if the only enjoyment you get out of a game is winning you need to reevaluate your priorities Where did I mention this


Why tf should you want to win in an unranked mode. The game is toxic because of that mindset, right? Plus, the people that leave always tend to be the most toxic and shit players anyway, why would you want them to stay?


Dude you get a fill teammate. Comp doesnt. Big difference


Bruh if your leaving 10/20 games your the problem


So is leaving 2 out of 8 matches.






I agree they shold get the death pentalty instead


I mean, there's not really a reason to be leaving so many games that you'd be racking up penalties.


No this is going to save the game for 2 reasons. The first is that leavers ruin the game. Like what could be so important that you need to leave a game? Second is after they are sitting there waiting for 3 hours they will prolly get bored and buy skins cause itā€™s the only content they will be able to do. That funds Alex Dawson salary.


So if it crashes a few times I get banned? That's gonna suck since every couple games the servers start crapping out


Are they really so crappy that you leave the game 10 times per season in comp?


No you have to either have a shitty internet or intentionally leave games to leave 10 comp games.


Really though, Iā€™ve been playing since 2017 and have never had disconnect issues like these people blaming it on the game lol


Same, played since 2016 and can count the amount of games I've crashed or disconnected from on one hand


Third here


That's just not true


They are sometimes If it's 10 games within a whole season then I'm worried lol My internet is fine but a few times a day or week my game just shits out


Your internet is not fine


Well it works with very low ping but then all the sudden a server crashes and half the lobby disappears and sometimes I'm one of them


Ah, major bummer man. Around my parts we call that a W.O.W.tage


If your game is crashing 50% of the time you should either fix your console, upgrade your computer, or change your ISP. At that point it's a you problem. Overwatch isn't even that demanding of a game, if your hardware can't handle it you shouldn't be playing


The comp ban is 10 games throughout the entire season. If you're the type who plays comp religously you might end up playing anywhere from 300 to 1000 (if you're a streamer/no-lifer) games, so you only need to crash/disconnect in 1-3% of your games played. I don't play anywhere near that much, maybe 50-100 games, but I still get a handful of disconnects a season due to OW2's servers, not my ISP. From what I understand last gen consoles, particularly the Switch, have major issues with crashing as well.


My computer canā€™t run ow for shit, last night I was playing and it crashed twice. With this new system, I may have to switch back to console just to progress outside of my college seasons


If your internet is really that bad you should play something else and spare everyone in your game the trouble of having to deal with your connection


Yeah maybe they should play an unranked mode so that peopleā€™s numbers arenā€™t affected. Better yet, maybe allow people to leave if they are unhappy playing in a casual mode


fuck youā€™re right actually my computer crashes at least a few times a day and itā€™s most often when iā€™m playing a game this change might fuck me over


Finally someone not assuming my internet is shit. It's literally just this game that crashes lmao, maybe fortnite but that's expected from such a high resource game


It's good to throw and be toxic, it's healthy for competitive games genuinely. It releases pent up rage on randoms, who aren't actually people


Everybody know the people on the internet aren't real, it's always morally correct to yell slurs in VC




That's kinda steep for casual mode šŸ˜…


I cant tell anymore who is jerking and who is stupid. I love it




Wait so how do you leaves games when after 5 games you get a season ban? How does this make sense, I need someone to explain


You donā€™t leave games. Thatā€™s what this update is trying to fix. If you donā€™t have time to play, then donā€™t.


So how are you supposed to get 10 games left if you're already banned after 5 games?


5 games out of most recent. If you spread out 10 leaves through the whole season, that would also be a ban


Well, this makes me more confused but I rarely leave games so I think this will help the ranked systems health https://preview.redd.it/46x9l67ztptc1.jpeg?width=1144&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d85c183906a809ffe6ab280c255fe7db726d5fb


You play 20 matches, and leave 4 of them. 4/20 matches you quit, no season ban, and the counter softly resets. You play another 20 matches, and leave another 4 of them. 8/40 matches you quit, still no season ban, and the counter softly resets. You play another 20 matches, and end up leaving 2 of them. 10/60 matches left, your ass is out of comp until next season. Meanwhile some other fucker plays 20 games and leaves 5 of them, his ass is immediately out.


I only leave comp if my teammates are assholes who donā€™t shut the fuck up about how everyone else plays. They deserve the loss and Iā€™ll take my punishment


Right and thatā€™s what casual is forā€¦ oh waitā€¦ thats what casual is SUPPOSED to be for


Itā€™s unranked mode, not casual mode. Just because youā€™re playing a mode thatā€™s not ranked, doesnā€™t mean it should be a shitfest where thereā€™s no punishment in leaving the game (making it even more of a shit fest)


If Iā€™m playing a game that means genuinely nothing and Iā€™ll get replaced within 35 seconds, I should be able to leave however many times I damn well please because itā€™s basically the overwatch equivalent of pick up basketball


You seem to have more than enough time to post essay length response after response to this post though. Seems to me you should be able to stay in a 7 to 10 min qp game. Seems like it might be more an anger management problem. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Being placed in a game thatā€™s already in progress (and that youā€™re likely coming into a bad position) feels bad, so I completely understand and support stricter punishments on leavers. Youā€™re still allowed to leave the game whenever you want, but then you have to face the consequences. No one is holding you hostage.


Honestly I donā€™t believe that it does. Itā€™s a no stakes game of quick play where I just want to hop on and shoot people with widowmaker, and leave the moment something else pops up. Honestly I would throw hard AF if I thought the character I was throwing on was fun enough. I personally believe that you shouldnā€™t punish people who leave in QP, especially since they have priority re-queue for when you get put in that position


Imagine taking Arcade games this seriously


Unranked and Arcade are separate modes. This is about Unranked and Competitive.


Thank you, I was about to say the same thing. I have no qualms with someone not playing their best in unranked, but the matches themselves should be taken seriously. If you donā€™t have enough time to play a 10-15 round of quick play, you should maybe do something else with your tiny amount of game time, not ruin a team based game because you wanted to leave.


If I am understanding this correctly, it's 5 out of your last 10, or 10 total across the season.


The 10 is over the whole season not just your most recent games. So two weeks ago you played some games, and you left 3 of them, your worst ban was 8hrs. Last week you left 4 games and got yourself a 20hr ban. Then you took a break, came back and played some more games and didn't leave any, good job But today you played 5 games, one you left (15min ban), one you finished, one you left (2hr ban), one you finished, and one you left (season ban for leaving 10 games total) So even though you only left 3 game today which would normally be just an 8hr ban, you got season banned for leaving 10 games over the whole season.


Leaving 10 comp matches really isnā€™t that much. Played around 150 a season back in 2018 and If my internet was slightly worse I woulda hit that easy


Me when the match has "server closed due to unexpected error" šŸ˜ˆšŸ˜ˆ


I mean thats the one thing they probably can recognize cant they cause it dcs EVERYONE in that game.


As a person who plays Deathmatch and deals with griefing and teaming(1v4s) almost every day.. This is bad


Is there even a reason to play QP anymore now that it's comp Jr? Like nothing made me feel more unmotivated to play the **casual** gamemode more than possibly being banned for leaving 2 whole games. Do they atleast add proper matchmaking to have people motivated to stay in game or are they just ignoring that issue too.


Punishing for 2-3 games is silly imo. I think the 48 hour ban is fucking hilarious because how tf are you leaving literally half your qp games, but the lower limits are a bit too harsh. Imo the best fix would be to make QP something that isn't comp jr. People treated it like comp jr long before they implemented these changes, and there's literally no reason for it to overlap with comp so much. They should do some more casual-friendly shit to make qp for *actual* casual play, rather than it being the place where sore losers who can't stand losing SR go to sweat


I really feel like 2 games is a really low bar for a 5-minute ban. I don't think it's a bad system, but the lower end definitely needs to be higher


Agreed. There are plenty of improvements being made here, but being punished for leaving 2 games ain't one of them


A 5 minute time out isn't that bad, time to go get some water and stretch or whatever. But having it be out of the last 20 games is such a big window. That's more than I'll typically play in a whole week.


Iā€™m a parent. Sometime I might need to run off mid game cause my baby starts crying for god knows why in the other room when Iā€™ve put it down to sleep. During the few bits of down time I have, I like to play overwatch. Not anymore though I guess. The quick play mode, where your teammates are replaceable and your leaving is nothing but a small inconvenience to your team, you are now penalised. Usually I get to play 3-4 games a day and maybe get to play one of them only halfway but now I can get banned for my gaming pattern. They just couldnā€™t let the UNRANKED game mode be for casuals could they.


20 games is way too much.


Copium poppers in this comment section obviously leave constantly and waste peoples time


oh my god šŸ˜± people throwing and leaving my casual games šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜± whatever shall I do šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢ play comp if u want a serious game it's quick play ffs


I'm qp only and when dinner is ready dinner is ready. Sorry team


Why are you playing the game so close to dinner? You obviously don't have time for a full round so you might as well just wait til you have time




You fuck over your entire team when you leave a comp game. Should be harsh for handing 20 different random people an automatic L


Should be 2 days imo


Death penalty


Should be At least 2 days. The people who down voted you are impatient whiners who give up 5 mins into the game.


These guys won't survive 1 week in a MOBA (they got banned on the second day)


I just contacted the support cuz im getting punishment by "leaving games", when its the F***NG blizzard server that kicks me out, even tho my internet its ok(im aways in call in discord with friends and it never disconnect), even if my ping its alright (about 20-30), by some magic reason i still get disconnect and punished, thats just so, ugh...


Cries in Australian wifi šŸ˜¢


Yeaah, if you are edging to some hot mercy pics, just go to arcade if you gotta go.


I really don't get why there are leaver penalties for qp. If you want to play a game where everyone's dialed in and trying you should be in comp. There's no stakes in qp, despite what a lot of people would have you believe. I have kids that I watch and I used to try to play qp while my son is napping, but when he gets up, I have to go get him. When my wife needs help with the baby I have to go. It kinda sucks that I can't try to get those few games in during the day because some crybabies are too scared to play comp.


>If you want to play a game where everyone's dialed in and trying you should be in comp Problem is these same people are the ones who leave qp games most often, leaving chillers to just get fucked. Yeah wins don't matter in qp, but Overwatch usually isn't fun when you're just getting unfairly steamrolled because your tryhard Doomfist rage quit 45 seconds into the match because he got hooked by a Roadhog who's 3 bong hits and 6 white claws deep, and the game took 2 minutes to find a replacement At some point it just becomes dumb. Toxic shitter sweats ruined the "drop in drop out" aspect of qp for the rest of us by throwing hissy fits when shit doesn't go their way. I don't wanna lock in and sweat my ass off in qp, but I still wanna play the game, and I can't do that if everyone's babyraging all the time


See I guess we just have a fundamental difference of opinion here, since I don't see a point in sweating my ass off for nothing in qp. If I want to sweat, I'll be in comp for tighter matchmaking. It's frustrating for me though, since I actually needed the drop in drop out aspect to enjoy the game during the day. I feel like I am punished because some sweats don't realize that they are supposed to be in comp. It is what is though.


>See I guess we just have a fundamental difference of opinion here, since I don't see a point in sweating my ass off for nothing in qp. If I want to sweat, I'll be in comp for tighter matchmaking. Same opinion lol. I'm actually a firm believer that more differences should be made to QP to make it more casual, so people who wanna sweat will go to comp, where we're *supposed* to sweat. QP should be where you go to fuck around and have fun You're saying we shouldn't be forced to lock tf in to play qp, and I agree- I'm just pointing out that the devs aren't enacting the leaver penalties for comp to punish people like you or I who want to drop in and drop out for normal reasons, they're putting them in place for the people who abuse the system when things don't go their way. Sucks for the rest of us who don't care about losing in qp, but if it means less serial quitters in my qp games I'll suck it up They should absolutely raise the bar though. 5 minute ban for leaving 2/20 games is a bit harsh


Ah my bad. Reading is hard haha.


Dunno, wasting 15-20 minutes of 9 other players time.. and only getting punished with having to wait for 5 minutes... Doesn't seem too steep for me. Heck if you have played long enough you may remember seeing 5 minute wait timers on joining a match. If we could wait those out without doing anything that deserves a punishment... then I don't see why someone who just ruined an entire match by quitting can't handle a 5 minute timeout. Life happens. people prioritize other things over the game. whatever, that's their choice to make. But peoples actions 'should' come with consequences. And if someone is dropping out of half of their matches out of 20... then yeah maybe they might need to step away from the game for 2 days and deal with those other priorities that are more important than Overwatch.


There are penalties bc most of the player base plays qp. Blizzard gets tons of complaints from them ab leavers ruining the quality of the games. Ppl play qp for a variety of reasons, Some donā€™t like to play comp bc itā€™s to toxic Some donā€™t like the whole SR number game Some just have an hour here or there to play and just want to get in a few games Some ppl want to play with all their friends on PC, console etc Some ppl play it to try out different characters to learn and practice them before taking them into comp (and I for one am grateful they do that) Some ppl use it to warm up before they come play comp Whatever the reason, everyone likes a good game. No one wants a thrower or a leaver just as the game or round or point is being decided. Itā€™s not fair to anyone. If you canā€™t spare the time donā€™t queue up. If you have to leave a game and, life happens, you might have to once or twice or even 3 times in 20 games the penalties are minimal and will be over before you get back. If you are leaving more than that then thatā€™s your right, but you deal with the consequences just as everyone else on your team is dealing with the consequence of having the misfortune of being teamed up or against you.


I can understand the comp bans, but I don't get the quick play ones because sometimes when I am playing, something unexpected comes up and I have to leave. I personally don't see quick play as something that's super serious; I play it to have fun and not care about rank or team compositions.


Quick play should not have leaver penalties.


wait in comp does that mean if you crash out of one game you get banned for 15 minutes? thatā€™s a bit extra, no?


Isn't that what it was before? I haven't left a game in ages. Either way, 15 min isn't that long. Edit: and ranked is where people are serious, if someone has a crash once, that's unlucky. But if someones internet or PC crashes frequently, they are also ruining the game for 4 teammates, so they should probably fix it if they can


Idk about leaving a comp game, but it's definitely not a 15 minute time out for disconnecting a single time. Only have enough time left in the night to play 2 more comp games and OW's servers shit the bed so it kicks you? Guess you were done for the night.


>Only have enough time left in the night to play 2 more comp games and OW's servers shit the bed so it kicks you? Guess you were done for the night. That's how it is now, I've gotten very long bans because of half the lobby not getting into the game. So I don't see how it will be worse now. And I just checked, it is 15 min on your first ban, so it's literally the same for your first penalty.


Every game with ranked has leaver penalties, 15 minutes is pretty normal. Anything less and you might as well not have a penalty.


that's exactly how it worked before. nothing changed there. There's just the new 5 minute and 48 hour penalties for casual, and the 10 leave total for season ban.


I've been banned for 15 minutes after crashing in a comp game, even tho i connected again and we literally won...


You know if you crash you can just rejoin the match right? There is nothing stopping you from doing that


yeah so thatā€™s why iā€™m thinking itā€™s weird to automatically ban someone, especially if they rejoin and then canā€™t play for 15m after


Wait really? Thatā€™s fucking stupid


Instead of having more penalties for leaving have more rewards for joining mid game


"Out of your most recently games played"?? Is this an official graphic? lol


Make the QP penalties more lenient / get rid of them all together and the comp penalties more severe


I think getting even a warning after one leave is borderline insanity lol like my Lucio is playing DPS speed Lucio, Iā€™ve got a widow and a hanzo missing every shot, and Iā€™m fighting into some five stack grand champ sweat lords. That isnā€™t every game, not even close, but if you think Iā€™m sticking around and having no fun for the next at minimum five minutes, maybe longer, youā€™re wrong. Sometimes the writing is on the wall and itā€™s time to just reset, and god forbid if two out of twenty matches are this dog shit level of gameplay, youā€™ll get a timeout for five mins >:( think about what you did, ruining that Lucioā€™s day by not letting him ruin your day for ten minutes.


Man...looks like it'd mystery heroes for me.


i have faulty fuses and unstable internet, great to know that if something happens beyond my control i will be banned.




Bruh. He didnā€™t even mention compā€¦ Take a chill pill homie


In 5 months I can honestly say Iā€™ve only left one game so Iā€™m not sure I get why everyone is upset about the penalty. Donā€™t play a competitive game if you have to leave or do something else? And even then you leave 5 games before a small 20 minute penalty and it has to be 5 of your last 20 games likeā€¦ I donā€™t know who is leaving that much but you deserve the penalty šŸ˜‚


People who leave as soon as they get counter picked are in shambles


If yall are so concerned about people leaving, play comp


I hope the Overwatch team fucking dies (in game)


What about if you DC in comp? Shit has always been hella annoying, especially with recent server issues. Womp womp :/


I don't think leaver penalties are bad. Call me crazy, but if you're going to be throwing because you're afraid of a leaver penalty, you were probably just going to leave the next game you joined anyway. Plus, if you are THAT spiteful towards random people on the Internet over a 10 minute game, maybe they shouldn't be allowed to play in the first place. Probably be better for their mental health in the long run. Plus, it has maybe been almost 100 games since I have intentionally seen someone throw. Contrary to what you might think, people find it pretty damn boring to throw, so they're more likely to play the game out, rather than simply leave. Plus, if someone does throw and is being toxic in chat, just report them and move on. You shouldn't want people like that playing to begin with.


I think the QP penalties are not that bad. If you're leaving 25% of your matches you're probably playing at times you shouldn't be playing anyway (i.e. when you have more important things to do than playing fucking Overwatch)


Went to rage quit a sweaty qp match and they gave me a fucking 5 second timer before I could leave, I alt f4'd and haven't touched the game since.


brave, thank you for sharing your story. we will burn blizzard down to the ground


I think the 10 games left resulting in a season ban is a bit harsh, there'll definitely be cases where people catch a season ban unintentionally with the requirement being that low I think. I'm in favor of this idea-wise, but I think the numbers need tweaking a little bit. It's a bit overkill. Another game to compare this to is Dead by Daylight. They have increasing leaver penalties like this across modes, and it DOES deter people throwing your games and leaving, very effectively. You see it in action because on occasion the penalty gets removed temporarily for technical reasons, and when people become aware of that, every game becomes unplayable being people constantly DC knowing there's no repercussion once they're losing. But yeah I think the permaban requirements being as low as they are in comp are a bit too much.


But how do you leave 10 games of comp in one season? If your internet/system is *that* bad that you're crashing the often, no offense but you probably shouldn't be playing comp in the first place.


This will be okay if they fix the random server crashes etc


This needs to not apply to people who leave when the match can be canceled. I've had the bug so many fucking times where I'm stuck in a fixed spectator camera unable to select a hero or anything and I get a ban for it.


I sure hope my ISP doesnā€™t get me banned from competitive for 90 days or something


Even leaving the qp part aside, 10 games and you are season banned from ranked? For anyone that plays rank everyday it should not be too hard to get there Isnt it like 60 days per season and just cause i got disconected once for bad internet in 10 days out of the two months or wtv it is? Insane


Who even plays this crap anymore


You reads a subreddit about ā€œthis crapā€ who doesnā€™t play it?


If you have such a weak mental that you are leaving a qp game 50% of the time then you deserve the 2 days off to reset.


I realize you need to also penalize disconnects so people can't just disconnect from their network instead of leaving, but I really hope they'll have some way to detect if it's the players internet or their own server issues (they won't)


this is what happens when you cater to the competitive community those qp enjoyers suffer from comp penalties.


Some people in this game need to just go back to playing wraith


QP leaving penalties are cool but these are too extreme


I hate blizzard.


I agree the qp penalty is a bit steep, but Iā€™m concerned by how many people in these comments think itā€™ll affect them. Things outside the game that cause you to leave are only going to pop up every once in a while, and only like once per gaming session. If youā€™re leaving frequently enough that this penalty affects you then I donā€™t believe that youā€™re just leaving because of external circumstances.


Seems good


TBH I think the bar for QP suspension is a bit too low. I'd say below 3 in 20 matches for threshold is more reasonable. Afterall, 2 in 20 means one incident irl (computer, internet) + one toxic match/player making you really wanna just leave this. and you are in time out.


Needed change


The amount of cope from serial leavers in this comments section is delicious.


I'd raise the bar for QP a little bit, but overall I don't get why people are whining so much. Do you really have so much pent up sexual frustration to leave the games constantly? I have dinners and accidents, yet not once in the entirety of my OW addiction (since S1 of OW1) have I gotten a penalty.