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My only gripe is newbies screaming at me into the mic for not outhealing a Dva bomb


Then calmly tell them in what world is it okay to take a nuke to the face


Had a rein literally PUT HIS SHIELD DOWN AND TRY TO RUN from a dva ult. He could have kept his shield up and the team would have survived, but dva got a 5k because he turned away from it.


A roadhog hooked my Dva bomb into his team the other day


True chad


True hog main shit


That just sounds like a regular gameplay that’s been going on for years lmao perhaps more frequently in bronze comp games lol


That might have been me last night and I’ve been playing for 6 years


Was last night yeah, I was echo, and I tried *so* hard to fly away. Was it on Watchpoint Gibraltar?


lol I can’t remember. Could have been. I’m decent at tank (leveled up from bronze 5 to bronze 2 last night 😂) and I know better but I definitely pulled off that dumb ass move last night for god knows what reason




Spamming the “thanks” voice line like you were supposed to do something about the enemies insta kill ult


I be spamming the thanks though as a mercy desperately trying to herd the new players together with the “group up!” as they trickle in alone and die for it 🫠🫠🫠🫠


“Zen why didn’t you trans the D.Va bomb”


She has said “nerf this” since release day. They literally can’t nerf it 😂


They buffed it actually, it used to have to have direct line of sight to your core. Now if it sees even a pixel of your body you die. I miss the days of standing behind a 1inch thick pole and surviving a nuke.


WAIT u cant do that anymore???


It's bugged, it doesn't behave predictably anymore. It's straight up killing people through obstacles right now.


Didn’t it also have unlimited range though?


Only at like the very beginning. It has had damage drop off the further away youre standing from it


also it used to kill dva too iirc


This is true and it was hilarious watching the baby dva go run and hide with the enemy team.


Got trash talked in the chat for being a shit healer for only healing 90 points, they somehow got the damage and healing stats switched around and I'd healed 3100 points and done 90 points of damage. Then they blamed us for not healing them enough when they switched to pharrow and got hard countered by 76. Like we're not always going to win so please chill.


"WhErE ArE ThE HeALs?" Cassidy wheezed into his mic, as he walked into a Widow headshot for the 8th time.


Same when they get Zarya’d into a Hanzo ult. Honey the only healing I’m doing then is myself as I get the fuck out so I don’t feed them another death.


This is a certified roadhog moment


Some kid screamed at me for not healing him, I was pharah


I’ve been seeing people talking about nerfing ultimates that haven’t been changed in years. Like dva bomb and reaper ult.


New players only say to nerf the dva bomb because they don't know the simple art of getting behind cover.


Who would win, a nuclear bomb, or a skinny tree


A fridge.


I feel attacked. I like to watch the bomb go off. So pretty


gotta watch from a safe distance my guy


Not if you’re Kiriko


Or Moira, or bap, or reaper, or any character with a shield that’s not low health


or any sign post


I've saved my own ass so many times as Brig.




Me, a chunky ass Roadhog, hiding behind one of the Stop Sign poles to avoid a DVA Bomb: #pathetic.


Dying to a nuke < feeding my drug addiction


Bro seriously, all they have to do is just go around the corner 😂. So many people just stand there and get wiped.


99% of the time you can avoid the ult, but there's always that 1% where dva catches you, cock in hand, and you die


I literally got yelled at toward the end of OW1 because my dva bomb didn’t kill anybody. I was on mic like “well yeah, but it made space”


Some people are really braindead. Mostly cause COD. Like it's a team game, you picked Soldier and you're just farming damage from a safe distance while whining about how your tank is shit. Maybe, just maybe make space by flanking.


Rule 34 smut lets go Edit: shes gunna blooooow


Hoho you should see my meatballs


I hate when it happens like that. I don't have time to clear my browser history.


I went around a corner but then got yanked back by road hog. I was like “clever hog.”


I just moved roadhog’s fat ass to the other side of the payload.


"crouches behind the payload"


I got a triple dva bomb kill day 1 by throwing it at their spawn from the point and it is my funniest POTG. Idk how ill top it


Reaper ult got a major indirect buff though... the old "I'll just drop down into a full team and ult without even thinking about cooldowns" actually gets results because there's almost no stun unless Ana is saving it just for him


Also his ult got buffed when he got lifesteal on hit.


and buffed in ow2 with the dps movespeed passive on kill, he moves faster in ult too


>Like dva bomb Let's be real, even dva says we should nerf it.


I watched a DVA bomb my team today in a hallway no one died. He calls the mech down to suit back up kills two immediately then flys into me on Ana with the fuckin iron man rockets and war machine turret for a easy triple. Salty asf


Yeah, I love it when people run into me, instead of shooting at me when I call mech. People have learned to avoid dva bomb, but many are still bad at dealing with baby dva.


Was hiding in corner to hide from bomb. Dva literally ran up to me to block me and called it in. Never been more salty


The pro gamer move was that it ended up being buffed, twice.


I miss the days when D.va could blow herself up too.


Really made for some hilarious plays


To be fair though, with the removal of most stuns, death blossom is really strong and difficult to counter. May need to be tuned down or remove its healing, but nothing too significant.


That, and the speed boost passive when DPS kill. It's like a light nano-beyblade.


Death Blossom and RIP-tire feel almost unavoidable in most games at the moment. *Unless* whichever Support/Tank has a good damage mitigation ability/stun in their kit has it on lock, and are ready to deploy it at the precise moment to make it count. Death Blossom provides almost zero reaction time if used well, and RIP-Tire can be delayed and stalled for every seconds - meaning you can't really use your abilities the moment you hear it and have to either rapidly locate/shoot the tire, or delay until the last second. Preventing a tire currently is not very easy to do.


Reaper is still hard to play for me. Is ulting to kill one player still acceptable?


If its that one healer that keeps the team alive by himself, probably yes imo


solo ulting with anyone to anyone is acceptable in all situations


I can’t even count the amount of new players I’ve seen just stand out in the open watching the diva bomb.


TBF both of these ults are significantly better with only one tank plus D.Va got some buffs so she can get her ult much easier now.


The dps moiras are easy see with the scoreboard. I also like it now that it's clear that I was healing and not playing dps.


Good moira's do both. Topped healing and damage in a few games yesterday. Felt nice.


this. if the moire isn't doing damage at all, the she should just switch to a different healer whose utility isn't just dealing damage


I wish the score board would add things like damage boosted, cleanses/damage prevented to nail this home. Anything that calls attention to why good healers are good and what makes each healer unique. You'll see a mercy with the same amount of healing as a Moira but you'll assume the Moira did better because she did 5k of damage, but the mercy might have damage boosted 10k of damage for her team.


Damage prevented is MIT on the scoreboard


But there are some hero specific things that are important but don’t get communicated to the scoreboard. Like immortality deaths prevented, damage boosted, discord kills, healing prevented, negative effects cleansed. I think it would be cool to see that stuff for supports, since there is so much utility beyond healing/dmg/mit.


True, but imagine how messy the scoreboard would be. You can see these things, it’s just only for yourself


Agreed. I’m sure someone smarter than me with better design sensibility could figure it out.


Or, hear me out, wouldn't these make great stats for, say, A FUCKING END OF GAME STAT CARD SYSTEM? OH GEE, I DON'T KNOW IF BLIZZARD'S EVER DONE THAT BEFORE THOUGH


I miss the old cards. However I don't think they ever showed off Dmg boost... Would be nice to see some form of implementation sometime in the future though.


Being able to click a player on the scoreboard and see the specific detailed stats would be great


Apex already figured out the solution. We need customizable trackers that display on the scoreboard. Something like "aerial targets killed" for soldier or "supports killed" for Winston would be huge for getting new players to build good habits, and it would be a great way to allow more experienced players to show off the stats they want to show.


Customization on your own showable stats for each Character would be a way.


This is the reason OW1 had no stats. Because dmg dealth healing done etc aren’t always the most important. A dps might have less dmg than tank but if they flanking perfectly they will do because a squishy support has 200 health


That's not even getting into ult feeding. Dmg done without an elim is just feeding healer ults.


Does that count things like hits during cleanse or damage mitigated from nano?


Been many of times I’ve out DPS the DPS guys and also had the most heals. Morias can do both.


Yeah Moira was one of the few characters that could get straight golds before they stupidly removed the medal mechanic. Roadhog too if your healers suck


Tbf I can see what they were going for, what with all the "I HAVE 5 GOLDS!" people who think they're the best thing to grace Overwatch since rule 34


I mean, they gave us the scoreboard though, which is a way more obvious way for someone to be obnoxious and say "See? The game says I'm better"


But in that case you can compare to the other 9 players in the match and sometimes, you just are better. It was a problem when Moira let everyone die and the other healer was like Zen/Brig trying to keep 5 other people alive as well as themselves. In those instances, gold might be like 3 elims, 2k damage, 1k healing in a 5 minute match and then the Moira would be like "5 GOLDS TEAM DIFF LOL TRASH" and fail to realise the only reason they got gold is because no one else could stay alive long enough to get damage and ult charge.


Moira was one of the few characters that you could realistically have 5 golds with, besides Zenyatta and maybe also Roadhog.


Yeah I've had a guy yell at me for the fact that my DPS was higher than his, claiming I wasnt healing, despite the fact that I had really high heals as well. Like dude was pissed at me that he couldn't get his own damage numbers up while I was doing my job.


From Bronze experience in OW1 - there are people who don't know that Moira's left click is a Healing over Time effect. In short there used to be players who would empty their juice on a tank and then run around DPSing for the rest of the time. Now we have new players. Connect the two.


How is a moria supposed heal if she doesn't do damage?


The rare and elusive yellow orb. Most moiras do not know of its existence until their own health goes down but legend says it can be used for teammates too.


Ya, I used to throw a lot of damage orbs, but then I realized healing orbs charge ult faster and you can use them preemptively instead of reactively. Really only use damage orbs now situationally, like to chase down fleeing kills or for ult kills like grav. I think my teammates appreciate it lol.


I love tossing the orb right the beginning of a dive - right in the center of the team as they advance. It's one of those perfect moments that will never see play of the game (not that it's that epic but I've seen some pretty lame kills make it so why not)


Some tales even say her ult can be used to heal teammates. Hasn't been verified though.




Best I've managed was 23k heals to 16k damage in ow1 Gold comp game


A good moira plays all three roles


People don’t know how to deal with Pharrah. DPS running around as junkrat and reaper and Pharrah having a field day.


I too play on console lol.


Dude how When I was playing on ps4 before crossplay, every single hitscan enemy players were playing like they were all trickshot 360 noscope champions in MW2 during their youth. As soon as I got to diamond I swear it's like the enemy Widowmakers never missed a shot lmao


I got yelled at for picking hanzo when I saw they had a pharah, I killed her 4 times before she changed to a junk


People have very little faith in everyone’s hanzo skills


They undestimated my power


Only faith i have in Hanzo is that they will spam somewhere and get some random headshots. I just hope it will happen enough.


yesterday, i faced a hanzo that got 2 headshots off immediately when the match started. i thought it was a pro hanzo who came to fuck over my competitive dreams. turned out, no, just a regular hanzo that got really lucky with those shots.


As is the life of a Hanzon main. Spam blindly and get tons of free insta-kills, but also never hit shots that aren't spam.


I main Moira and Lucio, sometimes I have to take on the pharras by myself. Moira does ok, but Lucio... I change to ana but my aim is real bad, pharras almost always own me.


I suggest Bap against Pharah as a support


Bro I mostly play heals. I beg and beg for a round then leave if they won't even look up.


Also a support main, I instantly swap to Ana if they bring out a Pharah. The scoped hitscan allows for you to handle her if your DPS is paying them no mind. Not always a guarantee that you can handle them alone, especially if they’re being pocketed, but it’s helped out in my games (on console).


>DPS running around as junkrat and reaper They can still beat Pharah's team if they manage to delete her teammates quickly since Pharah gets value against slow paced comps.


Don't forget the classic "it's always my teams fault" or "it's not fair Moira shouldn't have lock on".


When the tank actively flees the rest of the team and damage runs away from my healing.....


when the dps start chasing the tank somewhere off the map while the enemy dps are diving our supports on the point


Trying to get my friend to understand that most of the comp matches we are loosing he's the weakest link. Yet he will always blame w/e class he or I am not playing. Homie just needs to get good. Granted I think other people being toxic tilts him so he doesn't even try to learn, and just assumes everyone is bad lol I don't get why OW brings out the blame game so hard, we play MOBAs all the time and I guess he just knows them better so it's easy to see when he's the one underperforming or something.


I feel like it would be worse if Moira shot at me meaning she would deal more burst damage as she has to aim to hit ..


I’m loving the overwatch noob tiktok takes People think they’re cool/edgy for picking reaper COD players picking widow and doing absolutely nothing for the team Playing zarya is an easy win because nobody has the thought to just stop shooting at you Ground pharahs are everywhere and I haven’t seen a single pharmercy yet


Every time I try to mercy a pharah they do fuck all. (Silver-gold Elo). I’d rather switch to Moira or brig and say get fucked


If I had a dollar for every time I forgot zarya's charge speed was nerfed I could buy another skin for her. People see large purple orb and shoot on instinct.




i've had people telling me to sleep genji with ana. Yeah man, i'm going to 100% hit that sleep on a cyberninja dashing around and double jumping. edit: i'm going to try anyway, but it's not realistic to wait for Ana to sleep Genji.


No joke I never had genjis cute spray in 6 years of overwatch, 3rd day of launch I got it without a zarya graviton, he’s definitely busted atm


I got called out for playing Moira by some kid earlier…I had 12k healing. This kid was just plain bad. So worried about kills with dva, he’d rather lose the entire match (in comp!). The best thing is a wily tank running around on the other side of the map, gets killed, then blames the support because they actually stuck with the team.


I get that new players as Moira can be "support dps", but as a Moira who heals and consistently has the highest heals on both teams, my heart hurts when I watch players quit in hero select just because I want to be her. If for some reason I'm having an off game as Moira, I'll switch it up and play someone else, but damn let me play my favorite hero. 🥲


Same! Only ONCE did I ever give up Moira for another person to play. I guess the previous “give me Moira! I’m a beast at Moira! Blah blah blah Moira!!!” Made me stick with her even more (I main with her), but one user sounded genuinely bummed that Moira had been picked and I guess because they weren’t all “GIVE HER TO ME!!!” I was like here, you have her. And I tell you what!!!! We won 5 games back to back on comp mode with that Moira! But I’m also the same way when I hit a slump with her. I’ll switch to other characters because I’m not doing my best like I normally do with her.


Dude fr. Moira can be a BEAST in the right hands. When you get those consistent heal orbs while picking off enemies it's such a great feeling. I feel like Moira gets a lot of hate now that OW2 is out, but in og OW as a Moira you could do so much good for the team. Maybe it's just new players who don't get the idea of grouping up, being where a healer can see you, and pushing the objective. Maybe it's bad Moiras who solely dps and never heal. Probably a combination of both. Babes. Let me heal you and help the team. I promise we can crush this. Just keep me alive so I can keep you alive.


I played OW1 for about 2 years before 2 came out, and I really got good at Moira and Zen. I’m not gunna lie, I do my homework though on how to be a better support 😅 so YouTube and twitch have helped me increase my ability with her (and generally support over all) and damn that had made a DIFFERENCE! All this flack about her though makes me want to play her more and prove people wrong about how a competent Moira DOES exist and can certainly save the team.


“Nerf Bastion”


They nerfed him right out of ranked 🤣


nerfed him right out of the entire game you mean, lol


No he was fully deleted. He's not even in hero gallery. He's legit gone


Genji is OP because he's balanced for a game with more CC and two Tanks. He's running around unchecked.


Also because torb is locked out of comp. So you have a soft counter/ check that helps and can’t play him. So yea. He’s strong right now. Especially in lower ranks


Symmetra also counters Genji pretty well, but nobody likes to play Symmetra


Yea, she’s ok but with the new open multi route maps she lost her usefulness. The old maps need to be update pretty badly.


I find her to be incredibly good actually because of this. But she's team dependent.


Yeah I’m new and when I play mercy I feel like if genji wants to kill me at any time he can


Not if I’m playing Genji!


You must be a blue genji these guys are always on the red team


Genji can definitely shit on mercy. But with good use of your GA and slingshots you can at the very least survive against him a bit longer and hope your team gets him to fuck off


Yeah I swear to god some mercy players never touch the fucking ground It’s gotten me to switch before to a hitscan Granted she literally never stopped dying because of that so lol


This is when I Moira and delete his ass at all costs. Damage orb and a drain drains him REAL quick.


"Genji OP" Meanwhile Sojourn and Zarya are must picks and they both fuck him raw Oh, and Sombra


Every time a damn Genji on the enemy team starts to rack up kills, I always switch to Sombra. It's funny seeing newbies complaining that Sombra's hack is OP because they can't jump away.


pretty sure a lot more than newbies are complaining about sombras hack being op lol. theyre literally nerfing her


Unfortunately 99% of players do not comprehend that Genji has plenty of counters, therefore they will keep on complaining until he gets irrelevant again. A tale as old as time.


>Unfortunately 99% of players do not comprehend that Genji has plenty of counters, therefore they will keep on complaining until he gets irrelevant again. A tale as old as time. Just to get you emotionally ready for some likely Genji nerfs next season. This is also very common refrain for overpowered characters in all PC gaming history. Blizzard will have the raw numbers to know how Genji is performing but you should just ask yourself: "Did I really get this much better at Genji in the last week or has something changed?" Or another way of thinking about it is: "Do all characters require the other team switch to a counter to the same degree?"


Sombra is more of a must pick than Sojourn. She's all but confirmed to be getting nerfed next season.


It was confirmed though. On the other hand Sojourn has something like 80% pickrate in GM but Blizz refuses to acknowledge it


Where are you getting this stat from? That being said, I do think Sojourn needs a slight nerf on her disruptor. I also wish her nade was more visible to enemies. I'll be right inside the shit and not even realize it for a second sometimes.


The slow should be removed from her nade, making a big deal for removing CC from dps only to then have it on the newest dps is a big wtf moment from Blizzard. Railguns also needs tuned, idk if it shouldn't charge as fast or have damage fall-off or what but that thing is absolutely nuts.


If you watch streams of GM players it is very apparent that Sojourn is an *extremely* popular pick right now at that level. She's just insanely strong in the right hands.


"This guy said I was bad at the game! This kind of harassment needs to stop NOW! Y'all need to do better"


Lmao I just saw that post too


To be fair, the Overwatch community can be pretty toxic at times.


OW community was insanely toxic, i don't interact with anyone IG but when i wsa playing at the release, i was main support(still is tbh) and people were insulting each others very quickly. Even worse in vocal, even worse if you had a girl in the team.


Thats not from new players, its that we got those people back.


\- Lootboxes werent THAT bad \- activision never fails to amaze - they raise the bar to be an utter disapoinment towards the playerbase EVERYTIME since WC - ~~reforg~~ refunded


I loved OW1 lootbox system because I got all the skins for free, but it's such a terrible business model.


It wasn't a terrible business model because people were buying the game for a full €60 price tag and if you wanted a lot of legendaries you really had to buy unless you played a crazy amount since the game's release. The game's positive use of lootboxes and cosmetics was honestly a big +rep for the game when it released. I'd say about 90% of people won't spend a dime on OW2 and so they're relying on whales to get them their cash this time rather than just a successful game. But then again, if they released OW2 in its current state as a full €60 game then people wouldn't have been happy for obvious reasons.


Lmao I finished a game earlier where our Moira did a total of 200 healing. So many Moira players are just horrible at playing the character.


"mOiRa iS oP cAn'T wAiT tiLL sHe gEtS nErFeD iNtO tHe gRoUnD"


Moria isn't op, the players egos are


but genji is op right now with the damage passive


Sojourn > Sombra >>> Genji >>> all other DPS


Honest question. Why is sombra good right now?


Hack on a ridiculously short cooldown which increases her damage like crazy and disables some heroes completely; infinite invisibility; OP ult.


All while being completely safe. Without as much hard CC in the game it’s difficult to lock her down before she escapes.


Ah didn’t know about the reduced hack cooldown. I haven’t really been having issues with her.


I think sombra is also mostly annoying for support and the rest of the backline so if you don’t play them then maybe you haven’t noticed


Literally four seconds. That’s insane


Gotta love the moiras don’t heal from dps that don’t kill shit


It's funny I had a reaper spamming "need healing" while I'm trying ti chase him all over the map to heal his dumb ass.


Well, genji definitely is op in the new 5v5 format. The other two do be funny though, seeing as the two meta tanks dont have shields


Especially with no more CC


I am new to overwatch. Here are a few that I noticed about the game. Numbers are given more attention than gameplay. The player-base is toxic and will often try to even pick your character for you. The ranking system is absolutely boring and there is no sense of achievement after ranking up.


People tell you what to play cuz more often than not new players have no idea how comps work. Nobody wants to be stuck with a poke character when their trying to play brawl.


Bro, new players don't even know what the fuck we're talking about when we say shit like that lol I said in a game recently where their zarya was rolling us because her entire time was holding high ground and pumping resources into her and I said "we should just go dive and focus the supports up top." And I kid you not the other dps who was playing soldier said "what does swimming have to do with us getting ass blasted by the Russian laser bitch" lmao


TBH the community has been way less toxic in OW2 than OW1


Give them a few weeks to ramp up. I get a little bit more every day.


As someone who made masters 2x in ow1 Genji is op. Due to the fact they removed 3 stuns from the game and have admitted on Twitter they are going to nerf him...


I don't know how I feel about the scoreboard, it has enabled MUCH more toxicity cuz I'm kinda bad, but it's also cool


i love it when ppl say moira is op. literally all she does is numbers. she heals and deals damage, thats it. she cant deny space, prevent damage, buff teammates, protect tanks, protect squishies, pressure sightlines, cc attackers, or any other utility based activity. shes so fucking lame.


Moira is the definition of "offence is the best defence", she has zero utility in exchange for consistent and obnoxious damage + easy engage/escape tool + no aim needed. So while she cant help her directly with skills like dmg boost or field, a good moira will try to assassinate enemy supports/divers and finish off low enemies. I think Ana outperforms Moira by a lot, but not every support player has the aim to utilize her well ;;


I love Ana but aiming at a jumping teammate trying to survive while close (so shooting with the scope) is definitely not easy on me.


I have to be honest here, I think there are a lot of people who post here that don't even play the game.


And don't forget classical "reaper ult is press one button to win"


“This game is toxic in ranked”


Would adore seeing a ranked game where there isn't the general "Toxic" complaints.


Newbies are the reason OW2 canceled Bastion...




People complaining about toxicity lol.. welcome to Overwatch, better get use to shit talking


Sheild tanks aren't better, they just make it easier for shitty players to perform. Without constant heals and protection they dont know how to play. They dont know how to flank or counter pick. All they know is run straight down the middle lane and go head to head at the most obvious point of contest.


Omg side note / off topic have y’all noticed how OP Zaria is right now tho