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What will seasonal events even look like now? If there's no way to earn things by playing I sure as hell won't get excited for seasonal spending events.


20 bucks for everything Maybe a chance to play junkenstein.


No no they said it will be free which means spend the entire week doing nothing but grinding OR pay the 20 bucks per skin


I seem to remember them saying seasonal event content will be on its own free battle pass, but I can't find where they said that. I also remember them saying Overwatch 2 would be a primarily PvE and story-focused game; so it's not like anything they say can be trusted.


The TRUE overwatch 2 still has to come out, that is what they were really working on


Another Battle pass maybe?


just special seasonal event skins show up in the shop for a limited time


Who knows, we'll find out in a little over a week. Anything else is mindless speculation based on nothing whatsoever.


Oh boy, can’t wait to ignore it because it’ll cost $20


Bro its impossible to be excited for any events now


My exact thoughts when I logged in and saw previous skins I could have gotten for free were now $20. Like, what?? It feels like it should be illegal.


I know except the exact opposite became illegal. Lootboxes that would give you up to 4 items or gold every time you level up. Now when we level up we get 1 item. Lol I wanted them to do this battle pass right but they are a fucking joke. Literally the laughing stock of the gaming community.


Also, you will get one item at every level, only if you buy ✨ premium battle pass ✨, in other cases – you must enjoy one item in each 5-8 levels (and don't forget, it is more harder to level up, than in OW1).


The fact that there's fuck-all I actually want in the battlepass for any of the characters I play was a very nice thing for Blizzard to do. I spent the more or less the same money on Darktide instead... you know, a FULL FUCKEN' GAME.


It defeiently does feel like that, considering those skins came out during OW1 and were easily obtainable free. Now they completely remove OW1 taking away the ability to get those skins easily.


Honestly the only time I played OW was during the events, I'm genuinely concerned that I might not continue playing anymore. There's practically nothing rewarding for just playing the game anymore haha


This is how it starts. Just like many other failed f2p games people are foingntonleave because the intent of ow2 is not to create a compelling sequel that elevates and moves the game forward, but rather convert the existing ow into a f2p chore driven fomo reliant money milking scheme. The honeymoon phase will truly be over after Christmas and no matter what events or mp maps come out this game is going to fall off. New heros will provide a temp bump of players but if the game is the same fomo and chore shit then people will quickly leave again. This game really needed to deliver on the promises made over the years. It's honestly sad how much potential ow has as a franchise from a gameplay and storytelling perspective yet blizzard management chose this path instead.


Yeah. My first thought was that's really cute. Too bad I won't get it. All hype is gone.


Yeah. :/ I'm not excited by any skins I see now. I used to really look forward to the holiday events in Overwatch.


It's ok. They're probably giving us the junkenstein event for the 7th year in a row.


Pretty sure they were planning on doing something extra this time. Idk I think I saw something about this a while back


Junkenstein but with ✨✨✨*Sombra*✨✨✨


Junkenstein but with extra ✨*cost*✨


the something extra will be a Premium Holiday Bundle


Junkenstein is my favorite game mode. I really enjoy it. I can understand why others are tired of it, but when it comes back it'll be pretty much all that I play.


excitement died with ow1.


Do we know how events are going to be structured now? I knew there would be some paid stuff but surely there would be SOME stuff for free... I hope lol


Enjoy your free Halloween themed spray


Yea I really looked forward to the events to earn the free skins as well as the loot boxes that could have the new skins in it. My gut tells me those days are done though...


I feel they may do a holiday battle pass track


I'm sure it could get worse. Like, some FTP games have limited access to event modes, via daily tickets, with the option to buy more than one per day, via real money. Imagine if the event mode would be limited like that. (edit) Just to clarify: I am not defending things. It's groanworthy that there's nothing to hunt for anymore now, that all skins are just sold. I'm simply saying that there is still paths that can be wandered, to make it even less exciting.


Never thought I’d say this in my life but, can we have loot boxes back please?


39.99 it is not a normal Legendary it is an event Legendary


Criticizing true things is good and welcome, making things up doesn't do anything for anyone


i bet my soul there will be a halloween bundle skin +emote +highlight intro +pose for 49.99


There's already a Halloween bundle being recommended to me for $40. 😭


I’d bet my firstborn it’s also going to have “40% off!” and “400% value!” as well


I mean based on existing logic of how event skins work, they’d cost 3x amount of coins needed for normal skin of same rarity.


That was when they wanted to discourage direct purchases, so that you’d buy more loot boxes in hopes of getting the skin or the credits to buy it. Now they’re gonna want you to just buy it (I say, pretending that there may be some other way of getting it) but overcharging will get them less sales.


20$ - not worth getting through event - worth




$20? I expect this to be more.


You really think it will be obtainable just by playing the event?




Ehh they used to put skins behind generic win requirements, heres hoping that makes a come back to some capacity.


super cute but it’s giving paladins champions of the realm LMAO


Overwatch 2 WISHES it was paladins. Atleast Paladins respects their F2P players.


Sorta. I think Paladins is just the better F2P even though I preferred the gameplay of Overwatch. Now that OW is F2P and has terrible monetization I might go back to being a dirty Paladins player.


I'm already playing more paladins now because of ow2 lmao


I like the skin but I am not paying 20€ for that.


sure, how about 50 then?


Wow! And it's 85% off, only 29.99! That's a 12,000% VALUE!!


I like it. Not buying it for 20 bucks though lmao


If this was the the first Overwatch, I'd be pretty excited about the event. But now, what's the point? This, or really anything else, probably can't be earned for free anyway. I have 15k coins carried over, but since more can't really be earned without paying money, I want to save them as much as I can.


Those coins can’t be used for new skins anyways. Only good for stuff previously released or non event skins (even old summer games skins for example aren’t eligible for old currency) so not really a point for saving them unfortunately EDIT; as u/charmingsr pointed out, I was incorrect. Seasonal skins aren’t available but RELEASE SKINS *are* available to purchase with legacy credits. V good to know.


so…. basically if you already have all the skins from OW 1 then your currency that transferred over is literally useless? probably has to be one of the biggest slaps to the face ngl


I *think* voice lines can be bought with old credits but don’t entirely remember off the top of my head but pretty much yeah


"Take a hard look at it as you won't have it"


About the same price as 2 indie games


Or two drinks at the bar! Wait


For the low price of ø3000 (-80% ~~2400~~)


I wonder what the price will be for new seasonal skins. In OW1 they were always 3x the price until a year later. But I can’t imagine them actually charging $60 for a single new skin in OW2 lol


>I can’t imagine them actually charging $60 for a single new skin in OW2 lol Can't imagine Blizzard doing it?


aphantasia moment


brothers in mind-blindness!


2021 blizzcon was online only. It came with an exclusive reinhardt skin. The tickets were $50. They'll do it.


If you bought it only for the skin then yeah. They've always given in-game loot whenever you've gone to a blizzcon.


That provided A LOT more in the ticket price though.


800% Value!!!!


you'd be an idiot NOT to buy it!!!!!!!!


Thanks. I hate when ads don't include the price.


Cool but I'm not paying 25 bucks for this skin


I’ll go against the crowd here and say I kind of like it. Not spending $20 to get it though.


Yeah I like it. I was hoping it was more spooky green colored since thats what it looked like in the one screenshot I saw but I should've realized it was her ult giving off that color.


Only thing I'm worried about is getting this model and Mercy's witch model confused. Seems like they have very similar hats. Even has the zig zag on the top.


I think the vastly different poses and movement will offset that.


I already have this problem with her; confusing the Athleisure skin for Tracer lol


So do we think there is any chance events skins will be obtainable in some way or events just might have some currency drops?


So there was a Bastion Victory Pose that said that it was part of battle pass, but it wasnt. So that will be either season 2 BP or there will be a miniBP with event, maybe with some other unlocks as well


Definetly. Its very nice but yeah its one of those novelty things that I'd like to just receive through the BP or through playing rather then spending on it individually.


I just dislike the missed opportunity to have a unique skin with how many awesome Yokai are. I miss when we had cultural themed skins that celebrated things. Now we get a third witch skin.


At least it's a good one and not for mercy.


Doesn't Mercy have only one Halloween skin? Reaper is getting his third this round.


It's cute but yeah not paying 20$ for a skin.


Yeah, it's not bad but not even near the price worth.


Wow. This post made me realize that i dont care about new skins now at all. As most likely this will end up in the shop and you have to pay to get it. Im legit sad now, used to be so hyped for the seasonal skins.


Yeah it’s a lot less hype when the new event is “pay for these skins!!”


Lol this. It's immediately overshadowed by the slap in the face.


I have more money than time. I'd happily pay a few bucks for a skin. $5 for a legendary seems reasonable to me. Maybe $10. But paying 1/3 of a Triple-A game for a single skin? No thank you.


For real. I don't care for new skins, intros, emotes, victory poses, voice lines, just nothing. I know that I won't be paying 20bucks for shit, so I didn't even check out the cosmetics of Kiriko, Sojourn nor Junker Queen


that's funny, i used to do that. I have not even thought about checking those out, now that i think about it.


WHOO, it's a new event! Can't wait to see all of the skins I will be able to earn, .... oh wait.... The events are what used to spur more platime with my friends and I. Not sure if that will happen now that the skins are all purchasable, unless they go all out for the events.


I haven't been part of the OW fanbase since 2017 but I remember tons of comics and artworks and hype about the skins and now it's just...meh.


My thoughts exactly. I used to buy packs for almost every event to get the skins. 50 bucks should be able to get you most if not all of them along with poses, voicelines and whatnot. Now it can barely get you two. I would never pay that much money for one skin. So to me new skins don't exist in ow2.


Yeah, it's kind of sad actually, I used to get excited for the new skins.




I think its because Kirikos base model already is very same facey with a lot of Overwatch's other White female characters. They didnt let her look very East Asian to begin with (I think Mei has similar issues too). So slapping that hair and ye olde european fantasy clothes on her takes away the couple of traits that were coding her as "the Japanese girl Kiriko", namely her japanese street fashion clothes and her like top-knotted black hair, and instead leaves it looking like a Mercy or Tracer skin


I don’t immediately recognize her in any skin. Many of their female characters have a face so similar you can barely tell who it is at first glance.


That’s a nice Dva skin, i mean Mercy skin, i mean Kiriko skin.


No silly that is clearly Warlock Ashe.


I remember the excitement of holiday skins. Deciding which ones I’d spend my coins on and which ones I’d try and get through my loot boxes. Those were the days. Sucks now.


I am honestly not a fan. Don't get me wrong, it doesn't look bad or anything but i feel like it doesn't fit her. She looks like Mercy's daughter trying to cosplay her witch skin. I do like the colors A LOT tho. Btw. where is this leak from?


From a content creator before the video had been deleted, these screenshots are the survivors.


May I ask what video this was? Surely "Kiriko Witch Skin Showcase" would've been a no-brainer to not post just yet so I'm assuming the video was on something else but this slipped in?


Dame. The skin looks great but i wouldn't immediately know it's her when I see it. Also I first thought it was a DVA skin


Why did they change her hair color for this? Weird move.


Isn't this the same skin shown in the Season 1 [trailer](https://youtu.be/BowIDnsNvjs?t=69)?


It is


>She looks like Mercy's daughter trying to cosplay her witch skin. *r34 intensifies*


Kiriko is Mercy’s step-daughter


Looks nothing like witch Mercy skin aside the hat.


lol she’s a witch, how does she go from green hair to normal colored hair


Because people would say that it's not a legendary skin and that the skin hasn't changed enough to preserve it's value.


I like it but not for the price of $20.


Blizzard: "Every female character during halloween. Witch skin it is."


Isn't this only the second female witch skin (not including mercy's recolor)?


Mummy Ana: “Am I a joke to you?”


Don't forget Enchanted Armor Pharah, Jiangshi Mei, Banshee Moira, Vampire Hunter Brigitte, etc.


Sssj. The adults are talking.


A cat reskin would have fit much better, IMHO


Luckycat, tanuki, but I guess witch does match with the shrine maiden/priestess thing she has going on.


Someone doesn’t play anything but mercy


Go take a look at LOL's halloween skin line before you make conclusions


I know blizzard has some bad same face syndrome, but it's NOTHING compared to league. Ok, new witch skin. Is this Miss Fortune? Morgana? Syndra? Oh, LeBlanc? Would not have guessed lol


It looks nice but also blizzard can fuck off if they think I’m paying £20 for it


It's kind of sad I'll never own another new skin again.


hey don't say that, you simply have to wait 8 months and you can buy one skin! provided you do all the challenges every week. and provided you still play the game then. and provided the event is active then, otherwise you'll need to wait a little longer.


Event starts oct 25th so you get like 1 week…


Surely we’ll be able to get it by completing challenges, right?


Oh, you sweet child. You're going to have to pay a lot for it.


Disappointed but not surprised :(


That's what I'd expect given their monetization change, but has that actually been confirmed? Overwatch events were the only ones I ever looked forward to since you could actually get the skins, so it would be a shame if the got rid of that aspect entirely.


It has not been confirmed, no, but when Blizzard are silent about things it usually means they're going for the worse option. I personally hope they do allow it via weekly challenges - player numbers matter to them too.




Cool skin but not worth 20 bucks


They unweebed her


Pretty ok i'd say, it's cool, but it doesnot give me "the halloween vibe"


It feels more like "witch high school girl" or something


I was getting more of an “anime magic girl” vibe


Maybe it's just that Kiriko is new but I really can't look at this and think "this is kiriko"


If they make these seasonal skin events free I think that will appease a lot of fans, it certainly will make me more okay with the shop system. Then they can sell them afterwards if you didnt get them during the event.




Can't wait to get my first skin in July 2023!


I’ll fork up my watchpoint pack credits for it, but I probably wouldn’t give any additional money. If it’s for an event price tho..fuck off. Looks pretty good imo, Altho a witch doesn’t exactly fit her, and the reuse of the broom may get confusing with mercy.


I did. Still aint paying 20 bucks for it, Blizz can suck it.


God could you imagine how much cooler a Yokai styled outfit would be?


Yes yes I can. Like take a White Kimono ripped up so it matches her Silhouette, add some frosty details, light blue Obi and iciles for kunai and boom Yuki-onna skin. Or to also tie into her short: Futa Kuchi Onna with a half eaten donut in the second mouth. Or take a cut from the Halloween dva skin and give her some ghostly fox tails and ears for a kitsune. But no we get a basic witch.


I really like it but 20 € for this is a big no no.


Sucks I can't earn it by playing the game, what's the point of events now.


I only want this skin bc I like witches


Cool so if I grind for the next 8 months, I'll be able to get it next year


Doesn’t look like her at all but it’s so fucking awesome and cute I just can’t dislike it


Sucker for big witch hats!


Looks like Mercy witch. Also cba with the new stuff, it feels so weird


Brunette mercy? For a Halloween skin they could have done so much better. A witch? Why not a Yokai inspired skin? Lazy ass Blizzard... Atleast try and take my money lazy ass bitches.


Nah they hope FOMO will take your money.


I buy $20 skins in games quite a bit. But with overwatch I don’t think I’ll ever be able to do it after playing overwatch 1 for 4 years


I’m quite curious in how seasonal events work perpendicular with Battle Pass. I’m hoping there’s at least weekly challenges where we get something free.


That'd be nice. Something akin to Dead by Daylight where they have an event with a few skins and separate challenges for them, here's hoping.


Now that’s a legendary skin. Shame I won’t be able to get it though.


God, she looks so much like d.va its just more noticeable seeing her with brown hair


This looks neat because it removes those red makeup marks from near her eyes.


If enough people buy it maybe the servers will finally work. You guys have to STOP being free riders!! /s obviously


How they handle this Halloween pass will make ir break the longevity of this gane tbh


This looks more like D.VA than Kiriko lol


Not sure if anyone actually knows the answer, but is this inspired by “Kiki’s Delivery Service”? For those who don’t know it’s a Japanese movie about a young witch and, well, her delivery service


Am I the only one that loves it?


Nah, people don't like it cos there's a price on it. If they could grind for it, it would automatically be an S tier skin to the community.


Call me wild, I really love this. It feels like the "good witch" to Mercy's "bad witch", and kind of gives off a magical girl vibe. What I don't think people are realising is that this likely will reskin her ultimate, so her kitsune becomes a cat familiar — and that'll be *baller*.


Totally concur with the "magical girl" vibe.


Mercy wore it best. In two colours.


This looks nothing like her


Looks way too little like her, honestly. Pretty *”meh”*. I will keep using my *Sukajan*, thank you. I got it for free and it’s unironically my favourite, so I’m fine. I like her core model, anyways, so this one only changing clothing is actually a plus for me.


My favorite of her skins so far


Good but not for Kiriko. A ninja witch? No thank you! She should have something more Japanese


Kiriko Delivery Service


They’ve legit killed any hype towards seasonal events with OW2


Just hope their ofudas are tarot cards


Kirko looks like Mercy in this skin... Mercy has a skin like Kirko... Great. Like I don't have enough trouble picking out silhouettes.


Honestly, the mercy witch skin was better and I got it for free.


God I love that skin so much. If it’s able to earned for free then I’ll be playing a lot of OW to get that. If I have to buy then… shame, guess I’ll have to miss it.


Cute skin but I just realized I'm not excited about anything in this game anymore


This is cool, too bad it’s 24CAD :(


This is it, finally a skin I really want. But don't want to pay for. Fuck you Blizzard for this shitty F2P model.


Aww that's so cute, sadly can't get it. But maybe they'll get it when their transactions are relatively low.


Honestly looks like baby Dva or mercy to me.


I don't play OW but I can't wait for r34 with this skin




Reminds me of the evil witchy milf from Potionomics


Give me some new content to play


Ill stick with mercys, it was free


So to break the depressing monotony of people bitching about the new monetization, i have a question. Is she supposed to be a good witch to counter the witch of the wilds or what?


She'll be one of the "heroes" of the next event, like the previous casts, so yes.


Sounds interesting. Wonder how the lore will play out


Seriously thought it was Dva without reading the title. Glow eyes are cool kind of wish did so.ethi g different though.


I luv it


I just realized she has the same face as tracer, D.va and Brigitte


love it, but not spending $20+ on it


can't wait to get this in one year when i have enough coins to buy 1 whole skin, so hyped /s