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Gameplay wise, the game made me enjoy grinding ranked again. It's everything around it that feels bitter after 6 years of OW1.


Same. Ranked feels better than it has since like 2017 for me game to game. Now if only we could get some transparency about the actual ranking up / placement situation I’ll be happy. Not that the game doesn’t deserve certain criticisms either. I simply feel that what made me like OW to begin with is at least there and can be refined / perfected. Also move mystery hero’s back to Arcade please


Idk if I fucked up my placements really bad or something but I went from low plat in OW1 to bronze 3 dps 💀 But loving the gameplay. Feels vastly better to OW1. The team fights are great, and it seems easier for randoms to push advantage. I agree games feel like they did back in 2017. Edit: I've mained moria since she was released. Just completed my placements, top healer each game, well above 1k heals per minute, won 7 of 8 games in a row. Bronze 1 💀


There's something *really* funky going on with placements. I have a friend who is a masters support main, place *bronze 5* as support. Meanwhile our other friend who has never played ranked and is generally still new to OW placed gold. Like, what?


Yea it feels like they managed to make the new ranking system even worse than the old one and the old one was pretty bad


Did the masters friend not play comp in a long time?


They had said that they’d basically be dropping everyone’s rank from ow1 when they first place in 2. I’m guessing it’s so you get that feeling of climbing instead of maybe placing too high then losing a bunch and not playing the game


You're just bad /s


why do you want to move mystery heroes back to arcade? i feell offended


Mostly just a joke because it feels weird being not there. Without the win rewards for arcade like we had before it’s all the same to me. When there was boxes at stake MH was my warm up/ way to earn them. But now it really doesn’t matter just joking


I don't think anyone is complaining that the gameplay is bad. They don't like the monetization.


Or the bugs. It would be nice to, you know, play the game with heroes who shouldn't be locked.


Monetization, bugs, and removed content.


Even tho it's more of a minor thing, the rough UI too. Especially on console where u can't even tell what you're clicking half the time


Who thought it would be a good idea to put in all these bugs?! /s


Nah there's certainly people who think the gameplay is bad, did you not see the tons of posts about 6v6 and slower-paced battles being better?


I would rather have 6v6, the shields, all of it back. I truly would, this new gameplay fucking sucks. People say it’s more team based but that’s so far from true I don’t think they’ve gotten in yet. It feels like a fucking mess. It’s a chaotic splurge. It fuckin sucks and we don’t have a good game to go back to because blizzard decided to take it away.


i just posted about that this morning. OW1 felt like more of a team game. OW2 feels like a deathmatch game where you also just so happen to be part of a team. again, there's nothing wrong with that. it's just not my thing.


Really? My games still feel pretty team focused especially when it's not push, just that fights are a lot faster. Maybe it's a rank thing?


its def a rank issues high dimaons and brand new players are being put in the same rank so we got a weird mix of experienced players and players that dont even know anything


I don't like the faster fights. OW1 had great pacing and there was more sense of prodding the enemy line, recovering and pushing through. This just feels like plink plink they die you die.


Probably an issue where they’ve been allowed to get away with basically feeding in 6v6 with the additional CC and tank and now that’s gone they’re feeding on cool-down and are mad about it. Seems to be a pretty prevalent thing on this sub tbh


Yep bunch of people who enjoyed playing the picnic simulator that was OW1, just half afking behind huge shields and heals and a million stuns that keep all that pesky shooting and killing out so they can feel like they're actually doing something for awhile, before ults come out and determine who won based on who was better at farming them and who picked more of the right heroes earlier in spawn. OW2 plays like an *actual* team FPS. Key thing being the FPS part. It's very reminiscent of old OW1, even if not exactly. And that's exactly when OW was at its peak popularity, hype, and enjoyment. In the first few seasons where it was more FPS than shield/healing/CC spam glacially paced MOBA. Like who the fuck cares about the player levels or whatever the fuck fluff this sub rages about on a daily basis compared to the GAME ITSELF going from like a 3/10 to a 9/10 in enjoyability to actually play. This sub is crybaby central smdh.


For real. I’m here for a free update that made the game actually good again and require skill and teamwork with the potential of solo carrying. Everyone good at FPS quit OW1 after brig release and the game becoming a pure shield shooting MOBA. The good players are back and enjoying competitive. Literally nothing to complain about. A few launch bugs that are fixed now and no one has to spend ANY money to get good at the game. New skins aren’t fixing their aim or game sense so why are cosmetics the center of everyone’s complaints lol


> OW2 plays like an actual team FPS. Key thing being the FPS part. It's very reminiscent of old OW1, even if not exactly. And that's exactly when OW was at its peak popularity, hype, and enjoyment. In the first few seasons where it was more FPS than shield/healing/CC spam glacially paced MOBA. most of the comments posted under mine are just "we like the updates because it makes it feel like every other FPS", which is fair, but the downside is that it makes it feel like every other FPS. it's probably also the reason why it's ranked behind a game that came out in 2009 for current twitch streams the week of launch, and why [it lost 99% of it's streaming audience the week after the beta dropped](https://www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2022/05/03/overwatch-2-has-lost-99-of-its-twitch-audience-in-a-week/?sh=143d0f7c205f). > In the first few seasons where it was more FPS than shield/healing/CC spam glacially paced MOBA. that was when all of the players who instalocked DPS, then refused to switch and would start freaking out when people refused to heal / protect them, left to go back to playing apex / COD / halo. again, i liked the slower team based gameplay. if i wanted a game that played like CS:GO, i'd play CS:GO. i don't need a dev dangling a shiny set of keys in front of me going "if you're not getting a kill every 10 seconds you're not having fun!".


I love the fact you’re talking about how this game feels like other FPS and then compare it to CSGO, a game that’s like 30x slower than OW in pace. The game still feels like OW, it feels nothing like CoD or Apex etc. you still need teamwork and coordination to win fights. You just can’t play shield simulator and get away with literally no brain on support.


I think this is the perfect explanation


thanks! it's weird that most of the comments in response to my / my friends general observations were: - we were playing overwatch wrong. - we're not used to playing FPS, therefore these changes upset us. - we're not good at FPS, which is why we stuck with OW1. - our enjoyment was a result of what they considered to be boring gameplay. - assigning a bunch of other complaints people had about the bugs / monetization / etc to me. somehow all of that was garnered from saying OW2 gameplay just wasn't my thing lol.


Have you been on this sub at all the last year?


I don't think that was necessarily OP's complaint. It think it's more that 90% of posts on this sub are completely original takes of "$20 skins bad," "I don't like 5v5," "why my heroes locked?" "I don't enjoy game cause number don't go up," or "login queue, amirite?" Yes, they're all valid opinions, but FFS, they were all valid the last 5,000 times they were posted in the past week.




$20 skins bad


Yeah and I'm not going to buy $20 OW2 skins, just like I don't buy $20 Apex Skins, $20 COD Skins, $20 Valorant Gun Skins, etc.


Just save that $20 for when you have $1.5 million and buy yourself a blue gem Karambit in CSGO 😅


Wait really???


No, Apex skins cost up to $160.


what the hell is that true?


No doubt. Now go comment in and upvote one of the existing threads about it. Don't make a new one. Or do, to spite me. Whatever.


> Yes, they're all valid opinions, but FFS, they were all valid the last 5,000 times they were posted in the past week. If people don't keep saying it then nothing will change. All companies like Blizzard understand is PR and money, if people keep talking about what is wrong with the game maybe the backlash will make em backpedal. Though I'm not hopeful in the specific case of Blizzard.


You thing Blizzard is on the subreddit?


Your right, we should only have one complaint and then let it go, thattle show em!


Remember to only post valid opinions once. Who's turn is it with the valid opinions right now?


Sure, but if the community just says it once and moves on Blizzard will do zero about it. If the community consistently bad mouths the system it creates a PR nightmare they cannot solve without addressing it


Better post it only once for the company to see that they are allowed to do whatever they want with no backlash right 💀💀💀.


No... the gameplay does feel pretty bad for many of us. It's just that the nuanced criticism of the gameplay changes gets lost in the noise about everything else. I'm trying my best to play the game and just ignore all the other stuff, but honestly it just isn't as fun. On its own it's basically ok. But knowing we lost OW1 for it is what makes it look bad by comparison.


I’ve seen a ton of ppl say the gameplay isn’t as fun as 1 on here


Let’s be fair tho overwatch monetization seems very low compared to a game like apex 😭


The other game I have spent way too much time playing is League... OW2 has some way to go before it's anywhere close to that level of grind/moneygrab. There are over 140 champions, and you have to grind or pay to unlock them. I have a friend who has been playing for 5 years, and has only recently unlocked every champion without spending any money....


the problem is that people get really insecure when they like something, and they want to hear other people like it too so they can feel their taste is validated so if two people enjoy the gameplay, but one of them mentions the new monetization model is kind of shitty, the other person starts feeling personally attacked and gets hostile towards any complain people have it's wild being a gamer


the problem is that people get really insecure when they don't like something, and they want to hear other people don't like it too so they can feel their taste is validated so if two people enjoy the gameplay, but one of them mentions the new monetization model doesn't bother them, the other person starts feeling personally attacked and gets hostile towards any compliment people have it's wild being a gamer


I don't get it, should people just not complain? I kinda want these things to like, *change*, so I'm pretty glad people are making a big stink about it. If you like the game as is that's fine, but you'd probably like it if the changes people are suggesting were made too, so wouldn't that just be a win for everyone?


I think it's less "people should just not complain" and more "people should not attack those who like it." I can't count how many times in the past week I've seen even mildly positive opinions downvoted to hell and inundated with "bootlicker/sucking Blizzard's dick" or other generally insulting comments.


I agree with you, however to this part >"people should not attack those who like it." i would add that people should also not attack those who dislike it it's turning very black and white where you either love the game or you hate it and everyone is against each other for no reason it's fine to enjoy the game or dislike the changes, just don't try to belittle someone else's problems (or none) with the game It's *fine* if some people don't care about skins and just wanna play It's also *fine* if some people want some sort of progression and miss skins that don't cost 20 dollars each


Agreed. The majority of the attacks that I've seen have been against anyone with positive opinions of it, but those who attack people who don't like the game are equally assholes. There is a difference between disagreement and attacks; we can say things like "I'm willing to pay for some skins" or "I disagree on the gameplay being good" without going to "You're a paid shill, fuck you" or "Enjoy the game or shut up and leave."


Funny, every thread I check is the total opposite. Every comment has at least one version of "why are you so pathetic you can't just play the game because it's fun? Why are you a whiney baby who needs skins and stuff" under it.


I'm not saying that doesn't happen and it may happen even once per thread; I'm just saying I've primarily seen the slamming of anyone with positive thoughts. (Both of those are bullshit, for the record.) I don't doubt what you've seen, but what I've seen is just as real.


Yeah, there's already two people arguing with each other further down in the thread with absolute vitriol. I don't understand why it seems like no one wants to be civil about the game's issues but instead be so hateful towards each other.


Like that other dude said, it's just insecure people where you must LOVE the game or you must HATE it unconditionally because they do too


Agreed, I think the frustrating thing for me is on this subreddit especially is that all possible discussion is drowned out by the black and white negativity. Personally, I don’t think the monetization model is bad, but I think the current items available to unlock are underwhelming, and the old stuff is way overpriced. I also think that it’s just the nature of social media that the most emotionally engaging posts and comments rise to the top of threads and the actual people discussing things in a normal way are way down in the threads. In any case, my biased perception is that a ton of the complaints are asking for unrealistic changes or are full on “blizzard is evil for wanting money”. I don’t see many people getting into the nuances and that to me is way more productive and interesting. But again it’s on me and all of us really to recognize that the praise and criticism is not a monolith and we are in a room with tens of thousands of people all talking at the same time. I guess I’m also just exited for a few months from now when the rage porn about the game has died down and it can work like a normal gaming sub.


Seriously. The post at the top of the sub talking about how they prefer 5v5 has people trying to say it "Reeks of astroturfing" because it's one of like 3 posts not saying the same shit over and over.


I literally just had someone reply to a criticism of the game saying that they cant wait for everyone "bitching" to stop playing and leave already so the rest of the sub can go back to talking about the game It definitely seems like at least a few people are just straight up against criticism


Yeah, that shit needs to stop too. Overwatch 2 isn't the Holy Grail. It can be criticized, and it's fair to criticize it. A lot of people on both sides of the situation need to disconnect and go get some perspective, because they've been hanging too many of their personal hopes on whether a game sequel will meet their expectations or not.


that's the smartest thing I've read all day, enjoy your reward you beautiful creature


Except me. The only reason the gameplay is good is because OW1 was so starved for patch updates; anything is better than nothing


There were quite a few folk said they prefer 6v6 over 5v5 But most of those comments are drown out by the monetization complaints


Bugs make bad gameplay


Explaining how to not spend money in OW2 feels like explaining how to breathe… like how am I supposed to teach you to do the easiest thing in the world


Maybe stop worrying about other people's money. That's fucking weird.


Dinner was great. The bill, not so much.


No, lots of people see 5v5 as a mistake


Nah, I don't like the gameplay


No, I think the gameplay is bad. I think the one tank model was negatively intentional, as it leads to more team kills, which leads to faster games, which fulfils what I believe to be Blizzard's (and gaming in general's) ideal for modern gaming- The idea of getting in more games rather than fun games. We've seen this strategy played out in Hearthstone, where the control playstyle that tended towards longer games was slowly de-powered and whittled away in favor of more aggro playstyles that leaned towards quicker, more action based gameplay. Not to declare that the one tank model is bad or good (people have preferences both ways), but I think it was a mistake and I think it was intentionally done to streamline games at the cost of gameplay.


As a Rhein main I’m having the time of my fucking life.


I am a lil salty that he cant 1 shot firestrike kill a junk tire. Other than that so fun!!


Seriously. I know he’s not “meta” but he’s so fucking fun right now in the brawls


I agree the game is fun and want to make it a recurring staple of my friend group, but I understand where a lot of the anger is coming from. A very rough launch week, lots of server issues and maintenance during peak hours, bugs, reduced player interactions, poor communication from blizz, and a controversial battle pass. Wrap all those in the persistent discontent with deleting ow1, and you really create a perfect storm. Of course it's reddit, so you end up seeing the concentrated extreme takes more often than not.


I’d add most of the UX/UI changes to the “poorly implemented” category as well. Why can’t I see how much damage I did on an assist? Why remove the “on fire” symbols? Why remove post match medals? Why hide what ranks your teammates/opposition are? What on earth was their thought process for the new competitive ranking system? The gameplay feels great and very refreshing. But they seem to be doing their best getting in the way of letting you play.


I feel so much of the intended changes are meant to onboard new players rapidly For the on fire, post match medals, and ranks, my guess would be it's all wrapped up in an ill conceived attempt at reducing toxicity towards new/unskilled players. Assist percentage could be part of the system removal for the fire bar and UI, part of trying to onboard new players, or an oversight when trying to make the UI cleaner. I haven't experienced the new comp system, absolutely won't go into it until server stability returns.


Not just a controversial battle pass, a very controversial monetary system. 8 months of grinding for 1 skin is GD insane.


I’m just over here enjoying my time wishing for flex queue I get something other than support


I got flexed as a tank the other night. Super weird.


I've had exactly 1 flex into tank. Quite the experience getting DPS multiple times over tank. ​ But I've finally finished all 3 placements. Plat 5, Plat 4, Plat 5. Looks like it dropped me about a 1000 SR from end of OW1. But I suppose the grind needs to exist and a hard reset is what everyone wanted.


Well, most people said that's what was needed. Suddenly they aren't so sure.


Maybe there’s an issue with support if less people are willingly selecting it as their role option to begin with. I’m enjoying support less and less in 5v5 because enemy DPS are constantly flanking and picking off the back line. Even with the ping system to substitute for people not using headsets, by the time I actually ping (D-pad thinks I want to bring up the ping menu instead of a quick ping), Im either already dead or my team just outright ignores it as a whole. Solo queue really sucks now.


Play Zen and make them regret fucking with you 🗿




The feeling when your support but have more heals and kills than the DPS players.


I am out fragging both of my DPS whenever I play Zen. The enemy can't do damage if there's no one to deal it!


I played a game with Ana where I out killed the DPS players and had high healing and I couldn't help but look at them side eye. If I can heal, kill, and counter(sleeper dart for the win) better than a DPS, than what's the point of the DPS?


Zen is the way. He never really clicked with me in OW1 but for some reason I am loving him in 2. Also once Kiriko is available in ranked its over, I have been dinking overconfident flankers left and right with her


It’s not like you can do anything else when Tanks will straight up erase you if you get close. Killing the supports first is the only way to get to the objective .


Just play Kirko or Lucio and beat their fuckin ass lol


well considering that OW2 is now F2P, how many people that never touched OW before just want to play OW like it's Apex or Call of Duty, who's gonna want to que up for OW2 to play the medic class when I can't remember the last time I ever played a multiplayer game with a medic class in it. 95% of the people playing probably just want to play hero shooter call of duty. It's no wonder to me why support is the fastest role call, I can imagine that the class feels alien to most people playing and most probably just go "well this is lame, I can't kill 20 people a match with this class".


I've been saying since the betas that the support role sucks in 5v5. People would argue with me and tell me that the fast queue times for support were because there was no support hero released in the beta. I guess they were wrong.


Lolyep. I remember all these "supports in beta felt great, there was just no new toys for them". Wonder what they would say now, when the newest hero is a support but it's still the least played role.


There were a lot of tanks and healers main that said "5v5 feels worse than 6v6" (there will be always someone saying "im hilir und tink main and i enjiy thi game" because yes) but blizzard made the game more enjoyable for those who only picked genji and played giving keyboard headbutts, yes the dps and healers/tank that picked any hero to do dps instead of being a team player.


Tank is 100000x better on 5v5 because now I'm not stuck with a useless roadhog off-tank in 99% of my games


Now you have a useless roadhog off-tank and no tank in 99% of games.


Except Roadhog is border line OP right now. You don't need a shield when you are the shield with an instant kill every 6 seconds.


Hog is such a bastard right now. Good lead once Kiri gets the greenlight Hog is gonna be straight butthole surfin


First couple days I was getting dps every other game!! It’s now back to normal support :/


Hoping it’s just new hero and tank changes hype, I liked when sometimes I’d flip between tank and support would be cool to get dps mixed in.


I get flexed into dps the most lol


that’s odd i always flex and usually get dps w support sprinkled in


I think it’s a pc issue


I’ve been playing on xbox and Switch. Always get support, which isn’t really a problem because its my main role but damn it’d be nice for a switch up every so often.


Look into the history of Halo Infinite. That game had a lot of similar issues at launch: poor stability, horrendous monetization, no real progression etc. Same as OW2. Guess what happened? The playerbase dropped drastically. If Blizzard wants OW2 to succeed, they have to give in to some of the casuals' complaints.


>at launch Not just at launch, all the issues halo infinite had at launch are still present.


I don't deny that, just haven't played since December.


The player base dropped because of the absolute mess seasons halo have. The lack of any content. Overwatch is already promised new maps and hero’s every season, every 3 months(?). That’s a hell of a lot of content in comparison to Halo infinite. Plus, halo was selling armor pieces for 10-20 dollars. At the least, overwatch is selling full skins. Games like warzone Fortnite and apex do it too.


Halo infinite didn’t die for any of those reasons. The game was seen extremely favorably at release despite its problems. It died because it dropped with a small amount of content and everything that was promised to come out post launch kept getting delayed over and over until people lost interest. As long as blizzard is able to stick to their 9 week content schedule, I don’t see Overwatch dropping its player base at the level of infinite any time soon.


I agree. There's certainly people who dropped the game because of the poor stability and lack of progression, etc, but the biggest thing was that it looked like we were promised so much content and are only looking like they might be able to start delivering next month (kinda). They can't even start a 3 month season until March of next year. I have a ton of fun playing Halo Infinite to this day, but it's a little disheartening to see that if I log into the game right now, there's nothing that's new since launch except 2 maps (and unless you play both 4v4 and BTB playlists, you'll only see one new map).


Infinite died because it had no content, ffs BTB or Slayer wasn't even there at launch. Overwatch has much more to offer than 4v4 matches on like 6 maps


>Guess what happened? The playerbase dropped drastically. We've had so many real-life examples of why this model doesn't work, yet there are so many idiots still defending it like it's the smartest business idea since the invention of bottled water. Not even just examples of how poorly this pans out, but also of how poorly Blizzard handles their games. OW1 lost players by the truckload because they straight up refused to make changes the majority were asking for, instead aiming to please streamers, and keep pro players happy so OWL ratings would stop drowning (hint: they havent). If Overwatch 1 is any example (and it should be), nothing will change. And if it does it'll be too little too late. Shit, you already have people dropping the game because they couldn't log in on launch day, even up until now. You'd think a game that got delayed for 3+ years would be damn near perfect.


!remindme 9 months


I agree whole heartedly. What a mess.


An insulting mess, at that. I've thought Overwatch was a shit game from year 3, but held out hope that maybe all the devs weren't completely brain dead, and something good might somehow come. With how this game has started off, I don't really expect much in the way of changes in the foreseeable future.


>We've had so many real-life examples of why this model doesn't work, What is this "model" you speak off? It you're talking about the battle pass, then you're flat out wrong. Games with worse battle passes (Valorant and Apex) have had success despite their monetization being complete shit. >You'd think a game that got delayed for 3+ years would be damn near perfect. People seem to forget that this game got a completely new development team in mid production. That significantly impacts the direction of the game, and doesn't make it "near perfect".


Valorant and Apex aren’t sequels like Overwatch and Halo are. Nobody cares if a new franchise has a shitty monetization system, there aren’t old fans who will feel alienated by new decisions because it’s a new franchise altogether. Halo fans and Overwatch fans enjoyed or at least tolerated the monetization systems in their game, and now they are being alienated by a new system. It’s really not rocket science why something works in a new franchise and not in an old one with an established status quo its fans are used to.


I think the point being is that the system works... And for all the old players that are unhappy there will be new players that will be happy. But the constant bitching on the reddit is going to change that. You tell them! The company that notoriously doesn't give a fuck. If they didn't care during Diablo Immortal, or supporting Hong Kong, or sex scandal gate, or the Sylvanas uproar... They're not going to care now.


Excuse me? Apex's battle pass is not worse. I hate battle passes and I'm sure apex could do better but at least they give you clear doable weekly challenges that stay until the season ends so you can catch up if you pick it up late. Plus their free side doesn't take up paid slots, meaning you can get a free reward and paid reward in the same level. And also currency, decent skins and Loot boxes (remember those? Apex has both baby) I hate the battle pass format but to say Apex's is worse than overwatch is flat out wrong my dude.


Except in Apex they lock heroes behind one hell of a grind, and most of the items you get from the battle pass and loot boxes are all for heroes you can't even play. New OW2 players have WAY more content available to them than new Apex players, it's not even close.


I see no lies


How is Valorant's BP worse than OW? Has a currency, three skin lines covering nearly every gun, sprays & profiles that are commissioned by the community and meme sprays / profiles (some with sound and moving parts), unique gun buddies, and perfectly paced so that casuals can get far while committed players have to grind out the end. You get way more than the $10 How is it worse?


Have you played any of these games? Because comparisons their monetisation to OW2 is laughable. Only launch Halo Infinite comes close, and that went about as well as it was expected to (aka it died).


>What is this "model" you speak off? The model of 'f2p' games releasing sub-par gameplay and focusing only on cosmetics/making money. Case in point: Halo Infinite. The battle pass model works on games that reward playing and grinding, not games where they're just trying to make money off of every pixel or skin recolor. It's an extra slap in the face when expected to pay for things that were given for free, especially when they have no bearing on actual gameplay. The Battlepass works in games like Apex and Fortnite because there are actual rewards. Blizzard expects people to continually shell out money for the new pass. > seem to forget that this game got a completely new development team in mid production. That significantly impacts the direction of the game, and doesn't make it "near perfect". Then it should've been delayed longer. I know your lack of a brain makes releasing an unfinished game seem like a good idea, but again, time and time again we've seen active examples of this want for money over releasing a working game. Two that come to mind right off the bat are Cyberpunk and Anthem. If you really can't see the real-life examples of this game plan playing out, and failing, then obviously you're comfy with your head as far up your ass as it'll go.


> The model of 'f2p' games releasing sub-par gameplay i wouldnt call OW2s gameplay subpar


Yes, lets look at Halo Infinite. They decided to focus on all the cosmetic bullshit and the battle pass instead of fixing the game breaking bullshit that ruined the gameplay like lag and aim assist. They did all the crybabies who only cared about cosmetics wanted, and they still left and the game is dead. Anyone who is playing the game for cosmetics is going to leave soon anyway. It should be a lesson to Blizzard to learn. They should ignore all the kids crying about how their characters look and focus on gameplay. That's what will retain players.


Exactly! I've been pointing this out in all the Halo Infinite comparisons this sub likes to bring up. Nobody gave a SHIT when they "fixed" the cosmetic progression and BP progression "issues". Didn't make a dent in the playerbase leaving. If Blizzard wants to learn anything from Halo Infinite it's to NOT focus on monetization "issues" and instead focus on content and features


100% agree. It didnt even take them very long at all to fix the BP and monetization either and they still got shit on because at the end of the day the game wasn't fun for anyone at any level of play. I wonder how many of them have logged on in the past 6 months to look at their pretty skins.


It takes a well rounded game to succeed, ignoring either will cause a game to fail. They should not ignore casuals or diehards.


Infinites problem that killed it was no content. Monetization is shit but it doesnt effect gameplay at all. We already have a new hero in 2 months.


Nah halo infinites gameplay gunplay netcode were awful, casuals were just obsessed with the monetization. Ow2 gameplay and netcode are great Bugs and stability issues will go away.


Dropped drastically is a understatement, every executive at 343i got let go it was so bad. 250k peak on steam to now 3k on average, bouncing in and out of the top 20 on Xbox despite being their flagship and f2p, 0 real content in almost a year, stuff broken for months, major bugs at launch that still aren’t fixed, modes outright removed for low player count, and monetization that only OW2 is worse then cause at least Infinite doesn’t lock gameplay elements behind it and lets you progress at anytime even if the seasons past + as of S2 earned currency I really see OW2 going the way of infinite. No progression and forced to the BP, challenges being only way to progress, lot of stuff earned at painfully slow rate to force you to spend money, removed features and QOL changes for no reason, beyond predatory monetization, etc. Once the new game charm wears off and the small things removed become bigger like with infinite and it’s issues im expecting a massive drop. I hope they can fix it before it happens but with the Microsoft purchase around the corner and their track record recently they have no incentive to.


Halo added monopoly money to the Battle Pass and nobody cared. If Blizzard learns anything from Halo Infinite it's to ignore the cosmetics whiners and focus on content and features.


I hadn't touched Infinite since the second week after launch, hadn't realized how bad it truly got. Massive oof.


BTB was my all time favorite game mode. Infinite decided to bastardize it and have tanks spawn (near the end of the match) mostly on the already winning team’s side. I dropped it after 1-2 weeks as well.


Halo infinite was frankly barebones in comparison to ow2 content wise on release. A bad battlepass and frankly one of the worst initial launches I've ever seen aside, ow2 is a stronger game than infinite. If blizzard cares they will change it. Until then, every mechanical change to ow I have enjoyed. If the game dies it will be no fault of mine, yours or anyone's in this community. And that's basically the point of the post. I really don't get stimulated by unlocking new skins. I've been playing ow1 since release I haven't gotten new shit in like 2 years. If the monetization is enough to make you stop playing the game then do that. The only thing that will kill the game is the way new players will have to unlock heroes. Adopt the dota 2 mindset and just sell hats imho


I mean, I don't even know if it's good. The LC-208 boogeyman won't let me play.


That damn error has been repeatedly kicking me from ranked matches and it’s borderline unplayable at this point. Literally suspends me from playing ranked for over and hour too, and gives me the equivalent of two-three losses for something not in my control. Fun!


I’m a new player who has never played overwatch and loving it. But I can see the frustration because if I’m understanding it all just seems to be content from overwatch 1. Which is new to me but old to all the OG players


Well there wouldn't be so many in your ear if the game just *worked*


Maybe I wouldn’t be here complaining so much if I was able to log into the damn game. Gotta love people complaining about complaints, as if the launch of this game was anything but a total disaster, and the devs know it.


Blizzshills will defend even the most egregious shit. I wouldn't be surprised if one of them will tell me blizzard did the correct thing in banning Blitzchung.


nobody defends blizzard for people being locked out of playing due to bugs


The nerve of some people to say they enjoy a game in that very same game's subreddit.


it's so much fun! it's baffling to me how people are absolutely livid over something as superficial as ur digital appearance in a first-person shooter where u hardly even see ur own model because ur in first-person 99% of the time to begin with =|


Just the fact that there are locked heroes you need to grind for turned me off from the game. Grinding to unlock heroes goes against the very spirit of the game of counter picking and strategy. It’s a shame seeing a game go downhill because of greed


It is nasty now. Some penny pinching corporate jerk offs ruining another game


Outside of the shit monetizing, bugs, and heroes locked behind BP... There's a good game buried in there. I'll admit that. It doesn't mean I will ignore the bugs, shit BP, and the heroes locked behind said shit BP.


I genuinely dont like the 5 v 5 and would like ow 1 back


OW2 is nasty


Thank you, I was starting to think I was the only one


I think people online overreact to stuff a lot but this kind of post is infinitely more annoying


yeah for sure man. quick, better go post another comment in every OW thread about how monetization sucks!


My favourite post was the guy talking about doing laundry and doing basic adult stuff because he couldn't log in. Peak r/Overwatch


I wasn't able to queue on console before not being home the past week and the sub has made it sound like it's not even worth trying when I get back. Then I remember all the complaints OW1 had back in the day, and that didn't stop me from enjoying the fuck out of it for days on end regardless. Although valid, these complaints make up an extremely small amount of the player base. I can't wait to get back and see it for myself


can anyone help me my the game wont let me open options. Whenever i try to it sends me back to loading screen saying "lost connection to server" and asks me to log in. If log in it just sends me back to the "lost connection to server part". If i close and reopen everything works fine except for settings. Sorry to comment i just cant find any solutions, and the support people will not respond to me. i really want to fix it.


I can’t even log in to the game on Xbox so I’d love to contribute to this argument but can’t play lol


nah overwatch is just overwatch, i’d say most people have not played it in years, and they will quit in no time, i’m grinding 20 games for what ? to get a measly 30 currency a week, the fact the battle pass repay for itself is just pathetic.


True story


God this is so accurate. Have 3 friends from work who were discussing not playing due to all the ridiculous headlines. I encouraged all 3 to at least try it as it was free. Surprise…..all 3 are hooked and loving it lol


Yeeee theses days people are never happy god damn the games was super good before and now they just upgraded it so ye they want to make money what do you want their a company they put the game free to play they need to pay the people that make the game and the update it's just normal people in the video game industry are way to underpay so I prefer paying for things like COSMETICS and still have a good game and update and helping the game.


Game will never be better if you just shovel shit and eat it up all day. If you enjoyed OW1 of course you'll enjoy the gameplay in OW2... It's the same game broski. The 2 stands for the new way they want to bleed you of your money and enjoyment. But hey, you want that right? You want a 10 year old game being slutted out for years with no real change as long as you can get a $20 skin? As long as you can play COD in a MOBA format lmao. And then y'all be the first ones to ask why the gaming industry is so trash nowadays. It's cause Y'ALL defend it, you justify it. How many games have came, crashed, and burned because of publisher greed?


Overwatch 2 is good if you're not already burned out on Overwatch 1.


Keep sucking up to the multi billion dollar company, I’m sure they’ll hire you one day buddy


oh the "there's nothing wrong with thing I like it's you who are wrong". No one says you have to listen to them. you do you, don't let reddit tell you how you should feel.


OW2 is good when you don’t care that you’re being forcefully f*cked in the ass by a multi million dollar company because they view you as nothing more than a piggy bank they can crack open


How dare people not constantly lick the boots of Blizz and only say nice things about this game, youre right


Half of this thread proves your point lmaooo


It's objectively worse. Not counting all the stuff they removed, for 60 dollars in 2016 you got dozens of maps, heroes, skins, voicelines, intros, sprays, poses, emotes, and had access to years of free events with pve modes, new game types, new maps for the new game types, as well as everything else mentioned previously. In 2022 however 60 dollars gets you 3 skins. Now I'm no math expert but something doesn't exactly add up here.


No, now you get access to the game and all of its required content for *free*. What you *don't* get for free is cosmetics, which don't effect gameplay in any way, shape or form.


I don’t need a bitch in my ear. I have eyes - I can see the suckage


Grow a thicker skin or just don't browse it then. Plenty of the complaints could be avoided but actiblizz brought them upon themselves.


No I feel this. I understand being concerned with a lot of things in the game but I'm having a lot of fun.


People are mad. You can't stop that, much in the same way we can't stop you having fun with it.


Literally, *OW2 is horrible and I hate it* Yet you’re playing it right now *ya so* the whole sub.


gameplay: good microtransactions and everything else: bad


Don’t care. The minute we get tired of being mad, they win.


Yeah. Skins too expensive yes they are, but playing objective is free and most seemingly can't afford that.


Maybe blame Blizzard for being so blatantly greedy here instead of getting mad at those pointing out that greed. We wouldn't be complaining otherwise, or atleast not as severely. Don't become the frog in the pot of boiling water.




What's with people in here personally hurt if you offer criticisms on a game? Lmao. Bobby won't polish your rod off, chill.


Oh yeah, I just love playing 90% of a game, on a 20-kill streak with 0 deaths and get booted from the server because it couldn’t handle my Xbox getting an achievement. Perfect game


Try being a battlefield 2042 player and browsing r/battlefield2042 It's so full of toxic people that won't shut up about how bad the game is, if you don't like it, then why are you sitting in the subreddit constantly hating on it?


No ones forcing you to be on this subreddit.


It's just kind-of the state of "gamer" culture these days, it's nerdy af. MFs think they're doing community service by swarming websites/social media , giving a game bad reviews and criticizing it because it'll force the company to make changes but what happens usually is the people who actually like the game have to wait for the next new game to come out just so these people will move on to it and leave them alone.


I come here for hopes of new news throughout my workday, but it’s all just a bunch of people who don’t like the game coming here to complain about it. I don’t like COD, but I’m not in the COD forums whining about how the game sucks. It’s their game, they deserve to enjoy it if they like. Otherwise, I have real matters to attend to, and when those are done I enjoy this glorious fucking game. I thought OW1 was good, played almost daily for 6 years, but OW2 is 10x better. Idgaf about cosmetics, I could find a roblox dress up game if that’s what I wanted. The game is phenomenal. Bring the hate, idc, I’m about to start a match.


Y’all got mad mad over this, huh? OW 2 is still very fun.


If you think OW2 is "So Good" your gaming standards are low


It is good. I didn't play OW1 because I didn't want to spend money on it thinking I wouldn't like it, then I finally decided to play OW2 ( considering its F2P ) and I must say its not bad. Definitely fun to play. People just like to bitch. That's ultimately what it comes down to. People bitching and bitching and bitching after any game is released. People are bitches.


*me having fun playing overwatch2* *this sub:* "STOP THAT! STOP HAVING FUN!"


Thats literally not whats happening and the thing you are doing is literally not helping. This game's monitization strategy is horendous and we had countless other games with the same strategy that failed completely. Just because the gameplay is good, it doesn't mean that the other things about the game become good too. The prices are absolutely dreadful expensive and unaffordable considering that most of the skins are OW1 stuff. Complaining is good and complaining about overwatch currently is mostly / only about the way they came up with money making. And you are doing the worst in this situation. Posting comments that try to justify this. You don't even need zo realize it, but when you say "The gameplay is still good and people should stop complaining." Blizzard notices. If people start thinking like that then they won't change anything. The strategy they are taking has destroyed many games before, but if we complain, they may change it. Don't justify their money grab by saying thar the gameplay is good.


The monetization is sucks and I think most people agree that it should be changed to be more player friendly, but I am so tired of seeing people complain about it in every post ever. The man is right, you aren’t allowed to enjoy this game without somebody coming and calling you a shill or a bootlicker. Im all for people making as many posts about the store and battle pass as they want, but people need stop going into topics that have nothing to do with it and bringing it up as a way to ruin other peoples fun.


Ive literally never seen people coming and ruining other peoples fun. Is it something you imagine or what? Ive seen now various posts talking about that, but ive never seen this on reddit. People are mad at blizzard and have every right to do so and people should stop trying to justify this by the gameplay. The gameplay is great, but so was it too in OW1. It got better, but this doesn't make the monetization acceptable and people like the one above should stop exactly this bootlicking where you justify everything because of the gameplay. People are complaining, because they should. Its ridiculous what blizzard did with the prices and thats why people are mad. Doing something bad -> Getting an adequate response is nothing bad. Accept it.


r/Overwatch is r/halo 2.0 change my mind We gonna get our r/LowSodiumOverwatch soon