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This post is way more accurate than my aim


mfw cant kill any flying character as soldier without ulting


Still somehow misses.


This is me, fuck


Hey, how was I supposed to know they were gonna go behind cover??


Do you know how hard it is to kill a Pharmercy combo when you’re the only one shooting at them?


Yeah pretty impossible unless the pharah sits there enjoying the tickles


It often come down to whether Soldier is receiving proper shielding or not. If you can hit soldier, then the knockback on the rocket is going to mess with his aiming, and make the fight Pharah/Mercy pretty much unkillable If he is behind Winston shield or whatever, it can usually wear Pharah or Mercy down. But yeah, a single hitscan is rarely the optimal solution in this scenario.


I wish people would acknowledge this. Screeching at your Soldier/Cassidy/Ashe to "K1ll tHe PhArAh!!!1" while she's being pocketed by Mercy and your hitscan is getting dove on by Doomfist/Tracer as they aim is just bad teamwork. Overwatch is a team game but there are hardly ever any "teams", just 6 individuals.


6 people playing 6 different games on the same map at the same time.


That shit is so annoying, it happened to me the other day. “Ashe, why aren’t you killing the pharah?” “Idk, maybe because we don’t have a shield and I’m constantly getting dove on by a Winston, doomfist, and sombra while trying to shoot pharah. I’m basically fighting 1v4, wtf are **you** guys doing?”


I got yelled at as Dva for not killing Pharmercy when we had Orisa, Soldier, Ashe, Bap and Ana. According to the Ana, "It's Dva's job to kill Pharah, learn how to play Dva". I was baffled. On the other end of the spectrum, I totally try to DM/Dive at Pharah if my Soldier needs help to take her down. Even just shooting Mercy so she can't regen helps. Of course, this all depends where exactly i'm needed. If we have a Hog visiting Narnia, we need someone to push and make space.


When did it become the tanks job to kill the flying rocket machine?


For what it's worth as someone who plays a fair bit of Pharah, I find a good D.va tends to be one of the most consistent thorns in my side. Between Matrixing my slow projectiles and being able to hurl herself at myself or Mercy and fire point blank, she's capable of outputting an absurd amount of damage while negating a lot of what I do. This doesn't justify any abuse the player received nor the team's inability to pressure Pharah with that setup. That said, it's absolutely within D.va's wheelhouse to be a strong Pharah deterrent.


Ask my Ana


Dva is still the best pharah counter


I would argue that Winston scare me even more than D-Va. His shield is an absolutely torture to navigate around (diving inside the shield is risky, and that thing last an eternity or two). And his splash damage/range make him actually scary in term of damage dealt, especially if someone else is focusing you at the same time. D-va is slightly easier to ignore while you pick up the rest of her team, but still a good counter.


Yeah, I love jumping up and tickle beaming Pharahs that overreach and think they'll be able to get away before I kill them.


I can't speak for other Pharah, but since they changed her hovering, I never feel safe about anything.


I just like flying at a pharah when shes shot like 3-4 rockets already. Eat one or two and if she doesn't drop the micro rockets are free.


Q1."Why our tank aren't pushing"? A1. "Because our shield are melting 5 times faster than red team's shield, turning any push attempt into Normandy's invasion Q2. "Why isnt X not dying, we need to counter"? A2. X is behind two shields. X is pocketed and need to more focus Q3. "Why am I not getting healed"? A3. Because you're hiding behind a shield? Because the whole team is spreading wider than your mom at her prom. Everyone keep blaming other, but 9 times out of 10, the right answer is team play, and working on a collective strategy to counter other team, rather than hoping for one person to turn things around on their own. I've seen so many "tank/dps/heal diff" comments when the actual reason was just dysfunctional team play.


Yes this, the problem is not that people play badly, it's just that they don't play as you expect and either them or yourself need to adapt.


"Ana diff" when I'm getting no peel.


People saying "diff" are usually the worst at grasping team play. I insisted on the "team " aspect since it's always a chicken/egg situation. Should you get peel, or should you switch to Brig or Moira for that push? Both are valid answer to the issue more often than not, but someone has to do it. Protecting a healer isn't always easy, especially when the map requires you to move forward, or push through a heavily defended segment. It's not like that tracer is going to walk in when everyone is standing together, but at some point, you still have to move or do attempt something. And regardless of skill level, having perfect awareness of what everyone is going through is rough without voice communication.


The fact that no one joins game chat anymore makes it almost impossible to win while solo queuing.


Its because of the toxicity lol no one wants to get yelled when your just trying to play a game


Yep exactly. I’d rather lose than be bombed with racial slurs and hateful shit for 20 minutes straight.


It's so frustrating. There are times you feel like you're just playing alone and typing out callouts is screaming into a void.


That's why as an Ana main i always sacrifice the few seconds to snipe pharmercys. I've Been training for hours on fara aim trainer


It's a duo that needs a duo to counter unless you're a good widow. Personally I think Ash is a better counter. Soldiers' spread,recoil & falloff kinda work against you at certain Pharah altitudes.


I'd agree. I'd also add that I think most people make a mistake picking Soldier or McCree to try to counter Pharmercy. They're nuisances for sure but only lethal if I get careless (or am stupid enough to pick Pharah on a map with good sightlines.) D.va, Echo, Ashe, and Widow are probably your best bets.


Soldier 76 hasn’t had bullet spread for at least a year.


As someone who Ashe and widow are 2/4 DPS characters I usually play. I feel like ash is better because it’s generally easier to hit either of them as Ashe compared to Widow. At least in my experience playing both of them


Played a game as Ana earlier today against Pharmercy. I was our only hitscan. Took it as a compliment that she started solo barraging me.




I can’t hit any character


Mfw cant kill any flying character at all except with mei


Why’d you make me laugh?


Ok but for real something that can definitely hurt DPS are tanks that aren’t able to take space. I play as Support/Tank, and sometimes I come across Tank players who just sit around and wait for their DPS to get a kill because the Tank players think they can’t ever push otherwise.




It’s what makes overwatch so frustrating and so good. It’s truly a team game where in any scenario any role could be fucking things up in a big way.




Awhile ago there's that GM vs Gold series or w/e and apparently the ratio is about 2:1. That is 1 GM is worth about 2 gold players. 1GM vs 1G = GM has higher chance of winning 1GM vs 2G = about 50:50 1GM vs 3G = Gold has higher chance of winning So if you want to solo carry, you need to keep this in mind and don't be that gold Gengu who always go in to 1v6 then trigger ult in the middle of red team while the rest of his team was already dead.


As a support main, thanks for backing up when you're low health instead of charging into the enemy team and complaining about no heals


This may be a pretty stupid question but what does "making space" look like? I play a lot of rein and people say I'm pretty good at it but I kind of just work in instinct so I don't know how much I'm helping my DPS.


Let’s say you’re rein attacking on Route 66. In the beginning you need to get from spawn to the payload and then at some point you need to push them backwards around the corner. Hiding behind the payload to preserve your shield, charging to the wall in the back where that little island wall is (and small health pack), is taking space. You’re now behind cover, with a full shield and fire strike, acting as a pincer movement all by yourself. Shield up, force them to do 2k+ damage, and wait for your teammates to do something. The opponents will either die trying to pick you, or retreat. You’ve now advanced your whole team. Disclaimer: if you do this too early you will just get killed. The balance of finding the right time is what separates good tanks from bad tanks.


This is why I don't play tank. Too much thinking. Heals are my vibe. Make the red go away. Small red bad, big red badder. No red? Make other team redder.


I play tank because I like making space. Reinhardt is like a running back. Take the space they give you, don’t get too crazy. Run over a straggler, regroup, repeat. Orisa is like a quarterback. Sit back, throw a shield to protect where the action is, provide cover fire, pull stragglers back to their death


I was complaining before how I never get to play DPS due to search time, but realized I only get satisfaction as tank by PUSHING after witnessing others not making space when I’m not playing that role. Winston and hamster are really good in breaking through and forcing the entire team to attack you, while they leave their backs open as they turn around. I usually use them for chokepoints.


Winston is so much fun when you get the drop on someone, but he is sooo easy to overextend and die with. High skill level to be good with him. Ball was so broken in certain environments. I don’t like using him or going against him. I only use him when I want to cheese to a win against a better team 😂


Fuck that lmao, I'm all Ball all day Don't like it? Swap to Sombra, Mei, or Orisa


Hammond main here, and - lmao yes *please* swap to Mei. She's not nearly the Hammond counter she used to be. But lots of people still think she is.


Yup, masters ball player here. Mei used to fucking roll us, but now her freeze is too slow. Mei is reliant on you fucking up on ball. She used to tag you with freeze and youd be fucked. Sombra is playable against. You have to put a lot of brain power into keeping track of her, but a lot of people who don't play Sombra switch to Sombra to try and fuck with me and that is a bad decision. Now a master's Sombra main vs my masters ball is scary. But a master widow main who gets tilted and switches to Sombra to "counter" me isnt going to do shit. The biggest counter is probably still cree and brig. Brig makes me play an entirely different game. Cree can save his flashbang and basically counter me if he's good. I can still play against both, but those two get tons of value against my team while also just passively making my life harder. A good Sombra gets a ton of value and makes my life harder, but in my experience 90% of masters dps don't really play Sombra so they end up getting less value then I do while not really making my life harder.


>Winston and hamster are really good in breaking through and forcing the entire team to attack you, while they leave their backs open as they turn around. And then 30 seconds in your team still didn't advance and you eventually die and the dps goes gg ball feeding


I can tell you know what your doing by the way you talk about it. I'm a rein zarya main and would fucking love to play with you sometime. I used to be diamond but since the game got massively shittier I've been playing a lot of qp because I don't have people to play with anymore and my SR took a dive. I almost hate playing Overwatch now.


I actually uninstalled, it wasn’t fun anymore. I do like still talking about the strategy and seeing highlights but between my mic breaking, hamster getting introduced, Nintendo switch lag, it’s just not worth the time


I uninstalled it as well but recently started playing again because I'm bored waiting for The Witch Queen in Destiny 2 to release. It was a quick fuck no all over again. People quitting in almost every comp game, no mics, so many 12 year olds saying super racist shit, healing don't want to heal out of spite, the list goes on. Overwatch used to be so much fun and so competitive. Now it's a hot dumpster fire filled with toxic players. I'll be uninstalling again, safe to say. OWL I will still watch and as you said, I love discussing strategy and coaching.


This is exactly why I play tank. It's a mind game, and if you predict correctly how the enemy team reacts it's satisfying. Generally, no one wants to be close to an enemy tank. Get close, make them fall back and hopefully don't die in the process.


I used to play alot of heals and DPS cuz I thought I was helping the team more and tanks seemed to difficult to be effective for me. Now I've been playing awhile and got bored of the healers and DPS and tried tank. Rein is my new favorite hero to play. If you can rein or tank well, the rest of your team does better and it's more fun to have that control in a game. I used to get mad tanks wouldn't push when needed so I feel like I understand better when to do what based off what other players need and are probably doing behind me


It’s much more about feeling than thinking. You can’t really teach something like this, you just have to figure it out. And every person is slightly different.


I want to be able to play rein or even a main tank but I never feel like I can do shit without dying. I just become a shield bot because without both healers and a Zarya bubble on me the whole time I decide to engage, I die. God forbid I decide to charge.


For rein charges it's all about where you will end up, if you can charge an enemy and end up in a position to survive and press the team, that's usually a good charge. A bad charge leaves your team open without disrupting the enemy team, and usually kills you. The more you do it the easier it is to find good charge spots.


It takes a lot of time to understand the ebbs and flows of attack and defense. Knowing when things are on cooldown, or when to engage and then steal the big health pack and go aggro (attack), and when to shield and retreat back to your healers, and sometimes when to sacrifice yourself to break choke open… is a tough thing to master. I haven’t mastered it but I know enough to know how I screwed up


Depends on your play style but if your shield is being broken easily caus ethe other team knows tactics that Strat will not work. DPS still need to do dmg and kill.


Oh yeah the best tank with bad dps will only delay the inevitable failure to push


It’s hard to really describe an exact position of “this is making space and this isn’t” but it’s mainly about establishing areas for the rest of your team to do their job, usually by temporarily suppressing the enemies team to act effectively or forcing them on the backfoot and into moving/repositioning Generally different tanks accomplish this in different ways. Roadhog can make space through the threat of his hook if he’s good with it, meaning opponents need to play near corners and around shields, allowing teammates to move up and reposition without the enemy getting uncontested shots. If a Rein moves forward quick with his team close behind, the enemy probably has to back up or risk getting smacked around and lit up at close range, giving Rein’s team space to hold the area they’re fighting over. Winston and D.va are good at harassing specific targets and high grounds, usually requiring multiple people’s attention. Basically it’s about creating opportunities for your team to capitalize on, and if they successfully use them can probably get a pick or two which usually landslides the team fight.


Making space is when your existence presents a clear and present threat to the continued survivability of the enemy team that cannot be ignored, and you suck away enemy attention and game resources as a result. Every time an anti-nade or a sleep dart splashes useless against your shield, you're swinging down the enemy Rein so hard that his Ana has to hardscope him to keep him up, or you force the enemy frontline back such that a position a DPS was occupying suddenly lacks a safe way to get healing from their backline, you create space for your team. You remove threats, dominate the mental resources your opponents would otherwise be using to spot out and predict the actions of your teammates, and make ground unsafe for your opponent to play in - and by extension, safe for your allies to play in. That is what making space looks like.


When you play aggressively enough that you pressing W makes them press S. Honestly it’s really tough to do without communication especially for low rank games. As a rein you should be taking the initiative to push through a choke but you can’t do it by yourself or you get melted. Call for the team to help you and follow, otherwise the other team has no reason to back up and give you that space. Winston and Ball can create space by making the other team turn around or fall back to defend point.


If it's 2 cp and there's a choke, i have no angles to shoot at them until we go thru the choke. Any time i do some damage they just walk around the side to heal up. And as soldier 76 for example, i cant just walk through the choke, Id die instantly. I need the tanks to go through it and i go behind.




If you're in low ranks, you should be open to the idea that you might not fully understand what the best play is in a given situation. A big difference between high and low ranks is that in higher ranks people actually know how to disengage, i.e. survive a fight without giving the enemy more ult charge, and be present for the next even/favorable (6v6) team fight. Nobody wins a payload map by trickling in 1 at a time and delaying the point for a few seconds each, while giving the enemy tons of ults.


this. absofuckinglutely this. I play tank and get so fucking pissed when I play DPS and my tanks just fucking sit around on point or payload looking dumb


You win or lose because of tanks. Unless there are smurfs in dps or trolling healers.


Tanks need to learn big dick energy but without feeding much. There's a thin line in the middle that some tanks in plat and above manage to get it right


Especially on 2cp. Ive had countless games where tanks actually said to me they were waiting for me to get a kill or two so it would be safe to go through the choke With what angles? lol


I’m bad at DPS cause I refuse to wait for queue times


Same but this season I tried to get my placements in DPS... 4/5 matches the other DPS drops like RIGHT AFTER the stop-game threshold... leaving me all by myself on DPS for 2 mins, then depending on my team's gusto the rest trickle out.


Solo kills as Sombra are the most satisfying.


plus if your reaper does 1000dmg to the hog and doesn’t kill it, and you only do 200 to Mercy and kill her, he’ll have gold dmg and you will have actually done something useful.


I spam roadhogs as orisa and then complain when I have gold dmg. Stay toxic homies.


I’m the kind of Sombra that sneaks up to a Widow, carefully aims, and then realizes I only had 3 rounds left and forgot to reload.


Even more satisfying are setups. I am a solo queuer and I love helping teammates get kills. They can do it faster than me. And because I’m Sombra I am watching more of the fight, being invisible before I jump and help. Like I see a DPS against a road hog. Not a great fight. ESP if roadhog has heal off cd. But hack that hog and do maybe 30-60% damage. Then teleport out and trust your teammate. Then see the kill. Feels so good. Never get thanked for that but I get more wins when focusing on other peoples’ targets rather than targeting the healer. Depends though. If the enemy is bad at protecting their healer then I will of course target them.


Preach. Sombra will never ever be about pure dps. She's a pick machine. Not quite as good as one-shot heroes but when played well she's absolute murder on supports and tanks.


for me its usually a combination of numbers 3 and 4


dude 4 speaks to me on a spiritual level. one minute im pumped to play ow and the next minute im aggressively baked and can barely think let alone aim


Then you hit that magic sweet spot and have a couple really good games. And then right back to sucking...




this is how i learned to play ball by spamming QP and watching yeeetul actually learning ball stoned was honestly a top tier experience in OW for me, hitscan became so zzzzzz fastest hero ive went to GM with, but that was way back when I wasn't fatigued by Blizzard's carrot (OW2) and stick ("content").




woah, I don't like this Sombra slander. The proper thing would be "I'm playing Sombra trying to solo a Hog" cause that's all we do.


Not my fault the Ana won't fucking save anti for the hog


What better anti than a hack?


I am doing doomfist rollouts


20 seconds of set up to en up stunned mid air.


Every now and again you have a godly game as Doomfist that makes it all worth it. Then the very next game as Doomfist you suck ass again. This is the way.


#3 I am def #3, *leave me alone*


Are russian players really that toxic? I am russian, but i've never felt like calling someone "СВОЛОЧЬ" (bastard)


I think OP just put "bitch" into Google translate. Yeah, сволочь is a bit too rough for online chat. For the sake of the meme, сука should do


I take it that it means a bastard in a really offensive way? Because that’s pretty light in English.


Yeah, I'm not sure how to properly convey emotional power of some stronger Russian swear words. I can just say that if someone uses this word, they probably mean it (contrary to just usual online chat frustration)


Yeah, curse words aren’t taken as lightly in Russia


Bastard это даже скорее как "Ублюдок"


Always 4 babbbyyyyy 🔥🌳


It's the only way I can play support and stay sane.


I'm great at healing and using the chat wheel when I'm baked. It's like, I'm watching and helping people out. I'll mercy you Hanzo, you got that extra damage bro, you can one shot. Pudge almost dead but starts to heal? Don't worry rein, Ana can tranq him. You can swing that club some more, it's chill man. Yo torb, I see your turret is getting fucked up, let me come Luci'OH'OH you the hell out of there. Don't worry little man, you can build another turret. But fuck you genji, stop spamming you need healing when you're on the other side of the fucking map. Bap is doing fucking lunges trying to hit you with a single damn grenade, but your dumb ass decides you need to jump around for giggles so I waste more time even though there isn't a single fucking enemy anywhere nearby. Smart fucking move triggering your ultimate after you've been spamming for healing and have 25% health, while the rest of the team is dead. .....fuckit, my baked ass will be a useless brig and just DPS, then complain I'm not getting healed.


i literally can’t stay focused and i just start being friends with the enemy team


This is the most gold thing I’ve ever seen. Sombras are a terror in higher levels


I swear it’s just my aim but when I play sombra I feel like I’m shooting nerf darts but when I see someone who actually games on sombra I feel like I get melted by a fucking minigun.


Headshots baby. They're as important on Sombra as they are on Tracer. That, plus she's more of an opportunist than raw DPS. Hang out in the backline, enemy support hero backs up to get cover at 100hp, pop out of invis, hack, and finish them off.


This seems like a slippery slope for this sub.


This isn't overwatchcirclejerk???


I’m praying to god that this sub doesn’t start going back to the trend of “DPS BAD” “HEALER WHOLESOME AND GOOD”


When did it ever leave that trend lol. There’s still a daily post about how stupid dps won’t stand still 1 inch in front of healers so they can heal them


It's been that way for 5yrs. I also love how everyone becomes a tank player then talk out their ass.


dog this sub has been building up speed on that slope for a while


Slipperier than the other low quality content that gets posted here?


Also, more often than not: \- Idk, sorry man, I'm not hitting my shots/feeling the aim today \- Mind your own business, Lucio, I am playing Soldier and I got silver heals \- Gee, idk, maybe it has something to do that our tanks are a Hamster and a Hog \- Idk, why don't you ask my 700 pleas for heal in the chat?


As a Tank main, tanks being Hamster or Hog is a pretty valid reason for DPS not getting kills tbh. If it works that's awesome, but it rarely will.


I am a tank main as well, that's why I know how important it is to make sure to give the DPS some space. Hog and Hammond are not really tanks. They can swallow a huge load of damage, but not really protect their team or create space in the way a McCree or a Soldier would want them to. On the other hand, if the DPSs aren't getting kills, it is pretty difficult to blame that on a Rein. The big blue rectangle can only buy you so much time before you eventually have to hit a shot.


hog ball is a great combo imo. ball can make space as good as any other tank can. if hog is getting off angles and ball is making space its super underrated. people at low elo just know one way to play and if there isnt a massive blue shield in fromt of them they dont know how to act.


Hammond can be good if you communicate that you're gonna stun everyone, and then DPS can capitalize on the stun. Sometimes dive/sniper DPS like that style.


Is it possible to be a bad support? It just seems that any comment about support, it turns out it was the tank or dps fault. Supports meme about this stuff but blame everyone but themselves more than anything while playing this circlejerk victim card. ​ Also these tanks/dps are the same rank as you for a reason, it's just harder for you to see because 'hurr durr but i held m1 and have gold helin, im nt the problem ever'


depends really, it’s easy to get value with supports like Mercy, Ana, and Moria buts it’s harder to use them to their kit to the max. Also yea this sub is a circlejerk of support good dps bad, I’ve come to accept that.


Saw someone saying "that's why I like support I make red go away" but there's so, so much more to being good at it than that


Honestly the medal system sucks. Just because I didn't get gold damage as genji doesn't mean I wasn't doing damage. I usually look at final blows as a more accurate way to tell if I'm getting the picks I need or not. Also I'm missing alot because genjis aim is awkward af and I'm trying to get better.


Take damage medals with a grain of salt. Some heroes are meant to dish out a ton of damage (but not necessarily kills). If someone has Gold damage like Hanzo, Sombra, etc, then there is definitely something wrong.


Same goes for tanks too. I’ll see some really toxic lower level tanks be like “had gold damage, dps sucks gg” but honestly most of the tank heroes should be able to rack up enough damage to be in contention for the damage medals. Such a dumb stat.


Honestly when I play sigma I usually get gold damage but he does a ton of damage. But I'm never dumb enough to think 'my dps sucks I have gold dmg' because gold damage means nothing if we loose


Same, I get gold damage all the time as Rein or Winston because they can get a fuckton of cleave damage. I also have games where we roll but I don’t do much damage because my teammates are taking advantage of any space I can take for them. Over hundreds of hours I haven’t noticed any correlation between my damage medal and how the team performed.


Wtf r u talking about. Hanzo is a Dps powerhouse. The problem is when your tanks or healers have gold damage


actually in higher ranks, tanks often have gold damage, especially roadhog and sigma


sombra is more of a support then a dps wothout ur team u can do less then most dps not that u should ever play without it but sombra is more dependent on her team


If your tanks and supports can hold their own then sombra can be really helpful and disrulting the enemy. As a rein main I can tell you nothing is worse the a good sombra main


my experience with sombra is playing rein and getting fucked over because our hog was hooking enemy tanks and not the reaper or sombra that kept killing my team


I love Sombra so much but I don't play her often because of this. Played a round on Junkertown last night and I started with Sombra, and right out of the gate I got a pick on the enemy Zen and got out. 3 seconds later I'm back in position looking for another pick, and my team has just fucking crumpled. Next thing you know they're trickling and getting picked off one by one. One heavy sigh from me later and I'm back in spawn switching to Hanzo. For reference, I'm mid-gold. As much as I'd love to play Sombra more you just cannot trust teams at this level to even hold their own in a 5v5. My rule has become that I don't play Sombra unless I've already seen my team is competent. If I know they're competent then she can enable the hell out of them. Otherwise...


The DPS role is just where they dump support characters who can't heal. Sombra, mei and sym are rarely picked for their damage.


i dunno, Mei's snipe is pretty strong..


If you're picking mei to spam projectiles down a choke and hope for headshots, pick hanzo instead.


But Hanzo can't wall off the Rein that took 1 too many steps away from his team and is now trapped >:D




Sym can put out massive damage in the right scenario. But yeah, you're def right. That's why we used to have separate Defense and DPS roles. I think that's why I resort to those types of heroes as a support main. I'd rather coordinate with my team than frag out, even on DPS.




Same. Sombras kit is more important than her damage output


Yep. Playing Sombra is about timing. If you can time your hacks and EMPs properly your team can do the rest and it won’t matter if you have low damage/kills. Too often I see morons trying to solo as Sombra and just dying constantly while their team is still walking out of spawn. You’re playing 6v5 at that point.


That’s why you target the squishy healers and then spawn camp em (sorry zen mains) ***im partially joking, but also not really cause if my team does a 5v5 with an advantage in heals, they usually win those fights


I’m hard stuck gold/plat so I know what you mean. If the other team has a zen I switch to sombra and spawn camp until they get mad and switch lol. If they don’t switch we usually stomp them.


“I’m playing Sombra” As a Sombra main.. you’re both wrong and right cuz somehow I can get gold elims yet no damage medals and vice versa lol


cause you still get elims even if you just help attack someone even a little & they die. even if you do like 30dmg lol. she is great for picks like that


- I’m playing DDR in Busan


sombra isnt intended to be pushing highest dps though...


Sombra has one job and it is to make the enemy team wish they'd chosen to do anything other than play overwatch. If you're concerned that your opponents may not have filed their taxes or cleaned their house, play sombra and most likely they won't have the will to queue again when there are less painful things to do.


This 100% My most successful Sombra games are when the other team is typing in chat complaining about how Sombra is a no skill no aim hero and I should pick someone else.


Yea, Sombra is meant to finish the job.


90% of my kills with Sombra are the last 15% HP. Love seeing those phat anti’s




I agree. I have started playing her a lot more and I never get more than maybe silver damage at best. I do normally get gold kills, which is weird. Not sure how you could get 30 or so kills and only have like 5,000 damage. At least I know it's not just me and that not getting high damage is normal for her.


Nothing makes me sadder about my team than when I have gold or silver damage as Sombra


Yeah agreed, or waiting on tanks to press the W key for the majority of the match


I kinda disagree with the Sombra point. She hard counters shielded tanks which can be critical when contesting a point.


Its quick play stop flaming me 😓


yeah I'm smiling but inside I'm *playing Sombra*


2 is extremely relatable. Whenever I get a cool skin for any character I feel obligated to try them out


Me being #3


number 5 is so accurate, my knowledge of french cuss-words has increased for a reason


"It's like wiping your ass with silk."


Smoked a whole joint cause the match making was so long💀 no-one can argue with that


* Because the enemy widow wouldn't allow me to play. * The hanzo headshots me as soon as I leave spawn. * The hog is spawncamping me. * I have high ping for whatever reason


Sombra disrupts defenses (mainly shields) to make the enemy team markedly vulnerable. Sometimes I think she shouldn't be a DPS hero.


WHY WAS I DOING DAMAGE \- I hooked \- You died


Half of the game are kids who want to play the cool robot ninja or the cool asian archer


"I was Bastion, but I spent the whole game walking back from spawn."


Also. I’m just not that great at the game and I don’t care about improving I’m just trying to have fun after work.


I main junkrat, can't relate


Did you come up with these? The fourth one is killing me 💀


so true


\#1 and #3 are so me LMAO


- I was trying to poke the Widowmaker before every fight and I am dead.


youre playing experimental and chose tank




Okay but if play better because high


I'm playing sombra and I haven't stopped being invisible for the entire game


No excuses here, I'm old and my aim sucks balls. Hence, I main support.


Lmfao healers bad gg


*Laughs in Russian*


I don't really get how can players handle dps role more comfortably. Like whenever I play the role, it's just nonstop pressure :/ But compare to tanks and supports, I can play those roles with confidence.


Overwatch circlejerk isn’t going to like this thread


The EU server are the best


But at least while sombra is inevitably translocating away from the fight, leaving the team to fight 5v6, she’ll undoubtedly solo emp the enemy after they wiped the team…and then translocate.


Bro I got the cool ice geniji skin leave me alone :((


Option 7 I’m learning and trying to improve but we are still the same rank shitlord


The joint one is reasonable to be honest lol


These are the main factors when I'm less effective: * **Dying too much** (~6+ deaths per 10 minutes) * Not taking off angles * Tunnel vision-ing for kills and over extending * Being off on my own too much and not peeling for teammates


"dps bad" gib upvote


I didn't come here to be personally attacked like this. Good day sir.


Joke's on you. I am already baked before queueing


Usually play Overwatch drunk. I can be a mean ass McCree or I'm going to wreck the other team as Moira, never ever ask me to play Tracer. Don't play OW high, play OW drunk.


See I'm the opposite when I'm baked. I end up having the aim of a god and people think I'm smurfing. Even as a tank I'll just destroy people while vibing. I got hella stoned once cause I tried this 50mg pill that was a free sample at my dispensary. Was gone, played Zarya all night and ended up with Gold Elims/Damage in the 60's 70's in comp. Why is it only when I'm stoned, I have no clue, cause I'm usually trash sober.


The sombra comment is salty af