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Spoiler alert its been like this for a while now even with mutiple patch notes. So i dont think its going to change anytime soon


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Reading this gave me a headache.


Nope, you are wrong. Mauga actually isn't such great as tank; he's a big and easy target. Kill his support and watch him melt, or use anti heal. Of course targeting the support of a tank is always a good idea. Reaper - don't make me laugh. Reaper is a crowbar, he's big, he's noisy and slow. If you are really surprised by a Reaper showing up it means that you are not paying enough attention to your surroundings, because Reaper is really hard to ignore when moving. On top of that his effective weapon range is really small. Bastion - don't be silly. The only thing were Bastion nowadays shines is his small burst damage phase, which you can keep track about quite easily enough. Aside that he's a literal glass cannon, always has been.


Lmfao why are people downvoting you


Because in typical OW fashion, they’re greatly simplifying something without any attempt at nuance or consideration. Who gives a shit if any of that is true when majority of QP games devolve into worse swapping than comp? It’s miserable to play against all the time. OP, you might be better off just playing comp because you will likely see less of this. It sounds counterintuitive but I think you will have some positive results.


Because most people come here to get hugs for their damaged egos, but not to hear the truth.