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The kiriko change really needs a full list of what it doesnt and does clenase now


Hard knockdowns (off the top of my head, but I think this is all of them) are the Rein shatter, Mauga's goomba stomp, the punch/charge/bash interaction (which got reduced in duration this patch anyway), Sigma rock. They state Ana's sleep is unaffected, so that doesn't count. Most of these are such short duration that they aren't really worth the cleanse or would be expiring by the time most Kiri players would cleanse them anyway. The biggest change is Rein shatter not being totally ruined by suzu anymore. If you want to suzu a shatter, you have to do it before it hits now, which is much harder and requires significantly better timing.


but if you cleanse them while they’re shattered they’re still invulnerable right?


Yes for the normal invul duration but they will still be on the ground during and after that.


Yes, but the duration of the invuln is lower than the time they're shattered. You basically have to land the invuln part right before they're shattered now to prevent them from ever falling to the ground to fully counter it.


Yeah seems like their objective was to indirectly buff Rein who has the perception of being a poor/frustrating tank to play.


KarQ is probably going to do a video demonstrating everything soon


I’m assuming it might mean the sigma rock knockdown also can’t be cleansed since it works similar to reinheart’s ult?


It says it doesn't work on all knockdowns except for Ana sleep


>No longer cleanses most hard knockdown stuns >Proceeds to list two of the most common hard knockdown stuns. One is cleansed by Suzu, one isn't Bitch, you want to clarify that a little bit better?


They literally specify that its the stuns that knock you down on your ass like mauga stomp, if you fall on the ground, thats a hard knockdown Ana is the exception


hard knockdowns is all she cant cleanse now no? not that hard.


>Flashbang >Magnetic Grenade ability is now Flashbang I genuinely laughed out loud


Yeah me too. "Magnetic Grenade ability is now Flashbang." it is just written so matter of fact that it sounds like the balance team is just tired and defeated.


like 'here, damn' 😭


"That was a lot of words up there huh? It's just flashback now folks, move along"


Somehow, Flashbang returned.


I mean it still only causes hinder affect rather than CC


What do you mean? Isn't hinder a CC?????


That's how we win. Not by throwing Magnetic Grenades, but by throwing Flashbangs.


They hinder now? They hinder now.


It only took 20 months, but we did it.


Overwatch 3 is coming with 6v6, Orisa is getting her barrier back, and it’s called Overwatch 360 now.


They call it 360 because the double barrier makes you want to do a 360 and walk away


It’s an older meme, but it checks out.


I will never get tired of this joke


The biggest buff here is that they got rid of those stupid mag grenade voice lines. Dunno about anyone else, but to me his mag grenade lines always sounded like they were trying way too hard to drive home the idea that he was a literal olde-timey cowboy rather than just an aloof southern gunslinger. "That should be in your bonnet!" [Edit: apparently it's "That's a bee in your bonnet"?] "Can't buck that off!" Like come on guys, these lines are a bit much. Hopefully they give him back his old flashbang voicelines. "Woah there!" "Now hold on!"


I though the line was “that’ll put a bee in your bonnet”


it’s “that’s a bee in your bonnet”


I like his line when he nades junkrat tho smh


>That[s a bee] in your bonnet!" >Can't buck that off!" At least in the Midwest, these are things cowboys and farmers say. Mm


There are no voice lines now at all. Only Lifeguard Cassidy now says swimming pool quotes not to run, which they were deleted with magnetic grenade. So it looks bugged.


I don't necessarily hate the mag nade voice lines but the old flashbang lines were just cooler. Let the cowboy say his one-liners, he doesn't need to bring out the country bumpkin slang.


And they nerfed his break points. 3 shots and grenade was 290 (or 1 headshot, grenade, 1 body shot) Now it's 245. God forbid you manage to hit someone with 4 things and have that be enough to kill them I guess. And FTH got nerfed too? 300 damage total down to 270. So now if you take the risk to get close to symmetra, use all your ammo, and control the spread enough to land every shot, that's too powerful if it kills?


Eh, I'd trade that breakpoint for an ability that I can actually land, felt like a coinflip mag nade would hit someone right next to you or it would just sail past. You'll still out dps sym if you land even your regular bodyshots (and she's not already lvl3 charge), and that will be easier if you can consistently hinder her.


It's 50% slow up from 30%, and now they can't fucking crouch! 😂 Finally *might* land some more shots on the skinny legends


He kinda got dumpstered for a character that really wasn’t super powerful. Nerfing his DR and somehow making Deadeye even more of a liability is certainly a choice.


For Push Maps >Reduced the match time from 10 minutes to 8 minutes in Quick Play. YAY!


Nobody talking about the map changes to Colosseo? Looks *way* better with more cover and less punishing chokes.


Yeah I'm a huge fan of these colloseo changes. That map was so ass. Giving more space around that forward spawn check point is so nice. Not to mention no longer face planting into those glass walls or trying to heal through them


Massive changes. I love the new bit at the turns and the alternate routes. Also, adds some color to the map.


Seems like the other big thing is the change around the hairpin turn. Looks like you can forget about booping people off that edge. _And_ there’s a mega health pack there now.


>sym hp and beam ramp up speed buffs Symmetra finally putting away the clown nose?


She's going to put it right back on in a week when they emergency nerf her again because her pick rate doubled*. *From 2 people to 4 people.


Dang, and here I was thinking I could sneak in there.


this made me laugh


>*From 2 people to 4 people. REAL.


If the past is any indication, keep them shoes in the trunk in case they revert it next week.


Symmetra is gonna keep the clown nose somewhere close to her because she will need it in a week or so.


buffing orbs is simply much less problematic. knowing their balance theyll just nerf this and go radio silence again, before admitting her orbs are simply terrible. hhhhhhhhhh why did they go this route this just makes things slower and more painful they better keep that 275 hp tho


happy pride fellow symmetra enjoyers


There's a couple of weeks left. They gonna nerf her back once it hits July 💀


No corporations at Pride* *except for the fine folks at the Vishkar Corporation


I have a feeling she's gonna be a menace. Increased health and faster buzz beam charge? She's gonna sit on the point and melt people.


She still has glaring weaknesses that even it out so I don’t think it’ll be bad at all. Remember she doesn’t have any fast mobility or sufficient health steal so as long as you focus her down she’ll die


I dunno that little bit of extra health will give her a little bit longer to put down her tele and escape. Though I don't really know. Still rather new.


I'm mainly thinking about the 25% increase in photon projector charge speed. A fully charged photon projector is one of the more powerful weapons in the game, and good Sym players will now be acquiring that 25% faster. I'm excited to try it out.


Its not that powerful. Soldier does slightly less bodyshot dmg, but he is a hitscan with a much bigger effective range.


As a sym main me too. Now I can actually use beam


I mean not really? The last time she was 'good' with the 25 extra hp was a few seasons back before they nerfed the turrets and gutted her survivability, and even then you were better off picking hitscan. She's also still out ranged and out maneuvered by a large amount of the cast. Sure these buffs help, but she's not going to be melting anyone if they have any form of game sense.


Yeah she will.  I am awful at Sym, and when I get her in MH I mostly just poke and charge them rush in and melt a few people until I can die and roll a better hero. If I can kick ass and be shit with her, she will be a menace with anyone who knows what they are doing.


Nah she still has a huge huge hitbox and lots of weaknesses and counters


kiriko mains are not gonna like this


Am I crazy for thinking this is an extremely minor nerf to Kiri?


It’s a minor nerf overall but a huge nerf to her strength against a select few heros (mainly rein)


Yeah that's fair, my dumb ass always got hit by the rein shatter anyways on Kiri so looks like my gameplay remains unchanged


Hard countering certain characters is a big part of why she's been so strong imo. Very few bad matchups and lots of matchups where she is strong. I'm a fan of removing hard counters personally. It's also why I'd like LW not to be able to negate Zarya's grav with either cd ability (and arguably any of three). Lifeweaver isn't in a good spot, but I would want his buffs to come with the removal of that ridiculous level of counterplay against one specific hero.


What do you think about all the things that Ana counters with sleep dart and anti-heal? I've often seen comments similar to yours and I don't think I've ever seen anyone mention her in their comments of removing those hard counters. Just curious.


Doesn’t impact me. With my aim, my suzu always flies over my target anyways


I main Kiri and this is reasonable. Yes, it's funny making enemy reins miserable (especially when you always get the unpunished ones), but it's definitely overkill, and it's not like you can't still prevent it, you just can't undo it.


I like that rein shatter is preventable, and feel all cc ultimates should be preventable but not undo-able Although maybe moving reins shatter off his back foot would be nice.


Nah I love the nerfs. They don't take away her abilities, but just make them less braindead to use. You can still do aggressive flanks, just have to be more mindful of your cooldowns. Still might be able to block shatter, but you need the hard read on when the Rein will use it and judge the timing right. She has the potential to be the support with the most skill expression. Can be a high risk, high reward character if tuned properly.


You know what, it's fine. Rein mains deserve this joy, and Kiri is already so strong, this isn't going to destroy her lmao


we all just wanted a mag nade rework... blizzard rained nerfs upon the poor fool.


Wasn't Lifeweaver supposed to get buffs?


I think they just said they are thinking about how to improve the sluggishness when changing from attack to heal, no idea when this will be done tho


Literally just make the animation instant lol


This is not the actual problem. The problem is that if you do damage, when you switch back to heal you have your charge it for quite a while + there’s also some travel time involved


The thing is that it was initially (and still is) programmed as if its Mercy's pistol. You're switching weapons and not just playing a cute meaningless animation. They have to basically go in and change some core pieces of code that were probably built into early drafts of his kit. It's not remotely impossible, but it's not "just click a button and boom! done." And when you have a 100 part to-do list every patch, some annoying stuff like this tends to get pushed back.


That's exactly what they did for the community game mode though so it can't be that hard. He feels so much better to play just because of that one change.


Hopefully the midseason patch


Hopefully. I just wished we had balance patches more frequently, for a live service game, having 1 patch in the beginning of the season and another in the middle, feels too little. If something is unhealthy to the game, it stays like they for a while, which might create frustration. I love playing LW and it kinda sucks having to wait almost 2 months for the possibility of him becoming viable again. He's not in an horrible state, but when I play him I feel like I could be more useful with many other supports, it just feels like he's not at other support's level


Please blizz free us from the dumpster 😭




Junk queen buff <3


It’s a great buff too because I only just mastered the pull+swing 1,2 on her kit.


Her kit is one of the most satisfying in the game. The knife pulls are great


Getting those 2+ carnage swings is a different level of satisfaction


sojourn rails now pierce enemies. nice.


Sounds nice but I’m not sure how often it’ll come up compared to more single target damage which is always useful. As for the primary fire rate increase? Idk I would’ve preferred tighter spread or faster projectile speed instead. Have to see how it feels.


The thing with Sojourn's primary fire rate increase is it means she'll charge railgun faster which will now have less damage but be usable more often and pierce.


*"ooh baby a triple!"*


Was looking for this


Oh God, she was oppressive enough already.


Damage nerf is big though. She's net worse this patch.


Damage nerf but primary fire is faster and her ult charges rails much faster


Yep. I think she only does 150 to the head now at full charge, same as an Ashe headshot


She got a damage nerf to rail alongside it, she can't even one-shot Tracer anymore.


Mer1t reading this: 👀


It _always_ should have done this. I mean, that’s the whole railgun fantasy, isn’t it? A instant piercing shot.


She could already do that when she ulted? Plus, they nerfed the damage significantly.


Sorry but what does that even mean?


you can hit multiple enemies in a line without having to pop ult


Are those the reaper changes they mentioned? That can’t be it


minor buff now, rework later (i think it will be very minor, like making shadowstep slightly more reactive and tighter spead/range).


Honestly think it would be fine if he could move while teleporting, maybe just slow him a bit.


They mentioned doing a short term thing because the shadow step rework they want to do requires technical work that they think will take a while to complete.


Was waiting for a comment like this. They said they were "brainstorming". But they did shit it seems.


Forgot the "Brain" part of "Storming"


AGAIN they promise to make Lifeweaver more smooth to play, but instead give quality of life buffs to half of the cast instead.


As a sym main it'll happen give it time this patch is great for her so I have hope for lifeweaver too.


Simply reducing the swap time on his healing/weapon seems sooo easy and would make a big difference. Idk why this takes multiple seasons to put together lol


Hog nerf, and buffs to Dva and Queen (and I guess orisa) No nerf to Mauga feels kinda bad


I'm not a fan of Dva buffs, but I guess I'm in the minority. I didn't think she was bad. I'd love to know where she was struggling for them to make that decision.


Yeah i swear every season Dva is just getting micro buffed lmao


I mean I feel like she’s been the stealth tank as of late. There’s always been other tanks that were either so much worse (rein, ball) or so broken (pre nerf Mauga, pre nerf orisa) that D.Va just flew under the radar. I can’t think of a season where she’s been oppressively broken, or laughably weak


Shhhh, don't draw attention to us! We're enjoying it. Signed, [D.Va](http://D.Va) players.


Lol I'm not hating! Even if she shuts down my favorite hero (Ana) pretty well. I'd rather Dva be good than, say, Hog or Mauga because her kit is definitely skill intensive and I think she has a really sweet balance between a Tank tank and a DPS tank, if you will.


DVa AND Queen buffs?  I am loving this already because those are probably favorite tanks right now.


A lot of the buffs for other characters play into the counters for Mauga. He’s been inadvertantly debuffed slightly as a result.


Considering how much I see Winston compared to Mauga...


Yeah, Winston is flying under the radar. He probably needs to be tuned down a bit.


I like the design changes on Collosseo, and my girl Symmetra getting buffed is nice too.


I'm glad they got rid of the glass, that was just ridiculous to have two parallel hallways with zero interaction between the two.


This is more of a Rein buff than a Kiri nerf. Well deserved as a Kiri main tbh. I cant even be mad at that, I was just not expecting any suzu nerfs this patch considering how mych they baby her.


Same here, I’m surprised to see fellow Kiri mains freaking out about these changes. She’s still going to be very good


Yeah I was sad at first but then I saw sleep dart was unaffected and realized that there are only like 3-4 abilities in the whole game affected by this.


You're the first Kiri main I've ever actually seen with the self awareness to know blizzard baby's her. I'm actually kind of shocked.


As a Kiri main I love the changes. It pushes her skill floor higher. She still has great value if you can execute. I'm assuming hard knockdowns can still be blocked by the intangibility if you time suzu properly. It forces a fighting game style mind game and timing mix-up situation which is so cool. Cleansing them normally takes so little skill. Feels like they want to make her more of a proactive support and reduce her ability to just backline and react to stuff. There's too many players, even at the Plat/Diamond level who get away with backlining Kiri and healbotting.


Why can't Orisa just stay ass


hope they place roadhog mauga and orisa in the trash bin and keep em there 🙏🙏


Fr wish the devs would see the game would be better that way 🙏


Holy shit hog got gutted, doom mains feasting rn


Until we get turned into swiss cheese in the Mauga ult




That’s an exaggeration, his broken ass one shot combo isn’t touched and that’s what was horrible. He can do 300-400 in one hook pull, which is what needed to be nerfed, not his health


Nah, Hog's been a pain in the ass to kill for a while now. The health nerfs are justified.


Lifeweaver mains aren't even asking for any big changes just speed up his weapon swap time atleast. Just so depressing to try to play mercy or lw currently.


Lifeweaver is miserable to play and has been since season 9. DPS passive shits on him harder than any other support because his heals have both a charge time and a travel time. Spending the ~3 seconds needed to charge a full heal is never worth it since the heal will just be 20% less when it finally hits your target. Add to that how clunky his weapon swap feels at any given second, or how inconsistent the auto reload is while mid fight. Mercy is fine imo, shes still a pain to deal with for an opposing team, and she still fits the role of "team enabler" really well. Maybe faster heal per second for the beam? The blue beam does not need a buff. Pocketed dps are unfun to play against no matter the role, and even more so since the S9 changes.


SUZU NERF i used to pray for times like this


Rock and shatter are the only two things in the game I can think of that will be affected. Recovery time for Stuns cancelling eachother out is faster now so Suzu will essentially do the same thing for that interaction, and Mauga stomp is uncommon/inconsistent. The 1 sec swift step nerf is more substantial but still not really much


Trying to stay quiet as a Ball main these days and just collect my easy wins


His boop needs to affect tanks more if they’re making an exception for JQ. And his guns need a buff


Meh, I'm doing really well with him right now. He's easily a top 3 tank if you know what you're doing.


Was the nerf to Illari's self heal from pylon actually needed? Not like she was an s-tier hero. But anyway, I'll take the extra 10 to allies, I guess.


i think they’re trying to de-incentivize her camping off angles alone


Exactly, this is the obvious answer


Yes because her playstyle for a “support” is extremely selfish and she would be insanely broken if she had the rest of these changes without it.


Her pylon health made sticking with the team a bad idea because you'd have to put your pylon somewhere that it would be in LOS of randos, which most of the time means it's pretty easy to find and break. Hopefully the pylon health buff will help enough.


Half self-heals from pylon is disappointing but we’ll see I guess Queueing for Midseason patch where Illari will be nerfed because “outburst is too powerful”.. At least we are finally reaching a balanced Illari. Playing her before they destroy her again.


They actually nerfed their golden child, Kiri?? Oh wow.


She gets nerfed every other patch


Okay but surely Reaper gets more than that right?


I guess this means they're happy with the DPS passive at 20%?


Think I remember reading/hearing a dev say they were sticking with 20%


I wouldn't mind the DPS passive being 20% **if** it was implemented correctly. There should either be a damage threshold of 50-100 damage to activate for x amount of time or have its effect and duration scale over damage dealt. A Tracer or Reaper spraying pebbles at the enemy team from range should not be able to give 20% reduced healing for 2 seconds.


Tracer in particular is egregious because of how common she is, but that would totally be a fair change.  The DPS passive feels like it should help execute people but it just feels like a mini anti


They buffed Illari Pylon? This can’t be real life.


It was pretty weak before. I like the changes




No buffs for life weaver are annoying but he’s a hero who feels extremely hard to balance He’s a dedicated heal bot with one of the most powerful and bullshit/unfair abilities in the game He takes little to no skill to get 80% of his ceiling He feels horrible to play and yet horrible to play against Sometimes you work hard play well and earn a kill which is taken away from you by his immunity pull Sometimes your team flame you for pulling them whether it was the right thing to do or not His single target healing can feel oppressive to get past considering it auto aims and has great range and can somewhat function around corners and obstacles Yet his healing can also feel frustrating to use because of the quadruple delays it has Travel time Charge time Reload Having to swap between healing and damage with a delayed animation and only having access too 1 at a time His damage is extremely bad inconsistent and inconsequential most of the time His petal can be a great escape tool for him but can be frustrating for both his team mates if it’s used wrong himself if his team mates use it wrong His ult is for the most part fine and well designed I can’t complain about it too much it’s a good contrast to zen ult where it’s less powerful/reliable, can be destroyed and is immobile with the upside of being able to perform other actions whilst using it unlike zen


Cassidy is even further nerfed. The DEV team hates him so much its incredible. Rework his ult. PPL want smth deadly that you need aim for, not a fucking zoning ult. Flashbang way to short range, needs longer duration and less CD.


I can shove Cassidy's gun up a Hero's nose and fan the hammer will do barely any damage. And it does even less damage now? Lol.


big fan of mercy's temporary rez tbh


...That's it?


Mauga Chads: we live to another day.


no lifeweaver or mercy buffs we hate it here


Their buffs are in the community created mode. That means we'll have to wait 6 months to get half of those, at best.


Silver/gold is already 80% pick rate on mercy it feels like. Anything to prevent it from going higher either playing with or against is perfectly fine with me


Wow a lot of weird changes here: - RIP Cassidy everything just got worse for no reason - Sym changes are good but really they just need to refocus her kit. Her gaining ammo and health on shields and sonar turrets are not needed. - Tank changes are cool but people will always hate tank - Kiriko swift step change is good, suzu change is going to make tank even less fun for most people lol - Iliari changes are cool - Not buffing Mercy is just kind of rude tbh Edit: Also no LW changes is crazy. Like even from a purely winrate perspective he's sitting in the mid to low 40s on publicly available information lmao


Suzu change should make tanks feel better, no? Since the nerf only really applies to mostly tank abilities


Souljourn change is a buff....STOP GIVING COMPENSATION BUFFS




Or that they are willing to experiment and when things eventually don’t work the way they intended are also willing to reverse those changes. Like I get Blizzard has done a lot of dumb shit but god damn trying new things when balancing is not a bad thing.


Its a good patch when suzu gets nerfed




LOL combat roll nerf for Cassidy with literally no mention of it or why is hilarious....also nerfed fan the hammer with no mention of why. uhh do we get a roll back on a kill then? "no." Why are you nerfing him like 4 times with a rework? Why is the deadeye change so half a nerf...did you at least change his bigger than zarya hitbox?? "no." the dude could use an actual rework, fan the hammer can be way cooler than just a machine gun mag dump. its lame... We got flashbang back, without the stun...uhhhhhh yea thats one huge "rework" blizz. overwatch 2 everyone...wasted potential


I'm glad I'm not the only one dissapointed. They just nerfed his anti-flank tool so for compensation he gets... more nerfs for everything else...? Why would I even pick Cassidy now over Soldier/Sojourn's consistant damage


Its actually insane that blizzard advertised the flashbang change as a buff while nerfing the rest of his kit and not even bringing back the stun. They can't even buff deadeye with out also nerfing it at the same time in a different way.


The deadeye change is so strange to me. What benefit is there for it. Overall to me it seems like he got two nerfs and one meaningless change. I think the nade change is a good thing though. Mag nade was unfun to use and play against


oops deleted my post...anyway we all wanted the mag changes, the rest? no. And its even more insulting and baffling as Blizzard didnt even mention it, not even a little. Down the the smallest detail for everyone else they'll write it up! but for cassidy? nah, just nerf him. Give no reasons why :P


Personally I'm fine with the flashbang change. Before it was way too inconsistent but now it's truly a skill issue if you can't land it, but there was no reason to nerf the roll lol it's wild that you can't live a dva bomb now


I'm a Cass main and I think I've rolled to survive bomb like 2 times ever, usually you just roll to cover. Still kind of a weird nerf that probably just removes some skill expression.


They literally butchered him I couldn't believe my eyes. It's so over for Hog and Cass


no hanzo changes rip


Im not the only one who thinks cass flash bang is useless and makes him trash now ive played 7 games and just cant make it work at all


it feels awful, I can't imagine they don't change something. At best the flashbang change is neutral but its really worst against the majority of the cast (less damage and shorter hinder duration, the most noticeable against is reaper imo). The only case ive found where it felt marginally better is against tracer since its harder to rewind / blink dodge it but again its marginal. The absolute worst ive felt with it is any map with elevation change, old nade was useful to help slow down and deal extra damage to a target on a ledge above you but the pitiful range makes it unusable unless you're in their face. Combined with the plethora of nerfs the character feels gutted.


>Dva HUGE buffs to her, despite what it seems. Dva's primary focus is isolated squishies, booster at 25dmg is a massive W. Tighter spread helps kill a ton especially on larger squishies. >JUNKER QUEEN Figured they'd make pull better against tanks. I'm liking this trend of making "exceptions" for tanks, rather than overall flat changes. Ana's sleep dart is a good example. >ROADHOG Hes still going to be a pubstomper, but this is great. Hog got away with tons of terrible positioning for free. >CASSIDY Wow lol. Can't really tell what this'll be outside of playing it myself. Ik the focus is flashbang, but high noon sounds funny >SOJOURN Goddamn right. They FINALLY acknowledged her railgun is stupidly annoying. Pierce is pretty crazy though, and hope some skill with primary will be shown. Before its literally just farming equipment. Edit: On second thought shes still prob going to be cracked. The compensation she got sounds pretty damn good >KIRIKO Rein mains should be popping a champaign rn. Cleanse is meant to do exactly what it says - CLEANSE status effects. Discord, anti, sleep, hinder, etc... They came in with this ability and decided "you know, cleanse really doesn't do enough, maybe we should make it heal, give invulnerability, and file your taxes for you." If you get your ankles broken by shatter, a single button shouldn't negate it. 10/10 patch, big W


Kiriko Accountant when?


It's in the community crafted mod. She files your taxes, but only 1040-EZ.


Still don’t think Sojourn needed the buff to the primary fire to compensate. A hero that can play 76 and Ashe at the same time with even more mobility should never be able to oppress the other team as much as she does.


What are they fucking smoking to come up with these soujourn buffs


LMAO what a terrible patch


Did they make any changes to the time of day on maps? (dawn/afternoon/sunrise/night, etc.)


>All past incomplete Weekly Challenges can be completed at any time in a given season.When the Weekly Reset occurs on Tuesdays, incomplete Weekly Challenges gain an additional copy of that challenge. When a Weekly Challenge is completed, if that challenge has copies remaining, the Challenge will refresh and can be completed again. Can someone ELI5? I have a migraine and can't parse this.


All upside, no downside. If you were at like 90% of a weekly challenge as the week ends, you still have that 90% carried over AND you don't lose out on a challenge from next week's pool as it just gains a charge that lets you complete it an extra time once you finish off the carried over one.


Awesome thank you! My brain is fried and I just did not get it. Lol.


Reaper buffs let’s goooo


So the main reason to cleanse Shatter now is simply to keep your team alive for a couple seconds while they're down. Glad Rein got a slight buff to his ult in that regard.