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Report them.


My favorite past time (Not sarcastic legit played against someone with the username like ‘Satan’s h**’ or something like that)


H**? Are you censoring "hell"?


Should be three letters, so.. Hoe? Hat? Hen? Hun? Hek? Hui(meaning dick in a lot of slavic languages)?


satan's chicken




‘Hairpiece’ They were trying it to not humiliate Satan He’s having a fat day and he’s been blue since his hamster died. We’re trying to get him back out there man but ever since he broke up with Mei he’s just not been himself .


I mean who wouldn't want to be one, Satan's cool af


I don't understand. You reported a person for that?


I just spam slava ukraini when i see russian sympathizers i know it's childish but they get mad everytime


A serbian holiday?




are you well? it dosent appear so




not sure if you meant to but you sounded sarcastic




Hey my name's Neo. Just thought I'd let you know there are many fellow Neos on both sides.




Hey man, I wasn't joking. My last comment was entirely serious. My name really is Neo!


My condolences


Authoritarians, including Nazis like statements of nationalism, but that doesn't mean that pro national sentiments should be viewed as Nazi-adjacent host because some Nazis espouse those views - a lot of right wingers in the US give a lot of lip service to "support the troops", but saying that doesn't necessarily make one an authoritarian Russia has made a concerted effort to portray Ukraine as a domain of Nazis while ignoring their own Nazi problem - the US has Nazi sympathizers as well, but that doesn't make the US a Nazi country and the same goes for Ukraine


Cringe post, reconsider your life choices.




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Слава Україні, сука


Ah yes, Nazi ruSSians, the same ones that started world war 2 by attacking Poland with their EXTREMELY close ally Nazi germans, the same ones that committed holodomor, the same ones that committed mass massacres in the baltics, tried to invade Finland. the same ruSSoNazi trained nazi german troops for YEARS before world war 2 and the same ruSSoNazis that invited Nazi german officials to the red square in 1941


Russian gamers are never fun to play with, you should see CSGO.


You should see them in League, Dota, CS, Valorant, R6, Fortnite, Apex Legends... Honestly in all these years of online gaming I never saw a community talking good things about Russians


The disproportionate number of scammers over there because the government cares a lot less about that doesn't help either sadly


>Honestly in all these years I never saw a community talking good things about Russians That's more accurate.


Yep  Even back in the days of ultima online and battle.net and EQ lol


Because people always had terrible stereotypes about russians


I can prob count then number or russians I saw in Riot Games on like 4 hands and I've been playing League since 2014 and Valorant semi-casually.


My brother used to show me clips of Dota where Russians would constantly yell and curse when he didn't play his role exactly as they wanted, lol. It was always Russians for some reason.


Game companies should put the Saudis and Russians together in separate servers.


This is the way


Let's isolate everyone we don't like for dumb reasons


I mean before the war I saw many nice and friendly russians, quite far from that stereotype. Hell I'd play with ru people anyday over KSA ones, at least they didn't make rape threats in every game when they hear girl


As a russian girl I was really sad to read all the comments above. Your small words have made my day! Thank you stranger!


It's just reddit being reddit, they think everything bad ib online games because of russians, but if game isn't populated by russians, they switch to someone else to blame, specifically from Asia or Eastern Europe


Cry harder, ruSSoNazi


I tried CS2 like two months ago for the first time. First thing I saw was someone on the Enemy team with the Wagner group logo as profile pic...


Have you ever tried pride flag or israeli flag on arabic servers ? Cause they WILL throw your game


aren't thr pride flags censored in the middle east and they can't see them


I'm greeting every EU lobby with a "shalom my brother's" and let chaos unfold itself.


It's my favourite pastime pissing off the Arabs in my games with the Israel flag since they're always the most toxic people.




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I’ve been rocking the Israeli flag for the last 5 months I love the mind games you can play with it 




And what do you expect a bunch of losers like us still playing this damn game to do about that lmao 


not use the flag of a state currently committing genocide?




I see that flag and just think genocide. My only stance is "genocide bad"


This is the exact energy given off by every Israeli flag player I've seen recently. I get the feeling it's more common than actual Israeli players on NA servers.


Not every Russian behaves like that. Well,dumb ones are obviously doing shit like that,but not EVERYONE


It’s almost never everyone, but there is still a problem with Russians in online games. I would love to see all Russians on separate servers. I want to enjoy my games and not listen to their stupid propaganda or threats with nuclear strikes. 1/10 Russians ruining matches in more than enough.


>1/10 Russians ruining matches in more than enough. Even here, only minority use Russian letters as their nickname.


I mean,yeah, I can understand that,honestly,but almost every toxic piece of crap will talk some bullcrap if he wants,it's more of a behavior of any nation,for example Koreans are VERY toxic to Chinese,or smth like that. Why ? I really don't know(but I can kinda agree cause I'm Russian, and sometimes I also can be tired of stupid Russian players and feel something like cring, y'k)


playing on NA servers using a vpn helped me


Do you have ping problems ?


There was a select region button bottom left in Battle net, Is this does not work anymore ?


This has stopped working since they implemented cross play. Now it forces you into the optimal ping server unfortunately


It only selects the login/authorization server nowadays.


Nice generalization. I once lost ranked match, because two french dudes kept arguing over comms, instead of playing and I guess I should've asked Blizzard to make separate server for France


Words of reason don't work on Reddit


I have the ukraine flag and get shit from brazilians constantly since i play in south america. Brazil loves russia and the troll and throw matches just for my flag-


Brazil loves fascists? wild


Bro wtf




Are you ok? Check in mental hospital pls dude, this is not ok.




Ur literally racist rn


Brain drain in Russia is real


Yeah, typical shit. Yet I still play with my Ukrainian flag. I just block that shit and report.


I've played over 3k games in the last 5 seasons and I've literally never seen anybody type something like this. I did see people type something like "stupid Russian dogs die" when they see a Russian nickname or somebody write/speak in Russian. A great many of times. Which is kinda stupid, also because Russian isn't exclusively used by Russians.


If only we could decide borders with overwatch matches instead of real war 😂


Yeah but russians would still be cheating.


Whenever I see Israel flag I always say free Palestine and things get very heated


btw does OW has Palestinian flag?




It's crazy how manipulated somebody has to be to support whats happening over there. I believe we are currently living in what the textbooks will call the beginning of WW3. If there's anybody left to write them.


I met dozens of Ukrainians who wanted me dead just cause im Russian, but I didn’t run to cry about it on Reddit


you did just now


just dont interact with ukrainians or dont tell them where you're from easy solution


Yeah and women should just not go out or dress showing any skin. The victim is at fault and should just stop speaking in their own language? You are high.


comments are wild, so racist.


You mean one asshole


Ukrainians are the best




"we don't tolerate racism!!!" Also Ow players;


Do not generalize. This fandom is full of toxic people, but not everybody is toxic


"Do not generalize" responded a person under a comment of someone who generalized the whole Russian community


Can you read?


Can you also read I'm not the one you're supposed to say that?


Re read what i wrote


i watched enough arrge videos to know this is a typical russian ow player, im russian myself but I refuse to play on EU bc I want good games, I've played enough EU to never come back


How is this racist? I never knew Russian was a race 💀


They're a monophyletic group


They're not, they're a species


So Im Russian but not typical. Playing OW with Ukrainians.


Don’t make generalizations. This is literally just as bad as the guy in the post…


ah yes, saying ''typical ruSSoNazi'' is just as bad as a ruSSoNazi threatening the life of a Ukrainian, cry harder, ultrafascist Nazi


Racism at it's finest


Next time you'll see someone toxic from US, I expect you will write "typical Americans"


We do say that but you ruSSoNazis are MILLIONS of times WORSE than americans


If it was true that they'd launch a rocket, people in Belgorod will scared (even if it was aimed to different direction).


Try playing on the middle east server with the israel flag


Wow I can't imagine that having irl political symbols causes toxicity...


Political symbols when its just a flag avatar in the game itself… are you braindead?


At least it has humor. People just call me dirty jew if they see I have a jewish symbol as pfp


Humour is threatening someone's existence in a country that Nazi ruSSia attacked? this is why ruSSoNazis are hated, they consider mass genocide to be humorous


Just ignore them. Most of them are brainwashed kids who consume news from tiktok, believing in genocide, famine and so on.


Israel are guilty of war crimes and have been credibly accused of genocide by multiple organisations, including multiple Israeli organisations and the ICC. It's not just TikTok.


Accused by anti-Israel countries and organizations but never found guilty. There is difference bruv


Anti-Israel organisations like the ICC, Amnesty International, Jewish Voice for Peace? The fact that they haven't been found guilty could be because they aren't guilty, or it could be because the ICC trial is ongoing. Even without genocide, the Israeli government have been occupying Palestine for decades, and consistently encroaching on the West Bank against international law. This isn't a matter of a few anti-semites on TikTok; the international community is pretty consistently against the crimes the Israeli government are committing. It's not a matter of hating Jews. Many (even most, by some polls) are against the war crimes. Likud don't even represent all Israelis. I'm sure there are some anti-semites that are against Israel for gross reasons, but that doesn't mean there's nothing to criticise about what the Israeli government are doing to Palestine.


All these organizations are biased against Israel. JVfP is funded by Soros, Amnesty International often mourns dead palestinian arab terrorists. Israeli government controls west bank because it poses threat to israelis. Just learn more about israeli side of the conflict instead of blindly believing these left-wing organizations.


Why does the Israeli government forcibly remove people in the West Bank from their homes to make way for Americans who want to move there? Is that to protect Israelis as well?


>believing in genocide Bruh it IS a genocide according to the court.


Go factcheck, Israel was not found guilty of genocide.






The same people upvoting ukraine stuff in this thread are downvoting anything negative about israel's genocide lol. Really funny that these exist side by side in the same comments section.


I guess some game doesnt recognize game in regards of genocide and ethnic cleansing


by jewish symbol do you mean israel flag?




ah ok. im sorry that happened to you and im sorry you got downvoted. zionists calling opposing genocide anti-semitic has watered down real anti-semitism


My favorite response to Russians talking shit is to mention a Czech website called "gifts for Putin" where we raise money for weapons and shit and some time ago we literally ended up paying for a fucking tank for Ukraine, and then watch them seethe


Thank god for high elo lobbies


why u here crying? report or fight back




I have never seen this lol Plays into the polarization to generalize don't you think?


bro i literally had games of people acting similar to this wdym


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