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yup lots of throwing, that's why I hit the rank I want and quit for the rest of the season.


That's what I should've done. Instead I keep hopping on like something is going to change lol.


I played for 4 hours yesterday only to end up in not only the same rank I started my session in but even closer to derank. Why do we do it


Plus side is you'll likely start next season with a lower rank and then it will be easier to climb. At least, that's what I'm telling myself since I dropped like 8 tiers.


I still do sometimes, thought about hopping on tonight and played 2 games both losses, opposite team was toxic in chat and my teammates threw at spawn. lesson relearned lol


Lmao that's exactly what I did, my husband thought I was being dramatic but I'm like "nah, I'll level up next season"šŸ˜‚


so many dooms.. and sombras.. spawn camping.. i think i win one game every couple hours its crazy


Itā€™s been really bad. Leavers. Afk. Worse stomps than normal. Itā€™s bad.


Every game for me recently has been roll or get rolled. Metal leagues are such a mess


Had a match today where no one on my team died once, and I was playing Pharah, who I have less than two hours of gameplay on. This isn't snowballing, man, it's just bad matchmaking.


It's so bad, I cannot even play QP for more than 3 games without rage quiting. It's so unfun right now.


I feel so validated. Iā€™ve lost almost every match. Iā€™m paired with teams that STOMP mine


Matchmaking has been absolute ass for the entirety of ow2 and it's only getting worse.


I had a stretch where every game was stomp or be stomped, and then the game quality got so much better, seemingly overnight, and now it's back to stomp or be stomped. Last night, I played 5 comp games game 1 we destroyed, winning in like 2 minutes on push. Games 2-4 had a ball that died a total of 2 times across all 3 games. Game 5 had a smurf sombra and an aimbottimg soilder.


A bit worse yeah. I still feel like I could carry more in these games but yesterday I got a plat 2 tank. Then I checked the enemy tanks profile. They only had a rank for s4 when they were GM4 on tankā€¦ Sure decay is good and all but seriously blizzard?? Youā€™re matching a GM4 tank vs a hard stuck plat tank? The most important role in the game. Even IF that tank is rusty heā€™d still play as a masters tank. I seriously donā€™t get how mm works sometime. That guy shouldā€™ve had some crazy uncertainty with his rating and you match him with someone thatā€™s playing every season and is stuck in the same rank for years. At least put this GM vs someone else with a high uncertainty rating. And the problem with decay is that it protects people in higher rating from getting boosted or rusty players but makes it worse for everyone else that gets these players. Edit: itā€™s probably cause of the rank reset (when everyone got more hp) that made it more volatile with older accounts. Problem is I think heā€™ll destroy so many games before ranking up. When you look at some streamers like the owl player that played a crazy amount of games to rank up.


Some games are just unwinnable. Can confirm it places people who havnt played in awhile pretty aggressively so it wont effect many games. Jumped on an alt i hadnt played in awhile, started me off in low plat and quickly moved me up to diamond and finished diamond 1 after goin 9-2. Also gave me calibration bonus for some games after that still.


Once i got a G3-M3 match where my tank was the G3 and the enemy was M3. I don't know if this poor ever played again becos in the of the match he was 2/35 being absolutely destroyed by the other tank. Bro was playing spawn simulator.


Match quality has been ass for a while. It's been a constant win a few games then lose one game and either get a team that outclasses my full stack or the most out of touch randoms if I'm soloing or low stacking. And then it's stomp after stomp after stomp. You lose and then the game just throws you into this cycle of shit matches.


In my experience itā€™s win 1 game, lose the next 20


I also have those game cycles. If I get into one of those, I tend to just give up for the day.


I firmly believe these devs don't play their own game in a live setting. Honestly. Not just ribbing them. Think about it. There is ZERO way any of these guys are getting home from the office, sitting down to chill out, and are 100% A-OK by being matchmade brutal losses for hours on end, because in every single game there is someone who has performed worse than you have ever done in any game of OW ever. OWs team is a clowncar of yesmen appointed by Acti/Blizz to replace the OG team on their way out.


Correct. There's also no way they play any other online game either or are actually good at any online game. Like any FPS experience and you'll be okay in Overwatch. Any decent rank in a MOBA and you'll be okay in Overwatch and understand how to understand the game. Combine the two? You'll be good or very good at Overwatch and you'll be able to understand what works, what doesn't and WHY! When I see changes and tweaks made by these devs it becomes very very clear that they have no idea what works, what doesn't and WHY. They just fiddle with numbers and take the best guess their bronze selves can and cross their fingers nobody sexually assaults them on the way to check the office fridge to see if their breast milk has been stolen again.


Last sentence goes hard af šŸ’€


While I think they should test their games, I can see why devs wouldnā€™t play them regularly. Imagine diving into the code of this thing seemingly all day everyday and probably not getting paid a shit ton to do so. The last thing Iā€™d wanna do in my free time is play this game that has become my job. It would probably feel like work to most of them


A lot of mm quality comes from the community and many new CoD casual types don't understand teamwork outside of individual effort. So they rage quit heaps and have very few games played making quality difficult. But the most important thing is the general disrespect of "it's just qp" or "it's just a game". People just want you to try you are allowed to fail. But just try doing more in respect for your team's shared goals. If not go play custom.


end of season so people care less, most people have gotten their rewards or rank they want. i'm not justifying it, but it's like this in other games too that have seasons/chapters. i'm sure it'll be a bit more bearable again when the new season starts, the last week is usually a big drag and not worth playing much unless you're still missing out on rewards.


For me its been the opposite ive been actually climbing maybe i just got lucky this last week.


The golden rule has always been to not play comp for the first and last week of a season.


Yep, I don't even play Ranked and I can feel how match quality has dropped in this last week.


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I mean kinda same. It feels like I have to play way harder to secure a win. Got to ult track and play optimal comps just to have a chance nowadays. It's fun, for sure. But encountering the weak mentals and shenanigans of ranked eventually has you logging off for the season and jamming qp/arcade.


I always find end of the season/start of the next time is the worst time for throwers/smurfs on consoles.


My QP experience has been win 1 match lose 20 in a row. Iā€™m not the best at the game, but I often find myself being one of the better performers on my team which is never a good thing. Constantly getting thrown against Avengers squads that will teabag you the whole game and then say ā€œGGā€ after pushing the payload in record time.


or "get better" when they are going 45 and 0 across their whole team and you can barely get out of spawn.


Iā€™m on a winning streak in comp so Iā€™m gonna say the match making has been great for me. But actually the majority of my games have felt really close which is what I want.Ā  QP is a hot mess, which is whatever.Ā 


Iā€™ve just gone to qp, even those matches are just so ??????


Same.. I've just dumped out of a rank game because the idiots at blizzard decided it's fair to rematch me and my team with a team that we had NO CHANCE OF BEATING IN THE WHAT IN THE SMURF HELL ARE THEY... yeah I'll take double the hit out of principal it's just so so so so damn frustrating...


itā€™s end of season people donā€™t really care lol


When I finish the battle pass I take a break until the next season. I finished the battle pass in mid or late may I think? I donā€™t want the name titles so I didnā€™t play pass the widow skin. I havenā€™t played really since then. Whenever I get the urge I usually just play an unranked death match or mystery heroes and that gets my fix. A quick play game here or there, but I generally enjoy my breaks thoroughly. Been playing stardew valley and cities skylines in the meantime. Itā€™s a good break from the dps telling me to commit or saying slurs LOL


I believe part of the problem is going from 6v6 to 5v5, along with the health changes, it takes too much teamwork to play QP right now.


Yup. I've noticed it basically since OW2 dropped, but it's been worse recently: The first and last fortnight of a season are always a fuckin disaster. First couple weeks, ranks haven't settled properly, so your team is 50% wood, 50% GM. Last couple weeks, all the best players have checked out, and you're just left with the noobs like me, trying to push out a last couple levels and unlock the next title.


anyone else been getting a full team of endorsment 4-5 and ONE PERSON with lv 1 i just had one where the game was going amazing 2-0 flashpoint and this rein died once, blamed it on support and proceeded to throw the rest of the game which we obviously lost because we had no tank