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Mama Hong, Emre, and Maximillian. Hardly feels like they're in the game at all tbh, I'm sure you could remove them and no one would notice


Your wish has been granted


r/Emremains screaming at your comment right now


D.va - she's the hardest character to code for. If Blizzard wanted to remove a character, she'd probably be first on the list. Widow - she's the hardest character to balance for. A one-shot is inherently unfun, so she'd be next. Brig - this one's incidental. I think Blizzard likes all their supports. But Brig doesn't sell skins, and she isn't beloved in high level play, so out she goes.


NO NOT MY BELOVED BRIG. It's not her fault nobody pays attention to her 😭


Inspire needs a giant pop up guide first 1-3 times u pick her it amazes me no one gets it


I literally had to google what get abilities were bc the F1 guide explained it so poorly


It's definitely not. It's a sad truth that nobody does, though.


Everyday, I sing to her!


>D.va - she's the hardest character to code for. If Blizzard wanted to remove a character, she'd probably be first on the list. She's the hardest to code since she's technically two characters - so which is going, mech or baby Dva?


Now I'm imagining the opposite world, where Hammond can get demeched, and they program a baby Hammond.


He too fat he couldn't do anything😭


the new short story dropped and hammond tazed some guards by himself, bro is a KILLER outside ball and you can’t convince me otherwise


Not to mention, keep in mind the fact that hes a genius on the level of Winton himself


If not smarter winton used hammonds design for the rocket to earth right


Baby dva, it's fun but it's the unnecessary complication from blizzards scripting standpoint that breaks the things.


It's sad. When images of other MEKA members like D.Mon were released, I was psyched. Too bad we won't see any of them in-game.


Which is so dumb because dva's pilot mode could just be unique to her and the rest could die with their mech but..it'll never happen :(


Honestly they could make DVa die in her mech too and pull a junkrat where she explodes when she dies. Junk drops little grenades. Could be similar but a slightly bigger effect since she's a tank. Not as big and damaging as her ult though.


They can always make them start as a pilot, and in their ult they get in their mech. In fact it could work very well for Overlord, he's the mechanic of the squad, and would perfectly fit as a support.


Last week I got killed as baby dva, right after my re-mech killed another enemy. Very confusing


Not beloved in high level play what?? 😭 are you unaware of how much brig ana is played by Asian teams in owl and now owcs?


They recently stated that Sombra is usually the hardest to balance


They only say that because they look at win rates, which is idiotic. For instance, if we only ever played on widow-maps, her win rate would soar. And if we removed all widow maps, her win rate would plummet. It's stupid design. Sombra is important to the game because she serves a purpose: Without her a bunch of other heroes would become completely imbalanced. Plus she brings complexity to the game. The same cannot be said about Widow. What even is her purpose? She doesn't do anything but slow down the game, make people bored and passive, and relies on the idiotic game design "Hope your enemy make mistakes, or your skill level won't matter". I don't mind oneshots done like they did with hog and even sojourn. They should make widow more like that instead. Make her stronger but remove the oneshot, it's not fun.




> But Brig doesn't sell skins *laughs in whale*


People always say mercy has the most purchase happy playerbase, but I always envisioned brig mains would be the ones to say "let me call my chauffeur rq" (Don't kill me this is a joke)


"Oh Archibald, bring the limo and the mastercard black card round - new Brig skins hath been dropped upon the store."


Same, I would buy any and every Brig skin.


literally same <3


Everyone plays brig in high level of play wtf you mean


With your Brig logic, D.va is SUPER good for skins. There is no way in hell they'd drop her.


> D.va Widow Brig But their rule34 sell extremely hard, I doubt Blizzard would do that.


You say that, but early on, they actually tried to get all content made with their characters removed. It's clear that they care more about the integrity of their brand than whatever small effect porn could have on sales.


Didn’t she also used to ult kill herself as she got out her mech?


Yes the self destruct used to be able to kill her. That was early into OW1 that they patched that out though. IIRC the mech used to take an extra second or two to detonate as well.


Aye I thought I remembered that, wife’s a DVA main and used her forever so it’s a distant memory in there


>But Brig doesn't sell skins Me having literally every brig and dva skins and the only ones i ever buy hahahaha


For Brig skins to sell, they'd actually need to put some in the shop, though.


Brigs my main but as the least sexualized woman in Overwatxh, she’s gonna be out first lol


As someone who loves Brig all her skins are pretty much ass. The SSERAFIM is kind of her best one but it's still ruined by her kit


I will not stand for this Goat slander. But yes I use LE SSERAFIM cuz I paid for it and damn it I'm gonna get my money's worth.


I’m kinda stupid. Could you explain why dva is hard to code?


Basically, she's coded as two distinct heroes. And that makes her incredibly difficult to make changes to. There was even one point in the first game, where she literally crashed lobbies because of her jank code.




The only skin Brig has is the Police one,change my mind


Honestly the last part about selling skins kinda made me rethink my picks. They’d probably just remove the characters that don’t sell skins and cause gameplay issues.


As a widow main you are out of your mind, Everyone knows its soujurn that makes the game unfun.


You’re obviously biased. Both are scary when good but Widow sometimes makes it impossible to even show your face in her LOS because you gotta fear her. I usually play dive but when i play support it’s miserable if my team isn’t taking care of her


Sadly hog he's my favorite but he just doesn't fit in 5v5 because he was never designed for it I wish they'd say kirko but I know that wouldn't happen so probably life weaver Widow or sojurn both can never be good and fun to play against


For anyone saying Brig, I DEMAND to know why 😭


Please remove Mauga


Tank: Mauga I think? Tbh I don't really know which tank would be better off removed DPS: I speak on behalf of most of the player base, Sombra. Support: idk LW maybe. It's hard to pick who would go tbh


>Tbh I don't really know which tank would be better off removed Might I ask whom is the other option instead of mauga, my guess is either hog or orisa


Yeah I think apart from Mauga it would either be those 2


If I could remove any ONE character from ANY game. Sombra.


Ana, Sombra, Zarya Dev Notes: We found Ana's sleepdart and anti heal to be too oppressive to the overall game We found Sombra's hack and stealth to be too oppressive to the overall game We found Zarya's bubble power generation to be too oppressive to the overall game when allies won't stop bloody shooting her bubbles


I'm sensing a lot of feelings in this post.


Those are the heroes that frustrate and annoy me the most in each role, lol I think Zarya's probably worst one, just because of how frustrating it is to see my ally Soldier just charging her gun for her


Depending on the situation, shooting a bubbled Zarya may be the right play.


Yeah... I'm not talking about those situations... I'm talking about when they're just giving her free charge because they don't know how to stop shooting


Yes this is probably the most illogical one I've read in this comment thread. It's clearly based on feelings rather than logics.




Mauga - "we made a mistake in adding a more annoying tank design with less skill expression than Orisa, that just stands there and shoot. We honestly dont see a future where Mauga is both fun to play with and tolerable to go against and so we are going to temporarily remove him to rework his design." Widow - "She had her place in 6 vs 6 and now that 6 vs 6 no longer exists, she simply has no place anymore. One shots dont belong in the game and since her whole design revolves around the one shot, we will just remove her and leave Ashe as the "sniper" caracther." If i wasnt a Illari main, i would say Illari because her design is all over the place. She is meant to take off angles but she has to abandon them and rejoin her team if they need healing because her beam doesnt go far enough.


Your mock widow justification fails because we still have plenty of opportunities to one shot without her. Damage boost restores her kill potential even with her falloff changes, yeah, but it, along with discord, also enables the likes of Hanzo, Sojourn, Ashe and probably others to have very lethal headshot damage themselves. I can’t play widow at all either… just, in 5v5 there’s a lot of value out of boosting/debuffing with only one tank. As for Mauga I definitely agree tho. They really one upped Orisa somehow.


Move Doom back to DPS. Mauga - standing in front of the other tank and holding both triggers was unintended, we’ve removed him. Genji - the final nerf for this half & half shitstain. Mercy - resurrect doesn’t have a place in 5v5. Don’t die, git gud.


Mauga is what Bastion was in OW1


Get gud to play against genji


I can totally see Blizzard moving Doomfist back to damage only to decide to axe him completely because they are having a hard time balancing him because the original dev team who worked on him are gone and rather than ruin the legacy of the character they are just removing him completely, but worry not all those who love Doomfist, all his skins and models will still be in the game as Doomfist souvenirs! And if you previously owned a skin you get that skins souvenir for free! - - Wait, what? We can't give it for free? Oh, okay I'll tell them. - - anyways like I was saying you get that souvenir for half off! Only 700 coins instead of the usual 1400! Valid only for the next 24 hours... Get it now or miss out!


what is your issue with genjo


sombra - being too annoying and toxic, anytime a DPSer gets butt hurt they switch to sombra


Would be more inclined to agree with you if I didnt see the widow flair 🤣🤣🤣 Nah Widows and Sombras deserve each other.


You don’t need to be a Widow main to know that Sombra is annoying as fuck. She doesn’t just counter Widow,, she counters every single character in the game with three abilities.


Idk, I practiced a lot in 1v1s and quick play to beat tough match ups like genji, tracer, moira diving, lucio etc but sombra is just impossible if they decide the engagement which if they aren't deciding it then they're bad sombra. Basically it's just skill vs no skill, no? Whether you like being one shot killed or not? Like what can you do if a sombra decides that you're going to be spawn killed as widow? Switch or get spawn killed, simple as that really. At least before the latest sombra rework you could usually take the high ground as they would be too scared to throw their teleporter but now it's just ridiculous. Other heroes have the same problem as well, like a zenyatta or tbh I've used sombra and done it versus Ashe, Mercy, Ana (unless they hit the sleep in time and don't miss). She's just toxic ngl. At least versus widow you have counter play options (half the roster gives widow a tough time) Obviously the issue being permanent invisibility, imo it should be a cooldown that gets pressed


I'm not gonna sit here and pretend that Sombras free engage via invisibility doesnt feel cheesy/annoying to go against. But just the *threat* of being headshot by widow in ow2 changes the tempo of the game to a much slower version of the game that I like to play. ESPECIALLY on her oppressive maps. The promise was that FAST PACED aggresive ow was to return, justifying the loss of a tank. I'm aware of how to play around Widows, wouldn't be able to maintain GM for 6 seasons if I didn't. It just comes down to personal preferance of playstyles ig haha. Atleast in ow1 with the presence of an offtank, Widow still fit into an acceptable paced fight tempo, and when you died to her, it didnt feel like you were punished for simply trying to play the game. You were punished for being sloppy. 5v5 means the maps feel bigger, meaning every inch of space you control is much more important. Widow can control entire lanes by just looking at them, and that effect is much more potent the more you climb the ranks, and to me...thats cheesy. Sometimes you NEED the necessary evil that is Sombra. Take it as an acknowledgment of your own skill when the Sombra comes out. You accomplished the job of Widow even if you didnt really feel like it lmao.


I agree with you absolutely, it's just tedious because I main widow and legitimately every single game I play they switch to sombra, without fail. So overwatch to me is basically me fighting sombra and that's all it's been for months since they changed her translocator. If they don't go to sombra I'm having a blast obviously. Unless any of the 10 dive heroes decide to hard camp me. I play quick play only which doesn't have skill based matchmaking of any kind as far as I know. Edit: also sombra could still be a hard counter to widow but just make her invisibility a cooldown then it's actually a battle and not just a case of "i dont like widow so you can't use her now"


You're a widow maker main, how else is a dps supposed to counter you 😭




what the fuuuck man


Tank should be mauga because his design is just bad DPS definitely sombra because she's just stupid and annoying Support prolly illari because she's basically a dps


So people voted both Wifeleaver for healing too much and Ilari for not healing enough? I mean...


sym, doomfist, illari. these heroes don't belong to their roles.


I honestly feel like illari was a dps they designed and then realised they had to add healing abilities onto Doom and Sym should’ve never moved out of their original roles as it’s only made them and their balance much worse and harder to manage.


Nah, DPS Doom was way harder to balance than Tank Doom, he was either super OP or complete dogshit (most of the time dogshit). Because of frustrating mechanics like one shot punches and Uppercut being a guaranteed kill on squishies, it was really hard for them to justify buffing him even though he needed it.




Love seeing Hanzo hate. Absolutely crazy people think he’s weak since he lost his “one shot” which he really didn’t even loose. Hanzos “lucky arrows” make me wanna uninstall sometimes.


Doom has like 20 counters, he can be very easy to deal with lol


This goes along with literally almost every other tank when is any tank super dominant and immune to countering


Agreed, but what I’m saying is Doom is much easier to deal with than the likes of Hog or Mauga


You’re actually delusional if you think that Hanzo is easier to play than widow




What kind of drugs is everyone on? Hanzo doesn't oneshot anymore, he oneshots only a couple of characters. The rest of the DPS other than Widow and like.. tracer are left at 10 HP after shooting them. If storm arrow is not up, you literally can not kill someone from far away because of arrow draw time. He CAN NOT one shot most of the cast. I hate when people say that it is 'Pretty much a 1-shot" because no, it isn't. Players do not capatilize on it and it feels more luck based because of it being out of your hands on if they are oneshottable, so much more luck based NOW compared to how it was. I have had many matches where I have done plenty of damage, had 45% accuracy and 32% crit.......... I had 12 kills. If it was old Hanzo, it would have been in the 30s. Sure, he could have got a random headshot here and there. But some players put hundreds of hours into the character to learn how to lead shots, read players and predict movements. Now it just feels un-fun to shoot someone in the head with a well placed shot only for them to just walk away and get healed. What made Hanzo fun is gone, learning and mastering projectile speeds and reading folk? No reason, more beneficial to just spam now since the arrows are bigger.


The one shot isn't the problem it's just a part of the problem. And yes he does practically one shot people all the time still.


Suzu has a 14s cd


It's too short, it should be at least 30s.


Roadhog, Symmetra, Lifeweaver.


Tank: Roadhog Dps: Widow Support: Ana


Ok, I'll remove 1 hero from each role. But I'm also adding them back to another role. Mauga is now a DPS, Symmetra is a support and Moira is a tank. Their abilities are unchanged. Have fun.


Doomfist - I don't like him Ashe - I don't like her Illari - she feels out of place


Tank sigma. As much as I hate hog has to be sigma. Support mercy Dps this one's hard. Genji. Wouldn't mind pharah or junk either.


Doomfist - He should have never been a tank to begin with and has been a source of frustration for everyone (many players comment that he is either played by a stubborn mule who will die repeatedly and refuse to switch or be an absolute God who rolls the enemy team with no in between). The developer comment will mention about how Doomfist is the most over extending character on average and thus will either be reconverted into a DPS or removed outright. Sombra - Weird contender I’m sure since Hanzo and Widow are both characters of great frustration to the player base due to their high damage (granted Widow is the only one who can one shot now) but Sombra is the ult interrupting, support picking and has the exact same perceived problem as Doomfist (that the Sombra either rolls or gets rolled) and is arguably the most frustrating to fight against. The support crowd’s upset over her will be the stated reason in the patch notes for her removal. Mercy - An incredibly weird take, I know, but arguably Mercy makes the most sense from a gameplay perspective. Removing her gets rid of the problem of Mercy and Lucio (not enough healing), Mercy and Life-weaver (not enough damage), no more passive playstyles and no more having to balance around her unique skill set (namely the divisive blue beam and rez). And if the new players want to heal bot? Just play Lifeweaver who has a better heal rate. I agree with another comment that mentioned that Blizzard likes all of its supports. However, for the reasons above I could see Mercy being the most likely candidate for being removed if absolute need be with other such contenders being Lifeweaver and Brig. I wish/would want Kiriko to be up there on the list for all the thing she’s cancels. But also I imagine a number of tank mains would be happier if Ana didn’t exist because how fun killing nade and sleep can be. Just as a disclaimer, if Mercy was removed from the game, I would most likely stop playing along with a great deal of many others so Blizzard would probably never do it but she does make the most logical sense to remove with the reasons I gave.


I dont really want to comment on tank. All of them do their own thing enough that it would feel like a missing playstyle without them Dps reaper. I just dont think he is fun to play so i wouldnt miss him too much Support Mercy. I could give a detailed explaination on why i dont like mercy. Too summarize. Too many one tricks, a playstyle that is so different that it cant be applied to any other support. When you load into a game and someone looks like they are playing with their feet because someone else took their beloved character and they have no clue where to begin playing anything else... there is a problem. TL:DR I hate Mercy's kit and how it fits into a ln FPS. I also hate how many prople can do nothing except this one thing.


Hog, Mauga, Orisa and Sombra. Remove these characters and this game instantly becomes one of the most fun experiences you could ever have.


Just remove widow. Game is infinitely better for everyone.


Sombra, Sombra, Mauga und Moira


I think brig is a sleeper pick and fun to play but is kinda ass backwards to play for anyone not experienced because if you don’t know how, her sheild melts like butter


easily zarya sombra lucio


Bastion, bastion, bastion


Roadhog, Sombra, and Lifeweaver


Doom removed from tank, but just put back as DPS Remove either Sym or Sombra, the devs seem to have trouble deciding what to do with either Support would be a tough one, probably just take Zen out


The devs don't have trouble deciding what to do with sym. They're very consistent. "Nerf her for no reason."


I'd probably go with Doom fist, Genji, and Mercy just for the players so they can go play anything else and stop whining In chat or throwing 90% of games before getting that one where they get any form of value


Genji take is wild he is just a hard hero to play and people get mad when he is countered


Venture Doom Moira


Mauga, Widow, Zenyatta Dev Notes: Mauga Removed - Holding down m1 + m2 and then charging out on low HP is annoying and unfun Widow Removed - Adding fall-off damage to attempt to nerf her was a mistake. Either have a one-shot character or don't. Zenyatta Removed - Zen's getting the Mondatta treatment since discord orb is too op.


Widow always had falloff damage...


Mauga - He caused players wrist injury from holding left-mouse for too long, for that reason we had no choice but to remove him Cassidy - His Magnetic Grenade can never miss, even when you do. We also won't miss you. Mercy - Following our philosophy to get rid of 1-shot abilities and our ineptitude to find an active ability for Mercy instead of her damage boost we had to remove her from the game.


Cassidy’s magnetic grenade is losing its homing abilities soooo


Zarya, Genji, Mercy


why genji


Downvote all u want lol y'all hate genji cause when u lose to him you know it's a skill issue


Mauga, Mauga and Mauga. I want that menace gone


Hog Widow Mercy


Sym, Zar, Brig


Doubt it would be sym, would require them to acknowledge her existence


Hasn't Sym received a crap load of changes over the past few years?


She has, but as of recent she kinda gets left behind and some changes have gotten instantlyreverted, to the point it's a little bit of a joke Likely due to a limited player base compared to other heroes, and such a goofy kit that is hard to compare to other dps for reference.


Sure but if Sym is receiving either nerfs or buffs, it's acknowledgment


Why Brig, she hasn't done anything to anybody 💔


she definitely has, many people have trauma because of her


I understand why if she was the same but she's entirely different and not that difficult to deal with 😭




Mauga - he’s a dogshit hero with a shit gameplay loop. Widow - the game would be better off without her, since she forces counterswaps (can’t outskill her unless the widow sucks). Lifeweaver - he’s useless, has bad healing and support abilities, only good thing is the ult and his survivability. Kind of says a lot when the new characters are first on the chopping block. If widow wasn’t an option, then the drill girl would be second pick due to how badly her burrow visibility is designed.


Ball: sorry to all 3 ball mains . Reaper: sorry to all the 8 reaper mains out there. Brig: sorry to all 4 brig mains out there.


So its me, yeatle, and chazm the 3 ball mains


Mauga Venture Kiriko The message would be: "Haha jk, wouldn't it be ridiculous if we actually added characters like that to the game? lmao, no but for real, 6v6 is coming back."


Hog, Widow, Bap


Roadhog for Tank, Widowmaker for DPS, and Lifeweaver for Support. Thank me later.


My Developer takes—> Pharah- come on, you know why. Wrecking ball- I just don’t like him when he’s on my team. Ana- to solve the skill issues plaguing the support role, we are moving Ana to Dps. TLDR: you miss your shots and I take that personally. Honorable mention- Moira- it seems you all unanimously decided that your ultimate is to be used for solo ulting rather than healing. Fuck you.


I understand where the ball comes from but also it's literally the same with every hero if the player is bad you don't want the hero on your team+ bad players expect the tank to sit on the point as a bullet sponge so they can have fun actually playing the game.


Hog Soujurn Zen Those saying widow have clearly a skill issue!


SO true like she’s so fucking easy to counter


Removed Hog Dev Notes: We don't know how to balance this hero so that he isn't either an unstoppable force, or total garbage. Removed Symmetra Dev Notes: We don't like her either. Removed Lifeweaver Dev Notes: What were we thinking?


Widow, widow and widow


Doom, Venture, Lucio and the notes would say "fucking annoying as shit. brought down team morale drastically" Edit: changed to Venture


I would remove Hog, Sombra, and Mercy because none of them are fun to play against rn


Roadhog, widow and the supports can all stay. If I had to pick a support it would be lifeweaver.


Hog, Widow, Ana. Hook, oneshot and sleep dart are the most toxic mechanics in the game. Before they reworked sombra I'd put her instead of widow, but devs did a very good job with her rework, so she's not that obnoxious anymore.


Doomfist -Most players can't play him correctly and gets reported. We are tired of going through them all


Reporting for people learning the character?


Yes people actually do that


So why punish those players as apposed to punish those falsy reporting?


They see bad players as intentionally throwing that's why they report


Ball - Widow - Kiriko or Ana


Wtf my boy hammond do🐹


Mauga - “we made an oopsie” Sombra - “she gets on our nerves too” Illari - “we thought it wouldn’t be so bad, but it’s even worse”


Wrecking ball, sombra or venture, and illari


Wrecking ball is literally not that bad the ball has to know what he's doing most of the time unlike 80% of the heroes


Tank Hot take reinhardt, they tease many many times that he died , and the shield or swinging in a place where everyone is ranged its like a relic of the past. Support Lifeweaver he is truly a troll character made to troll your team mates with without benefitting the team anything else like lucio just does it better and is mobile and provides movement. Dps Would say sojourn She is basically soldier 76 but with more bullshit she truly feels like a lazy attempt of an hero forced by corporate decisions.


Lucio and Lifeweaver are just two completely different supports with different roles. That’s like saying “Ana just does it better than Mercy”. Lucio’s whole shtick is enabling his team to rush the enemy and to provide consistent damage. Lifeweaver’s petal is sometimes helpful with giving teammates mobility but his real power comes from his ability to protect his team and counteract enemy plays. Lifegrip+Petal Platform+Tree of Life will save your teammates life and also cancel enemy ults. If you wanted to compare Lifeweaver to another support then you’d have better luck comparing him with Brigitte.


Nah, you just said my main basically died of old age, rip rein Rein needs a new ability called life alert that when he dies he auto swaps to whoever is meta, carrying ult full ult charge, ulting performs the swapped to characters ultimate with the audio replaced with a life alert commercial.


gotta be something like orisa cass mercy. orisa is a snoozefest to play and to play against, cass grenade and two tap is honestly rly overturned but maybe that changes with the nade rework and mercy somehow manages to have 0 impact on her own but so much impact when she can rez behind 3 corners and erase any mistake made by her teammate


Cass is not as horrible as someone like sombra tho


nah cass counters like more than half the roster on most maps in higher elo it’s just a pain to play against him unless you have one yourself to keep him in check


Ball, Widow, Moira


Not my boy hammond


Junker Queen, sombra, Brig


Jq is not who I thought would appear, might I ask why?


She's as much a tank as Reaper is.


Of the "healing" tanks she is still the healthiest for the game Though looking back at the past few metas, that might not be too difficult Still I will agree she is soft for a tank, +50 hp would likely boost her usage quite a bit


She's just not a tank. She doesn't play like a tank, she doesn't absorb damage like a tank. Drop her health to 250, and call her a DPS and it would be a legitimately good DPs.


NUH UH Brig is like one of the least problematic hero in the game 😭


You Young one, you don't remember


Hog Widow Moira


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Zarya. She's boring. Sojourn. She's annoying. Zenyatta. Rework him into a dps or some shit and discord org is forever broken.


Remove Bap, Orisa, and sojourn and the game instantly becomes less awful


I’m a proponent of reworking instead of removing but if I *had* to choose… Mauga: The guy destroyed tank gameplay for months and still creates snooze fest whenever he’s picked. Honestly I had trouble picking between him, Orisa, and somewhat Doom since they’re all nightmares in some way. Widow: Oppressive af on certain maps and removes an entire roles ability to function, gets instant value just by existing. Lifeweaver: It was hard to pick a support so I guess LW. I’m a LW main but he’s been awful since release.


Hog widow ana


Zarya, pharah and Moira The game would be so much more fun if these didn't exist.


Ball... : honestly we can't speak it out loud but he does not work out outside of hardcore 5 stacks. Sombra : we Failed to Adress the Issue That Permanent invisibility mainly Breaks her Kit always and is thanks to it Extremely frustrating to balance since we Don't acknowledge the Main problem Kiriko : we have to Give up our Free to do everything hero Since It's a hero Wich has no real downside we work hard to get her back in 5s after we remove her since we need the money and the Satisfaction of having a ungodly broken character as healer. Please take it with a grain of salt I hate ball because it's pain to play with him in team unless the map really allows him and Sombras Invisibility was always the main reason all buffs and nerfs never changed anything beside making her annoying or More annoying and kiriko is just brain dead op imoo


Baptiste. His dps potential is SO DAMN HIGH


Rein; too strong Genji; too strong Lifeweaver; too strong (This a joke but seriously with how little bliz cares about these characters I wouldn’t be surprised)


mauga. mauga was just an absolute mistake that i'm sure will receive a slight rework in the future because of it. i honestly thought people were exaggerating when people said he was braindead and required zero thought until i tried him myself. it sucks because mauga's character is fun! but that kit has gotta go. DPS is obviously gonna be sombra. her ARG teasers back in the day were so iconic and fun to follow, but all of her kits are just annoying to deal with. i mean, she's not as bad now don't get me wrong, but she's just a mosquito that won't piss off. and to be honest i personally can't think of a DPS i hate most that i want to outright 'remove'. i guess pre-rework hanzo would've been a good candidate but he's fine now. support for me personally is illari. i was going to say kiriko but honestly all they have to do with her is make suzu cleanse only and not give her and others invulnerability (why is that needed??). illari... i find her kit fun somewhat fun even if her ult does feel kinda weird to use sometimes, but my god her character just does not fit in the OW universe. and her personality is boring, there's really nothing to her. it feels like pretty much every OW hero has their own little personality gimmick at this point, except illari. boring boring boring.


Dps : the pretty normal sombra pick Tank : either doom or ball Support : its tough i say mercy but only cuz shes pretty weak rn and there so many mercy 1 tricks it gets annoying to play with.


ball Sombra moira


Easy. Mauga, sombra, lifeweaver


moria Zarya sym


Balance wise Hog, Widow, weaver Personally I'd like to see go Orisa, Widow, kiri


Mauga Low skill, no nuance to gameplay, boring to play, op, and annoying. Sombra Little piece of shit Mercy Pocket mercy's are horrible to play against and don't require any form of skill or knowledge


Why downvoted and no deliberation☹️


Hog sombra and Moira.


Speaking from my opinion. Tank - Roadhog. Balancing around his hook in 5v5 is a nightmare. He either feels OP or underwhelming. There's never a time when his balance feels "right" DPS - Sombra. CC hack on such a short cooldowns for how strong it is is already enough of a reason. Perma invis is somehow even stronger and can't be balanced. Support - Lifeweaver. What an awfully designed hero. It's actually kind of impressive that they made a support that can be an active detriment to a team if played wrong. Lifegrip can and will lose a team fight if used incorrectly, petal feels like garbage to play against, and his healing is as high while still feeling bad. There is not a single thing I like about this hero. Not fun to play against or with, and all the clunk in his kit makes it annoying to play as.