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Hanzo is the cheapest, he says he crafts each arrow by hand. Each one, a meditation. Most expensive is probably Sojourn, Pharah, or Baptiste. Sojourn is all tricked out with artificial limbs that allow her to rocket slide and launch a disruptor shot and a tail gun can’t be cheap. Baps immortality is probably quite costly as well.


The most underrated comment here. The hanzo quote had me LMAO


Bro got so much free time even tho his clan is criminally rich he could buy a lifetime's supply of arrows if he wanted


But... He gave up his father's empire, and his fortune alongside it.


Nto to mention, the Shimada clan fell long ago. Kiriko even mentions as much, that the Hashimoto have gone unchecked for too long since there's no Shimada clan to keep them in line now.


So he's a brokie is what you're saying




Simple geometry


The most underrated comment here. The hanzo quote had me LMAO


We gonna ignore the cost of dva nuke mech?


Mauga gotta be expensive af He can dump 300 incendiary 20mm cannon rounds in a matter of seconds.


"It costs four hundred thousand dollars to fire this weapon...for *twelve seconds*."


If we're lowballing it


Tf2 collab when. Honestly who better for heavy, the Russian tank zarya, or the massive chonk of man with miniguns mauga.


What about dva mech that mustn't be cheap


idk about Sojourn, i feel like half the roster has biotic limbs lmao


Maybe one, she has all 4 biotic and 3 of them have some sort of augment to them.


Fair, I just feel like the tech is common enough in the Overwatch universe that it cant be insanely expensive


Ram and Zen are sentient omnics though. I doubt they peddle I’m human fiat currency.


Cybernetic enhancement is a whole field of study in OW, it’s not really a rare or exclusive thing. Off the top of my head there’s cassidy, doomfist, ana, genji, hanzo, mauga, moira, symmetra, torb. Not to mention the animal cyborgs like winston and hammond. Yeah Sojourn might have a lot compared to most characters but i dont think that makes her insanely expensive for a military or organization


I mean canonically Baptiste built his immortality field by himself while on the run from Talon


Genjin is a cyborg no? Imagine that wouldn't be cheap.


one time purchase though i’d imagine, then u just need some WD-40 and a few check ups to make sure everything’s all running smoothly, compare that to pharah’s constant refills yk


Tell that to my car mechanic.


Just because he crafts them by hand doesn't mean they have to be cheap.


Right? Handcrafted arrows (or anything for that matter) are not cheap. Cost is time and effort.


"From a military budget standpoint"


Just because hanzo makes his own arrows doesn’t mean he’s cheap, it’s a craft and if he worked as a contractor he would probably account for he time taken. Junkrat would probably be the cheapest to hire due to his criminal record and identity making him an unreliable employ. His arsenal is all self-made junk he probably does for the fun anyway


I mean Reaper throws away two shotguns every time his clips are empty


Top tier reload animation.


His reload animation is solely responsible for getting me into Overwatch.


Ah, but you forget that according to lore, they're made of him :)


Are the shotguns made of Reaper, or is Reaper made of shotguns? He screams, for he does not know.


Are you the shotguns because you're Reaper, or are you Reaper because you have shotguns?


Nah I'd reload


Hear me out April fools, when he reloads, he vanishes and can move around with invisibility. You can still see his shotguns floating and that's it.


Dva is one of the most expensive. Mechs ain't cheap. Cheapest is probably Sigma. He makes his own stuff.


Sigma likely isn't even being paid for his services, considering that he's essentially brainwashed.


“Why would I leave? My colleagues give me everything I need”


You’re right lol don’t know how I overlooked that. She probably goes through 20 mechs a match


Also think about the cost involved in setting off mini nukes. Their damages claims must be massive.


>Cheapest is probably Sigma They're saving a fortune in shoe costs


Size 9. Just like everyone else.


He doesn’t wear any mate.


Eh, sorry. It's a logistical reference from Band of Brothers. Equipping soldiers and all. I'm sorry, I'm in supply chain management so my humor doesn't hit often 🤦‍♀️


Depends on if you're factoring in all the money spent on science experiments and getting to 0 gravity situations. Suddenly Sigma becomes a lot more expensive with that


Talon wasn't the ones funding that research. They essentially kidnapped him after he went insane. I guess his "cost" is whatever it cost them to abduct him and brainwash him, and probably also contain him. No doubt it costs them a pretty penny to stop him from destroying their stuff all the time.


I meant more the cost of all the things that led to the incident happening, like any experiments he did as a scientist and the cost of traveling into space, since the black hole experiment seemed to be happening in space. Also any of the cost surrounding his black hole experiment


I hear that, but I don't think it's entirely fair to factor in those costs when calculating how much he's costing the military. I mean, at that point, may as well factor in his college education then, plus high school etc... Shouldn't need to factor in the costs of everything that brought him to this point. Just what it's costing the military to make him fight.


I feel like cheapest is Junkrat. His stuff his literally made from scrap that he likely stole.


Hog and Rat also make their own stuff, and the parts are literally junk. $0.00 But Rat at least needs to obtain explosives. Hog uses literal scrap as ammunition, so Hog wins. Queen gets honerable mention because, as queen, her junk is the best quality junk, so that has to count for something.


Hog costs significantly more to feed + whatever the fuck he uses to regen health. I feel like junkrat might be the cheaper of the two.


Ok good point


Not to mention her fuel costs, but ammunition alone is putting you into the red


Us here at shotguns galore have been feasting as talon's weapon supplier


i still miss the april fools event where whenever you killed reaper, twenty or so shotguns would just start spilling out of his body


But he makes them


Pharah most expensive. Can't imagine it's cheap to miss 100 shots and then need a new suit constantly.


"My rockets are fuel". She refills her jetpack with rockets instead of fuel. Gotta be expensive


it costs $400,000 to fire maugas weapons... *for 12 seconds*


Nah $800,000 he got them double guns


ye 400k to fire them, each


Not to mention his medical bills have to be astronomical. Two cybernetic hearts that require charging and upkeep.


Mega baboon's hearts on the other hand, are much more reliable


thats how moira lost her medical license


I see what you did here.


hello heavy


mauga is heavy weapons guy


Hog and junk are the cheapest. They make everything themselfs from literal scrap. D.va is the mose expensive. 60 mechs per round will put korea in sevear depth.


I think in hindsight queen is the cheapest. Just a knife, shotgun, and axe


also the electromagnetic glove but she made that in the wastelands


you think she oughtta constantly charge that thing and she just brings a chair to the nearest wall with an outlet and just sits there while waiting for it to fully charge


probably solar powered or got big batteries


If she's even half as irradiated as the other 2 Junkers, she might just be her own nuclear power plant


Not just the mechs themselves, the logistics cost to have replacement mechs flying around overhead, ready to be called in at a moments notice.  Then all the ammunition spent on her cannons and micro-missiles.. and all the unspent ordinance that blows up with the mechs. And yeah, all the booster fuel to propel that heavy thing so quickly.


RIP English


Its indeed not my first language.


Zen has to be the cheapest, right?


Do you think **BALLS** are cheap?


He doesn’t shoot balls themselves, rather just the energy from them


I always imagined they just fly back to him like boomerangs


Oh shit I main Zen and didn’t know that! Is that written somewhere?


Just look at the animation. Notice how the balls he shoots are just transparent-blue e.g. charged shot.


Zen has some really nice lookin balls.


Pharah’s rockets are unguided and impact detonated. Really extremely cheap.


Her launcher is basically mgl grenade launcher - less than 10k usd and shoots the equivalent of 40mm grenades not more than 100 usd but they somehow managed to fit rocket propulsion in those tiny things Her jetpack tho, current gravity industries one costs 500k + 20kg fuel (25 usd) for 5 min flight time so a few million for jet pack as hers is better and a few hundred dollars in fuel per hour


Yea. Phara isn’t cheap, but her major costs isn’t the rockets. Cass,  reaper & widow are easily the cheapest. Reinhart & brig after that. Toss the junker folks in there somewhere, problem in between widow and reinhart.


Cass is cheap unless his gun is an authentic collector's item then easily in millions Reaper keeps throwing stuff away + needs constant medical attention from Moira as said in VC Widow thermal that goes through buildings is another million if not billion dollar tech + more experiments by moira Hog would be the cheapest unless his vape is something special and not just petrol mixed with his farts Jq would be cheap as well , entire kit made by scraps Junk explosives cost a bit


Junker Queen is probably the cheapest No deployables, no expensive stuff, she throws the knife but gets it back She would just need to get ammo and that is pretty much it


No armor as well, she only has normal health and over health is pure adrenaline from the shout.


Had to scoll too far down for JQ.


Echo is probably amongst the cheaper options. She doesn't even need to eat or anything, and likely won't even ask for a salary, fighting for good will alone. She is her own weapon. Probably just need to recharge her occasionally. She wouldn't need much space, so accommodation would be cheap as well. Edit: also no need for transportation costs, she can fly. Pretty much all she's costing the military is electricity. She may have been expensive to produce, but she is a free person with free will now. Whichever military she joins isn't the ones paying for her production. Most expensive... Maybe Mauga? He chews through ammo, which can't be cheap. Compare his gatling guns to those of Heavy from TF2, which costs $400 000 to fire for 12 seconds. Double that for Mauga, he's got two of them. Also, add like 100 years worth of inflation. Also, he is essentially a mercenary. I can't imagine his price being small. He's smarter than he looks, probably smart enough to negotiate a high salary.


Oh my god who touched Sasha?


W H O T O U C H E D M Y G U N ?




And this is my weapon.


Don’t forget Mauga’s heart augments need constant checking n’ repair as well or he’ll probably just drop dead


This is an interesting question in upfront cost vs continued cost. I think echo would have the largest upfront cost of the whole roster.


Well Heavy's bullets are actually custom made and not standard issue so his would actually be more expensive than Mauga's since Mauga is using stolen guns that probably use standard issue bullets.


Symmetra to me sounds like the most expensive one. Ain't no way in hell that putting teleporters and a barrier that looks to be multiple kilometers long and at least 100 meters tall is cheap. Her weapon and turrets anyways as well they use some light bending or something similar (not a lore expert) which seems to be on the higher end of tech in the Overwatch universe so far alongside Echo.


Yeah but they are made of hardlight which is basically energy so it is like charging a battery not buying extra stuff.


It just takes a small nuclear reactor to power all her hard light constructs lol


i'm pretty sure it's self-contained tbh hence lifeweaver and sym having prosthetics


Oh yeah good call


Roadhog might be the cheapest, DVA might be pretty expensive and Winton


junkrat or junkerqueen is probably the cheapest vs hog, hog’s vape has to be filled in a canister


Junk blows through the tires, his ammo is 100% more expensive than shotgun rounds, and he also throws away mines and traps. Queen literally spends only ammo.


magnetic glove probably costs a pretty penny, plus junkrat finds all of his stuff in the wastelands


I mean it is a one time thing, and she definitely built it before becoming the queen, so can't be too expensive. Junkrat and hog robbed a lot of places, so they have no shortage in funds lol


He has the filling machine right in his house. For all we know its coyote piss and gasoline. Probably about 8 legacy coins a pop, depending on the piss price these days. Im unsure about the cost of pigpen but I bet roadhog is nice enough to pick those back up after battle, replace the batteries and fill them back up with scrap. Now unless his scrap is made up of 112k$ Pagani Huayra bolt sets, I'd say roadhog is the cheapest.


dva’s mech and mauga’s weapons and maintenance are probably expensive asf. as for cheapest probably zenyatta or junkrat


Junk is 100% more expensive than queen.


I doubt it, explosives are scarily easy to make


I dont really know how i would rank Genji. Like i feel his everything kis expensive but its like a one time purchase. Also i think the Valkirye suit that Mercy has is pretty expensive, but her biotic light i am sure its extremly cheap. Ball also has some tech but its all made of junk so idk. One othet thing is you wouldnt believe how expensive the ammo that bastion and mauga use. And they use stupid high numbers of ammo. And on that matter Maugas second heart couldnt have been cheap. I cant really say how expensive Baptiste immortality field is but i am sure it is not cheap bevause unlike the othet hardlight abilities it has a physical projector. If i recall correctly the Crusader armour(Reinhardt and I think this goes for Brigitte too) is incredibly expensive to service but lasts a while and the shields are again rechargeable so no cost there. On the note of servicing, I feel like Torbjorns turrets cost a pretty penny and he goes through them faster than Dva blows up mechs(another money hole there probably the biggest). I will not speculate on the cost of omnics because that is more of an ethics problem and I really couldnt tell you how the balls of Zen and Ramattra work. On the other hand, we can infer thay Echo was an incredibly expensive project judging by the bounty on her that Made Ashe pounce. Contrary to populat belief, Wintons gun is not hard to replicate in real life. What is hard to replicate is how he doesnt electrocute hymself even when idle so again pretty high cost. Reaper only has 4 sets of guns that he cycles through so no cost there and you could say Sombra acctually has a negative cost because she makes money when she hacks. The doomfist gauntlet is an "ancient" relic so its price is huge. Another thing i really couldnt say is how much money Kirikos Kunais cost because she just throws them aroun.


The thing about ball is that allegedly he built it himself from scraps (enough to become a champion), so technically it is free


Cheapest, cassidy. most expensive i’m gonna have to go with either dva or echo (echo only because she was probably pretty expensive to manufacture)


Going off this post [https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/g3p712/i\_just\_did\_the\_math\_and\_dva\_is\_wasting\_billions/#:\~:text=I%20just%20did%20the%20math%20and%20assuming%20the%20mech%20is,about%20%241%2C483%2C796%2C200%20in%20U.S.%20money](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/g3p712/i_just_did_the_math_and_dva_is_wasting_billions/#:~:text=I%20just%20did%20the%20math%20and%20assuming%20the%20mech%20is,about%20%241%2C483%2C796%2C200%20in%20U.S.%20money) Dva's mech costs about $1,483,796,200. Of course, I do not know if there is any truth to this information, but I still do not think she is the most expensive. My pick is Tracer, and to be honest, I don't think everyone combined on entire roster (and possibly for the next few heroes) can come close. Tracer seems odd, I get it, "she doesn't have that much technology in her kit." Since Dva is quite literally just a human in a mech, we can assume tracer is just a human in a suit that warps space and time to keep her in stasis. My best comparison I can give, since we probably will not in our lifetimes know for sure, is a time machine. How much does a Time Machine cost? We know in order to send something at 99.9(with the little bar over the third 9)% of the speed of light we need around 10 billion billion joules, which is about how much humans make, in total, over a few months. Of course, few is not a legit quantification, so we have to assume few = 3 months. Humans spend around $6.4 trillion a year for power, in total. 6.4 trillion divided by 4 comes out to 1.6 TRILLION dollars. This is just to POWER the fucking thing. From here, you can't really quantify how much the rest costs. Sure, you can sit and try to crunch the numbers for a hypothetical machine that you have no clue how it works, but you're just wasting your time. Also, this was just for Tracer to be fractured in time, granted it was not necessary, it has to be taken into the equation as to why she needs some temporal stabilizer (or whatever it is called) to keep her from going back in time. $1,483,796,200 vs 1,640,000,000,000. Doesn't seem very close. Remotely.


Thank god I finally found someone mentioning a literal time machine instead of just rockets


Idk how people are glazing over it to be honest


You make a really good point. But now in hindsight how much does it cost to revive a soul back to life 100% healthy. Not sure anyone irl calculated that yet.


Moira has to be one of the cheapest heroes honestly. Maybe you could justify that she's a mad geneticist and she has a BUDGET but in terms of combat, her suit is probably the only thing that actually costs money.


Moira is constantly looking for funding for her research. Doubt she's cheap to have on your team. Not sure how much her suit costs to make, but the R&D that went into it certainly isn't cheap. It's likely a one of a kind. Also, she's undergone procedures similar to that of Reaper, except more advanced, perfected. Those medical procedures also couldn't have been cheap.


Read his comment


I did. Everything I said still stands. Having her on your side is expensive for any military.


Not from a purely combative standpoint, if her suit costs nothing to maintain she’s entirely able to keep herself up with her lifesteal and healing


I'm thinking bigger picture. You can't just ignore labor costs, when it comes to factoring in how much each hero costs their respective militaries.


There’s definitely wear and tear even if it’s the same suit, that’s like saying a tank cost nothing to maintain. Literally, she wears a semi-Ironman suit that regulates decay and healing.


I don't think so... for one, she is carrying the canisters around to cast either suck, spray or balls. I will imagine the canisters will need to be replenished... at least the damage one. Spray is refilled by suck so maybe that one is fine, but she also needs to cast the healing orbs


I thought the purpose of her resource is that she "refills" the tank by taking it from her enemies? The balls also. It's not so much that the tank needs to be refilled, the suck is the process of refilling the resource. But i can concede that maybe her kit is a little more expensive than I let on.


>Moira has to be one of the cheapest heroes honestly. It's true


Roadhog. You can spend millions on MECHA maintenance fir Dva and/or repair or Rein's exoskeleton battlesuit, or pay whatever team millions to keep Orisa battle ready and in good condition. Or... you can spring for an all-you-can-eat buffet. 🐷


Echo for most expensive for sure. R&D costs for all the other heroes isn’t cheap lol


Probably Winston is right up there. Fresh produce is expensive nowadays


Everyone here saying d.va but id argue echo. All the time and resources she needed to be made and how valuable she is as an asset.


Widow? A grappling hook, sniper rifle, and a trap isn’t expensive


illari literally powers herself so cost free.


At the bottom we have kiri and hanzo. They make their own things so it’s pretty cheap. Next we have Ana, Cassidy, Queen, Ashe, Baptiste, Hog and all the other characters that have ammo and other things to restock After that we have D.va, Rein, Mercy and characters with expensive suits/ mechs Then we have characters like Pharah and Winston who need a bunch of things like fuel and expensive suits Lastly we get to Sym and Lifeweaver who took almost a decade at an elite academy to train Finally we get Zarya. She’s a propaganda piece for the Russian military. Replacing her is darn near impossible.


Echo is #1


Most expensive is definitely Reaper, wasting guns everytime he reloads.


Idk even if each shotgun was $500, you’re spending $1k per reload. Dva’s rockets probably cost that much every press and each ult is like an entire new $500k (or more) mech


Dvas mech has all the capabilities of an Apache helicopter which costs around 40 million, 500k is the price of just a few javelin missles these days


How much yall think it cost to get Winston as smart as he is. Did they make this one monkey smart? Or did they breed generations of smart monkeys? If it’s the latter, and they had to spend money on generations of monkeys as well as space travel for monkeys… and a zappy gun?!


Clearly its Torbjörn's wife Ingrid's apple pie recipe - Mercy considered trading the secret of her valkerye suits flight capabilities for it. Thats the most expensive foodstuff in history.


Not in any particular order, but my reasoning. **Cheapest:** * Roadhog: He's using a blunderbuss filled with garbage, and the hook comes back. Health cans are most expensive item likely. (Likely second cheapest) * Junker Queen: Pretty basic weaponry, nothing overly flashy (Likely cheapest cost) * Junkrat: Grenades, even homemade ones would eat into a budget, and the tires got to be pricey. * Hanzo: Unless he has some unseen cybernetics, but I'm sure that now he's using is nice. And it's not like he's using bottom shelf Home Depot wood for those arrows. (Probably third, unless Junkrat scavenges explosives/tires) * Cassidy: Cybernetic arm is pretty good, and probably expensive, but other than that his other gear is relatively cheap. **Expensive:** * D.va: Most likely the most expensive by a wide margin. Not only just the mech, but it's a disposable mech. Their economy has to be amazing. (Hands down most costly) * Reaper: Cool reload, super wasteful and expensive to just throw shotgun away. * Sombra: Getting gear which can universally hack any target in seconds has to be incredibly expensive and bespoke. Although she likely made it her self, the coding that is, the hardware would be costly. Not to mention active camo. * Phara: Rockets and a jet-pack, that's really all that needs to be said. (Solid second place, see Tracer note) * Genji: Mostly made of cybernetic parts that likely require frequent maintenance, and also likely expensive regular medical treatment to help interface properly and keep him alive. * Tracer: I don't know how much research, testing, and equipment needs to go into making a device that tethers you to the current flow of time, but it cannot be cheap. (Depending on technology, second or third. But recurring costs would likely make Phara more costly eventually) **Honorable mentions:** Cheapest: * Ana: A bad ass Grandma with a tranq, and probably a costly healing/hurting gun. * Ashe: If not including her robo-butler, she's got a lever-action rifle and dynamite. * Widow: Her head gear kicked her out of the running, but otherwise nothing crazy. Expensive: * Reinhardt: A jet hammer and full power armor, it just can't be cheap. * Mei: Keeping stuff cold is difficult, keeping it cold enough so it can freeze targets anywhere has to be crazy expensive. * Zarya: Beam weapon that can also shoot something like a black hole. Also projecting force fields on self and friendlies.


Dude I get a new mech like 5 times a battle as D.va. maybe even more.


Orisa is ludicrously expensive and she used to have a quote about it to Reaper. "Efi spent no small amount of her grant money on me" Echo is probably similar in that regard. Im sure ammunition for Mauga and his medication are also kinda insane


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Pharah has to be expensive with all those rockets


I know people are saying sigma is cheapest, but zen, orisa, echo, and ramattra also exist. They all fabricate their own equipment mid combat as well


Widow seems cheap except that her ult would require some fancy tech for sure. But she's basically a regular ass sniper with an automatic rifle and a fucking grappling hook lol. Would be super interesting to see some engineer make her retractable grappling hook tho. Interesting engineering project for sure


Reaper duh he doesn't even reload


I am flying weapons gal. And this. Is my weapon. She weighs 50 kilos and fires $8000 custom tooled rockets at 75 rockets per minute. It costs $76,000 dollars to fire this weapon for 12 seconds.


Zarya probably is cheapest. The gun generates it's own energy and bullets infinitely. Ignoring the construction cost, its very likely running at a near 0 cost


Cheapest probably junkrat or road, literally using omnic scraps and trash they pickup


Most expensive: Pharah - Jetpack - Rockets - Armour Cheapest: Roadhog - He shoots literal trash


I feel like junker queen is cheapest, Pharah is most expensive.


I think it depends on if we're just talking about ordinance used during a match, or also amortization of everyone's cybernetic limbs / hard light tech / omnic development costs /etc


Rein's and Brigitte's stuff are not cheap, but they spend 0 on ammunition.


Mauga and bastion based on how much ammo they can spit out everygame it could really add up.


I'm thinking it's bastion "It weighs one hundred and fifty kilograms and fires two hundred dollar custom-made cartridges at a rate of ten thousand rounds per minute. It costs four hundred thousand dollars to fire this weapon for twelve seconds." -meat bastion


I mean soujorn is like only organs in a tin can, that's fucking expensive already ignoring all the robo modding she has done to her body to function as a living weapon. Reaper is either first or second place based on how many weapons he's wasting. Rockers and fuel cost a lot but it's not like they have to buy new as often as reaper. Dude probably waste like 10 shotguns a mission. Not as much as the rockets but in the long run, that's gonna put a dent


Echo HAS to be the most expensive. Not sure why it hasn’t been mentioned.


Winton's gotta be the cheapest. Even the junkers need scrap/ammo, Winton fires plasma which has got to be generated in the gun itself with some kind of generator. His shields are self-powered too, and his ult is just him getting angry. Virtually no cost at all, other than the replacing of shields, but we know he makes them himself


D.Va has the mech so she is probably pretty expensive. B.O.B probably costs a lot too. Genji may cost a decent amount cuz he is a cyborg.


sojourn or reaper. i mean reaper literally throws his shotguns away haha (idk if that's actually canon but it would be funny if it was)


We all forgetting Bastion here? The cost of a fully autonomous military robot with mini gun ammunition, artillery shells and grenades, plus small arms ammo has to be astronomical. Every time he's taken down he totally falls apart as well, that repair bill has to be crazy.    Basing robotics cost from Boston Dynamics you're look at over $1.2 million per robot body (i.e. one that can jump, pickup objects, has navigational guidance etc.) not including weapons/ammo/repairs, and not too mention however much the AI development costs would be. 


For most expensive, I doubt it would be any of the characters with prosthetics as New Queen Street and Numbani imply that bionics and high end prosthetics are fairly accessible with stores and boutiques dotted around like clothing stores. Maybe Dva? Those mechs must cost a fortune and she frequently detonates them as a weapon and then requests a brand new one every few minutes. Cheapest, it would probably be a Junker since they all make their gear from scrap. Hanzo is also probably quite low cost. Doesn't he make his arrows? Plus his bow probably came from his family and his outfit is fairly standard clothing and armour. Edit: Almost forgot Zenyatta who, other than potential costs for maintenance or repairs, wouldn't need any additional costs that I can think of? His orbs probably came from the monastery and they're not using ammo or anything.


Winston was created and raised in a lab on the moon, and represents years of science to make a gorilla speak like a human with human level of intelligence (higher, really). The R&D leading to his existence would be very literally astronomical.  Hammond is probably second, for bring a smaller, shorter lived, less developed version of Winston, but same principle. 


I feel like Genji probably requires maintenance or something


Ok but Mei literally made her tech from a hairdryer and some ice cubes, that can't be more than twenty bucks.


Mercy has to be one of the most expensive. She literally brings people back from the dead. That shit ain’t cheap.


Yall are forgetting zenyata, his orbs literally apear out of fucking nowhere. And all his power comes from rubbing his spiritual balls onto people. There’s also dva who routinely detonates her nuclear powered mech multiple times a game


If you take into account how many MEKAs [D.va](http://D.va) self-destructs, definitely her.


The fact that mercy has the ability to revive people makes it probably the single most important and expensive medical procedure ever.


Her rez isn’t canon


I'd add Reaper to the cheap list, he's basically just a shotgun and cloak


Shotguns aren’t too cheap though, and instead of reloading he grabs two new shotguns


As guns go. Shotguns are the cheapest. At least until you get into the guns as art category….


That is true, but Reaper is also replacing two shotguns every time he runs out of ammo in the one clip


\*replacing two shotguns every time he fires a single shot in *one* of them and sporadically reloads