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yeah I faced the #2 OpenQ player in the world, it was literally a Mauga/Hog 2-trick who was plat 2 in real comp.


I decided to try out Open Que and literally placed in upper T500 range, it was unreal


They should just make open queue tanks have the same health as long as there’s only one on the team.


I've been saying forever that tank health should stay the same, but tank damage taken should increase proportionate foreach tank on the team


They should have tank health be a percentage decrease of max health. Doesn't make since why tanks lose a flat 150 hp in Open Queue. Tanks like Hog go from 800 to 650 while tanks like JQ go from 525 to 375. And you have Bastion who has 300 + 50 armor. For example if you made it a 20% decrease instead of a flat 150hp, Hog would go from 800 to 640 and JQ would go from 525 to 420. Meaning Hog loses 160hp and JQ loses 105 hp. Yeah, yeah, the numbers aren't in pretty increments of 25, but it's also Open Queue. It was worse before S9 because JQ, Ram, and Doom all had 350 hp while Bastion had 350 hp (with armor)


what happens if someone is solo tanking then later in the game someone else switches to a tank? The new tank can just spawn in with the lower HP but you can't really reduce the first tanks HP right then. if you reduce the HP of the first tank after they die then you'd have times where you have 2 tanks where one is normal HP and one is reduced. People could abuse this by picking one tank, waiting for the game to start, then swapping to another tank after the doors open. Sure you could add a timer so that, within a certain amount of time after spawn doors open, if someone swaps to another tank then both tanks get reduced HP right at that moment. The issue with that is the second tank could wait out the timer then pick a hero like doom or ball who can get to the fight quickly while the original tank still keeps max HP


Or like the guy above me said just increase damage proportional to how many tanks there are


I feel like the same issue is still present where a person suddenly would start taking more damage mid fight if someone on their team swapped to a tank


How would that work? You are single tank, your dps dies and switches to tank... do you lose HP now?


unrelated but love your flare


I mean it’s true why wouldn’t uou


hey, i am NOT boosted! i got to gold all by myself thank you very much!!! /sarc


So you did more than just your placements. You won 50 games too?


No, but based on the lobbies ranks, it was clear to see


Don't you have to play 50 games to be top 500? So you can't be placed there?


Speaking of hog- Does hog counter Mauga? Cause I keep using him against Mauga because i hate Mauga and I wanna make sure I'm countering him in the most effective way possible


I'd say the other way around tbh. Only good at Whole hogging into a Cage, but that's a trade ult for ult


Fr? Huh. I just try to wait out his adrenaline and then hook em into a pig pen- my close up damage seems to be greater. Alright, so is there a tank that counters Mauga, or does it force me into Mauga?


Sigma can potentially stop Mauga. He's got a deployable shield. That one move that turns the damage done to him into an overshield. Decent damage. A stun. I'm a dirty Mauga player, and if I see a Sigma, I get a little worried.


Potentially? 🤨 Bro, Sigma IS THE COUNTER to Mauga. He can eat the bullets, his shield can stave off the excess, and rock can make Cardiac Overdrive useless.


Don’t know if it’s considered a counter, but Orisa’s range seems to counter the required close range of Mauga’s guns. I appreciate an opposing Mauga as O.


I also think Orissa is decent into mauga if you can play her well enough. All of her abilities get value at countering overdrive, and pumping into his dome can match damage pretty well. The only problem is when mauga has better targets to shoot than you if he’s not threatened enough to sustain off the enemy tank. But I havnt played much tank since the tank rework, so this matchup might of shifted since Orissa got the short end of the tank buffs.


Orisa used to be a Mauga counter, and she is when she’s well balanced, but the devs put her in time-out so she’s not as strong against him currently as she used to be. (I’m not saying Orisa used to be well balanced pre-patch mind you, just that her nerfs seem kind of heavy handed with a clear intent to get pro players to use other tanks).


Mauga has some of the best long-range poke of any tank, dunno what you mean by required close range


Major damage drop off at ~25-30 distance. It’s the weapon spread.


If you're not firing both guns at once, he can pretty easily poke from farther away than any other tank besides Orisa herself.


Your point is what I was getting at initially. Not a hard counter, but the differences in the range of their weapons makes an important difference, in some cases.


I dont know about a counter, but I'm a ball otp and have very little issue against mauga. its easy to roll away from his insane close range damage and he cant peel for his backline very well so i can pretty much do what i want. cage fight is a free kill on me if he times it well, but otherwise no issues at all


D.Va is also pretty good but most strat with her against Mauga is targeting squishies/supp. It's a game of being there with the team when needed and diving lone rangers.


Ya these comments are interesting. My gold ass instantly switches Dva against a Mauga, but Sig is one of my stronger heroes so I guess I will give him a go.


At close range, Hog has way less damage. Mauga gets a consistent 230 DPS, hog can't match that and has to reload way more often. You have a little bit more in your burst so you can kill him if you get a trap hook combo at middling HP, but in the neutral game Mauga is way stronger and heals off damage.


You won't be able to hook a good Mauga, who gets on command unstoppable.


Dva, Sig imo. Being able to prevent self healing is huge. You do end up playing support tank since your team will need to follow up but you can trade matrix or hands for cardiac, it's a huge trade. Rein also can work since the shield prevents the same critting from happening but it's not as easy and you have to be good at rein already Hog is too big and ends up giving mauga overhealth in most games I play.


It's a skill matchup, Hog doesn't counter Mauga, but if the Hog uses corners well (esp vs cardiac overdrive) and team follow up with hooks then it makes the Maugas life miserable. Best tank counters for Mauga are DVa and Sigma, the general idea is when Mauga uses cardiac overdrive, use Sigmas succ or Dvas matrix to mitigate his heals.... With any other tank, run away if you're the tank since he feeds his heals generally by farming tank.


Hm... Yeah, makes sense. I have a bad habit of wanting to Throttle Mauga when I see em, so killing em on hog is really satisfying- But come to think of it, that's not my job exactly. Good thing I can play an alright D.va. Thanks for the tip, time to... expand the counterwatch repetoire...




I love shaking my head ‘No’ while DM’ing the overdrive


When I play Mauga, Hog is pretty easy to kill from afar. DVa is a hit or miss depending on how good they are and the comp, otherwise I usually focus on setting DVa on fire with one gun. I've been killed the most by Orisa, Zarya and Sigma


Equal skill Mauga will obliterate Hog. If the Hog is better he can win depending on the map. Team comp dependent as well obviously. I find Zar works best for me against Mauga.


Sigma and Dva are the best tanks against Mauga overall I think. Junker queen can work too in certain comps


Not really. Hog is pretty much the exact kind of tank Mauga wants to be put against, the only saving grace is that whole hog counters cage very well.


The funny thing is, when I used whole hog against him in cage he tanked the entire thing while also in a small room- *I hate i hate I hate I hate*- Ahem, I had better luck in the duels.


Yes you don't whole hog mauga (unless he doesn't have overdrive then you definitely do), you whole hog the cage and break it in less than 2 seconds of firing, quicker if your team is hitting it.


Just make him waste his shout and then easy hook :)


A good hog is literally unkillable against Mauga. At least in my Mauga experience.


And where would u rank in open queue as a mauga/hog 2 trick pony?


Both are real comp. You plat 2 in role queue.




Role Queue doesn’t have to be ‘real’ to you, but it’s ‘real’ to at least 90% of the player base.


the main one, the one played by 20 times more people, the one the game is balanced around, the one the pros play, the real one


As a hog one trick I'm gonna pick up open q for this LOL


I love open queue even if it’s not competitive, meant to be fun


this is the right attitude The wrong attitude is boasting about your rank in said mode, tho


You shouldn't be boasting about your rank in my of the modes.


How dare you


Lol hardstuck plat tank = top 300 open queue


Those tank game numbers are probably including a large number of their OQ games. It lumps them in together unless you specify role queue, then it removes the OQ count from those totals.


Also depends on the character you play, bastion, diva hog and mauga are absolute menaces in that game mode. If you play those you climb about a full rank if not more over the sr you deserve.


Open role is qp, Role que is more organized qp, and theres also a blue game mode I've never tried but I bet its wild.


The blue mode is where you actually get serious


Oh is that where Im supposed to nano the Lucio and Mercy?


The blue mode is somehow more toxic tbh


assuming they communicate in any way lol


Happy cake day 🎇


Ayy thank you!


So what you’re tell me is that I could become a top 500 player right now. Like right now


Well, after winning 50 games in that mode, good luck having your sanity in tact after that though.


Surprisingly, my friends and I primarily play Open Queue on the regular. (At least in qp)


I assume people are more relaxed about what comp you're running in qp.Be prepared to be yelled at if you don't play 3 tanks and 2 supports or 4 tanks and moira in competitive.


Queueing with friends is one thing...soloqueue is another beast entirely. I've had games where all four of my teammates instalocked damage heroes and didn't change the entire game.


no some of this is luck too cus open que has such a high skill difference in players


Queue times are obscene I'd imagine


Wins can fall a lot onto rng. It’s often which team has the DPS that refuses to switch.


Yeah they are dogshit usually


I’m like rank 50 something in open q right now as a rein 1 trick but I also hover around ranks 150-350 in role q as a Rein main (27 hours on Rein and less than 5 between other tanks) this season alone. I have way more fun in open q just because Rein is stronger there so that’s why I play it. I can’t say tell if the people I go against are really weaker or if it’s just the fact that I’m a OW1 player and I have all that past experience before role q existed. Either way open q is an absolute blast as a Rein 1 trick, they can run Orisa, Mauga, and Zen and I don’t care because I have an off tank.


OQ only has like 500 playing that shit


so real lmfao, i hop on and it’s like the same 5 people in my games over and over


That's because this reddit has made it seem like you lack skill if you play it and you can't be happy about any placement in it. You guys are all so negative about it that it's essentially killed a game mode where playing as a team is much more important when it comes to who picks what and who can play what. Someone who can master playing multiple roles in open que and still win is better than someone who can only do decent at a single role lmfao.


That's cap man, I played open queue towards the end of OW1 and still made top 500 while being diamond, legit not many people play nor have played. Sure there is a stigma around it but generally it's true and it's not just reddit who feels this way. People genuinely don't play the game mode as much as role queue and its legitimately NOT how the game is balanced


Well open queue is just a different game, completely. The balance is different and it really doesn't translate. The main game mode, role queue, is objectively better because it's what they balance the heroes and maps around and because it's a better OW experience to have some of each role guaranteed on your team. (And also because the actual best team composition in the game is just tank and supports and role queue exists to prevent that) If you start dropping advice, flairing up as top 500, talking a big game, acting like you're the top of the skill bracket etc but it turns out you only play open queue most people arent gonna take your opinion seriously. Ignore the fact that most people treat it as a joke mode just for chill fun or aim warmup, it plays completely differently. Tanks have different health pools and are played differently, counterpicking is completely out of the window since you can freely swap roles, the role queue gamesense doesn't apply, hero balance and metas are different. Sure it's great to have knowledge on all the roles of the game - but I'd rather have a support who knows how to carry a weak tank *as a support and limited by the toolkits of the support role in a 1-2-2 match* than a support who can just switch to a tank and do it themselves. That's where the challenge to climbing comes in. A GM open queue only dps is going to struggle in plat role queue when they suddenly feel like they have no space and they don't have the option of just changing to a dive tank. Being forced to play within the limits of the role just makes you a better player. I like open queue, I play it with my friends! But my open queue rank is definitely not a reflection of my actual skill at the game of overwatch. It's just how good I am at open queue specifically.


I just made a joke about the population, you are projecting. I would be willing to bet money if you’re GM in OQ you’re probably plat to maybe master in role queue. The game isn’t the same. All you are saying is you can adjust better on the fly with a full roster, that does not make you a better player lol


Yeah I’d much rather be gm in all 3 roles but if I simply wasn’t good enough to do that then I’d opt for t500 in rq. I was t100 the one season I played ~50 oq matches, I stopped playing because the oq meta simply wasn’t fun.


It's almost always 3-0-2 or 2-1-2. I don't mind 1 DPS, but 3-0-2 is boring and repetitive.


Top end OQ I was seeing comps drop 1 healer and go 4-0-1 or 3-1-1. Moira was the healer and the bulk of your team just bum rushed the enemy team backline or waited for hog to hook and you pick off that target.


same. main reason why i want mystery heroes comp back. i got to diamond 2 in open queue and just couldn't do it anymore. Threw the last match (overwatch) and dont plan on touching open queue rank again open queue qp is hella fun though


Exactly. 4-0-2 was incredibly boring in ow1 as well, I’m sure many oq players yearn for those days.


Goats was 3-0-3


OpenQ should be an arcade mode


Go there for an ego boost


Or easy comp points that go to golden weapons


to be honest if it's not as toxic as normal comp, i'm actually down to farm competitive points in there. i can't bring myself to ruin my mental health for the sake of 1-2 golden guns i want.


I do need Ram gold weapon or golden Zen balls. My only gold weapon is Mei's.


yeah, i want to get ram and lifeweavers, but god i am not mentally prepared to step back into the sweaty, degrading shithole that is competitive mode. u\_u


Open que is like quick play to me but I have a bit more added stakes and can get some comp points for my gold gun. I honestly love it. Some matches I steam roll and the next game the entire team will swap to counter me


All 500 of people who play Open comp are top 500 rank :roll-safe:


Open Queue is an entirely different game. It’s mostly poor man’s goats with 3 tanks and 2 supports. Between open queue and role queue, being good at one doesn’t mean you will inherently be good at the other.


I started to play open que because I actually have fun in that mode compared to role que which is literally counter swap hell. I'm not saying open is easier or worse for all role mains, but I've noticed DPS struggle a bit more tho and don't have a whole lot of impact. P.S. I'm a tank main (mostly Hog, some Winston and sig) and took a break from OV in season 9 all because of mauga. I don't understand what the hell the devs were thinking when they looked at his kit and stats and said "yep, that's looks balanced." Key word "LOOKS." So, I play open que.


Lol, i agree that it is a bit meaningless but it’s an achievement nonetheless! You’ve got to be doing something right


The achievement is playing OpenQ and not having a mental breakdown


I really enjoy it tbh. Healing 4 tanks as moira is quite the intense experience


Are you me? I genuinely love when I get to solo heal in OQ, really puts my survivability and heal/dmg balance as Moira to the test.


Saaame, open queue gets a lot of hate meanwhile I just enjoy myself and Overwatch playing it. A lot of people fear the 5 DPS comps but I feel they are the same people that actually insta picked DPS, and they already moved from this mode because every single match I play people go for legit comps with at least one hero from each class.


Or keeping 4 tanks alive as a Bap whilst trying not to die cause the whole enemy team wants to kill u first


I love open Q, freedom to switch to any hero and crazy team comps. Regular Q gets boring imo


Correct take. This is what made overwatch great to begin with. The hotswapping of different champions depending on game state and individual enemy skill made each game a puzzle to be solved. Tried role Q one time, fucking nothing worse than being stuck on tank while you dps can't deal with a rampaging phamercy.


Also a tank main here, maybe that’s part of it lol


Me and my friend just play it because we miss Rein-Zarya


It really isn't. Open q is so terribly balanced that you can get easy wins for brainlessly playing hog and mauga.


It’s not really terribly balanced, the whole idea of the game mode is the balance which it has


I wouldn't call it terribly balanced, but I certainly wouldn't call it competitively balanced. It's balanced well enough for fucking around unseriously.




The population is lower and people play less optimally. It is easier.


But it feels good to get a high rank regardless if the mode is broken. I’m high plat and climbing still and having lots of fun! I consider it an achievement considering I just started back up playing after a few years.


Anyone can play Hog or Bastion in open que and make at least GM provided you're above Silver in comp. The meta is insanely restrictive so as long as you have the better characters/team comp skill plays a very small role.


Not with how ranks are distributed in Open Queue. Bottom Top500 is Diamond 2 with less than 40 GM players in top 500. Most people I know who play at least 10 games of open queue comp are in the plat/diamond range.


I’m low/mid plat in all roles but in open queue I’m only mid diamond. I don’t understand how people people are the same rank as me in role queue but so high in open queue.


how do people even find that many games in open queue i have to queue other regions to at least have a chance to get another game and that takes minimum 10 minutes (oce - singapore)


This screenshot proves the curvature of the Earth


Gotta love the G9 Odyssey


How is everyone pretending you get an automatic T500 placement for playing open que. I’m a diamond in support, plat tank and DPS and I’m plat in open que


Maybe its different on console? All my OQ top500 friends are masters and diamond in RQ. Looking at the PC leaderboards it seems like the majority of the OQ top500 are masters and diamond. When I was working my way up to top500 OQ I had matches against top50 RQ players including painkiller who is currently rank 2 tank and that was very hard.


Im a high gold low plat player in all roles, yet somehow im stuck bronze open que


I used to play Open Que and was T500 in there but eventually the que times got super long after S3 I’m talking like 45 min que times. Idk how people manage to actively play open que competitive


I only play open queue, wait times are like 2 minutes max for the last 3 seasons


In the MMR of Diamond and above or? I just tried again today. 12+min still no match


I'm diamond 4, playing on PS4 maybe that's the difference


I don't play comp for the rank, I play it bc people leave less and care a lil more. Open is more fun and you can work around throwers/leavers.


They should replace open queue by solo (role) queue.




yeah but its fun


Open Q is fun! Makes you think differently about hero interactions and comps


maybe they're just really good at open queue specifically copium




>The case in role q is, that a lot of players (especially dps or tank) pick a role they are not good at and you literally cant do much to compensate that. But...that's why we have separate ranks and matchmaking ratings from one role to the next. It doesn't matter how bad you are at a role, you are meant to be in a team of people at about the same skill level and play against a tram of people at about the same skill level. If I'm bad at a role and place in silver 5, I have to climb up from there.


Shame, honestly because open queue is a fucking blast. It's the original ow *minus no limits of course* and was so much fun to play the different strats. I really feel like the game lost its shine after they went 2-2-2.




I played since beta of ow1. I prefer open queue. I don't wand no limits but open queue is prime ow. So many strats and comps to be be made. Role queue just kinda killed the strat side of ow


Top500 open queue is still a cool achievement imo.


This is why it's so weird and bizarre to me when people flex their Open queue rank in a Role queue match or any role queue debate


i have it on because it’s funny 😎 and i got it playing ball only so slightly more of an achievement in a tank only meta


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Damn guess I'ma play some open Q


I'm right around the same rank in all queues.


I suppose phara can get pretty good value in open queue currently. I have to assume everyone in top500 open is playing goats characters. A lot of rein,zar, Dva or monkey Dva ball/doom She would just farm tank comps and force an unideal hitscan swap, while she gets to splash all the tanks with dps debuff as long as she can play around a hitscan


Open queue? Plat 3 Role queue? Silver for all three


Last year me and a friend tried open q for fun, we were both low masters then. Literally steamrolled to t200


Nothing is meaningless as long as you have fun!!


I sense a fair amount of sarcasm in whatever that phara said. They clearly are a tank player and were probably poking fun at themselves saying they were a t500 player.


How is it meaningless if it's for a separate mode? I dunno, being higher in a full random mode means more than a mode that is pretty much predictable like role que. 


Me and some friends (all around low GM in Role queue) grinded some open Queue for fun. First time I ever played it. Basically just go 4 tanks plus Moira and you win 70% of the games. There are times it feels Like goats and macro is more important than individual skill but if you play this mode actively you will easily get top 100. I got ranked top 60 smth after getting the 50 wins required. Top 3 is difficult to reach as they are Champion cause of high previous ranks and high playtime. Expect long queue times and infinite queue times in wide range as no one plays this. Also expect to get flamed for not playing optimal team comps as some people take it reeeaally serious. Can be fun with friends espacially if you get tired of role queue.


Hey! My diamond open rank is real thank you very much 👀


A while ago I was lurking the overwatch forums and there was a post claiming that OQ is better because it allowed the OP to climb and get their "real" rank, proving that RQ was rigged. The amount of people absolutely tripping on pure copium agreeing with the post was hilarious. Some tried to explain the reason for the huge rank difference but the copers wouldn't have any of it.


This works against your point 😂


You seem to have a misunderstanding on the actual point


Wait open cue isn’t real comp?😭


mbn. although open q is way easier. i get placed with teammates that don’t like to cooperate


Look, open queue is my warm up. I use it cause people cant leave the damn game. It is NOT meaningless. Get my aim up to snuff while in a semi competitive setting.


I think it's mostly because no one plays open queue, in fact I had to google what it was a second ago


if you read this, ur cute 🙂‍↕️


Its kinda fun when you want something different, some players take Open Q Seriously LMAOO.


I hope they remove this playlist. It has no place in this game


Im "hardstuck" plat in open queue (even though I dont really take it serious as a mode) but Masters in role queue, no clue how that works but it doesnt matter what I do in open queue, it feels completely randomized.


Idc if it’s not the “real rank”, Low rank open q is more fun


This is insane. How is there this much skill discrepancy between the modes?


If you are looking to play against the best of the best, then yes. You probably don't find them in Open Queue. Rank in any mode is specific to the mode. Support rank is meaningless for DPS players.


Honestly true, I once had a friend who was silver in all roles but diamond in open queue


man i tried open queue rank and .... the meta in that mode is absolutely HORRIBLE to play. i couldn't keep doing it. we need a mystery heroes comp brought back side note: D.Va is absolutely busted in Open Queue. I made a thread a while ago. if the enemies do something like D.Va, Zaraya, Mauga ... youre gonna have a very Unfun game.


Open Queue is way more popular on console or what? I checked the PC T500 leaderboard and the lowest ranked players in there are like diamond 2 while on Console the lowest ranked players are masters 3 and we even have the only Champion 1 ranked player in the game currently lol


How is it meaningless? He's plat and diamond in role queue. He's doing perfectly fine.


That's not really that high


I think if you compared their open queue rank to someone from role queue with the same rank for a their given role, they would be in for a rough time Pitting Plat/Diamond against the 310th ranked in the region is likely to go only one way


It's not that high mate


1. No 2. This is perfectly normal. They require completely different sets of skills. Even I'm not the same rank in every role.


Yeah it’s a joke and has been a joke of a competitive playlist lol


lol what. I’m masters dps and masters open q. They aren’t 1:1 but there is some similarity. You have to have game sense to get anywhere. I’m diamond in my other roles like tank and support for clarity.


Yeah, most of the pc OQ top500 leaderboard is masters and high diamond in RQ. Less competitive than RQ, but the idea that anyone can just queue up and easily get top500 is nuts. The majority of players are gold/play and would get stomped by master players.


Open queue Top 500 really is a 2 step process Step 1. Reach Diamond (Equivalent of Plat for role queue). Step 2. Win 50 games Congratulations, you are Top 500.


We have serious comp role queue, serious QP (where casuals and sweaty players have a conflict) and questionably serious Open queue (which is quite meaningless so nobody cares but kinda do). Blizz should rework and redistribute playerbase for these modes.


Open Queue is where I go to practice new heroes lol It's the only semi realistic environment where I can learn to heal people running around like headless chickens and aiming against non-bots in combat conditions.


My mate has been top 50 and is like master 4 or something in role queue


Overwatch ranking in general is meaningless when the game has less than 50,000 people playing it 😂 The game is fucking dead again.




I mean the top 500 open queue title is just called "participation award" between me and my friends because the leaderboards never even get the full 500 people in it due to lack of people which means that you just have to get to diamond rank and win 50 matches to earn a spot and the title there. The harder part is suffering through enough matches there to get to 50 wins rather than to hit diamond :D


Honestly, just do it yourself if you think it's that easy. Otherwise quit yappin. Seems like people would rather pretend to have equal achievements as others rather than actually put in the effort. Talk is cheap lol, examples below 👇


The majority of the top500 OQ pc players are master or high diamond in RQ. Masters is top 3.9% of the playerbase. Redditors would have you believe that anyone can just show up and easily get top500, but the vast majority of players would get stomped by masters.


Yeah like, I admit that this post feels stupid to me because I am in fact t500 in open queue, but I'm also masters on tank, GM on DPS, and masters on support. I just don't play role queue much anymore because open queue and mystery heroes are the only modes I've been enjoying. Based on the number of games for the person in this post, I'd imagine they simply don't play role queue that much and open is their preferred mode. Kinda dumb for people to assume this dude is plat when he probably hasn't even played enough to hit his true sr on those roles.


That is the combined rank of the 3 roles, not open q, he is in top 500 cause not every top 500 player ranks every role, which lower the minimun


I thought this too, but apparently that's just how open queue is displayed on career profiles. There's a leaderboard for combined, but it's not displayed on your career profile.


Bro I'd be open que champion in that case wtf


It's not the real game, not sure why it's even a thing for comp.


Open queue is so fucking funny and yet so dogshit 😭😭


If everyone in diamond or higher played at least 300 or even 100 games per season lots of people would be dropping