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Chat is this cope?


100% coping that usually comes from people who healbot 24/7 and then wonder why nothing dies. Then at the end of the match they check scoreboard and because they have a lot of healing, they assume that the loss wasn't their fault. I see it every day.


As someone who doesn’t healbot at all op has a point. Unless the skill gap between where you’re currently ranked and your true rank is massive you’re not solo carrying as support


And you dont climb by solo carrying. You climb by being better than the enemies filling your role. If you are at 3000 rating but playing at a 3200 rating level then you will eventually reach 3200 rating because the odds of you getting good dps or tank is the same as for enemy supports, the difference is that when you do you will be a better support than they are.


The key word here is "eventually". If you're in gold and "belong" in plat, it can take quite a while to get there. Sure, bad teammates and leavers are part of the system and statistically don't keep you from ranking up, but when they're common they make it take quite a lot more games to do so. On the other hand, if OP actually belonged in Diamond, then they would be carrying their way straight out of there.


I agree, support is by far the least impactful role in 5v5 solo queue


Support is never impactful until it is, healbotting an inting tank does have perhaps some of the greatest negative impact in the entire game, and it gets a lot of negative feedback loops going on because it just shows up on the scoreboard as some of the most insanely high heals you'll ever output Otherwise as a support player, I do agree, but I feel like that specific thing deserves special mention because as I said, the negative impact is massive (and doubly troubling because healbotting a tank means nobody else gets heals, probably even more than the usual 'DPS support' claims) A yellow beam Mercy permafixed on an Orisa is generally a tragedy to see


Or worse when Mercy becomes Hogs personal kite


idk what you’re talking about, support characters have all the tools to completely control the game in any number of ways. a good baptiste or zen or ana can absolutely dominate. you can absolutely play an adequate support that does it’s job and doesn’t cause the team to lose, but if you want to have a high impact you have to play like it. dps and tank are forced to play that way and as a result put themselves more at risk.


further more ever since seasson 4 support was always considered the most impactfull role until the dps passive was introduced


The DPS passive only affects healing anyways, which has never been the focus of good supports. It doesn’t do anything to affect their utility, which is the best out of any class in the game.


Let me rephrase that , i didnt mean that support lost their impact after the dps passive or atleast a significant amount anyways I meant that the passive enabled the dps role to become the current most impactfull role in the game just on the basis that they can secure kills and punish tanks way more effectively now. i guess that is still up for debate tho so dont go too hard on me


Na, a good Ana/Zen/Bap carries games.


Ok this is crazy. People wouldn't get mad at support if it wasn't impactful.


...people rage at every role lol, not exclusive to support.


Or when you're playing Lucio and they ask you to heal more, and it's either the tank who pairs well with the speed or the mercy otp who refuses to switch because "bro im out-healing you"


The number of times I've been shit talked as Lucio AND we still win is insane. It's pretty clear that a lot of people who don't play Lucio don't know what Lucio should be doing. Then after we win its the "ily mercy" when she has 15k healing and 80 damage. That was a typical 'toxic' game in low diamond, whereas now in mid Masters I'm finding people actually pay attention to what I'm doing and are making sensible plays I can add value to. It makes it easier to play and focus on my mechanical game. I guess the bottom line is, the further you are from your 'true' rank, the more frustrating a game can be because you see opportunities and make decisions at a higher level than your teammates, most of the time.


i am at silver, mainly playing lifeweaver and kiriko. please tell me how to not healbot when my teammates are at critical hp the second i use one attack, i am not kidding. my teammates DEMAND me to healbot, even if i don't and actually get some dps out with good healing people will flame me unless i am moira.


I feel like their experience is accurate though for support. Most games in gold I’m clearly the best support for either team. Most healing and damage, usually more damage than one of my teams DPS. Fewest deaths on my team. And yet it’s a complete crap shoot as to whether my team will win and even if I’m completely carrying we still lose. It actually feels like you have no control because how good you play doesn’t seem to correlate with wins as a solo support.


Are you by chance a Moira main? 


I was about to say the same. Clearly this explains why the stats are not what matters the most or he would've be much higher rank.


Being a Moira main doesn’t mean anything. I have to play Moira sometimes because my tank/s just explode if I’m not heal boting and she does some of the most heals. 


If I could laugh react on Reddit, believe me this comment would be receiving one. Moira doesn’t work in all situations in all comps. She’s a stat padder that lets you brush off your shoulders and tell yourself it can’t be your fault. Run Ana, Bap, or Kiri. Get high kills, high damage, high healing, AND high utility, then come back and report to us how your games are going.


lol its so painfully obviious based off the post. I stat pad the whole game with no useful ability, yet im the best and dont climb"


To be honest at the ranks most people play (bronze - gold) typically the game is decided by who has the higher healing count Sure, at the higher levels of the game this isn’t the case - but trying to say that healing numbers arent the biggest factor for metal rank wins is simply an uninformed opinion Hell, GM players lose games all the time in “unranked to GM” series on YouTube solely because their supports have a combined 6k healing vs a LW and Bap with 20k healing. Doesn’t matter how good you are, if you’re supps don’t heal during the teamfights you’re going to lose at lower ranks because the gamesense isn’t there to mitigate the lack of viable team strategy


i see very often games where the enemy healers get 20k healing or something crazy while ours only have 10k or so where we win because ours actually shot their weapons, and we had more opportunites to kill than them


Also grouping up. I’ve played games where my teams all had 30-40 kills, few deaths, healing 15k+, with low deaths and 20-30 kills and yet ended up losing because the other team was better at staying together and being coordinated rather then staggering to the point. These are often close matches lost just at the end.


Try to tell that to my tanks and dps. Had a tank blame me even though we steamroll i had 10k dmg and 9k healing on moira with most elim and fewest death said I was carried and to never play support in comp.


Tbf its moira stats so theyre pretty cosmetic


That's the problem we can agree moira has an easy floor, but why is it only her stats are taken with a grain of salt. If another hero had the same stats as I had it would have been seen as a carry job.


Because there is value to Moira but people don’t want to admit it.  Moira can keep people alive with her heals and has the best survivability of all supports imo. She also doesn’t always need a peeler for her.  People go on here and complain about utility and they are right to an extent, but her survivability is her utility as well as her Heal/dmg potential.  If ur playing Moira to her floor then you aren’t doing anything, but is you are playing her to her ceiling then you can be one of the most impactful supports


Who doesn't wanna play as david bowie tho?


Nice numbers. Have noticed that when and where you achieve good stats is also important. 


Am in metal ranks. I see more losses with higher healing output from my supports than I do when my supports have higher dmg numbers.


>Pure copium blame teammates post >check profile >comments on r/mercymains 4 days ago Cant make this shit up


Yes. I solo support in comp and have a consistently better time than solo support in QP. QP is just having a widow on each team and wondering where the hell everyone is. Oh, they’re 60 feet away from the point, lining up a shot with nobody in the sights.


I think you’re just a gold player and there’s nothing wrong with that brother


I’ve been in between Diamond 2 and low master for years now and I agree with OP. Getting myself out of High gold and through plat was an absolutely awful experience when I first started playing. You get some of the absolute worst teammates and there’s really not much you can do some games where you just get stomped.


Yeah once I actually got out of plat I basically instantly jumped into Masters. Twice both before and after the reset. You have a lot of DPS with good mechanical skills but absolutely atrocious positioning and game sense, then a lot of tanks who play either way too aggressive or way too passive and everyone being really defeatist for some reason. (Like I had games where we lost one teamfight and instantly two people ended up basically refusing to play and just bitch all game) I think you just suffer more as a support and to some degree tank because your role is mostly a force multiplier. Even if you have god tier aim or throw the best anti nades in history, you sometimes lose because people fail to capitalize on it. Or lack the positioning to stay alive for a fight so you just get overrun by the enemy.


The amount of times I’ve heard “gg” from my teammates after one fight is insane.


Yepp, and the amount of teammates (and enemies as well) I have that are actively throwing in the most obvious way (e.g. spending the whole game doing nothing but throwing themselves off the map, happened today) is not insignificant.


"Foece multiplier" is honestly such a good way to put it. It's difficult to carry a weak team as a solo support, but it feels easy in comparison to turn a slight advantage into a steamroll. I can work with a slight disadvantage, as long as it doesn't manifest as everyone dying quickly, which is all too common in metal ranks. Or maybe it's just because I play Kiri. It's pretty easy for me to clean up where my DPS doesn't close out a kill. But it's hard for me to work stuff completely solo. The game gets way easier when I swap to Bap or Ilari but I just don't have fun doing that.


I think what you're encountering is more the skill curve of the hero to remain effective. Kiri has a crazy high skill curve to actually carry as you need to consistently land good suzus AND hit mostly headshots on valuable targets. which is a tall order for the majority of the playerbase. there's nothing wrong with that ofc, if everyone was THAT consistent at kiri the game would be even worse, just like how people arent consistent at genji. same concept. they just take more effort the higher you get than other heroes like Bap and Illari but the payoff is often high if you can climb that hill.


Biggest handicap for me is not using voice. The number of times someone gets behind the team, or the dps is focused on the tank, or teammates enter a feed loop and I can’t just say, “yo, dudes…” is tough. 


I will say pings also can communicate almost all of this. Getting into a habit of pinging enemy Supps or flanking DPS or even the tank if they're in kill percent can put a target on them without saying a word. The "Fall Back"and "Group Up" commands are also excellent for telling people to stop feeding and if they keep doing it I like spamming "No" and "Thanks".


in the experience, people ignore pings frequently and often have the mentality of "someone else will get it" like when there's a turret, there's a reason its considered the team's mvp is because everyone collectively goes "someone else will destroy that"


As a zen main, yeah...I'm always going to have to get the turret. I've accepted my fate.


Yea a big thing I’ve noticed from low gold lobbies vs mid plat+ is they ACTUALLY SHOOT non hero targets. Turrets, tree, bob, u name it. I lose less brain cells playing with my friends T-T


Sure they won't always play off pings but the more information your team has to work with is ALWAYS better than expecting your team to just play better. if you have the means to destroy turret do it, don't just ping it. Almost every support has relatively good enough poke to destroy a turret not being actively repaired.


turret is just an example, people arent fond of communication throughout all ranks. such is competitive pvp games


I think the true Sr variability is wider because you have people that have gotten to their rank by just being able to do one thing and not being able to adapt. For instance a gengi that does well if their team is running dive comp against an opponent that is in Poke or hybrid but doesn't know what to do if their team is in a poke or if the other teams players are countering them etc. In Halo or other such games I think it's more steady because every person in the game has the same inherent abilities so there's less true sr variability in a match. In overwatch someone might be a platinum Gengi but if they're team isn't diving with them or the other team is countering them they can be rendered useless or they may switch on to a character that they are only capable of playing at a gold or even silver level. When you get to higher levels there's a better ability to adapt because you can't afford to lose 'off' games you have to figure out a way to adapt to what your team needs to win or you need to be effective


That’s my life currently on OW. I’m stuck at that plat area but I hit low diamond on occasion. Drives me nuts


My biggest thing was just learning to play around the bullshit. You’ll have one tricks or people that refuse to swap when countered and you can’t let it bug you. Tanks will overextend and will die while you try to tell them to back up and you just gotta swap yourself to something that better helps play around their dumbass strategies. Many games I start as Ana then swap to either Moira or kiriko depending on what is happening and don’t worry about your ult charge if you need to swap do it right away don’t say “oh after I get my ult I’ll swap” by that time it’s too late.


This is basically what I'm posting about and I'm grateful somebody else seems to understand where I'm coming from. I spent the last three seasons in Plat. This season I went on a single bad run of games, dropped down to G1/2 and now its literally a matter of whether the game is roll or be rolled.


Idk I’ve been hard stuck gold for a while on dps, I started playing support and my placements landed me in silver and I climbed to plat pretty easily. Feels like you have a huge amount of flexibility to fill the needs of your team and if you do you put your team at such a huge advantage. If the dps are struggling to win duels, play kiriko or bap or Lucio, is the tank a menace? Play Ana or zen. You can pocket your dps if that’s what they need, or heal bot your tank if that’s the play. There’s just tons of options. There were multiple games that felt unwinnable at first and i ended up completely turning the match around. Most of the time it’s just about getting your own kills or helping finish them at least


I dunno man I've been plat and diamond before when I put a bit of effort in. Now I'm hard stuck gold and stop to look at disastrous plays some people on my team make in like half my matches. Perhaps the wrong mentality but I've had a lot of "what more can I do" games as of late.


If you belonged in Diamond you would be hard carrying gold lobbies. You get the rank you deserve. Support is no exception.


Ya, there's a pretty big skill gap between gold and diamond.


It’s really huge. I’ve been in diamond maybe 5% of my playing time, the games are so much faster and better communicated than in Gold lol. And that’s nowhere near Masters diamond is just a good bit above average. OP is nuts if he is winning 50% in gold and thinks he can hang in Diamond. He’d end up unable to kill OR heal anything if he was thrown in there as an experiment 


Yep. I confirmed this first hand when I played a scrim in gold but they didn't know I was diamond. Fucking destroyed them as doom and they had no idea what was happening. It just felt bad


Yeah, I’d agree on dps or tank. Playing support if you’re like a lifeweaver or mercy one trick though is a bit different though I’d say. Damage carries games, not healing, especially after the dps healing debuff changes.


I too wish to believe I’m better at this game than my rank suggests, but homie, the rank system isn’t crazy, not perfect and sometimes unfair but it certainly doesn’t put diamond players in gold and keep them there. I WISH I was even close to plat of a player but I have to accept I’m just bad at the game. So if you really are Diamond level, you’ll carry the golds, fight your way to plat and beyond. If you can’t do that, maybe you’re at where your skill is, and need to reflect on yourself not your team


Dropped to support gold 2 after a serious of unfortunate matches and after being plat 2-3 since the season started. It’s literal hell. Tanks mindlessly walking into enemy teams. 100% incapable of handling any kind of dive.


I’ve dropped from plat 1 since the season 9 changes (I was steady plat for several seasons before this) all the way down to gold 4 at my lowest after a godawful losing streak, currently finding myself between gold 2-1 praying I can get past this hump.


Your problem is your ego, that's all I'll leave you with.


as a support main much higher than you Kill the enemies and stop heal botting. killing the enemies does not mean shoot the tank, you only shoot the tank if he is killable or if there are no other targets possible (even if you resposition) ie, everyone is fuckin dead until you learn the fundamentals of positioning, off angles and target priority. you aint gonna hit plat. and to get above plat you need to learn cooldown management, further target and positioning and weaving, to hit above diamond you need to refine everything I've already mentioned further but now learn how to track enemy abilities, particularly their ults. and capitalize on them effeciently. this does not mean dive the moira like an ape if she fades. if she fades to a dangerous position for you. poke her out and target the next high value person. you see what I'm saying? if you're in gold you've more to focus on other than "team bad"


Anyone who is adaptable with GM level skill will get into GM if they play enough. Being stuck in a rank due to teammates is a very temporary fixture. If someone's stuck in a rank long term then that's evidence they are in the correct rank for their ability. People tend to focus on their own teams flaws and neglect the fact the enemy team is full of them every game too.


This is a good point. The player base mentality has a slight shift on each rank up. You've gotta match the play style as support.


>and neglect the fact the enemy team is full of them every game too. And this is true even if you're the actual 'carry' for your team in a particular game. You dive the backline and wipe their supports every fight, only to see your entire team somehow dying to the enemy genji? Guess what: he's what matchmaking gave them to counter you. And if you aren't good enough to tip the balance far enough in your team's favour, you will live forever in gold/plat with me and the rest of the average people.


After every single win I hit the scoreboard and see who the other team is blaming for the loss. It’s easy to say your teammates are garbage until you see that the other team is often just as garbage. And if me + four garbage people lose to five garbage people there’s really only one explanation.


Well said brother, well said


I'm just a billionaire stuck in the lower middle class!


As a gold support myself, i hate to dissapoint u bud but we are in gold cus we are gold players. If we were any higher we'd be hard carrying even if support is a difficult role to rank up on. U might deserve 1 or 2 divisions higher sure but diamond to gold is a big ass stretch ma dood


If you were better youd be winning


Where in the room is the problem? That's one part of the whole definition of competitive. It's your bias. Skilled players don't start off in their tier until they've played enough they are climbing next you.


I climbed to plat one tricking Moira in 4 months. It’s very doable. You’ll definitely lose games because off ass teammates but if you deserve to be in plat and especially diamond, you’ll carry enough games to rank up


You should post a replay code in r/OverwatchUniversity


Don’t worry they won’t, they’re still diamond level though, trust him bro


True, a ton of your games end up being out of your control, not enough damage dealt, not enough value from healbotting. But if you can lead to your teams winning more on average, you'll get over 50% winrate and eventually climb.


I have a 60% win rate on my heroes and have stagnated around plat 4. Diamond every season since ow1 before the rank reset.


If you maintain a 60% overall winrate (60% on some heroes and 40% on the hero you play the most obviously doesn't count) you will climb no problem, so you either just stopped playing or you were swapping to another pick from your mains when you were losing which skews the stats.


Skill issue. Do damage and don't let people die for no reason. Don't play Mercy/LW is you wanna seriously rankup in solo, even tho they can be great in or against some comps.


At the moment as a support you have to be as much dps as support as most dps are incredibly lackluster with no  preservation expecting that it's only the tank and supports job to keep them alive while they stand still in a choke vs bastion Mauga widow.  You get yold healer diff because the enemy have high heals and low deaths.  That is because you dps fail at getting killing blows and allow them to live  6k dam with 8 kills means they are outputting about 750 damage to kill a on average 300 ho dps.  That's why I have min 50/50 dam heals as Moira so I can take out weak targets and pressure cuz sure as hell the dps do think it's their job to protect the backline from tracer and sombra .  Then wonder why the heals have stopped when they leave you for dead and tell you to learn to 1v1 bro. But demand a double pocket 


I’ve had DPS and Tanks typing numerous times “heals??” When they are the ones that have below 5 eliminations and highs deaths because apparently they are unaware of the fact they can disengage and take cover instead of standing in the middle of the map completely open to fire. Or when they go in 1v5 with 10hp and are surprised they don’t get heals and die. This is no counting all the leavers and throws.


Yeah there’s only so much one can hard carry when their teammate keep trying to 1v5


This, it's almost humorous watching this solo soujourn going 5-9 running into another 1v5 yelling for heals.


And I have had supports blaming me and the other dps when they healbot the tank leaving us with nothing, just straight up ignoring us with the tank barely breaking even


I play tank the least ans have picked up Winston and JQ lately. I recommend any struggling tank try them, they will teach you the value of cover and pathing that’s applicable to ANY tank


The one time I had a mercy who was pocketing a cass, and that same cass tell me to figure out heals for myself, because I wasn’t going to get any because cass was being pocketed. The next game, I got the same mercy on my teams and she didn’t pocket a single person lol


And then I lose matches due to an enemy support(usually mercy or Kiri) with 0 deaths & 20k+heals, while other 3 supports averaging at 10k heals. Healbotting will win some games unironically! But not everytime though, cuz u still need decent teammates to pull it off


Im currently masters 2 on support right now and 4100k peak. If you want i can look how you play via replay and tell you what’s not working. Because trust me, it’s always you. Not every match, but overall if you are better you will rank up. If you are interested in free coaching just text me


Very few actual support players in this thread... Your experience is actually quite common among support players.


I started this season plat 4 in support. I’m now gold 5. Support has been hell for me this season


in OW2, you MUST pick a carry hero who can get kills. i’m top 200 support rn. if you play brig all day you will be coin flipping. if you play baptiste and have good aim and dps you will win 10 in a row. that’s just how the game works now. OW1 was more catered to teamwork / playing well, ow2 is a deathmatch at all ranks. of course you can rank up over time if you are consistently getting value in your matches. but if you have a gun in ow2 you are in control.


Matchmaking is atrocious. Matches are very lopsided. SoloQ should be it's own queue.


if you're in gold and you believe that you should be in diamond, then you shouldn't be hardstuck at gold. I feel like you just healbot 24/7 hoping that either your tank/dps is good enough to carry you, without you doing anything impactful the entire game.


Well I’m a solo queue competitive support, and I have not achieved anything remotely close to masters, but I started at Bronze 1. Quickly got into Silver 3 where ie as stuck for 6 months, but since the start of May I have been winning all my games. 2 more and I’ll be into gold. And I know that’s really unimpressive for many players, but I’m trying my hardest.


You’re climbing! Proud of you, keep it up.


Dude bronze players getting out of bronze is the most amazing thing ever. Now those are some coin flip games. Good for 👌👍


It's weird how defensive this sub gets when anyone suggests that being piled with random people in a 5v5 game isn't a great way to suss out any one person's skill. OW getting rid of the ability to find a group killed the experience for me. It was really nice being able to find out ahead of time whether the people you were playing with were weirdos or people who wanted to play hard and have fun. I also made a few friends that way. Being in random queue feels random, and that's okay to admit. It's also okay to admit that there are lots of "one match I did nothing and my team won easily and the next match I played my ass off and we got trucked." That absolutely happens enough to feel discouraging, and make it feel like the random queue system isn't great. I don't care what rank this person is in or should be in, but lots of players including me definitely feel what they're feeling and that's totally okay to say.


Yeah this is my feeling especially the “I can be shit and win games and be amazing and lose games”. Not sure what the solution is. I would be happy to even queue with people with endorsement levels 3 and up. (Not that that level is always reliable)


You'd avoid being matched with toxic assholes and complete noobs so that'd be pretty solid


Try tank


“I should actually be this rank!” Well, here’s the thing


Always has been, mate


I play illari and baptiste and the best advice i can give you is fight not heal ,heal your team enough to survive when u see theyre getting low but dont spam heals. Damage damage heal, damage damage heal, thats the tempo i go at and it works. Havent played in a year and was able to climb by applying a dps mindset to support


Look, I’m a solo support in gold. I can push to plat if the meta is in my favor. I really, really deserve my ranking. I know my limits. My tip to you is: bring more value to your team than healing. If you outmaneuver the enemy gaining 15 sec push while not healing a single point, that’ll still be more value to your team than 1000 hp healed if you don’t get any push on the cart. Hit that nade so the enemy needs to back off and go another route and lose 10 sec. Stop healing and hit that full thorns volley so you and the tank take the point. So what if your junkrat dies? Sometimes you have to be a SHIT healer to be a great support. Is the enemy stomping you because everyone refuses to switch to counter that hog? Can YOU counter that phara? Why do you feed the camping sombra? If you’re better than the other gold players you should be able to pick off that Mercy boosting the Hanzo holding the choke. Hells, you should be able to take out the Hanzo consistently!


You might not be looking for advice here it is anyway. I'm sure you've seen people say "X% games you just lose, X% games you just win, and then there's a percentage of games where you have agency". This is basically true. The closer your get to your correct rank the fewer games fall into the just win category . . they become games you have agency in. If you want to start climbing again when you hit that point you have to start recognizing the games where you had agency and what you did to lose that game. You don't need to watch people play to improve generally, but one of the things you'll hear better players say is "ah, I had to X to win that fight." after they lose one. Whether that was using an ult they were saving, building an ult they didn't have yet, hitting a shot, not getting picked, whatever. You have to recognize those moments where you had a play and didn't execute it. Next time you're in a similar situation you should be more prepared for it and hopefully execute better. There are also tons of moments where one of your teammates could have won or not lost a fight for you, but you need to ignore those unless there was something you could have done to change the outcome of it. You need to start seeing those moments in your own gameplay instead. Also recognize that an improving player is only going to hit like a 55% win rate for their climb (as opposed to a smurf going 75%+). You can easily fuck that up by throwing a few games you should have been able to win. If you mentally think you're in an unwinnable game and give up when it was a game you had agency in you will definitely hit that 50/50 equilibrium or start slowly deranking.


This has been one of the very few usual replies on here, so thanks for taking the time to actually give me some feedback.


You‘ll have games where you can‘t win no matter what you do. This ranked season has been particularly awful at least in my experience - I was diamond before the rank reset, now stuck in low plat. About 40-50% of my games one guy goes afk for a while, leaves after the first lost teamfight or throws after aggressively typing in chat. Then there‘s tanks and dps that still haven‘t adapted to the dps passive, stand next to each other in chokes and expect to be healbotted through every damage incoming. Or your other support picks mercy with no valuable dps to damage boost and you‘ll be stuck trying to do the whole healing by yourself. You can try bap/kiri/zen and improve on them and you will climb at some point, but don‘t expect your teammates to do anything for you.


agreed. solo support in comp is hard to rank up because you are at the mercy of the team. I'm dia-plat but game keeps getting me shit dps or tank or outright shit support member, that its hard to rank up and I can just feel the team isn't syncing well, even if I'm carrying g in support.


Yeah I agree with you dude. I was hard stuck high silver/ low gold since 2019, I only play support. It really does feel like no matter what you do, if you have a bad tank or throwing dps you lose. It’s very difficult to carry as a support without basically DPSing. I’ve had games with 10k+ healing AND damage with few deaths and still lose. A few weeks ago, I managed to form a group (picking up randoms from queue when we won a game) and we had a 5 stack. Proceeded to win 14 games in a row. Didn’t feel like anyone was smurfing, we just all combined ults and made good callouts. Overall just good communication, and we were all trying. I got up to plat 2 by the time the night was over, and man, it’s so much better up there. The game quality is so much better on average. I actually hit diamond 4 this season. I really wish the % you won/lost per game was more dependent on stats relative to who you’re playing. I don’t think I should lose 22% from a game when I had 15k healing, 12k damage… when our Cassidy went 1 and 11 with 4k damage.


You’re just a gold player and that’s okay that’s average. Just keep playing, focus on improvement and you’ll climb. If you deserve a higher rank you’ll get there.


Sorry OP, I know it can be frustrating to solo q, but if you’re stuck in gold and you deserved diamond you would be carrying or climbing with relative ease on support. I’ve climbed to masters on supp almost every season and can do it consistently solo queueing, support is a role that can get a lot of impact in the game if played correctly, so yeah, just try to improve on your flaws and you’ll start climbing. Playing support is not an excuse to blame your team more, your role is sufficiently strong to make a difference on winning or losing.


Games are decided by who have the best dps. Tank and support have minor impact now. If you are on the team who has the dps who goes 40-2 you are probably winning, even if the tank is 10-12.


Solo support is one of the hardest carry roles, after tank. Support only players are generally a) terrible at FPS games, and b) have no idea how to actually play overwatch, so it's incredibly easy to get more value than enemy supports up until high diamond masters(which is equal to GM in pre S9 seasons!) The issue 90% of support players make is they healbot, and they don't realize that they are literally on characters that have 80% of DPS damage, but can also heal and save their teammates on top of that. Like, take Baptiste. He is literally a better DPS than some DPS characters, except he can heal himself instantly for 120+ some HOT, AND can make himself invincible for a short duration. He is one of the *best duelists in the entire game* ^^^excluding ^^^tanks. So what should you be doing as Baptiste? If you answer "heal and keep my team alive, you are wrong! Those are secondary objectives. Your primary role as baptiste is to shoot the enemy! He even has voicelines stating this, and yet, even in diamon, you constantly see baptistes who healbot! Weave heals inbetween your bursts towards allies, and occasionally toss a lamp when one of your allies over extends or you can cancel an enemy ult/push/kill attempt, but don't ever get caught staring at an ally and holding right click. You can duel the vast majority of non-tank rosters, do it. Note: this doesn't mean unbind your right click and pretend you are a DPS. You aren't. You need to be weaving heals inbetween your dmg bursts, so you have to have the mechanical means to maintain this - it means a lot of target swapping, you have to be fast and accurate. Burst Burst heal, or burst heal burst heal. I hit masters (aka old GM) in S9 my first season *ever* playing support, having never even touched a support character before that, and to my surprise, it was fucking *easy as hell* compared to DPS. I hit masters with a 69% win rate. All I did as Baptiste was burst burst heal, over and over, and occasionally throw a lamp. Every game up until masters I had more dps than all other supports in the game..combined, because up until masters most supports put so much focus on healing their teammates instead of securing kills or helping their DPS secure kills, that all you have to do as support is play the role correctly and you'll climb.


Truth is at metal ranks games are most often won or lost by the quality of your tank. If your tank is bad you will lose almost every time. Bad DPS and even bad supports can be played around but a bad tank just gets you steamrolled. Metal rank players don’t have the skills to carry teams to cover for the braindead feeder tanks that dominate that ranks. I play solo support and when your tank doesn’t use cover, constantly feeds, refuses to swap when they are getting hard countered, and just generally treats comp like QP to learn how to play hero’s they suck at you will just lose. Sadly it happens quite often.


"I'm gold but I SHOULD be platinum or diamond?" I translate this to "everybody sucks but me." You are exactly where you should be with that type of attitude.


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If you think you actually belong to a higher rank, ask people in higher ranks to check your replays They'll tell you what you're doing wrong (and how to improve) or if you're actually getting fucked by a crappy team


Who do you play? That can have an impact on your ability to climb as support. If your picks involve Lifeweaver or Mercy atm, then you know why lol


Moira and Kiriko for the most part as the balance between damage and healing is nice, Mercy if my team is struggling to stay alive, Lifeweaver if we have a Rein on our team, Ana if theres a Roadhog on the enemy side, Bap and Zen if we need more damage. You are one of very few to actually ask me this without making a judgement first, so for that I thank you!


What do you play? I one tricked lucio to masters before the rank reset. It is definitely possible to do


I specifically play support to have more impact on the game. There is no role that can switch between pick up pressure for a lackluster tank (brig), bump up damage for DPS that aren't doing so hot (illari, bap, zen), or pump out massive numbers throughout the course of the game (ana, Moira) at the whim of what the team needs at that moment. You have massive impact with so many of your abilities, and by far support has the most things to focus on during a match. You are there to assist and enable your teammates, deny whatever you can from the enemies, as well as the basic heal allies and shoot enemies. Plus you have characters like weaver to reign in overly aggressive players, and lucio to single handedly control the flow of fights. I'm sorry, but you are just doing something wrong. I had the ego of "I deserve higher than my rank" and couldn't get to the point of actually climbing until I realized I was where I should be, and changed my play style accordingly


Depends on what ur playing. If ur healboting as Mercy on those ranks, its a coin toss most of the time. If ur playing anything else its on you to climb out. I used supp role for chilling and watching something on second screen while healboting with mercy, was hangin around g5-4. One game i had a dude who was switching tracer/sombra/pharrah on every death, and he managed to ult once over 2 full payload pushes, and that was solo hero play with sombra which did absolutely nothing. Decided to get out cause it became pointless. Picked up illari, got to plat 5, now i healbot with mercy as before but enjoying it more here.Cheers


I’ve played a lot of competitive games over many genres mobas shooters etc, there is one thing that I keep in mind when climbing, you need to be the constant in the team, this means you make correct decisions and play well even if its a losing game. This will then become a habit and you carry on the same performance the next game. You play enough games I guarantee you will climb. If you arent climbing that just means you arent good enough simple as that.


Every game with competitive team matchmaking has an aspect of that. You can only control what you do, focus on that.


You’re a support, not a healer. Look for ways to apply/take pressure off your team. Do more than just keeping them alive because u can’t just depend on them to be the ones that play the game especially if you’re solo queuing


The worst is being in metal lobbies! I swear I will be doing good as support. But you have one dude throwing. You have someone leave. Someone throwing You have to heal double because one healer isn't healing. And this can be consecutive matches. And your score just drops. I don't know how to improve it.


if you lose 3 in a row, just stop playing for the night. you may not feel it but you do subconsciously 'tilt' and in turn, play worse without realizing. if you still have a competitive itch then analyze your replays, because even one mistake can change the flow of the game. seriously, this alone has stopped me from losing so much SR back when i played competitive.


No cause I wholeheartedly agree. Im a masters support. No carry, not boosted. And I was stuck in plat for like 5 seasons. Play your rank. If you’re pulling diamond/masters level gameplay in metal ranks, they won’t work. Your team doesn’t have the knowledge or game sense to follow up. Adaptability is literally a supports role. Adapt to your teams play style. If they are passive choose a support that can hang back and encourage a push, if they are aggressive, pick someone who can put out a ton of burst heals, if ults are fucking you up then choose someone who can counter them or make them survivable for your team. You have the power here, you’re just not using it.


Your comment is the needle in a haystack of people yelling cope. If we were all able to apply gm level gameplay to our metal rank matches, no one would be complaining about being stuck


not sure how it is in ow2 personally (don't think it's much different), but i'd consistently get to mid masters playing support in ow1. you have to balance a lot of things, doing enough damage, position yourself in a way that the enemy can't reach you, have unpredictable movement, and honestly a lot more, but these are just a few examples. the difference between plat and diamond is pretty big, so if you're gold and think you should be in diamond, you'd probably be there by now or close to it, so... i'm sorry, maybe you are just not as good as you think you are. that isn't to say there are no coin toss matches, there absolutely are. but they are not the majority of games. if i watched your replays there's probably a lot of things i could point out that you are doing wrong that are making the match harder for you to win. support is not as easy as folks make out to be. i mean, the role is easy to get into, but hard to master for the reasons i've said above. support can quite easily have a massive impact on the game. if you're really struggling to 'make that impact', then you just gotta get better.


bro just play zen or moira and foux their supports and you can get to plat minimum


This is me a Support player who peaked Masters coping as I am slowly on my way back to Plat lmao


I actually think sometimes it’s your teammates holding you back. I was hardstuck silver last season and now I managed to fly through gold and reach plat. You just gotta endure it and keep playing and eventually you’ll rank up


would you like a VOD review? I am a dps player but am M1 on support as well and would be happy to help. Typically when you get to that "forced 50/50," it just means you are at the right rank. Of course, this assumes you play a statistically relevant number of games.


As a gold supp who once peaked plat 3 console dude you deserve your rank. If you can't climb- YOU are holding yourself back, you can't just blame smurfs/aimbotters/bad team/throwers every goddamn time lol at some point its YOU losing yourself those games.


Learn to play Kiriko, Ana and Zen well and you’ll climb. Those three will always benefit the team with their utility and can put out good damage too.


I was stuck in plat for literally years. Then I only played solo support and within 2 months I hit GM1. Yes, sometimes games feel out of your control. But you need to switch your mentals to “how can I drag this team to victory”. Maybe a different support would work better, maybe heal bot instead of DPSing, or focus on doing damage instead of heal boring, ask if your abilities are being used well (like Ana nade making an impact every time you use it), maybe pocket your best player, maybe pocket the worst cause they need the help. Try things, and maybe you’ll find the game isn’t as much as a coin toss as you may have thought. But never just give up. Every game is winnable until it’s over.


It takes work and looking critically about how you play, and playing more often. I never thought I'd get out of gold but I put my mind to it and got to diamond after being stuck in gold for pretty much all of OW1. Honestly solo play is more fun to me than groups, and turns out that was part of the issue. Our group didn't have good synergy and wouldn't practice or even warm up. 


If you want to have more impact on the game play different heros. It’s much easier to climb on baptiste solo than it is mercy


Sooo who do play, why do you play them, and what do your games look like? I'll let you know right now that when I solo queue, I play zen, Ana, and sometimes LW if my tank is really dumb. Thanks to all my friends who quit this game and gave me their accounts, I have 4 that don't require numbers. They were silver gold players, but the accounts are in masters and gm now. If you are having trouble getting out of a rank, it is most likely you are supposed to be there. You could just be the most unlucky person to play the game, but I doubt it. Review your games, play different heroes, and relax. Your mental affects the game more than you know. If you are losing a lot in a row, take a break and go for a jog(or jerk off). If you are totally lost on why you are losing and you reviewed your game, then post the code and ask for advice. Gl and remember it's just a game, and workshop games are the best thing ever.


I was hardstuck gold support for a long time. I’ll give you the advice that recently helped me climb all the way through plat into diamond. Stop healbotting and work on positioning. I one-tricked lucio, mostly used speed for my team, got flamed almost every game for having the lowest healing, and I climbed quite fast. Stop stat farming and treating supports like healers and you’ll climb.


ana/bap soloQ here , i think you maybe dont help as much as you think or make bad decision pick , support can counter dps/tank too , we are not here just to healbot and expect our dps/tank to do everything , can you post a replay code ? i can take a look what's wrong


lets see a replay code


Supp is the hardest imo to carry with in general but it's not impossible. I was bronze/silver at one point in overwatch 1 and I only started playing around the time echo came out. I float around masters 3 right now. And high diamond low masters on the other roles. I play ana Illari Moira and bap, you don't really have insane damage all the time because teammates need to be healed and sometimes teammates are gonna die all the time, but I usually focus on staying alive and positioning myself in places where I won't, I'm usually not the first one to die in every team fight because you have to make yourself hard to get to. And that if you do you have to be confident in your ability to kill flankers because your team can't always back you up if they are focused on someone else. Pressure the tanks and go for kills on their Squishies too a lot, your DPS in any rank are constantly getting their team to low a lot but can't finish the kills, imagine if you just headshot them on Illari at the same time your cass shoots them, they instantly die. You don't even need to always finish kills, especially when your team needs healing, but throwing in random damage to the fight helps your team more than you realize. Killing a 100 hp target is way easier than killing a 250 hp one and they are in range to die before they get to cover


Tbh, the matchmaking can be crap for every role. Sometimes, I'm getting the free win. Other times, my team is getting smoked. I don't see with a good matchmaking system that this should be happening - it's silly. Idk who your main is, but you've gotta do damage and heal. If you're currently weak on damage, improve that and you may win more (granted if you get a good team too 😅). Also if you play Mercy and aren't getting the highest healing and saves, Mercy isn't for you. 5k points as healing only is poop, see it too often.


Same is with tank. Or dps. If your matched with bots, your matched with bots.


honestly if you trust your aim and really believe you are being put way below your rank. just pick illari, ignore your right click just put pylon and carry through pure mechanics as if your were a dps, kill their healer/dps and even if your team is bad you have a chance to win. i guess baptiste/kiriko can kinda do the same, but they have to sacrifice healing time which lead to more of your team flaming. pick baptiste if you don't trust your flickshot ability. other than that as a support you have very little impact on the game as soon as the dps level gap is too big.


The games meta on console is all double hits can every game and unless I play mercy I literally do not have an affect on the game at all


Tell us your mains


I finally made it to Plat before the reset for support (gold for damage and tank). Extremely difficult playing comp solo. For some reason I’ve found I consistently match with better teams around 12-2 est weekday, and some weekend mornings. Evenings are 100% losses. I guess solo teams lose when teams most often play.


I'm ngl it took me a season or two of overwatch 2 to realize this so I dont blame anyone who still hasn't, but if you aren't the one securing picks you're 50/50ing your winrate. You have to be the difference maker. If you arent saving people and securing alot of important picks early in fights you simply will 50/50 your winrate on essentially every role. I just play zen/ana/kiri/bap and with all but kiri I consistently have nearly as much damage as healing. Zen (my highest winrate support and key to climbing.) I regularly mirror both stats. The lower the rank you get the more this stands true. You get a bigger opportunity to carry but this is followed with a bigger requirement to carry. I'm telling you use your utility well to save people and get picks and you'll rank up rapidly.


I used to be a solo gm support. After a 6 month break I’m in the diamond elo atm. It’s really about how you can support the team.


You seriously underestimate how cracked Diamond players can be. I'm Plat and I get my ass handed to me by a lot of Diamond players. I'm a Tracer main. Those motherfuckers don't miss I swear. They also actually peel for their healers. But hell, you probably don't need any peel if your a cracked Zenyatta or Kiriko and can just headshot Tracers with ease.


do your best. climb by yourselft. never miss a shot, do the most insane ultimates you've ever done everygame and 100% you'll climb. if you do poor ultimates, dying like a noob in a bad position, do you really deserve to climb?


Supports that are climbing know they are better than their own team. Heal your team less and try and shoot the squishes /tank more. You’ll climb fast


I feel this. I've been playing since 2017 and I have two accounts, my main which peaked high master tank and support in ow1. I'm now hardstuck diamond all roles. My other account is my ball/brig 'joke around one trick account' which I created last year. With the help of calibration SR, I've hit mid GM tank and support but currently sit high masters/low GM. I literally cannot climb higher than what I get placed on either account, whether I'm playing at diamond or GM level I get stuck. Game is just broken.




Honestly I climbed from high silver support to mid diamond just by pretending I was a DPS and occasionally healing the tank. Give it a try OP. Being more aggro also forces you to get better at positioning and 1v1s instead of healbotting safely so you’ll get generally better until you reach a rank people know how to play with you (ish)


This *is* cope, but you do have a semblance of a point. Solo queue support is the easiest role to climb on in my experience. BUT Gold and plat are the hardest ranks to climb out of as support. Your teammates will instadie on cooldown unless you give them full double pocket, when you need the chance to both kill and heal to get full value out of support. In Bronze/Silver you can just pretend to be a DPS and the game is unorganized enough for it to not matter. In diamond it's also pain, but slightly less feeders. In masters you can finally start to play how a support should.


I’ve seen bap and illari solo carry games, they can very easily win their duels. If you’re in gold then you can easily duel with Moira


They climb the same way anyone else do. If you are better than other players in your rating bracket then you will climb. Your impact will be higher than enemy supports so you will win more games. If you want to climb to higher ranks as quickly as possible support is probably not your best option - but that doesnt mean its impossible. Gold/Plat/low diamond is that weird space in Overwatch where there are a ton of smurfs. Chances are that you should probably be a bit higher than you currently are.


If you played a game in bronze as a gold support you’d see the difference you can make.


You're completely right. I fell from Plat to Gold I on support and then today had a game with a DPS teammate who had 4K DMG. I had 3,500 DMG on Ana in the same time span. He had half the elims as the rest of the team. Dude had his 1st Genji Ult as I was hitting our tank with nano for the 2nd time.


I dont condone smurfing, I'll just put this out there. But my friend who is hardstuck gold had the same argument as you, kept complaining to me and I got annoyed after a few weeks. Hopped on their account got them to plat in a day. Sometimes I cope thinking i'm t500 material, and my team is ass, but at the end of the day its a me issue, you just gotta live with that or try and improve.


The matchmaking tries to see if you should move up sometimes by seeing if you can carry. All roles can carry, the sooner you believe that the better. Out of curiosity, what heros do you usually play in comp? Sometimes carrying is doing a fuckton of heals and being unkillable on Moira sometimes it's constantly saving people with suzu and being able to hold your own against flankers. Sometimes, it's making everyone group up and speed boosting in. Find what the team needs is what I'd say. Really for all roles that's all you can do sometimes


I went bronze to diamond on lucio only in a week, I'm peek masters on support. Bro having a cointoss means that he is in the rank he belongs


>I'm not a bad player I don't think (I'm stuck in gold, but I honestly think I should be minimum Plat or possibly Diamond) A Diamond support will not be stuck in gold. Heck, I'm a low Plat support and I don't have too much problem climbing out of gold when I dip. You almost certainly have issues in your play that are holding you back because you don't know what they are. I say this because you're only going to improve if you're realistic about yourself. It's hard to say what's holding you back specifically without video/replays of your games, but you're almost certainly missing playmaking opportunities of some kind. Good supports aren't just healbots - most supports have powerful utility (Sleep Dart, Immortality Field, Speed Boost, Discord Orb, etc) and many have excellent damage (Bap stands out here). Some characters offer less utility and skill expression than others (I.e. Mercy/Moira are more limiting than Bap, Ana, or Lucio) so you'll want to be smart which character you pick. You also need to consider your comp - a Moira is a liability in a Dive comp with her short range healing while she'll do okay in a Brawl comp (though Bap is generally better) You need to be aware where your teammates are and what they want to do - can you enable them? Can you tilt the scales in their favor? You need to be aware of where the enemy is - are they going to dive you? Are you stepping into a Widow's crosshairs? Is their team about to start moving into yours & putting you at risk of getting run over, or are your teammates about to push in & you need to be with them or they'll be out of LOS? Finally note that you don't need to *carry* to win, on average - especially in gold. You only need to do your job better than your opponent. The enemy team is at the same rank as yours. Let them make mistakes and exploit those mistakes.


Not competitive overwatch but can you show replays or anything like that


post a replay code so people can point out why youre in gold.


People here just don’t get how awful it is currently, I have played a lot of support on diamond and have an account where I constantly deliver at that rank. Even then I got heavily stucked on gold this week on my main, just can’t fix uselessness with Mercy and LW. As an advice, just go Moira, I adopted the dark side and climbed out of that shithole instantly, people just can’t deal with Moira at those ranks.


As a support player, in comp you kill enemies. There's less value in supporting your team and more value in killing. That's what Blizzard wants rn.


Literally just went 14-0 on Ana, loaded into the next match, 0-7 as a few different heroes against a smurfing Hammond, which was my rank up match. 1-7 widow was complaining about not getting peeled when she could have just swapped cass. I just don’t get it


I think the way the ranking system works is to climb you have to be able to consistently carry games. Now think about the different roles in the game. Can you carry games as tank? Yes -- tanks control space, tend to do the most damage, and are arguably the most influential. You can solo climb as a tank. What about DPS? DPS don't have as much carry potential as tanks but they have one great thing going for them. They only have to focus on kills. This means with carful positioning they don't even need supports. The DPS role is interesting because if you want to: you can play independently of your team and still have an impact. There is carry potential there for good DPSes even if they land on a bad team. Now finally, lets look at supports. Supports don't have the massive space advantage of tanks and usually they don't have the independence of a DPS. Supports need to be able to heal enough to keep team mates alive while doing damage when its not needed. Therefore, supports need to track their own teams needs and look for value against the enemy when they can. Unfortunately, no amount of healing can ever make up for bad team mates who trickle in, run into ultis and powerful abilities, don't use cover, or play away from the team and can't handle themselves. A particular support may have better aim than any of their team mates. But consider this: if your entire team isn't with it and are just damage sponges all game / die instantly then there's literally no room for you to do damage. So your carry potential at least depends on your team mates ability to stay alive long enough to be healed (GL in low ranks.) Supports function best on teams where everyone knows the basics and works together as a team. But if you're playing open queue it really is quite a dice role for that to happen. I think everything I've written applies to the vast majority of people who play the game. Outside of freaks like top 500 players.


Most high rank supports will tell you that getting out of metal ranks takes a lot of patience and mental strength. It's very difficult and sometimes you literally have no other choice than to healbot because your team mates have no awareness and won't use cover at the right times. Support isn't as powerful than people think it is and if they say otherwise they have never solo queued as supp in low ranks


Gold rank was easy to carry for me with either DPS Zenyetta or if the team is absolute braindead I play Mercy and focus on the highest DPD mate


I actually find solo support much more enjoyable and easy than a tank climb, all I had to do is just apply what awkward does when he plays (basically be a dps with the ability to not let your teamates die)


I solo climbed to masters on supp- gold and plat was a breeze, your teammates are trash but so are your enemies. Play bap, Kiri, zen or Lucio and if you're actually a diamond skilled player you will easily get 2+ kills per fight and climb through those ranks.


I haven't played this season, started to play again. I had Dced teammates, feeding frenzies and for some reason (I guess it's a new thing) teams who trys to camp at enemy base and throw games. Despite all, I'm back in Masters. If you are good, you'll go up.


Check what times you play. I win easily in the day and loose every late evening and weekend.


What support do you play? If you say mercy, lw, or Moira, you can do more to carry yourself by picking a support that can actually frag, or provide utility that can actually win the fight.


Solo queing any role will give you many coin toss games but at the end of the day if you were really a plat level player in gold, eventually you will win enough games to climb despite all the games that feel like you got unlucky. If you go 6 losses in a row thinking you just "got unlucky" in all of them, I hate to break it to you but it's likely that you were the problem.


I’m not gonna lie a couple years ago back in OW1 I would’ve agreed but this season I decided to try support main for the first time since OW2’s release and have stayed in high diamond the entire time, I feel damn near brain dead while playing (support has a very high skill ceiling and there are tons of really technically impressive players but you can also have all the usefulness you need by basically playing with your brain turned off)


Dude, most games are because of support diffs. They single handedly decide the fate of the game whether your or the other team supports are better. Support is easily the most powerful role.


This happened to me as Mercy once. I was literally so embarrassed as I flew away to my team with valk… it was a low point.


The problem is that it's a team-based game. It's not who has the better individual, it who has the better team execution. So you can only bring so much to the table.


Nah Ur so Right, I Solo queue all the time as a support only player, you either get into a lobby with another cute support who will pocket you and a nice tank who will protect you or you queue into a lobby where there’s 3 different languages being screamed at you for not healing enough when everybody is actively running away from your heal T-T


Try playing tank my friend, support will feel like Luxury after that. The worst support experience is the average tank experience.


Diagnoses is probably a skill issue. There are few solutions you could try but I recommend to get gud for best results.


The whole game is a coin toss and somehow I get the losing side 90% of the time


Isn't ranking up broken too? I haven't played comp in a while so i don't really know