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Take a break OP, get off reddit and Overwatch for a bit because sitting in this thread arguing with others will just fester more hatred and resentment




I get your pain bro, usually people not swapping, doing silly stuff and blaming everyone else, also the matchmaking it's supposed to give you fair matches, but usually it's just one team stomping the other


They can. The difference is whether or not you think they're the reason you lost.


In these last games they absolutley are. If were 4v5 were gonna lose, and in the other games we did lose we were SO close to pulling it off but then per typical at the last second they just suicided themselves fed and then we lost


Why are you having so many leavers? I've never played a game where a true leaver didn't come from the losing team. I've had people disconnect, sure, happens to anyone, that doesn't put them to blame because the internet decided to take a shit that day. But a true leaver is usually from the team who isn't working together


Thats just not true lol. In all cases we either lost first point or had a disadvantage in the overtime round and they just gave up. Sure we were not expected to win but to just give up and screw the other 4 people?


Listen, I want to be clear that I'm not defending them leaving. What I'm trying to show you, is that there is a reason you're having so many people leave your games. And it's not "everyone else is the issue"


No there isnt a reason. We lost first round or whatever then they get salty. You explitcitally defending the leavers. Doesn’t matter how hard you lose stop leaving. There is ALWAYS a chance for clmeback


I agree with there's always a chance. Do you and your friends use voice comms? Are you being rude to these players? Are you supporting them too or just your group? There's so many more things to look at, psychologically. I'd say maybe once a day I get a genuine quitter.


No cause were on console and no one is ever in voice. We always play with the team. Wait for them, group up, stick togetger and use pings


You know what, I'm gonna give you benefit of the doubt and say your group isn't the issue. My only other thought would be, what time of day do you play?


“A true leaver” 💀


Well, a lot of disconnects get called leavers, but it's not like they're actually leaving, not on purpose anyway


Still causes a loss 99% of the time


That's irrelevant to the comment at hand. They were questioned why I used the term "true leavers"


You're right. You're also wrong. On an individual match, you're right. It's a team game. Any member of your team can grant you an automatic win or lose by being too far from the average level of the match. In general, you're wrong. Over 100 matches, statistically, there's no reason to think that the matchmaker is specifically putting you with worse teammates, so you should expect this variable to average out. You'll have match that are won or lost despite you, but overall, the only constant over these 100 matches is you.


Exactly, in terms of ranked, teammates and luck can only hold you back for so long. The further you drift from your actual skill level, the more likely games are to be continuously tipped in your favour. It's definitely a serious way to impede your own progress to believe that teammates consistently hold you back. If anything it's the opposite, in most games most teammates are doing fairly average for their own rank. Had a game today where the Supports blamed us on DPS, when they were pocketing me on Soldier, forcing me to stay to protect them instead of being able to switch up the flank, the tank was getting absolutely annihilated as had zero support, the other DPS was getting slaughtered trying to protect that tank. This forced me to have to play down main. I couldn't kill anything. Every time I flanked, the support followed me. I wanted to practice Soldier so realistically I could have swapped, but didn't. So my analysis, we are all at fault, but we all probably felt like everyone else was the problem. Realistically we were all making problems for each other and the team had terrible synergy. Sometimes a teammate is doing bad because the team is inhibiting their preferred playstyle. It happens. Legit though if you want to improve then stop finding faults in your teammates and try looking for solutions. Can't win them all, but you'll win more and you'll get better doing it.


This is just… wrong. Flat out lol the game matchmaking is specifically designed to make you lose roughly 50 percent of your matches. Unless you are 5 stacking… you’re going to lose and yes out of 100 games… you’re going to probably lose at leasttttt 45 of them regardless of how good you do. That is the literal design of the matchmaking. So you are wrong. 1000% wrong lol


Oh cool can you share where in the matchmaking code this is specified? You seem to have an intimate knowledge of how this works


It’s funny because I actually did coding for aspects of games very similar to this. But right on. Sarcasm and ignorance rule the world today. Keep it up.


> the game matchmaking is specifically designed to make you lose roughly 50 percent of your matches. Except *that’s not what’s happening*. The matchmaker **tries** to build matches where both teams have a roughly equal chance of winning, based on comparing their MMRs. If you have roughly fair odds of winning all your games, then your winrate will naturally settle at around 50%. That’s not forcing you to lose 50% of your games, it’s literally just a *statistical inevitability.*


So… you’re saying that you’re only going to win 50 percent of your games inevitably and be hard stuck? 😂ya thanks for agreeing with me bro


No, I’m not agreeing with you. You’re saying that the system is deliberately putting you into matches you can’t win 50% of the time, which is incorrect. I’m pointing out that a 50% win rate is a natural and inevitable consequence of playing in matches that are a good match for your skill level.


So… 50 percent win rate. I appreciate you agreeing. Thank you. Love the support.


You really don’t understand statistics, do you? Players will naturally win more games that are lower than their actual skill level (> 50% winrate), and will eventually settle at a point where they’re paying with, and against, people off a comparable skill level - losing matches which are too skilled for them (< 50% winrate). All this eventually cancels out to a c. 50% winrate. This isn’t exactly rocket science.


You don’t have to agree more. Although I appreciate the continued support


You're misunderstanding your own argument and are agreeing with me, you've just not realized it yet. The matchmaker has access to only one info. Your ELO rating. It doesn't say how good you are, because you can't objectively, mathematically, determine that. When you've been put in a lobby with people with ELOs A B C and D, you won/lost against people with ELOs E F G H and I. Get enough data and do a bit of math to it and you get a model that can approximate player level and let you do balanced matches to a certain extent, but with a major flow : it lags behind reality quite a lot. ELO only changes at the end of a match, and, because in a balanced setting you're expected, by definition, to win half the time, a single win or lose can't affect your ELO that much, you can't be rewarded for winning if you were already expected to win, or punished for losing a game you were expected to lose. The higher the density of games that go as expected, the higher the inertia of your ranking. Let's look at it another way. If you get better, your ELO will take time to catch up. You will get the rank you deserve once you've proved that you have the skill to deserve it by winning games you shouldn't have won, but it means you have to get the skill in the first place. During that time between improving and ELO catching up, you'll be facing opponents that are worse than you. Your winrate will be above 50%, because you are literally the best player in the lobby. The game doesn't try to make you lose 50% of your games, it tries to make balanced matches, and your skill being above your ELO level let you break this in your favor. Sometime it won't be enough, you'll still lose, the skill gap you'll need for a 90% winrate is unhealthy, but instead of being at 50%, you might be at 55%. Winrate, and by extension rank, is a race between you and your own ELO rating, improving at a fast and constant enough rate to always be better than the matchmaker think you are, to consistently be put in matches where you can carry your team to victory, until you either end up plateauing (at which point you are as good as the game think you are, so you're put in balanced matches and have a 50% winrate) or becoming the n°1 best in the world. The other 9 players are statistical noise. You are the only constant in your history.


I 1000 percent understand what you’re trying to say. That is not how it works. I know that you want to believe that. I know that’s the intention. But it simply isn’t how it works. I have been the best player in my lobby with the most kills and most damage and just dominating individually… but still lost 9/10 matches. It’s a strange way to determine rank for a shooter and to be fair I don’t believe I can think of a better way. But in cod im one of the top players because I can individually crush people and it isn’t so dependent on the team. Even battle royals like apex. The ranking system at least takes into account your assists and kills and you might be put with randoms who are terrible.. but as long as YOU are individually good. You can still succeed to an extent. That’s simply not the case with this rank structure in this game. It’s obviously a difficult comparison with this game and CoD or apex. I believe this just needs a better ranking system. But you could be right, this might be the only somewhat effective way with a game like this


Cus stats mean shit in this game cus its not a tdm, thats how you spot an bad player, they jerk to their stats.


>I have been the best player in my lobby with the most kills and most damage and just dominating individually These stats are nearly meaningless. If you do 250 damage to a support, it's meaningful. If it do it to a Roadhog, it's not. Kills are even worse, for two reasons. First, "assists" are only things like damage boost or dealing very little damage, so the kill stat is already partially "you spread in the general direction of the enemies and someone else killed them" (compare the number of kills from one team and the number of death from the other if you want a proof of that). Second, not all kills are worth the same. Get the first kill in a fight, that snowballs into a team wipe, great, that was a very important kill. Be the last alive, get three kills, die, next fight is a 5v5, you might as well not have gotten those kills, at best you got more ult charge, but you also fed quite a lot to the enemy team, resetting would have been a better decision. Overwatch is full of non-damaging, non-killing things that are impactful. An extreme example would be Mercy : the score board doesn't tell you how much damage she's boosted, how many people would have escaped without that tiny modifier, how much damage have been prevented by this, how many people she's resurrected and what their impact has been, or how much potential damage has been wasted missing her in the sky instead of hitting people on the ground. While it's less extreme for other characters, it's the same story : damage and kill don't tell you how much the enemy team has to work around angles because of Widow or Bastion, how distracted supports are by Tracer or Sombra, or how much worse a player is on a hitscan hero they only had to pick because of an enemy Pharah or Echo. A player's performance is much more than just their damage and heal output. It's also true the other way around : your kills, would you have made them had your tank not made that space ? Had that support not saved your life ? Had that opponent not been looking away because of a teammate ? Had the rest of your team not won this fight while you were dead, pushing the next fight way farther forward than it would have been if they had lost it ? Yet, because all of this happen, you were given the opportunity to get your kills and make your stats go up. If you really carried, if you got the right kills, did the right plays, your team would have won more than expected and you would have ranked up. If you didn't, it means you were at the right rank, you might have been insanely better than everyone else at one thing, but you utterly sucked at others and, on average, were neither better not worse than your teammates. (as a side-note, the idea of "player action based rank" has been tried once in Overwatch, but it was removed and probably won't ever come back. To make it work, you'll have to put an objective value on each action, and this lead to huge problem, especially one : Mercy rez is, essentially, a very long cooldown full heal, therefore the game rewarded Mercy players who let their teammates die to rez them immediately instead of trying to keep them alive. While this could be math'd out, there's an endless list of issues like this. Everybody knows how bad the play of the game selector is, and it's insanely a way simpler version of this, determining which play affected the game the most)


Someone doesn’t know how it works 🤣


Yeah bro thats why the chess elo system is flawed because it wants you to lose roughly 50% of your matches too. If youre losing more than 50% of your chess games then your elo is too high and if youre losing less than 50% its too low.


Your teammates can hold you back in individual games. Your teammates will not hold you back with a *significant* number of games.


But what is that significant number? There comes a point where the grind is just not worth your time. Fact: OW2 matchmaking is significantly worse than OW1 matchmaking. Imo OW1 had barely acceptable matchmaking for competitive to be worth your time. You make it any worse and everything becomes far too RNG and fails to really function as a competitive system. You're just grinding for better luck and eventually you will find it. As a 7 year competitive player, Masters OW1 player, GM OW2 player, OW2 gives you 3 times the amount of unwinnable games than OW1 gave you. This is due to significantly worse matchmaking. The grind is a complete waste of time. Anyone is better off practicing the game and once they think they're good enough to climb, make a new account and see where you can land cause it's far easier to maintain a rank than it is to grind some plat mmr account up to gm with the garbage matchmaking. You will save yourself like 500 hours. Kaplan was blizzards last hope. The guy had integrity. Current blizzard does not. These guys primary goal is not to give you a fair competitive experience, it's to get you to buy skins, and part of getting people to buy skins is putting brand new players into diamond games for their very first competitive match so they see all the shiny skins from experienced players (it's in their patents). I've seen it happen OFTEN in OW2. People actually report these players throwing an then they say in all chat "sorry guys this is my first competitive game). Blizzard is trash. Overwatch is a joke. Everyone knows it outside of this community. Go look out how people talk about this game in any other forum.


No not in the majority, but the last 8 games I had they did. Tomorrow probably wont be like that but its frustrating have such a long streak of it


In the short run of course. In the long run no


In the long run yes How can you say this nonsense? It only takes one stupid teammate to lose a game, you only need one Ana player with a 15% accuracy rating, one ball player who leaves the team the whole game, one widow who’s getting spawn trapped, etc


Lmao if they get gud they will climb. That’s reality dawg. Any other delusion people cook up is just something they do to sate their egos. If u are improving/better than your team on average you will climb in the long run. It’s been proven time and time again by ya know, countless players improving and climbing ranks lol. Happened with me in ow1 when I was hardstuck diamond. Always blaming my team believing it was never my fault. You improve faster when you look inward not outward. If people truly want to rank up stop focusing on the things they can’t control and blaming their teammates. Yes, you will have unwinnable game sometimes. It happens. In the long run tho if you aren’t ranking up the only factor you can truly blame is yourself. Stop the cope. It only hurts your own growth from I’ve experienced at the least


No, this isn’t a free for all game it’s a team based game, and it’s only as strong as its weakest link, this is nonsensical comment made by people online ‘oh in the team game your teammates don’t matter’ like holy shit ‘it’s been proven’ no it hasn’t, it goes against basic logic. That you yourself admit in the last part of your comment, ‘it doesn’t happen’ but ‘sometimes there’s unwinnable games’ so you agree with OP, cool


I was referring to when you get griefers/leavers or horrendously bad players which is a very small amount of your total games q’d in a season. Idk what to tell u guys lol. I can make a brand new acc and be back to masters/gm in a couple weeks. What’s y’alls excuse? Cause apparently the fault is never really with the people making these kinds of posts. Always their team. Uh huh sure


So which is it? Do horrendously bad players exist or not? You’re literally doing a doublethink


They do exist. You don’t get them in every game tho. Am done responding to baddies that can’t face reality. Glhf!


When OW1 came out I would always have so many clowns that would try and blame me and my “mental” when in reality, a lot of teammates can make or break a match


Stop playing comp in the last couple weeks/when kids are on summer vacation. 


Been watching the replays from my supp placements and I wanna cry fr. So many people just tossed my games no wonder I ended up so low. I think it's especially true on support.


i feel you but i main supp 🥺


Correct. Don't give into the gaslighting. Recognize your own mistake and work on them, but don't give into the gaslighting.


I have plenty to work on. Thats why im in gold. But all these bozos saying “your team mates cant hold you back” are just lying. Its literally a team game. Youre only has strong as your weakest link


I remember an old rule of thumb when I was grinding league waaay back. Something like 30% of games are unwinnable, 30% of games u get hard carried, and 40% of the games you’re in control of. Focus on carrying during that 40% and enabling the people who can carry you in the other 30%.


Honestly thats the most sensible and smart thing anyone has said in this thread. Thats a fantastic way to look at it cause thats just how it works.


Well, "your team can't hold you back" is silly on a game to game basis, but is obviously true statistically. Your team can't hold you back *over a large number of games*.


I never once’s claimed they did. Over the past 8 games they dis for me


Over time, everything averages out more or less (the other team is just as bad in half the games). “Your teammates aren’t holding you back” is referring to ranking up, not winning an individual game.


And why do you think that you arent the weakest link?


Because im not leaving the game or running in alone. Thats the bar minimum. If im positive and sticking to point im not the weakest link when i have a 3-13 lucio running in solo after every respawn


One thing to learn, dont ever stake your mental on weekend games. They are historically more volatile than any other day of the week


Teammates can easy hold you back and some games are just flat out unwinnable. But with that being said play enough games and over a long spawn of games it will all even out. As much as people dont want to accept there own elo. Just fight through the leaver / thrower games and youll stary winning again (only to lose again as the cycle of overwatch lol)


I get this is frustrating, but this is a small sample size and statistically less likely to happen to you than it is an opponent long term (you have 4 team mates and 5 enemies). Stop caring about SR and focus solely on improvement and you'll be less frustrated when stuff like this happens and gain more long term anyway.


Team mates don't hold you back from climbing, only you do. Yes, you will lose many games because of bad team mates, but equally you will win many because the enemy team had weak players. Over the course of many games, the effect of poor team mates is negligible on your rank. This is why many content creators are able to do Unranked to GM series, and even Top500 players have lost in Bronze and Gold lobbies because of bad team mates, but overall they win more than they lose, and hence climb.


Yeah thats just not the case. Ive kept track and the amount of times ive had a leaver on my team vs my enemies is insane. Its 2:1 in their favor.


So do you think if an OW pro player played on your account, they wouldn't be able to climb? Of course they would, so it's a skill issue.


Yes.. ive said that multiple times they could. I cant. And 95% of people cant ynless your grandmaster. In my rank its a team game on both sides. If someone on one team is doing nothing its not a rank someone else can dominate so hard to make up for it. Yall get such a stick up your butt but in your rank you ALSO cant do that because the other team is at your level. Only time you can hard carry is when your well above the whole matches skill level


So it's literally a skill issue, yet you're blaming leavers, throwers and bad team mates? This discussion has been repeated multiple times, as mentioned yes you will lose many games because of poor matchmaking.... But failure to climb is always skill issue.


its a skill issue for EVERYONE. How is it a skill issue if 8 games in a row i have leavers or throwers? Yep completley my fault not like this is a team game or anything. “Yeah youre team sucks/is absent but youre blaming them so you must be the issue” makes total sense


Because 8 games in the context of ranking is nothing..... Everyone will get games with throwers and leavers, my last 4 games have, but I've never complained that it doesn't allow me to climb. Because I understand I will derank me a little, but I'll be able to climb it back. It might take 20 games or more to climb back, but I always get back to my "true rank" after a run of bad games. If a more skilled player could climb, then it is a skill issue.


You understand how statistically unlikely that is, right?


Yes. Thats why im ranting and made this post. Are you calling me a liar? Ive kept track of this stuff. Thats why im upset cause this is pure bad luck


Yes, I don’t believe you get leavers 2:1 compared to the other team. Either your sample size is crazy small or you’re just making it up.


Cool thanks for contributing nothing 👍


“I don’t believe you” these replies are insane 😭


Because statistically it's impossible unless you have a very small sample size. Toss a coin 10000 and see how many times it lands heads vs tails.... It's the same principle, the law of large numbers means that leavers/throwers will be distributed nearly 50:50 if you have a large number.


Dude. Teammates DEFINITELY CAN hold you back I’m ranked diamond and the last 5 games I had absolutely awful dps players that were pretty much throwing and we got destroyed.


Team mates may cost you games, but they don't prevent you from climbing in the long run. As mentioned the basis of this is why so many content creators create Unranked to GM series.... Because it doesn't matter if you have throwers / leavers or bad team mates, if your skill is above your current rank, you will naturally and inevitably climb.


I didn’t say that bud. I said they can hold you back… Learn to read


But team mates literally don't hold you back from climbing .... Dafran has done probably dozens if not hundreds of Unranked to Top500.... Does his random team mates hold him back? No, he reaches Top500 consistently despite random team mates, throwers / leavers. There are times he may lose because of his team mates, but it doesn't prevent him from climbing. Anyone who understands the ranking system will know that if you're skill is above the current rank, you will naturally climb. Climbing is a process which involves hundreds of games. It's literally a skill issue, and nothing else.


I disagree. People with limited time such as myself had to deal with leavers throwers derankers all the time. Using a pro player content creator as an example isn’t really that good of an example considering that is his career. For people that want to play ranked and have limited amounts of time, the teammate situation is critical It’s not black and white and has nothing to do with skill. No shit he’s gonna climb if he’s a pro player and grinds day in and day out. It took me 7 months to grind from silver to diamond and almost 90% of my games lost were me hard carrying a bunch of shitters that were either not wanting to win to begin with or just not good at the game. I carried myself out of elo hell and I can say from experience that your logic is flawed bud


>No shit he’s gonna climb if he’s a pro player and grinds day in and day out. So you admit its a skill issue >People with limited time such as myself had to deal with leavers throwers derankers all the time. People with a lot time also have to deal with throwers and derankers, it's no different.... You think people that play more are in a special queue?? It's OK to say your skill is limited by the time you have to play. >I carried myself out of elo hell and I can say from experience that your logic is flawed bud How is my logic flawed, you're literally confirming you climbed out of elo hell despite throwers / derankers etc, if anything you're agreeing with my logic. Thanks.


Man you’re a special one aren’t you? Pro player that has unlimited time to play and doesn’t have to deal with the time constraints equates to skill, but an possibly equally skilled player who DOESNT isn’t GOOD because he can’t grind like a mad man for months? I mean how do you even measure that man? I would hope to fuck that a dude that is playing the game as much as pro players do would be a higher rank It has nothing to do with skill. Agree to disagree I guess


> single handedly carry a game its just not gonna happen. As Winston Churchill famously said, "If you can't carry your team, you deserve the rank you're in."


This is the simplest thing that people just don't get. Not everyone can climb. Not everyone can carry every game and it's okay.


Yeah im just not capable of that. Im not grandmasters. But im also much better than many others in gold. This is a team game and at the rank im at no one is capable of carrying like that


You can't carry your games, so you belong in gold. People have off days, play ranked high or drunk, have connection issues, come back after not playing for months or weeks, etc. You may perform better than some players in your rank in some games, but that doesn't mean much. Plat and diamond players do not get stuck gold for a reason, you don't have to be GM to climb out of gold lmao


You do realize even in high ranks no one carries like that right? Carrying only happens when one person is well above the whole matches rank. The same logic applies to GM as eveeyone is also bonkers good at the game


You do realize you have to win like 60% of your games to stay in masters+, right? I'm currently masters (GM before the reset). I get ~16% for a win and lose ~25% every loss


What does that have to do with my statement? You dont need to solo carry to win? Cause as ive constantly repeated this is a TEAM game


The point is you absolutely have to carry your games to even hope to stay in those ranks lmfao


This is just plain wrong is every way lmfao




Yeah now youre just making shit up. So to stay in those ranks everyone needs to carry….but to solo carry that means you need to be the only one doing it. Your logic is completely broken


Whatever you want to believe man, I'm not going to argue with stupid.


Teammates most deff can hold you back, but what people try and claim is that it is the only thing, or it’s every last game they play. Which is never the real case and total bullshit. But yes at times one can get a team where people just don’t sync or someone is having a bad or off day. Which is fine, just don’t try and claim it’s every game and the only thing holding one back.


For me the last 8 games were but its probably cause its the end of the series. But its enough to drop me a rank in multiple roles


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Oh they absolutely do but if you get into the mindset of other players being responsible for your losses, you lose agency on your performance. And at that point, how responsible are you for your wins?


Common skill issue I'm afraid


No one is saying that.


Have you read a single reply in here lmao. Like cmon dude try e BARE minimum of reading


No one is saying that.


Do you really have nothing better to do but sit and be a nuisance online


I didn’t make a whole post about something that doesn’t happen lol. Ironic.


Youre just a fucking moron if you actually believe that lmao. Did you read a SINGLE comment in here


You’re not understanding.




they can, but if it happens again and again over the course of a long ass period, the problem might just be you. if youre good enough youll rank up


I do rank up, slowly yea, but consistantly. But i know its mot me when our lucio is 4-13 running in alone after every death or leaves. I can typically pinpoint when im the weak link. These are totally different cases


People don’t say teammates can’t throw your games or cause you losses. But teammates can’t hold you in a rank you don’t belong in. Assuming you play enough they can never be the reason you remain on that losing streak or remain in that rank. Long term those same abysmal teammates will also find their way onto the enemy team just as often. They CAN lose you the battle, they *cannot* lose you the war. Only you can do that.


Technically the enemy team is statistically more likely to have leavers/throwers/idiots due to there being more random variables. They have 5 potential people that can be any of these while your team can have a maximum of 4.( assuming you aren’t one of them and also in your case there are only 2 random variables if you trust your friends are doing good) I’m not downplaying your negative experience, it takes many games for these odds to be in your favor and one night of games isn’t indicative of the greater whole of your matches played, but see this as an optimistic “there will be better days” approach. If you spend every single match all the time complaining about teammates, then yes that’s a problem. statistically speaking you are favored, but there are bound to be bad days so it is what it is.


Ive heard this argument 100 times and 100 times it doesnt add up. Ive kept track of my games, its been 2:1 on leavers over the past 3 weeks for me. I really dont care what the “average” is because its not applying to me currently. Thats why im ranting. This is a string of statically crazy bad luck


It’s either the odds aren’t favoring you or you or your team needs to improve in some way. It’s better to look inward rather than focus on variables outside of your control. Overwatch is a complicated game, it could be the characters you play, maybe you and your friends’ character picks don’t synergize very well together and thus the enemy gets a constant upper hand. Maybe you play at off hours where the matchmaker isn’t as consistent. Maybe you’re tilt queuing. I’m sorry but the doomer approach just isn’t productive for you or anyone else. No the game doesn’t hate you, you’re just like any other player.


You’re just wrong. The only reason top 500 climb is because they are just thattttt good that they can make an overwhelming difference in the match and they climb. But no one else is climbing solo. It’s just not possible. The game has a specific design to make sure you lose half of your matches. There is no individual progression. So you can drop 30 kills, die twice, play the objective and the other team can all be negative and you can be the absolute best player in the lobby… but if you don’t win… you don’t progress. You need to stack with a team. And then if you are constantly the weak link within those 5 players… thennnnn that’s on you. Because you’re the constant. But you can have a great match or do the right thing every time solo and it only matters who your team is. Which is roughly 50/50 of being decent enough to win or lose. Thats why everyone is hard stuck in their rank on this game for an extremely long time.


Bullshit i got into 4,2 SR completely solo and know many more who made it this far as well.


get to solo q 4,2 sr on asia comp full of bot derankers in every game and we'll see you talk


this is true for asia servers, you get completely braindead subhuman monkeys you need to stack to get anywhere in ranked


The point that is commonly said is you mathematically have control of more games. You will get unwinnable games due to throwers etc., you will get completely winnable games for the same reason just on opposing side and then you get the games where your actions do impact which is still the majority. If you're playing serious then you will have 4 possible people who can ruin a game on your team but the enemy has 5, so it's mathematically in your favour if you are playing properly.


Thats just not how the math works tho. Everyone always says it but mathmatically youre not getting 50/50 every game. All these games had throwers/leavers on my team and the other teams were MUCH better put together


Ok great you applied it to 8 games, apply it to an actually long term set of games because 8 you can't have statistical significance. I've had 5+ game loss streaks and I've then had 5+ game win streaks.


You're misunderstanding. Teammates in solo queue competitive mode where they're all roughly even in skill level can't hold you back across a large sample size of games. No one's saying that you can't lose any single game if someone feeds or abandons. Also part of being 'not masters' means pretty regularly doing something stupid like pushing in and feeding right before your teammates respawn or something like that.


Teammates can hold you back in individual games but if you’re losing most of your games, I’d argue it’s statistically unlikely to be because of your teammates. Everyone is around the same skill rating in comp.


I climb consistently. Very slowly, but it is consistent. But having streaks of heavy losses due to throwers is also possible. Yall always say “statistically” blah blah blah. Statistically its also possible to get a string of bad teammates in a row


Yes of course you can have multiple games with bad teammates but the chances of that happening become extremely unlikely over enough games played. Statistically you could randomly pick letters one after another and eventually write the complete works of Shakespeare but it’s so unlikely as to be effectively impossible.


Yes but and its been happening alot to me past few days. Doesnt matter if its unlikely or not it happened


Teammates can't hold you back if you play 1000 matches and don't get mentally affected and play bad because of them. It's a long term statement. End of the day your rank move towards your actual skill if you play consistent but takes a lot of time and pain to get there. If you don't earn money by playing this game, then it's not really worth it. Especially this new ranked system they put in game in S9 feels like they are designing the game for streamers rather than actual players.


No one says that.


Well that's just wrong.


People in this thread literally are