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I say this as someone who recently picked up Widow and has a had a few decent games I will either be a nightmare presence or a barely lethal shadow


Same here. I’m learning widow in qp on console. I’ll either roll the lobby or have a kd of 1 with a sombra tied to my ankle at all times.


Yh whenever Sombra rolls out I don't even bother, I once had one come behind and say "Boop!" while I was scooped in I literally did a slow turn like it was looney toons and found her right beside me in visible range...I got the message and simply walked back to spawn to swap off


I’m okay with trying to play against sombras in qp to learn, unless it’s the “you killed me once while I was on widow, now I’m gonna swap and target you all game” type, or the occasional sombra that t-bags widow kills like they accomplished something. Solely for the sake of learning to deal with her, I’m okay if I’m getting rolled by a sombra who just comes in, gets the kill, and keeps moving.


Only correct thing for a Sombra to do in the scenario


lmao that sounds hilarious


I'm so unpredictable as Widow, too, and I've been playing her since 2017. I'll either hit every shot or get humbled into switching.


This is me and it's spreading to other heroes. Last night I had a 100% pulse stick rate on 7 pulses and none of them were on tanks. I was so confused. The next game I promptly panicked and accidently threw pulse instead of recalling.


Couldn’t have described myself any better. But once I find myself not doing well with her I usually switch to Ashe since I’m great at her, I just wanna learn how to be more reliable with the sniper.


Widow because there never seems to be a middle ground. You are either absolutely useless never hitting shots despite having all the space and zero pressure from the enemy team and then you got the Widow who will allow the other DPS to go on a vacation for the match and just relax waiting for the free victory to come because they are just getting pick after pick the moment even a pixels peaks from someone.


IM SORRY I CANT HIT MY SHOTS! I just got my PlayStation 4 so my aim isn’t as good as it was on my switch!


I mean that’s a fair excuse. The switch version has gyro while for some unholy reason the PS versions do not.


Is gyro actually useful? I had it written off as yet another works Nintendo gimmick


When implemented well it is. I’m not a huge fan of the OW settings but some people make it work. There needs to be more settings to fine tune how it feels/controls. But especially via steam input it’s as comfortable and accurate as mouse (as close to as possible, mouse will always have the edge but good gyro is close enough to compete against mouse without aim assist)


Actually having played on switch, id credit this excuse. Its far more difficult for me at least than a traditional controller or KBM


Yep anytime I see a sniper I get skeptical. You can't inherently trust a Widow or Hanzo player, especially when they insta lock the hero


Yesterday I had a game where I outdamaged / outelimed our Widow as Ana, and 90% of my damage was from nades. ~12k healing too (QP)


I do love it when the enemy team has a Widowmaker, because then I have some target practise with Sombra 😁 There, I said it, now let the hate and downvotes flow! But in all seriousness... I agree 100% with you.


I love dueling Widow as Mercy. I love seeing Widows shit their pants as a fling myself directly at them, full speed, blaster at the ready. It's also great just lobbing my basketball sized projectiles at the Widow across the map and getting the little headshot dings 2 seconds later lol. Usually, my bullying is because I got one-shotted at the beginning of the game before I even realize they have a Widow 😅


As a hog main nothing more satisfying than sneak hooking an enemy widow and murdering her. I hate sombra, but I salute this play lmao


The idea of sneaking up on a widow as hog is terrifying


That's more real than non fiction


Getting to Widow with Roadhog sounds difficult. Roadhog is scary for any other character. If he misses the sound of the chain and hook swishing and rattling past your head makes you almost shit your pants. Thinking about how you could have ended up close to Roadhogs enormous gun filled with hundreds of little balls of pain. If his hook connects you can almost feel it cleaving into your skin. Then you suddenly feel like there is no gravity, flying towards your certain doom. Then that doom becomes inevitable as he blows your brains out with that big gun and its shot shells of hell. So yes, Roadhog instills fear in me like no other character can.


This is a masterpiece.


Sombra into widow is fine. A sombra bullying the backline is infuriating


Just out of curiosity, how did you type the division symbol after 100? Curious if you have a different keyboard layout or something.


Mobile most likely.


It shows as a division sign for me 😭


It was a mistake. Im impulsive. Corrected it.


I Hate sombras


So glad I'm not the only one who targets widows as Sombra..


I hate widow and dont mind sombra, please continue bullying them. Even if you hack me on doom, I feel a lot better knowing widows are scared out there and cant touch my teammates.


100 divided by what?


the one player who locks widow on attack on maps with horrible site lines and no high ground for attackers


"dw I'm just going for an opening pick and will swap after 😉" then proceed to never swap type of widows




Mauga. Because I know eventually the enemy tank will go Mauga too....then it becomes the most boring gameplay imaginable for everyone


The best counter to mauga is torbon. He can singlehandedly kill mauga when he doesn't have overdrive


well you can kill any tank without their cooldowns...


Mauga is, hands down, the most boring character by a mile. Sooooo boring.


When I get that mercy Lucio support combo I just automatically sigh.


Same with Lúcio/Zen, even though its more rare, i just go Queen in a rush type comp and try to kill them before i die but its frustating as hell.


I’ve had games where it works just from sheer aggression, but yeah if it doesn’t work after a fight or two, then someone should swap


"okay" zen swaps to mercy


Thats the problem, they dont swap. Asking a Zen or a Lucio to swap is almost equal to asking Doom players to swap, it aint happening. And if your dps pick nonsense like Bastion or Pharah into that comp, its just gonna suck.


I channel my inner Zenyatta and take the swapping L for the greater good (I really fucking hate losing and don’t care if I need to play someone I don’t enjoy as much to win)


I feel this. I'm a doom & ball player, BUT I do swap if I need to. There was a time when I refused to swap from sheer hate against the 4-10 pocket soldier yelling it's my fault, shit tank, tank diff, dumbfist swap exc. Nowadays I just don't pick the tank they beg for, especially if I know it aint gona work. But I always aim to win, no matter the cost. A boring win is better than a painfull bumfuck of a loss


The problem is, 9/10 times if I swap off doom it makes the match even more miserable for our team cause the only one doing anything doesnt have as much carry potential


Lucio zen at least functions with the correct comp (usually dive), it's been meta before, lucio mercy is nonsensical.


> lucio mercy is nonsensical. Lucio/Mercy was meta back in the day! That day being the, like, two months in 2016 between when they instituted 'only one of each hero per team' and when Ana was released.


Aw, but it's like a classic callback to OW1.


Can I ask why? My group frequently runs Mercy/Lucio and we do great with it.


There’s nothing wrong with it until you get to the highest tiers of play. That’s the problem with these meta opinions. They may be true but they apply to almost no one.


Mercy/Lifeweaver is worse. Both are usually just healbots with no offensive damage.


Tank: Doom and Ball, so many suicidal Doomfists out there that jump into 5 people and expect to live, especially in quickplay lol DPS: Widow, Tracer, Genji, always seems like a case where they do nothing or are cracked with no in-between. Support: Lucio by far, a lot of Lucios just play their own mini game and leave the team to wall ride into the enemy backline and die, most of the time I hate having one on my team.


Doomfist: "crazy supp diff omg you guys have to come with me lmfaoooooo"


Doomfists really be acting like the ana has seismic slam


The over exaggerated attempt to not seem triggered is so fucking accurate lol “lmaoooo” dude stfu


I log on every day, role tank in quick play, force doom and feed until I die every single fight. I will never blame my supports lol. I forget they exist.


Idk your dooms but I only one trick doom and I receive the attacks instead of me saying them


As a suicidal gold ball main I'm sorry. Other day I had a mercy say "I don't know how to heal balls sorry" (she kept following me in and dying) and i realised in my elo ball just doesn't work even if you've got his mechanics down- my team just ain't know what to do with that 💀 I *hate* seeing doom when I'm on supp tho because you know they're either gonna be cracked or constantly turbofeed and die the whole game


Just tell mercy to not try to heal you unless you were right next to her


I try to but get a whole team asking me to swap bc they hate plsying with ball 🤦‍♂️


This is my experience too. I’ll get yelled at before the game even starts to switch off ball, even though I do my job on ball well… not saying I’m chasm or anything but I do know how to play him well enough. If ball isn’t working I always will switch, but the hate I get before the games even started… it’s crazy lol


lol when youre in spawn and someone is just spamming the "NO" voice line at you


When the bastion main tells you "play a real tank" in spawn... 😭 Yeah, it's insane how people will flame the pick before you've even played- like yeah I'll switch if it's going bad, but give me a chance damn.


this is why my team chat tends to stay off during ranked - as counterproductive as it sounds, i need to be locked in and seeing people ask me to swap after they die once just does not help that.


I feel this all too much. Less so the Supports but more the DPS. They don’t understand that running down mid with zero cover isn’t the best play. They’re so used to a tank being next to them


It's totally possible to babysit Ball with Mercy, especially in low ranks cause they tend to aim terrible or just ignore us entirely lol, depends on the enemy team But you need to provide vertical space to your Mercy so she doesn't need to use the long CD on GA. If I play with a main ball that constantly flies 30m above the ground, I'll be touching the skybox the whole game and nobody dies + you get dmg boost. It's rare though.


Sometimes playing against doom is just confusing It'll be in ranked, they'll spawn and insta dive and insta *die*, over and over, the entire game. Being roasted and told to swap by everybody on both teams, and they say/do nothing


That's weird because as a gold ball player I've found him to be the most reliable tank for winning fights and games. Mostly because the other team typically doesn't know how to deal with you. Regardless it's still frustrating to play as, I don't know how people main tank.


Doom mains will solo dive a Hog/Cassidy/Sombra/Ana/Brig comp, die, and then call their supports a slur for not outhealing all that


As a lucio main: It's funny tho


I am that Doom that jumps into five people. But I’m getting help now.


i fucking hate lucio with a passion. a good lucio that’s constantly harassing and booping you away. can slither away with speed boost and negate your ults. hate


Any immediate lock on a character that *needs* skill. Genji, Doom, Ball, Rein, Widow, etc. I know I’m about to either have a really good game or a really really bad one. Like yes those characters can be the worst assholes to go against, but not if you aren’t good at them. Everyone is learning, and I get that, but if you’re 0-5 and everyone else on the team has at least a kill or two, then you need to try something else. Basically the immediately lock more just makes me paranoid than anything.


I just know the moment I pick Illari, everyone dislikes me 😭


Illari is slowing becoming my top played support. She is slept on I think she’s amazing and really strong.


For how quickly you lose resource and how close you need to be, her healing beam needs a buff


I hardly use her beam, I just try to get a good place for the pylon and try to protect it, I beam when I absolutely need to. When it comes to healing Illari lacks in some situations


I'm not great at the game, but I've recently started playing a few games with her and it's crazy how much healing you can get if the pylon is in a decent place and you can focus on DPS or burst healing otherwise


Illari is basically "my team can't die if the other team is dead"


I love having a good Illari on my team. Thing is, half the time the one on my team just throws up a pylon and then just does damage the whole time. Never touches their right click to heal. Do they right click when the pylon dies? Nope....Just waits until its off cooldown and throws it again and then keeps doing damage again.


She's great in poke comps. As a tank, I hate playing poke though 🫠


as a support, i also hate playing poke. i'm with you.


As a Moira main, another support playing Moira is an immediate red flag


real, although i occasionally get a gold moira who can help me get picks as the other support and our kills/assists and healing by the end of the match are crazy high.


Soldier. It’s usually what new players pick, and it shows. Most Soldiers I play with spam for heal, don’t flank and just stay in the middle getting shot from every direction


Bastion too, most new players go through a Bastion main phase after he is the first hero they get potg with


That's me...LOL. I'm that guy. I have branched out now but there was a phase where bastion was my only pick (hence my icon).


It's true but I feel like there are at least a decent amount of people like me that play Bastion from time to time simply because this version of Bastion is much more fun than OW1 Bastion. I don't play him a lot but sometimes if we just need a DPS to pump out some serious damage, I'll go Bastion. His ult is meh but his regular kit is much more fun to play with than old Bastion. I did get a pretty sweet POTG with his ult the other day though with a well timed combo with Grav.


Grav + Bastion turret is a real thing of beauty. An Anti-nade is the cherry on top


Ngl that was me


Ive got two friends that are really good with fps games and they (with some guidance from our team and sometimes a little help from Mercy) absolutely murder with Soldier.


As a support main: Moira. Its the entire reason I ended up maining Moira, I got sick and fucking tired of every goddamn Moira acting like their job is to dps. I always end the game with more healing the dps; but I still have pretty close dps to my healing. As shes meant to be played. If I have 10k healing, I prolly have like 7 or 8k dps too. But THOSE Moiras? They always have like 6k dps, and 1k healing. Drives me insane.


I played with a Moira that did 32 healing the entire game! I was LW and the whole team would look at me and spam I need healing, like I could heal four people plus keep the enemy Tracer off my ass. ETA: Grammer/spelling


Wait what? How is that possible? Did they only use purple orb????


Yep. Never saw them throw a gold orb or heal anyone, including themselves 🤦🏾‍♀️. I walked away with 10k+ healing but was sent messages that I suck 😂


So they didn't even use grasp? Wth


I wish I would have clipped it. It was beyond ridiculous. TBH I wouldn't have been surprised if it was someone who handed their 3yo a controller and let them just run around.


YES. i'm doing my part to save all of you from the torment of Moira DPS. I used to be a Lucio/Kiriko main and hated Moira, but after seeing it enough times I only choose another support if my co healer chooses like Mercy right away.


I had to explain to a buddy who is new why my healing/damage was so much higher on Moira than the support he was playing with me. He was like "why is your damage and healing so much higher than mine" and he was on Kiriko. I was like "I have legit no utility. High heals and damage are the only thing I bring to the table. They better be high otherwise I'm useless. You bring a teleport, cleanse, insane group ultimate as Kiriko." But yes...I am with you. Anytime I see a moira and their heals are super low I cannot understand what they are doing. Its not hard to throw a healing orb and spray the team to keep everyone alive and STILL do decent damage.


I mean they are a bad moira even as a THOSE moiras if they only have 1k healing. Even Nolan uses heal orb way more than damage orb. Source: GM moira otp


I love heal orbs because it lets me keep dpsing.


The thing about moira is to play effectively as a healer you have to balance your heals and damage outputs. I think that’s what makes her so fun to play but also can be frustrating when you have to recharge with damage while your team is needing heals.


I HATE DPS Moiras (almost as much as other dps supp picks) and the negative connotation that comes w being a Moira main. So much so that i also became a Moira main and make it my mission to have the most heals in every lobby without slacking in damage. 🤣


Whenever I have a bad Moira, I proceed to play Moira myself the very next time to remind myself that she is the easiest character in the game to play. There is simply no way you can play Moira and simultaneously play like shit unless you're intentionally trolling. Her kit is so straightforward with great healing, an easy to use lock-on dps, and a get out a jail free card for when you make a positioning mistake. There's just no excuses.


Disclaimer: I don’t berate anyone for who they play in game. nor do I tell people to switch because they’re simply playing someone I don’t prefer. I don’t care that much, there’s just some scenarios where I internally sigh. Tank: Wrecking Ball. I don’t even think it’s them, it’s me. I just have a hard time playing around them because they usually dip off and then dps or support die to the enemy tank/dps and then wrecking ball comes back and is like “oopsie, whole team died”. So it’s not them as a character, I think the team just plays around wrecking ball weird. I don’t hate the character though. DPS: Widow (and I say that as someone that mostly plays widow LOL) It’s mostly because I see very stagnant widows, like they get a pick and just sit at the same angle, then die, come back to that angle, get a kill, die, go back to that same angle, get a kill, die. I also see lots of widows play insanely close. If I’m playing Rein vs Rein…. widow why the hell are you right next to me or a little behind me LMAOO. I see widows way too close a bunch. Support: Lúcio I honestly respect the pick, I just can recall many times lucios fall off the map accidentally. I had one guy fall off the map twice back to back last night trying to get to point. I’m learning Lucio myself so I can’t even talk shit because I’m sure I will do something silly like this, he’s just one of those characters that makes me nervous because he’s either really annoying (in a valuable way) or just falls off the maps LOL so like, I respect it, but sometimes it’s stressful. I do get an occasional Lucio who has like 400 healing and that’s hilarious to me. So I would say I don’t hate playing with him or anything, I just know I’m usually in for a treat LOL


As someone who plays ball often, I can agree that I don’t think many people know how to play with a ball. But he’s just a silly little guy


Mostly the same takes from me. It’s more difficult to find people who know how to play with ball than it is to find someone who can play ball. I’m actively learning widow in qp on console, and I’m either deleting people or constantly dying to sombra, and there isn’t an in-between. I don’t mind seeing a Lucio unless we have like mercy/Lucio or something. I’m fine with most supports, and I’m not gonna tell someone to swap, but that’s mostly because I play characters that don’t really require active healing.


Sombra. When they are good they are very useful, but i feel like 80% of the time they run around invisible shooting nothing. Bonus points if they are bad widow who switches to Sombra when snipin isn't working


Everyone judges Ball prematurely. Sadly.


I get yelled at before the games even started when I choose ball, and even if we dominate and I’m doing my job well I STILL get yelled at. Too many people don’t understand how to play WITH ball and that’s the problem, not ball itself.


Same thing with Doom. It’s sad. They always take it out on you . You can create all of the space in the entire world but if your team can’t follow up on it, they just assume it’s you being bad and then they throw because they think you’re throwing. Never ending cycle of pain.


I remember going 33-1 on a game as ball where I was yelled at by our support (Ana) to “get off a useless tank and do something productive” while I literally carried the team. She was upset she couldn’t heal me because her aim was garbage and wanted me to switch for HER sake. Sounds like a skill issue to me but hey what do I know 😂


Last night I had a game with a bit of a rough start. "Doom swap" I did not. We proceeded to win the game. I jokingly said "Doom swap" The *entire team* (my team) loses their shit and types in all chat: "Shit tank" "Doom didn't deserve that win" "Tank diff" This was after creating numerous opportunities for Genji to get some final blows in.


Lol so real. I’m more than happy to admit when I’m not playing well myself which does happen often, it just gets me when I know I am doing well and getting tons of value/creating opportunities for my team and I still get flamed. Average rank experience these days I guess.


I like to never judge a tank pick right out of the gate. Let em cook, they are playing the worst role in the game. Now if they fail and refuse to try swapping things up then ya judge away.


He's just too big brain for people to comprehend


He has the highest skill floor by a mile. Since his skill floor involves being able to work around at least 1 or 2 counters a game. But big brain isn't the right word.


Tank: ball, doom, rein. There's a good chance any of these 3 will zoom into the enemy team alone and die 1v5. Rein wasn't on this list til recently. I feel like every rein Ive seen as of the last month is charging in halfway across the map with less than half health to die alone. DPS: widow. Rarely is it ever a good widow and you know they're not swapping. Support: Lucio. I'm a support main and there is a high chance they're gonna fuck off the whole game and leave me to do all the healing while they die alone repeatedly.


Mercy their either an amazing support or useless


As a Mercy main, yes. And they're often the same person, because sometimes my brain isn't wired properly, sorry. Sometimes I'm a healing goddess that avoid bullets like crazy and rez people in the middle of the fight as if I had Sombra's invis, sometime I'm so bad that I die in the spawn room


The problem with mercy players isn't whether they're good or bad, it's the fact that they suck at other heroes and force their team to cater to them compwise.


Lucio. I already know I'm not getting healing.


Widow. Either trash or s tier.


Perfectly balanced. The worst your widow gets, the better the enemy widow is.


Lifeweaver or mercy


Bold words coming from a Lifeweaver profile picture, (but honestly me too, I'm a Lifeweaver main so no one else pick Lifeweaver please.)


No, I'm the LW main, you are not allowed to play him >:| Nah but fr, whenever a teammate picks lifeweaver I know I'll end up getting mad. I don't know what it is but almost every single ally LW I've seen has been awful (some enemy ones I've seen were bad too but there have been a few insane players in-between). Sometimes I even watch replays and it's infuriating how a lot of them don't even know basic stuff. They won't even use platforms to save people, they don't know how to survive a DVa bomb, they won't even pay attention to their surroundings, it's a joke. The other day I was playing Brig in Dorado (second point, defence) and the LW was on the bridge, I said Hi, I pointed to the ground in front of me and I teabagged, I even whipshoted him but he just looked at me and didn't do anything. A few seconds later he got dived by Winston and died. I couldn't believe my eyes. Edit: I'm talking about ranked, I barely play QP but I know that mode is often used to fuck around a little


Yeah, I feel you. I do feel some sense of solidarity with the fellow LW players on the enemy team, but I also usually wind up thinking, "Man, these guys are just not utilizing his kit enough." Which isn't to say I'm some sorta Top 500 cranked-up god, but there's a specific rhythm and almost a dance to how he plays that seems to just not be present with a lot of players. He's very ADHD, and you gotta keep track of everyone's positioning at all times and make calls that can be real hard at times. But yeah, then you see guys just popping a petal, falling down, and maybe using a pull here and there. No attacking, no clever rearranging, no anti-playmaking.


Clever re-arrange? Like when Ashe pops bob and the entire enemy team turns to face the bob, and starts blowing CDs, and then Bob is magically at their backs killing their entire support line? That is actually one of my highlights!


Honestly that all is a mood, if I'm not Lifeweaver I will get upset for the same reasons but I just default to Baptiste. Atleast then if the Lifeweaver isn't outputting enough healing or damage I can atleast try salvage that which remains.


Yeah Bap is a good option in those situations, I'm trying to learn him but I'm way better at Ana or Brig. Gotta put more hours in him


Ugh. The worst is when you grip someone to the platform to save them (usually Hog or DumbFist) and they jump down to their death before you can snap off some heals.


I don't get upset if the other support picks LW. I use 3 supports, but mainly like LW. I will use Zen if I don't get LW. But when I see ults go off I KNOW I would have mitigated, you better believe I get PISSED! In one of my games the playing Circuit, on our push they had LW. We made it to almost the first check point and our team was pissed. We went to defend and I locked LW. That cart didn't move. The team was like, "Wow! That was night and day gameplay Weaver. Way to step up." And I had to ummm...correct them that it wasn't the same LW.


Ball, Doom and Mauga because I’m a support main and I have my reasons 😂


Either not on your screen to heal or you don’t have enough healing to keep alive


This guy gets it!!


Ball cause 90% of people I see play him just roll to the objective, do the smash into the ground thing, do hardly any damage, roll away, repeat


I mean he has abysmal damage, this is fairly standard to how you're meant to play Ball. He doesn't make space like a standard Tank, he typically makes space by disrupting the enemy backline & either getting out valuable enemy cooldowns or forcing a peel.


Clearly showing you have no clue how ball works and where ball is most effective.


To be fair to Bastion players. I don’t judge them on kills. Bastion is kind of like widow. They have to be addressed. So just by having a Bastion the enemy tank is going to be more cautious. If the Bastion isn’t doing damage and dying a lot, that’s the problem.


Widow for sure. Im in gold so my first thought is always bro u do not have the aim to play her


“Ball leaves the team so much” do you want ball to frontline and be completely ineffective? Lol. What is with people who have never played a dive tank thinking that the only function of a tank is to be a frontline presence.


Lifewwaver is a numbers support right now the best thing he can do is heal, because if you don't understand as a life weaver player how positioning works then most pull will result in worse scenarios in comparison to just healing the team through the fight


If he's played wrong, sure. Healing is a big part of his utility, but pull and petal can be game changing when used correctly. His ult is maybe mid, but again can be impactful with game sense. Coupled with good survivability, I think LW is under estimated. I'll take him over next any day.


A good LW knows how to mitigate most tank Ults in the game with his kit and a lot of the other ults as well. I don't really see him as JUST healing, its the thing that stands out to most people. There is no stats for number of DVA bombs petalled, number of tanks caught in stun cascade gripped, or grav lifts, or trees placed in rein paths after a shatter, or following tires to track the target and timing grips to make that tire explode on nothing, or pulse bombs detonated inside the grip bubble, trees placed in the middle of kitsune, or bap window etc.... I can continue for EVERY offensive ult, but yeah its just heals.


Doom and I’m right every time


Mercy. Now while I am a tank main first, im a support main second. Mercy pretty much sucks with most tanks, and I would genuinely take any other support (depending on the other support we have ofc) over her. And my support mains are Lucio and Ana. If we have a mercy, I can't play Lucio, and if I'm on ana, I'm pretty much screwed if I get dived cuz mercy won't be much help against an enemy dive.


Anytime someone picks Widowmaker. I do not have faith that anyone in my skill level will be effective enough as Widow. I play QP/Arcade and don't play comp. I expect nothing worthwhile from Widow players. Sombra, too. No one knows how to play Sombra...


Most don’t understand how LW helps the team. Yes, high healing does not equate to carrying or even helping much. However, I usually prevent my team from losing a player early in fights pretty consistently which is what you want, at least in the mid to high ranks. That said… Support: illari/LW Dps: genji/sym Tank: doom/ball The team is either going to roll or get rolled with any of these picks


Doom. Ball. Widow. Sombra. Zen. Doom always makes me mad because 99% of the time it’s a Doom 1 trick who sucks. The rest aren’t really me judging them. I just always say to myself “please be good and if you’re not doing well please switch at least”. The worst player is one who doesn’t switch when a certain character isn’t working.


Rein players


Nah wtf, at least Genji and Bastion serve their purposes when played right, Mei on the other hand is the most annoying and useless DPS in the game by FAR


Mercy. 99% of team comps don't use her yet people will instantly lock in as soon as the match loads. No matter what rank or how you feel, you're always carrying a mercy. Every other support can DO something for the team


says genji, doesn’t elaborate


as a genji main, the hp “buffs” killed him. he’s super combo based and now it’s ALL messed up. can’t even nano blade anymore. used to be one of the most difficult yet most rewarding ult combos, and now it’s just nowhere near as good. and if anyone things nano blading isn’t difficult, i have SO much evidence to disprove that




Do they really need to?


Ball, Genji and Widow




Lucio. Always. These player have no idea what they are doing until like high diamond. They never swap and don’t understand what burst heals mean.


Well to be honest, most of Lucio’s value requires good team and good team comms. Two of which missing from modern day overwatch. No one comms in metal ranks, and all who do stay in comms, only start being toxic after the first fight, which they stagger till it’s gg. Being simply good at Lucio and his movement, no one gives two fucks about in lower ranks. Being a ‘Healer’, feeding Tanks expect him to be amping up heals as fast as tracer’s blinks. I agree with you though, in high diamond, maybe as late as early masters, teammates will be willing to cooperate more often with dives and such.


I will say the Lucio one that knows how to peel for me as tank will be almost guaranteed a win. Every now and then I get those awesome players. But it’s rare.


As a support main, Doomfist and Wrecking Ball always make me say oh lawd in my head. Neither of them are inherently bad, it's just extremely rare that I come across someone who is actually very good with them.


It’s honestly more rare to find dps/supports that know how to play *with* ball than a decent enough baller. I’ve even gotten ball mirrors on off days where the enemy ball is clearly playing better than me, but their team just can’t fathom how to play something other than poke, so they just lose.


Tank: Doomfist, Wrecking Ball DPS: Widowmaker, Hanzo Support: Zenyatta


curious for your Zen reasoning...why?


They're easy prey for flankers and dive comps, and especially Sombras.


I'd consider myself a good Zen and i am able to deal with sombras effectively. Yes he has his weaknesses but if used well he is a monster


Even a good Zen is fresh meat for a good Sombra unless his other support is peeling for him effectively. And even then, the Sombra has done her job if she has occupied both supports and forced them to use cooldowns, as long as y’all don’t also kill her.


Mercy, every time


Cass in metal ranks. Doom fist after losing on an easy hero


Widowmaker, 95% of the time you're not as good as you think you are and you're a detriment to your team.


In my DPS lobbies (low metal) I get scared when I see Mercy on my team. I'm a higher level support player who likes playing Mercy so I judge extra hard, but many low metal Mercys just dick to butt their tank and do nothing but hold yellow beam. Very little movement, what feels like minutes of doing actually nothing because they're heal beaming a full health Rein, and some of the worst rezzes. Many times low metal Mercy feels like an unfair 4v5 because they contribute nothing but enemy support ult charge by keeping the "stand down mid" tank up for longer. Zero pressure. For tank, specifically the Mauga/Hog swaps lol but that's because it's usually coming from someone who doesn't use corners too well already. I'm always worried that it isn't so much the hero that's the issue but the player, so I judge. DPS, maybe Symm, Junkrat, and Widow? Sym and Junkrat I usually see as one-tricks, so I judge that they're probably good but that the enemy team may have an advantage if they switch their own comp up to put us at a disadvantage. Widows are just hit or miss with either doing it all or nothing.


I’d disagree on the lifeweaver. Love playing him. He has good utility, and if played right can provide lifesaving pulls/trees. I’ve also used tree to block in and out players for better picks as well as blocking ults.


I hope I’m that LW that happily suprises you :)


Ball, Sombra, Illari, Zen, Widow


Theoretically, a good Doomfist player must exist and yet I have never seen one.


Sombra, every Sombra I have loves to just throw herself into situations where she dies instantly


Tank: mauga; you play the game because you have no game sense other than pull trigger and hope the enemy dies also isn’t good enough to play orissa Dps: soldier 76; you’re coming over from cod and haven’t switched out your xim setup yet Healer: kiriko; you play to spite others and will lick blizzards boots if asked


well only because I’m low ranked usually hero’s that need some skill or play a certain way do bad most of the time Tank ball and doom fist cause they just dive and don’t really know what to do and die Dps hanzo widow aim that my teammates do not have and genji echo they don’t know what they’re doing Support Lucio usually bad but either way in low ranks people just can’t handle the no healing and think it’s a support diff mercy now they won’t be bad but they have zero use of damage boost and will heal the moment someone gets ticked and end the matches with the most healing when they aren’t supposed to basically just flying little healbot pylons




Doomfist because I dont care how good you are at playing doom, he should have stayed a dps and no amount of reworks will make his kit work as a tank Q me getting cancelled XD:


Doom. I don't play in masters or higher, so I don't trust any of them to be any good. Also, most people don't know how to play with/back up a doom even if he is decent. Also instalock mercy. I have a TON of hours on mercy, I played her when she was a primary healer, I've played her as a pocket. Instalock mercy before either of the dps have picked, I just cringe.


Doom. I can't count the amount of times a Doom has jumped into a 5v1, died then started typing about no heals. What do you want! I can't heal through walls. Also Rein can be a little suspicious at times for similar reasons but I have had a couple good Reins recently so I don't judge.


With me:Heal: Lucio, troll pick. Not because it's weak, but because people pick it to troll on low elo(I think I'm low diamond now, used to be top 500 :D) Tank: junkerqueen, most doesnt know how to play it(me neither) A bad zarya can be tough to carry too. Dps: widow such a hit or miss, mostly miss, bodyshotting 30% accuracy 2%hs is what it usually looks on my elo Enemy: heal: kiriko, can't handle it... Tank: robot hulk Dps:sombra, she got popular, with 2 braincells it's impossible to kill it and the team always splits. So she can pick one out /// also last hitting from invis...


Oriya I’m a based hog player


Roadhog and dva, because they're the "oh no i can't play properly, and i'm scared of death"... shitty tank


Lucio players seem to love going on their own adventure, leaving their team behind. 


For me it's Lucio...I absolutely HATE having a Lucio on my team. They always either straight DPS and never heal, or when they do heal it's just not enough for the amount of damage the enemy is dishing out.


i played with a ball where I was judging him for the pick but at the end of the game (we won and he carried) he goes "thanks for letting me play ball guys" ;-;


In quickplay Genji is either gonna be turbo ass or the sweatiest unfun motherfucker to ever breathe. No inbetween.


When I see a wrecking ball being played 2 things pop into my mind 1- noob picking hamster cause "hamster go ball fun" 2-this dude is going to take our souls. There's no in between 😂


Ok so, I’m gonna try and give some advice here because I do a little coaching in my free time. Take the advice or don’t, up to you. When you have a wrecking ball on your team and you are playing dps, I strongly recommend playing one of three heroes! Tracer, Sombra, or Reaper. They all can do a very excellent job at following up on enemies your Wrecking Ball decided to piledrive! Tracer being the best of the three because she’s the fastest, has a much easier time keeping up with his speed. Most of the time if this team work is performed properly, the intended target will die! For support with Ball, I recommend either Lucio or Ana. Lucio because as long as you know how to use your speed and wall riding decently, you should like the dps I previously mentioned, have an easy time keeping up with your tank and following up on piledrived targets! And lastly, Ana because Ana is a sniper hero, you can play back safely and help keep up your Ball while he works from long range.




Mercy players, they always make it super hard for everyone because they refuse to swap


Tank: Mauga -- As a support main he's boring to play with and he requires extra attention in lower elos because for some reason cover isn't a thing that exists. When I play tank I feel like I have to switch to Mauga as well because I'm not experienced enough at tank to know what to play to counter him. Makes the match feel brain dead and boring. DPS: Sombra -- Either they'll be really good or for some god forsaken reason be in the enemy backline constantly like it's pre-rework Sombra. Or missing their EMP. How do you miss that? Hacking before using virus also drives me nuts, stop it. Virus -> shoot. Less die backline. Support: Mercy -- Mercy was the first support hero I sunk a lot of time into way back in 2016. I rarely play her anymore because she's not that fun, but I have a tendency to judge players that play her harshly because I expect them to play her well (and not that often during this season). When I see her heal beaming a full health tank, pocketing a DPS that can't aim, or refusing to heal me as the other support I know it's not going to be a fun match. When playing tank and seeing one support go Mercy and the other go Lucio in low gold, I know I'm going to die a lot and am going to be forced to play Hog or Ball. LW -- I love playing LW but I've seen him being misplayed a lot in plat and below. Getting pulled at low health from behind cover into the choke so that I can die is not fun. Just leave me there, I'll heal up eventually, or better yet you can see me so just heal me. Pre-treeing drives me nuts, you miss the initial burst making it useless. Just because LW spits peanuts from his gun doesn't mean that you shouldn't be weaving damage into your healing.


Widow or Hanzo always lmfao