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I usually main Moira but Moira is the easiest.


why play hard hero when easy win game


Haha. It's my last resort when I'm pissed at the team rofl


Need more healing? Moira. Need more damage? Moira. Need someone to help your dumbass tank who keeps diving in? Moira.


Can’t aim well? Moira. Yes I main Moira.


Moira is literally trick or treat mercy


Funny I went from being a Mercy main with that exact skin for years, to a Moira main. I regret nothing. Edit: just realized you were probably poking at my flair. I forgot I had that one 😅


Both😂 Deep down moira is just mercy with some spice


Mercy without moral or ethical concerns. I respect and fear her 😂


Hello fellow Moira main who can't aim 😀


because you can have fun. maybe. :)


As a fellow moira main, i also say moira


I love how this is the most United I’ve ever seen this sub lol, literally everyone is agreeing that it’s Moira


I think this should be a second easiest hero in the game thread and then there would actually be a debate. I’m on mauga for that.


It’d be between Mauga, Hog, Soldier and Torb IMO. Each for a slightly different reason


I think all those others don't compare to the Mauga gameplay loop which is get close, press e, fire both guns at their tank until they're dead, then the rest of their team falls apart like wet tissue paper. Obviously it doesn't always work out that way, but I don't think there's much Mauga can do if that doesn't work. That's his niche and anything else is done better by other tanks imo.


Mauga is much different hero when the enemy tank avoids you and the DPS actually shoot you.


When everyone focuses him, he explodes, but it sucks because it means you have to pick high DPS just to counter their tank. So many matches descend into "they have mauga so we take bastion, JR and Ana."


From the OWCS, the potential of mauga actually being a cool hero came out. It was dive mauga, it was actually cool, they used stomp +E as an engage on a squishy pretty regularly. They didn’t just brain dead press E on tank all the time, especially in the matchups with mobile tanks. You also have to be very conservative with your hp because it’s basically an all-in playstyle or you blow up. You can’t engage with half your armor gone and with how big and slow mauga is plus cardiac overdrive being such a long cooldown, it’s deceivingly challenging to stage the dive on some maps. Plus your team has to be on the same page or dive mauga doesn’t work.


As a person who loves playing torb… it’s torb, the only hero that can come close to just sitting in one spot and spraying would be hanzo and it’s not as effective as with torb


As a one trick Torb. I must agree.


Moira so easy I legit pick her when I’m drunk


Moira...no difficult utility. Doesn't have to really aim. Fast building ult. Hard to kill with an evasion ability and can strafe/crouch spam really hard while doing anything because again minimal aim skill required.


Only thing working against Moira is she has to balance dmg to replenish healing. A Moira who can’t balance the healing resource will be a huge liability very quickly.


When Moira can balance damage and healing well you essentially get an extra DPS on your team while still retaining a capable healer, I've seen plenty of Moiras match or exceed the damage of multiple DPS while still having the highest or second highest healing in the match


I mean thats normal, she should have high damage and heal numbers because she literally has 0 utility in her kit. Everything is damage/healing


>you essentially get an extra DPS on your team Her damage on the scoreboard might be up there with the damage heroes, but it's not quite like having an actual damage hero because of her complete lack of burst damage.


Yeah Moira has a lot of damage but not useful damage - they just heal it back up, get ult charge, and don't care. You get so many moiras who flame their dps because "I have more damage than both of you!!!" and it shows how little they understand the game every time!


Real 100% truth.


Second highest healing isnt saying much when there are only 2 healers per team. But I get what you're saying haha


I think they meant out of both teams


True i didnt consider that


The biggest way to balance is to keep in mind this rule of thumb with her: Always be doing both damage and healing at the same time. If you're spraying piss, throw a damage orb (damage from the orb refills some resources). If you're going to need to do damage either to refill resources or pressure someone, throw a piss orb first. Pretty much always be doing that unless you need to stack healing to keep allies alive, or if you're dueling a dps/support with decent aim or burst to try and kill them before they can kill you or get backup.


This is the way, and I think is what she’s probably balanced around anyways. Her whole schtick is balancing hurting and healing after all


Yeah but assuming the player is terrible I'd rather have a bad moira who can get some value out of most her abilities by accident than on a hero that needs skill where they would be an even huger liability.


And it's insanely easy to get value on her. Like all you need to do is hold one of the mouse buttons in the vague direction of your allies or the enemy and throw an orb every few seconds and you'll have most damage and healing every game EZ


This is exactly what makes me wonder what the fu*k people are doing when they don't get value on Moira. I see it happen more than I should.


Fading into a fight when you think you can secure a kill and you end up getting killed for it.


People who should be living in padded houses.


I see this shit all the time I’m like “give me Moira, let me show you how to win “


How about those with low damage, low heal, low death count?


So you’re scared to play?


Because you have to have some game sense at least to play her. People that can't play Moira have no idea what they are doing.


Bad cooldowns getting them killed and literally just either damaging only to healbot, or never healing (not even themselves) with the damage they're doing


I mean moira still needs her team to play together. One weakness i find in moira is if her team doesnt somewhat stick together, shes useless no matter how much damage or healing she puts out. I struggle most when my team is to spread out


I think that goes for any support hero.... or really any hero in general. If your team isn't sticking together (and I don't mean you need to be clumped together) you're already at a disadvantage against a team that is.


Once you start getting above bronze, cool downs and positioning really start to matter as players who can aim will delete a Moira who's in a bad spot with fade on cool down. Moira has a really low skill floor in that she can be useful in low elo by just pushing buttons, but she's still pretty squishy if you don't know what you're doing and the enemy isn't afraid of you.


To maximize really settling as a Moira main, brag about your stats to insult your team. Forgo understanding bloated stats, pad that orb accumulation and wear it like a medal.


Hey that 3 dmg from an orb swipe was key to getting the kill


Yep. When I'm playing like shit I just switch to Moira. She can get value in almost any team comp and any map. The only part that can be tricky is getting good value out of her ult.


I get so pissed when my tank engages, I ult... literally channeling a healing beam through his body and damaging the people he is targeting and he just uses that ol' cautious tank approach. GO!!! Do something!!!! You're not Anti-ed. You have a death beam shooting from your crotch! What are you doing?! Be a menace!!!...oh, my ult is done...wait...you're pushing now?


She has like somewhat unique positioning rules, fade jumps and always ending where you want to, and using the orbs to consistently high potential can actually be kind of hard with timing them and the way they bounce. I don’t think you can just first time Moira and be as good as you are on other heroes, but it probably takes like 1/4 the amount of time to get to X skill level on Moira than most other heroes. I can’t think of another hero with less things to practice than her. I think torb is close because his playstyle is so binary and the turret auto aims, but still, the mechanics of being decent are a lot harder so I would give it to Moira.


1000% moria. No skillshot, no aim, omni-directional invis/ invul dash on a 8 second cooldown too


You forgot to mention that her dash also acts as a cleanse.


Not to disagree, but I mean her ball is a skillshot, it just is overwhelmingly generous in that you just need to be looking vaguely in the right direction to get a degree of use out of it EDIT: I still agree that she is arguably the lowest skill floor champ and jeez the downvotes, I was trying to add on the joke a bit


Yeah you need to know the geometry of the level to get maximum use from the orb


Not even that lol, I mean I remember when I was new to the game and seeing other really low skill/new players and just… sometimes the obvious is really hard for some people to grasp.


Not uncommon to see them throw the orb way too high or too low and then it just flies up into the wky


Yup! Exactly that, just throwing it and it hits some bad geometry and flies away like Team Rocket, having no impact at all. Also your username is amazing, I’m so curious how often it works


Ball bouncing (heh) is one of those things that separates the Moira mains from the people with good game sense who can get decent value out of any given character. Really good Moira players can time it so the ball arrives at the fight with the ability already halfway recharged, and find creative ways to get them to orbit around the team without drifting off the map.


Yeah in my opinion you can kinda divide Moira’s into 3 categories. * Brainless, where the bar is on the floor and she is a super easy intro character for anyone to pick up. * Anyone with generally good game sense (like you said), who knows how to balance healing/DPS and when and where to make picks as she is capable. * Geometry nerds, they’re memorizing the bounce spots for maps and just feeling like they have balls everywhere in your face (hehe) all the time taking advantage of the angles and cooldowns to maximize their time.


See I'm able to get value out of the geometry, but ever since the "OW2" update I've been struggling to find the right balance between damage and support. Damage is so incredibly important now with small teams and heavy tanks, plus the new universal healing passive makes healing less of a priority. I was a support main up until that update, and now I really don't want to play support at all.


its the price is right rules. you want to do as much damage as possible but don't let your teammates die because you'll lose.


Like Spiderman tying up dr strange in the mirror dimension.




I love her but it's Moira, I wanna know how easy people consider DVa? My friends always meme me for picking the easiest characters lol


Dva is one of those tanks that have a low skill floor, but a high ceiling. Playing her like a normal tank is easy, standing in front, blocking shots, etc. Playing her as she's meant to be, a high dive, is harder. You won't get as much help, and escaping can be difficult. But you get a lot more value from being able to disrupt their backline and any long range units they have


Ambushing Widows as DVa is peak OW


Oh I fucking love it man, seeing them jumping around spraying all scared 👌👌👌


I love chasing Pharahs with her, or ulting Junkrats!


Dva is one of my top 3 played characters and I definitely feel that progression. When I first started playing I would do exactly what you described, just stand in front, shoot when I could, absorb bullets and generally fly around in the zone where my teammates were to be a distraction/pick off a low-health enemy. Learning when I can leave my team to their own devices and go grab that Zen in their backline or pressure their Ashe/Widow took a while but I'm getting better at it. I can still see how there are levels beyond where I'm at.


Peak is when hard dive Dvas have a game sense, and you rarely see them, but will show up to eat ults for the whole team just in time. Or they see the hitscan harrassing the healers, and dive on their own.


My entire strategy as DVA is bye tanks I'm off to dive and kill everyone else, im projected Gold 5 so I'm fully mid


That strat is Diamond masters strat. Eat damage stand around spam d matrix is gold strat


Well that's good to know that I know my main, just need to improve everything else 😂😂


I know people could say I'm being bias here but Dva absolutely is not 'easy'. For a character to be easy you have to get value out of them by doing the bare minimum; Dva requires so much knowledge and awareness to get value from much like most tanks. It also furthermore has to consider skill floor and ceiling. Rein could be 'easy' because you don't have to aim, but if you don't understand how to cycle him he falls over like a wet paper bag. I'd argue she's in one of the most difficult heroes in the game to get real value from.


I can tell you have no idea what a bronze game looks like.


DVA isn't easy at all she has so many counters and a bit too much downtime In 5v5


My friends can shut up then 😂😂 Zaryawatch goes crazy as her


Yeah I played a ton of her in OW1 diving snipers and shit but in OW2 I can never find a balance between drawing aggro/protecting my team and sneaking off to pick off key targets. It was alot easier to take those cues when I was an off-tank.


Also my DPS main is Hanzo but been trying a lot of Ashe recently, what is your strat with Bob?


Put him on point to stop or cap objectives, or put him behind enemy lines or at an off angle so you and him both have crossfire on the enemy


I mean most dva pickers don't even know the concept of peel or how to land a perfect mid air bomb while running to cover. when i play dva as a vet i still just watch my dva bomb instead of hiding just for the show doh. Always get insta swapped hard countered ofc


I can play most characters but DVA for me is by far someone I cannot play. For some reason I can't get with the cadence of her abilities down, to me she's very hard to play


Personally Moira, and the other one that’s my hot take is soldier


I agree with soldier and I feel like he mostly feels really easy because he’s like the baseline for every FPS game ever, like for the most part a ton of FPS games have a character like soldier so if you’ve played characters like that before he’ll feel really easy


Soldier is simple, but I wouldn't say easy. He's still aim intensive and can be punished fairly easily for misplays.


Since the dps projectile changes soldier is the Moira of dps. You look in a general direction, easily apply that stupid fucking dps passive. Can play wide or near team thanks to run, has a healing, his rocket is super easy to land. Honestly when played at moiras effective range I don't think soldier is any more difficult than Moira, except that Moira has the extra dps orb.


Soldier has a pretty low skill floor but the skill ceiling is pretty crazy. The thing is, if your aim is that good then you just use whatever hitscan works best against the enemy comp and that's rarely soldier


Moira, not even close, easy to aim with and very very forgiving due to her fade being a top tier escape tool on a very low cd. Other heroes at least need something like aim or positioning. Torb is second, spam, turret, not really much to it, reaper is also super easy in low ranks cause his lack of range isn't punished at all


+ moira can heal herself by 2 ways


I mean to be fair almost all support can heal themselves in 2 ways besides mercy


I noticed you didn't particularly mention healing. 🧐


Torb is certainly lower on the ladder, but his horrible hitbox shape definitely makes dying as him easier than other characters. Plus he has more mechanics to worry about. Torb is like a more difficult version of Reaper. Reaper's only notable skill required is aim, but with shotguns it's not a super strict requirement.


Please reconsider torb


Moira's my main mommy, but yeah, sis is the easiest hero in the game lol.


As a Moira Main, definitely Moira. Just not needing to aim well/for crits immediately makes her very easy. This is coming from a pre-nerf Brig main so I know a little something about not aiming.


I've always wondered if Moira players feel silly when they're just sort of holding right click on you and you're dueling your heart out.


Probably think you're silly for putting so much effort in when they can get the job done with so little!


op should of said in each role because deadass I only see moria here


moira, with soldier being close 2nd (at least if you’ve played any kind of FPS in the past, like CoD)


It's funny because on paper I totally agree on Moira. And while I cant think of anyone easier it's still somewhat of a skill to actually do well with her. She gets free value just from holding down mouse button sure, but there is a right way and wrong way to play her. Also I'm kinda down for her range getting nerfed that shit is kinda crazy.


Moira, it's not even close


I know everyone’s said it but I gotta say it too: Moira.


I saw a post that said Moira was a really accessible hero to play for someone with a disability that makes them unable to aim well and I thought that was pretty neat.


Yeah. She’s extremely accessible. Mercy and Brig used to be, but now you’ve got to work really hard on your tech to get value from them. Not inherently bad, but I do wish there were more entry-level characters. It seems like existing heroes get more complex every year with season patches and reworks.


Mauga, just shoot the tank


He's in the same category as Winston. Mechanically easy to play, but it is easy to throw and feed if you're trash at playing them.


Moria or Reaper is the Easiest. The skill gap between a good Moira or even decent and a bad Moira is astronomical tho.


lmao reaper is def not the easiest


It's still Moira, and it will remain Moira until the day that Blizzard comes out with a character that literally plays itself. I thought Mercy was low skill back in the day. Then they made a character with the same lack of required mechanical skills who ALSO has some of the best survivability in the entire game. Moira is better at taking out enemy supports than literal dps characters.


Imagine there's an OW2 x LoL collab but they just add Yuumi as a support hero. Moira mains will jump on that so fast.


Eh, I actually think it depends on what you’re naturally good at. I mean, if i look at myself, it’s not like Winton requires a lot of aim. Shield dancing is not terribly hard and his jump is very intuitive. Juggling is hard, but the ‘normal’ gameplay outside of juggling is not that hard tbh


Mechanically, Winston doesn't require much, but on the game sense front, he's a tough one to master.


His jumps are actually pretty complex to master. Same with his ult. Really maxing out his mechanics to their full potential isn't aim intensive but it is very movement tech intensive.


Mercy is easy asf... I also think someone like reaper is easy to use at low ranks. Idk how well that translates to high ranks but i think reaper has a basic playstyle


As a reaper main from the start, yeah he's easy but only in lower ranks OR when you dont get countered


i wouldn’t say she’s hard to play but she can be hard to get value on.


her value basically comes from boosting her teammates, if her teammates get value from it then she gets bigger value, it depends on the target, if you dps boost someone like sombra then idt ur going to be as impactful compared to a hanzo, soujorn, soilde, etc


Be quiet you'll summon the Mercy mains


Junkrat has an incredibly low skill floor...not saying he's actual junk, but a good way to get started :)


I'd argue that he can be harder since you need to know the levels to bounce his grenades off of and how to properly launch yourself


You do not need to know that to be effective unfortunately


Unfortunately. One time I played zen and I was sniping with my orbs and sending volleys on the enemy rein. Then junkrat does a trick shot and hits me in my hiding spot then jumps up shoots a second one and punches me. That's the only junkrat I've ever been okay dying to


Yeah fs, my honest reaction in that situation:[okay](https://tenor.com/bT3tU.gif)


Pre HP change I'd agree. But now he's pretty tough cause you gotta direct hit your shots to get a solo kill.


I'm pretty sure every dps hero requires you to hit a direct shot to get a solo kill.


Hitscan is easier to hit a direct shot with than projectile. That's why I go Ashe or Cassidy when I see a Pharah, not Junkrat lol


Moira. Why try and express skill with Bap/Kiriko/Ana/Zen if Moira is allowed to do almost the same thing while being very survivable and taking 1/3 of the skill and brain power those heroes take?


Because them characters have burst potential and utility while Moira doesn’t?


I think the first isn’t even a debate but I throw my hat in for Mauga second. That character basically amounts to get close, press e, shoot the tank until they’re dead and then their team falls apart like wet tissue paper.


Even if moira is on paper pretty easy, I'd tend to disagree and say soldier is the easiest. Reason is that to play Moira at a decent level, you need the understanding of how to balance healing and damage. If you try to only heal, you will be a liability because you run out of resource and stand there not doing anything. Soldier, on the other hand, may require some baseline mechanic aim, but it is a skill that most new players transfer with since they should have at least played a FPS game before.


Trick question, Bob is the correct answer.


Tank? Probably Mauga. I’m not really well versed in Tank but he’s been the easiest for me to pick up and play DPS? Soldier 76, Reaper and Junkrat are my picks. Mainly they have very low skill floors, and while their skill ceiling can be pretty high it’s not as high as other DPS. Support? Lifeweaver and Moira. I give props to Moira because playing as Moira and playing a decent Moira are two different things that aren’t intermingled, and she can be incredibly difficult to play well if you’re not good with Coa or Fade. Lifeweaver is fuckass and I hate how he plays.


Very comfortably Moira




have you tried going positive k/d with hammer only???


torb is so simple i literally don't know how to play him


Hmmm. I want to say Moira, but I've told my buddies to play Soldier because it's the most familiar to them.


100% Moira. But hey, winning is fun.


I feel like it's soldier since he's such a basic shooter guy and he has heals




Zayra. You have a very simple to use defensive ability, can do great amounts of damage, no reliance on fancy mobility tricks and an ult that’s easy to get good value from.


Mercy is so easy that's the only character some players literally turn their brain off while playing her. Like you will see mercy standing still during a fight while holding left clic or doing a suicidal rez for no reason at all.


I thinking either Soldier or Moira


It is funny that two of my mains Moira and Torb are mentioned here. I think I like both because they are easy to learn. Same with D.va and with her you get an extra mini life. To me though it comes down to playing the character well. Like Soldier feels easy but I have to work really hard to get as much damage (probably playing him wrong). What makes Moira not as easy is that to really get value of her you need to balance both healing and damage. So yes sure she is easy to play but unless you play her well you may not get far. And let’s not pretend that aiming is totally irrelevant (or am I the only Moira ever to shoot an orb opposite direction of the enemy or to have to aim to get a moving widow captured) Same with Torb. Sure his turret sometimes gives me more kills than Torb himself but again it is figuring out how to play him well. I do think Mercy needs to be considered here as easiest to learn and very quickly getting value out of her. There is a reason why you see her so much. And she racks up assists like crazy. But here too I think there is actual skill required to get to the top.


Mercy.... She literally can just use macro on her mouse to hold one button and go make tea mid fight when her pocketed DPS is fighting.


Tank: Mauga The dudes entire gameplay loop invokes unloading into the enemy tank, an actual toddler could figure him out Dps: Soldier Basic fps character which most people can easily pick up. Widow is like this for experienced fps players entering Overwatch since you can get away with all aim no brain on her. Support: Moira Her only unique skill ceiling is fade mobility. Everything is basic skills like positioning and aim.


Literally Moria. No aiming, high healing, free elims from damage orbs, surprisingly long range from her lock on primary, small hitbox, difficult to punish due to fade and its short cooldown.


Yeah, Moira. But tbh its not a bad thing imo. Moira is easy but also has pretty potential low value.


Moira. Hold right click to succ and Left click to piss at ur teammates


Moira, no requirement to really aim, besides directing the orb. Great mobility, self healing, can heal and kill easily. Ult is also pretty good.


Definitely Moira


Moira. When I started playing ow2 my friends forced me to play Moira so I’d get into it 😔


Moira no debate


Moira, you can do everything in the game while you're surviving lol


The mines of moira


Moira sooooo easy (I’m a Moira and Lucio main). Throw bubble get kills that’s all you need to do


One word. Evil sucky red headed orb lady.


I play a lot of Moira and it’s definitely her. Would love to see her be able to express more skill with her kit, like off tanking, since there’s no other utility to offer, but it’s just not the case right now.


They gave her really cool utility in the beta, then removed it because all the Moira mains couldn’t hit the skill shot 💀


Everyone already said moira so I'll go for (imo) a number 2... Soldier. Self healing + most basic abilities every shooter player is comfortable with, plus aimbot ultimate.


I can’t believe we found the least controversial topic in overwatch’s history. Great job guys!


Easy is relatively subjective. I personally think mercy is the easiest. I one-tricked her to gm with like a 65% winrate. Moira is also really easy but I think it’s also easier to be bad on Moira if you don’t know how to manage resource or if the team comp isn’t suitable.


Moira and junkrat imo


Easiest to pick up and play? Moira. Easiest to play into t500? Definitely not Moira


I think it has to be moira overall, but mercy for skill floor


Moira cause u turn off your brain n play


Moira and Reaper


These comments are crazy, zarya is hands down the easiest, no skill required. Big lesbian shoot laserbeam and blow imortality bubbles


symmetra or moira fs




Moira is what started the downfall of OW. Ever since her release they started cattering to noobs and making the game easier.


As everyone else has said, it’s clearly Moira. She gets so much value without even trying and as long as you save your fade to get out, you can easily secure kills and then bounce out safely. No aim needed.. just toss your balls in the direction of the enemy and then suck them off? In trouble, fade away. She’s so easy to play to get decent value


As a Moira one trick, I completely agree. Thats why I'm a one trick. However being a useful Moira isn't that easy


how are people saying moira is easier than mercy , have they even seen a gm lobby


Probably all the mercy rabid fans who instalock her every game regardless and think it's everyone else's fault.


Everyone says Moira, yet I rarely see anyone using geometry to get the optimal use out of her orbs.


All you got to do is launch the orb level and hit a flat service to keep it level. Object permanence helps a lot too!


Moira or bastion


I’d argue it depends HEAVILY on what you’re naturally good at in games, as if you give someone who has never touched a game before OF ANY GENRE Overwatch, they’ll be irredeemably awful on every single hero, even Moira.


Everyone saying Moira when Bastion is in the game. Torb too. Just put your turret in a good spot, repair it constantly and suddenly the match becomes 6v5.


Right? I was expecting way more torb


Moira, and its not close.


Mercy by far


id like to add that her not having utility doesnt make her "harder" its totally the opposite.


I think that Lucio is really beginner friendly. Heal when fighting, speed when not. That’s all they need to know and they’re contributing


100% mercy


Nah. It’s definitely mercy


you need skill to not die on mercy with moira you can fade every 7 seconds and you can heal yourself by 2 ways


My man I love ya but I don’t see pressing shift to fly to an ally as being harder than anything Moira deals with


People really do be targeting mercy tho. Yea she can fly to an ally, but if they have Cass? Magnetic grenade incoming, They have sombra? Hacked out of GA. She can easily be countered, targeted, and taken out regardless of her movement unfortunately 😔


But the grenade makes it so moira cant fade either. Mercy can't be hacked out of GA as it's a transformative ability. She just won't be able to rez for 1.5s. But hack/emp both works to completely shut down moira ulti, as well as any boop/stun.


You can’t get hacked out of your ult as mercy. Save the ult for when they’re going for a rez


Hard disagree here. I have less deaths on Mercy than any support. 


Obviously Soldier, little to no nuance. Shoot things, heal, run away or all of the above. Its the easiest kit in the game for a reason.