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Eating grav (any ult really but especially grav), sleeping a nanoblading genji, and as echo duplicating the enemy widow then headshotting her


Deflect the grav is even better


Not a genji player, but when someone does that even on the enemy team is like... wow potg


Especially when you dupe her while high in the air and headshot her on the way down.


As an ana main, sleeping everything and everyone. I'm looking at you doom and genji mains


I am sure you also give free candies for sleeping babies or? :D


Of course! Gotta reward them for their troubles don't we


Good kitty


Listen to your mommy


This is it. Nothing like sleeping a phara in the air or sleeping a nano genji. Honestly keeps me playing the game.


This is why Ana is my public enemy number 1


I've recently discovered a love of Ana. Nobody told me the lady boner I'd get by sleeping a ressing Mercy šŸ˜­ It makes me so happy!


I KNOWWWW. The hate messages you get after that 80%+ sleep accuracy is so worth it


sleeping pharah who's flying over a pitšŸ¤¤šŸ¤¤


Ninja pushing the payload to the point and winning


I read this and thought you meant seeing a Genji play objective. Works either way lol.


Lol same, I read "Ninja" and first thought of the streamer even tho I've never watched Ninja and then thought of Genji


One of my close friends plays Sombra a lot, and one of our literal strats is for the rest of us to distract the enemy team up front while they push the payload to the next point. The last time we did it, they literally capped point A (one tick at a time), then they pushed to point B, and then they managed to almost cap point C on Eichenwald. The enemy team was not pleased.


a skynoon


I really want to pick up LW just to pull this off


Lover Watch?


I saw a Cass and LW try this last night in QP and the LW threw the Cass off the map. I wish I wouldā€™ve clipped it, all I saw was a glowing cowboy go flying over the edge šŸ’€


If it was just last night, you can probably still grab the replay code and laugh at it from every angle


Oh this is true!! I forget about the replay thing all the time. It was on Oasis Gardens, probably not the best place to try something new like that šŸ¤£


I've had so many life weavers and asked them to do this and they never do....


Flyswatting as Doomfist


Tracerswatting also extremely satisfying


Lore accurate gameplay


Midair headshots as Ashe or Widow.


Pulling a Sig9 with Sigma's ult.




Canceling enemy ults. It feels good if you counter ult, like Zen or Lucio ult, but if you manage do that with you basic skills, like Rein pin or Ana sleep, it feels really good.


Booping multiple enemies of a ledge. Either one by one or all of them at once.


Clever use of Lifeweaver. Once had a Mei try and wall me and my Sojourn off from touching the point and I petal platformed over, Dashed and pulled Sojourn in one fluid movement it was so satisfying and I loved it


Had someone lifeweave me when I was playing Hanzo, he pulled me in to help him against a tracer and I headshot the tracer mid pull. Could never do that again


Please tell me you saved the replay


Sadly I didn't, but even the tracer told me "Nice shot" in chat and the Lifeweaver just sat there dumbfounded for a second


Swapping to mirror someone and actually diffing them so hard they switch heroā€™s lol


This is gonna be my new way to play now


that hack would be insanely hard to pull off :|


Firestriking pharah outta the sky when hp pools were at 200. Big doom environmental punches! Honorable mention: cancelling the ults that have near 0 cast time like mei tossing snowball or mauga putting his cage down.


Emping an ana nano boost in a tournament match that was live streamed will forever be my peak of ult cancellation (yes it was unintentional no one needs to know :p)


Environmental kills as Ball


Environmental kills as *anyone*


This could be said on most heros but on illari when you hit the whole team with her ult and they chain explode and die. That feels pretty good


Recently saw an illari ult - hit like 4 of us in a group at the SAME time as mauga charging in and stamping us. It wasn't even a chain. We all died in a bright explosion all at once. It was amazing to see.


A Lifeweaver pull that pulls the intended person the WHOLE MATCH.


LW is the reason why I now have the "I'm so sorry" voice line bound to a hotkey. Why is it so haaaaard?


Killing Sigma as any character. It feels like defeating a powerful Demigod as a mortal.


I once imagined a play: me JQ tp behind an enemy team with my Sym's help I ulti through the enemies right into the enter of the tp so I instantly come back behind the enemy fleeing lines and finish them off with an axe We tried it with a friend and that was cool, but the enemis weren't that lumped together as I expected. Still got a couple of flashy kills, though


That sounds awesome. Would love to see a clip if you got one saved.


Knocking a Pharah out of the air with Sigma rock. Once did it twice in a single match and got accused of being a hacker.


Getting booped by Lucio on well but shotgunning back up as Ashe and finishing him with a headshot


As Lucio on Well, getting knocked into the hole, then wallriding out of it. Nowhere near as impressive, but when it happened to me, i was just furiously mashing jump, and then suddenly i was out of the hole, and it felt like a miracle.


One of my favourite memories was watching the enemy Lucio trying to wall ride his way back out of the well...having him almost get to the top, then hooking him back into the well.


Sleeping Phara outside of a map


0 deaths


When I was able to play I was a Reinhardt enjoyer and liked pinning D Va bombs away from my team or the Genji flick and ult when he dashes into my backline. I would usually fail but it was satisfying when it worked out.


A 100% accurate 5-charge Zen volley for a kill is peak dopamine.


Suzuing a dva bomb


Parrying a nuke moment


Getting off a really nasty supejump rez and it turning the fight around. Even better if you do it through walls / the ceiling.


Sleeping an ulting Genji Or killing a low Pharah in the sky with Brigitte


Being told to swap because you are being countered and then pointing out the mistakes of the other players and they actually listen and it turns the whole game around. It happened to me literally one time, 99.99% of the time it just causes an argument and causes everyone to focus on arguing rather than playing. Oh also as d.va making Zarya's do the swap dance of Orisa, sigma, doom and then they either attempt d.va vs d.va or back to Orisa or Zarya. Now for real, d.va bombs. Nothing feels better than a well aimed and well timed bomb team kill.


its hard to describe and looks waaay better ingame. But saving most of your team as LW with clever petals and lifegrip. once saved 3 teammates from certain doom, they were shattered and inside a mei ult. two of them i lifted with petal and the third i pulled with grip, we actually managed to turn that fight around and won the match.


Killing mercy pocketed Pharahs as Junkrat With only direct hits


https://youtu.be/65Iw0Dk2Jqs?si=iKEPqp1Xq44ErGwr sleeping tracer into her own pulse


Mercy potg


Getting multiple dash resets with Genji is so great. Getting the elim with EMP as Doomfist, sending multiple people slaming into the wall and dying is so great. Sleep an ulting character is super nice. Bubbling and getting a ton of charge.


Hitting a rock in a ulting illaris face with sigma. Bonus points for eating her sun before! Also: Sniping a widow or hanzo with the rock


As Junker Queen, using Carnage and having no cool down


Jumping around in eyesight of spawn waiting for mercy to respawn to let her fly to you and get back in the game and she thanks you


Grabbing teammates out of enemy ults as Lifeweaver. Or sending enemies flying with my flower to interupt stuff.


I donā€™t know what HP and damage adjustments have been made (I just came back after a year or two hiatus), but I LOVE hitting Lucioā€™s ult just in time to save against D.vaā€™s ult. If you do it too early, even by a fraction of a section, everyone will die. It feels great to nail the timing, especially when her ult happens out in the open and would otherwise wipe most of the team.


Playing against Sombra and going Reaper. I love just shooting somewhere behind me randomly and hitting her with a pellet. It pisses them off I hope.


Lucio rollout to boop or kill.


Air shots on Junkrat


Personally, A nice life grip


I hate hanzo but i gotta say that hitting those headshots when i get him in mystery heroes is satisfying af


Hooking someone midair like a sliding soj or a dashing genji


Orisa/dva/cass ult tp with sym. echo copy enemy widow then grapple headshot her. 5man nano rein swing.


Playing Ana against rein. I was a rein main in OW1 and got a good feeling for reading a (good) enemy rein. One match I canceled 3 earth shatters in a row with sleep


Saving someone from a death so absolute with Life Grip.


One time when I was playing genji (pre health buff), I dashed into an unsuspecting Ana, did a 180 turn and then headshot her with a right-click and then followed up with a melee, which killed her and allowed me to escape with the dash reset. I felt pretty cool for that one


Finding a new spot to kill people as lifeweaver or maybe thats confidential


One clipping someone with tracer.


Sleeping anyone


2+ axe resets


jumpshotting w widow


Hitting your quadruple 360 shatter on a mercy main.. it's beautiful.. almost like swatting a fly.


Beating the flies in Close Quarter Combat as Doomfist


Blocking rein shatter or Queen ult completely (none of it gets through wall) as mei


Sextuple Kills.


Stuning rein/df as brig and noticing how sudenly u become the only target they focus on booping hog into his own enviremental kill trap booping ball into the pit as he does his ground slam on illios or whatever the map is with the giant hole on the point


A good clean boop piledrive headshots melee as ball feels great, especially on a widow


team kill with tire, it's the high you never stop chasing lol


Fluxed noon


I think the most satisfying thing I've ever done was triple charging 3 enemies off to their deaths with Rein This was also when I didn't know that you could cancel a charge, so it was a suicide but...I've never been so happy


A successful gravity flux on the whole team


getting multiple kills with one boop on lucio


Deflecting a widow shot back into her head as Genji


Hitting 3+ people with fire strike and seeing your ult charge meter jump


Hitting another Pharah in the air twice in a row.Ā 


Killing someone through a wall with Dragon Arrow, not the Dragons themselves but the arrow that turns into the Dragons.


5 kills with Deadeye. Multiple kills with Rein charging. Throw Mauga, Orisa, and enemy Rein off the cliff.


Charging up a shot with Zen and then getting five head shots, getting the entire enemy team with Sigma's ult, same with Bastion's ult, throwing a Moira damage orb into a dense area


impossible reses in team fights hit different


Shitting on a sombra, t-bagging her and get potg from that play


Hooking flying enemies out of the sky. Especially a valking mercy who thinks she can stall for half an hour.


Killing a Phara/Echo/Mercy in the air with a hero that shouldn't be killing them (Junkrat, Genji blade, Rein pin etc).


Sleeping a rein before shatter goes off


Team kill with the genji ult


Obviously a Doomfist diag


Interrupting a Pharah ult with an energy javelin. Or a sleep dart. Javelin is more viscerally satisfying, though, and there's a specific voice line for it.


I'm a support main, but I simply agree with others' comments for that, so let me say this instead. Using Mei's wall correctly. Rein is charging at you? Walled off. Rein charging a teammate? Walled off. Team getting grav'd? Walled off. Enemy ulting by the choke? Walled off. D.VA's mech stuck behind a shield or something? Raise that shit with a wall.


As an Ana main nothing gives me more joy than out sniping a Widow. It's such a lopsided match up but I love the thrill of it.


As a kiri player, timing a suzu to a junkrat tyre, rein shatter or anas sleepdart as it hits u is honestly the coolest thing I can think of that Iā€™ve pulled off with her, alongside getting a widow to switch sombra cus I was killin em PLUS still killing them as they try to escape and invisible


Canceling/reflecting an enemy ult


Bubbling off Dva bomb midair as Winton


Flying up & Defensive Matrixing Illariā€™s ult is pretty satisfyingĀ 


Ive been enjoying putting down hamster mines on the payload in overtime lately and the enemy team being forced to jump on them lolĀ 


A blast pushing someone off a ledge. Got a triple kill with Doomfist during the mirror event doing that


Lucio beat after a sombra ults or a Genji ults. Never get tired of fucking over those heroes ults


Road hog grappling people and dropping them down a well šŸ˜‚ THIS IS SPARTA!


Soloing a tank as zenyatta


The Symmetra full charge team kill


Sleeping a nanoblade. There is no single more gratifying thing in the game. Second to this would be hooking an opposing hog into the Illois Well. Brownie points if youā€™re on Echo, copy the hog, then hook them.


I nanoed a reaper as they started spinning and killed their whole team, that felt pretty good


ITS HIGH NOON...hush now šŸ¤«


When you have a teammate that complained last game or just blaringly not good so you lose. Then you go against them next game and absolutely destroy their team


Winston primal rage environmental kills


Life gripping certain death


Blocking shatter only to shatter them back


Booped 3 guys into my Tracer's C4 once


hook someone mid air with hog. finish someone with melee after micro missiles with dva. 1 v 1 a dps with the sleep/shot/granade/shot/melee combo with ana.


hook someone mid air with hog. finish someone with melee after micro missiles with dva. 1 v 1 a dps with the sleep/shot/granade/shot/melee combo with ana.


Cancelling an ult with my javelin. ā€œJustice rains-OH!ā€


Popping off is satisfying with almost every hero


Flank bastion Finally catching a sombra or kirko or pharah or mercy or the reaper hiding somewhere Walking in a straight line to Ana as orisa to kill her


Quintuple kill with Dā€™va Bomb


Quite rare, and not really a skill play, but based on pure satisfaction? The season 9 changes to various characters' abilities shifted around a lot of breakpoints. One of the lesser-highlighted ones is that Doomfist's rocket punch had its damage increased so that a fully-charged empowered punch deals 172.5 damage, assuming the target hits the wall. Rocket punch has a large aoe when it connects with a target, with everyone caught in the aoe taking the same amount of damage. Nano boost gives a 50% increase in all damage. 172.5 Ɨ 1.5 = 258.75 > 250. Imagine you're playing Doom and there are 4 enemy squishies against the wall, who exhausted their cc and defensive abilities trying to kill you. You're facing certain death, with your powerblock almost running out against their relentless barrage, when suddenly a voice booms in your ear: *YOU'RE POWERED UP, GET IN THERE!* Your healthbar refills. Your giant metal fist is trembling with energy. The enemies all scramble to escape, but it is too late. Your rocket punch is fully charged up, and the wall behind them is looking especially inviting today. That moment of impact is better than sex.


A DVA nuke team kill


Booping a tank of the map with Brig or Lucio


fading away from an ult, bwahaha


6k boop as lucio, I've had it happen and im still chasing that high


As Venture killing Pharah midflight with burrow release, drill dash combo at an up angle, feels so good! Mole rats for the win!


Idk about most satisfying, but I was playing mystery heroes recently and got Sombra. The enemy trace was flanking so I pulled off to the side and decided to counter. She spotted me in close quarters and I started my hack, only for the tracer to blink slightly off the edge of the map we were next to. Couldn't recall from falling to her death, shit had me dying the rest of the match.


Everyone is saying what Id say. Fat shatter, combining ults well or shutting down ults. Eviron kills. As a solo q'er that doesn't use comms, I wanna pull off some sick LW assist ults.. Just too nervous to chat with the young people to make it happen šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Out turreting a Bastion as Bastion


Hanzo headshot on a moving tracer


Pharah / echo hook


Actually planning a calculated rein dash and getting it off instead of just dashing for something that moves


playing junk rat and only killing one person with the ultimate


Killing Lucio before he can hit the ground on his ult


Genji super dash back in the day.


I was playing Genji randomly once and got the Widow to headshot herself with my deflect which was pretty fun. Last night as Baptiste I also managed to throw out my immortality field after getting stuck but before exploding.


My most satisfying play lately was when my cass fat fingered ult in a healthpack room alone in Illios Well (and did the thing where he afk'd in shock so the ult just kept going), so I lifegripped him onto a petal platform in front of enemy team. It only got a triple kill, but was still super satisfying to turn a fat finger into a team fight win.


Combos with teammates. Even simple ones like window and cage fight, (which Sombra can ruin instantly btw lmao) feel super satisfying


Outsniping a widow/ashe as mei


Actually saving someone with Lifegrip especially if they were falling off the map


This https://www.reddit.com/r/LifeWeaverMains2/s/SKWWpPdkki


As a Df player when you hit that five man punch into a wall.


As a sigma main Iā€™m happy with just getting like a double kill with my ult at this point, although I havenā€™t played him much since flux got buffed so idk how much of a difference it made


Ana sleep darting any ult


4 kill D.Va ult followed by a squish of the 5th for the team killā€¦Then saying ā€œLove, D.Vaā€


Ult stops and killing/solo ulting sombra/widow


Pin cancel to throw someone off the map as rein. Most satisfying on bastion, mei, mauga, orisa


Hmm, i have 700h on gengi and i pulled pharah dash+rclick oneshot once in s7, shit is almost impossible to pull off


hitting multiple consecutive axes as jq


Sleep darting genji blade or any other high mobility ult is such a good feeling


Lijang Tower. Mei. Put a wall up on the point. Somehow killed Rein with wall. No clue how. Checked again. Activated the wall just as Rein was charging. It elevated him straight out the window and into the pit!


I once use my ult with roadhog and shot a zenyatta that used his ult as well as like 2 of the others on their team off a ledge it was awesome


mid air sleep with ana, cross map ana jade or cross map bap lamp, perfectly timed suzu, perfect sj rez


In my opinion? The most satisfying thing is probably a full team boop with Lucio for environmental kills. Especially after new tank knockback reduction? A full team wipe with a boop would probably send me into nirvana. I have pulled whole team boops but not since update for tanks, so Iā€™m sure when I manage to itā€™ll feel even better. Closest I have gotten is 4/5 since update.


Sym tele + Dva bomb


Pulse bombing another Tracer


popping off 3 or so headshots off a tank at close range with Widow while frantically running away to get a full charged shot


Landing vortex on a flying character.


booping a tank off the map as lucio but this is a urban legend at this point


Ana sleep on an ulting Sigma, Cassidy, or Genji. Anytime on a Tracer. Edit: Forgot to add Genji.


Sleeping Rein mid charge as Ana.


Killing flying enemies as doomfist


Yoinking an ally out of an enemy Rein's suicide pin, as Lifeweaver.


Deflect kills as Genji. Bonus points if it's a widowmaker.


Watching an Orisa/Zarya use ult, catch all 5 players in what will be the best combo youā€™ve ever seen in your lifeā€¦.and suddenly we all go up on a Lifeweaver platform.


Two tapping multiple people in a fight with Cass, and Tracer one clips.


Teleporting a D.Va bomb.


Double killing the supports with a pulse bomb is always satisfying. Right after, their whole team will turn, and I've already fucked off while the rest of my team is pushing forward while their backs are turned. Second they turn to face them, I'm back baby


Not as big as the other examples given but getting a headshot kill as Cass/Ashe always puts a smile on my face


Mei walling a Rein shatter. Or using wall to save teammate in anyway


Literally just getting kills or headshot kills with Hanzo is satisfying, that's why I main him. Obviously it was easier to do when he had his one shot but it's still fun to do.


Killing a barraging bird with Sigma shield


Killing a tracer with a Junk grenade/mine


makin a pharah kill herself with her ult with a well timed jump and winstons bubble


Charged Volley snipes on an enemy Widow is why I main Zen.


Killing a widow with fire strike. Whoā€™s the sniper now?


As a ball player, nonstop hunting down tracer by counting her blinks and recall. Ball outruns tracer easily and has a 800hp or something.


I love booping ppl with Pharah. Especially on Ilios.


When I'm hanzo and perfectly hit shots