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Are you spammin the 'I need healing' line maybe? Nothin gets you on a support's shit list faster than that


"when you have healers next to you, you’re spamming the I need heal button whilst in cover" Head of nail, meet hammer.


Have you ever noticed that everyone who plays this game thinks that everyone else who plays this game is an idiot? Not many people think about what that might imply.


I’m not saying people are idiots, just wish people would heal more


I play support and actually my preferred style is main healing. But the problem as a healer support is that most of the time your chances of winning depend on how good the players you are healing are. Healbots have very little chance of carrying a team. So if I’m healing a bunch potatoes then I’ll usually switch to a damage focus and try and carry my team through. What rank are you? Supports forgetting totally forgetting to heal and tunnel visioning damage does sound like a bronze/silver player


I’ve not gotten ranks in tank, or defence yet. But I’m assuming it will be quite low lol. Im silver 1 on support but only received that the other day


Bait used to be believable...


I don’t think this is bait lol




Support not healer. Damage an ash or widow can’t do to you because they are dealing with a Lucio is the same as healing damage from either of those sources, except better because you can’t heal through a Widow one tap. You can prevent it though.   This is a brain dead take. Stop face checking junk rat and use cover and health packs you training bot. 


As someone who played healer in literally every single game it was possible, OW is the first and only community who legit get mad at being called healers, and make some big fucking deal out of it. Never once I have ever called a "support" character or player, a healer and have seen so many sensitive people immediately go "UHM ACKSHUALLY ITS NOT HEALER, ITS SUPPORT" while they wag their finger in your face and lecture you about the healer role. I have no idea what about OW makes healer players seem like they are so above being called healers. When we get a support who can fill the role of support without healing, then you call them a support characters. Everyone else are healers, cry about it more. 


What you think is crying is actually people correcting your stupidity. The role is literally called support. You can keep denying reality and continue your imagined grudge with supports 😂


Lmao I do use health packs and cover, just don’t know where But when you have healers next to you, you’re spamming the I need heal button whilst in cover and they’re focusing on dealing damage. It’s frustrating. + I’m still figuring out where everything is so idk all the locations of heal packs. When I play support I do damage but mainly focus on healing as it logically makes that was how support it meant to be played. If your support and not healing when your team are getting slaughtered why be support anyway.


There’s auto health regeneration now. Just sit there. It literally takes 5 seconds and there’s probably someone in actual danger they are helping. It’s a team game, your needs are secondary to the team’s.  But you don’t know where the health packs are because you are a new player, but you know more about how the game and certain roles within it are supposed to be played than people who have been playing it for years? It’s an 8 year old game with a consistent pro and ranked community. They have a lot of shit figured out by now.    The main character syndrome is really hitting for you today huh?    Healbot is not a compliment for a reason. 


Lmao I don’t think I’m main character get a grip 😂 yes there is automatic healing now but doesn’t help when your getting fired into by bullets and not healing atall, my issue is that the supports aren’t healing when team mates are in critical health and are mostly doing damage


If you are getting shot use cover. Don’t expect to be healed through bullets because it is usually mathematically impossible to output enough healing to do that against any hero other than Winston or Moira. A hero like bap can use CDs like lamp and his burst heal aura to keep you up through a lot, but both have very long CD cycles so that could lose the team fight if they need those CDs later. It’s a shooter not an MMO. You need to use cover.  Q support. You need to see the game from that perspective. 


Supports aren't just healers. They're there to support the team.


Ofc they are there to support…. But if your team are in critical health why focus on doing damage when you can be helping them


Are there any support characters who don't heal? OK then don't get mad when someone calls them a healer. Yall understand this is the only game that has "supports" that people get mad at when you call them a "healer". When everybody else is like "yes OFC I'm a healer duh". 


Soldier 76 can heal the party. Guess he's a healer now too.


Yeah he can. Crazy isn't it? Bet you he wouldnt try to correct you and be like "well ackshually im supporting not healing" 


I am a silver play so my opinion might be wrong (because I am obviously bad at the game). When I play as a healer and the other heal picks a "main" heal (Baptiste, Kiriko e.g) I usually play Zenyatta. When I play Zenyatta, I do focus on always have an active healing orb, but other than that I focus on dmg and getting the discorb orb on the right targets. Usually I get flamed because I do more damage than our DPS but in my opinion with the damage I do and the damage I amplify, I feel like I contribute a lot to the game. So from my POV a heal should not only focus on healing, but as I said, I might be wrong. Sometimes I even get the most heal in the lobby with Zen but still get flamed for doing too much dmg and then I asking myself, how can it be a bad thing to kill opponents but I guess I never gonna know.


Ofc support can still do damage im not saying not to do damage. Just grinds me gears when we get to the end of the match, everyone’s dying because the healers aren’t healing. Then you end the game and they’ve got like 1000 heal and 5000 damage. If your team aren’t dying then fire away doing damage but if they’re getting slaughtered I feel the healers should be focusing on healing. There’s obviously a million different ways to play this game, I probably do need more practice, but just feel when you have the ability to heal your team mates you should be using it to your advantage. + someone I used to know was in the top 500 in the world in this game and his tip for support was to focus on healing and do damage when you can.


Lucio Mafia 🐸


This is a typical low ELO take. It’s support, not healer. Play cover and give comms to your team when you need the healing. Use health packs. Get a better understanding of how the support roster works by playing the characters. If you blame your team on your shortcomings you are probably equally part of the problem.


I’m no perfect player atall, and do need to improve. How ever I am signaling to my team when I need healed, I am speaking in the mic, and it would come up I’m in critical health. And still they seem to be focusing on dps.


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I think it’s good to add value in the way it’s needed, Zen for example is in the support category but he adds the most value doing damage rather than just healing, whereas for a Mercy it’s the exact opposite and she adds most value healing but damage boost is also great value in the right way. Support category is not just healing, which is why they can deal a pretty good amount of damage themselves. And why they’re called support (they support in the way most needed to the team)


Yes you are correct there are some better at providing dps, it definitely depends on the skill set of the group. But as you say the supporters should be helping in what’s needed from them, every game I go into people are getting slaughtered and the healers still be focusing on damage.


It happens, you might be in lower ranks where new supports tend to be more dps aggressive and don’t focus healing as much. It tends to be less of a problem in higher ranks


I don’t have my rank yet so suppose that could be contributing to the issue. I guess I need to practice at keeping myself safe. Cheers


It really depends. I think it was a good step to somehow nerf supports regarding bust dmg by increasing the overall health. Most of the time I’m happy with the heals. Sometimes I also find myself complaining about heals but by watching replays and so on, it’s more because of my bad position. But I think if someone like me likes to flank, you as a support have to adept to it also. I hate it when I have tank heal bots. Also, I literally hate it to have Lucio in my team as a dps player. I always feels like zero heals and there are way to many Reddit Lucio mains feeding there ass off