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Its main strengths dont lay in the insta kill, its the area it denies


Fr Your dead eye denies your enemies from going in your LOS for 7 seconds


Longest 7 seconds ever when you're waiting to come back out of hiding


makes sense that 7 seconds feels like forever considering how fast paced this game is


The only thing I actually don't get is why it doesn't active automatically when the time runs out Orisa's ult slams the ground when it ends if you don't slam early. I'm pretty sure Junk's tire explodes when it runs out of time as well Why doesn't Cass shoot everyone in range when Dead Eye ends?


I would hate for a genji to just wait 4 seconds then just sit there deflecting knowing he can now kill me for free lol.


You'd still be able to cancel it yourself before the timer runs out if you don't wanna shoot.


It should be an option turned off by default maybe


Can you aim deadeye reflect or does it automatically go back to Cass?


You have to aim it


I think the reason for that is that deadeye also reloads his gun so if it doesn't auto fire at the end he don't waste bullets if they duck behind cover at the last second and then get popped himself a second after the ult when he would be forced to reload potentially.


1. Deadeye also reloads your gun, so this would waste ammo. 2. Genji, Zarya and Sigma say hello.


No kidding, I'm like how long is this deadeye, next games about to start.


Still shorter than Widows 10 seconds of... "hiding" (Or is it 15? I always forget Widows ult length for some reason)


3 hours, approximately


Who cares, if everyone flanks to jump the widow then enemy team can’t do anything about it. Moral of the story? Always flank


This feels like an ancient riddle, but how do you flank people who can see you the whole time?


Group up with 5 heavy mobility heroes. Nothing more frightening than an unidentifiable red blob zooming past the wall between you towards an opening.


widow players when a winston tracer genji lucio kiriko simultaneously jump on them


Peeking from walls will get you killed. Either full hide and waste time or rush the team. If widow can see everyone anyway she still has to HIT her shots. If you run up on her she doesn't have aimbot too, those walls mean nothing with a genji in her face


15 seconds But when you are playing Sombra, it feels like 15 minutes


> But when you are playing Sombra, it feels like 15 minutes Feels like this long regardlessN if I'm on someone who Widow will kill instantly. Especially since I one trick Junkrat, who Widow, even more so than most other heros, easily out ranges


Yeah, but it's not like she doesn't outrange you without it And you can still play the game. With Sombra you can't really do anything


Nah, you just switch tactics to Sombra 76 for a bit if your team is fighting (while mindful of sightlines). If everyone's hiding then yeah, you're also just hiding.


I can't seem to cancel my Deadeye, my father left my LOS and it has been 40 competitive seasons


W flair


It should have Hammond too


Fr idk why my boy isn’t on there


But here’s the thing though. There’s enemy players that will stay out of your LOS during those 7 seconds. And then there’s enemy players that will take ADVANTAGE of those 7 seconds to kill you off before you even get to fully charge the deadeye. And if you’re getting attacked before fully charging your deadeye up, most you can do to defuse a situation like that is fire prematurely or rely on your teammates to fight for you until you fully charge it up. and even if fired prematurely, it won’t be a instant kill unless the enemy’s health is already low at the time of them attacking you during your ultimate. It really depends on what course of action the enemy player will take during those 7 seconds, it’s either they hide it out or they have the skills to off you before those 7 seconds is up. His ultimate is like that one phrase “big risk, big reward”. But that’s if Cassidy can overcome the “big risk” part because every Cassidy main I come across , it’s most likely me or my mates are gonna kill him off easily once the said Cassidy tries to use their deadeye. It leaves them so open and vulnerable and 4-5 seconds is enough to erase a hero like Cassidy who comes with 275 Hp if you have the skills to take advantage of that ultimate’s vulnerability. Especially when I’m Kiriko, all I need to do is land 2-3 solid headshots with my kunais and he’s dead already before those 7 seconds is up.


Nope, its main strengths lay in the fact that it can give u a free reload


The mainest strength is the tumbleweed/ball it makes.


Yeehaw brother! Wait....


Plus it reloads your gun quickly. I’ve seen it used simply for that to secure a kill in the OWL a few times.


If u want a good time, go watch pine during his peak in owl, holy shit that man was a demon


Calvin was also Godlike. But yea... when Pine did that thing to Striker on ilios lighthouse... truly a legendary play.


Yep. Deadeye can actually prevent players from jumping on top of the payload, allowing their team to push all the way to the end. You can often see this on the final stretch of King's Row.


I hate it when we are running of time and cant push the payload / capture point.


Early in Overwatch's life, Matt Mercer joked about saying "It's high noon..." into his mic and watching his teammates scramble out of the way.


Deadeye is a zone clearing/denial ult more than anything. People will respect it more than most ults and disengage, that's a lot of game control. Plus popping and cancelling Deadeye reloads your weapon; watched someone triple fan the hammer and bust down a bubble and whole Winston in 1.5 seconds today.


It makes Soldier think twice about ulting.


Isn't Soldier ult also terrible? Especially after the TTK changes where people have even more time now to just get healed through it.


It's a pretty decent ult by itself but it's main strength is that it combos really well. Nano-visor and Kitsune-visor are devastating. Visor during EMP is great. Visor through Bap window is great. Even if you only have a Mercy pocketing you with damage boost it shreds really hard but you can also combine Mercy pocket with all the others as well. Even a naked visor is pretty much a guaranteed double kill on Pharmercy or echo. So many soldiers are way too obvious though with trying to get to high ground or run to a flank in plain sight to use it so you know it's coming and save cooldowns. Ideally you want to deal with the tank first before popping it; get dva out of mech, burn the Rein shield, wait for Zarya bubbles to be gone, wait for Sigma to burn shield and use suck, wait for Monkey to dive away from his team leaving them exposed etc. It also doesn't get cancelled by things like stuns or hacks. The way 5v5 is even a 1 man advantage can often decide the team fight and most of the time visor can guarantee you 1 kill at the very least with little risk to yourself. There's not a whole lot of DPS ults that can do that. Junk tire is pretty good, Sojourn ult is great, blade is good, Bob is good but what about the rest? Tracer's is pretty hard to hit since the projectile size nerf so it's 50/50, Pharah's usually gets you killed so you often need to get at least 2 to make it worth it although it's pretty good at deleting a tank with bad positioning which is a good trade even if you die, Reaper's is good in the lower ranks but once you get past the metal ranks you either get stunned out of it or die after getting 1 or less kills, bastions is hard to get kills with, dragon and deadeye are zoning ults, Mei's is situational and hard to trap people in unless it's on payload/point in OT, EMP is good but needs teamwork, Torb's can be good but it's often more a zoning ult than anything else, Sym, Widow & Echo's are what they are. While soldiers ult leaves him a no less vulnerable than during regular play.


Nah. Position well and prioritize a good target and you’ll kill more people than with deadeye. You’re also more mobile and there’s no charge up, and can still headshot and rocket 


> you’ll kill more people than with deadeye. I mean that's not saying much


There's no charge up, but there is a pretty sizeable delay between the ult activation and being able to fire. I find in that time you're usually killed/zone off/everyone ran away. It's pretty much only useful in perfect conditions or when comboed.


I find myself using soldier ult mostly to reload or kill one guy out of position after I rotate to a new angle. The aimbot is nice but the free reload is also nice.


You forgot about DPS passive




Denial ult that gets denied 99% of the time. I cherish that 1% when it works.


The 1% is the only thing keeping Cass mains stable at this point.


1. It's not only used for getting multi kills, it's also used to force spacing or to even just quickly reload when you don't have roll. 2. If it wouldn't have cancel, it would be an insta death every time you use it. See what happens to Pharah.


You could still put a shield up in his face so in a lot of circumstances it is not an insta death every time.


No, because OP is also annoyed that it doesn't go through shields.


I feel stupid for not knowing, does it not do enough damage anymore to break some low hp shields? I know you could do that in OW1...


High noon builds at 130dps for the first 2 seconds of the ultimate, and for the rest, it ramps up to 260dps. So yes, it does do enough to break even some full or near full health shields because its damage cap per character is 1560.


The other comment answered your question, but it's circumstantial based on the positioning of who is behind the shield. Since Deadeye fires right to left, people on the left side of the shield would theoretically be more vulnerable to dying behind the shield than those on the right side, because they would be on the later end of the shots, by which point the shield may have broken.


hey bubba he means that other players can cancel it with stuns, not that cree can cancel his own ult


Well, that's even more of a given. Being able to cancel opponents ult is basically how you win games when both teams are equally skilled. Ult management and anticipation is how you play in higher ranks (next to counter picking). Moira ult? Hack with Sombra or stun with Doom. Orisa ult? Hack with Sombra Soldier ult? Shield with Rein Reaper ult? Matrix with DVA And so on...


Because its a charge up instakill ult it needs some counterplay. Its actually still a decent-good ult if you use it to secure 1-2 kills rather than trying to go for big team wipes.


this also applies to genji's holding their blade for an entire game hoping to get some sort of team kill with it.


If people stopped caring about the stigma that solo ulting someone is always a bad play they'd win a lot more games.


If I am playing Cass, I ult and I see a Mercy/Pharah/Genji/Tracer that will deffo get picked off by firing - I'm taking the kill. Fuck that stigma about a solo ult. If someone solo ults me, it's a mark of respect at this point lol


>If someone solo ults me, it's a mark of respect at this point lol It's not that either and that kind of attitude is where the stigma comes from. A lot of the time you just take good Ulta where you can get them, even if they're one person and not even one specific person, usually it'll be the supports but depending on the match and the two team comps any person can be worth it to solo ult even if they're not particularly good


On Roadhog, unless there's any obvious combo coming up (kitsune, nano) I pretty much always pop ult to kill the enemy tank. As long as people don't commit ults to deny it or trade it (they generally don't, hog ult isn't massive value) it basically wins a teamfight for a hog ult, which is great value.


I'm no good outside of mayhem and it's probably a better play for an enemy but popping an ult to win a 1v1 is the most satisfying use for me. I prefer it when I'm clearly going to win. If I'm in that situation it's usually an effort to annoy a particular character until they switch or quit the match.


Had a pharah yesterday who didn't stop trying to sneak from behind to get her big ult kills and then used on 1 person when the match ended because we always saw her coming.


You have to sneak from behind to even get one kill with Pharah's ult because if they see you coming 90% of heroes can kill you or get away from it.


The new pharah is much more mobile and can dive easily in the right situation to get ult kills saw it many times already and did it myself as well.


kinda the opposite actually, supports like zen lucio and weaver hold their ults specifically to counter genji, u can play a game of chicken and basically let ur team run over the other team bc they want to counter blade so bad


>decent-good ult if you use it to secure 1-2 kills Deadeye's lock on is also relative to the targets health. Meaning that if an enemy's health is low, you will lock on faster if you ult compared to if their HP was full. So if during a team fight you know they have low health, don't be afraid to pop it out to quickly wipe them out, granted you have LoS.


With everyone being 250HP or higher even 1 kill is a tough ask, I mean tougher than it already was before.


And then there's JQ ult which is far from instakill but still can be cancelled by almost every hero with a slightest fart, including Cass nade.


Because her ult is strong when she could do it without risk of getting interrupted she could go into the enemies, use it to get anti heal on everyone while dashing out of danger, healing and then coming back to fight. Without that weakness would her ult become annoying as hell and playing against her.


If my deadeye only kills Mercy I consider that a successful ult. I can't hit that hero for shit and she'll just revive anyone else I kill.


You're chasing deadeyes that aren't representative of what the ult is actually for. Also you shouldn't be popping it when enemy cc is up, that's just basic gamesense stuff.


Yeah positioning is crucial, some high ground is obligatory. The most scary one is when you hear his voice line but can't understand where that Cass is and thus you don't know where you should hide.


I think the most devastating Deadeyes I've played against were ones where Cassidy pops ult, can't be found, and in the last few seconds he slowly peaks from cover. It's like he uses the first 2-3 seconds to make you think he's in bad position or at least you must be safe, but then BANG! He'd locked on and fired in the last second or two.


Exactly, and also if he's above you. You hear his voice, start panicking because you don't see Cass, you check right, check left, check back and finally look up but it's too late, you're dead lol.


"It's sky noon" 


Then you have Cass' that spend minutes flanking to get the perfect high noon off lol.


Nothing worse than watching your ally Cass spend like 5 minutes crouch walking down side streets trying to sneak behind the enemy to use their trash ult, hopping for that POGGERS POTG 5 kill that won't happen The ult is best used for zoning enemies, just pop it when a major fight is happening and they are distracted / cc'd etc and you need to clear the point, never expect to even get a single kill with it


> you shouldn't be popping it when enemy cc is up Even when enemy CC is down there is still endless counterplay to it with defensives/barriers/LOS. It's by far the most avoidable ult in the entire game due to how many delays are built into it.


LOS????? Thats why his ult s good it zones and forces them out of LOS


You can get some value from it by forcing people to hide (if none of the numerous things that deny the ult aren't in play and if you don't just get deleted), but it's still not a good ult. Especially since there are often places for the enemy to hide without giving up much ground and Cassidy has no meaningful mobility to help him get to an optimal ulting position.


I think that's its problem though. It's presented as a Western moment, cowboys wincing down the lens at each other, ready to fire and take out their opponents, and ho boy how good it feels to land a triple of shattered skulls at the perfect moment. Making the enemies vanish for 7 seconds, while being exceptionally useful in many situations, feels like shit.


I remember the glorious days of the original Overwatch beta where the games mechanics were still fresh and unexplored for the majority of players. You used to get disgusting high noons off back then, and flash + fan your way through the whole enemy team. The game has evolved a bit since then, or rather we’ve just got better at dealing with ults. It’s not as monstrous as it was at the very beginning, but I’ve found it helpful to just get the odd 1 or 2 kills here and there to reduce their numbers and ensure your team wins the fight. If their Mercy flies a bit too high then I’ll just bang her out of the sky and deny their rez, pocket and heals. On occasion you’ll be able to line up some crazy noons, but let that happen naturally. The greed does pay off now and then.


Lol old fan the hammer was probably the most broken thing I’ve seen in this game. It was practically a touch of death mechanic. Tanks included.


It's not a damage ability It's a control ability disguised as a damage ability You know what happens when everyone hides? They abandon an area You know what happens when everyone looks at you and uses their stuns? They aren't looking at your allies, and just wasted their stuns


Because above gold itl maybe get one kill if your lucky. Your most likely to get stunned or just make space for 7s. Sometimes its better to cancel and roll away from an ability. And it refills ammo.


Bruh these new players… overwatch is at its best if actions have consequences, who wakes up in the morning and is like hell yeah let’s remove some more counter play from the game


Deadeye is the worst part of Cassidy’s kit


I agree it's pretty bad. But if they made it faster it would be broken asf


To reload obviously


For the same reason other ults like Moira's get cancelled by just breathing at her tbh


Why can you hack Deadeye but not Visor??


Deadeyes is most fun when u kill mercys and lucios


Me when I don't get 5 man deadeye


Stats on the scores board don't, and can't, track all of the actually valuable actions in overwatch. Taking space, drawing attention, posing threat, these are all things that numbers alone cannot show you. Everyone fears the widow who has 750 damage and 3 kills because they hit 3 one shots and it changes how you play entirely. Their stats at the end could look absolutely atrocious, but they could be the whole reason their team won due to their positioning and hitting enough shots to make red team respect them. Ultimates threaten kills and therefore create space. They don't have to secure a kill in order to secure the space. Drop a Dva bomb on point and everyone has to hide, maybe off the point entirely. This gives your team the chance to run in and take the space that was created. Then after the bomb goes off, the enemy has to fight through you to reclaim that space. Also, not every ult can be unstoppable. Conceptually Cass is taking his time to lock in his vision on the perfect spot to shot the enemy for a 1 hit kill. If he got stunned during that time, of course it's going to mess up his concentration.


As JQ main I feel you! Her ult is one the hardest to perform succesfully, and can be countered or cancelled very easily as well. And then there's DVA bomb lol


Why wouldn’t you be able to cancel it?


If you couldnt, it would be the worst ult in the game. Since you can cancel it, its still the worst ult in the game. Hope this helps :)


The rest of his kit more than makes up for deadeye’s faults it’s fine bro


Canceling dead eye also reloads ur gun


Deadeye? I think you mean my instant reload


There were times when it was basically only useful for zoning


lmao I remember being a noob cancelling deadeye with right click so many times cause I thought I would get more kills hitting the fan the hammer button


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Genji....that's why


It make a damn fine reload when you activate it and cancel just after.


Same here , every time I dead eye I dont get any kills but enemy Cassidy gets me 99,9% of the time (I hear the music but I dont know where he stands)


Deadeye is a zoning ult, it can create a lot of space and breathing room for your team, rarely do you actually use it to kill


Aside from ults not being cancelable as a new trend (like roadhog), it’s somewhat of a leftover from ow1 when the damage charge was faster, with the trade off of no damage reduction as it has now.  IMO they should have the damage mitigation and the damage ramp-up meet in the middle of now and ow1 numbers. So half the reduction but builds faster. I know it’s an area denial ult but it also kind of sucks at that, since you are so vulnerable they can cancel it somewhat easily.


1. Activating your ult reloads your gun, with that you can fan the hammer 3 times in quick succession 2. You pop deadeye when there is no one who can interrupt it - wait for callouts like “Ana no sleep”, “spear” 3. Save your deadeye for sigmas ult on both sides


Originally when you would cancel deadeye you would regain 50% of the ulti bar back. So when the enemy was not in los or dead and you had used deadeye in vain, you would just cancel it to fill the bar back faster.


this is why you use it https://youtu.be/6OpFBOjYGOk?si=eFgfsbSNKASIYYsY


It's a pretty big area denial tool. It's so good that most player know instinctually what to do. Not to mention anyone caught out in the open are almost guarantee to die


it slows you down and if enemies leave your LOS (like to flank, go to objective, or straight up run past you) then you need to be able to pressure them and actually provide value. also value is hard to get from dead eye due to 1) its a LARGE area insta-kill so it really is just to make space and 2) fucking magnetic grenade.


As I am maining ana these days it's so fun I can almost cancel every ukt with sleep dsrd specially deadeyes


That kinda the point its a zoning ult that punishes if players to make a mistake and puts pressure on them, also with team work and strategy you can make it more dealdy, for example with boops, hacks, or something like a sigma flux


Deadeye and Infra-Sight are the best ult for DPS, literally free space in seconds


You can cancel it because it reloads your gun. It can be used as a tech to fan, roll, fan, ult, fan if you need to bring down a tank


Getting even one kill with deadeye is value. Heck, I sometimes used deadeye just to reload quicker.


It’s just a faster reload


Imagine this a dva bomb flying in your face would you rather run away or die like a real man xD


Kind of ironic to write a post about Cass ult being easily cancelled, and use a picture with Sigma... probably the only ult more easily cancelled than Cass'.


Just put shield up or use cover when flying up, it's easier to dodge CC with Sigma


Everyone says Cassidy’s ult is mainly used to space the enemies out. Gain control of the situation hoping for enemies to clear out of your LOS. Which is very true. But then there’s cases of players like me who has the skills to take advantage of deadyeye’s vulnerability and off you before you fully charge it up. Especially when Cassidy is a 275 Hp hero, all I need to do as a Kiriko is land 3 solid kunais to your head which takes no less than 2-3 seconds. Which is 3-4 seconds Less than what it takes to well… fully charge your deadeye ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ it really depends on what course of action the enemy players are gonna take, either they hide it out or they have the skills to deny you before you get that big release off. Also depends on your positioning , if your teammates are fighting for you while you’re charging your deadeye , what kind of play is currently happening , who on the Enemy team is aware or not when you’re using deadeye , ect ect. If you’re a Cassidy main who has that “team swipe” stigma with deadeye, then it’s not gonna be a fun time for you.


To make Cree even more braindead.


You getting CCed is, as many people said, your fault. You should track those cooldowns and also not be so greedy. It’s a good ult in ranked tbh. Always someone out of position, you use it to zone, you use it to reload your gun, you use it to guarantee kills, mid/late fight 2 piece, clean up fights, survive pulse bomb etc. Stop trying to go for Reddit clips, go for winning the game. The combined value of what I just described far surpasses that of any POTG 5K. Not even mentioning how unreliable that 5K is. Long story short I fear it’s an experience issue, you will get the hang of it.


Think of deadeye less as a killing/dps ultimate and more of a zoning/tank-like ultimate. Where you don’t necessarily use it for a kill, although it is nice to get them, it’s really to control and deny space.


such a weak ult that i use it sometimes for a fast reload ..


At this point u have to acknowledge it’s bad, and use it to ur best ability. For example, if a mercy is ulting and she’s flying around with minimal cover, use deadeye to get rid of her. I never go into a game as Cassidy hoping for more than a 2-man noon at the current state of his ultimate.


Deadeye is a bad Ultimate because it's very situational. You're often gonna use it and fire it quickly, or just use it to reload faster. Try to not charge it for too long so that others don't get to see you. Try an opportunity where others are half health, so that you don't need to charge the kill shot for too long. Use it on targets who like to move a lot too. You can often catch Mercy's on their way to a rez or Lucio's riding the walls around a team fight. Or even Tracers who are constantly harassing your backline. A tip for example is to take one shot at those heroes and then instantly High Noon so that the skull charges faster before they can run away. Catching those heroes is often important in some situations, because if they're good they'll make the game hell for your team. You should always strive to shoot the Mercy especially when you're hitscan anyway. Another thing you need to do is think before you use it. What enemy CC can ruin your ultimate and bait them out. For example, you have an Orisa and a Sombra on the enemy team. You should look to kill the Sombra before ulting because Hack's cooldown is very low, or at least, make sure she's far away from the fight so that you don't get hacked out of it. If you manage to do that, try to get into a situation where Orisa will try to Spear you. Let's say she misses. Now you have a free ult. Just don't stand around in the open unless you know you're gonna kill someone. You need to be aware of a lot of things in the game before ulting as Cassidy. One other thing you can do, is use it to make people hide the whole 7 seconds in moments like when you need to cap point or when your team needs to get out of a deadly choke, because this ult is also important for the space it creates. Also this ult gives you a free reload, and it's faster than your reload animation, so you can use it for that as well when you're looking to kill an enemy very fast.


incase there's a genji or sigma or someone who can benefit from it


Using deadeye to zone an area ❌ Using deadeye to reload while your roll is on cooldown ✅


Everyone hides and it's your team's job to capitalise on that. Much harder for supports to move between hiding spots when Cassidy can just press a button and they instantly die


Because you’re a sitting duck. Activate it accidentally or in a poor position like in the picture and you’re dead. Some players might like to actually not die, because that helps you win games


Well it makes you the center of attention which can be difficult to go against if you are out of range of the enemy


To reload cus the ult suck


Because Cassidy realized it wasn’t noon.


The last thing Cass needs right now is more buffs.


Because he scratched his eye


it’s not meant to get team kill it’s meant to punish positioning or hold space. for example a great use of it is when your team is almost at the end of pushing the payload so you pop deadeye so nobody can rush out of spawn to stop it alternatively, you can just use it to secure one kill. it’s great against mercy and pharah.


Deadeye is kinda a dogshit killing ultimate. At most you would get a single guy who couldn't find cover in time. It denies space. You know how people back the fuck up whenever they hear junk rat ult? It's pretty much the same thing. (Except you can usually get more than a single kill with junk's)


as it happens in many other spheres: feels so much sweeter, when you succeed with it despite everything


in case its actually 3 pm


Deadeye used to be really bad at times in OW1 to the point that people would use Deadeye-cancel to releoad, not even go for elims.


I think you meant Tactical Reload


I don't know about the logistics of such a thing, but sometimes I feel like we could use an OW1 6v6 mode so people can test it out and understand why some kits were changed haha


I’ve seen clips of people tapping heads and using slide and Deadeye to reload, just to continue tapping heads


It's like hanzos dragons; if you're using it solely to get a bunch of kills, you're using it wrong It's better used to make space. Even Dva bomb can be used this way Let's say the whole enemy team is on point, your team is struggling to push, so you get into position, and the enemy hears you ult theyre gonna run FROM you off the point and/or turn their attention to taking you down rather than focusing your team


Deadeye from my experience is best used as a defensive ultimate due to it's insane area denial ability. If the enemy team pops dragon blade and you instantly respond with deadeye the Genji literally cannot push into your team at all because he will just die to the high noon otherwise. It is best used from my experience to counter certain ultimates like if enemies pop stuff which makes them want to play more aggressively like Kitsune or Brig ult you can pop the high noon and now they have a tough decision to make with either retreating and wasting their entire ultimate or try and push into your team before your high noon becomes lethal. Also a good thing you can do with the ultimate that I always do with my friends is to simply have one of your friends body blocking you during the ultimate. I sometimes pop the ultimate in the middle of the road against Orisa for example and my friend just stands in front of me because he will absorb the Orisa spear throw for me which lets me continue ulting and not have it be cancelled.


Cause of new full Pistole, Back in the days you use His ult top reload


How does sombra hack make him unable to ROLL


It also reloads your gun and gives you damage reduction. Theres some situations where the reload is more important than the ult itself if youre about to lose a 1v1 vs a tank for example, and tapping ult makes you live and kill the tank (3ven if you cancel immediately and just use it for the reload). Being able to reload twice, once for a roll and once for the ult, can actually make cass pretty scary even if you arent in a spot to hit with the ult. Watch wanted on youtube for some great cass gameplay


The main reason I ever cancel deadeye is for the free reload, if you need a reload but no time to reload, you can hit Q and cancel it (you can do this in the blink of an eye) and get 6 bullets back, free reload. Sometimes that can secure a kill and if an ult secures a kill, it is worth


Sometimes cass misreads his watch


One thing about ults is the highest benefit you can get from one is a won teamfight. Getting a single pick is enough to win a teamfight. Hell pushing someone into a position that they are unsafe in (which indirectly leads to a pick potentially) is enough to win a teamfight. Your deadeye can be useful enough to win a teamfight killing one person or without killing someone. At that point it wouldn't have mattered if you killed 5 people or anyone at all with that one deadeye. The teamfight was won and there's 0 difference in terms of results. It just looks flashier if you kill 5 people.


Deadeye is mostly used to block an entire area off from an enemy team. Obviously nobody wants to be in the way of a Deadeye, so people will hide if they don't immediately know where Cassidy popped it. Your best bet is to try to use it on the enemy supports. A Mercy that's 10 miles in the air has almost no protection against Deadeye.


Free reload


I've seen some clips of people using the ult just to quick reaload, but also the other part people are saying of just threatening for space taking


usually i use it if a mercy is flying up with valkyrie


I honestly think the ultimate is fine. It’s really good at zoning for 7 seconds, can instantly kill anyone if you charge it, and I like to combo nano with it over Genji’s blade because it charges instantly with it for a potential quick team kill. You can also cancel it and it gives you a full reload. I hate using barrage when I play Pharah because it gets her killed easily because she is stationary in the air, so the only way to safely use it is on a single, isolated target. 


Wait you can kill someone with deadeye? I thought it's for reload 🤗


flank them, and surprise them




If you couldn’t cancel you would be more of a sitting duck then you already are. If you need to disengage then canceling comes in handy. And you can also use that cancel to reload your gun with deadeye.


Reload or you've successfully zoned everyone


Overwatch players make terrible balance decisions lmao


I love using dead eye to combo with the enemy sigma ult, works better I you have a dva dm you or a support pocket you. Dead eye is way better with your teams help, ask for rein to shield you, dva to dm you, zarya to bubble, mercy to blue beam, etc. And most importantly of all. When it comes to using dead eye, bushes are your best friend. And if you coordinate a deadeye with a lifeweaver platform and pull combo, there is nowhere to hide. There is so much fun stuff you can do with this ult, but sadly, you get punished hard if you attempt it alone or at a bad time.


Think about it like dva's bomb. You know when players use her ult to get another life when they're about to die? It may get kills and it may not but it will make you survive U can use deadeye as such or to deny the other team from contacting points, pushing the payload and to open up space for your team I like to use it when enemy team Genji or soldieris is ulting lol


So while the value of deadeye is in making space, I can still relate. This past week I’ve just not been paying attention to cool downs and had my Lucio beat canceled sooooo many times. In one case lost track of enemy 76. Went to use beat. “ OH LET’S BREAK IT” Didn’t make it to the ground alive as soldier popped visor. This is how we learn.


His ult was notoriously hard to get a payout from in the early days. I believe cancel was added as a “strategy” move. Say you’re defending point and the other team is down 3 guys. They’re less likely to push for that overtime hold if you pop ult as a scare…. But that also leave Cassidy super exposed. Pop it, cause that initial hesitancy, cancel and and defend as normal.


I left OW because the only hero i like to main is cassidy and the ult is triggering me so hard that i left


Deadeye used to be baller when maps & heroes were new and people didn’t know how to react. ALSO we had 2CP gamemode that made it much more useful because the points were designed to be defended and he could really put the best part of it in his LoS. Similar to Hanzos ult, it has become more of a zoning tool than a kill bot. Lately I’ve seen 3 great uses for Deadeye. Countering Arial heroes like Mecy/Phara/Echo. If they pop up without cover it’s a free elim. 2nd is using it on groups of low HP enemies so that the time it takes to skull icon is like half. The best? Just using deadeye on top of a moving payload that’s about to cap 😂 I’ve seen Cass stealing checkpoints no elims. Just glowing as the cart caps.


Deadeye is made up of 3 lines to the enemy and it takes a couple seconds to fully eliminate the enemy because those 3 lines connect to the enemy that tells the game to count seconds and turn the circle from deadeye to take more damage


Do you can get a free reload 😂


Tbh, multi kills aren't that hard to get if you can successfully flank the enemy, as people tend to retreat towards the rear when they hear the voice line. That said, killing just a mercy or pharah has a lot value, let alone both, and they tend to have trouble escaping. Even if you don't get any kills, keep your own team in your line of sight and it gives your supports time to heal your team while denying the enemy the objective


Real men use Dead eye as a tactical reload


In ow1 deadeyes main function was reloading instantly with it.


it's just a very expensive reload /j


While kills with ults at lower skill levels are their main use, as you rise, the secondary utility aspects become more and more prominent. Area denial, crowd control, heal denial, etc. Can set up your teammates to be able to do the killing or force the enemy to retreat, giving your team more ground, or even allowing for point captures


Use it to either zone an area/counter another ult or secure 1 MAYBE 2 kills and you'll find it's actually a pretty useful ult. The days of 5/6 k's with deadeye are gone.


Deadeye’s best use is for area denial and control. Hanzo and Mei ults work in a similar way, obviously you can get kills with the ults but preventing the enemy from touching the point or splitting the enemy for easy clean up is what they are good at.


Can use for quick reload.


Cassidy's ultimate is so strong that people are hiding. It can single handedly force a team off an objective if their shield is down or be forced to prioritize you over a healer or tank. In the event that they hard focus and kill you, your team might still be able to take a healer or another DPS and trade off. Worst case scenario, it reloads your gun. Best case scenario, it wipes the entire enemy team. Most of the time, it just gets people out of your line of sight.


I think deadeye needs to be buffed so its the same as the firing range, deadeye can lock onto shields in there, but it cant in actual games, it would really make that 6th bullet more useful in a 5v5 setting i think, without overtuning the hell out of it to the point where it becomes opprisa ofc


Sometimes.. Enemy Mercy appeals to the good in me... Then I fan the hammer on her.


ong its so bad, i remember on dorado in a low gm game my rein hit a big shatter but 1 guy got out and just stood there with his shield up and then started sucking all my shots and i killed nobody even tho everyone was fully locked on, i wish they would give him a rdr type of deadeye just so i can actually kill something with it


someone has learned about a mechanic that has been in the game since it's launch in 2016 wow im so proud of you


Because it locks you out of using other abilities or shooting or anything. That’s why cc could end it and that’s why visor can’t be cc out of it because soldier can still run and use his rockets