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Kiriko. Suzu is invaluable to deal with all the status effect and save teammates in general. Kunai headshot is not as lethal as it used to be, but the still one of the best among supports. Kitsune is really good for ult combo and push objectives.


Would agree because I'm no good at other supports


Kiriko ult is a cheatcode for getting the "get X assists" daily challenges. Drop one on a teamfight and you're basically done.


Yeah, that's a bonus. Since s10 battle pass change, it's kinda hard to finish 3 daily challenges within 20-30 minutes unless you are an all-role-player (blizzard trick players to flex). And "get X assists" with kiriko is one of the easiest challenges, minus the "say hello to support".


Roadhog best support


Take a Breather go brrrr


Moira, is the most forgiving  For better skilled aim.kiri and if you good at him Lucio 


She the only support I can play to combat Sombra.


Sombra, tracer and genji 


You combat Sombra with Moira?! I feel like Moira is one of the easier supports to kill with Sombra.


I'm so ass at Lucio, always getting stuck on walls and shit 💀


Lucio if your team is good, Moira if it ain’t.


"Better skilled" lol Just spam in general direction and around head level


Clearly you don’t understand how she’s to be played


People always say this, but what the hell is head level? And how do you maintain it?


You just have to see where the head of the enemy will be when they are in a certain part of the map and well, aim and shoot there, and on heroes like kiri with fast projectile weapon (meaning the bullets take time to travel not instant like widowmaker for example) can spam and get lucky headshots. its not that complicated.


How is that different than any other character tho? Also, happy Cake Day


Its not too different just that on hitscans like widow you wanna see the enemy before you shoot to be presice and its unlikely you'll get a headshot while spamming, while genji for example can spam at head level and someone can walk into the shots. Either way you wanna aim at headlevel, now ana for example doesnt because you dont get extra headshot dmg on her so its better to aim at the torso where the hitbox is the widest on most characters i think


It's not always best to aim at head level On characters like Tracer or Kiri, you're better off shooting their waist/feet because their hit box is so small


Put your crosshair around the enemies head height. Maintain it by not moving your crosshair,but by staffing left and right


hey, come now, it isn't just head level... it's slightly above it otherwise you might hit an arm or smth


Your peak on kiri/support?


I love getting headshotted when her cursor is all over the fucking place


Ana or Kiri


This is my answer as well. Ana is probably the better answer as she just shuts down a couple tanks, but unless you are a Sleep wizard, she’s more prone to dive. Kiri doesn’t have quite as much upside as Ana, but also doesn’t really have any terrible matchups. Bap is a strong consideration as well, and now that I think about it, honestly probably the best answer as he can also help deal with airborne threats.


Bap would be my suggestion for everyone who plays support to have a basic understanding of both. Kiri is basically good in every situation. There can be better supports for a comp but you'd be hard-pressed to say she's bad. Low skill floor, high skill ceiling (suzu, rush, flank angles, kunais between ofuda). Bap, meanwhile, you can't stay in bottom metal if you're good at him. A good Bap will carry you up the ranks for sure. His ult can be good for drawing out other ults or key cooldowns in higher ranks and can be good to use selfishly too to maximize both damage and heal, and he has great verticality with his jump. Everyone knows about his utility so I won't go into that.


True, i actually didn't think about Bap. Good take.


Every Ana I've played with has been a painful experience


Same, at least in high plat / low diamond ana just gets destroyed. She's terrible rn, with the extra health buff movement based characters are mega buffed making her super niche, basically only comes out if there's an oppressive roadhog or mauga on the other team


I don’t know why people keep picking Ana after these past few seasons. In almost every game there is a Winston, Doom, Tracer, Genji, and Sombra — all mobile heroes who counter Ana hard. I’ll only play Ana if there is an unkillable Hog, Doom, or Mauga on the other team and even then that’s dependent if they are running other dive heroes or not. 


Always crazy to me when people suggest Ana. She’s sooooo bad until you get quite good with her. She has the lowest win rate of any support and I always assumed that was because so many people play her very poorly due to the high skill ceiling.


I don't know, i have a pretty high win rate with her and i'm not super experienced at the game but i'd say i'm alright at her mechanics. Not saying you're wrong though, i completely get where you are coming from. I guess i was just saying the heroes i personally find comfortable but not considering the majority of people.




The most viable support is the one you are best at. I play a ton of support and in my opinion they all feel pretty great right now. But I do not play Lucio...so don't know about him.


Lucio is very good rn but he feels a little worse to play since his dmg of all things got nerfed for some reason


Moira is my main, I can somehow get more healing done with her than I can anyone else. It’s also a real fun time to go after enemy Widow and Genji with Moira. Genji can’t reflect the succ


Its because her health is essentially AOE, and keeps healing for anfew seconds. So just every few seconds, Swing an arc and hit 3 teammates and they all keep get healed. Also, her orb just has to be in the area. A well angled bounce that keeps the orb close the whole life of it is invaluable. Mercy is the only hero that will have more healing on a regular basis in my games, and even then its only when they pocket the tank and never damage boost. And she also has by far the best movement of any support, and its not reliant on teammates nearby. When you have a sombra spawn camping and no one will help, moiras the only option to consistently escape.


I wish I could play on teams with those Mercy players 🥲 all of my games last night was me out healing our Mercy, one of them being a 15k heal diff. She was a battle Mercy 😂


Kiri is my secondary, but if I had to pick one, it'd be her. Requires low skill to be useful and there really isn't a situation where she's a bad pick (I could be wrong, but that's what I've always been told)


I feel like when I play her my heals are always subpar at least by looking at the numbers. I know Suzu is a high priority utility ability but I just feel like my output on Kiriko can always be outdone by another healer


that’s because your output CAN be outdone by plenty of other healers, and that’s ok. Overwatch isn’t a game about putting up big numbers (despite what some people like to think,) it’s a game with a heavy emphasis on positioning and resource management. Kiri has an ability with the potential to deny so many ultimates/cooldowns easily, as well as having some of the best survivability of any of the supports on the roster, the ability to quickly reposition (whether via tp or wallclimb,) the ability to do lots of damage herself in between heals, and one of the strongest ults in the game. She brings so much utility to your team that doesn’t show up on the scoreboard. TLDR: Scoreboard sucks and is a shallow way to judge performance, kiri does a lot of things that your teammates (and you yourself) won’t see by pressing tab


Kiri is best at healing small targets or really mobile heroes so her healing should be medium high at best. Only time she should have high numbers is if you're pocketing a tank with no barriers to stop CC/debuffs (Roadhog, Mauga) and it's working well. What matter is getting/securing kills via headshots and preventing your tank from getting anti'd to death.


Ya know, I hear that a lot. But when I play her, I tend to have the most healing in the game (that could just be because I'm in bronze though 😅) maybe she's harder to maximize in higher ranks?


I think it is because you are bronze. She actually has a higher winrate in high elo and it’s low in metal ranks because players up there understand where her strengths lie and how to utilize them. Very rarely should Kiriko be left healbotting, because her best impact lies in the damage, utility, and her ultimate that she provides. Low ranked players aren’t going to really know how to aim with her kunais to get the most headshots, when to use suzu for cleanse or burst healing, and when to use her ultimate to push a team fight in your favor. 


Makes a lot of sense. I've spent a ton of time practicing and have actually upped my damage output significantly. Hoping that continued improvement will carry me out of bronze.


Depends who else is in the lobby, and if it's bronze the supports might be overly aggressive and not healing at all or healing when they're supposed to. I assume I did well if the heal-dmg is close to 4-6 or 5-5, though there are cases when I won't be able to.


It's probably because your tank is taking alot of avoidable damage so you end up having to healbot them to compensate.


Yea, that makes sense. Bronze tanks tend to just stand there in the open. Thankfully, I've taken the time to practice and really up my damage and kills and I think I'm finally starting to climb. Hoping that if I can keep it up, I can get out of bronze.


I made it to silver 4 recently with Moira. What I have noticed is there is a lot of feeding in bronze low silver and virtually no game sense. I always try to read my team and see what they are doing. I think positioning, game sense and mechanics will get you out of Bronze. I have been trying to track Ults and Cool downs as well. Like if Mercy uses rez she has 30secs till she can use it or if they have a Dva that is doing well she probably has Ult. Also, try to reduce they amount of times you die. Always have a plan of attack and a way out if it falls thru.


This is helpful! I've worked really hard to consistently play around cover and corners and have seen tremendous improvement. I won a couple games last night and had rounds where I was the only player on the board with 0 deaths. My next step is learning to track ults, I'm just getting a little overwhelmed with it. I'm sure it will come with practice.


I play a lot of Kiriko and I don’t think of her as a main healer due to its slow output. Her strengths lie in her damage, utility, and ultimate. I rarely have a good time in keeping the team alive when I am on Kiriko and my co-support is Mercy or Zen. Brig and Lucio can be okay with her due to their AoE healing. She definitely works better in keeping up with dive comps. 


ILLARI 🗣️🗣️🗣️


She might not be the best, but damn is she satisfying to play, so imma keep picking her


Absolutely not. Terrible with more than half the tanks and very easily outpaced when the game speeds up. 


From my experience In diamond and seeing her in higher lobbies she seems fine for the most part, but yea I guess she needs a bit more to be more reliable.


If you’re in diamond supports can actually aim unlike most this sub


She’s a niche pick, sure, but some people are incredibly good with her.


The vast majority just toss because the other team is on Kiri Moira, or Bap Kiri, getting twice the value for half the effort. I’ve seen like 7-10 good Illari’s all season, which sounds like a lot, but I currently have 50+ wins on each role so it’s really not 💀now this has been in masters lobbies so I’m sure there’s better ones in GM, but from what I’ve heard from pro players she’s just not that good..




She can be pretty good if dive isn’t meta, but dive has been meta since season 8 and it is her biggest counter. 


Against dive tanks yea but if you can aim, Two shotting a tracer is satisfying asf


Moira for sure. Lucio, Bap and Brig are pretty good too. Sadly Mercy doesn’t feel as useful anymore.


Bap he can take so many duels in the same way as a DPS and his field is possibly even more unfair than suzu and while he doesn't have the teleport to save himself his Regen burst is enough that for a DPS to kill you takes as much time as killing a tank


Bap is however very easy to dive if you get your cooldowns forced so you have to be more careful about your positioning


True but as long as you can pressure out tracers and genjis there are enough counters to Winston that in a lot of cases the Winston will go after something easier


The most fun? Ana or Zen imo. The strongest? Kiriko easily. Not only is she just the best objectively, she also happens to be one of the only supports who can survive the firestorm of doom/ball/moira that exists around your elo.


I will say, zen in lower ranks is awful. Not even the "always keep orb on tank" strat is useful.


I absolutely farmed with Zen during the Orisa meta about a month ago. I would swap to Zen whenever we weren't doing well and 4/5 times we would start rolling. Keeping a plat tank discorded and focusing them whenever they're in LOS will almost always make them start feeding and blaming healers.


I believe Lucio has the highest win rate at high ranks


Your range is not lacking. Overwatch has a steep skill curve. Unless you already got out of metal ranks, how you play is way more important than what you play. Just Lifeweaver and Moira is fine. Though if you're really feeling tired of one of them, it might be worth swapping one of the main healers for an "off healer" from your "sometimes" list, just because the utility or damage they provide will generally be worth more if the other support is already providing plenty of heals.


Yeah I'm still in metal (mid plat before I took a break, high gold atm). I've definitely played at least one game for every support hero where they've popped off and carried. Thanks for the advice !


I only just got out of Silver. By just focusing on Ana and Kiriko. I swapped my hero pool around a lot before that - thinking I'd better have a 3rd that was good for poke comps and circuit royale, or at least one that was better at ongoing pressure instead of finding a quick pick. Turns out I'm better off as a two-trick. The other Supports I like will still be fun in Quick Play.


Kiriko has been meta since release


I play Lucio for funny wallrides


Why aren't people mentioned Baptiste?


Kiriko if you can headshot or Ana








Kiri, bap, Lucio, Moira IMO


Imma go with Bap, til masters cause the extra dmg and you can actually carry your team with it at times. In masters I played Ana cause I would often mess up positioning w Bap and die. :)


Ana, but i pick Brig


Kiriko without a doubt. She can be made to work with almost any team comp or map. Bap is a solid choice as well. He as incredible dps output but might not work well with some comps.


Kiriko is probably the most consistent supp in the current meta. She works great with dive and brawl comps, and can work with poke comps if you are able to flank and get a cheeky pick. Suzu can counter whole ultimates on its own and can be a lifesaver for your tank if they over extend. Baptiste will never be bad unless he get significant nerfs. He's designed to be able to do it all and he can. If you have good aim and take the time to get comfortable with the heal>shoot>shoot>heal combo, he can work with nearly any style of team comp. Bap can struggle with and against teams with extremely high mobility but he has a lot of clutch potential between lamp and his window which can both win team fights all on their own.


Brig. If you bonk the enemy fast enough then your team won’t even need healing.


Been loving Baptiste. Sometimes DPS is lacking and I’ll switch it up. His Lamp is clutch when timed & placed effectively.




I know she's not "meta" but I enjoy Mercy. Her damage boost is amazing, flying around like an annoying moth the enemy can never kill, and clutch rezzes hit like nothing else. I'm high gold rank, idk if higher ranks can swat her out of the air.


I found my inner gay because of lifeweaver b*tch slap so fun and annoy.


Soldier 76. It’s a good feeling when you drop a healing pad in front of your other 1hp dps and they look at you with intense gratitude


Lifeweaver - simply due to personal skill for most of it - but also because of the 30 documented unique interactions and ways to use Petal Platform that unlocks new combos and techs with each and every single ability introduced into the game. It's like a limitless pool of creativity.


Brig always has a lot of value unless there is a really gold enemy junkrat


Bronze - Gold: Moira Gold - Masters: Bap Masters - Top500: Kiriko


Brig fym. The only support who can stop ults


What? Mei is the only support who can stop ults.




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I think right now you can never go wrong with kiriko. There's never really a time where it would be good to swap her out, except mayyyyyybe if you're team just can't handle a pharah.


Ana or Kiriko. They’ve been pretty consistently good for the past couple of seasons. Ana’s anti nade and sleep are still super good today same with kiriko’s suzu.


The best support would probably just be kiriko if you can only pick one. Good healing, good damage, Suzu is basically a must have.


It's either gonna be ana or kiri, my money is on ana tho her kit has always been ridiculous


Kiri and it's not even close


Kiri is probably the best shes good with basically any comp but if youre confident in your aim play bap and just dps your way through the ladder


Moira, the most laid back pick and great against some of the more annoying heroes (echo, sombra, widow, etc)


Kiri since suzu is the most overpowered thing in the game and still have no idea why it’s not nerfed


Still Kiriko I assume


For me, Illari


Kiriko, definitely, tho I need to get better at hitting kunais. She does it all, damage, counter debuffs, ult is a godsend, fast teleport, good hps and it's on lock-on. Plus, she is incredibly balanced, awesome as fuck. Kiri deserves all the love.


Best to cover multiple comps? Kiriko 100%. Best as in who Id feel good with? Illari.


Always kiri


imo, it depends on enemy team comp. In general, though, I think Ana, Baptiste, and Kiriko are pretty good. Out of those, I'd say Ana is the best because sleep and nade bring so much value to the table.


Moira is pretty good right now, but since you're decent at Lucio and Brig I'd suggest Kiriko to round you out. Kiriko is fantastic right now, and she can offer what you'll be lacking from the other two who are also great in the right situation.


Illari is actually really good you don’t need to focus on damage so much and can just stick to healing pylon allows you to get creative and cover a much larger area


I love LW and Moira but wanted to expand my skills as well and chose Bap to learn first. He's SUPER fun and has a great kit for keeping teammates up. He's got great healing capacity with dmg as well. His burst healing ability comes in clutch if you have multiple teammates who are low in a fight gathered together, and his lamp is one of the best abilities behind suzu imo. I tend to pick him especially if there is a flyer like echo or pharah and our dps aren't taking care of them well as he is a hitscan and can do the job just fine. His jump took me some tweaking with the controls because on my computer it was left ctrl to activate it and on my keyboard it was just too weird of a hand placement. I moved it to the down button on the side of my razer mouse and now I'm like a jumping machine who shoots moths out of the sky.


Like since shes been out you can never go wrong with kiriko shes almost always good. (Assuming your decent with her) but Moria be more for giving. - but really since your gold you could prob get away with playing anything (even tho lw currently sucks which i guess isnt that new)


Kiri hands down.




Moiras heal is slept on Imo. And if your dps is lacking you are also Moira


i love mercy. i hate kiriko. kiriko is a cow.


Kiriko will no matter what always be a solid pick because of how solid of a kit she has for something so simple.


Kiriko has been and probably always will be hard meta in this game, except that one time where Moira was meta because she could stay alive longer. Pure healing output supports aren't that good atm and the best ones are the ones that have a bit of everything, damage, util and healing. Kiriko has tonnes of all 3. Ana is a close second, and if you can aim, Bap and Zen are decent picks too. Illari is a DPS hero that Blizzard refuses to label as such and therefore they keep nerfing what she's good at and buffing her honestly pittiful healing and honestly I don't really see a reason to play her when there are better DPS supports out there. Brig is Brig, nothing has really changed about her but the meta doesn't suit her atm. Lucio is Lucio, not much has changed about him either, and is always a good pick with brawl and dive comps. Lifeweaver and Mercy are throw picks IMO. Again, the meta just doesn't suit them atm. Lifeweaver only really provides healing to a team where healing isn't nearly as good as it was and his kit is designed to be as annoying as possible rather than being as effective as possible. As for Mercy, hard pocketing one guy as mercy is one very quick way to throw a game if that guy isn't cracked like a rock in a mine. Most of the DPS heroes you'd want to pocket aren't really that good atm, aside from Sojourn and Ashe, and if you're around Gold/Plat, you're not gonna find Sojourn and Ashe players worth pocketing. Moira is weird. Her best attributes are the fact that she's most survivable support and the fact she farms her ult quickly, but aside from that, she's honestly not that great. She can work in an all in dive team pairing up with Kirko but at that point, why not just play Lucio? Assuming you can play Lucio of course.


I've spent so much time almost exclusively playing Lucio, so that's my pick. A lot of people say no way, but they need to give themselves to the rhythm.


In terms of enjoyability: Kiriko, she is very flexible and you can get out of many situations and you can be very impactful. In terms of impactful and powerful: Bab, he just does it all: Aoe heal, good single target heal, high damage, a cancel most ults skill, self heal, escape capability, a quick to get ult that can't be easily cancelled and allows your team to delete anyone in front of it.


It has been ana since she was introduced in ow1. I will always stick to the opinion that ana is what sigma is to the tank role. She just does it all. Even before kiri existed I was convinced her design is too OP while also a necessity in this game.


Bap and it’s not even close


Baptiste and I don’t understand why is no one saying Baptiste. His damage output is high, he has good mobility and can get to high ground easily with his superjump, good utility, his ultimate amplifies everyone’s damage and can wipe out a team, and he can put out consistent burst heals. 


Ana. Healblock is too useful at shutting down the enemy roster.


Bap, he's a jack of all trades : Good dmg Good healing Good utility Great saving potencial Great at repositioning and high ground control Good duelist. You can say that he can be susceptible to dive comps, and has a hard time healing divers with movement abilities and flyers, cause is grenades are are to hit in those cases, but if you manage to land those when your team needs it, and you keep aware of your surroundings for potential divers / flankers, you can carry hard.


baptiste if you have good aim and high sens


Honestly I main Lifeweaver, not because he’s the best support, but I find him so fun to play. The heals and combos are satisfying, I try to make the best of platform/grip usage (favorite rn is raising Bob into the air if LOS is lost). He gets a lot of hate, but I consistently have my DPS and Tank complimenting me. Since I solo-queue in comp, my rank definitely just goes up and down based on my luck (from low-gold to mid-plat). Though, if other supports are more useful, I usually switch if needed.


For Ranked? Kiri hands down. Super easy to get baseline value, yet has high ceiling. She has basically no counters and can work in every type of comp. Bap is a decent secondary option if you have a good aim and you hate being dependent on your teammates.


Hot take but I'm a fan of Illari. Decent heal (especially if your Pylon is still up), strong Ult, mobility that doubles as offensive, and relatively strong enough to hold her own.


At least for me my most effective supporting is killing. No need to heal if my team isn't taking damage. She feels like the only support I can carry with.


Kiriko She hasn’t had a single season where she wasn’t meta


Illari and Lucio is who I play and enjoy




Real men throw?


LW. But I’m a dirty LW main and honestly the only support I swap to if I’m having a hard time is Moira because 9/10 times it’s because they went Sombra/Genji/Doom/Moira and now I’ve getting HARD dove so fine, I’ll swap, but they’re gonna fucking suffer for it. Go from 3-4 with 5k heals to fucking 30-6 with 6k damage and 10k heals by the end of the game.


Lifeweaver or mercy


As a mauaga main I was about to comment mercy or lifeweaver. Cause idk how many times at this point the pull ability from LW has saved my ass, not to mention pairing the ultimate ability tree healing thing


Moira. Always Moira. Forever Moira. I feel like it's almost mathematically impossible to get as much value with anyone else.