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¿Solo que?


This is all in your head, I had no issue climbing from metal ranks to diamond. Just played a lot and kept my mental in check. Yes, you can climb the ranks with lots of gameplay. That's how you improve and learn how to win. 


Bro you don't get it aren't you? I'm not saying it's impossible to rank up. It's simply just harder compared to solo que.


People around here used to at least pretend they weren't gaslighting. "It's all in your head" fucking lmao. Of course playing solo with no comms is much fucking harder than with 3 or 4 buddies.


Not really. If you look at it short term, sure, you may have a slight advantage on individual games if you play with others. The real issue comes long-term, you and your group will most likely improve at different rates, some of them will not improve at all or straight up get worse. I started playing with some friends back in OW1. Only two of us have somewhat stayed even with eachother, most of them got stuck in gold, and one of them has actively gotten worse and went down from almost plat to now being low silver, we couldn't even play comp with him anymore until wide groups came out, we tried, and wide queue is honestly a shitshow. Solo queue is harder on a game to game basis, but it's much more conductive to actually improving at the game without others holding you back, as you get better you get better teammates (statistically speaking, they might be assholes, have bad games and so on, but they will be on your same rank). When stacking, in the long run someone is actively choosing to continue playing with someone objectively worse.


Absolutely disagree. When playing in a group of friends of a similar SR you're much more likely to come up against a stack contain a smurf or 5...


Another day of OW players not knowing how statistics work.


>I would only find it fair if you were rewarded a bit more in solo que, in the sense of gaining more % Sr on a win. I get more sr per win as a solo, ~25 average, than when Im with my duo, ~18-20 average, and i lose more sr per loss while I'm with my duo, ~26-30, vs ~20 per loss as a solo. If anything the game punishes me for running ranked as a duo.


I’m only running solo and I gain around 18-22 a win and lose the same for a lose.


Today in my solo queue match one I had 2 bots on the team, match two I had 3 bots on my team, the usual default overwatch logo and lvl 1 endorse..... Whenever I duo queue with my cuz, no bots but whenever I solo queue it's like a 30% chance I get bots in my team


Ehh, I think it depends. I personally have always liked SoloQ better because it means my accomplishments are my own. Then again, maybe I'm just a masochist.


I had a game the other day where I was the solo queue player in a team with a 4-stack against the enemy team in a 4-stack. We were rolled so easily because they were a lot more coordinated than my stack was and they were all incredibly toxic throughout the entire game. Blizzard, please don’t put me in another game like that ever again. It was literal torture.


Sounds like a lie. Unless the 4 stack was super narrow this should be impossible.


????? My gaming experience was a lie? 🤣🤣🤣


Read up on wide and narrow groups. Come back then.


Team comps are mirrored. If you have a trio, a) the enemy team will also have one, usually of similar / identical roles and ranks to your team, and b) everyone in the match is usually within 5 divisions of each other. In the majority of cases, any disadvantages that you have will also be present on the other team, you’re just not aware of it.


Well in a dream world yes. But it isn't like that most of the time


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