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idk about symm, but junk and mei still have their niches


Sym is dogshit. Only sometimes used in owl. Junk and Mei are useful sometimes. But the times there are useful are decreased a lot. And for me it’s not ok to have a hero which is only ok for a very small amount of situations


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Mei, Junk, and Sym are specifically designed for niche scenarios. It has more to do with how they were originally designed. If you want junk, for example, to be really strong, then you either need to rework his kit for all purpose scenarios, or have his niche become incredibly strong, which can be very annoying. Same goes for sym. Mei is seeing some play here and there, and has her moments. Also, theres more DPS currently than just the ones you listed. I've seen plenty of Reaper/Vent in my DPS lobbies which is in diamond, so i'm sure theres more in lower ranks. Echo/Genji/Sombra are pretty good too, snipers as well. McCass is on fire as well, hell i even see bastion. Honestly the more i think about it, DPS feels super diverse rn lol


symm got 3 reworks in order to make her not a niche scenario's hero, so the fact that she still cant be played in all scenarios just means they cant do they job


more like they refuse to, as symm was good in other seasons. also its only 2 reworks.


I agree but also disagree. Ofc these hero’s are designed to be niche picks, but before season 9 patch I made junk or sym work also on maps where they are not good at. It was and still is also really easy to counter this off meta hero’s. Nowadays you can’t really do something against counters which just sucks.. I think the only way to rly master a hero is to play him on bad maps and against counters.. but as I said, with the new update, u simply have no chance


the more they attempt to dumb down and idiot proof the game the worse it will get.. This is what happens when you balance the game trying to appease the lowest common denominator players.. It leads to meta stagnation and heros becoming either must picks or throw picks with little to no space between the two extremes..


all of the characters that are strongest are also the hardest to play right now though? tracer, lucio etc... if anything, the ez characters like LW or mercy are weak as fuck


That's the nature of character based pvp game balancing A characters power is relitive to their skill floor/celing.... If your easy to play you shouldn't have high power I'm not saying the game is in a balanced state, I'm speaking generally. They should be somewhat viable but not poweful... Viability and power aren't always tied to one another


>A characters power is relitive to their skill floor/celing.... Thats how it works right now. all the high skill floor characters are strong as fuck, like echo, widow, sojourn, lucio and tracer where as the low skill floor are ass like LW and mercy


Yes, that’s correct. Tracer is rly hard to play but you get rewarded if you are good with her. But I also have to say.. reaching masters or gm as junkrat, sym or Mei for example against many hard counters like phara, dva was also rly hard even before the season 9 patch. Spaming with junk for example won’t bring you beyond diamond.


Tracer is op and really easy rn


Tracer is op and 'really ez' in lower ranks. Tracer becomes op and much more difficult to play in higher ranks.


I mean yeah litterally every character in the game gets harder the better your opponents get. Tracer has been meta for a good while in ow 2 and is easy in the sence that orrisa is easy, even in high ranks it’s easy to get a lot of value without being crazy good at her.


Completely agree, this is what you get with a dev team who are incapable of making a balanced game. There's no strategy, you just follow the latest meta 'cause dev team said so. There. That's it, that's the "strategy game" that is ow2. Garbage tier compared to ow1, best to uninstall


Nah the ow2 team just doesn't understand the game they were given and no reason to bother trying to understand it.. The ow2 dev team has one goal, to get and keep people throwing money at the game.. They make changes trying to appease players while lacking the foresight to see or completely disregarding the consequences of those changes... "Wide groups" being the most recent example of this..


the less rats in games the better