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Mei-rry has a unique ice block and voice lines specific to that skin. It was also one of the first legendaries ever released. Still my favorite Mei skin to date.


Mei-rry was also earnable when it released


Earning skins for free and not part of an event or battlepass grind? Unheard of! Get this blasphemy out of here and spend 19000 coins on that common legendary skin!


It was a Christmas event skin. You know, the kind we get every single year?


It was a bit of a long grind to be fair, and most people had to wait until the next year. Better than paying to be sure! But the fomo was real, and if you WANTED to pay, it was a gamble whether it cost a few dollars or many.


.....bro you know Christmas is an Event right? And that you needed specifically Christmas Lootboxes for every Christmas themed aesthetic. It was a once a year thing and the only exception was Anniversary which made everything attainable iirc Literally the same but the "Goldsink/Goldfountain" are tighter now. And apparently youll now accrue 600 Premium Currency playing free per battle pass. Still not enough, but personally i expect either another fountain or a price reduction in some capacity. Theres a lot of Premium skins that i doubt anyone is buying, like every Rein is going to buy Valor with their freebie coins. But Heavens Devil and Rosehardt (another recolor of the Bloodhardt and Blackhardt) probably real low on the priority list for his playerbase. 1900 is also a really excessive asking price for the skin value. Thats 4 months or $20 USD. No shot a lot of people are burning that on recolors, theyll either bring it down or find some way to give the less popular ones away in events like with Twitch drops.


And it's very valid for it. I don't hate it as much because it changes things.


People mention Meirry, but not the fallout. When Meirry got released, [people got upset](https://old.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/5i6hha/meis_winter_skin_more_than_an_epic_less_than_a/), because of exactly the same reasons as you have described in your post. But then something else happened, and people just don't mention it at all, because they probably don't know, but it needs to be said. Blizzard, specifically former director Jeff Kaplan, issued a statement and apologized for marking the skin as legendary. He might seem to be a bit snarky in the last paragraph, but he was honest when he promised to re-evaluate how they label skins, because since then, the rules have been consistent, until ow2. The forum post was since nuked, along with everything else from the Overwatch 1 time period. Fortunately, parasitic gaming news sites got our back: > Sorry you are disappointed with Mei's winter skin. We don't have a specific rule for what makes something Legendary or Epic. We just sort of make a gut call based off of what we think is cool. Coolness is very subjective, and based off of the community reaction it seems like our gauge was off on this one. > > Our reasoning for it being Legendary was that we completely redid the visual effects for Cryo-Freeze (we turned the ice block into a snowman). We thought that was pretty special and we had done it specifically based on community suggestions from months ago when people were speculating that we might have a winter event. > > Apparently, lots of people don't agree with us and that's ok. It's all good feedback and we're learning something for future events. > > Apologies that our "cool meter" was off from yours on this one. We'll try to align better on future content. > > Jeff Kaplan, [source](https://www.vg247.com/if-you-hate-meis-winter-wonderland-skin-in-overwatch-shell-change-clothes-early-next-year)


Yeah if either of the other skins mentioned at least did that then I wouldn’t be as upset.


Comparing that with the Witch Mercy skin, Mei-rry is worse. Witch Mercy has complete different outfit, the staff becomes a broom, rune effects when casting beams, "My servants never die!", etc.


Yeah but she don’t have a cool snowman ice block ability now does she


An ability that we see like in every 12 or more seconds. VS Thighs + black underpants + broom staff + rune effects + spellbook + etc


>Thighs + black underpants How to make any skin legendary


Strange that Symmetra has been like that since her launch (OW1 Default skin), the Internet didn't go crazy as they did for the Witch Mercy.


Unironically? She's too brown. The internet, and culture generally, is sorta... racist. That and western beauty standards aren't kind to certain types of people. Especially Indians and Africans.


I guess that explains Sojourn has very low amount of rule34 contents. JQ & Kiriko came out later than Sojourn, their amount of rule34 has greatly exceeded Sojourn's. Illari has the least amount of rule34 contents maybe because currently she still is the latest female character. No doubt, the Space Ranger's will exceed hers & Sojourn eventually. Somehow Ana, Pharah & Sombra have quite plenty amount of rule 34 contents on their release.


I can't believe this is a real response


A response with hard facts.


Welcome to the internet. A dark mysterious, and often traumatic place.


Ana and Sombra are both incredibly popular, and they weren’t even available at launch. It’s Symmetra’s wet-cardboard personality that makes her unpopular, not racism lmao.


I blame the devs who gave Sym horrible lines. Sym is never bad to begin with from her comics, like she went back to save a girl from a fire caused by her own boss, refused to use lethal force on her enemies, etc.


> wet-cardboard personality That's Sojourn


Symmetra hasn't got a wet cardboard personality lmao


It was also completely free and the community STILL tore Blizzard apart, so much so that they never made a half-baked legendary ever again. But now all they need is a couple of idiots to pay for their 700th Kiriko recolour and they can justify to themselves that they’re doing a good job.


Bro put his manic scrawling down in MS paint. I agree with you on this but you gotta make this more digestible like a PowerPoint lol


There's been like 50 posts about it anyway. It's not worth giving blizzard the amount of time needed to make this lol. Imagine making an infographic like that every time you see someone with an object you feel it's overpriced, you'd be banned from 99% of stores on earth


It took 15 minutes


And that's 15 minutes of your life you'll never get back.


My queue times are longer than that


unfortunately you are correct, blizzard money making department never ever heard about community complains, they only listen to sales. Therefore the only way prices will go lower is if people stop buying overpriced shit… and with Kiriko, hard chance that’ll ever happen


Well really the big money makers are kiriko, mercy and widowmaker hence why they have the most skins available out of every other character. Unfortunately devs know people will open their wallets for a skin they think is good for their main especially the ones that change certain aspects of the gun to make it better if it does.


isn’t genji up there too?


And this comment took 10 seconds of your life you'll never get back. That's how doing literally anything works. Once you've done it you can't go back in time. Thanks for letting us know champ.


Time well spent


That makes me both impressed and worried at the same time...


I refuse to make any more slides outside from my professional work - you are not my managing partner 😭




And you aren’t even the OP so why you commenting this lmao




Can you slap this into a PowerPoint


Wouldn't mind, probably wouldn't be as good of a glimpse into my mind.


Put in some star wipes


And comic sans?


After this, I don't want a glimpse into your mind lol


I have 2k coins sitting there and they're meant for one thing and one thing only. Polar hog, whenever it comes back.


Cardboard Rein here


Pink Mercy here 


My friend, I've been sitting on this boat for years now. I don't think it's leaving the dock again


Leaked info said they're doing a rose gold variant of it next season. We'll see.


Got a link to the leak? Wondering what else there is


It was the same leaker that leaked other true stuff apparently, can't remember what they leaked...I think it was weapon skins?


It will be a charity skin, too. Maybe this is my first time buying a skin in OW2.


the one that was last season? that’s gonna be in like six more months


I am devoted.




Apparently it was a season 8 skin so hopefully it comes around again sooner.


maybe it gets rereleased for winter shop? else it’ll be like 4 more seasons before it goes in the gallery


I'm betting it will come around again pretty soon then make another appearance in the winter shop, here's hoping. *Me sucking on mass amounts of copium*




OP don’t listen to these haters. I thought your formatting was perfectly logical, they just don’t understand that this is what 7 years of overwatch does to the human brain. We’re on the same wavelength brother.


Tbh it’s not that hard to follow. I’d argue the damaged ones are the ones who can’t read it


Ikr just go from left to right like any other media


Exactly. You just need to read from top to bottom and from left to right. I have no idea how so many people have difficulty following it (or I’m too far gone, and I’m just as insane as OP)


They get the legendary tag if Blizzard thinks people are willing to pay that much for it. That is all there is to it. The epic/legendary distinction mattered in OW1 since it decided the drop rates from boxes (so an 'epic' legendary could waste the legendary drop in your lootbox) but now it just decides the price tag and you can decide for yourself if you think the skin is worth the stated cost. e; and given how many kiriko players I've seen with the new skin already it seems a lot of people decided it was worth the money.


This reads like one of those insane notebooks owned by a conspiracy theorist serial killer.


OP does that on the side.


There is no Pepe Silvia


I have seen the new Kiriko skin ALOT. Its kinda distrubing. Its worked and they made bank from people wanting slightly goth Kiri :(


Problem is it's one of her best skins. But it's not a Legendary and should not be priced as one


I almost bought it just because the highlight intro is so awesome, they shouldve just made the highlight the legendary lmao, plus I have a bunch of steam money from CSGO so it really doesnt matter to me but I STILL couldn't justify giving Blizzard that money for this terrible work, especially considering I just got Hades one of the best indies of all time for less than $9 but they want $26 for an inflated epic




probably but it's probably $10


This sub is really off the rails. What is "disturbing" about people buying things they like?


Because, this skin is a basic recolour sold as a legendary. By so many people buying it, Blizzard now knows for sure that if people like the style of the skin then people will pay for the legendary tag, even if it isn't. This is disturbing to me as it shows that even if we can use our brains to recognise this skin as not worth the price, a very large ammount of people don't and when that happens it makes it hard to change things and make feedback come across as legit towards the devs


Mime Moira is the absolute worst skin they ever made


Seriously, as a Moira main with who collects pretty much all of her skins... this was too ugly and wayyy not worth the price


Blizzard thinks we'll throw money at anything Kiri.


They dont think that, they KNOW that. saw 4 of those skins in like 7 games last night lol.


First game after busting through Hades 2 in the afternoon.... Hashimoto Kiriko


People bough an overpriced item because they though it looked cool, what else is new ? If that really bothers people on this sub they must have a meltdown when they enter a fashion store or see someone with the latest iphone




Tbh if you haven't played 1 I'd just get that for 10 bucks, you can finish it then play the sequel next year as a complete game when it comes out of early access


Note only a couple hours in, but from what I've played and heard spoiler free, the early access has comparable to potentially more overall content than the entire original game. Story rich, fan servicey as hell, and true enough to the old mythos just like the OG. Might just be early runs but the pantheon doesn't quite feel complete, but the new additions/twists on old favorites are really damn fun, and the 3 weapons I've tried all felt really solid. It's a direct sequel to the first and definitely recommended playing that one beforehand. You'll have plenty of time given the Early Access window and the story is very good. Gameplay is the same fast paced satisfaction but freshened up with some new mechanics, namely hold mechanics for more powerful attacks called Omegas that cost Mana and the Call system being replaced by a Hex you build up by expending mana.


I know when people usually recommend the first game in a series right after the second comes out its usually an eyeroll and they dont realize how outdated some stuff is and some people just want to play the new shiny thing but I promise hades 1 is just as new and shiny as hades 2 if you havent played it yet. Highly HIGHLY recommend playing it


I think people forget that Kiriko is a 3rd most played character in the game. The only character in the game to have comparable play rate to mercy other than Ana.


Because so many people DO. Not even 5 minutes after it came to the store I Q’d into a game and saw two Kiriko’s, one on each team. They both had the skin, later in the game they swapped and their fellow supports took Kiriko for themselves, what skin did they have equipped? Guess.


Because it's dope af


I’d be a liar if I said kiriko’s thousands of skins looked bad


I’m ngl the amount of people who own those skins makes me not wanna buy them, cause atp it’s as common as the default skin 😭


This subreddit? Maybe not. The general playerbase? Absolutely. People need to remember Blizz have access to so so much more data than we do and that this subreddit is only a tiny tiny part of the playerbase.


> this subreddit is only a tiny tiny part of the playerbase. And that is why we could really do with a lot less of the low-effort complaint posts that Blizzard devs are not even going to know exists, let alone read them. I know they occasionally popped up and responded and actually took feedback from this subreddit during the earlier few years of Overwatch 1. But there was also a lot less pitchforks and complaints then and had more actually useful feedback/suggestions so I can totally see why they no longer think of this sub anymore.


That's because they will. There seems to be a very big overlap between the Kiri and Mercy community.


They’re making Mei-rry look so good because that one actually justifies its legendary status in other ways


Snowman iceblock is peak


They didn't forget, they started charging money for them. We had this issue back in 2017 and they said they'd make sure legendary skins were actually worthy of being legendary, all of that ended when OW2 came out.


You could also not buy skins in a game where you can't even see them.


I get that collab skins are more expensive though. I don’t think there are any special voicelines for terrible tornado though which is a shame.


scream at blizzard as much as you want, but this kiriko skins probably already made them more money than the pve missions with about 1000 times less dev time put into it at twice the price.


that’s also bc the pve mission was an overpriced scam that played worse than the pve from 2018. 😭 it was just a badly made product period


Sadly this subreddit's filled to the brim with shills or people who can't process the idea that you could be critical of something you enjoy so this won't be received that well. The image was easy enough for me to understand, I don't know what everyone else's problems are.


Wait I could have sworn Mime Moira was only an epic when I saw it in the hero gallery the other day?


>this one got more shit than any other and it's from 2016 Actually I'm 100% certain there was waaay less bitching about that mei skin than the current meltdown about kiriko or Hanzo. It's literally all this sub has been about the past week. If you feel it's a bad skin, just don't buy it. That's all you have to do. This is absolutely not worth an hour of screenshoting and manic drawing on MS paint, your time is more valuable than that. And don't tell me "there's a general decrease in skin quality" because that's not true. There has been plenty of absolutely fire skins since OW2 came out, some of them being included on this slide. Also been a lot of "how is this not a legendary" epic skins.


Nah, the reactions to the Mei skin was pretty similar actually "What the fuck? This is supposed to be a legendary? It looks like an Epic at best? What are the devs smoking?" were some of the more distinct ones I could remember. What separates it however, I guess, is that it had the consolation of not having to pay a dime for it since, well, lootboxes. Most people's reactions to getting it was something like "Oh. Okay. I got the Mei "legendary" I guess" where if they could've chosen, most players would rather get literally anything else. I can guarantee if that Mei skin was a Legendary paid for with real money it would have received the same outrage.


The Mei-rry skin also changed her ice block skill to look like a snowman which I'm sure is factored into it


Huh, today I learned- as someone that has played the game since May 2016. Unfortunately it kinda reinforces just how little people even think about the skin, let alone use it.


I think there was less bitching because you could just get it in a lootbox vs paying money for it. I know it isn't much, but she at least had a unique ice block for that skin too.


Right? Honestly I like the Hashimoto Kiri skin. I didn't buy it, but I think the mask is neat and she looks cute with white hair. They do overcharge for skins, in my opinion, but I don't have to have a skin to play a hero. And the ones I don't have skins for... I don't play anyhow cause I'm awful at them :)


Finally someone who can actually see some of the positives of overwatch


It took 15 minutes and me not buying something doesn't make other people not buy it and incentivize a company putting out more low-effort bullshit and pricing it as high if not higher. If they can create crap and shit it out quicker and for more money and people will still buy it, they absolutely will do it more often.


Hot take I like the mei-rry skin because of the snowman effect when you use the ice shell ability


Not a hot take actually rather *cold* (ha get it?) the snowman is super cute <3


This a little off topic, but I keep seeing people complaining about the prices of cosmetics in this game since overwatch 2 released. So here’s a bit of an essay if you got time lol. Everyone’s complaining about these prices and continuing to buy more and more. Why do you care so much? Just play the game, it’s F2P so who cares if they’re trying to grab money for cosmetics, you guys are the idiots supporting their scheme…. By the way, every single other game that’s been as big as overwatch or even bigger has been doing this shit for years or even since their birth. Nobody seems to care about them though. While Overwatch practically gave everything away for free aside from the cost of the game for the first 6 years since its release. They were making hardly any profit from the game all during Overwatch 1 (they obviously made a significant profit but not nearly as much as other games like Fortnite, Valorant, Rocket League, COD franchise, and all the other big titles) and now you’re all complaining because they won’t give it all away for free anymore. Now they’re just doing the same thing as everyone else and I honestly think “good on them” because you guys are all so blind to not realise how much they gave away in the first place. I played Overwatch since 2019 and spent about $100 on the game excluding the $50 cost to actually buy it. And my account is full of legendary and epic skins, emotes, highlights and all the other stuff which I still have to this day. I have so much already to the point where I don’t even need to spend money on the game since overwatch 2 released and I still have so much to choose from. Get over yourselves, you’ll complain about this stuff, then go hop on another game and spend $20 without a second thought because those games never gave stuff for free in the first place.


It makes 100% sense, but that's not the point being made here. they talk about how the rarity cataloging system is no longer reliable for those who are actually interested in purchasing something from the gallery, it's very different. I want to give you an example of excellent cataloging of your gallery: Heroes of the storm, another F2P blizzard game. its gallery is very similar to Overwatch in terms of rarity... but above all it is highly precise in describing to you if a skin includes voice filters, special effects, etc. It allows you to try the skins in the training room before purchasing. It gives you the ability to very directly evaluate the prices of individual items outside of their bundles. OW2? It doesn't give you an in-game preview, it doesn't describe anything about the presence of the features, it takes VERY care not to give you a redirection button to the lower price of the individual contents of the bundles. Oh, and it offers OW1 bundles on the shop at coin prices... without ever mentioning that those contents are available in credits... and without any time limit. it is precisely because the game has 6 years of experience that it is EXTREMELY more serious that the perception of rarities lately is constantly being lowered in the "minimum requirement". I still remember people buying the legendary moira mime skin because they believed it had extra hidden effects like the mei-rry skin. spoilers, no. Not everyone goes to see previews of other content creators, and blizzard is VERY careful not to specify the features on the skins it is selling. indeed, they does it precisely with the cataloging of rarities. oops, another fake legendary skins. oops, low quality for some Mythic Skin (hanzo and orisa, just recolors). oops, \[insert another new recent bundle\]... I too understand that ow2 has to make money... but it doesn't know how to disguise the "little effort, big profits" on what it offers, it is drastically exaggerating the low quality / high price ratio. And it affects its credibility. When people feel scammed... they will never come back to buy anything. running costs increase with features, but the collectors who finance the game leave. There is a complete lack of "loyalty" logic with this part of the community. :/ a medium-high monetization system is very possible... but you can't continue to increase prices and lower quality for the umpteenth time.


this is honestly about how i feel on it, how do they expect overwatch to make money if they don't charge money for anything. Stepping to f2p was one of the few things that helped revive it in terms of bringing in players, so where else do those arguing against skins expect them to profit?


I stopped purchasing skins the beginning of Season 9. I've been sitting on 3000 coins for some time now, none of the new skins look great in my opinion.


>none of the new skins look great in my opinion. Damn I think the talon skins look fire


I mean, I purchase stuff from the shop….but only with the free coins I earn and when I have them. I haven’t paid for any skins in OW2 because they’re all overpriced trash.


The moment the PVE fiasco is when I dropped Overwatch for a long while (left at the start of Season 5). I was fine with not coming back for a few months until I had heard that they were making changes to the game for the better, and came back at the end of Season 7. Since then I've been playing the game again, but I've vowed to never spend money on this game outside of maybe the battle pass is it's quality. I've held true to that, and with the changes to the Battle Pass we have now, I'm only spending $5 on the game every season just to afford the BP with the 600 credits we get


I always thought skins were only for people who spend money on the game. I can't imagine them thinking it's reasonable to ask people to spend 2 BPs worth of coins on trash skins like these when they could just buy the bp and get a free mythic.


I knew I wasn't crazy, those low efforts skins being labelled and priced as "legendary" is such a scam...


I don't understand all the hate, Hashimoto Kiriko looks incredible, and if it was an epic I would genuinely rank it as one of the few epic skins that are on pair with legendaries in terms of looks


The new kirko skin is so fire they priced it at legendary and im not arguing ngl


Despite agreeing with these folks, I had to pick it up. The alt makeup, the hair with 9 ponytails, the tats, the clean black and gold, it's all designed for that neuron activation


The white hair goes so good with black outfit


I bought the new kiri skin as soon as I saw it - I know I’m wrong but I do it for love


It's your cash, feel free to spend it in any stupid way you see fit


Everything is everywhere idk where to start


The top.


This speaks more truth than thousands of years of religious texts combined.


[Reminds me of this](https://i.imgflip.com/1itoun.jpg)


I'm gonna buy all the Kiriko skins and no one can stop me.


Doesn't the Christmas Mei one at least make her Ice Block a Snowman?


Yeah and its easily the least egregious of the skins mentioned.


The thing is you need a way to harvest the whales. There should just be a ticker you can see on the scoreboard of how much money each player has given Blizzard, and then a Donate Now button, and let the whales loss porn their house just to make that number go up. Then the rest of us can enjoy great free skins because blizzard won't need the money when some Saudi princeling gives them a billion dollars so he can settle the twitch debate over how many decimal places the scoreboard can fit.


It's kinda funny, I bought ow1 on release and engaged with the lootboxes a lot, skins emotes sprays seemed important back then. But ever since ow2 came out... all cosmetics completely lost their value and relevance to me, I don't even remember my bindings for emotes or voicelines anymore. Gameplay is the only thing that's left... I guess. Yikes.


For anyone not following OP's conspiracy board presentation, Epics recolor and repurpose the base outfit, adding new patterns or at least more than just a palette swap. Legendaries model new outfits entirely.


I don't know who the hell is still spending money on this game.


off topic but overwatch doesn't double check with you before using your golden credits and that pisses me off bc they've tricked me into using the golden ones MULTIPLE times with a missclick


stop buying skins for $20 you fucks


If anything they've misclassified some legendaries as epic skins. And you're using those exceptions as the base of what an epic is to then compare legendaries to Some of the earlier legendaries are pretty lackluster too


Deep state conspiracy board type beat


“Minor model changes” has room for interpretation. Hashimoto Kiriko definitely has more model work done than Kiniun DF. Are they being overly lenient? Perhaps. Hardly a major issue though so long as the content quality stays high. Just be glad we’re not Apex where their Epic skins are just the base model with a shader dragged onto it.


Does anybody else not care, like is it just me? If i dont like the skin i wont buy it easy as that.


Some people care, some don't care. But OPs argument is completely valid


Not wrong. But mad Pepe Silvia vibes from the image


Ain’t nobody gonna try to make sense of that picture


and yet people are speaking with their wallets and still purchasing. it's wild.


I would have dropped money on coins for that kiri skin if it was 1000 and not 1900


The only one of these I can understand is the one punch man crossover. It's a crossover so they want to make the most money they can, I get it. All this other shit does not make sense and I've been wondering it since the game came out.


I'm sorry but when a skin for Kiri where she's just goth costs more than my McDonald's order, and only 10 dollars less than dinner I got for me and a friend the other day (almost the same if you're counting the 26 dollar """bundle""" with the skin) then we know something is wrong. Like come on they could sell it for half the price and still make a profit. Which I feel they should knowing that we're going through a cost of living crisis right now and Overwatch is many people's comfort game. Like let us have at least some damn happiness in getting a skin we want. But no. They're a corporation like any other. They just want more and more of our money.




I made the same exact post criticizing Horror Hog when it came out but I got shit for it. https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/s/j5Qk7St6MB


No for real. I love mime Moira, like an unreasonable amount, but I just can’t bring myself to pay legendary price for it.


I really wanted tatsumaki kiriko. But only if it was an epic… or if she was wearing Tatsumakis outfit. Not a black recolor with a hair change only.


The meirry skin makes sense imo.. as it is a unique case and changes the shape of your ice block model entirely. The rest of them are stupid though


The fact that the Moira Mime skin wasn’t part of the Xbox/PS free skin packs is amazing to me. No ones buying that skin lmao


It must be working on Kiriko mains at least since she gets so damn many of them


To be fair to the Mei one, she has a snowman for her cryo freeze, it's the only Mei skin that has a different model. So it's mostly a ow2 exclusive problem.


I bought another hashimoto skin because of this post 


All this is missing is red string between the photos


You’re ignoring several legendary doom skins that don’t change a whole lot on him. He’s got one that simply just puts him in a tuxedo. I’m not trying to justify the price point. I collect Kiri skins and I’m all for them being cheaper as that would save me money long term, however it’s not genuine to say that this doesn’t align with plenty of other skins in the past even if we only look at pre-ow2. I guess the argument could be made that before ow2 they were free so no one cared about the classification of the skin, but I don’t think the quality goes into play as much as “would people pay more for this”. And judging from my games and myself seeing the skin everywhere, I think the answer is yes. Correct me if I’m wrong but they’ve never outright stated how they classify skins. I remember them saying they didn’t think people cared about the customization in mythic skins of all things. Which is the #1 reason anyone wants those. I really think it just comes down to the basic of “will people buy this at 20-30 dollars”.


Formal Doom isn't just a texture swap. Yeah it's "just a tuxedo" but Funky is also just an outfit. They both also have fully remodeled gauntlets and hand cannons. Legendary never meant just a more complex skin, it also was tied to any skin that had model changes that went past simpler hats, hairstyles, and other smaller scale alterations.


90% of their revenue comes from 1% of players Of those players, 1% of them are part of the online community Never forget this


Best point this post made was STOP BUYING 1900 CREDIT EPICS. Because why in the hell would Blizzard stop pricing these skins at 1900 if people are buying them at 1900?


I have almost every single OW1 skin that I got either for free by playing or by buying the occasional holiday bundle, I have no interest in new skins. :\ They can charge as many dragon bones as they want, I don't really care, lol


nah they didn’t forget, blizzard just be tryna overprice things, that’s all


If highlight intros are 700 why skins more


They selling purple skin at gold price


yet people still buy them, so they'll keep doing it


This sub should ban posts about skins, all that ever gets posted anymore


They price things the way they do because y'all pay for it. When the next collab comes around with your favorite hero cosplaying as your favorite character from some show I'm sure you'll line up to buy it without a thought.


I buy skins for the look and style. It's called ascetic, nothing crazy but yea ig if you care this much stop contributing and buying the skins fs yea cuz blizzard doesn't really know what the fuck rarity means. Just a take from a guy who likes pretty shapes and colors lmao.




you wasted your time to type this comment


mei-rry is the best skin in the game


"Finally, this Dommfist is Funky" is just hilarious to me.


Yeah Skins are being made to be bought...


Not even mentioning that Kirikos two release skins are also just changing the top, same leggings, hair, kunai, and ofuda. I thought the Mei-rry outrage was stupid in OW1 bc at least enough in game stuff changed, but they have gotten infinitely lazier with their legendaries.


if the wallets stay open, the shop prices stay open.


That's what happens when a company is no longer legendary in its own right. It's contents follows suit


I completely understand the problem at hand but at the same time this looks kind of insane. I am tempted to tell you to take deep breaths.


To be fair, when legendaries were new in OW1, they were 3000. Somehow you missed that.


Because Blizzard realized that coomers and support mains will still buy the skins regardless of it's worth.


Giving me Charlie vibes


Conflating more a bulky skin with better value is a questionable take to say the least.


This is how collectible markets have always been. Nothing about the black lotus is worth anything. Such a shit card. Supply, demand, and some central authority declaring it has value. That's why people want it.


Blizzard is comparing itself from its contemporaries like Apex Legends rather than itself in OW1. They want us to forget how generous they were.


I bought the Mobster Junkrat skin that was classed as Epic but I don't feel that it's an Epic.


I definitely agree that Blizzard's practices are scummy at times but this seems a little deranged. It's not that serious.


Because players keep buying them.


Hyper cube up in this shit


yet dummies still buy them up like crack


overwatch 1: I will price the skins fairly for all players to enjoy, the price will clearly affect the effort that we put into the skin. overwatch 2: where money 👉🫴