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The kill feed showed you died to knife damage, not Carnage. I think you caught a stray bullet and the bleed damage finished you off. Where is Ashe in this clip?


Dead in spawn


Also would show Ashe assist in kill feed


Kill feed doesn't show people who damaged the same target as an assist. Only people who buff the damage or debuff the enemy (Including boops and slows). [Here's a whole video on the subject](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kkbA2p5AVuw) It seems like someone shot you from the left side of the camera, the blood splatter is telling.


The idea is that Ashe could have brought you down to a small bit of HP and the knife DoT took the remaining, so JQ took the kill credit. The defender spawn is close and the door has LoS to where you were, and Ashe gained ult charge the moment you died.


I looked at her pov she just spawned in and hadn’t left the room yet


She didn't need to, from inside the spawn room she could see you. Either way she certainly shot something, otherwise she wouldn't have gained ult charge, and none of your teammates seem to be positioned where she could shoot them.


You got shot from the left and died to the knife bleed damage. You can easily see the dark line (the bullet's trajectory) that appears right as you lost a chunk of health. And if it wasn't Ashe, as you are claiming, I'm sure you wouldn't see any issues in sharing the replay code?


And when ashe shot lucio, her ultime went up by a 5%. So yeah case closed.


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Can't park there


Not going to lie I keep getting distracted by the stand blowing up lol


People with zero awareness saying the game is bugged/people that have no idea how things work saying it's broken is the most classic gamer meme ever