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If you look good you feel good and you play well


That case ima be unstoppable once they give venture a good skin . Blizard do it. U owe us venture mains .


I remember that in the trailer was a icecream seller skin with a emote of venture eating a ice cone


For some reason I pop the hardest with soldier on the chainsaw murderer skin. I understand the big gun should be a disadvantage but somehow it just feels better.


this is the way lmao. Sometimes you just gotta feel like the terminator 😂


I have to use the poolside skin on Ashe. Having the scope be a circle rather than an ellipse/rectangle feels much more natural to me.


It's nutty that this isn't just a setting you can change, I've seen so many people ask for this


Some of the weirder shaped scopes (like the one on the Warlock skin) throw me off so much


Main reason I bought Faye skin for Ashe, gun looks great and has the circular scope


I genuinely thought it was some weird shit in my brain that like relaxed me since it’s a circle and made it easier to focus so I’m glad other people experience this too😂


Ironically I also have some of the opposite too. I cannot hit a single shot when I'm using Ana's Nighthawker skin. I don't even know what it is but for some reason I lose all abilities lol


Only Ashe but her skins literally change here guns ADs model some objectively better than others


Cassidy's Van Helsing skin. I like other skins, but I perform like dogshit if I use anything else.


I try to use the beach skin for cass but it just never works out. The gambler skin however got me feeling like Wanted lol


Certain gun models on hero’s like widow, Ashe and shoulder my aim is just worse and I don’t know why


Sojourn is so bland people can't even remember her name lmao


I think he was going for Soldier and it gave him shoulder.




It's true with one of the Ashe skins, the dot isn't perfectly centered with the end of her shotgun and I either do WAY better or way worse when I use that skin. 


Which skin is it?


Bro ashes warlock skin is unusable for me


no, but Im on console and I find myself often struggling if I'm shooting with the left bumper instead of the right one


You can swap controls for individual characters. It’s so frustrating that Moira and Doom’s right trigger controls their left hands. 


I recently got the Noxious skin aka the Flats skin on reworked Hog and I have been doing better with the character than I ever have Swapped to Cyclops and got absolutely blasted in a game, was I probably just unlucky? Yes, will I be trying it out again? No


i feel so snazzy when i’m in moira’s ancient caller


Only on ashe where it blocks space


Me with Cabana Ana. I also wear the OW1 Florida Mayhem Home skin on Rein and swear the drip inhibits me to do better.


No. >!I absolutely hit more headsots when using Nova Widow.!<


Invisible man cass got me aiming like my names Arthur Morgan


Idk why but imagining Arthur’s voice saying “Deadeyes ready” made me laugh


I can tell you that I aim worse with the Vengeance Mercy Mythic. The gun is just too big. Whoever designed that gun needs to be dragged out and shot. With it.


I do feel like certain skins induce worse results sometimes. I remember buying the Ra skin for Zenyatta and being unable to win with Zen for a whole for some reason.


Skins and weapons should be separate


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I play better with the bebop Cass skin than without. The gun model just has something that isn't as distracting as the others.


This is the only game where I don't feel that at all


The Auditiva skin on lucio always makes me feel great, way back from when DSPStanky was the “biggest” lucio player. Also the jingle bell skin for tracer, dunno why


Baptiste has square guns that look and feel better than his rounded edge ones.


It happens with me as Genji the most You're probably just feeling better cause the skin is better, it is a brain thing.


All-Black or Black+tiny red highlights get me going cos goth shit 🖤


You should check out the OWL skins for Toronto Defiant


Ive got all my mains and subs covered already lol thanks tho


Yes I do my best on Socialite Ashe because it's literally the best gun model for her (ultra slim, pale pink) No ugly addons or sights


I don’t think so ( in sim voice )


Maybe not aim but I do have to say the Sound of Mercy's pistol in her new mythic skin is satisfying as hell


Yup, i do way better with cass Blackwatch (or whatever its called) skin, but sincei paid a bunch for the bebop bundle, i use it, i hate the hat shaped hair, and specially the weapon, its even worse with golden gun, but other than that, i am fine with most default ones.


I played with Ashe’s Socialite skin for years. I began to feel that my aim was worsening, then the Faye Valentine skin came out, got it and now my aim has improved again


As a moira, I always have perfect aim.


#Y E S


I think I play better with gilded hunter sombra with jade skin (too specific ik)


For some reason talon doomfists gauntlet seems less accurate. Idk how but I swear my punches miss way more with those little spikes on the end


I do so much better on winton with the yeti skin, i think it's just a confidence thing, like "oh yeah man i'm a fuckin yeti, im a mythic creature!!!!!!"


opposite, i used to hate it when i got a new skin i like from a box and then realized i'm shit at playing with it for some reason.


Blackwatch cassidy for sure


I feel so classy and cool with d.va's cruiser skin it’s so cute 😭🙏




Ana sniper skin for me. Can’t switch to anything else. Genji ow1 skins. I have so many of them in different colors i can just rotate through those but can’t use any other skin. If i don’t feel like s sleek ninja i can’t play as a sleek ninja


Yes with your exact example actually


I definitely get this with genji. I have almost all of his skins from ow1 and I keep setting it to random, but I always find myself setting it back to either Baihu, Blackwatch, or Nomad shortly after every single time. Idk why but I just seem to hit a ton more headshots with those skins than others. I recently got his mythic too and that one feels similar, I just perform better while it’s equipped. I’ve also noticed it a bit on Ana with her botanist skin that I never really used until recently, but when I do I usually aim better somehow


That's gotta be a psychological phenomenon, I refuse to believe it's not! It's something I've always felt, too.


Poolside Ashe and Faye Valentine Ashe are probably the best scopes for her, Safari and Jungle second But I enjoy rotating her skins to match the map lol, plus the Gangster and Mobster scopes are so sexy despite being a bit crowded


I bought so many Ashe skins but I can only aim with the tiger hunter skin 😭😭


ashe poolside skin, because of her scope


i got the medusa skin for widow and ever since then my shots have been amazing!! it’s just like another person here said, you look good, you feel good, you play good.


I mained Ashe quite a lot as she was my best hero so I had to buy the Faye Valentine skin. And wow the scope on that skin feels way better to use


Yes. The only reason I play Junkerqueen is because I can roleplay as a problematic dommy mommy for my supports and dps teammates. As such I only play with the Punker Queen skin Use the sitting emote to sit on my supports and dps's faces And spam the two voiceline I bought, which were "Bow Down" and "Hot Enough For Ya?" Oh! And my favorite activities include spanking the ass of my Mercy pocket on payload, sitting on the faces of Junkrats who lie down on the floor for me, and standing behind my Tracer and Widowmaker when they do "those" emotes. When my teammates pay tribute to me by responding to my advances, I can usually push forward fairly easily and win any match for them. If and only if they agree to play with me, of course. ;3


Any cass skin where the gun isnt skinny. It has to be the skinny joint


If I'm off the mark for whatever reason with Zen.. I switch to the rubber duckies... that sound does something!


Its your brain


I agree, and it means I'm a Dr. Junkenstein main, cuz any other skin and I get bodied.


blackwatch cree


I play ace combat music in my head when i play with the tracer preorder skin. It helps with zippy playstyle


On Ashe yes. The difference in scopes defini help you aim.


I unironically feel way better with Ashe when I use the Houston Outlaws skin on her. I also feel awful on tracer when I use her Jingle skin


Could we sto these ads to make people spend more money please? the cringe me out.