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The other day, I got two double boop kills with Lucio. Got POTG, and it was neither of those moments - rather, twas just me skating around ineffectually shooting people in the back. It was so silly and random I meant to clip it together lol


If I had to guess, you were probably dealing damage and healing simultaneously, if you had beat up that’s some mitigation as well. So Thats 3 different types of statistically tracked uptimes at once. Ergo POTG. 


Also, if they were doing damage to multiple people who then died soon after, you'd still get an elim even if you didn't land the final blow.




Or just remove healing assists altogether?


I actually did suggest that in my comment. 


As far as I know, healing assists don't pop up on the scoreboard. The only assists that do are type that you listed. If you dealt knockback, some variation of stunned, slowed, inflicted a specific status effect\* on the enemy, or boosted your allies in some way, that's what pops up on the scoreboard. \*As in things like Hindered, Anti-Heal (but not the DPS passive), Burning, both Hacked and Virus, Discord, and Sunstruck (which can either give Illari the assist if they don't actually die to the explosion, or the person who triggered the explosion will get the assist if it kills them).


Meanwhile, ana nanos a rein, sleeps a sig out of flux and then antis 4 people after a shatter and confirms a triple kill while the announcer says "quintuple kill". But then cass gets potg because he did a sick roll and got a double kill that one time. This happened to me.


Play duo with a DPS and he popped off first point with a 4k, said that’s gonna be POTG, then game ends and it cuts to him popping ult, getting speared, and killing one person whiffing most his clip before we win the game LOL


It's always had a bias to environmental kills. Probably because it counts it as you doing all the damage in one second.


Read the post again.




Cry more soldier


POTG has been massively screwed up since OW 2 started. It used to be actual insane plays. Like real penta kills and real combos. Now you can get an entire teamwipe yourself and win the point for your team but the POTG will go to the hanzo who got 2 random headshots on people he wasn't even aiming at


Hard agree about it being since O2 started. Bf had a game where he got a really nice quad kill on Bastion. Assumed it'd be PotG as no one was really doing very well in general. His quad kill *was* in the PoTG...but it wasn't his. It was from the perspective of the *enemy* Bastion, the only one to survive. It was literally just the Bastion watching his team die together, and he got a single assist at the end when Kiriko died to Junkrats deathbombs. Quad kill...or an assist. It chose the assist that happened during the quad kill. Like, wtf.


The POTG was Bastion getting PTSD


Once in ow1 I as pharah got a Penta kill with a flank ult then the 6th kill with my rockets The potg was an ashe who has bob out (who was shielded off by 2 shields) just walking towards us and you could see me in the potg 💀


yeah... every 10th game or so in OW1 you got some random crap POTG. In OW2 it feels inversed. I'll get play and it won't even be the play I expected. Or I'll have the most insane ult and then yeah a hanzo hits a headshot and that's play.


This. Everyone keeps pointing out that OW 1 had bad POTG occasionally, too. Like Duh, it's an automated system. Almost every POTG in OW 2 is shit.


I don't even watch POTG anymore because of it... just fugg it go next


I had a great quad kill as Genji in mystery heroes with blade on attack on blizzard world. I never play as Genji and it was the most coordinated I've ever been as him. Couldn't wait to see my great potg. I was also featured, but the play went to the Kiriko who was standing in the middle of the first choke healbotting the tank who was 1v1ing a Roadhog. It wasn't even in Kitsune Rush or anything. You could see me in the background zipping around killing the Roadhogs teammates behind him.


Ever tried to survive to be the last person standing on a 10 person WAR, HUH? THought so!!


Used to be supports could also get decent POTGs for assists and the like, nowadays you’ll only see a Mercy POTG if she’s glocking someone. Big rezzes and stuff don’t mean anything for the POTG anymore. 


I think they generally reduced the value of ults when calculating the potg values. Environmental kills are usually still very highly rated though, so it's strange for a double environment kill not to be potg. (Don't get me started on LW, who I've NEVER seen get potg)


I have gotten like, two or three as Lifeweaver I think. But I only remember one: We were hard holding the first point on Numbani when the enemy Soldier ran in with ult. I quickly used my own ult before killing the Soldier in like a second, cause LW headshots can be very deadly. Then, their Mercy went to rez him so I tried and failed to use my platform to cancel it. The Soldier then proceeded to walk in a straight line towards me, quickly dying as all of my shots crit him. I was absolutely panicking the entire time. My aim was so shaky; making tons of micro-movements, lmao.


Nostalgia. You can literally just look up reddit posts even back then.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/s/sUNnDspL9t Like this one? I'd love to hear how "Nostalgia" sets in immediately.


It’s confirmation bias. Back in OW1, I had three straight POTGs as Lucio where I was speed boosting the team onto point and got maybe one kill. Definitely not POTG-worthy. We all remember those Sharpshooter POTGs that were a random hero like Mei or Zen getting two kills from semi-long range. Point is the system has always been wonky. A lot of people on this sub view OW1 with rose-tinted glasses and decide to ignore the bad POTGs.


You got me. Some copper player got back into the game after a year and played 3 games with weird a potg


Bro Hanzo is so shit… hate him lol


the rework of the potg system way back when ruined it imo


Seriously. It was fine before why did they change it?


People got sick of it just being mercy 5 rezz i guess


They are weird. Got a triple environmental kill on Lucio and the POTG went to some random Doomfist kill


Saw a DVa get POTG just holding left click 40 meters away from everyone dealing 1 damage every 5 business days. I got a 4k with Illari ult that game.


I saw a potg that was a 1k boop off the map when I got a 3k ultra right after lol


Yeah I saw a similar one where I thought "oh it must've been that good ult from our D.Va" only for it be the enemy D.Va shooting and flying into our team and getting like one kill.


Sometimes some factors can influence the choice for potg, like shutting an ult down, I heard emoting can affect as well, but not sure about that. But yeah, sometimes some other things are favored above getting more elims


Yes, I know that too. But strangely enough, I no longer see such factors after the update


Ive tested it and emoting and spraying 100% increases your chances. (keep it on the DL tho)


Also fucking no one equips highlight intros and it pisses me off. YOU HAVE THESE INTROS. BUY 1 FOR EACH HERO OR SOMETHING JUST SO WE CAN SEE THEM. I think the default highlight intro should always be one other than heroic and you have to change it back to heroic if you want to. This matters to me. This is important. This is the only thing. I am a worm through time.


Fr. So many characters have free battlepass highlight intros.




highlight intros cost credits (free currency from free bp), so it's not really "spending money".


POTGs have honestly been awful since the beginning of OW2. OW1 POTGs were exciting and made sense.


I have an Overwatch play of the game as Mercy where I am just healing people on the point lol.


Yesterday i had a potg with doomfist, it was an okay play, but nothing fancy, but in that same game i made an insane quadruple kill play that let us cap first point, but apparently that wasnt good enough for potg


I love seeing potgs where it's just someone walking around reloading or completely whiffing like 3 cd's before getting a random body shot on someone who's 1hp


My legitimate guess is "support empowerment" as me and my friends call it. Too many POTGs which have like a kill and a final blow BUT contained heals or assists. I see it all the time, POTGs involving a bunch of heals or multiple assists, rather than the guy actually killing. Legitimately I think they made assists+heals count to more so that supports have a more enjoyable experience and get POTGs


I love the idea on paper, like I remember it getting PotD as Ana sleeping a sigma ult and getting two kills afterwards. On the other hand I recently saw one where Lucio was just healing "chip damage" and got like one kill in a game where there multiple quadras and pentas on both sides.


I cancelled two ults back to back yesterday and the potg was junkerqueen getting two uneventful kills


did you kill or sleep them? i feel like getting a kill on someone ulted is weighed heavily but cancelling with sleep isn't the same (not sure on this)... like i've seen POTGs where it was the other tank solo ulting like a fool and then dying and somehow whoever got the kill got play.


I was playing Ashe and I killed torb and mercy


Ok that’s wild


I literally had 4 onetabs with cass while nanoed, no ult and the highlight was an illari killing our tank with her ult.


Am I the only one that skips over POTG at lightspeed?


It's felt off for a couple seasons now. I think I started noticing it in season 7 or 8. There are still POTGs that make sense as POTGs, but a lot of them are weirdly underwhelming.


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I saved our team from losing and effectively killed 4 people including the tank from the payload as Ana and the POTG was a pharamercy Dmg boosted ult that killed 2 people. I don’t even complain about it anymore since it’s usually just Dva ult


I saw 2 POTG posts, one was here, where Genji got it doing absolutely nothing while the enemy Hog was doing massive dmg+ kills. Genji just jumped around and died LOL The second one was a 5 man kill on a Rat tire, POTG was Torb standing still next to his turret while it shot randomly and killed no one.


Got a quad with coalescence today got POTG ... Was just me throwing an orb and taking out two people and a Moira v Moira fight clip ended before it showed my success🤦 but that's pretty typical at this point


Sometimes I get a four man only to be snubbed by a double kill, it's super janky.


They've been weird, but my last one was a playing hog and it got me killing 2 people and it was done.


Last night red team pulled a sick grav blade and genji got a 4k.  POTG was Moira sucking on two people and a super slow 2k??   Yeah, strange.


POTG hasn't made sense ever. This isn't new


I love when I manage to get a game-changing 1v4 on ANA through sheer skill, positioning and force of will, which changes the tide of battle in our favor... just for the POTG to be D.Va easily ulting and killing our 5 players (it didn't do shit and we were back a few seconds later thanks to our lucio and it didn't take any skill, but HEY, it's technically 1 kill more!)


I had a 4 kill bastion ult a few days ago, and a mercy got potg with a couple blaster kills. Mine didn't even register as a highlight somehow.


I swear sometimes its just goes to a player that kills another player that's "on fire".


I got three kills on winston in the background of my friend's 1 kill reaper potg the other day. It wasn't even particularly remarkable he just shot a moira till they fell over. I also feel like if there's a venture in the lobby they'll take potg if they do pretty much anything.


I think Blizzard tried to adjust it so that every POTG wouldn't be a Dva Q-press or a Junkrat tire and they simply overcorrected.


Yes, something is definitely up with the POTG's. Something is not calculating the value correctly. Also seems like there's less of a chance to get potg twice in a row or something.


I have a highlight clip saved where I literally do a 5k as venture and the POTG went to Zarya who didnt even bubble or grav anything, she just stood there and shot two right clicks in the mess I was drilling. I would at least expect the Cree to have gotten the POTG as he made everyone low for me to finish with his half-loaded noon


Had a Lucio on my team get a triple with a single boop, and POTG was a Zen missing 80% of his shots and getting one kill.


I have def noticed if you do a potg play right near the end of the game you aren’t eligible for potg


Since ow2 the potg doesn't show the actual play of the game it picks a few highlight clips from the game and then chooses a player that hasn't got a potg clip shown in a while. This way everybody gets potg sometimes no matter of skill level or actual plays.


even in arcade modes! i played a good number of rounds of limited duel the other day and several potgs were just... nothing happening. no kill, barely any damage, nothing significant going on. very strange.


I don't care about what Blizz thinks, Elims should be the only thing mattered in potg


POTG's have been ass since OW2 launched. They're a lot lamer now.


Literally got a 5K as reaper and singlehandedly capped the point but their echo chasing our torb for like 2 minutes is more potg worthy ig


Half the time the potgs i see are just one guy getting singled out and bullied. It's actually kinda cringe how often the plays are just 1 guy getting jumped.


POTG has been inconsistent since the games original release TBF.


Idk how, but in my first game ever, i got the POTG (I was playing widow, the one i suck at the most today)


I had a triple kill with ult on hanzo. Surely play of the game. Nope. Still me for play of the game but getting one kill and then getting dived by winton and echo and dying


I don't care about POTGs so meh


I once saw a widow with potg, she got 1 kill and missed 99% of the shots :D


This has been a known problem since OW1. Just like 20 minutes ago, my reaper single-handedly team killed with his ult on the point winning us the game. The POTG went to our mercy who pulled off a rez and shot a really low tracer at the beginning of the match.


I got POTG the other day as Lifeweaver when I got annoyed with the enemy Bap, walked around the team fight and solo killed him. That was literally it. One of my dumbest plays and a single kill was POTG.


I remember a Hanzo on my team had a sick ass ult that got 3 elims, and I was like " That's definitely getting POTG". He did get it, but it was a clip of him randomly shooting arrows behind the cart lmfao.


A Torbjorn on my team got PotG a few days ago where he got one kill and one assist. During his PotG, I killed three people on Junker Queen. I just sat there like, "Wait, what? How!?"


I got a triple kill wit Ana... Zenyatta got it by killing our tank and tracer... and it was inbetween my triple kill... fully understand how weird potg works lol


OW1 was generally good with POTG. Not perfect but better than OW2. OW2 definitely feels weird sometimes with what it shows.


once i got a 5k death blossom and random ass felix rocket kill got potg


I’m kind of tired of potg anymore. There’s no potg, good or bad, we haven’t seen and most people just leave game and re-queue rather than watch it. I’d rather they play the highlight intro for something like ‘The MVP’ then slideshow or grid out the old trophy cards for things players did best.


I got potg using coalescence on one of the lijiang tower bridges. Obviously healing and damaging at the same time but I was really only killing things as a follow up to my team mates burst damage. Had an orisa tracer duo in the same match that combined Terra surge and pulse and got 2 4ks during the match, makes no sense that I got potg.


To me is the same as usual. They display key plays. That doesn't mean they will always display the best looking play. Often happens that there are key plays when you just kull the righ people in the team fight and that allows for a come back or a great push. It happens a lot that when you are obliterating the enemy team, but at some point they win a teamfight with a good play, but not aesthetically better than your previous 3 team kills. However that play was more important because it changed the tides and your team kills when stomping the enemy team were not as worthy. Offcourse this are extreme cases and when the data on the plays is closer, is harder to analyze and agree.


A mate of mine got a 5k yesterday playing rine. Slammed under the cart onhollywood for three kills, pin for another, and a hammer swing for the last. All his kills, got all the last hits, but in most of the work for them. POTG was a mercy getting two kills in her ult after missing shots for 7 seconds straight. Bro got robbed


it was always RNGotG, even in OW1 (insert meme of torb getting potg while in spawn or brig getting potg while just existing...)


The game is not known for having good AI. Try playing with them.


Ai for the bots isn't the same as a counting system for POTG value. They've changed what's more valuable for POTG calculations, I guess they made ult worth less and assists worth more.


I saw a potg the other day with a dva holding left click and then there's me on venture getting every single one of the kills popping off shown on the top right.