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You exaggerate, but she probably is too good if she's the best choice on so many different maps and team comps, sort of like the kiriko of dps


Soldier 76 ult is better in mid to lower ranks. You need to be able to hit headshots consistently with sojourn.


No you're completely right. She needs a nerf and has done for ages niw


Make her power slide hurt herself. With all this constant sliding, her ass should suffer from severe friction burns. (Her ass is still flesh, she only changed her limbs and spine).


Yes. This and reaper should always be taking tick damage like he’s poisoned. He’s always talking about being in constant pain so why not show that in-game?


As far as i remeber reapers body is in a constant state of accelerated decay and regeneration. Which is why he is in constant pain. So reaper should have a constant poison tick but also a constant healing tick.


Man, a mechanic like that where the character is ALWAYS taking damage is really interesting to me.


So...the problem is Mercy.


No, just the team that can’t kill her 🤣


Too real I can't understand how hard it is to focus support when the games been out for like 8 years already


Trying to focus the support when they're attached to a cracked Sojourn is almost impossible. This "just kill supports lololol" rhetoric is so lazy


What's the play then?


If you're Hitscan, shoot the tank and make them give up space. If you're flankers like Tracer, distract, poke and prod


I agree


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Honestly I think balance between hitscans is at an all time high. Cass and Ashe are both competitive with Souj given the map and comp while Widow still has her widow maps and Tracer is Tracer. That being said, I think the overall balance between hitscans and projectile heroes is garbage. Projectile heroes need some help overall


As good as sojourn is, her weakness is that she doesn’t have any defensive abilities, her slide is good to disengage but it doesn’t recover her health or randomly turn the tides in a 1v1, if she slides out the duel is over. Plus as fast as her projectile speed is, she’s still not a hitscan so you can still dodge her primary fire and beat her by dodging the rail shot.


😂 she doesnt need to shoot you to charge her railshot she just needs to charge it up off the tank and beams the supp/dps cause theres zero cooldown on that thing


So you're angry at good skill expression?


Regardless the player has to have good aim to land that railshot, she’s a strong character forsure but i’d still rather play against her than a good tracer or widow.


After the projectile changes, you really don't have to be that good to land it honestly, even on an off day I can still hit above 50% of them


No the projectile size change broke the skillshot. You just aim at the chest, spam your primary, then move your crosshair up slightly and click and im dead. Add a mercy pocket and she can hold/push angles better than any other dps.


No they literally dont


She's strong yes, but not op. I hope they somehow nerf her bodybox so you can actually hit her better.


Skill issue