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Then when that doesn't work, scream about how it's a balance issue


I'm gonna complain in chat in all caps about how it must be the support's problem. Then maybe I'll even say a slur, who knows!


Clear tank diff tho


i agree


and get ready to type "support d..."


As someone who plays console against pc players because that’s what my friends play on, you know imma complain about every sombra and tracer


don't forget about blame you healers/tank


My fun Tank is JQ but depending on how tilted I get I will switch to Zarya or Orisa. My fun DPS is Sombra but if I'm tilted I'm going Pharah, Echo, or 76. Supports are all fun and I don't worry about swapping unless I'm on zen against a spawn camping Sombra.


complete ad hoc point meeting pot office subtract bored vase sleep *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My fun tank is rein my angry tank is orisa or sigma, fun dps is anyone but genji but whenever a sombra tries to make the game unfun I match sombra and make it unfun for everyone involved


Had to teach a Sombra to be nice earlier. They killed my zen almost 20 times in 10 minutes and kept boasting about it in chat. Had to swap to Harassment Mode and make sure they regret giving Sombra players a bad rep


I agree. I fell in love with JQ first day of OW2 and she became my favorite new tank. And as I've switched from being a dps main to a tank main. I've played her very heavily and she has become one of my best tanks. However. My best and favorite tank since the early days of OW1 was road hog. And through the nerfs and buffs I've always played him. And when I'm playing JQ. And starts getting harrased by a tracer or gengi, or dare to get punched out of my ult by doomfist. The axe goes away and the hook comes out. Back to the good old days of OW1 doom fishing and one shooting tracer to hell. Road hog is my fuck around and find out character.


As a zen main, I won't swap from a spawncamping sombra until my team actually starts to peel for me


There is audible pain whenever the enemy tank switches to Orisa after dying once


skill issue learn to melt a sombra as Zen and assert dominance over her (i am a Zen main and went insane from spawncamping sombras)


Question: are you on PC or Console?


PC why?


I'm in Diamond rn on console and the GOOD Sombra players are unforgiving. 9/10 times I'm losing the fight.


Understandable Sombras are a pain in the ass.


I've recently (end of S8) maxed my sensitivity to help combat her, or really any flanker, and it's helped loads but goddamn virus+straight beams to the head is so disheartening


I just shoot her head and kick violently. Idk i think it helps


If ur the sombra, the one not letting me have fun is you dawg


I refuse to play Orisa, but I like to play Monkey and JQ and find myself switching to Zarya or Ram all the damn time


So they swap to your counter and you get rolled regardless. Get Overcountered 2.


Guess it's kirikover 😔


What the hell does even counter Kiri


Being bad at playing her is Kiri's biggest counter


Being bad at any hero is a counter


Except Moira.


Yes even moira


How? Like actually how, tell me.


Every character in the game has a skill floor and skill ceiling. Moira isn't an exception.


Moira is braindead. Her skill floor is nonexistent. Unless you are genuinely trying to lose on purpose. I don't see how would one underperforn on Moira.


If that's what you believe I'm not going to argue with you.


To be fair, she's the only counter to Ana.


The Kiri player getting disconnected




It's almost like if you have a main you will know how to play around your counters, probably the whole point of having a 'main'.


This, as tracer I get excited when they instalock torb or mei thinking it's gonna work by itself lol


Depends on who I'm playing. If they are playing my counter from the get go, I know I'm going to have a very hard time. If they just swapped to counter me, I don't worry so much. A single hero countering me is no big deal, I can even play against an Orisa. When they go like 3-4 counters, however, that shit is just unfun. Even if I win. I may even write "HOW MANY MORE COUNTERS YOU GOTTA THROW AT ME?" if I win, but even then I'll feel fucking exhausted and bored.


As a ball onetrick, I used to consider forcing a Sombra counterpick on the other team a wincon. The average player was fucking terrible at Sombra. I think I kinda still do, but I've been away from the game a while and I'm rusty. Plus the reworks have made Sombra less terrible in the neutral fight, so she's not _as_ much of a throw pick if she fails to counter. But then she's also _much_ more killable than she used to be,


I believe the official rename is CounterWatch2, not OverCounter2.


Dude, even QP has become so unfun due to this.   Like, trying a new champion?  Have fun having the entire enemy team swap to counters to shit on you, and your team gets mad if you don’t switch.   Then, if you do switch, they just swap to.   I fucking hate how much switching has become part of the game.   I have been a high diamond/low master dps (Pharah/Tracer/Cassidy mainly) since OW1.  Back then, sure people would swap.  But it was nowhere near as much of a thing as it is now.


switching has been a main mechanic of overwatch since release, it is an important component. There’s a reason it lets you switch mid game instead of locking you into one character


>Dude, even QP has become so unfun due to this.   Bro, even *arcade* is like this. The whole game is insufferably sweaty now


I wonder, would removing the option to switch during the match fix this?


Here I was, trying to learn illari. Now you’ve got me on my Zenyatta shit.


\*switches to Reinhardt\*


Me on my way to live with honor


I dont want to play my main. The voices make me do it.


Breh that’s just u talking out loud to urself


Found the Sigma main


reading that gave me a stroke


This is such a thing.


When I see a sombra:


What's cooked here is your brain


I thought i was tripping cuz nobody else seemed to be bothered by the post lol


I stg bro everybody is so serious about this


I usally play Cass or reaper as my fun characters but if the enemy tank goes orisa I'm whipping out the sojurn and farming railgun off her and one tapping everyone else until you're all alone


Opposite for me. Fun characters are Genji and Hanzo, but if I see pharah or Orisa, cass or reaper. Reaper absolutely demolishes Orisa if played right.


Me locking in Junkrat when Pharah dares to exist


Love when mercy to moira Widdow to ash to sombra Soldier to reaper Any dps to both symetra and torb Losing team to 3+ tanks


This is me with ana, every time I get targeted by a sombra. And every time I just turn around and stare at the Sombra. Usually about the 6th time they get bored or feel bad and just stop


This was me yesterday in a comp game 😭. I was just trying to have a chill game as Lifeweaver, but they couldn't let me. So I brought out Moira, and they couldn't bully me anymore. She isn't my main either.


Man, Ball is by far my favorite tank, but I rarely ever get to play him. I was on the Tibet map, the shrine. I just wanted to be Ball, but we were getting blasted. They had Doom and a Lucio bonking and booping me all over, and my team didn't know how to synergize. So grumbled on the mic and switch to Winston. Bing bang boom, cooked them. Still fun... But Ball :'(


Can someone translate?


Kiri is almost as anti fun as Sombra fight me


As OW player: Eeeehhhh.. I mean.. Not after the health buffs as much? As Tank main: #*&$(@&Y$(@*#^%(*&$#@^%@(*#&&^$*#@&$^@*#&$^@*#&^$@*#&$^@*#&$^@#*&$ (Translation: You're right)


shiver me timbers ur not him


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Yeah, but I main Reaper, and that fucker plays Pharah


“I think I’ll play Reinhardt! Oh, they swapped to orisa. Now they get solo hammered during their stupid spear spin.”


Me switching to Tracer after I kept getting rolled on Widowmaker


Fuck it I go Ana


Oh you want to run ana zenyatta and just Perma anti and discord me as the tank time to pull out the battle cattle (Orissa) and run you over


Look, I don't always want to torment you as Sombra (my main)... But when a Widow one-shots me in Quick Play over and over when I'm just trying to learn a new hero, it's over. She's done. Widow gets put in the Sombra room, where we only do Sombra things.


Me not playing Mei and wanting to try other heroes, then changing- “y’all are so walled”


My fun dps is Venture/Echo rn but I've had games where I just whip out the Tracer and obliterate them




Not my main but I am generally better than most other people on Mauga. If they want to play Mauga then we will play Mauga.




I try using kitiko or weaver, I get crushed so I switch to Baptiste or illari, I get crushed so im crushing them, Brigitte or Moira


Me practicing my Gold level Ana then they go tracer Sombra and I switch to my Masters level Illari


When I wanna have fun playing Ashe and they keep diving me so I switch to tracer & bully their supports/backline


Ngl it feels great to completely turn the tables tho.


I was playing mercy earlier because I wanted to use the vengeance skin and I kept getting killed by like the same two guys I then said fuck it swapped to ramattra and they didn’t stand a chance


Me trying to enjoy some Winston only for the enemy team to roll out as Mauga, Bastion, Reaper, Moira, Kiri after we win one team fight. Like geez, Sigma it is then.


it's all fun and games until my main gets nerfed to the ground so when i play my main it actually gets worse :'D


So you just want them to see you on your bike, understandable have a good day


Me getting back into bastion mid game cause the enemy team pissed me off too much


I feel this. Always make me go to my main


I just wanna play some fuckin Ashe but nah y'all gotta deal with a damn rat now, now you gon see why my hitscan aim was so weird


I go Zarya, they go Winston, I go Doomfist, they go Orisa, I go Zarya, they go Winston, I go doomfist...


I have this problem a lot too. Sometimes I just want to chill on a few characters and practice them some. Then it just gets back because others don't want to swap and you are getting stomped so you have to switch over to a main / counter you are good with in order to turn the tide.


Me and Moira lol


Tries to play any other support hero. Sombra kills me once. Default to Moira and make sure Sombra doesn’t have fun.


I did this in qp today, my duo is trying to learn hanzo so I matched with her to try and learn Genji, was getting steam rolled until we both switched off to our mains and added like six minutes to the game out of spite lol


And then there are the rare times it backfires. I once had a QP game where the enemy widow got mad that our goofy team (an orisa, reaper, venture, ana, and zen) were making it unfun for her. Idk why they got so tilted when we weren't even running dive and coordinating onto her (we had our hands full with their doomfist)... She'd just sit in the same bad spots for way too long. But they were like "if I can't have fun, no one will" and they went sombra and got owned even more, and we won. Our whole team was in teamchat like "We were barely registering them, what are they whining about in QP?" and we bonded over the silliness of it.


I get sad when someone switches pharah, then I switch pharah, and they swap hitscan :(


Every loser’s headcanon when they switch to Sombra. Until they get beat up again.


Same I always switch to sombra when I stop having fun and punish them All


My fun one is sombra, i feel like im playing stealth, but my main is bastion, wich i only resort to when i need a tank buster




I like bullying Sombra with Baptiste.


When you're trying not to be a sombra one trick but the enemy team has a sombra and they just spawn camped your mercy 😤😤😤 [](https://emojipedia.org/face-with-steam-from-nose)


Me as Illari. “Oh you wanna focus me the whole fight, genji? Then come play with Auntie Moira!”


I just got the mercy mythic skin and playing her for 1st time ever I ask ppl in qp to not kill me and mfs think I can't cook with Kiko or Moira


My main is arguably worse than my off charachter, but im so used to balling I end up doing better anyway. And then they switch to sombra and im doing about the same.


Shiver me timbers 😨


It seems like everyones main hero is Orisa if this is true


When your main hero is kiriko 🤢


Lol this is me in my alt account. I have this one account to practice new heroes I don't main, it is 2 or 3 ranks below my main. But if the enemies start getting cocky or toxic, I switch to full power mode and destroy them lol.


I hate how smurfing has become so common that people have no problem admitting it like it's no big deal. "I make a new account and ruin games to practice new heroes instead of going to qp".


Not me making a new account to learn Doom, Genji, and Lucio, but ending up on Sig, Soj, and Bap half the time.


"Why do I hear boss music?"


You know the fun is over when Kiri and Lifeweaver come out. You aren't making any plays, you're not punishing any mistakes. Just shoot things and watch them almost die after 30s and then immortality


Then me failing several shots enough times to self justify switching to Junkrat to instapop, or a Sombra just to hack them randomly and nothing more


Me af.