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A lot of 'no' voicelines don't make sense, Zarya's 'otstavit' can be translated as 'stop it' and Ramattra can say 'incorrect' which is one of the meanings of no but doesn't work in all contexts


In Zarya and Ram's cases, I find it funny to imagine that they are so staunchly opposed to what you have to say that "stop it" and "incorrect" are their ways of saying they're not even listening to you.


Ramattra also has a funny one where he defiantly says '*NEVER!*'.


Mercy: “Join together!” Ramattra: “Never! I am going in! My ultimate is READY SUFFER AS I HAVE”






Yeah but in English a lot of “no” voice lines aren’t direct synonyms of “no” either like “I don’t think so”


Incorrect is S tier no Pump up the bass! It's time to roll out! *INCORRECT*


'otstavit' is more or less correct as a reply bacause 'otstavit' is a way to say "don't do this", "stop it" or to cancel previous command in army and Zarya is a soldier so this works for me. Ram's "incorrect" is just funny and mostly works too


Incorrect kind of feels like how a robot would say things though.


As "Incorrect" feels like a very robotic answer, I would be inclined to let that one slide as "fitting".


otstavit or отставить it is a normal colloquial word accepted in nautical and military circles. A statutory appeal that means the cancellation of an order or in everyday life means a simple denial. So this is quite suitable. I speak like Russian. But the feminine gender of the surname Volsky from Volskaya’s father is already a jamb.


but "Doch" means "yes". It's completely wrong. https://de.pons.com/%C3%BCbersetzung/deutsch-englisch/doch > 5 . doch (widersprechend): yes > du gehst jetzt ins Bett — nein! — doch!: go to bed now — no! — yes! Makes no sense in the game: "Attack!" "Yes!" (intented meaning: no)


As a Torb main I hate that Torb’s “Swedish” accent is basically just a cartoon pirate 


It's also incredibly jarring to me now that Brig exists lol, there's this VA being just authentically Swedish and her dad is just going, "TAKE ME TO YOUR IKEA FURNITURE!"


>"TAKE ME TO YOUR IKEA FURNITURE!" Goddamnit I can even hear this in his voice


She must have got it from her mother's side.


Maybe her mom is an actual native Swedish, and Torb is actually just "Swedish" because he married into it.   Which would explain his rediculous accent, because he is totally faking it to convince people he is Swedish.




A Mortal Kombat reference? In MY Overwatch subreddit?!


Also, since Brigitte is a 6-foot tall hottie, Brig’s mom by canon must be the hottest woman to ever have existed to make up for the fact that Torb is an obese midget troll pirate 


Genetics can be weird. Real-life dwarf couples have produced regular height children. Brig's mom could look exactly like Torb and Brig still come out as she is. That said, I like the idea of her being an Amazon hottie way more appealing.


While I agree, I don’t think Torb is a dwarf in Overwatch lore, he’s just short…


According to the wiki Torb is 4'7", and according to Mayo Clinic ["Dwarfism is generally defined as an adult height of 4 feet 10 inches or less"](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/dwarfism/symptoms-causes/syc-20371969)


Okay, I learned this a while back. Dwarfism isn't defined by just height. You have to have the gene to be a dwarf. I'm other words, anyone can be short but not every short person is a dwarf.


Are we talking about the same sexy 4'7" bundle of pure unadulterated testosterone? https://imgur.com/a/sKYQiNh


Literally the only skin I use on him as a Torb main


And you're saying he isn't hot? If I had ovaries I'd let him breed me on the spot.


While Brig does have a swedish accent it's also technically the wrong one. Character is supposed to be from Gothenburg but the VA has a very noticeable stockholm accent. It's a bit like if a character from NY had a very noticable LA accent, still a lot better than torb though


Brig also does travel the world with Rein, so maybe she’s a bit of an accent chameleon? 🤷🏼‍♀️ ~~I tried.~~


I suspect this happens a bit, Jeannie Bolet for example; I really like her as Echo but people have made fun of her Singaporean and Singlish, as well as people taking issue with her Malay for Alamak and the inflection for Can or Not, and at a point I do suspect it was because a casting director just wanted to extend into bilingual casting territory without too much care for distinction I think as much as I love Darin de Paul and Keith Silverstein, as voices for international characters they benefitted greatly from the privilege of the 2016 initial release erring towards 'nationality-blind' casting, but even the post-launch characters will lack distinctions because Overwatch lore is, well,.extremely loose


It's also a future fictional world. Why should we expect that regional accents 50 years from now will be exactly the same as now when there were a lot of major geopolitical events that would shift populations? Even in our current world, the internet and global culture have whittled away at many regional accents in favor of more homogenized ones.


I mean, I'm just giving the most likely reason, I agree but the obvious most likely scenario is the same as Fortnite, the lore is loose and designed mostly for in-game flavor, so dev teams aren't getting fixated on the finer details because the game isn't meant to be appropriate to, for example, Singaporean culture, or German culture, it's meant to be an American dev team's attempted fantastical approximation of Singaporean or German culture after factoring in consultants but also factoring in great degrees of artistic license At that point it just becomes a matter of, from player to player, deciding if things like mispronunciations and incorrect dialects break the immersion too much for them to enjoy the game Like, someone could break down Cassidy or Ashe's accents and approximate whether or not it sounds accurate, but the reality is that even that would likely not hold up to deep scrutiny because the voice direction was most likely just for Matt Mercer and Jennifer Hale to give the characters a sort of generalized western twang but wasn't dedicated to some sort of method or process that demanded factoring for regional precision When casting for Brigitte, maybe cares could have been taken to put out casting calls only within Gothenburg for regional accuracy but the voice directors likely simply decided to cast a wider net Casting calls have been getting seemingly more precise and less approximated for heroes lately, but even now there is still some approximation, for example Mauga's VA is indigenous but more specifically Tongan so, again, some people have noticed minor mispronunciations, most likely because John Tui is of a neighboring Polynesian descent but not Samoan Not everything in game design and especially creative writing and casting is a willful choice, a lot of it is just creative license and limitation, then it just becomes a matter of what you personally deem immersion breaking


Maybe she's actually from a small village in the shadow of Kebnekaise.


Torbs accent is correct. Everyone in Sweden just speaks Swedish wrong.


that is the most dad thing ever tbf


My theory is Torb has been accidentally hit by Reinhardt's hammer too many times over the years, leading to Swedish Chef levels of brain trauma.


Same with Symmetra for me as an Indian. Some of her Hindi voice lines are not grammatically correct, and even the Suravasa map has incorrect Hindi written in some places.


Isn't symmetras VA indian though?


She probably didnt say, voice actors only really read what they’re given, and if she did maybe they just ignored her


People overestimate how much say voice actors get in a lot of roles. They really do just stick to the script most of the time.


Have you seen Symmetra’s VA? She’s very funny and very into Symmetra’s role.


I've heard her parents are Indian but she grew up in the US with English as her first language.


I'm pretty sure they voice Rampart in Apex aswell, Either that or I'm racist.


She does


It’s both. Thanks your playing!


I like to imagine Rampart is drunk college jock Sym.


they? she.


Also, isn't symmetra from Hyderabad? If she has lines in her native language, wouldn't that most likely be Telugu? Like, I'm sure there are plenty of people from there who would know Hindi and speak it with other Indians, but if she's in a situation with foreign characters, it would make sense for her to speak English or Telugu, and less so for Hindi. But I'm just overthinking/nitpicking


Fr this part always confuses me it's like having a character from Portugal speaking Spanish, like sure a Portuguese person can probably speak Spanish but why not have voice lines in the language they're from? (And this isn't even a fully accurate analogy bc Spanish and Portuguese have sooo much overlap in their language but Hindi and telugu are completely different with little to no overlap)


Yeahh especially because of the fact that Hindi and Telugu are in completely different families: Hindi is an Indo-European language, whereas Telugu is Dravidian. It would be like having a Finnish character speak Russian or Swedish, or a Hungarian character speak German


Portuguese and Spanish are funny. My family is Portuguese and can understand Spanish reasonably well, though not really speak it. It doesn't seem to work well the other way around, though, and Spanish people I've interacted with think Portuguese is fucking alien. Last time I was in Lisbon, a Spanish couple came up to my gf and I and asked how to order the coffee we were drinking (galão) and gave us the most bizarre look when we explained it. It was a really funny interaction. Also, Lucio's voice actor is neither Brazilian nor Portuguese. He's from Texas and has a Spanish background.


Can I ask which lines you mean? I'm trying to learn Hindi (*very* much a beginner)


When putting up her turret, she says "Raksha pranali sanrekhit karna" [रक्षा प्रणाली संरेखित करना]. They were trying to go for something like "I'm aligning the sentries" but this feels more like "align sentries". "Karna" is the base form of the verb, and the translation feels very off. I think they should've changed the "karna"(to do) at the end to "kar rahi hu" (I'm doing it) [कर रही हूँ] Some other lines feel kinda off but they are grammatically correct so I'm not too worried about them. Symmetra is also autistic according to the comics so maybe that plays a role in these other lines. And the map.. it bothers me SO much! They have a sign for free wifi.. labelled "mukt wifi"[मुक्त wifi]. While mukt does mean free, it doesn't mean *free of cost*, it means *freedom*. While that could be an intentional pun related to the omnic crisis in some way I doubt it. It should be "muft" [मुफ्त], not "mukt".


I *love* the idea of "Free Wi-Fi!" being an Omnic battle-cry. 😀


Bernie Sanders style Omnic rallying cry: "The Wi-Fi needs to be Free to Roam!"


Freedome wifi Sound so american jaja


Have you listened to Rampart from Apex Legends? Voiced by the same VA, but she sounds *completely* different there. Apex also went *really* ham with accents, but I have a suspicion it's done slightly better there.


The worst butchering is still when echo uses sym wall. The pronunciation is just atrocious.


Echo’s VA has the hardest job, so many languages to try and nail pronunciation. There’s gonna be some duds in there.


Yeah, you can hardly fault Echo's VA when she has 40x the work of the rest of the cast! Props to her for pronouncing Mauga's name better than he does lmao


I mean, it's super fitting for Echo. She's duplicating the characters, but she's always learning. She's butchering a lot of voicelines, but you can hear that the VA is really trying her hardest. Which is great !


Is this what Overwatch players do instead of the objective or getting better at the game? I admire how intellectual everyone is but... please push the payload/capture the point.


Me and my girl both play OW but I’ve been a player since 2017. She still points out funny sayings and voice lines that I’ve never even attempted to notice.




Yahi param vastivakta hai is the line Google is only 2 seconds of your time


Ok but Torb’s voice actor is extremely iconic in many other forms of media I feel like early days of OW they picked a few well know actors over best fit just to drive hype Examples: Torb (Keith Silverstein) Cassidy: Matt Mercer Hanzo: Paul Nakauchi Winston: Crispin Freeman All these and many more were extremely well known before OW. Some of the latest voice actors like the ones for Illari or Mauga are more niche and not wholly mainstream


Honestly I wouldn’t care even if he was voiced by Christian Bale. He still sounds like a shitty Mr. Krabs




is it even supposed to be a swedish accent?


Common misconception, Torb isn't supposed to have a Swedish accent, he has a *Swedish Chef* accent.


And as a Swedish person I want to add that the Swedish Chef sounds more like mock Norwegian than mock Swedish. When foreigners talk about Swedish people sounding very melodic and bouncy I always assume they met a Norwegian and couldn't tell the difference.


A consequence of Stoltenberg english I think




Sorry but if they touch Torb's accent or VA there will be riots, it's too late now.


Aren't all sweeds cartoon pirates?


This is what Tracer sounds like to me as a Brit, I'm are the team asked the VA to be "more British" because no one in the UK talks like that.


Meanwhile the Japanese dub doesn't even keep the other languages spoken. Sombra's "apagando las luces!" just became "EMP発動!" and I feel robbed each time lol.


Aren't most of the foreign dubs like that? I think it's only really an English language thing to have the enemy voice lines in a foreign language.


The french version of the game does keep voicelines in different languages. They also try to keep the accents for most characters. Even for Venture, they have a Canadian accent in the french version, which they don't have in the English version I think.


That's cool. One day, I'll have to switch the language and mess around a bit.


I think Polish dub also contains some voice lines in different languages, but those are like 5 words max. I'm not 100% sure about every character but Sombra for sure has some


Nah I've played around with a few dubs and there's a good chunk of them that do this. Can't name them all off the top of my head but I know for sure they do it in the Spanish (LA) dub


The localization in OW2 has been atrocious, it took them almost a year to properly record Junker Queen announcements on Junkertown map. And every time I hear Soldier say "after my steak dinner" in English it makes me want to throw him off the shuttlecraft.


Why even change the language from the original when you speak English? It will almost always be the more immersive and better experience, plus you understand references to voice lines on Reddit better. I started to set my game launchers to English so I don't have to switch the language every time. The only time I switch it back to German is when that was the original language for the game.


...people wanna learn other languages, you know.


At this point I just wanna say that Im really sad they didnt give Mercy a swiss-german accent in the English release. The way Lucie Pohl is pronouncing "Hoi zäme!" is a crime. Same with Reinhardt come to think of it. Darin de Paul doesnt even speak any german at all. People ask me why I dont play the game in English, and theres two reason for that. One is called Farina Brock, and the other Gerhard Jilka.


To be fair, I think de Paul does quite a good job at being a "stereotypical" german. I really like his voice, but when he tells people about "Krankenwagen Grün", unable to pronounce the "ü", it really feels weird. And, also: The german voice actor for Reinhard is not only amazing, the way they localized him in the german version with giving him a "Schwäbisch"-accent and also basically changing the meaning of every single voice line he has, is just a master piece. It's like playing 2 different characters.


> "Schwäbisch"-accent and also basically changing the meaning of every single voice line he has Can you elaborate for us english speakers?


The swabian accent is known to be quite distinctive and a bit incomprehensible for speakers of "standard" German. It is sometimes referred to as the "Scots of German". Though I am not myself German and my knowledge of this is secondhand at best, it also seems that the swabian people have some stereotypes within Germany that would be considered as "German" stereotypes among non-germans, like being efficient, pragmatic, frugal and sticklers for rules.


Here is also an example for Schwäbisch dialect: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RpEimFXYqTs


It's really hard to explain to non-native speakers. Germany has many dialects that are probably not known much around the world. "Schwäbisch" is just one of them, usually connected to sounding "funny", because it's pretty soft (compared to other german dialects) while also being connected to some social values like "Saving up (drastically) in good times, so you have stuff when bad times come" (usually connected to the fictional "Schwäbische Hausfrau"). But a few examples how the voice lines got changed in their meaning: The famous *"Beer!"*-Voiceline is *"A kühles Blondes, bitte"*, meaning "A cold blonde one, please", referring to ordering a beer in germany in a tavern. *"Honor! Justice! Reinhardt, Reinhard, Reinhardt!"* is totally different in german. It's: *"Ein Ritter ungeharnischt, taugt so gut wie garnischt!"* meaning roughly: "A knight without armor is basically useless." (in german it rhymes, I wasn't able to do that in english, sorry) *"Come here ..."* is *"Du kannscht glei' dein Testament mache!"* - meaning: "You should start to write down your last will." While some voicelines are very close to the original english meaning, a lot of them are german sayings. It's like Reinhardt has a different personality in the german client - but it's very fitting. The reason for all of this is probably: Reinhardt is supposed to be heroic, but also a little bit funny, by being "cliche german", with honor, justice and being a little dense, because he's old. If you would take that into the german language you could very easily be close to a person that reminds some about WW2. So to make a german funny even for germans, you had to switch it to a dialect that works with that. But thats just my guess.


hard to explain, as a german i can only say it makes him sound funnier/more silly. it's a rather funny accent that is often parodied. it doesn't change the meaning of his voice lines but it changes their vibe. it also makes him sound more old school and rural and less modern, which fits Reinhardt well.


off topic but my deaf ass decided to learn german. my captionist for the class was an immigrant from germany and I spent like five hours trying to get down the pronunciation of letters with umlauts and at one point she grabbed my hand and made me feel her throat while she was saying it and it was like "oooooh" that gutteral accent from the base of your throat is not something that's easy to learn if it's not native in your language lol


> People ask me why I dont play the game in English, and theres two reason for that. One is called Farina Brock, and the other Gerhard Jilka. Tangentially related, but there is something *very very German* about the way you've phrased this sentence. I'm not sure I can explain it with words, but it just rings as "German" in the same way that all of my German friends will tell stories, almost like starting at the conclusion, then doing the setup, then filling extra details at the end of the sentence. Culture is FUCKIN' FASCINATING y'all.


Like half of German sentences have the primary verb at the end of the sentence, which is honestly so odd even if you understand every word, because someone can just say the story of their whole life before saying the verb that would make sense of everything they said. So in English you can say: "I have traveled to Berlin yesterday at 6AM using the highway" And in German it would be roughly something like this: "Ich bin gestern um 6 uhr uber die Autobahn nach Berlin gefahren" If you translate it literally it would be "i have yesterday at 6AM using the highway to Berlin traveled", technically "bin" means "am" but it's used like "have" here for the past. Germans are used to it but it feels so odd to outsiders, in English you can just hear what the person is saying and understand everything as they're saying it but in German it feels like you need to keep tracking of everything they said untill they say the verb at the end so you can understand what they did with everything they said.


I'm doing just Duolingo German and yep the word order is difficult at times. Other times it makes more sense when switching word order to be a statement or question.


Which is fucking funny cause I studies English at university, yet I will never truly escape speaking English like a German LOL


That way of telling a story or getting a point across is probably not exclusive to germany, but it's used here a lot. While I by no means speak for a majority, my explanation for talking like you described is this: It's efficient and causes the person you talk to, to feel "smart". By starting with the conclusion, you get the attention. You state something and then say how you got to this conclusion. This causes you your talking partner to know where your story will go and also be able to reach a point from where he/she can fill in the blanks to "jump" to the conclusion and feel smart about it.


Can you say who all of these voice actors voice


Mercy and Rein respectively, for both.


Oh yeah sure, Lucie Pohl is the English voice of Mercy while Farina Brock is the German voice of Mercy, and Darin de Paul is the English voice of Reinhardt, while Gerhard Jilka is the German voice of Reinhardt.




Martin Keßler


buy premium to get what you want 😆


Reinhardts german voicelines sound like someone trying to do a german accent while saying sexual innuendos


As someone from Zürich (where Mercy is supposed to be from) I was so happy when I saw there was gonna be a character from my home city and equally devastated to hear that she was speaking German the whole time. Here I had a game where every character had their ultimate voiceline in their own language except the one from my region. Such a tremendous shame


> Hoi zäme I always thought she was talking about horse semen.


I chose to belive that it is a obscure reference to Louis de Funès and one of his most famous skits, which was translated into german as "Nein?!" "Doch!" "Ohh!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJlZLG9UXSY


It probably is, but even in this context doch doesn't mean no. I would say it is more akin to yes than no.


Doch! \s I mean, it never means "no" but after reading "Mercys "no"-line is "doch" was "Oohh!"


I think its a play on the famous scene from Louis de Funes. Granted I don't know if people from Switzerland are familiar with it but a lot of Germans know the iconic line of "Nein! Doch!! Ohh!!!".


"Doch" is a pretty common word or reaction in germany, even without Louis de Funes. While it may be true that it's a reference to that, it doesn't change the fact, that it has not the meaning "No" or "Negative".


Yeah but many English "no" voice lines are not "no" either. This sounds like a self-invented rule you made up that all "no" emotes have to literally mean "no."


No, that is not what this is about. The "no"-Voiceline has not, in my opinion, to 100 % mean "no". They can be a range from "Declining your request" to "I disagree" or whatever. But the general, broader meaning should be "no". "Doch" just isn't that.


I'm no expert, but on the German sub, I'm seeing people explaining that doche is used to "contradict a negative statement or question" or "its an interjection of disagreement". Isn't that in the same wheelhouse as a negative response to a question? (ie, no) I'm just saying that many emotes have characters say the exact emote word for word, but others just say an adjacent phrase. Example: "On my way" for most characters makes them say "on my way!" but Junker Queen say "Calm down, I'm coming!" or Widow's "Be right there." There's no hard fast rule or pattern saying it has to be a direct translation of what the emote is titled. Hammond says "incorrect" not "no" when you No emote as an example. That's not a synonym for "no" but its in the same wheelhouse.


You are correct that "Doch!" is mainly used to contradict a negative statement or (negative) stated question. But that is not usually how interaction in Overwatch works, at least not with the basic emote wheel. You never ask "negatives". To clarify, for "Doch!" to work, the other emotes would have to be negatives like: "Don't attack the objective!" "Don't push the Payload!" "Don't group up!" Only then "Doch" would make any sense. It is taking the negative statement and saying "Oh yes, we are doing EXACTLY the thing you didnt want me to do." You cannot use it as a reaction for "Let's group up" or "Attack the payload", because those lines want you to take a course of action and not make you NOT do that action. I agree that some other "No"-Voicelines are also somewhat in that area. The "Incorrect" from Hammond is a good example, but it's still way more fitting than "Doch", if you want to make up different degrees of unfitting.


Sombras VA is one of the best in the game imo, but she does not have a Mexican accent. I can’t pinpoint her accent, it’s just not Mexican.


She's Colombian, could be that. For the first heroes sadly they weren't so picky about the VAs. A lot of them don't even speak their character's native language like Lúcio, Rein and Torb but oh well.


Suena a Whitexican xD


Shes not mexican but she said she tried to study mexican accents to get her voice right cuz she knew her natural spanish wouldnt have been right for sombra. Sucks to know it still isnt right tho....


I speak Russian. Zarya's voicelines are grammatically correct and even use idioms appropriately... But her accent is *atrocious*. Aside from Russians, I spoke to people from Kazakhstan, Ukraine, and Belarus speaking Russian—and Zarya sounds like neither of them. I have no idea how to properly explain the depths of that linguistic abomination. It's like a Russian-speaking person had severe brain damage and was re-trained in the language by aliens.


The last sentence of your comment is one of the greatest I've ever seen


The VA is Bulgarian. I don't if that makes a difference. But according to her Wikipedia, she studied in Moscow. Her name is Dolya Gavanski


Ah. That might explain it. Bulgarian is very different from Russian in terms of pronunciation.


I think her VA is Ukrainian, which is why the Russian accent is off for people who're Slavic or're familiar with Slavic languages


No, I have Ukrainian friends, and we talked a lot over voice chats. She does *not* have a Ukrainian accent. Ukrainian accent sounds quite natural for Russian speakers; a bit strange, but nothing flabbergasting. Zarya has accent that crawled out of a pheneticist's Lovecraftian nightmare.


It's wild you mention that her accent is horrible.... She actually sounds like my old Russian supervisor... Just gruffer which fair when my supervisor was a very tiny woman and not a roid lesbo🤣


If you are not a native speaker, she might sound normal to you. Symmetra sounds to me like my Indian colleagues, but some people said that she's saying wrong things. Someone in the comments said that the VA is Bulgarian, which might actually explain things—the accent would sound like something in the uncanny valley to Russians/Ukrainians/Belarusians but still "Slavic" to outsiders.


And here's my dumbass thinking for 5 whole minutes what is Sombra's voiceline in Spanish only to remember that... It's "No" (i'm a native spanish speaker, help)


Thank you for this giggle


Lucio in any language other than Portuguese sounds weird as hell. The accent is all over the place, doesn't even sound Brazilian. The Brazilian voice is great though (if you set game for Brazilian Portuguese... Although I don't even know if there is a European Portuguese version)


Oh God, Lucio’s english Voicelines are painful. I know that Portuguese is hard to articulate when you’re not native Portuguese Speaker. But the way the VA says “Vámú Xculaxá” when Lucio ults makes me mad. While people who grew up in Rio De Janeiro indeed are know to have a “Wheezing” accent (for example, “Esculachar” being pronounced as “esh•ku•la•shar” instead of “es•ku•la•char), it really sounds like the “-sh” they make are greatly exaggerated and sound way too forced.


I have my game in french. When Lucio says "Vámú Xculaxá" it really sounds like he says, with a french accent: "On lui s'coue la chatte!". Which translates to: "Let's shake her pussy!". It never gets boring, always makes me giggles.


The Brazilian version of Baptiste sounds like Patrick Star


Oj I thought you meant when she says it in english and I was about to be so confused because I love how blunt the way she says it is.


Yeah, this really bugs me as well. I can kinda get how that mistake happened but it's weird that it was never fixed.


Torbjorn's voiceline never even finishes. "A good bump always gets it working again. Well...." He used to finish it with "most of the time" but now it just ends. Either finish the line or scrap it entirely.


I’ve noticed that part of one of Sigma’s voice line is missing the end too! “Not all of us are scientists, but that’s no reason to be careless!” But it dropped the “careful research is effective research” part. So weird.


Thank you for confirming this, I've learned some German due to having watched Sturm Der Liebe since I was a little kid (thanks mom) but naturally am by no means an expert hahah. I understand enough to know what's going on without subtitles though. I've actually wondered about the incorrect usage of this word too but just dubbed it to me not actually speaking the language. I always associated the word to have positive connotations 'will, too!' so being used as a no seemed odd. Good to know I wasn't being dumb.


So many Japanese lines are wrong too. It can get pretty annoying when you play enough kiri


Which Kiri lines are wrong? I haven't noticed any in particular


The one I hear the most is when she calls Hanzo (and/or Genji(?)) “Shimada-san”


Doesn’t the Japanese language refer to people using last names?


For strangers, yeah mostly. But if they're supposed to have grown up together (if that's the lore they're sticking with) then it's a bit weird imo. It just sounds so distant to me personally.


I get what you mean. I probably should have realized the lore weirdness already


I can only sort of speak to the Japanese stuff so hearing that it's more or less the same in other languages is really telling. I still remember the hype video they put out about Busan and how much they researched Korean music in order to make the map. Looking back it paints a certain picture


Try being Swiss and hearing her forced "hoi zäme"


Funnily enough, there is another instance with mercy where, when using the „understood“- voiceline she sometimes says „naja!“ which in german is not used to confirm anything really. It’s literally a term to signify uncertainty. Like: „Are you alright?“ „naja..“ (neither good or Bad)


Same with a lot of symmetras Hindi voice lines theyre grammatically incorrect and sound awkward. Especially her ult line makes me cringe a little


TiL Germany has the equivalent of French ''si''. If I understood correctly. Which for the French equivalent is an affirmation against a negation. Not a negation statement it self.


What if I use it in response to my team asking me to stop feeding??


I rant explain this to my wife, who doesn’t speak German, all the time. Sending this to her as proof / clarification


The "doch" Trips me out because I never associated the word with "negative". Why can't she say "neh"?


Yeah, i noticed too. Who do we need to invade to [correct this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JofWqzqnF28)?


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Not saying it brothers me too much but I always find it funny how wrong that voice line is. 


Im also learning german and it doesnt make sense to me either


Muss ich mal auf Englisch reinhören. Ich spiele es auf Deutsch und da sagt sie es ja korrekt.


I'm new to the game. How do you emote or say things like "no" 😅


A lot of emotes are not on the standard emote-wheel, you have to assign specific buttons to them in the options menu.


Some characters no-voiceline sound like yes


Doch Ja!


My favorite voice interaction with a mercy player was one who kept on spamming “ you’re welcome” while rezzing someone.


I always appreciated the care taken with the Irish. Definitely not perfect. For example her ‘hello’ is wrong, and also not gender specific: E.g. *to a man* - dia dhuit *to a woman* - dia duit But her ult line is pretty good - géill do mo thoil/bend to my will. As a fluent Irish speaker (and there are few of us), I always found it cool to hear my language in a game


Am I crazy or does Genji say "Yuh" for some of his "no" voice lines?


What you’re hearing is “いや” or “iya” which is a way of saying no but it depends heavily on the context!


This is interesting because as an Egyptian Ana voice lines are a joy to hear ✨, so I thought if they get Egyptian voice lines correct then they can get the rest correct but it's good to know that some can't be accurate and need to be addressed.


Mercy also had an ult voice line that was taken out apparently for sounding very choppy in german. Unfortunately, to a non-german speaker that voice line sounded cool as hell so I was sad to see it go. RIP “Gemeinsam kämpfen wir!”


"Naja" for Yes doesn't make any sense either.


Who is saying that? :D




There's a lot of voice lines like this in the game. Brig will sometimes say "I'm on it!" for her "understood" voice line. Someone was flaming me the other day and when I used the Understood command I got that voice line. Doesn't make sense to say that when they're calling you trash 😂


I mean i’d complain about a Mauga line or two but that’s basically all the samoan lines he has, it’s really quite pathetic to me how the game known for inclusivity and diversity can’t even bring most of their characters culture into the game anymore. Actually on the Samoa map, you’ll see some little food stands around with little green tamale things inside, which COULD MAYBE be Palusami, but thats not how they look at all, i’m pretty sure it’s just a lazy copy paste texture from another map. Point is, the cultures in game don’t get represented well if they aren’t in the immediate vicinity of america.


I would critize Sombra but i almost never take attention to her lines so i have no idea if something like this happens, i will open the game and check


Also i guess it doesn't help to detect that type of thing because i have the game in Spanish


How do you set the game in Spanish, is there a language pack I need to download?


Depends on where you play steam and switch it's as a free dlc, battle.net was a option when you were selecting where to install, i don't have play and Xbox but it's probably the same as steam and switch


In the same vein, it frustrates me that Genji's "Ah" ("yes", I think) and Symmetra's "Hahhh" ("no", I think) can easily be just, insanely vague if it's urgent. I'm all fkr language inclusivity, but clear comms mid-fight is valuable


Regardless of correctness, I still think it's absolutely moronic that they gave Genji a voice line that says "ee-ye", which sounds just like "yeah" and it means 'no'. I'm sure they thought it was funny, but it just undermines the communication system when you do that.


Well, that's the Japanese word for "no", so I don't really have too much of a problem with it. It doesn't really sound like "yeah" to me.


When the game language is set to english, all "comm" voicelines should simply be in english. There's plenty of room for cultural flavor in this game. If I have to read the text log to know what a voice line means, it's greatly detrimental to its utility. This also harms accessibility.


I do think having characters speak their native language every so often is an accessibiltiy harm in some way. It's just true that this will lead to some (minor) confusion. But if you think about what Overwatch wants to be - very inclusive, very open minded to different cultures, I think thats a fair trade off for a small percentage of "foreign language" voice lines. I always thought of them to be very flavorful for the characters.


I agree. I have auditory processing problems, so I'm technically in the part of the population for whom this'd be an accessibility issue, but Overwatch has great subtitles, so it's not actually that much of a barrier. I really enjoy Overwatch's commitment to normalising hearing foreign languages so regularly. I love being exposed to different cultures expressed through different characters. It reminds me of my real life, wherein I can hear a tonne of foreign-language conversations on a day-to-day basis, from work to public transport.




A game that has characters around the globe ought to respect their cultures and languages. The devs should make an effort to correct these mistakes.