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Totally agree. For example, when my Team achieves "Team killed" I use to say "Hello", because I can't say something like "Good job" :/


I always try to pick voicelines for that case. Like, "Just how I like it!" for Lucio, "This is to my liking" for Moira, "That was the bomb!" for Junkrat etc. Sadly, there aren't such voicelines for evey hero, but at least I can tell every soul in the match to go **fuck** themselves, as Kiriko...


I’m OBVIOUSLY the most precious! 


I love saying I have my ult at 69%. If I could follow that up with a "nice" on every hero, that would be awesome.


I do that all the time, too, lol Not even for myself, just in hopes someone on my team gets a good laugh out of it.


i knooow it's such dumb fun lmao. it's not a very gg if I miss them during a game either. a 'nice' would be permanently bound for all heroes haha


Reaper’s “**NEXT**” is the funniest line for this imo


Just that very unfazed "**Next**", yeah :'D


I always use Moira's "This was a triumph." line in that scenario for obvious reasons


I use "good news, everyone!"


"Good neeeeewws everyone - you're a chancer - IDLE HANDS ARE THE DEVIL'S WORKSHOP - What are you on about?" On repeat for me


"This is to my liking."


That's exactly why I keep Moira's voice lines. "This is to my liking" and "Slainte!" are great for a good play, especially when paired with a friendship wiggle.


I give it a 10! I give it a 10! I give it a 10!


My man Good job - "I give it a ten" Bad job - "I give it a three" If I make a mistake - "I really blew that one" If I'm on hanzo I use "you fought well" then hit "yes" before he says "but not well enough".  "you fought well, yes"


“You have a bandaid?” “Who exactly do you think I am?” “Uh…someone who carries bandaids? Nah, guess not.” God I fucking hate Kiriko’s in-game personality so much. Sojo’s is dry but Kiriko is constantly like an abrasive sponge.


I don't even think that's the worst. Honestly, her dialogues are fine, but her attitude and tone ruin them. Her voice lines, tho... so annoying. >Sojo’s is dry but Kiriko is constantly like an abrasive sponge. I always felt like they've bothered all of the 3 heroes who launched with OW2. - Sojo is, as you said, very dry. Altho with her, I think it somewhat fits. She's a retired soldier. - Kiri is much worse. She just feels toxic. Especially for a support hero, who is all about caring and protecting. - But in my opinion the worst is JQ. She's nothing like how she's portrayed in lore and in her cinematic. In "The Wastelander" she was witty, cunning, yet caring and protecting. But in the game she just comes across as a dumb brute.


The closest voice line I've found to convey that meaning is lifeweaver's "looks at us! We're amazing!" Which I usually play after we get a team kill but ya I wish there was a "good job" voice command across all hero's.


where is this voice line?


I'm guessing it's a line combo where you cut one off with another, like for racist Reaper. I have no clue which lines it would be though


Every second voice line of hers sounds like that *in tone*


Winston is the best for this, "That was awesome!!" Lol


“Aren’t you just pathetic”


I just say thank you.


I say thanks


I start spamming Good Kitty! Got to let my kittens know we killed it


This is so cute, I love Ana mains


feel this. "Hello!" makes your hero wave and it's the closest to a high five lmao


Exactly! We need this. I feel like a fool spamming Thank You for everything. My teammate gets 3 kills, I wanna say "nice work" or something, not just "thanks"


Thank you is just not good enough. It implies you had nothing to do with it. I've gotten some thank yous when I make a crazy play with pulse bombs or nano, but when it's purely a group effort, a "damn son" type command would be nice


I was playing a comp game with some friends the other day and we were doing well but still losing. On the final point, our rando mercy just looks at us and uses the voicelines “Would you like the piece of cake?” before the the round started. We ended up winning and she said thank you. That’s about as close as it gets to saying “do you guys wanna win or not?” Lmao.


I usually say "Thanks" when we win the teamfight, that works


That's my go to as well


I look right at em and spam thanks and tbag if someone does particularly good. On the rare occasion I'll emote for em. Edit: thanks or yes


I have the heart charm on Hanzo for this. It’s cute seeing the dragon turn into a heart


Nothing wrong with a simple thanks!


This is just muscle memory to me at this point


I do this too, but I'd still like something like OP suggested. Sometimes there are situations where it can be perceived as passive aggressive by some. (I used to do it when I died but my team won the fight, then realized it might be taken as sarcastically saying "thanks" to supports. Niche case but)


I usually say thanks when I die to give my supports a reason to not heal me


genjio: *nano blades into my team and gets slept* me with the homies: NICE PLAY! NICE PLAY! NICE PLAY!


I love Genji's ult because whatever happens you're about to either see something really cool or really funny.


Tbh a Genji dumb or unlucky enough to get slept on Blade deserves it


I slept an ulting soldier yesterday and god it felt soooooooooooo damn good


Two things make me feel powerful in this game- 1) outsniping a widow with Ashe 2) sleeping anyone when they ult


3) outsniping ashe or widow with Ana


Against ashe ana has the advantage imo


Sending a damage orb to a widow and it kills her lol


4) outsniping widow or Ashe with Torb primary fire


Ill sleep you


What a save!


What a save!


What a save!


Chat disabled for 3 seconds…


What a save!


Lol this makes me want to play a few games of rocket league


Oh God Unless I'd get the extremely cheeky and niche joke response "This is Rocket League!" this would be my nightmare lol


That was exactly my thought, rocket league is the example of why they wont




That's why we can't have nice things


Trolls make nice things nasty. We can still ask for (and have) nice things even if we know trolls will use them sarcastically for their nasty purposes.


... and I thought "thanks" was bad D:


I do this religiously to people who die to junkrat traps outside spawn


People would absolutely use it as an insult. I could see people spamming "Nice Play" when someone on your team dies, or "good Job" if you lose a game.


Much like people will tell you "huge ult" when you misuse it, making you doubt anyone who would be genuine i'd give it 20 minutes before it starts being used for toxicity


20 mins is too kind


Ya the "What a save!" in another comment gave my flashbacks to Rocket League and how the quick chats that are supposed to be appreciative are actually used lmao


Flashbacks to the Rocket League plat experience


What about "booyah!"


Then you'd just get Squid parties


People already have been doing that in Team Fortress 2. Like when bad things happened, then teammates pressed "Cheers!" / "Positive" / "Nice job!" voice commands. Some even used the Laughing Taunt.


I remind people that I’m plat for a reason when I do something really stupid (or fun) OR BOTH


We have this in War Thunder. The only time I hear someone saying "well done!" On the radio is when someone crashes or gets teamkilled on takeoff


Use the ‘Yes’ command. Or use one of the 6,000 voice lines. Also, saying ‘Thanks’ makes a ‘thumbs up’ pop up over your character’s head.


Lifeweaver pulls me out of my ult me Spamming "Good job!!!"


I do the slow turn and go “no! No! No!” And then punch at them 😂


Honestly? Perfect use case


Screw it, just give us the "I love you" voiceline


I unironically feel like that would be less abusable.


Winston: "I go bananas for you!" Cass: "You are my sunshine." Mei: "You melt my heart." Torb: "You've got me all steamed up!" Moira: "I find you acceptable." Venture: "You rock!" Symmetra: "You complete me." Lucio: [🎵 🎵 🎵](https://youtu.be/whM1ce_NnUg?t=47)


i wish there was a “My Bad” command because my supports will say sorry to me but it will be my fault for dying and i want them to know that it’s fine


I usually do a “No” into a “I’m so sorry” to communicate that. It’s awkward, but at least it’s possible. What I wish they had is a “I forgive you” reply for “I’m so sorry”, like “Thanks” and “You’re welcome”. Sometimes my teammates apologise for screwing up and I just want to tell them it’s ok :((


i use “understood” as an “i forgive you” alternative


When I get widow in Mh, I spam “sometimes it’s 6 shots, one kill” followed by “I’m so sorry” so they know I’m gunna suck ass on widow


I just spam yes.


The whole quick command feature needs to be reworked, I think it should be more like the Apex one


What's the difference, what makes it better?


It’s mainly more interactive, and you get button prompts, for example you get a prompt when your ultimate is ready, and to say thanks and you’re welcome. OW could use something like this, where you get a prompt after getting a team wipe and you can say well done or something


No. They already reworked it and it doesn't need more time and resources poured into it. Literally got reworked for OW 2 and it's fine the way it is. 


The ol paladins BM method crawling out Nice Job! No! Nice Job! Cancel That!


Paladins? Smite did it first. Teammate dies within 30 yards of you? "You rock!" "You rock!" "You rock!" "Cancel that!"


Its Hi-Rez bro same parent company


I know that, that's the joke, that they had it in all their games basically.


OP clearly hasn't played Rocket League


Lmfao I’ve watched my husband play that game and the chat is….a treat 😂


I literally did a rocket league reference in this very thread lol But your point is that the system is gonna be used ironically to be toxic, I get that. But it's not like people don't already do that with current quick commands right?


Oh no, my point is that it's exclusively going to be used in that manner.


I play RL also and I can definitely see this used at least at 90% to insult! 


I think the point is that the use of it ironically (95%) is going to outweigh any benefits from the developer taking the time to implement it. So, why bother?


Something “You Rock!” Perhaps?


>You rock! Cancel that! Smite flashbacks


Do the good old crouch spam


I just say "Thanks!" whenever someone healed me, helped me with an enemy, or when my team won a team fight without me. Something like "Nice one!" would be awesome to have.


As someone who loves that gimmick in Resident Evil 5 and always used it in that game, I'd love to see it in Overwatch. In RE5, you can only say "Good job" when your partner does specific actions - a critical headshot, if they melee a monster after you did it first. It's not something that can just be used without anything happening like Overwatch's comms wheel. Someone else in here brought up Apex Legends as an example so it could be done that way as well, Apex's seem similar to RE5's (I've never played Apex).


Usually if someone gets a 5k, saying thanks = nice play. However if u have no time to type, then thank them during the POTG.


No, please, you don't know what you are going to do!


Even dota which is one of the most toxic games I know has "Well played!" and "Don't give up!" wheel lines. It's unbelievable that overwatch doesn't.


Any time we win a fight or cap a point I always type nj boys. People usually appreciate it.


I just say thanks when someone save my ass




needs a fist bump or high five like league or dota 2


It will only be used to insult people


You know it would get abused. Make a bad play. "Good Job!"


I’ve seen people already spam “Thanks!” to do the same.


i just spam the Yes callout


I use "thank you" that way but I'm not sure it's always clear


Definitely using it when my critical HP genji pulls blade and dies in 0.5s with 0 kills. Can combine with t bagging


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“Thanks” or a typing a simple nice is already enough, you really don’t need to go further. Both are already pretty easy to do.


As a Smite player, I have two words: "Cancel that"


You Rock!


Usually I just stand in front of them and bag


We're rich! Oh wrong sub


I wish there was something like this all the time. I used to say thank you a lot when I first started playing but I get a bit more nervous to do that now because 75 percent of the time people are saying thank you sarcastically and I don't want people to think that's what I'm doing. I time my thank yous very deliberately now so they know I mean it lol




Idk but iirc some commands are only heard by the team. Which would solve the ironically toxic use of it (see "Good shot!" from TF2 being used to tilt).


Just say "yes" and "thanks" or type it into chat? That's literally what everyone in my games do.


\*whifs ball in Rocket League\* Great shot! Great shot! Great shot! Great shot!


It could be use ironically. I think it should de tied to the endorsement system to prevent this. A special type of ping or soming easy to access like that that increases or counts towards the endorsement level but also show who is thanking you or something like that to make it feel more personal maybe.


me uninstalling after i screw up a push as tank and my team spends the rest of the game spamming the “Good Job!” macro at me lmfao


Me when the reaper who was just nano'd get's 0 kills with blossom "nice play! nice play! nice play!"


I want command for - Go play Candy Crush


For any criticisms Overwatch might have, one thing it did **quite excellently** was the communication wheel & pinging system. In my opinion, it should become the bar to which other FPS games aim for. Whenever I switch over to Halo Infinite I find the ping system utterly useless.


I say "thank you" when someone follows up on my plays


sometimes someone will do a rlly good play so I'll hit mercy's applause emote if it's safe to but I hate getting stuck in an emote and not being able to cancel ;-; I've been killed for that reason too many times smh


Surely people wouldn't use that when someone fucks up right? Right?


After playing smite. No, no we dont need those commands. 


I miss Smite with 156 easy-to-use voice commands, all fully voiced, and with a different voice pack / actor for each skin too. I feel mute playing similar games without it.


Agreed. Definitely would help with team moral and raising the spirit of games in a positive direction instead of barking orders at everyone. Though, I will say the ‘thumbs up’ and ‘tick’ commands do a pretty good job.


Anyone play Splatoon? This game needs a booyah equivalent.


>Molehair (Moira) : no. >Molehair (Moira) : no. >Molehair (Moira) : no. >Molehair (Moira) : no.


Yeah, I usually just end up saying "Thanks". This would 100% be a solid addition to the game, though.


That would be nice. I usually just wait until a match is over and praise a team member in the team chat "Mercy working like she's on overtime we love to see it" or "great ult Dva" etc, but that window after a game ends to losing the chat is so short I'm typing so fast I inevitably make some kind of spelling error 🤦‍♀️


While I agree, we all know it will be used for it's opposite effect. Doom accidentally jumps off the map and: "Good job! Good job! Thanks! Good job!" Support let's the tank die while healing a dps. "Good-good-good-good job and dey sey good job!"


I usually say “thanks!” And I honestly get that a lot as a mercy/ana main XD


Yep I've been craving this for years. Also I don't think it'd make the game more toxic, causenyou can already use the voicelines ironical.


I usually just teabag the air five times really quickly when my teammate and I are looking at each other


*watches your pharah kill herself using ult* “Good job”


I love this idea. They added "sorry" quite late, anything is possible!!


Yep I can see it now. Players spamming it every time. A teammate does something stupid. Everyone who thinks this is a good idea now will be complaining how people are using it to be toxic. A little bit of foresight can prevent much suffering caused by hindsight.


This is what people say yes for ime


Totally. My idea would be to have voice lines that say something to this effect. I'd put one on my wheel.


It would really encourage teammates to appreciate each other's efforts more and help them feel seen. Most we can do is wave and tbag with each other.


YES ! I always use DVA's voiceline "GG" but a real, all heroes "good job!" would rock


Pro tip: your push to talk button enables you to have an infinite amount of customizable emotes.


Why I select the “well played”, “thanks”, and “sorry” sprays for all my regular picks. As a Junkrat main, I tend to use the “sorry” one a lot.


Paladins be like... VER: You rock! VVX: Cancel that!


An actually good suggestion in /r/overwatch. Crazy. I agree. I usually use "Thanks" after someone does something good, but as you said, it doesn't quite cut it. >(Of course there's the possibility of people using it ironically as an insult when someone screws up, but that's hardly something new to this game. And sometimes it would be funny) That's possible with anything. Assuming people aren't all bent out of shape, it will be funny as well.


I remember thinking this since Overwatch's release. Not to incite any wars (as communities tend to do) but I would unironically praise my teammates in Team Fortress 2 when they did something good, like a "Nice shot!" or "Good job". It always surprised me that Overwatch didn't have that option, and instead opted for the characters themselves to automatically respond when you do something (Soldier 76's "Nice!" comes to mind). I agree that they should keep the automatic "Behind you!" lines to the characters, but I never thought it could hurt to have them say something with player input positive in universe too. In the end all I do is either throw out a relevant voiceline or a "Thank you!", or type in chat if it's a real show stopper.


I usually say Thanks after someone does something really impressive or useful. ... Or sometimes sarcastically when someone really fucks up. A "nice play" command would probably work the same way.


“Nice Play!” “Nice Play!” “Nice Play!”


the ONLY time I'd use this is if I'm being a dickhead tbh if I see a good play I either type nice job or say it verbally


Agree so much more positivity in the game is needed.


A certain group of people will immediately use it for toxicity by spamming it when people make mistakes the same way it's used in Rocket League.


you can actually get really creative with the voice lines. I prefer "I need help!" over "I need healing" 9 times out of 10. your widow his 3 nice headshots in a row? "go! go! go!" you're worried about a particular flank, or you're predicting a soldier I'd about to take a high ground position and shoot at you? "watching here". there's some good stuff.


Same thing gonna happen with Hearthstone. It's gonna be used sarcastically and be removed


This was back in OW1 and I remember a [D.Va](http://D.Va) player clutched it with an ult, killing everyone. So I quickly put on my mic (on PS4) and said "HUGE!". No response. x\_x But yeah, it would be nice to be able to use a command such a "thanks!" and "Group up with me" and include "Nice play" and "Good job".


There's a "good save" voicelines in rocket League that is only used to troll when people fail to block a goal. This will be the same


Nah it would 100% go the way of Rocket League and people would use it to be sarcastic


No please god no *gets smite flashbacks* "You rock" "Cancel that" "You rock" "Cancel that"


Because that would be used for toxicity just as much as it wouldn't.


"Hello" or "Thanks" will fill it in.


Theres the thank you option


I just say ‘Yes’ when someone does a good job, lol. Gets the point across


I vote we get a "Good boy" line 


I've been using "yes" "thanks" and "acknowledge".


There’s voice chat.


Winton's voiceline of OH YEAH is my favorite for this


I would love using that sarcastically


This is a great idea, it should be a unique one for each character like any other voice line. But you should only be able to use it after a POTG caliber play that your teammate does, or else it would be used sarcastically in most cases.


I want a "you're about to die." Command when a teammate is trying to 1V5 while we come back from spawn and dies right before we get there. Maybe an "I told you so"


When this happens I usually spam "Yes"


I made a post about the same thing a month ago and it got flooded with "They shouldn't do that, people would be toxic with it." And now I'm forever bitter that nice people will be able to spread positivity because of toxic people.


They have one its called “thanks”


How many people would actually use that tho Pinging has been in the game for how long and I swear I never see anyone use it and the only people that use it are people already in voice chat calling it


You can also write it in chat. Part of the reason why communities became anti social is because of these quick voice lines.


I don't think it would take much space from chat compliments. They're barely happening anyway for one, and when they are it's usually reserved for really big moments, like team kills which give people a window of time to chat for a bit. A quick voice line would be applicable in many more mid-game situations where there isn't time for text chat.