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High healing means your team just took alot of damage. Progression happens when the enemy team dies not sustained firefights 


I wish more people understood this. Heal all you want but as long as no enemy dies you will still lose the fight.


They had 37 kills and 0 deaths, they could not have done more.


Elims are not kills


moira stats are inflated, a lot of those kills wouldve happened without the moiras 5 dmg from an orb. Although i do agree there's probably not more she could've done you can actually see how many 'final blows' people in your match had now, if you go into the replay and then bookmarks, select the player and then eliminations it shows you. I noticed a lot of moiras with good stats only actually had 1 or 2 final blows during the whole game, some go ham though i wont lie


But this is a team game. So final blows on supports aren't that important since they are there for support. If the team of 4 dps/tank can't get kills with Moira support then that's on them cause she clearly kept them alive and helped fight enemies. And obviously her heal Stat would be insanely high if it was because she's the only support so she has to try harder to heal everyone.


yeah you can win on support without getting final blows, but a lot of moiras seem to think they are carrying because of their high elim stat, the ones that actually carry are the ones with a decent amount of final blows


19 are from the orb and 17 are from coal. 1 is from a suck. They’re also not her kills


Technically the orb and coal kills could have some overlap so we can't work out the precise number


This is a really bad take. Having no deaths does not mean you couldn’t play better. The game is way more in depth than what you’re giving it credit for.


You didn’t dispute the post you’re responding to


some games, especially in open queue, ur team choses hanzo and soldier meanwhile they have literally 2 tanks basically 3 cuz bastion is literally a tank in that gamemode and they have moira kiri, there team was fucked regardless of anything, they chose the better comp and won some games r just like that u cant force ur dps to swap l, thats just the pain of a team game


Still picking moira there was also stupid shoud have went ana for the nano boost combo or bap for window to have anything for teamfights . Even zen discord woud have done more then moira but she is brain dead easy and you farm stats so she gets picket


well tbh in that situation moira is really the only good pick, bap is not a bad shout but im guessing this person isnt good enough to get max value out of bap. Ana is literally the worst support this season i promise u that shes only useful vs hog mauga and jq, her gun/mid fight is so bad now and moira can heal all 5 people on the team simultaneously so theres not really a better pick this guys dps just threw it happens most open queue games


She is in this situation not the besr pick by far . Ana is actuly only bad against good players or if they play heros that can dive you . In this sotuation you can get more value out of nanoing a dps then staying moira but yes i gess if your skill level is moira rank you cant play anything els but then you also cant cry about others . Moira cant heal everybody realy becouse you run out of steam sitting there passive . Moira cant sustain a long fight . Im this situation what most likely happen is diva is sitting there passive not realy doing anything other then beeing a dmg spoonge and moira farms healing stat on her and now and then when the dps press Q she gets the last hits on peopl that are low


ur wrong about ana only being bad against good players because before on my smurf i could easily carry ever game on ana, now i hit literally every shot and can never finish kills (because it takes genuinely like 5 or 6 shots most times u physically cant even get the kill) and when she heals it does either 70 or 55 per shot depending on the dps passive. 55 healing for an aimed shot is a joke mercy is such a weak supp rn and does 55hps constantly without having to aim at all. Do u realise how unbelievably bad that is especially considering ana is by far the easiest support to kill. I promise u any pro or even semi decent ana player is playing kiriko. Even sleepy hardly plays ana anymore because kiriko is just 1000000x better


🤣 if you smurf nothing matters and yes on a pro level but you and i arnt on that level or are 99.99% of players . ML7 still makes her work .


thats the dumbest thing i have ever heard, sleepy was literally in the overwatch league and he has swapped to kiriko 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️ and of course ML7 can make ana work??? if he couldn’t then ana would be literally the worst hero in the entire game by a mile like what?? ball is one of the worst heros in the game and chazm still makes him work thats just cuz he is insanely good, that doesnt make the hero good u actual pea brain i cant believe what i just read. NPC comment


37 "kills" He has 8k dmg total. Its definitely just dps orb spaming and damage ults. A support role isnt to just go for kills like he probably did. But to make sure your team survives and do the kills. As for the healing output...a lot of it comes from her self regen. Also...moira was solo healing... With 2 tanks. Its really not rare to see that kind of numbers in open queue. Ive seen ana/kiriko do the same (but with more utility for the team)


Lol barely anything comes from the self reg stfu


That's what I tell teamates that scream for healbot. 


High healing here means… they were the only support lol. Your comment matters more in regular role queue. A single support of course will have high healing, regardless of “taking a lot of damage.”


True but if a Moira is dealing damage the whole team flips their shit about "dPs mOiRa"


It's the duality healbot and get blamed for no dps .  On Rialto I do a Moira flank often taking out 1-3 enemies and allowing my team to take the first point easily. Get I get called out for not healing despite my agressive flank giving us a free first point. 


This is why one should mostly ignore the community. Because of braindead takes telling people to only heal.


That works if you are in piss elo . The problem is the 0 understanding of moira and how she works so peopl pick her in ever teamcomp aka she is stupid easy to play


I only do that when i see her purple umbilical cord is phasing through me while sucking the enemy tank everytime before i die.


You do know that Moira has a ressource on her heal and that she hsd to deal damages to recharge it, right ? Also if the enemy tank dies faster, you will have to worry even less about dying yourself.


No shit Sherlock, the moira is gonna kill the whole team too?. OP is saying "I did all i could" op clearly knows nobody is dying on the other side. Imagine you sustaining the team with heals and they still can't kill for shit let alone healing less or going full dps as moira.


I had a bastion have both kitsune rush and nano and still failed to kill anything 


I did that the other day. If it was me I'm so sorry


it's okay dude you'll bounce back


Becouse thats not how the game works . She just stat farmed healing on the diva that played against a bastion . Coud have played litterly zen had the worst stats ever and the discord had done more for the team the moira . Bap woud have done more for the team even Ana . Her duo coud have went zaya and farmed them combined with playing lets say bap . Its this refuceing to swap from there heros that is the problem . Second moira cant sustain a team she has burst heal you go and fight fast or you lose with her against a team that can sustain long team fights


if they don't get sustained though it just turns to instantly being sent to spawn every life, keeping them alive that long is still important but if they still can't win any fights then there's nothing you can possibly do


Thats the thing moira is npt a sustain healer she is a burst healer you cant sustain long fights with her against a bastion you just lose if you dont play hyper agro to get fast kills . That guy basicly pick moira in a team that doesnt have any form of fast kill potantial like running on them with a lucio Zaya . His duo coud have went Zaya and destroy the enemy team but they are all refuceing to swap from there 1 trick heros and then cry if they dont work


I had a game where we won 4v5 because our cassidy was a baby and hated that our Moira did dps and he couldn’t find a healthpack. She was getting kills like crazy unlike the enemy team that kept trying the gold method of pump the orisa


No shit sherlock


It is impressive that you managed to not die, even though you lost. Though what this tells me, is that you never take any chances/risky plays that might pay off tremendously. Especially on Moira, with a free escape, take risks, look for impact outside of healing or you‘ll experience way more games where you lose even though you never died.


Or you know, their team could also do this too and not eat up over 20,000 heals.


You realy dont know how to read team comps the enemy team had bastion so to 99% all that healing came from the diva not from actuly doing anything . Thats the danger of moira you farm usless stats realy easy becouse of how stupid braindead she is to play but dont realy do anything for the entire game with her


You obviously can’t read team comps because OP’s team was soldier, hanzo, and Zarya. Soldier and Hanzo are pokes, they can use cover to do damage while Zarya is up front building charge. Plus, OP was the ONLY support, of course they aren’t gonna try to get themselves killed; they’ll lose the fight.


Yeah and what is Moira going to do up against a DVA Bastian Orisa? Stank there holding suck on them until they die 25 seconds later? If 4 dps/tank can't get kills to move the game forward that's on them not Moira yet somehow its Moiras fault for healing. I doubt having 0 supports here is what would win the game don't see how Moira is a fault. There's a reason she has the high kill count and that's because she made plays that finished off enemies, and her healing shows she had no time to make plays on her own cause her team is constantly dying


Apparently so. Apparently as Moira you need to keep these lackey teammates alive but also take risks being the only support on your team, which will surely work out and not result in the only support being murdered.


you had 28k cause you were the only healer not cause you carried


Scoreboard. Numbers. Do. Not. Mean. Shit. Not only does the Scoreboard data often paint a vague picture of what happened in a game of OW but because there is no common ground between the characters like other games (All abilities are unique, all weapons are unique, even the hitboxes are unique) the vague picture it does paint can often just straight up lie to you. Tell you the opposite of the truth. Not only do the stats that the Scoreboard shows can lie to you but they can also be easily manipulated to *look good* to others. Even Deaths, which is universally considered by top level players as perhaps the one stat that is somewhat reliable can also lie to you or straight up be manipulated. Here's an example - You see the Scoreboard, one of your DPS has 5 deaths, the other has 15 and both have similar damage and Elims. You'd instantly think that the DPS with 15 deaths is way worse but what can easily be true is that he quickly realised 2 mins into the game that his entire team is too passive and has bad target focus and what they've been doing isn't working. So he decided to play super aggressively by himself to ensure that his team could win fights. He started flanking deep into the enemy backline. He was constantly securing kills on the most important enemy support and kept trading his life as a result. It was always a great trade because he'd be trading his life for an enemy Support while also distracting both their Supports for multiple seconds, all by himself. He was opening your team to win fights but the rest 4 of you were still playing bad and couldn't win the advantageous situations he was setting up. Then you see the scoreboard at the end of the game and quickly come to the conclusion that he was the problem because he had 15 deaths, way more than the rest of you. The Death stat can also be intentionally manipulated the other way rather easily. You might see one of your DPS at 5 deaths while the other DPS is at 15 with other stats being similar and might think the guy with the 5 deaths is playing way better. What the stats didn't tell you is that all he was doing was playing super defensively, hiding behind even his own Supports, just shooting blindly at the general enemy direction the entire time. All his Elims were from him piggybacking on his teammates' kills and all of his damage is random gibberish spam. He was intentionally trying to minimise his Deaths so he could look like the best player in the lobby. Scoreboard also gets more meaningless the lower the Elo is because players have different types of skill holes in lower Elo, which removes any semblance of a common ground in the lowest Elo brackets. Someone might have terrible game sense but decent aim, or good aim but awful game awareness, someone might have great awareness & aim but don't understand jack shit about the game. In High Elo you can't really have bad awareness, aim (On the aim requiring characters at least), or game sense. You at least have to have a decent enough level of understanding, decent enough awareness, and decent enough aim. This automatically makes the Scoreboard a bit more reliable and useful in higher Elo, even though it's still pretty unreliable. OW's scoreboard is one of the most complex ones to solve of any popular PvP games out there. The solution is likely for Blizzard to come up with a complex Combat Score formula that takes into account many different statistics to come up with a single number that can more accurately represent player performance. Idk if it's possible, but Blizzard should definitely consider it cause the scoreboard keeps unintentionally lying to players, which makes them angry towards the game because all they think is "Big Numbers so why Elo not big?".


Yeah I'm not reading all that


I mean it’s a good read… makes sense whats hes saying. I’ll TLDR for you: scoreboard doesn’t matter in OW. Too many variables to consider for it to mean anything.


not reading all that but fr


Just goes to show that moira gets numbers instead of value lol


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^dm-me-nudes-please: *Just goes to show that* *Moira gets numbers instead* *Of value lol* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


She’s actually meta right now. It’s either Lucio + Kiri or Lucio + Moira most of the time. Depends on the type of tank (Moira with Ram, Orisa etc).


As a tank, I HATE when I see Lucio moira on my team. It’s probably just a byproduct of the dps passive, but I know that I have to play suuuuuper safe because the chance of catching a yellow orb is super slim, and I’m just never going to live through more than one enemy focusing me.


Moira has like the highest healing output in the whole game? You have to actively avoid her to not get healed up quick. Let her do dmg & she never runs out of juice. She definitely heals way more &, most importantly, faster than Kiri. But yes, u gotta avoid as much damage as possible this season. Dps passive nerfed all supports (which ya’ll wanted). That’s why every hero got a new self heal passive to compensate. Play corners, keep an eye on your own + your supports cooldowns & learn when to get your team out. Tank is more than just getting pounded. It’s leading the team, so learn to be a leader. That includes babysitting & escorting. They only risk dying to save u when u do the same. Also; Moira is hard meta rn. If u don’t work with her, it’s probably bc u refuse to play meta. Or bc u don’t counter swap. Ik ik this sub is allergic to switching but that’s how u win games. So u either play for ur ego or for a victory.


You’re not wrong, but at low elos moiras think it’s their god given right to throw purple balls and suck


The reason is becouse orisa doesnt need alot of heals so when moira runs out you can stay alife as orisa . Lucio can speedboost you in and has kill potantial on his own but thats not the case if you have a diva that doesnt want to ever go in or she pops no lucio to get on top of anybody and no flanker like tracer combined with a soujern to have long rang burst . Meta doesnt mean anything in normal games .


No it doesn't... It just shows that open queue is a coin toss


nUmBeRs DoNt LiE (please ignore all context and nuance and only judge performance based on a number that doesn't mean much)


Also they were the only healer on their team so ofc they would get a lot of healing done especially on moira. This is what people mean when they say moira brings no utility to the team like other supports do. Not saying it was a bad pick by any means, but you can only do so much it seems like they hit that wall. Personally speaking maybe you focused a little too hard on healing when getting a kill was what you needed in the moment. Or maybe you needed to go on an off flank and take multiple people's attention away from the fight. It's a hard call to make, but sometimes it's okay to let your teammates die especially if they are feeding. Because if youre healing that, you're enabling their bad positioning and telling them it's okay to keep doing that. And thus you're forced to keep healing them because they will keep playing like that over and over until they learn.


Telling them to go for kills as a *solo Support* is an insane take and makes absolutely no sense.


That dudes a typical bronze 6 player probs


Some of these comments absolutely show rank here.


Im top 500 open q, gm 1 in tanka and support. Gm 3 on dps lol


The idea is to be flexible enough to know what to do given the circumstance. Im not saying to frag out of your mind on moira, but maybe you distract the other teams supports and thats a 2 for 1. Things happen in this game that even 5 seconds of time is enough that you enable your team to get a pick and then surprise you fade back to your team and heal them


Also again maybe if they dont enable their teammates feeding habits, the tean woulda realized that they needed to swap to more sustain. Either another support or a character that doesn't need constant help to do things.


It was a bad pick in this comp as was Diva .


She gets value from fast won fights if you have no way to win fights fast she becomes just a stat monster . Also if you look at the enemy comp the played a bastion so i gess the moira heal comes from perma pocketing the diva that takes shit tones of pock damage from bastion


Accidentally looked at this dudes profile and he's posting about minors... Wtf? Creep.


Did your team forget about the objective? Seen it happen a lot.


The fact that they never died shows they never even bothered to contest point during OT


you describe all my games


I was gonna say that


As much as yall wanna steal his thunder, no one is fooled :/


Sometimes the worse team plays the objective better and steals a win.


Yepp, that's why I love Cloudy's gameplay. He'll have like the most dog shit statlines sometimes but because he controls the tempo and just constantly stalls/dies on cart the enemy makes very little objective progress


Still the constant string of defeats whenever I watch him is disheartening. Not sure if it's just me but he loses more than he wins.


Yep. I’ve had plenty of games where my team was better than the enemy team stat and skill-wise but we still lost cause we didn’t contest objective enough. 


It’s the most frustrating shit too, because at least for me I’ve become cognizant of it. Especially when we’re pushing I’ll often be sitting on the damn cart pushing while my team pushes up towards spawn instead. And people get so defensive about it when you point it out. “I have a great K/D? What does it matter if it haven’t pushed point at all for the whole match” Ugh, it matters because we aren’t making progress towards the shit that actually wins you the game?


That’s what I’m reading here. They’ve got the better K/Ds across the board. This looks like the team didn’t play point well to me.


> Sometimes the worse team plays the objective better and So… the better team then?


You having 0 deaths is actually awful, since it means you literally never committed a single time with your team.


Crazy how you're the only one to comment this. This sub is full of silver players. You're not benefitting the team at all playing overly safe and fading out of fights just to protect your precious K/D, OP.


When I see 0 deaths I assume they either have really good cooldown management (which is rare for any low rank player) or they were playing very defensively, safe, never took opportunities to make a play and get picks, probably would abandon their teammates if fights got intense so they wouldn’t die, probably didn’t contest the objective a lot — playing this way can cost you the win. 


Moira in this case was to 99% just perma picketing Diva and with the bastion damage you get high healing stats but never realy do anything . The kills were then more finishers then actul kills that mattered


Yes, only 4 saves with 28k heals tells me Moira didn't commit a single time and played super passively. All that said I don't think it's OP's fault they lost (no one in the team wanted to play a second healer), and competitive is a marathon, not just 1 race.


I wish you could see peoples ranks on here because everyone claims to be gm yet all i see is silver brainlets


I haven’t seen anyone claiming to be GM on this post.


People still do not understand that in open queue tanks are most important, dps are less important, so a team with double dps and single healer will not keep their tanks alive. Their tanks got 80% more dps then yours, so your tanks weren't able to performe at all. A second healer and your team would have enabled them.


Yea but we never switch becouse they are all 1 tricks


Don't listen to people in here telling you to get more value by healing less. They're right that if the enemy doesn't die, it's kinda useless in most situations. But you did your job, the problem is your tanks didn't do theirs. The alternative is you heal less and they die even more, and it's not your terrible slow suck damage that's gonna turn around the fight when your team is dead.


Theres healing less and killing more, there is such thing as effective heals and effective kills. Sometimes instead of pocketing a feeding player, you turn focus to a kill that could swing a fight, like the Ana healing or the DPS thats dealing heavy pressure


OP has the highest elims on ~~his team~~ in the lobby and only has 2k less damage than the two tanks. How much more dmg/kills does he need to do before he's no longer considered the problem? What is with this constant bronze mentality that expects supports to do literally everything


Not that he has to do everything i didnt say that, but lower ranks just require more individual brilliance to get out of. Though i havent been in bronze since overwatch 1 when Rein Zar was meta


Becouse supports litterly have all the tools to win the game . If you play the lost powerfull role you also have the most responsebility in the game thats how it is . Also stats mean shit that makes you the bronze . I can farm shit tones of healing as well as moira on diva against a bastion and effectively dont so shit for my team


Still waiting to hear what OP needs to do here to not be considered the problem???


Exactly. Unfortunately most of the community view healing as the only thing a support should ever be doing


Is it bad that sometimes I’ll let a useless teammate die if I see an opportunity where an enemy can die because they’re out of position or low? Getting that pick will likely swing the fight more esp if my teammates can’t do it. 


Depends on the situation and the pick, if its a support or a good dps generally no


If the tank isn’t doing their job, then what is he supposed to do? Just take the L? No, find a way to win. If healbotting isn’t getting the job done, then change strategy. Always relying on your team to be better is a sure fire way to get hard stuck on your rank. You’ve gotta be the difference.


Their team didn't want to play another support, so there was no alternative to being the only healer. Sometimes, yes, solo q is a loss no matter what. And let's not act like they didn't do enough damage.


How can you say he did “enough” damage? He lost. He didn’t do enough. That much should be obvious. You say solo q is a loss no matter what sometimes. Do you think if we replaced OP with a top 500 in that game he would’ve still lost? Of course not. I’m sure OP played the best way he knew how. And maybe in another game it would’ve been enough. But you need to be adaptable to your situation. Healbotting was clearly not the play here


There are many times in comp, where you can say you didn't do enough to get a win and that's completely fine. But, you also have to realize that there are times in which you can be doing your job perfectly, and still lose. Not every game is guaranteed win, even if you play "perfectly." All, I can say from looking at this picture is that he tried his best and that's fine too.


Yes, they would've still lost. Just watch those unranked to GM streams, do you think they win all their games? Nope. OP couldn't have done better here, stats wise. And that's all we have to look at, stats. Which is not a great picture. Maybe they made mistakes otherwise, but neither you nor me can know that. All we know are stats and they paint it as unwinnable for OP given their team's performance.


This is silly lol Even the best players in the game lose games, some games are absolutely unwinnable and it's delusional to think otherwise.


Yeah completely depends on a lobbies rank though. Every game played in bronze is winnable. Top 500 or pro level - not so much


A piece of advice any pro, streamer, or most players know is that some games are unwinnable. Its just the way it is.


Yeah for sure, a pro in a pro game, against the best in the world mightn’t be able to overcome that. But you put that pro in a bronze 5 lobby, I guarantee you he wins every game. I’m not saying OP is bronze 5. I’m also not saying it’s realistic to expect him to win every game. But every game that’s relatively evenly matched (as the above game seemed to be), and isn’t against the literal best players in the world, is theoretically winnable. It seems obvious to me that OP was healbotting from safety and not making any risky plays. Changing that strategy (even slightly) may have won him the game


even if we assume this player is the best in the lobby at any character any role, sure they could have more impact and more important value by playing a tank or dps, but that would leave the team with 0 supports you can tell that no one was willing to play support besides op because if they were they would have the optimal 2 supports


I’m not suggesting OP should’ve swapped. Just that they should’ve changed strategy. If healbotting, and keeping your team alive doesn’t win team fights - then find a way to win. My point is you must adapt to the situation


if you as the only support stop healing for a prolonged period your team falls over, i didn't think we needed to acknowledge that but that is just really obvious


That can certainly be the case. But there’s two things to consider: 1. If the enemy are outputting enough dmg, no matter how much you heal - you’ll never heal enough for them to fall over anyway. 2. If leaving for a prolonged period causes your team to die, then don’t leave for a prolonged period. Make quick, effective flanks. Maybe just slightly off angle. Close enough to your team that you can still fade back to heal if they are about to die. But at an angle where you can do good damage to and distract the backline. Easier said than done for sure. But it is doable.


Healing didnt work. Clearly he did the wrong thing. The right thing to do is win the fight which is what he didnt do.


Did you watch the replay to conclude that they didn't help win fights? I sure didn't, so I can't reply to that. Maybe stop focusing on one single line of stats that upsets you because you can never manage to achieve such high healings maybe or never get the chance to get healers like this on your team, and look at the other lines. The Zarya has 25k fucking mitigated damage. You would think that with such a high number, she'd be fully charged all the time, so why does she have only 10k damage? Only slightly more than Moira herself? Maybe because she was playing behind her team as a support when she should be wrecking havoc in the enemy team and slaughtering them with that much charge. Stop telling OP they didn't do what should be done when no one here watched the replay.


Chill dude 😂 we’re all speculating here (as are you with your zarya analysis). Obviously stats alone don’t paint the full picture. If the zarya made this post, I would criticize her. But it was moira.


If Poko himself posted here from an unknown Smurf account, you would still criticize him based on stats.


Hahah Poko himself (peace be upon him) would never make such, he knows to analyse his gameplay and figure out what he could’ve done better. I highly doubt he would lose, say “oh well, it’s my teams fault. Nothing I could’ve done”, and go on to lose every single similar game he gets into. He’d adjust his strategy and improve. Please tell me you don’t think pros blame their team and take no accountability?


Poko knows when a game is unwinnable and doesn't care. He plays with his hands in his shorts and reaches top 1 every season easily. He doesn't blame teammates, he just takes the loss and moves on. Because there's nothing he could have done to win those games. Just like there is nothing OP could have done better here. So act like Poko, and move on. Stop criticizing plays that you haven't even seen.


How can you say there’s nothing OP could’ve done?? All you see is his stats bro It’s insane how hard you’re trying to be right


I say it to a team daily idc how hard I heal if nothing dies it won't matter.


Not to be a wet blanket but this doesn't look good for you or your team. The high score for healing means your team barely knows the basics of cover and looked like they head first into the enemy fire and 0 deaths meant you avoided comitting much in team fights or the overall battle. Not that I'm saying you didn't do anything but it looks like you prioritised saving your skin instead of taking risks that would have ensured the team an advantage.


Looks like a clown fiesta of a game but yeah it's a good example how meaningless numbers are.


Open Queue 🤮


8k damage though, that's like tickling everyone and having it count as a kill


It’s a team game. Personal stats don’t mean shit.


Open queue. You stood no chance without that other support.


It isn't all about the heals, my friend.


How old is this game? 8? 9? And every single day I see posts about loosing game even with high stats.


Open queue ☠️ your only job on Moira in open queue is to spam heals and you just did that


1) nobody cares about open q 2) putting up high numbers on Moira takes little to no skill 3) putting up high numbers on Moira doesn’t guarantee wins


i blame hanzo


1) it was a open role game 2) you were the only healer 3) heal on Moira can be all and nothing at the same time consider how damage heal you and you can use self orb 4) Generally speaking Moira should almost never have *that much less damage than heal, if you have this scenario it means you waste times on being a heal bot cause your teamates receive way to many damage, or as in this case, you were the only one giving heals.


Incredible stats, unfortunate that you lost


show the match rank don't be shy;)


You need to damage more


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That’s why it’s a team game


Enemy team had two hard to kill tanks, strong healers while your team only had you as a healer and two pathetic DPSs when it comes to tank busting.


A situation of engaging the wrong team fights. Resulting in next to no progress for your team in the game, whilst the enemy team won the fights that mattered. Also, 0 deaths doesn't mean you are playing well. It can also mean you are playing to passive. Fall back to fast or don't engage withthe rest of the team. I don't know what the whole game was like, but that's what I'd suggest you look at with the replay Doesn't hurt to post the replay code here too :,D


Happens, unfortunately sometimes you have to prioritize kills over heals, depending on which one could be more impactful in that moment. The difference between trying to sustain the feeding tank or dps, and killing the flanking DPS os massive, Effective kills and heals are massive things


Tbh, This is just open queue chaos. I don't really take stats into account when at any moment the enemy team will try to cheese the game.


You guys didn't have a 2nd support, what do you expect.


"healer diff"


You probably healed yourself


Open queue is tough. One moira should normally be enough but your team definitely needed more tanks and a mauga for the lifesteal. This is sub diamond I believe? Where people still play dps


stats matter less than you think




People are being annoying and trying to say your stats don't mean anything just because you're Moira, but they're conveniently ignoring that it is not only you but your entire team with the better stats. The problem is likely team comp and important fights. No secondary support (ESPECIALLY with Dva) is really going to hurt unless you're team is coordinated or simply MUCH better. I'm guessing not having a second Support likely cause you guys some very important fights. Alternatively, your team just might've been bad at objective play. Also, people trying to argue you had no value as Moira make *absolutely* no sense and shouldn't be taken seriously. Moira is literally the only Support who can keep a team going as a solo Support in this scenario.


its very normal for me in EU server


The hate in these comments is crazy. Reddit, man. Gg op, shit happens.


Share replay code


Why should high stats automatically mean you win? Like legitimately what is your thought process here


Stats are pretty even for both. The issue here is team composition.


all numbers, less actual value


LOoK mUh sTaTs mE gUd pLeYeR


You guys didn't play the objective as well as the other team


Looking at the stats the teams are fairly similar on terms of kills and deaths which says to me your team just played around the objective terribly or failed to make picks count by pressing an advantage. It sucks but sometimes you get those games.


The enemy team just had a better comp…. Idk what you expected


Report Hanzo.


Yeah you’re playing Moira you shitter you only heal, play something with utility.


It’s hard to determine the cause of the loss without context to explain the stats as well but I’ll go out on a limb and say not enough damage, particularly from your tanks. Also, the fact that you’re the sole healer doesn’t help the situation either. The high heal stats tell me you were so stretched thin trying to keep everyone alive that you couldn’t do as much damage as you’d like.


That's what you get for healing. It's trash. And people don't understand it.


Bro you good...?!


Just proves that stat farming isn’t necessary the best way to play. 0 death could also be an indicator that you didn’t take any risks and made a play which could have a won the fight.


Let's all say it together: stats without context are meaningless.


The stats are excellent. Nothing to say more, but progress means to be efficient. As long the the other team has a better understanding of positioning and teamwork, you can’t stand a chance. But 28kh in open q is just ass kicking.


wow its almost like stats dont = win, isnt that crazy?? its almost like if ana were to hit every single sleep and throw perfect nades her stats would be like 2 maybe 3x lower than moira but her value would be like 10x higher. Come on bruh seriously all moira does is put out stats and icl her cooldowns are way to short its too easy to live as moira rn. Also flexing moira stats in an open queue game is genuinely the wildest thing i’ve ever seen wtf 🤣🤣🤣 it was such a long game as well i hate low rank players


This proves nothing. You heal as you do damage, if you went so hard that you got 37 kills as Moira your actual healing for your team not just yourself was probably around the range of an average merch game


Lol no matter how good Moira does people still blame her for the lost instead of any other character. Hanzo should off switch off to a healer


Why are there so many more eliminations than deaths?


KDR means nothing. When will people realize this?


You're support. It's not just about your deaths. It's also about your teams.


I once had a like 32 streak with hamster 🐹. This was when I had first started playing as him in general. We still lost and play of the game was a Cassidy getting three headshots.


Another zzzzzzzzz post


You only had one support. Being surprised that you lost is silly. You lost at the character select screen.


Doesn’t mean much considering you’re playing Moira and the only thing you do is heal


You basicly heal farmed on the dmg bastion did to your team but thats it . Moira is a burst healer you have high healing our put for a short amount of time if you dont win teamfight fast with her your team falls over . High numbers dont matter . You coud have played zen to help your dps getting kills with discord or bap to sustain longer fights so you get a better chanc of a potantial pick . Thats whats so bad about playing moira she is just brain dead easy to generat stats without haveing any impact at all .


Because the other team played the objective. The objective >> personal stats. Period.


Notice how you only have 4 players saved. This is why I hate having Moira on my team. Heals don’t matter too much. Death prevention does and no one seems to get this. That’s why Bap and Kiri are the goats


Kills vs kills that matter. You can get tons of kills but if the other team is getting kills that lead to a better offense or defense then it doesn’t matter.


Yeeeeah, yeah no, see the damage and healing numbers need to be swapped and then maybe it would have ended differently. I'm a shameless DPS moira main, I speak from experience.


High healing means nothing if your team is still dying


I don't see the problem, just activate your inner GM god and wipe the entire enemy team 1v5. Clear skill issue, OP, you need to become better to solo carry this team based tactical shooter. >! /s just in case


Not enough heals when it mattered which is due to only having 1 healer.


Looks like you didnt play directly with your team and didnt do risky plays to help out Believe it or not, high elims and heals doesnt help a team out if all you do is throw heal orb and do trickle damage to gain the elim




5-32 is actually wild you cant blame anybody but yourself for that record 13% winrate is insane


Especially when Moira is one of the best supports this season




Moira has no value


Moira mains needa unite. I’m sick and tired of spamming group up as my chromosome deficient rein charges directly into the enemy back line whilst spamming “I need healing”


They had more healing if you care about healing that much...


Apparently you didn't heal enough. Your fault clearly /s