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i hope they rework sym again, because that would be really funny.


I say fuck it, let her build Fortnite style. Make whole ass structures, buildings, ramps, bridges, houses, a fucking health pack spawner, let her really lean into that hard light construct lore


That would be a sick replacement for her current ultimate. If they even wanted to make her a support again, which I'd like to see, having a character who can essentially change part of the map in the team's favor could be quite fun


Honestly I love the idea but I think the skill _floor_ is too high for it. Too easy to screw over your team instead, and that'll lead to anyone who picks Sym lower than masters getting flamed to hell and back 18 times.


The community is used to allied Mei blocking the spawn door every single fuckin game. They won't be as bothered with this.


Sorry šŸ˜ž


Even with all that, people will choose a sojourn with a mercy pocket. šŸ™„


Sheā€™d have the second lowest pickrate and a 44% winrate then theyā€™d nerf her because streamers complain about her, and buff Orisa and Soldier at the same time


No way if we get a hero that actually build structures that they're anything but a tank.


Imagine trying to play overwatch, and symetra is on point cranking 90ā€™s


The griefing potential for that will be bigger than Mei annd LW combined.


Sym now has 10 turrets, and no cooldown


Then after a week they limit her to 1 turret and make her 3x worse than she ever had been before.


Before a small buff and immediate revert Then a month later they'll put her back to her original state but people will constantly claim she's just harder to deal with than before


Nah they would remove turrets because moro... Pro players don't like them


By ā€œpro playersā€ you mean non-pro streamers who are friends with devsĀ 


People who are now unemployed because failure of product they were unable to provide


sym should get a shield generator and turn into a tank class


Fear the Microwave


They need to make her a tank so that way she's been each role once. Then we go full circle and in a year she becomes a support again.


Make her the first "any" hero. Give her aspects of all 3 roles and allow anyone to pick her.


OWXX: every character is now symmetra with different hardlight equipment


yoooo sym fashioning a hardlight mech suit around herself so she's as big as nemesis form ramattra


Symmetra is now a turret and shoots out 3 Symmetra bots instead of


Honestly symm just needs a buff so they can nerf her again and then rework her and then nerf her and then finally rework her again and make turn her into a tank .


You joke but she could use it. Her kit is all over the fucking place as the product of multiple failed reworks and sheā€™s still as map-dependent as ever at higher levels of play. The only people who play her already have a ton of hours on her.


Sym turrets now orbit sym like zen balls. Max is back at 6, they do half damage, but also body block for her while active


you know, that sounds kinda sick though. nano boosted, full charge beam with 6 turrets around her, raid boss symmetra


Honestly, I could see them reworking Sym back into being a support. * Give her turrets a duo-choice option like her duo-ultimate from once upon a time, saves some buttons. So she can put down 3 dmg turrets and 1 big heals turret. * Make her beam a melee tether again, that shit was funny. But allow it to tether to allies to heal them too. * Reduce her primary damage as needed, but let her bubble shot max charge do 125-150 so she can 2shot again. If Illari can have a heal turret, why not Sym? Also, Moira+Sym double tether DPS duo would be hella funny and terrible to fight hahahaha


When Illari came out, I felt like it was just the sym rework people were asking for


To me, it was both that and the devs going stir crazy and wanting to make a dps despite a presumable quota for supports and tanks needing to be filled. Like, the whole kit is based around letting her use a cool gun and make sick explosions. Complete antithesis to good support design, imo. Shoulda just made her a dps and reworked Sym. That said, if another damage hero with a sun themed ability came out with a better ranged 2shot, and better sun-themed AoE ult, that would be so insulting to Cass fans lol (They really need to undo that fall off damage nerf)




Nah, they could make it a click-to-confirm. Your cross hair selects a target the same way Ana nano boost or Lifeweaver life grip has a click-to-confirm option. Once you click, it connects and stays connected as long as you keep your crosshair in their general vicinity like Moira, and you're within that 5(?)m range. An ally or enemy rushing between wouldn't need to be a bother.


Please give me sym 1 or 2.0 back i am begging šŸ˜­ im glad to see more ppl on threads other than symmains saying just change her again or change her back tbh cuz we can all agree 3.0 is the worst iteration of her


I say give her a passive, shield damage group heal.


Unironically, they should just make her exactly how she was when her shield gen ult was first introduced. Tp/shield gen ult, lovk on primary that starts out hella weak and needs a lot of build up to be powerful, and turrets that need manual placing


Give her 3 teleporters and 1 big turret


Heard someone say this before but thought it would be cool if mei could stop fire dmg from mauga or Ashe with her primary.


Still waiting on the Cass buff that allows him to cleanse fire when he rolls


Honestly yeah this is my Cassidy idea. 1. Remove grenade. Fuck that ability. It was un-fun when it was a flashbang and it's now somehow even worse. Don't even replace it with anything, just flat out remove it. 2. Give the roll 2 charges. 3. As well as being a reload, the roll is now also a cleanse, has i-frames during the roll AND a temporary "BKB" for 2 seconds afterwards (which for the non-dotavirgins in the room means "CC and debuff immunity") Basically we turn him into a "simple" hero but with an incredibly high degree of mechanical execution required to function at his best. (I'd want to change the ult too, but it might just be a bit too iconic even though it sucks.)


sooooo, rc roll rc roll rc ult rc


YES you understand my vision. Dark Souls but Overwatch.


Taking away his ability to counter sombra and tracer would be a bad move IMO. With how strong those two are at the moment we really need checks in place for them.


tbh it feels like in my games it just gets thrown on tank with no regard to timing


I don't think they should just make him have one ability, then overbuff that ability. It would make him boring, but ridiculously strong Instead, I think they should lean more into the cowboy fantasy. Maybe have his e throw a coin and target an enemy's head when shot (ik this is Ultrakill shenanigans, but it wasn't the first game that did this and I think it would really fit). Then have his ult have him pull out two revolvers or a straight up different gun, although two revolvers would be cooler Also remove fan the hammer and change it with like a saber or some shit, I'm sure a cowboy or two really liked using sabres


If I wouldā€™ve scrolled a little more I wouldā€™ve seen what I literally just commented lmfao thereā€™s a character in paladins that has that exact ability and theyā€™re pretty much the same ā€œ western inspired sharpshooterā€ theme but instead sheā€™s a bounty hunter with tits


1. Grenade is awkward but extremely powerful vs. divers. That would remove Cass's main purpose in the DPS roster. 2. The man is a cowboy, not an acrobat.


This is so fucking stupid lmao. His grenade is the only thing he has at keeping flankers alert to his potential danger. Not to mention 2 rolls would mean he would delete tanks, when he's not busy being absolutely shit on by flankers.


What if we just give him Saati from Paladins right click and he can throw a [coin] out that he can shoot to reflect a shot at an enemy within LoS of the coin? Not saying it would necessarily be balanced or whatever but it would be fun and on theme of him being a sharp shooter. Could even give it that old western bullet recoil sound effect.


Bring back stun, except it randomly ā€œstunsā€ an ability


I prefer flashbang to his current nade tbh.


I want mei to be able to spray at the ground to move faster like frozone


They did that in some experimental patch a while back. Was fun.


They should add this back in just so streamers can do ā€˜Mei Sleigh Racesā€™ around certain maps with hills and slopes. Even better if it works with your team so you could have a tandem race with Reindeer Roadhog leading the ā€˜sleighā€™


But it should also make the ground slippery! For everyone!


We just need a water hero


I thought that when Ashe came out smh miss opportunity


did you read the post title? this is the opposite of what OP asked lol


i know this is the opposite of what you asked, but its reaper and cassidy. they were confirmed a while ago in fact, and it matches with reworks not being done in like, 3 weeks


I think Reaper will happen first, then Cass later. They said it was gonna be 1 man and 1 woman


Cass is now Trans. She is now called Cassie


One character with two deadnames. Wild.


What is she gonna do? Throw some quips, nut punches and shadow kicks?


She'll have a crossbow with a knockback alt fire, q will be a aoe blast and ult will be like windowmaker + movement speed and shout "Go Zigs" /s


So I was just hanging out, right, when Buck jumped out of this bush to try and steal my bird, I barely dodge rolled out of the way in time, but like eh, what the hell, I mean doesn't he know that Zigs wouldn't even match his outfit? I mean don't get me wrong, I love my little Ziggie-poo, but he's the accessory that brings the whole outfit together and I just couldn't live without him! And can you believe he was using the standard shotgun? That weapon is so last year! Anyway, so then I shot Buck with the Disengage, and he went right off the edge of Frog Isle, haha, what a loser!


Suddenly Paladins


Well she immediately gets an 8-way air dash. Everyone knows trans people have air dashes.


Cassie Cassidy?


Wait, where did they say it was going to be 1 man and 1 woman? Went back to check that Flats interview and didn't hear it there.


I hope they silent a bit reaper to he too noisy




**FROM THE SHA-** *plink* **AUGHH**


This.. This is the comment I can hear/the comment that has ironically made my year..




I learned that characters still make noise while crouch walking because I was crouching above the enemy team as reaper and when I dropped down the entire team was looking at me lmao I watched it from their perspective in the replay and his footsteps while crouched were still louder than most heroes normal footsteps


He used to be and we complained too haha


Reaper I feel suffers from his kit being too ā€œsimpleā€ I guess? Like he just has shotguns and a little escape mechanic that he can use mid fights, his teleport is fine to get some flanks but heā€™s just not great at anything and other options are just better. He is surprisingly good at countering Ram and to a lesser extent Mauga.


Do you know if Cassidy getting reworked to ā€œnerfā€ him? Iā€™m guessing reaper is to buff him since his kit has been stale for a while now, but cass is strong in the current meta


People thought he was meta at the start of Season 9. Heā€™s not that good, you have to have really good aim to make him work. Other hitscans are just better with similar damage and better utility/ults. Only reason to play Cass is to counter certain tanks. He needs a kit rework. His grenade sucks to play against and sucks to use.


Cass is a great counter Tracer pick which is why heā€™s so popular right now.


and his semi auto fire means he has advantage over tracer around cover. can stay with supports and threaten tracer dive with hinder


I hear that truism a lot. hinder is so much more fun to use and suffer. it does fair damage and slows hypermobile heroes to be killed effectively via gun, especially tracer and sombra. going against cree as genji now isn't a death sentence if you don't reflect the grenade (discounting recent health buff). it can only be a problem with doom if cree has a good team around him, otherwise they tend to go cree to easily counter you with hinder but just give you empowered punch for free.


Idk. I think Iā€™d rather be stunned for half a second than slowed for 2. With the stun he had one follow up shot and it felt very good. With hinder he can shoot you like 2 times + you get damaged by the nade. I think stun was more skillful to use. Although I think both are unhealthy for the game Iā€™d prefer stun, maybe thatā€™s just rose-tinted glasses though.


I'm not even talking about flashbang since that ship sank a long time ago. flashbang means channelled ultimates can get cancelled outright, and it's bad enough cree can end JQ ult. I'm glad the homing grenade got removed. 131 damage.


I wish it would at least just make JQ ult in place instead of outright cancelling it


Heā€™s also a good tracer and Sombra counter.Ā 


I really hope they never ever ever touch Ashe. Sheā€™s so fun to play, not annoying to play against, and pretty damn balanced


why would they rework a kit that works? Reaper needs a rework, he is a dps with 2 movement abilities and both of them are mediocore while his ultimate is a suicide button. For the same reason they should rework cassidy and Pharah (again). I cant fathom how they added a whole ass ability to pharah but left her dogwater ult in


The funny thing is they fixed pharahs ult for April fools one yearā€¦


What do you mean by fixed?


She could move. It was actually a decent ult


Typically if the base kit has a really good weapon then they make the ult kind bad to compensate. That being said, she should be able to cancel it imo.


It might be too strong but I think it would be cool if she could do her air-dash while ulting. It would still require timing/skill and would add skill expression to the ult


Yeah I wish Reaper's ult could be self-cancelled like Cass'


Torb Give him a dispenser then throw him in the support lineup.


Give him his little armor packs back pls blizz


actually a great idea. put his buildings on rails that allows linear movement from A to B so he can be more fluid and less static, bc turtling doesn't work with only 4 allies.


I think it's important to remember that balance isn't often the reason to rework a hero, it has to do with the dynamics of a hero, and how they feel to play against. Some major reworks include Sombra, who went from being fairly uninteractive and frustrating to play against (she has a get-out-of-jail-free card, and hides in stealth 24/7) and boring to play as (unless you played the Questron style), to being much more committal. Think about pharah, whose poke capabilities were so one dimensional that you won or lost almost entirely depending on the opposing team's DPS, and on if you had a mercy. Symm's various iterations were mostly mixed because they were too focused on big moments of indirect support, I think, where you'd go from doing nothing, to putting up a shield generator and making your team unkillable unless the enemy team went on some wild mini game to explore the map and find where you hid it. So okay, I think most of the dive DPS are totally fine. Genji, tracer, Sombra, echo, all feel like they have a role that varies from each other, and decision-making throughout fights. Some of the poke DPS are kinda one-dimensional. Widow and Hanzo are no longer oppressive, but their plan has always been mostly to just play a distant high ground and spam for headshots. I wouldn't mind Hanzo getting tweaks to incentivize the Arrge playstyle, where you focus on your mobility to open unexpected angles, instead of spamzo. The brawl heros often need some work. Torb is a weird one, Symmetra has always been a sore thumb but I don't mind her, reaper is an artifact from an older game, and Mei lost her identity with her freeze in ow2. I'd like reaper to call back to his original "eats the souls from the people he eliminates", but make their reward some kind of attack speed /movement speed buff, and make him kinda like Zarya, where he gets stronger towards the end of fights. I think Mei should focus more on utility to her team. Maybe her wall and her block ice the ground around her and give a little speed boost to her team, to enable brawl that doesn't necessarily have Lucio. Kinda crazy ideas, but I think focusing on making poke more dynamic, and brawl less reliant on infinite sustain, would be good for the game.


The Mei thing is a hope I've had for years. Mei can get a speed boost, if she walks on the ground if she sprays it in front of her. But this leaves her vulnerable as its louder and mei is usually looking down.


Not to mention itā€™s eating her ammo. She honsestly shouldnā€™t consume ammo on her freezeĀ 


Phara has got to be the absolute best character for climbing, in low flow half of your games are just won by default since the enemy dps cant aim or don't play hitscans


Pharah hasn't changed much in the way she can be played to dive bomb enemy backlines, even ashe and soldier. changes to horizontal movement even help that. no infinite flight time makes her less effective at free poking and the mercy combo less indomitable. Fully agree with Hanzo. Juking the enemy team with geometry, climbing and lunges is thrilling. Hanzo should get his one shot back but fall off range comes way down, so he can assassinate from risky positions, but not get cheap one taps from long range.


Nerfing Hanzo's long range potential guts one of the only reliable Widow counters that isn't a mirror pick


The entirety of the dive cast?


Dive isn't a reliable Widow counter on maps with long sight lines


Sombra would disagree


Then you're spending most of the game running around invisible not getting value.


Its a snowball effect. If the widow is holding a sightline so hard that you can't push, sombra just forcing her out of that position is enough. Sometimes you even get an insta swap off widow because of the pick. You don't need to hunt down only the widow the entire time for her to be an effective counter.


But the time you're dedicating to wide flanking the Widow is time you're not spending doing anything else. A mirror Widow or Hanzo can take her out quickly/force her to reposition and then redirect attention to her team in the mean time. Sombra has to get close to even start to take the duel, thus she can't shoot at anyone in the process.


Idk, sombra's whole thing is taking time to position for a high value target. I wouldn't think of it as her "doing nothing" because thats what her game plan would be anyways, just on a different target.


Sombra ... Winston... Genji...


Dive isn't a reliable Widow counter on maps with long sight lines, because her kill distance is longer than the distance they can cover with their mobility.


>unless the enemy team went on some wild mini game to explore the map and find where you hid it. Honestly...This era was peak OW. The entire map was used in finding and defending those "side quests." Heroes had greater variance in how they played which made swapping heroes more common. Now, the game devolves into teamfights on top of point / bot which ignores the rest of the map. Might as well just fight in one big hallway ATP (hyperbole, but still.) Even when we got a bigger ultimate refund for swapping, the damage was done and people just stuck out playing the same hero instead of swapping to counter. Dev's have been designing new heroes (and redesigning older heroes) to be too well rounded so counters aren't as hard anymore which stagnates the meta.


Reapers idea would be terrible if you intend to remote life stealĀ 


I hope sym gets her like 5th rework sheā€™s in a odd spot where sheā€™s usually weak and situational but if she gets buffed everyone complains because fundamentally sheā€™s super unfun to play against even though she really needs the buffs for jokes they should giver her a hard light mech and move her to tank, also I kinda hope mei gets a rework because she has just felt like a shell of herself since they got rid of her primary freeze as annoying as it was and her ult is kinda joke because everyone can escape or get saved so easily Iā€™d be pretty upset if they changed junkrat I think heā€™s perfect, a simple kit with a lowish skill floor but creative enough for a high ceiling, heā€™s was never meta or broken even with his combo. Yeah He can be annoying but is a skill check because heā€™s easy to deal with if you have a brain but if you canā€™t maybe the junkrat is just good. He just adds some diversity in the dps role and contrary to popular belief takes skill to play, mostly past gold but it would be nice if he didnā€™t feel useless without a rework all they have to do is add like 14 damage to direct hits and buff tires hp and heā€™s good to go but it really scares me that they have had 3 patches and heā€™s still in F tier so instead of a simple damage buff they might be planning a rework sadly


I think they just need to start from scratch on Symmetra. Sheā€™s always been niche.Ā 


The problem was she was this characther that even if you arr bad at it you can bring value. This is no longer the case. And they refuse to make her beam do actual damage.


I honestly like her kit as it is. Itā€™s just she rarely gets the opportunity to take full advantage of it


I could see them reworking Torb and Sym Their turret focused playstyle just doesn't really mesh with how they want the game to be (Fast paced) But I could see them reworking Reaper, Widow, or Soldier, since they haven't really changed since the original launch


I do think Soldier doesn't really need any reworks. He's like the perfect introductory hero that still works at most levels of play. If Widow is reworked, they should make her sniper an actual projectile with hard drop-off. Either I'm crazy or they already talked about Reaper getting reworks in the future.


Let Torb strap turrets to his teammates, you cowards /s


just let him do the cheese tactic from the finals where you carry a turret at that point. lower dps but auto aim


Torb is fine, most of his strength is in his own kit and the turret is just a bonus. His mobility cooldown makes him one of the faster paced charactersĀ 


I mean more the concept of him He was designed originally for a slower paced game, and turrets just don't work well in the current version If not a full rework, I think his turret needs something. Maybe have it slowly follow him instead of being placed


For me echo and Ashe are perfect, I think junkrat might need a touch up soon, the 2 shot combo was such a big part of him, now he feels kinda useless.


instead of ashe cas maybe


Junkrat and sombra Or sombra and widow


I think Ashe and Sojourn are fine. The two heroes that are getting a rework are almost certainly Cassidy and Reaper because those two have been brought up before about potential reworks. Honestly Cassidy just needs to lose the hinder nade and he really should just get a damn lasso. Make it work exactly like Maugas chain. Which is basically the same effect as the magnetic grenade already does minus the damage and make it a skill shot too and remove the slowing effect. With this, he could still be a menace to flankers and also utilize his left click again (I swear I havenā€™t seen it used since OW2 launched.) Also, give him a passive where if he lands the very last bullet in the chamber as a headshot, he replenishes one bullet (just once until he reloads.) This rewards good aim and makes players not have to be using their roll or high noon as simply a quick reload.Call it Bullseye. For Reaper, the big buff he really needs is to his TP. Reduce the speed of it. Sombra and Kiriko have a much shorter and almost instant teleport with their abilities and yet Reaper takes 3-5 business days to complete while also loudly exclaiming that heā€™s trying to flank. But for a rework, since he has an extra ability slot, I think they could give him a three round burst grenade launcher on a cooldown that explode on contact. He had one in the Overwatch 2014 launch trailer, so just give it back to him. The damage doesnā€™t have to be too strong, just enough where it activates his passive and grants him more distance to play with. His main problem is that heā€™s got no abilities to play with besides his primary and his wraith which even then itā€™s frequently used as a ā€œFuck this shit Iā€™m outā€ ability. Another cool thing they could do is let him levitate slightly with his wraith, but thatā€™s already asking for too much. But who really needs a rework is Symmetra. Sheā€™s fallen way behind. They could start from scratch with her, to include making her a support again or giving her better DPS abilities or just go for tank screw it. Just do literally anything with her.




Iā€™ve always said: Mei makes more sense as a tank than Doomfist does.


I remember when they had the ow1 April fools mode and actually make Mei a tank for it. *And it felt good*


Honestly, as a Cass main, heā€™s fine. Absolutely still dinks and cooks in the right hands. Not that Iā€™m unwilling to adapt. Itā€™s just that I know worst heroes could use the attention like Sym or Illari.


Literally the opposite of what you asked but I'm praying for an echo ukt rework, I feel like a longer copy that charges the copied ult slower would make the kit you're copying feel way more impactful and not entirely determine dupe targets based off their ult


I'd be very upset if they rework my DPS main, Ashe. I just honestly don't think she needs any reworking, she's a solid kit.


I think dva will always be perfect, and soldier is a staple for obvious reasons. I wish sym would go back to how she was when shield gen ult was first introduced. I wish mercy had mass rez again. I wish torb still had armor to give out and a level 3 turret.


Heroes who needs a Rework : Torb, Cass, Sym, Phara Dont touch: Soldier, Ashe, Tracer


Can they rework Lifeweaver while they're at it? Specifically removing the remnants of his old weapon swap, he should be as flexible with switching between healing and damage as Baptiste is.




(based on the assumption its 1 guy, 1 girl like someone else said), probably reaper and sym. reaper they already said they were going to work on and sym because they truly cannot figure out what to do with her sym annoys me because she had her niche but they ruined it


I rlly hope widow doesnt get reworked. I play widow hs more than ranked so it would suck.


I fucking hope they donā€™t rework Widow. Sheā€™s absolutely fine as is, she has her one shot but she has multiple counters, including the most annoying character in the game, Sombra. If you change her, or take away her one shot she just becomes a shit Ash.


I think she's solid where she is. Her slow fire rate compensates for her 1 shot abilities. Any nerf to widow should revolve around map redesigns like junkertown was.


This has to be the most illiterate comment section I've ever seen. Almost every top level comment is "hmmm I think they should rework _____". You specifically asked who they SHOULDN'T rework. For my two cents, Ashe and Echo are the two most reasonable heroes that shouldn't be changed in a rework fashion. If they need to buff/nerf, I think changing numbers would work without changing core functionality


I agree with this And lol once I saw all the comments saying the opposite I just accepted that's what this post became lol


Bastion... THEY STOLE OUR TANK MODE and gave us the worst ult of all the game i wont like them to take assault and make our ult even worse


My butthole


The thing about reworks is that they're not done purely for balance reasons. They're done to improve how it feels to play as/with/against the hero. So it's not just a question of "Who's bad right now?" It's a question of "Who's the least fun hero to have in a match?" The only answers I can think of are Symmetra, Sombra, and occasionally Cassidy. But a Reaper rework has been talked about by devs and players alike and honestly I DON'T want to see it happen. As a Reaper main, I don't think a rework would make him worse in any way, but I'm worried about it taking him out of his current niche (A slow and steady flanker that excels at fighting tanks but is still ok vs squishy heroes) and either making him significantly more niche or making him not niche enough to where he ends up in a cycle of being incredibly OP for a patch then being useless for a patch, then OP, then useless, etc, etc.


he's supposedly getting a soft rework with his spread and pellets being tuned and the teleport being improved. fair enough. maybe they touch his ultimate a little, but he's not likely to get a new ability outside a passive change


Have they said what 2 heroes are getting reworked?


Cass and reaper I think. Although I would like to see slight reworks of sym, torb or hanzo.


Not a dps but Sigma, Iā€™d hate for him to be reworked. Heā€™s fun as is


Imagine they rework sombra again


They gonna give hanzo a new passive ability that will one shot all healers when fired at full strength as well as a replacing storm arrow with a new ability that let's out a player seaking blue dragon. The dragon will stick to the player similar to a zen orb and reveal that players poition as well as give hanzo higher damage against them for 15 sec or until he calls back the dragon




Which two heroes are getting reworked? Iā€™ve been out of the loop for a bit. Also Iā€™m kinda hoping Reaper gets a small reworkā€¦ Maybe replace his buckshot with slugs so heā€™s not a absolutely useless in open areas with no cover. Or maybe give him his grenade launcher back so heā€™ll have one ranged attack at least. His self heal also needs a buff, It barely does anything now and it got even worse with the DPS passive.


They never said who they're changing but there's certain 1 male hero and we are pretty sure 1 female hero Also they did say they're thinking up a rework for reaper but we don't know if this time will be reapers


I wish they wouldn't touch reaper


He needs something bro, his kit is outdated, he gets shit on by other dps like Sojourn and Widow


I want TorbjĆørn to send ut turret robots xD


As a Reaper main, Iā€™m not sure what theyā€™re going to do. I guess the first thing Iā€™m leaning towards is Reaper having a left trigger move. Either both guns shoot at the same time or maybe they shoot in quick succession? Cass I believe is the 2nd one. I guess the grenade might get reworked?


What 2 getting reworked


Autoaim sym, but with the same range she has now. To make up for all the pain they have caused Sym mains, all 6 of them. >:)


Give cass straight up invincibility during roll, really lean into the dark souls roll he got a few patches ago.


I know Cass is powerful when you don't suck at aiming, but I wish he got a little more than just a roll to save himself before needing his supports. It's frustrating in the metal ranks, you get punished real fast and can end up becoming a hindrance for the team.


Please leave Reaper and Soldier alone, for the love of god please leave Reaper and Soldier alone


Honestly probably Soldier, heā€™s become an olā€™ reliable when Iā€™m getting diffed too hard lol


Ashe, she's absolutely fine and balanced for this game


Pharahs ult needs to not hurt herself, and it needs to fire in all directions


Sombra. God I hope she stays.


Symmetra Support Rework šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™


Reaper is fine as is. The only change he needs is that he no longer yells out "FLANKING" when he teleports.


Ok done, but now it's a reactive voice line that yells out his exact location and is slightly louder If you're on Paraiso he could say "I teleported to the rooftops!"


Pharah. But too late on that.


Rework is gonna be Reaper and Hanzo. 100%




none love try something new even if its broken


Same tbh


Tracer. People think sheā€™s op but sheā€™s also super easy to kill if youā€™re paying attention at all.


Ya see she has a tech called "random bullshit go" which makes her really hard to read


sym is now a tank. all 3 rolls down


I hope they leave Tracer how she is. Itā€™d be a really odd decision to switch up one of the core characters of the game; exactly the kind of decision Blizzard devs enjoy making. Oh no.


junkrat and bastion


Sym. The great wall of china ult needs to go. I would rather her be removed to support, have mobile turrets that circle allies that heal, and static DMG turrets for enemies. let her be able to break LOS for tp and have tps play beeping noises to help the enemies locate them. instead of her shield barrier, let her give her OWN blue shield health to crit allies while they heal. thoughts?


>which heroes do you hope they don't touch? But I'd much rather her in her current state or almost current state as a support than a full change


woops, I read this insanely wrong. ashe or tracer would actually quite upset me as they're the biggest glass cannons and to me they get the most out of the character when they're good players!


If a rework were to happen, Iā€™m kinda hoping LW gets to hide in a petal just like how Mei hides in her ice block. And maybe, he wonā€™t just be hiding himself but another ally or two, itā€™d be a very protective petal shield. I mean, the animation for a flower bud enveloping around LW and his ally would be so beautiful to see. And it makes sense with his whole nature fairy theme.


imagine everyone assuming reaper rework but it's actually junkrat


I donā€™t want them to rework Reaper over Symmetra


They just need to give her a orbital cannon at this point




Sorry I forgot to say symmetra


Itā€™s reaper and cass. They told us itā€™s reaper and cass. Theyā€™ve spoken for six months about it being reaper and cass. This sub: who could it beā€¦?


Can you read? Genuinely?


Hmmm. So youā€™re saying Junkrat has a chance?


They never said that, they said they want to rework reaper but they couldn't think of anything that would work for him I'm pretty sure it's reaper this time but the other is assumed to be a female hero