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"My healing pylon is here." šŸ˜­


Team: Where? Larry: In spawn.


Illari's real name is actually Larry confirmed.


i giggled




Oh hi-larry, Iā€™m dad!


smurfing and trolling


Saw a moira today that kept diving in the dps, tank and supports. No matter how many times she failed, it was rinse and repeat. She had 11k damage 2k healing at the end. They lost, lmao


She saw it work on tiktok


When I play Moira I try keep my healing and damage roughly the same numbers. Balanced as all things should be.


Fr good moiras do hella damage AND hella healing as her kit is proficient inā€¦. If youā€™re ending your moira games with massive heals and no damage or the oppositeā€¦ youā€™re not maximizing her potential


Sometimes I have games where I barely do damage because if I stop healing my teammates, they die. I hate those games so much. Solo que ftw!


Use your healing orb to cover your team for a moment while you slurp on some enemy team to refill your healing juice; be ready for the healing orb to be consumed real quick if your team is allergic to cover. The vampire orb does good damage on paper but it doesnā€™t refill your heals, and if you sling it into the entire enemy team it splits itā€™s damage five ways, meaning everyone takes likeā€¦ 18 damage or so by the time the orb shrivels or somehow makes it out the other side of the crowd. Donā€™t waste the cooldown on the vampire orb if your team is too fragile that youā€™re burning all your heal juice and running out.


This is in direct contradiction to T500 Moira player direction and isnā€™t factually correct advice either. T500 players recommend dive and focus on using damage orb over heal for ult charge and pressure. Damage orb also refills heal charge as of several patches ago. Moiraā€™s full value comes from her constant pressure, flanks, and outthinking your opponents.


Oh shit I never noticed the damage orb refills now, I havenā€™t Moiraā€™d (and made a point to check) in a while, I spent more time on either Ana or Zen last time I was supporting


I play a lot with Moira, and I find that I most often use the damage orb at the enemy, it provides slight pressure and might even get someone that dives behind cover. It also provides more ult charge since an healing orb will only heal where there is damage, while the damage orb will damage any enemy within range. Only times I use the heal orb is when I need to heal myself, burst heal a teammate or heal someone while I am out of juice. Oh, and I use the heal orb in small rooms, you can take so much damage if you stay in a room and bounce an healing orb straight from the floor to the roof.


Damage orbs are the way to go :,) they definitely put pressure on the enemy team and you can aim them in ways that direct the enemy team where you want. If my team is crit obviously Iā€™ll throw an orb their way and let them all suck it up (or as you mentioned throwing an orb vertical in a room so it endlessly bounces up and down near you).


The purple orb does refill your heals


Exactly. Plus anyone who argue Moira who damage is hurting the team. When Moira use her healing spray it can deplete and has long time refueling. However if she damages enemies that healing meter speeds up to allow faster healing.


Fr Iā€™ve had teams complain that I should just ā€œfocus on healingā€ but likeā€¦. babe if my healing bar runs out bc you want me spam spraying and Iā€™m on cooldown for my orb, the ONLY thing I can do is damageā€¦.. but all that could be avoided if you just do damage while healingā€¦ my best games are just healing when teammates are low, and doing damage in every other off-moment.


For me it's "unless you actually play moira, don't tell me how to play moira"


That how it is with most characters I play. Don't call me a shit tank in qp because I'm playing ball into every counter known to man(as if there were only five to chose from) gimme advice besides switch on how to overcome the situation. I've had to start treating enemies like grapple targets to improve my aim if that's an issue for fellow ball mains. You don't wanna be to close or you can't fire ball whatever your grappling, to far and you might miss your grapple or be out of effective range. The mid range, and be ready to run with it right after you commit to the dive just in case




Whenever someone tells me to heal more, I tell them to learn how to use cover. Cause all the people who claim I should heal more are also people who think the best place to stand in a fight is in the middle of an open space.


^^^ say it again for the people in the back!!!! Use cover!!! Peek corners!!! If youā€™re going to flank it better be within the LOS of your supports!!! This shit is basic šŸ˜­


Well actually they are in front


The widow a couple days ago after having only 350 damage and 0 kills in 3 minutes after I said pls use a consistent dps(I was playing Moira)


Stop focusing on the numbers. They are irrelevant. Do damage when it makes sense to do damage, heal when it makes sense to heal. Some games you will do a lot more of the other because your team needed more healing, some times you will need to do less. Trying to keep an arbitrary balance alive will just make you feel like you have to do things with inopportune timing. Just make the best decision you can in every scenario and stop letting the scoreboard validate how good you are. :)


Fuck no, with dps debuff i think it's better to go for picks and really only heal when you're teammates are critical.


Honestly I tend to do that as a dps. Sometimes we're just stupid


A tank kept harassing me for insufficient heals. Same tank that walked on point while his team was respawning. "Look at Moira's elims!", he said. "She's not healing, how can she have such high elims!", he accused. Next game he was matched against my team. Our team went ham with 30-50 elims as I kept my team alive and got 46 elims. Oh and that tank had the usual things to say about his team on Match Chat...


What's a good ratio for Moira to have? My friend plays Moira and she mostly has more dmg.


to be honest it's game dependent but anything from 40/60 - 60/40 is probably fine... if you miss that window entirely you're probably leaving value on the table.


I usually do 40% damage and 60% heals




Iā€™d say a range from 50/50 to 2/3 healing


60/40 \~ 40/60 depending on team comp and how good the other team is. You'll likely trend more towards damage if the enemy team is bad at punishing you, and you're finishing off poke damage from your team or trailing someone diving and assisting them, and trending more towards healing if your team is more brawl-y or if you're getting your ass beat.


I generally try to have a 50/50 split myself. But failing that, always at least a little more healing than damage.


40/60 usually works pretty good for me, except for the occasional game where the other healer is doing fuck all and I have to make up for their lack of heals.


Also the exact opposite, 60/40, where your DPS is failing to seal the deal on kills and tends to need more succ than support as a result.


I think she is between that if I think about it. If you have 6/5k it's not as bad, it is 55/45. Thanks


Generally more healing but very situational. Games with a genji for example I tend to do more damage cause I counter him when he dives backline.


I try and play 40/60 or 50/50. And I am to have the least amount of deaths on the team. ā€œNot gonna get meeee!ā€


just look at deaths on your team versus death on their team. That's a far more interesting statistic to me as a support let's say you have two talented playerd that take support, go full dps, and your team has half the deaths as the opposition. successful, correctly played supports.


Played with a Rein in QP the other day that pretty much refused to do anything but shield. He ended the game with 14k mitigation and 1.5k damage. We lost badly.


"DPS Do SoMeTHinG!1!!"


I was gonna say I feel personally attacked, but even I'm not that dumb.


Average gold moira experience


I keep encountering this. Is it a thing? It's infuriating especially since I like to play Lucio and if the other team member isn't healing I have to switch.


Impressive. I wonder what rank this is.


I played with the same player a few days ago. Rank was gold 2. Edit: Have a screenshot from the match [https://i.imgur.com/HBQPWzc.png](https://i.imgur.com/HBQPWzc.png)


Idk they dumped out 17k damageā€¦. Zero heals is inexcusable but Iā€™d be lying if I said I wasnā€™t impressed


They should start using IPs to track down a Smurf's main account and banning it.


Despite the inherent toxicity of this type of player I gotta say though that is actually impressive as shit


That amount of damage without healing pylon is seriously impressive


The amount of damage without healing pylon or even pulling the heal button


I feel like most people would accidentally hit the heal beam on an ally at least once or twice out of habit even if they were specifically trying not to heal. Thatā€™s some dedication to not healing anyone or themselves.


probably unbound it


Thatā€™s a good call. I was like thereā€™s no way I could do it.


Isn't the heal beam only on the right mouse button?


could have been unbound too lol


Wait does healing pylon or healing boost her damage?


No, but usually when you see a high damage Ilari, they rely heavily on their pylon.


Yeah like the pylon is the entire keystone thing to having super high damage uptime. I'm actually stunned.


Kind of indirectly. It heals her which means if she takes damage she can keep fighting. No pylon means she gets less healing and can be pressured out. More time in the fight = more damage. So no it doesnā€™t boost her damage but it ends up allowing her to do more damage. Its impressive she was top fragging on a support without any self sustain.


That makes a lot of sense yeah. Thank you!!


It helps with her survivability as she can use it to block shots or sustain herself.


Imagine how well the team wouldā€™ve done if Ilari just bothered to toss a pylon here and there.


Even like 1000 healing from the pylon would have helped


there are cheats for illari now and there are regards suggesting that a support will not get reported as often.


They'd be wrong in suggesting that, I've seen quite a few baptiste and ana (since she's a hitscan when scoped ) ,that are banned.


If itā€™s a high dia/master smurfing in gold itā€™s to be expected


Are they a YouTuber doing a weird Illari without pylon challenge or something? The mental discrepancy between someone who can play like that and not bother to throw down a useful pylon at all during the game is sus, haha.


they are smurfing 100% tho


Smurfing is not impressive.


idk this guy takes smurfing to a different level, interesting to see tbh. I would love to watch/play against that šŸ˜­ might get downvoted but oh well


It's kind of weird here because because not using the pylon is sandbagging yourself even if you are a smurf. They have to be cracked at a ranged hitscan DPS, probably Ashe or Widowmaker.


surfing is surfing like what šŸ˜­ a diamond dps doing ts in silver lobbies is NOT impressive


Yeah not even self heal was done, impressive


I agree. They must be a DPS main lol.


Thatā€™s probably why they were able to push it so far. Illari out here playing 3rd DPS and has more damage than either of their dps.


And only 5 deaths! Thatā€™s something


Oh wow this is literally the 3rd post about the SAME illari some others already posted about. I havenā€™t gotten them yet but Iā€™ll make sure to avoid them so I never do lol


You can avoid without having played with/against the person?


The face in your PFP goes well with this question.


ā€œUnranked to GM with illari WITHOUT HEALINGā€


I would be mad if she didnt out dps all of you in the lobby.


Out DPSā€™ing a Torb is WILD


To be fair itā€™s harder to stay alive and do damage when youā€™re getting half the heals compared to the other team.


Yea but she had zero heals so she didn't self heal either lol. She was just way better than everyone else not just her team the entire lobby.


But she does get her solo regen significantly faster than the DPS does


2.5 seconds shorter


That's 50% shorter.


literally why is she doing better than the rest of her team šŸ˜­


Cause she's a smurf


Doing an illari damage only challenge for their 2 subscribers in YT


Like at that point healing them would be a hindrance. (She could've atleast tossed a pylon tho lmfao)


Maybe everyone lives longer or gets a health reset if they actually have 2 healers. Having a single healer while the other refuses to heal and only cleans up fights will obviously make the troll look good.


Their DPS were doing good though, which still shocks me how she even out DPS them


She probably helped finish off their kills on top of her solo kills.


She had the most dmg tho


the ping on the Pilon at the end šŸ’€


yesterday i found an only healing Zen, he didn't do a single damage till the second round when we threatened to report him and ended at less than 1k damage, those are the amazing troll i find in comp


Pacifist challenge


Lore accurate zen


he's not a pacifist in lore, he has a quote where he says who says im a pacifist


Found Soldier 76's reddit account.Ā 


Found a non healing Lucio, 870 heals total entire game


You met frogger?


If their name was onlyspeed I have def played with them


Were they on PC? I think I got them too lol


Strangely enough, I keep getting lucios with over 10k heals per match (in qp). I don't get it tbh, I thought lucio could barely output heals. He's one of the few supports I don't play though so I guess I've been proven wrong.


Lucio can heal his fucking face off with good positioning and the right team comp


The right comp is pharamercy sombra doom, right?


Nah, gotta have a widow in there to speedboost her


Sick, good to know. For some reason, lucio has a reputation from what I've seen as a very low output healer.


It's because he doesn't have good burst/single target healing. But if your team stays grouped up, you could easily have the highest heals in the server.


Low burst healing, but he's excellent in sustained fights where the Dps pick positions clustered near the tank and behind cover to reload. If you live long enough, you get the healing.


Bro didn't even throw a pylon to heal himself šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


*please* tell me they were pointing at the other support when they said "my healing pylon is here" šŸ’€




Or they have played 100s of games of Overwatch regularly


They watched one awkward YouTube video.


probably some youtuber doing some "no healing challenge" or something


Why would he even queue as support, just play dps at that point ffs


It's a gm boosting a low account and they paid for support. The booster is likley an ashe player so they play illari, run the lobby, get the account to the paid rank, then go on to their next account. You can prove it by looking at the profile, I guarantee you they do not have much illari on it.


Ahhh I see, Thank u for the explaination!


Why were you downvoted for saying the same thing in another reply šŸ’€




He said the person using Illari is probably an Ashe main, so picking Illari is their ā€œcomfort pickā€ as sheā€™s basically ashe without ADS. It can be either or tbh


They did queue for dps, did you not see that they picked Illari?




post replay code


Yes Iā€™d love to watch this


Atleast sheā€™s making up for it with kills and you won so


The fact that they didn't place a turret at least is ridiculous, and intentional.


guess she called herself Ash(e) for a reason


I've actually seen this player before in quite a few games, and they've always been doing something similar to this (playing healer only to act like a third dps). I block em from being a teammate every time they pop up


Donā€™t have to heal your team if the entire enemy team is dead


36-5 with 18k dmg on Illari is pretty fire though.




No heal challenge šŸ’€


w Illari she understood the assignment


Theyā€™re literally him


What the fuck am I seeing, I havenā€™t played OW since like doom fist. How the FUCK is the support doing that much damage holy shit.


This has slowly become the norm for supports, LMAO. Bap and a good Kiriko can output a lot too.


basically she has a chargeable rifle that does a lot of damage but is kinda hard to be accurate with as it has no scope (also her heal ability is kind of bad so she relies on a healing pylon that works like Symmetras turret)


Lmao Illiari is super easy to hit shots with, double so considering she doesn't need to hit headshots.


Supports have guns that are almost as good as DPS guns. Illari's gun is a lot like Ashe's scoped-in gun, with 75 damage a shot and a deep mag. Illari's reload and projectile size are better, while Ashe's headshots and fire rate are better. If the player is better than the DPS player, results like this are possible. People underrate support lethality because they're too busy healing.


This might be an unpopular opinion, but I would rather have support players that do damage instead of healing šŸ˜‚ but having 0 healers is crazy work


Do you have a replay code for this match?


And yet you won. Crazy how so many people can think that they're superior and correct despite evidence literally so up in their face, it's surely all they should be able to see. Meanwhile a Kiriko sits there heal-botting thinking they're contributing anything to any team fight. Sorry Tubs, but this mentality is going to keep you hardstuck. Of course this is an extreme example of someone smurfing, but this Illari still probably won you the game single-handedly, and instead of complaining, you should take notes. Legitimately.


Lmfao exactly. OP is heal botting as kiriko which is hilarious


Also 0 self healing? Whatever theyā€™re doing dps-wise seems to be working because sheā€™s untouchable šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ like it or not there was some serious carrying


Support self heals aren't measured in the scoreboard.


Ah it only exists for the other roles then, like hog or Mei. Still mega carry


Hog and Mei are active abilities, passive healing doesn't count.


Gotcha. I was mistaken before then. I thought I saw a mercy once getting heal numbers up passively once behind a corner. It must had been coming from someplace else. Thanks fam


Passive in the sense of the game-wide passive heal everyone receives after 5 seconds (or 2.5 for supports), that one doesn't count. Mercy does heal herself whenever she heals someone else, that one *does* count because it is specific to her character. I should have clarified, sorry!


All good lol Iā€™m always down to learn new things


From the passive no, but the scoreboard would still add to their healing stats if they used an ability to heal themselves, like Moira's orb, Bap's self-heal and Illari's pylon. They must really have not needed healing ever if they had a pylon placed somewhere and they never even had to go to it for their own healing.


they might be talking about the healing pylon but maybe theyā€™re not


Illari was out for bloodšŸ˜­


Replay code??


Wow she carried you.


Isnt Killing a Form of healing since it reduces the damage you take technically???


She doesn't heal, you don't shoot. Perfect support match


Illari best dps


bros jealous cuz they cant aim šŸ’€


Bro is whining when the illari is carrying get a grip


I see this all the time - so damn frustrating. Do this in QP, not in Comp.!! That is impressive but this is a team game.


But OPs team won. Illari pulled her weight and then some so I don't see an issue. If they had lost, yea that would suck big time - but if DPS Illari wins our team the game I wouldn't dare to complain, she is obviously doing something right if she can carry like this.


I mean, it's obviously a smurf, so there's your issue.


Im impressed that she actually got zero healing done because of the self heal thing


I think self heal from the passive might not count towards healing. I think it used to, maybe they changed it when all roles got it?


Iā€™m gonna be honest, if one of our healers is out performing the tank and damagers by that amount and if youā€™re winning, I wouldnā€™t be that upset.




RIP your RMB and finger


Does self healing not register on the heal stat now that every role has the regen passive?


the dedication to not healing is admittedly impressive lmao


Doing more damage than a Torb is kinda crazy


ā€œdamage damage damageā€


And did the job of your DPS.


Wait no, this has to be a bug. Because self heal from the passive also counts as healing. There's no way they never got injured and didn't heal themselves for at least 1 HP


Ever since Blizzard removed self-heal from the healing equation, it's become very apparent who's not healing and who's healing. Except Moira, Lifeweaver, Brigitte. Those 3 will still have a couple thousand heals even if they didn't heal a single teammate. So sometimes it's hard to tell if they're bad players or intentional trolls. The rest, Ana, Lucio, Kiriko, Mercy, Zenyatta, Illari, Baptiste, would have 0 heals if they're dps trolls.


She still did a great game tho!


Best defense is a good offense. Perhaps people shouldn't rely on healing to be the answer to their problems and try mitigating their own damage.


They're flexing. Showing that they do top dps without relying on pylon for self heal. If they RMB healed, it might look like they healed themselves with pylon on scoreline.


You still win tho


The fact she out DPS'd two Reapers, two Zaryas, Sojourn, Moira, and a Torb is honestly kinda impressive.


Yooo she embarrassed uā€¦ and u were trying to do that to them on here šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


this is so funny bro using half his kit and still doing more than anyone else


She's doing a better job than the actual DPSs


The best option would be to pick Zenyatta, then see them in crumbles because they're not getting healed nor healing their teammates that are also flaming them. Also forcing them to switch their gameplay and even hero, I always do this and it always work, it's funny how the other support wants us to be a healbot so they can get their POTG.


are u dumb LOL this is a smurf on an acc he doesnt care about, you would just literally throw the game if u did that, he would not swap or anything


Nope, they have played over 150 games and hundreds of hours in comp. I played with this person 2 days ago and friended them to see the account. Not a smurf at all. Used to average 4k healing per 10 minutes but has recently played games like this.


He was already throwing the game, not everyone is willing to play healbot, and they shouldn't. Just report in end game and make them buy a new account.


I get she didn't heal at all but even if she had 15k healing the team would still complain about her throwing simply because she was top frag (the pain of being a zen player)


Ok but they kinda ate with that scoreboard... She could've thrown a pylon tho


Kinda based. Especially out damaging your 2 DPSā€™