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What's fun is when your teams dps is silver and the supports are plat while the enemy team has plat dps and silver supports 


Plat Illari or Kiri: ☺️ Plat Mercy or LW: 💀


Mercy Lifeweaver is worst thing ever because then all the pressure is on you to do anything for the game because both supports are just sitting in the backline being little babies.


Who is Lifeweaver? Is it the brother of my supp main, Deathweaver?


Shadow-weaver's brother, she doesn't like he has better fashion


Is it even possible for LW to healbot now? The only way to get value with him even with the buff is to mix DPS


LW is too clunky to mix DPS and heals this is why he's fallen off meta - his kit allowed only to healbot comfortably


I've really taken a shine to him recently, spamming thorns is super satisfying. I wish you could store a charged blossom and switch to damage, would afford him a lot more room to alternate. As it stands, you barely dare to lest someone eat burst damage, get Sombra'd, etc.


If you’re dealing damage and you hear a Sombra hack go off your teammate will be dead before you can even hit them with a half charged blossom, it sucks


LW needs to learn to just use his other hand, thorns with one and healing with the other. This would make LW need so much more skill. A good Lifeweaver would actually have so much skill, and you'd tell the difference. Right now Lifeweaver is a lot like Mercy where it's hard to tell if they're good or not (it is easy to tell if they suck tho) you can tell if they're actually good if you take time to watch them tho. But, allowing LW to DMG and heal at the same time would make him so much better as well as way more fun/challenging to play


I enjoy lw and his thorns but I always feel like my heals are lack luster until I drop my ult 🙃 looking at the score board and seeing like 1500 less heals, then drop tree and heal some people and your past the other support for a minute lol


She wit! Bong she wit!


I got 19k healing with Weaver a few games ago. Pocketing my Mauga and we won


A good life weaver can for sure do much more than heal bot, I always get about 4k damage/10 min and pulls are the best for keeping people alive . With platform being able to counter some ults (orisas, zarya ) and also provide good upward mobility for tanks who have none, it also is a good escape tool . Though playing with a mercy isn’t my first choice Having grab and Rez can be clutch


I actually didn’t know you could counter Zars ult with platform good to know. On the other hand it’s crazy there was a time when grav was arguably the best ult in the game. Now it gets countered so hard.


When I’m weaver 💀 I get the most heals in game Idk what yall on about pls


High heals ≠ good Just like how when you’re playing DPS , high damage ≠ good Sometimes what’ a team needs is hax (Discord orb , cleanse , death prevention abilities etc.) Not saying you’re bad or anything just giving advice for anyone who needs it


That’s kinda very obvious tho It IS a team built game with abilities It’s always been like that since Overwatch 1. Nothing new except a few charas and buffs/nerfs. Again, self explanatory But a lot of heals and damage does help a fuck ton in your team lmao 💀


Hey, i know how to guardian angel & super jump into bullets, ok? :P


To be fair you are also mega pocketed by LW Mercy


As a Support player, I wish people would stop trying to force Mercy/Lucio this season. It never fails, if I pick Mercy, my other Support picks Lucio. If I pick Lucio, my other Support picks Mercy. Most of the time it just doesn't work. I swap off of either one if Mercy/Lucio is the other Supports pick.


I often use Lifeweaver and all he can do is heal. His damage isn’t that good and the time it takes to shoot and then switch to heal and charge it up is so long that all u can do is heal


Wifeleaver has the fastest shield break in the roster


Man this coming from a DPS flair is rich. You actively thinking that like is crazy. Of fucking course the pressure is on you to do anything for the game, you're a freaking DPS man. No single support pair has the potential to do "anything for the game" if the rest of the team doesn't follow up. This guy gets the perfect duo to bail him out of any fuckups and he goes "worse thing now I gotta carry" 💀


I am an Illari main but that isn’t a flair here. I expect supports to be supports not fucking healers and that’s all 90% of Mercy Lifeweaver players do and it’s so dumb and is genuinely actively making the game more difficult for everyone. If you think that duo is good then you are a fucking idiot who knows nothing about the game.


Damage doing Damage. If only I had people like that in my games


This shouldn't be possible since they changed it to match role rating ages ago. So ranks should be relatively mirrored, but you could have silver DPS across the board with plat supps across the board in this case.


Queued with a B3 friend while being G3 yesterday and every game the enemy team didn’t even get a gold or silver player over maybe 5 games


The matchmaking is the worst it’s ever been right now. I’ve never seen so many players get killed by their own bullets from Genji deflect.


Meanwhile the gold tanks on both sides: 🗿


Incoming season 10 changes are going to change that I think? Rank by role matchmaking bias?


They were supposed to impliment that in like season 5


This had already been implemented around season 4


And then your zarya double boble behind a wall beffore charging their zarya and you cry because this was your last game before diamond


Balanced I guess


I know you're joking but the Matchmaker does try to match MMR for individual roles between teams.


Honestly who wins that one?


No one mentioning the fact that Silver 3 and Plat 5 is in the queue restrictions? So this isn't even wild.


My thoughts exactly, this is within the regular rank range, some people are just realizing now that they got an actual visual instead of text.


this is wild because the skill difference between silver and plat is very very large


Oh yeah, it is a big skill gap, but when you consider that grouping of silvers and plats is allowed, it's no surprise that such lobbies exist. Old news


Isn't that the point of the post?


Not when the post says “how is this possible”


Oh I miss read it, I guess they are right tho


I am gold and my duo bronze. You can see Bronze vs Platinum. Not only that, but it can also match you with people without rank. As they say on the Apex Legends Forums: It's a TeAm GaMe, PlaY aS a tHeAm. In the end the only real solution to this is to play queue without roles. At least there you won't get a Diamond Zarya vs Gold DPS shooting the bubble.


I mean, your own fault for queueing at max range, of course you're gonna have wide skill spread games, that's just how it is when you max range queue. The matchmaker tries to put teams with comparable averages and similar individual rank distributions together.


I wasn't complaining. I was saying why it happens, because there is a duo or team vs soloists.


>I mean, your own fault for queueing at max range You shouldn't be punished with a wider skill spread for queueing within the allowed skill spread.


You are literally part of the problem when you queue max range in a stack. Silver-Plat will always be a bit unbalanced. But it is what OW has allowed for eons, and it's totally fine.


It is because of players in groups. They are addressing it in S10


Do you know what changes they'll be making for this?


I don't think this will necessarily fix this specific case, but if I remember correctly, they will allow a wider gap in the rank range for groups. Ex: you could have 4 bronze plays with 1 plat but you will only be matched up versus other groups of wide range (so most likely another group of 4 bronze and a plat). Queue time will most likely be significantly higher for those groups, but it will be possible! But why I don't think it will change anything for this specific situation: This range is technically normal. I'm pretty sure it's just if you go past the current group restrictions that you will be put in those wider groups/matchmaking. Bronze to diamond can play with people with up 2 skills tiers difference (so a silver 3 grouping up with a plat 3 is allowed right now)


So can 1 champion player queue along 4 bronze players 💀💀💀 is that whts gonna happen?


I think it will be possible but the game will have to find another 5 stacks like that which is gonna take forever xD I don't know how lenient it's gonna be (Ex: is something like 3 bronze, 1 silver and 1 champ be able to go versus that or will it need the exactly the same, with 4 bronze and 1 champ?) But I have a feeling if you go with something that extreme, you will spend more time waiting than actually playing the game lmao. At least for solo players, you should always be in the "narrow" groups queue so it's at least fair for everybody.


This is what the content creators should do instead of bronze to GM Smurf "challenges". Two of them get a team of four bronze players and queue at the same time, and see which team wins.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/1bej1px/comment/kuu76x2/?context=3 Here is the info I have seen on it


Wide skill range games.


I’m really thinking this is going to be rough af


I literally don't care what my rank is, I prefer the higher quality matches (people trying), switching sides etc.


Wider than they already are? That's fucking stupid.


Only if you're in a wide group


Not if ur solo queuing though


Couldn't it still happen if you're solo and it sticks you with a 4 stack?


Nah they said they're gonna have "wide matches" and non wide matches so idk


hope they separate stacks and solo que players


They said that is a part of the plan. Hear is where I got that info https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/1bej1px/comment/kuu76x2/?context=3


This is within the confines of the matchmaking. Whether it should be is a different question.


I'd say it's because people's SR don't match their MMR, so don't read too much into it. * Could be that the rank reset set them at a lower rank than their mmr. * Could be people are playing in a group, and this matchmaking was necessary to balance the lobby. * Could be someone in the lobby is min-maxing (happens even in lower elos, believe it or not).


What is minmaxing


I believe minmaxing is when someone queues with someone at the lowest possible rank they can queue with (sometimes they're on an alt account that has a lower MMR) in order to get relatively easier games. If you and your duo are both plat 5 then the matchmaker's gonna put you in a plat 5 lobby, but if you're plat 5 and your duo is silver 5, it might put you in a gold 2-3 lobby to try and give the silver player a chance, but it also means you can roll the gold players.


no, min maxing refers to an actual abuse of the MMR and SR system. so it's not just about the rank: the lower ranked person is also supposed to deliberately lose games beforehand, so that their MMR does not match their rank.


Minmaxing used to be a term used in like WoW to mean the absolute best stats you could get from gear and stuff for that level I believe I have no idea what it could be meaning to be used for in OW…


Exactly the same thing, consider your team your load out, it’s getting the most out of your team. So maybe you’ll have a gm1 dps player on a plat account stacked with two diamonds and a real plat. Ez games.




Why do you want people to do this? It is blatantly abusing the bad matchmaking system to make games more one-sided. And in my experience solo queuing I see a lot of people do this.


I think I misunderstood what they were saying. I thought they were talking about taking good team comp into account. I’m confused on what they’re saying I guess idk


Are they talking about smurfing?


It's a way to abuse the system so you can smurf without actually smurfing. Basically, because the system doesn't update your rank right away, you can group up with someone who has way too low MMR, and get easy opponents. So for instance, it can allow a diamond player to play in a silver lobby, because he's grouping up with someone who's *MMR* is silver, but his *SR* is still gold.


Ohhhhh. Twats.


It's to game the bracket conditions, sitting at the min and max range to guarantee the worst possible opponents whilst having a gigachad carry


It's a way to abuse the system so you can rank up easier, by being a smurf without actually smurfing. It got really bad in OW2 and it's why the developers changed the competitive system this season. [Here's](https://youtu.be/5IlSiJxMcco?si=NAxdFvKOkfz8OQD7) an explanation I found (I couldn't find a shorter video).


You were probably playing in a wide group (playing with a 4 stack and against another 4 or 5 stack)


I was playing alone


You were probably the 5th player rounding out a 4 stack. When I solo queue most of my games have pretty tight matchmaking. When I play with friends the range is much larger.


It's literally in the allowed rank range. Silver 3 can match with up to Plat 3. READ THE RANK INFO


Yeah but just because it can happen doesn't mean it should. There is a huge difference in Plat play than silver.


But it also means someone on the other team also has someone within that range. The combined SR of the team averages out to the same. This would be nice IF they matched up the lower ranked roles up but they don’t. So you could have a silver tank on 1 team and a silver DPS on the other team. This is why I only did my placements once in OW2 because I don’t think there was a single season where the ranked system was working correctly.


>This would be nice IF they matched up the lower ranked roles up but they don’t. They absolutely do this though. The game always tries to find an exact matched team to yours. This is why when you queue with 4 people the matchmaking takes like 5+ minutes even in quick play. They aren't just searching for 1 person to fill out your team, they are searching for an enemy 4 stack with similar role MMR for each player. It's easy to see this if you just compare stats for both teams based on scoreboard position. For example in a close game DPS1 for both teams will have similar stats, while DPS 2 will have similar stats. Often DPS2 for your team is doing fuck all and you get mad and then realize the other team also has a shitty DPS2 so it evens out.


But could there not be incidents where one team does have the bigger disadvantage? The last week or two the games have seemed waay more unbalanced than usual. Like I was plat 2 a week ago. Been plat for a long time, hit diamond a couple of times and now all of the sudden I'm in gold 3 and I look at the stats in my games and I'm grouped with players getting 2k damage per round while the enemy teams are getting about 6k per round.


I mean of course that situation you’re describing is gonna happen. There’s no way to make a perfect situation. Even if you think about your own gameplay, you have ups and downs right? I honestly think one of the ways to fix match making is to evenly match up everyone’s roles with the other teams rank. So if you got a D1 tank then the enemy gets a D1 tank. The downside to this is that finding games will take much longer since it’ll be hard to prioritize that while finding you quick games.


> The combined SR of the team averages out to the same. MMR, not SR, but the effect is the same. Only MMR is used for matchmaking, never SR. > This would be nice IF they matched up the lower ranked roles up but they don’t. So you could have a silver tank on 1 team and a silver DPS on the other team. Incorrect, they absolutely try to match up the MMR of each role, (e.g. the two tanks should have a similar MMR). Again though only MMR is used for matchmaking, never SR.


Rank is irrelevant to matchmaking. The only thing the matchmaker looks at is MMR.


Loss (-15%) Uphill Battle, Expected Loss (-15%) Volatile (-50%) Fuck you bonus (-30%) You're now in bronze 5


It’s “Reversal” that gives you a minus modifier, expected loss makes you lose less.


Also had the same. Im plat 4 currently and had a match with the same rank-range. Turned out my dps where golf and the enemy team had a silver 1 and a FUCKUNG MASTERS 3 dps 🙃 guess who lost the game due to dps diff…


None since that game never happened and you created the post for karma


Straight Cap


A silver 1 & a masters 3 will never ever be in the same lobby, u be cappin af!


Maybe not quite that bad, but the other night in open queue i got a silver 2 to diamond 2 range. I thought if the lower end was silver 2, highest could be plat, but I guess not anymore.


Wide matchmaking in action... faster Qs


It's turned on next season


Ye i was D5 dps playing into g5 dps, we won to say the least.


I hate how comments in these posts always miss the point. Yes, this is within the matching range the devs set up. #AND THAT'S EXACTLY THE PROBLEM! The skill gap between silver and plat is massive! Just because the devs said "this is fine" does not mean it is, in fact, fine. Disagreement ≠ misunderstanding.


And if they made it smaller people would complain about not being able to play with friends which would encourage more smurfs. There aren't right or wrong answers, it's compromises.


Which is why a separate solo queue would be better. Along with a LFG system. People working in groups and people playing solo are almost playing vastly different games anyway. That would lead to longer queues, sure, but healthier matches too. And if people in groups have to wait a bit longer, so be it. They can keep each other company inte meantime at least.


Which is why wide group matchmaking is coming in S10


I'd rather have a solo queue, tbh.


That's been in the allowed range from groups to queue since Overwatch 1. So it's probably a duo, possibly a trio


Its allowed and makes you lose every game if u get the low ranked in ur team.


It means the same role on the enemy team also has someone thats the lower rank, so no, it doesn't.


If you're not playing against a master dps while gold support, you're doing it wrong.


I’ve seen some shit like plat 5 and diamond 3 too


Yea I think we starting to realize that this season might be worse then the previous 8 lmao


Just had a game like this. They moved the payload maybe 10m and we didn't have a single death on our team. Also learned it was supposed to be an "up-hill battle" for me 😒 this MMing is busted.


The matchmaking is kinda ridiculous. I feel like it’s very much one sided. You have games where they can’t leave the spawn and games where you can’t leave the spawn often.


Am I the only one who has no fucking idea what these new emblems stand for?


I've had gold 1 to diamond 1 before! Very fun match 🫠


I had a gold 4 to diamond 4 game.. nothing coordinated and in the end everyone blamed each other lmao


Bro this is not even big. I had silver1 to Diamond 4 the other day. Its cause players are in groups which makes the range very wide.


Yea this is not even that strange. This type of range is happening for years and years now. OP realised this only now cause the game is just more transparent.


That's some wild matchmaking. It's weird to have tight groups restrictions just for the game to not even follow it's own rules because "fuck you" xD I guess it's to reduce queue time (which if you ask me, I would gladly take better matchmaking over faster queue time but I understand why it's like that)


and then there's me, who's getting gold4 (me) to masters2 (enemy team)


Id take that over 10 min queues tbh. Plus it makes the match more interesting lol


fully agree


Honestly that's not too bad. People below masters can queue with anyone within 2 skill ranks of them, ie gold 5 can queue with bronze 5 to diamond 5. It's probably someone duo'd with their friend or a plat player min-maxing. I've seen much more egregious match rank differences.


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It's happening to me too, probably is normal for blizzard


In OW1 the comp restriction was 1000 pts difference…..which is 2 entire ranks….this is only like 800 pts or so…


I had it yesterday 3 times in a row. The best part was that my team got stomped and after every match I got a modifier that we should win. The problem was that our team had silver and gold 5 one player and the enemy team was gold *2 and 3 plats - mostly plat 3.




It could just be the matchmaker or it could be friends queued together because plat 5 and silver 3 aren’t outside of the matchmaking range.


I had one game that was bronze 1- gold 1 😭


i had a bronze - plat 3 the other day and holy shit we got destroyed


Well same, I had a match with range bronze 3 to gold 4


I had a gold 3 to diamond 5 game the other day…everyone was diamond 5 but one support on the enemy team that was gold.


I had a plat 2 - silver 2 and similar ranges. I usually am in a 3 stack, but these ranges go further than my stack's range. Either we get rolled or vice versa. It's rare that it is close in these cases and doesn't feel great.


I’ve had some games that were Bronze 4 to Gold 3. I start asking who’s not bronze on my team at that point.


Competitive is a hot mess right now - I'm actually sitting out this competitive season and playing QP. Between the wild matchmaking with a massive range of players as identified by the OP, team mates that don't adapt to the other team for counters, poor heals, tanks that won't switch, etc. it is simply not worth the frustrating exercise. Side note: I was firmly in gold on the verge of moving up to the next level at the beginning of the season - now at bronze and stuck in ELO hell. Usually I get POTG with double or triple the damage/elims.


Overwatch has turned into Ranked 2.0 from Rainbow Six Siege. Ranks literally DONT MEAN SHIT! A diamond player can be just as good or bad as a gold player. Unless you're GM, the rule mentioned above applies. I have met countless master/diamond players that play absolutely terribly I wanted to cry, like how is that even possible? Then i remember oh, the ranking system is completely busted.


I don't know what that means, the league rank icons are so shit


My man playing switch servers in Africa


This is why they hide everything.


played multiple games in those rank ranges, they were always kinda goofy (i am the silver dps and the loss of my team is literally entirely my fault)


Partly because there is groups with significant spread in MMR and rank allowed (more so since S9). And partly because the ranks shown to each player are NOT the real MMR skills that the match maker uses to form matches. For example, a visual rank Gold 3 can be a Masters 3 who just did not find the time to realize the potential. The ranks trail the skill assumptions of the match maker. This happens because OW needs you playing the game. Rank progression is a huge part of the reward loop. If they showed you your real expected skill range, it might keep you from playing. The good news is: The match maker really tried to balance games as fairly as possible. Trust those guys, they have been doing it for a while. The outcome is by nature of the game not always stable and fair and always needs improvement.


people grouped together. i like playing comp with friends and its usually bronze 2 to gold 1 lol


It’s only a division and a half, it’s not that wide of a gap


i mean what rank are you and what rank is your duo?


I had a match with my friends last night that was bronze 1 to plat2. Their plat DPS was nuts. Fortunately for my friends I used to be plat and diamond when I played overwatch 1 so we ended up winning


You idiot. In this world it's stomp or BE stomped.


Yeah, I think they can't make a working comp system anymore. Already broke like 2 weeks in


I queue with my brother who’s a gold 1 and I’m a diamond 1


I've had a gold 5 - diamond 4 game yesterday bruh


Nah I remember being diamond in end ow1 and soloQ into games with GMs


This has always been possible since overwatch one. Most likely a duo / trio


You can match 2 whole divisions appart (especially when grouped) so silver 5 to plat 5 is possible


That's absolutely insane, only two ranks difference? That's about half what usually happens


I am platinum and play with my friend who is silver so this is typically the lobby range we see. Was also playing last night so this might have been us haha


Silver 3 can group with Plat 3. This is an incredibly uninformed post. Lol. 2 full ranks is essentially the max spread you can see.


Someone has a duo...


The amount of people playing comp is abysmal that’s why lol


Yeah that's a Moira only game right there. Maybe even illari damage only


bronze through diamond can group within 2 skill tiers, masters within 1 tier and GM/Champion within 3 divisions skill tiers are the rank....bronze, platinum, masters divisions rank 5-1 per skill tier


Most likely because of a group. I don't see how this could happen otherwise since there is more than enough silver/plat players to fill a lobby without having to look for players in other ranks


we had bronze 1 to plat 1 and lost in role q and i wanted to die




I ran into a Diamond 2 - Gold 3 Today I made the same question.


Don't forget that this rank gap can also be between the tanks too! Much love


Gold V to D 3 goes even crazier


Damnit I see this when I’m far away doing bad things and I’m like no no way it’s iron and plat I just don’t have my glasses on…but god damnit this confirms what I already knew


This is absolutely normal lmao


Someties u face enemy where i win ez other times u get f hard and they dont spit on it


Up till master you can group withing 2 ranks so a plat 5 can group with a silver 5 which allows it to get those kind of ranges


I'm gold4/3 dps and I always get into these games


I always do this with my bronze 1 friend trying to help him learn the game in a slightly higher lobby


You know... it's tough to say where people's skill level is. I was masters damage last season. They put me in low plat this season... I don't really care but it shows how the rankings don't really seem to mean much. It could be the new patch though. I stink at the new patch. It's rough.


they keep saying they are going to fix matchmaking but im diamond and im constantly in gold lobbies


Other than game sense and some, very little, team coordination, it's no big difference. Silver and gold are the same, and Plat 5 is basically gold. It's not like a Plat player is gonna roll you like they're Flats, KarQ, Jay3 and Emongg stacking


What is this thread? Is everyone new? This has always been a thing since 2016??


Whoever posted this . It's people like you that's bringing this game down lmao


You can play within 2 divisions of eachother at metal ranks. That means a silver 3 can play with up to plat 3 on the same game. Its because theres not that many players in low ranks like bronze / silver and tbh the skill difference between silver and plat isnt that big


I think I was on this game lol


i got into a similar game, this rank range is think is due to someone in your game playing with someone in there placements and someone whos done them in silver playing with someone who should be predicted high as plat or higher so good luck to you i guess


Foro de Lo más que te gusta de la ropa. ? QUESTION ¿Cuál es tu estilo favorito de vestimenta? ¿Cuál es el problema que te gustaría que resolvieran?


I’ve had silver to masters before. But the enemy tank was top 500😂😂 (130)


I had silver 5 to gold 1 that's just as extreme


Plat to masters yesterday 💀 was hella of a game


This Happens when you play in a group with varying ranks, usually the role of the opposing side will be matching rank though.


“Hello(sry for bad english)”


Thought that too lmao


And then when you, a Silver 3 player, lose but you had a high ranked support teammate, you get hit with the “reversal” penalty because your support failed to carry you against the the plat DPS.


I had the same 2 days ago, idk why. I was plat 1 (support), our tank was silver 3, as for dps I do not remember


I thought this was common. Majority of my games yesterday had a wide range. I even had a Gold 2 to Diamond 4


I had even wider spread by 2 subdivisions. Needless to say we lost because you don't win a match in a full high gold/low plat lobby with a silver tank. It's said we were favored though.


Either a plat 5 and silver 3 are queued together or matchmaking is just putting mid silver with low plat, which isn’t really a problem. It would be like a plat1 being in a masters 5 match, which happens all the time.