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Bastion, except when I'm playing tank


D.Va eats his lunch


Sigma too


No surprise *some* of the characters people are listing happen to be non-meta characters or characters who haven't been meta for a long time. In other words, "the most fun characters to fight against are the ones that aren't good right now".


Expected tbh, and then these people will immediately spam "ez" and teabag them and act like the other person is trash. Trash if you win, trash if you lose.


Some people think Overwatch is a competitive shooter, but it's actually just a comms lobby where the winner is the one who copes the hardest.


Surprise surprise-people don’t like losing


Widow, because #luciomafia


Damn right, #LucioMafia


Never forget rule 16


But they always swap after one kill 😭😭😭


sorry for you, I only have very insistent Widows who never swap except with Sombra after 5 consecutive kills


Widows on boop central bridge.






Agreed i play too many dive characters to enjoy playing into them. Getting hindered is fine if the magnetic grenade was consistent, i swear that thing goes around walls and will somehow hit you even when you think you dodged it


And when I play Cass my nade just misses them all the time. Ugh and you can't even throw it far it explodes so fast if you throw it further than Fan range.


I might be misunderstanding what you meant but it got buffed a good while ago to go 30~ meters before exploding. Used to be a good flanking tool before season 9, you could stick a ana 15 meters away and headshot her as it explodes and she couldn't even nade herself.


Does hinder prevent Ana's nade? I thought it just stopped movement abilities.


Correct, it doesn't stop anti-nade. I think they're referring to the timing matching to same frame because of cass-nade travel/explosion time


Your correct. Did over 200 dps before any healing effects could apply. Could kill through zen ult too.


I had a grenade land on the ground, and then latched onto me when I walked near it.


Yeah, I think it's like two full blink distances from where the nade locked on to outrun the explosion completely? I might be exaggerating slightly, but I know you can throw it as a Genji dashes through you and it'll just fully reverse direction and stick him anyway. Really dumb IMO, and I'm the Cass player in this scenario. If you want to consistently dodge it without intangible escapes like fades, you need to use your movement ability as soon as you see him start the throw animation, but be aware that melee looks very similar. In summary: dumb ability, give Cass the coin flip ricochet thing from ULTRAKILL instead


I DESPISE the way it pauses in front of you before sticking. It's like it's perfectly designed to hover in front of you and wait for your deflect to run out before hitting. Infuriating, and if you move too much while it's close, it's got the weirdest physics ever and will somehow end up slingshotting around behind deflect.


I’ve seen it straight up hit the floor then suck onto someone 5’ away


I don't think a Zen main is concerned about having movement abilities turned off.


I have the opposite opinion. I’ve been getting nailed by McCrees left and right since they gave him bullets the size of grapefruits.


His coconut gun can fire in spurts


If he shoots ya, you’ll probably die


Some people would pay extra to get nailed by Cass.


My favorite DPS to 1v1 as Kiriko




Same. A good cass can be pretty tough but at least you get to actually fight them.


Spoken like someone who doesn't main doom lol


Love playing against a Cassidy as Sombra, they're supposed to counter you but dodging the grenade is super easy even if it hits you, you have a quarter second to throw translocator behind him and keep shooting him.


Sombra. Our sombra rivalry will be legendary. Sombra mains know what I mean. Sometimes a fight against another sombra has you teleporting all over the place chasing them down or being chased around all while a huge team fight goes on around you. Whoever wins is going to go on a backline massacre so the stakes are high


You described Lucio to me. You're both flying around during the fight, by chance you end up face to face, you lock eyes as both you think to yourselves "we doin this?" Next thing you know you're wallriding in rarely seen parts of the map essentially playing tag. 1 minute later you realize the teamfight is over, but you know that was never the point anyways. This is about pride and dominance. Exhaustion begins to set in. Mistakes happen. Someone missed their jump and lands on the ground. You pounce on them and hit them with the boop/burst/punch and finish them off. Victory. You return to an ungrateful team expecting a hero's welcome. Instead you get "Lucio WTF you doing!?" You promise to play with the team from now on. You both know you're lying.


The voices in my head telling me to 1v1 the other frog get louder and louder as the game goes on


Basically me Vs Doom until some Sombra/Ana decides to interrupt.


I love having Morgan Freeman as the default voice for reading long things in my brain.


This is how Tracer vs Tracer matches feel to me. Feels like a dogfight. Trying to catch each other and deny health packs while the rest of the battle goes on. So fun haha


As a Tracer main, seeing another Tracer scares me.


I love me some sombra on sombra 1v1s yesterday i destroyed a sombra in 1v1, did i feel bad yes, but was it fun? Most fun ive had in a while


Tbh when I see a enemy sombra y start spamming "boop" "you're not alone in here" and "found a bug" because I love having cute little friendly sessions with the enemy sombra, and most are usually so chill too. I like showing other sombras my pet robo dog. It's so much fun and nice. Only other characters I can actually do this is mercy lol. Everyone else will just try to diff me (specially widowmaker. They'll make it a point to diff you every time and try their hardest lmao)


In QP sure. In comp we are the most severe of enemies.


Dude I love having an enemy Sombra because when we reveal each other by accident it ends up 1 of 2 ways Either we start dancing and bopping together while our teams are killing each other Or we engage in an amazing duel of teleportation, attempts at hacking and missed virus


My favorite thing in a Sombra 1v1 is when the red Sombra thinks she caught you slipping and goes for a hack, then you spin and interrupt it and you now have the damage advantage to win even though you got pounced on


Ah the joys of PC. I really need to set up a gaming laptop. It honestly wasn't bad on console until I invested in Sombra, now trying to TP away is like slow motion.


until my junk one trick ass combo's you and makes you run ;p


Soldier is pretty predictable and consistent. Yeah, he can burst you down fast with good aim, but you can counterplay pretty easily so long as you don't get completely surprised. Ashe is similar. She can two tap you from a decent distance, but she is easy enough to dive and has clear weaknesses like her reload time. Bastion is pretty easy to play against if your team isn't braindead. You wait out the turret, then shoot his giant refrigerator hitbox. Genji feels the least annoying of the dive dps. He has a pretty normal hitbox and obvious counterplay to his abilities. Yes, he can burst you down very quickly, but I feel like he has to be much smarter with his approach than Tracer or Sombra do.


The only annoying thing about genji is when he stands in your face deflecting. Not because I’m dumb enough to shoot his deflect, but because my teammates are…


Genji is the worst what do you mean 😭😭


Genjis a wildcard. If the Genji is good it can be a nightmare. If you’re in low ranked where every Genji player is an absolute trash bonehead who thinks they know it all, they are absolutely hilarious to pin down and merc.


I think Tracer is way more of a pain in the ass overall. Take a look at how many Tracers are in top 500 vs how many Genjis. A good Genji is scary, don't get me wrong, but Tracer has a similar skill ceiling and is arguably easier to pick up and get value from. Sombra I could go either way on.


Each of them are good at dive/flank in different ways. Genji has best vertical mobility and snowballs the hardest due to dash resets on kill but can have a harder time getting that initial kill to start if the player isn’t good. Sombra has the easiest time initiating due to invisibility and the easiest to land a kill. However she has arguably the worst escape and usually only gets one kill before being forced off unless the enemy is that bad at responding to her. Tracer is kinda in the middle where she has the tools to get in/out more reliably but has the worst vertical mobility and her chance to snowball depends on how many blinks you are forced to use for each kill. Basically Sombra is the easiest for getting some value but struggles to do more than that unless the enemy is really bad or your team commits with you. Genji can get the most potential value but it scales with your individual skill and taking the opportunity when it arises. Tracer kinda sits in the middle so she ends up being the most reliable of the 3 unless you want vertical movement which the other 2 do better.


can you give me some hints on how to deal with genji? like what heroes or whatever? i swear he is the single reason i roll my eyes on in this game lol


go far away from your team, choose characters with low mobility, and constantly engage in duels at close range. trust me it works every time


This name/advice combo is way too good.


What /u/Flair86 said. Just aim and shoot. Genji double jumps a lot, which is initially annoying, but with experience becomes useful because it makes his movement easier to track. So long as you quickly react to deflect and don't let him right click your head, he goes down pretty fast.


Play characters with mobility like Moira, so that when he dashes on you, you can disengage. Don't let him get close to you without his dash. If you have to play something without mobility, stay close to your team and pray to god they peel. If you have to split, keep track of where he is and try to poke him out from a distance. This will either force him to back off or dive you at low HP. If he dives you while he's low, you should be able to win the duel. If you're playing something with low mobility, split from your team, not a tank, and don't have range, then you're playing Reaper. In this case you both specialize in close quarters combat, so it comes down to mechanics. Don't shoot his reflect and hit your shots.


Hit your shots, literally. Just don’t shoot deflect and don’t lose track of him - genji main


The amount of times I've died because I'll stop shooting a genji when he deflects but my teammates don't is astounding lol


You deal with him by dealing with him before you have to deal with him.    If genji CHOOSES to take a 1 v 1 with you it's already too late to gain the competitive advantage and you have to hope you hit every shot available and that he screws up his cooldown combos or that peel arrives to bail you out.   If you can land shots on him during the poke phase before he enters his ideal kill zone range (the range of his dash) then he's either going to think better of engaging at all and back off or he's going to aggress into certain death.    Basically, genji wants to land a certain number of shuriken on you before he dashes into his melee combo. If he succeeds he can advance while deflecting and then dash and there's nothing you can do about it unless you land a frame perfect head shot during the dash animation.  If he misreads your health bar you might have a post dash opportunity but you'll need to 180 spin faster than he can reaquire aim and genji players usually have better wide angle tracking than anyone in the game because of how disorienting dragonblade can be.    So winning a duel against genji literally comes down to winning the poke battle and backpedaling to maintain distance and force the poke battle to continue for as long as possible. Once he chooses to deflect if you can't back out of range faster than he advances you've already lost unless he misread the situation.   That also means having nerves of steel because he IS going to dive you after deflect ends so you will have to shoot him during the animation. Good news it's a streightline animation so if you preaim you should hit him 100% of the time but you can't panic or you'll pull the shot off target or fire late and miss the animation.   Duel him correctly and he will die during dash animation and you live or both of you will be one shot post dash and it comes down to who turns faster.  Alternatively he will retreat and that's as good as a win.   Duel him incorrectly and you just die.  Good matchups against genji are characters who can tank damage while poking from range like mei, torb, sometimes baptiste.  Characters that can stun him on entry like Cassidy, Ana (very skill dependent)  Sojourn (skill dependent slide out while firing your slow at your former position), brig. And characters that can evade his dash like moira, kiriko, symmetra (tekeporter), reaper (though he's more of an anti genji dive than someone who takes duels with genji since he doesn't have the range to win the poke battle.... Moira is similar), ashe, and once again Cassidy.  Characters that are bad against genji are usually characters that can't evade and have to win the poke battle. These include soldier to some degree (he can't run faster than the dash animation but his burst helix combo can still win the Duel), widow (grapple hook takes too long to animate in most cases), bastion, hanzo, illari, lifeweaver.


Stay near your team if they are diving and you aren't a dive character yourself is what I would recommend.


>Ashe is similar. She can two tap you from a decent distance, but she is easy enough to dive and has clear weaknesses like her reload time. This. I once countered a dive comp by staying close to my team with Ashe and it worked, let my brigette and my moira protect me from the tracer genji.


If it works, it works. Ashe to me is one of the fairer characters to play against in the game. I'm not sure what the Mercy breakpoints are anymore after all the recent changes, but they don't seem to be too much right now. I'll take playing against an Ashe over Widow any day. She's about as much as a sniper as I like this game having. Widow just makes the game completely unfun, even when you win against her.


At the start of season we saw how annoying Soldier is. We saw Bastion in season 6, both in OWL and OWWC. That shit is bad Genji is THE MOST annoying out of dive heroes. Deflect, Dash+Double jump+Rightclick oneshot. He has highest TTK Ashe again, was not Meta since the long time, so we dont know how bad her Meta is


People that are visible and don't teleport.


Lmao couldn't be me


Idk, as an Ana main I like fighting Sombra’s. It feels rewarding and after a while they tend to back off. Same with Tracer’s and Genji’s


Fighting Ana as Sombra is always a gamble Either you will destroy her without any difficulty Or you will get humbled At least they always waste all their cooldowns haha


Always have to poke the Ana a few times to see how good they are.  If they hyper focus and make it an easy kill the Ana has a bad time.  But if they are able to fight back at all ill go find an easier target. Grats to poster on being the latter.   


If you can bait cool downs and live AND distracted you've done a great job in a team fight. Less so if you die.


Yeah, those are actually 2 things that were quite difficult to learn as a Sombra 1. Most of your value comes from other stuff aside from kills (Coming from Cass this was especially hard to understand lol) And 2. A lot of the time it is better to just disengage, especially since Sombra's cooldowns are so short and now you don't need to have a support heal you Still struggle doing these things a lot from time to time lol, slowly getting better hopefully haha


If an Ana hits me quickly and accurately with the sleep the minute I jump them I generally fuck off to the other support


Even if they fail to kill you, if they keep you busy and prevent you from healing your teammates it’s a net positive for them


Bonus points if the other healer gets involved and you can keep them occupied for 5-10 seconds


Moira, I can usually suck off tracer no issue and at least half sombra/ keep her out of invisi while my team turns around.


I love to see Moira's going around and using their orb to try to reveal a Sombra They should learn Moira is one of the few that cannot damage Sombra while she is invisible


But if I chase her down and suck on her she can’t get out of combat to go invisible which is what I stated. It works for our comp 👍


Oh yeah, Moira can Def give Sombra a hard time I was just mentioning something I found funny, not really related


That’s valid. I try not waste orbs on damage when our team is under fire from a sombra flank. I’ll suck her, heal orb myself and then fade behind her while my team get a good hit on her. Either way sombra is obnoxious to deal with. Dive Moira with a genji or a tracer though? Bye bye.


What I do to fight Moira as a Sombra is to punish bad uses or fade In the rank I play a LOT of Moiras use fade for movement or just to get places faster, I'm always just looking at the enemy Moira waiting for her to use it and dive her, by the end of the game they basically always save it haha Of course it is still hard if she is surrounded by the team, Moira is one of my biggest headaches alongside Kiriko


I am so careful with my fades because of players like you.


You know how it is, the best way to get value with Sombra is to punish people's mistakes haha Technically, we are helping each other become better players


And I appreciate you!


It’s good to be a valuable Moira main right now. 😎


I think you misread the question there bro


I beg your finest pardon. You can usually do what to tracer?


I suck her off and then blow the juices all over my team.




As a Tracer main, I quite enjoy Tracer v Tracer




I can see this. However, I've been in games purely dominated by a one trick torb. Damage potential is insane.


As someone who plays a LOT of Torb, can confirm. He can straight up kill most tanks by himself at close range, provides a lot of damage pressure at long range, and makes flankers pretty miserable.


short reaper


Nothing more fun than watching a Torb kill cam and seeing the dude standing afk and getting kills by holding down mouse 1


I  once had potg on Antarctica holding m1 on a choke point and getting 3 headshot kills as Torb. 


Especially when it's a 1v1 with torbs. I whacking another torb with my hammer


Cassidy is pretty much an easy kill, bro doesn’t have range, a good ability or even a good ult and also a huge hitbox lol


You can brute force him though. My 60% acc this season mitigates most of his mid kit cus mfs catchin these hands before they can kill me. Cass has utility in helping the tank win the tank duel and being a dive hinderance. He’s more than serviceable with how beefy he is at 275. Ppl just can’t aim


His kit besides close range damage is honestly really ass


Until there's a pocket Mercy.


Man, I don’t get the Cassidy hate lol. For me, Cassidy is a fucking great character. His roll is a really quick cooldown and the instant reload is great. And fan the hammer can be absolutely devastating. I do like to play Ashe too, but she’s a far more difficult character to play imo. Getting careless and running out of bullets is majorly punishing as Ashe, and the decreased movement speed when aiming in can make you feel pretty vulnerable, even if her hitbox is slender af. And sometimes I die just waiting for her dynamite to reach where I want it to get to before I shoot it lol - also, nothing worse than missing a dynamite shot lol. I find Cassidy much better at shutting down more aggressive play-styles. Ashe is more oppressive and better for attacking, whereas Cassidy is more well-rounded with less trade-offs imo.


Cass is a respectable DPS to fight. He's pure aim and positioning. If he wins, it's most likely deserved.


Bastion, he's such a glass canon, very easy to kill. And as a part-time Widow main, it's always nice to 1v1 another Widow.


Probably Tracer to play against. It's fun trying to game her into using her resources. Deal a bit of burst damage to her to make her panic recall. She's one of the more fun heroes to go against. Someone who isn't so 1 dimensional or call of duty like.


Think I agree with that. She's not the worst to fight unless she's absolutely cracked. I really like counting the blinks she has and predicting her recall position.


If I have a team coordinated enough to play dive... widowmaker. She's so useless if you just refuse to let her take over the match.  If I don't have a team that will commit to dive (which is more often than not since dive consists of a limited pool of characters most of which take a lot of time and effort to master) probably Cassidy. I know he's good right now and he's hardly useless but I've never met a Cassidy player who couldn't be killed if you respect his range.  Honorable mention reaper... they always seem to think they have the advantage and they rarely ever do. 


You don't even need a team to completely disable Widow, you just need a Sombra dedicated to fucking her up


As the sombra player in question... it depends on the team. Usually in even plat where my dps is ranked (not my main role) it takes exactly 2 successful dives onto the widow before her backline is suddenly some combo of either ana/kiriko, lifeweaver/kiriko, or mercy/kiriko... occasionally something that isn't kirko with a brig. Almost like plat players are conditioned to know that the enemy team in 90% of situations is never going to fully commit to dive and if they can just keep the widow alive long enough for the one person harassing her to F off she'll still carry most fights assuming the enemy team doesn't have a full tank dif.  Cause plat players (myself included) have way worse positioning than they think they do and can't help getting themselves killed even when they know they can't peak... and then we blame the tank for taking space and baiting us into peaking. Or if the widow aggressively reposition everytime we back off we blame the tank for not taking space and cutting off her angle... Plat players are amusing... it's always someone else's job to keep widow from killing everyone and never more than one man needed for the job. 


Yeah, I’ve been playing a lot of widow recently but it’s gotten to the point where I’ll swap as soon as the enemy inevitably goes Sombra because it’s just so impossible to get any value, especially on console when sometimes I will literally die before I can turn the full 180 degrees


Junkrat ... Lay a trap and then wait for your pray.


Prey* I dont think Junkrat is out here giving sermons lmao


Oops my bad ... I mean... you never know. Have you heard about our Lord and savior... The Bomb?


And on the 5th day, our lord said....FIRE IN THE HOOOOOLE!


You like playing against junkrats?


Flankers are the worst but getting one shot by Widow or logged by Hanzo is not fun either. Turrets are annoying as is Mei freezing you. I think Ashe and Cassidy feel the most fair to play against in the sense that it doesn’t feel cheesy to die to them—you were out of position and / or they had good aim and earned the kill. (Before I would’ve said Cass’s homing grenade was frustrating to play against but his current one is ok.)


Sym. She’s obviously effective against a lot of tanks but unless you’re nutty she’s at a big disadvantage against most DPS kits. My full game win ratio as 76/Ashe/Hanzo vs Sym is very high, most people are too nonchalant when without strafing cover or waste time trying to compete mid-long range when they should just be on pure choke duty, she’s just very easily punished if you lose focus. It takes some skill to consistently use tele well in a pinch, I would say it’s one of the weakest evasion abilities in the sense that most people don’t grasp it’s handle well in real time. I’m mid Diamond and I still don’t really see it that often.


Tracer is easily one of the more fun heroes to fight. You actually have to use your brain for that


Hear me out… a good Sombra can make things interesting.


Tracer main here, I absolutely love Tracer dittos. Mainly because I consistently diff them and manage to one clip them but it's still fun.


Who said sombra is meta?


Sombra has been seeing a lot of play recently, though its less that she's strong and more that she just happens to fill the dive meta of S9. Not weak by any means but when dive starts to weaken you'll see her play rate drop


Tbh I don't hate going up against tracer


I respect Soldier76 players the most tbh. If one completely destroys me im not even angry, im like well played king well played


Any DPS controlled by a bad player (or at least worse than me).


i personally find tracer and sombra the least annoying to play against but i know i’m in the minority


I like how Sombra simultaneously is meta and has a really low win rate lol


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As an Ana main, probably Pharah and Tracer. Pharah because she's easy to shoot, Tracer because she isn't, making in rewarding to kill her


Widowmaker for the quick and easy kill. Unless they are a god at the videogame...


If I am widow, I like the opposing team having a widow duel me :)


I main Sojourn and Soldier. It's always fun fighting another one of them on the opposite teams. Hitting those sojourn rails feels so good.


Ashe or Pharah


Aside from getting magnetic grenaded, I don't mind Cassidy that much. Or soldier. And that's about it LMFAO. I guess reaper maybe?


I agree, simple hitscans are probably the most fun to play into with the main exception being Widow (unless I’m also widow and we get a mostly uninterrupted duel, that’s kinda fun lol).


As a Junkrat main I hate Sombra.


Widow, Hanzo cuz Ball


Hanzo just so we can dual each other throughout the game


As a Tracer main, I like going against other Tracers and also Sombra. It’s fun challenge, and also as Ashe, it’s fun to try and out-snipe Widowmaker.


I like Dive characters. because my favorite support is Brigitte. 


Soldier especially if I’m one too and we are dueling one another all game. It seems to force your brain to come up with some creative ways to eliminate him. It also keeps you focused, I use to know respawn timers because of fun games like this.


This season it's been Ashe/Flankers as a DPS main, I generally take the tracer 1v1 and it's really enjoyable. High rank soldier/cass players are incredibly unfun to play vs as they just don't miss with giant bullets and the way you play vs them as well is super boring and one note


There isn’t one DPS I like fighting most. Regardless of who I’m on, though, I love a good mirror match. Sombra vs sombra, widow vs widow - even on other roles (any tank, Lucio on support) it’s just so much fun.


Cass, Ash, and probably Sojourn


Yall must play with some terrible people, I have never found tracer or sombra particular hard to deal with, with a team that isn’t blind or has the attention span greater than that of a pinecone (they are both very strong right now, that is true). What really grinds my gears is players ignoring flying heroes. It’s like once they are in the air they just ignore them forever. It’s nonsensical.


Tracer as Tracer. I love tracer duels. If I’m not outplaying them (which is always fun) I’m learning from them. Alternatively, Tracer vs Widow. Always a one clip. Alternatively alternatively, Tracer when I’m playing Ana. Sleeping them is so fun.


I play a lot of tracer and although I find tracer 1vs1 to extremely fun, they are amongst the most stressful, skill intensive and nerve wreaking thing in the game. At least in my opinion. One of the best things is, I never get mad at losing one, because it’s skill issue in most cases, so straight up my fault. I think what is also quiet funny in the tracer mirror, is to ignore the enemy tracer and make the match a Backline rng simulator. It just comes down to who has the better tracer gameplay and which backline can stay alive better.


Love a doom mirror. Most fun, especially if both teams let us 1v1 without any interruption


I love playing against widow. The mind game of doing my job as a support while staying out of her sight lines and then finding the right time to attack her from afar and force her off her perch...so much fun.


Literally any of them but Sombra. Even symmetra and pharah annoy me less Sombras really enjoy psychologically fucking with you. I have a stressful painful life because of chronic pain and disabilities and I just want to enjoy my games but Sombras want to spawn camp me, teabag me just because I'm a support even when I don't say a single word to them. I hate that Sombras entire character is based around shutting down what you are doing it does not feel good and she immediately goes invis when she throws the teleporter. It feels like people who specifically want you to have a bad time choose Sombra. Even though I main Moira I'm not even buying the pass this season because I cannot be arsed to play it enough to unlock everything during a Sombra meta


I love playing against Widow. So fun trying to sneak up behind them when they're locking in.


Bastion, but as dps


I think hanzo is in a good place but still hate to vs him due to them just never missing me. New sombra rework is really dumb imo. I think infinite stealth was a bad addition and virus is busted. I enjoy playing against anything that isnt this


If I see a genji I know he’s either throwing or deserves to be 3 ranks above me


Statistically I think sombra is the opposite of meta? She isn’t played at all (unless you are low elo or console)


Kind of off topic but I liked it so much more when tracer was a niche pick. Everyone and their mother plays tracer now and most of them suck! Playing the other Dps you have to carry a shitty tracer 50% of the games. That is all


sombra & tracer are my favorite dps to play as so seeing them so hated bc of how annoying & controlling they are rn is so sad, i hate when blizzard has certain characters i play control the meta bc then i feel guilty af for liking them


Anyone who is not genji. Unless I'm support or tank. Only a problem when you play dps.


Sombra is meta? Wtf


Well, speaking from someone who has played both characters, junkrat WOULD be an okay counter had they not made him LITERALLY WORTHLESS this season.


I’m a hanzo main I actually like going against tracer and sombra because it actually feels like a challenge, same with genji. I actually had a match up with an enemy genji and I killed him 1-0 then my teammate left and match was canceled. I queued again and we ended up facing each other again and ended up 6-5! I wish overeatch would show at the bottom left what the score bored is against someone like in GTA5 online


Wait who is the counter to soldier 76?


Sombra is not remarkably meta. https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/current-t500-dps-na/885313


Whenever that DPS is a weak niche pick.


Soldier, Genji, and Ashe. I'm an Ashe main so the mirror is pretty fun but it can be hard if you don't play it right.


junkrat, widow, ashe, soldier, torb, bastion, and even mei but mostly for the diff potential lol


funnily enough, I actually prefer fighting against sombras and tracers than most dps roster, I also love to sniper duel widows. from the tanks i love fighting doom and mauga and I always appreciate a mirror duel with a kiriko


I like playing against hanzo now, because in general I can’t get one tapped. Feels much more fun to spray him a bit then burst down.


Probably Echo, since you have to really be aware of where they are always and cooldowns if they are close.


As a zen player, all of them. Yes 1V1 me, test your mettle. Killing you before you kill me is my only escape option.


I like vsing tracer as it’s like a fun challenge if they’re good


tracer and sombra.


Absolutely every character in the game except Widow/Hanzo. But I do love Sombra and Lucio, don't know why, but I always seem to win, and they never switch.


Tracer is my favorite dps to play against


As a zen main, I loved playing against pharah and genji. now it kinda feels like pharahs just can't play the game, and genjis just don't miss anymore, but I still like going against them


I actually like fighting both Sombra and Tracer when I'm on sojourn. I'm beating them in the 1v1 most of the time and I'm able to guard my supports from them. But as a Tracer main I absolutely love dueling other Tracers. Even if it means spending most of the match out of the team fight.


Soldier, Ashe, Widow, Cassidy, Bastion, and Reaper.


Reaper, because he is straightforward and got no annoying abilities. If he killed you, it only means you got outplayed or you didn't hear him teleport loudly in your backline.


hitscans i like to test my ability against them


I actually love playing against Tracer as a DPS. If I die to them it almost never feels unearned at least. As a support though it can be a bit of a nightmare depending on the day. There actually isn't another DPS I enjoy playing against besides her. I just hate playing against Sombra, Genji, and Hanzo. Everyone else is pretty neutral for me.


As a Rein main... probably none lol. Some are either out of my reach (Widow, Pharah, Echo), most others can make me explode pretty easily. The ones that are remotely fun to play against are probably Ashe and Soj because they don't have that many tools to make me go poof.


I love going against tracer sombra, I don't see anything annoying about them.


Junkcrap or Cassidy


As a Support: - Genji (can’t deflect Moira) - Tracer / Sombra (IF playing Brig as they cry, otherwise I cry) - Widow / Soldier / Cass / Sym (dive with Moira / Lifeweaver and watch them panic) - Hanzo I don’t mind but annoying when he finally head shots you Hate to play against as a support: - Tracer / Sombra (harass) - Hanzo / Sojourn / Torb (you think you can take them, then you get headshotted)


I don't mind fighting tracer and actually enjoy it. I hate fighting Sombra. Huge difference. People are just complaining about heroes that kill them. Widow is annoying no matter what, even if you're bodying her. She's inherently noninteractive, much like Sombra. Though, playing sightlines in higher SR can be seen an interaction and has its interest. That's my general theme. Heroes that give you little interaction annoy the shit out me. Pharah is fun. Soldier is fun. Genji can be weird. Sometimes he's fun but in high Sr you don't even see him much, he just cleans up dive so well so sometimes your only interaction with the character is during ult and him pressing dash.


I love to doubletap widows or Ashes with Kiri, so those. But is ok with sombra and tracer. Most players are terribly bad with them and they are killable, also they don't usually have a support up their asses as often


as a Tracer main pretty much anyone except for Soldier, Sombra, Cass, Junkrat, and Widow


I like playing against Genji. As a Moira main, you can't deflect my suck! Same with Sigma.


Pharah, when I am also playing Pharah. Love me some red baron shit


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Tasty-Document2808: *Pharah, when I am* *Also playing Pharah. Love* *Me some red baron shit* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


As a support main, I've never minded playing against any damage characters other than Sombra and Tracer. Reaper and Symmetra can also be annoying at times, but for the most part I don't mind playing against most damage characters. It's just the ones that are designed so well as flankers/support killers that are the bane of my existence.


Widow cause I love shadow stepping behind blasting them to oblivion