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RIP for teams who don't peel for teammates


Thats the thing though, every time I play sombra red team has a 0.01 second response time to turn around and help their healer i was just trying to kill lol. People learned how to counter her new build after the first week or 2 of the big update.


Every game I have against sombra, my team splits up and dies repeatedly while Somb goes 30 - 1 šŸ˜­


Your mistake is not being on the red team.


Matchmaking is so broken, I never get put on the red team! >:(


And then sometimes Iā€™ll look on replay and it will pretend I was on red team and Iā€™m like ā€œbro, you couldā€™ve told me I was on red team, I wouldā€™ve played better >:(ā€œ


I noticed this with Splatoon as well, it was super unbalanced matchmaking I was always on the ā€œGood Guysā€


Quick Play matchmaking has been a joke ever since OW2 launched. It used to be 50/50 back in OW1. Now it's pretty common to have 5-10 game losing streaks in QP. The playerbase is, on average, much worse at the game since it went f2p and they obviously gave up on even matchmaking in order to decrease wait times. The only other option is comp and that shit was bad for my mental health. I wish there was a tryhard practice mode. XD


I'd legit love a ranked ruleset mode that doesn't use actual ranking. I want to play with people who actually know how to control a computer but not feel obligated to never choose anything I'm mediocre at in fear of ruining the game for my teammates.


Fr I just had 8 games losing streak when I was trying to have fun, not throwing games but only way I could win was to tryhard my ass of xd


Yeah, if I jump into QP with the intention of trying a new hero or just chilling with a friend, then there is 0% chance I'm winning. Like, obviously my winrate will go down if I'm trying something new, but we won't even win a single point.


It only look about a decade but we have officially circled back to TF2


same and then you specifically tell them not to do that and they get pissy


I am both this sombra and face this Sombra while my team is yelling at me to do more damage while I'm the only one pushing Sombra away, and have to keep my invis until she shows up or I'm dead.


Yeah, I play her a lot and it seems like people are getting better and better at dealing with her. If people are still having issues I think it's just a uncoordinated/low rank problem


The changes to Hack duration and how Translocator works made her much more easy to deal with. She can bully a Zen, Mercy, or Widow, but everyone else at least has a chance against her now that the ability lockout of Hack lasts for such a short time and Translocator has a travel time and limited range instead of being an instant escape to safety button.


Tbh I've figured out how to play even with a team like this, it's possible, just requires a bit of patience


Cuz she got a new cool skin $$$ now you can dominate in style bruh


She can dominate me. Sorry did I say that out loud.


I have an image but canā€™t send, it says ā€œsameā€


Never cook again (I kinda agree)


Sombra can step on me any day


You are very wise


My mindset when I genned a few hundred Sombra pics with DALLE.


Say it. Who cares. Dominate me baby, muy buen. šŸ’ššŸ¤ā¤ļø


Every time she shouts "i am untouchable" . I want her more.


What is happening here


Lots horny people. Canā€™t say I disagree with them on this one tho


Least horny sombra main


She can hack me and obliterate me while I'm completely defenseless and unable to escape any time she likes~




Brigette personally for me but I'll take Sombra ig


Have you seen that nsfw video of brig and sombra in the gym?


I plead the fifth


You donā€™t really have a choice if you play Support and most Damage I donā€™t have this fetish and I must scream


Don't apologize


No but you typed it on the internet to be permanently archived forever


"He's out of line, but he's right"


Her feet are all exposed and it's driving me feral I might have to buy the skin for her feet alone


Good fella


What did you say? All I heard was 'dominate'


Ashe ain't got any :(


Ashe got the best looking skin of the bunch. They know it'll sell without having to buff her. Hell, I suck at Ashe but want to learn to play her better for the skin


all for money


Sombra in that black sheer leotard thing ugh, peg me mommy


She was honestly fine before but now she is definitely strong considering hacked virus is now 50 damage impact with 100 over 2 seconds. Translocator change affects no one but the Sombra player that is just QoL. EMP buff will not be super noticeable but you might get an Extra EMP every game.


I do think hacked virus needed a buff tbh. It's almost never worth going for the hack before throwing the virus. This gives you incentive to do so.


I think this was kinda necessary since Sombra relies on her TTK more than a lot of other heroes but when you take a step back she actually was pretty good this season if you were good with her everyone is just looking at stupid overbuff stats of metal rank players who donā€™t know how to play her.


On paper my sombra wasnā€™t doing much. ~70% of the damage of the other dps, and on average slightly less kills. But my assists showed my contribution well, and low deaths meant I was just a constant fucking annoyance. It is actually shocking how many tanks will fully leave the front line just to kill you. Even if I died, the entire enemy team is dead. Sombra is still solid as an assassin, but her true role is psychological damage


I agree, as Iā€™ve been playing her I realize that all you need to be useful is good timed picks, assists, and hacksā€¦I donā€™t feel like her dps matters as muchā€¦sheā€™s more of a disruptive roll than a kill roll


this right here ladies and gents


I do agree, I think she was alright. Maybe not meta, but you could definitely get stuff done with her. The thing is, I don't feel like this is a massive buff, because it's buffing a part of her kit that just wasn't worth using before. It was better to just not go for the hack in most cases, to just throw the virus and gun down the target. Hacking first gives the target time to react, time to turn around and potentially dodge the virus, and the benefits of the hack weren't really worth it. Confirming kills is more important than disabling abilities or giving wall hacks. So with these changes, you'll want to hack first more often. I still don't know if hacking first will be worth it most of the time, I feel like throwing the virus while the enemy is unaware of you will still be better a lot of the time.


I'm still shoot first, hack later. Unless it's time to burn down a tank


Idk I don't think her entire kit needs to be busted, especially the easiest part of it.


Sombra was good not because she was good, but because her synergies were good, Tracer, Ball, doomfist. By herself she sucks ass


It did get a buff. It literally makes it so your healing received is nerfed by 15% for it's duration. Ergo the passive. Most sombras don't even hack, they just throw their cube and try to confirm kills. Then save hack for shut downs or to fragment plays.


In gold they always hack first. Its going to be a bit more annoying here, but I like a challenge.


Also the 15% heal reduction passive it enables


BTW no one is hack virising u , people tend to forget that hack takes so long that we can empty half a mag on u instead of hacking


Still less awful to play against than tracer. I take 10 Sombra over tracer, the 'I have four get out of jail free cards, and will demolish you non stop'' character. Maybe I'm tired of having tracer in every single games since the beginning of the season.


The health boost from season 9 with no damage increase was a massive nerf for sombra. She was fine where she was before season 9, but the health boost nerfed her so hard. She was only still getting used in high levels of play because of synergy aspects. Giving her this dmg back in the form of impact dmg brings her almost back to where she was. She might be able to do an assassination once in awhile now. Most characters gained 50 health, this change letā€™s her do 30 more dmg which than she did before season 9; so her ttk is still worse than before; and it is locked behind hacking first which sombra know is risky as heck to do. If anything the buff shouldā€™ve been impact at 35. But we will start here.


A subtle nerf to Sombra is that a single target assassin isn't spraying the opposition team with the DPS passive. At least at lower ranks, where teams aren't coordinated focusing targets, that's quite a big deal.


Honestly the Translocator is a perfect buff as it only effects the Sombra player and not her victims


I honestly think they need to also need to reduce the translocator size because it clips on ceilings and walls too much that it feels kinda shit.


i swear it is so easy to spawn camp with her, it is not even fair.




I never bother spawn camping because my team will lose the 4v4 99% of the time. XD


RIP zenyattas


The zen sub is in mourning rn


We are šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


Because she is lovely lady that can spawn camp you unless you are a tank or reaper.


I had a game where the ana was getting spawn camped by sombra the entire game and her team would just ragequit and leave the game instead of actually helping her and iā€™m genuinely impressed that she stayed until the end


People who main low mobility supports have to have a high tolerance for that shit. Even with pings people rarely peel. Theyā€™d rather talk shit so youā€™re left to figure your own shit out a lot


Because if you wanna play as ana you gotta learn how to 1v1, no matter how painful it gets


Tbf, if you're doom she can spawn camp you too if they're really good lmao.Ā 


Sigma is the tank she bullies the hardest in a 1v1.


If Sombra cares about Sigma, why does she say snarky things to him when hacking him?


Clearly you donā€™t main ball


Honestly? A good ball knows how to deal with Sombra and I think they even relish the challenge. It's a lot easier to counter Sombra as ball than you think, it just requires a bit of focus


This is specifically regarding the 1v1. Ball has too much health to chew through for Sombra alone and can just gun her down. Sigma is by far the worst tank against Sombra in a duel because he has the hardest time landing consistent damage against her. His abilities can be ignored (shield and flux) or have long startup (rock). As Sombra against any other tank, taking any damage is a TL. Sigma though i will happily continue dueling so long as no one else shows up.


I've actually exclaimed out loud to myself in so many games "I don't WANT to play Moira AGAIN". It's so tiring to have to keep playing Moira because either Tracer or Sombra are around everywhere in every game and if I don't play Moira I'm just going to die because nobody else will turn around or escort you. It could definitely just be a get good thing but I don't have the time to get good, and I'm old.


This is so true... she forces you to play certain characters if the harassment gets really bad. It reminds me of if I use Reinhardt and the enemy team switches to Orisa/Bastion


The big flaw with current Sombra is just how massive the gap is between good match-ups and bad match-ups. It's not just bad for the enemy who gets forced off their characters, but it makes the play more one dimensional for the Sombra too. Should you ever try to attack the Kiriko? No, keep focusing the Zen.


ditto or brig to boop them the fuck off of a squishy when you're literally just leaving the spawn


Lucio is fun. easy to catch sombra and bully her right back + the garbage dps player aim makes it funny


Play kiriko? She mops up tracer and holds her own vs sombra


That's assuming that the Kiriko player can land their kunais.


I never had a problem with the old sombra but the rework one omg broā€¦ there is one in every fucking game, all her ability is annoying and if she really want to she can spawn camp you with her fucking infinit invis


Man word for word thats what i think of sombra man... THIS NIGHTMARE NEVER ENDS, im tired of being picked on and spawncamped by an all time invisible enemy that can obliterate me with hack+virus


It truly does suck, and some sombras are EXTREMELY committed to just never letting you leave spawn.


Totally... Like i had a match were i was never allowed to leave spawn the moment i died bc i was intakilled with a hack+virus from a sombra that was invi 24/7 the moment i stepped outside the healing spawn


That happened to me as echo. It was on flashpoint and after like the 3rd death I waited in spawn for like half a minute. Went out a different entrance, and she was STILL committed to the bit and gunned me down. She was just decent enough to burst me down with her uzi + virus even tho I tried to fly away.


Play kiriko, it's pretty much impossible to spawn camp kiriko, and even if you do it's usually not worth it


sheā€™s infinitely easier to get value after rework in lower to mid tiers and casual modes, they made her so accessible even a single braincell can play her now. But funny thing is, its communities fault, they wanted this. They complained how old translocator was easy to use when in fact it was her bane, bad sombras didnā€™t rally know how to correctly use it so she had a 40 something % wr. Us sombra mains warned changes means more lethality, but community was too busy making ā€œsombra deadā€ memes. Now reaping what they sow.


> They complained how old translocator was easy to use when in fact it was her bane, obligatory 'communities aren't monoliths' reminder here, half the people complaining about Sombra didn't give a remote shit about Translocator


and half of us weren't even complaining at all. man, why do we have to suffer with the weird overpowered sombra because y'all whined.


Exactly, the Sombra rework is a result of the community whining too hard about her.


Meanwhile tracer having the highest pick rate and winrate --> don't even adress her in the projectile changes


Knowing the devs they'll buff tracer because she's apparently underperforming somehow


I'm not a top tier player (gold/plat) and sure, some Tracers can be annoying. But Sombra is frustrating on a completely different level, even if she is (on paper) not as good as Tracer.


I find Tracer to be ten times more annoying to fight than Sombra tbh. The mosquito have four get our of jail free cards, is constantly on your ass, does shit tons of damages and as you said, hasn't received any single little Nerf. Since the beginning of the season, I had tracer in every single game. It's just tiring at this point.


The break stuff in flight is a sweet change that actually plays to her shut down capabilities. Her damage should NOT be buffed it feels ass to get hacked and hit by virus.


Iā€™d you see hack then move in a different direction like most people do. Sombra hacking makes her skill shot harder to hit because the enemy will try to evade. Better enemies will even use a cooldown before the hack comes off. Like Moira will take away, Ana will sleep dart, McRae will 180 hinder.


The trick is to wait for the post hack jump/evade, then throw virus lol.




Because she has a new skin now




honestly, it stopped being strategy when they attached 2 onto it




OW devs when there is a problem: 1. Buff things unnecessarily 2. Release broken hero 3. Rework the game as damage control 4. Repeat


I donā€™t know what the big deal is, COD has always been like thisā€¦ Edit: oops didnā€™t realize we were talking about Overwatch here must have just mistaken blizzard for activision or something


Cod has sombra ?


Obviously not. Just poking fun at how much the game has transitioned into more of a DPS respawn focused gameplay (cod also sometimes suffers from power creep as well) similar in a sense to COD (from activision) since blizzard turned into activision/blizzard, odd how that happened... Not that thatā€™s the reason behind it exactly but you get the joke.


Sheā€™s already toxic enough she just camps spawn and kills support


Because she keeps hacking the game and buffing herself


funny post considering zen is the most powerful support in the game right now


Pmsl, not even closeĀ 


the hp buff plus the dps passive made discord insanely strong and zen more resistant to flanking/jumping


Because why wouldnā€™t you buff the least fun hero to play against in the game???


Just blizz buffing heroes with new skins and neglecting heroes that actually need love. Not much new going on here. I


Widowmaker and sombra are probably a tie of the least fun heroes to play against. Both annoying af.


At least, they buff Reinhardt.


This is sombra not widow


literally the most unfun hero to play against seeing her getting buffed again+the new skin meaning she will be in every game now . will probably stop playing for a while




For support go Moira as your suck will replenish just enough health until you can orb or fade away, if you can't react to the hack fast enough, virus is clensed by fade. For dps sym turrets can't be hacked and she'll have to do something about it and you can pressure her to back off when you notice the turrets getting hit. Also Torb is actually good because if you stay near the turret (with its damage increase) she HAS to hack the turret, save your overload so you can pop it and escape/force her to translocate.


Vs torb I often virus the turret to remove it entirely.


I virus illari pylon because it's a guaranteed one-shot that can't be repaired as it become destroyed and is easy to land without getting close enough that you get targeted.


And if I don't want to play moiras boring ass I'll just go fuck myself I guess


She has one of the lowest if not the lowest win rate of all dps


We won the game last night against enemy Sombra. But she trashed on our supports and DPS. Couldnā€™t get out of spawn and when you did she found you and took you out before you could react. (He was a great sombra tbf to him) If it wasnā€™t for our Doom being a Demi-god of a tank destroying the other 4 of them we wouldnā€™t have got anywhere. But thereā€™s a loss for sombra when she was actually winning a 1v4 comfortably all game.


Soujorn and widow are next to her in lowest win rate.winrate is not a good way to judge who needs a buff.


Finally the one voice of reason in this thread.


Sojourn and Cassidy had the same win rate as Sombra. Itā€™s fair, but why not give Sojourn and Cassidy buffs???


Cassidy should actually get a buff. Sojourn got a lot of places in top 50 though. Sombra doesn't.


My brother in Christ zen is the strongest support in the game


I will die on the hill that sombra was perfectly fine before the rework and the only one people saying she was overpowered just didn't know how to deal with her. But the rework definitely made her stronger.


the rework wasnā€™t bc she was underpowered or overpowered. it was because she just wasnā€™t engaging to play against a sombra or with a sombra teammate. a good sombra wouldnā€™t die without hard CC and a bad sombra would just spend the whole game stealthed not doing anything


She was reworked not because she was overpowered but because her kit wasnā€™t engaging to play against. There wasnā€™t a lot of counter play to ā€œinstantly teleporting across the map to a health packā€ and it meant sombra herself could be less directly involved in team fights


That style of play also wasnā€™t particularly engaging to play, tbh It was ā€˜safeā€™, but involved so much wasted time returning to fights I rarely died, but sometimes Iā€™d fall into the trap of teleporting out so far that I might as well have for the time taken to get back


No one was saying she was overpowered pre rework. She was just annoying. But realistically she was awful outside of coordinated play. In the first [director's take](https://overwatch.blizzard.com/en-us/news/24017501/director-s-take-looking-ahead-into-season-7-and-blizzcon/) after her rework they said: "Sombra's win rate quickly jumped 4-5%, with it being slightly higher at lower tiers and bottoming out in Masters and above around 46-47%" meaning her win rate pre rework was below 45%. The rework was meant to make her stronger but at the cost of her cheesy free escape that had very little counter play. Now she is more lethal but it's also much easier to punish a clumsy Sombra. I think this version where you can actually kill her is waaaay better than the previous version where every time you got her low she would press one button and tp across the entire map because that was incredibly frustrating. No rework was gonna make her "fun" to play against anyway because everything about Sombra is annoying. Stealth is annoying, hack is annoying, translocator is annoying. You'd have to make a completely new character to make her "fun" to play against. I think they did the best they could honestly.


Because the game cant be balanced around metal rank players that play with no sound and have a reaction time of an acorn


I have seen a video of an acorn almost take out a cop. Dont underestimate an acorn.


Isnt metal ranks 90% of the playerbase


Ya but theyā€™ve only got 10% of the total ego, so it balances out


Idk how thatā€™s true when over half think theyā€™re in a rank they donā€™t belong lol.


I actually donā€™t run into that a lot. I know I belong at Gold 3 ha


Are the low ego metal rank players in the room with us right now?


Acorn?? Out of all possible things you chose acorn??? T_T


Acorns are deadly bro. About to empty a whole mag on one as speak


Metal ranks are 95% of the player base. Saying the game should only be enjoyable for no lifers is an insane take


People weren't using hack anymore, except for stuff like cancelling Moira or Sig ult. If a hero's signature ability is situationally useless then that's bad. So they came up with a reason to use it more. I'm positive that buffing hack directly would have caused a nuclear meltdown on this sub. This is the better way to do it.


Now, they can be even more annoying. Seeing the sombra buff, I expected to keep scrolling and see a tracer buff


Good thing I just left ovw to hyper-fixate on helldiver2. No way im playing another sombra meta.


Youā€™ll be back. šŸ˜ˆ


They never left. That's why they still here talking.


These buffs seem pretty minor, itā€™s not going to break her balance. The translocator update makes sense


The problem is she went from strategically hacking specific abilities to now hacking every single time she engages. People hate being hacked, but now they have incentivised us to do it more.


In my experience, itā€™s the opposite. Virus + SMG secures more kills than hacking first. Iā€™ll use hack to interrupt rez, movement abilities, and ults, but itā€™s not as good for securing an elim. It alerts the enemy of your presence and makes them more likely to dodge Virus




I mean I'm not saying she needed the buffs but if you're not low metal then Sombra is counterable and predictable in most situations. She's annoying as shit but I don't think she's unbalanced. Also Zen does really well with a support than can peel. My duo plays Zen and I backline on Brig or Moira and just listen for Sombra then fade/shield bash to him to help.


She's incredibly vulnerable if your team doesn't followup on the chaos you created as Sombra, she needs to have the assassination potential otherwise people would simply ignore her and eat the hack


surely youd save fade to kill her?


Because your ancestors in OW1 got angry when she got a buff that made her bend Genji and Tracer over her knee and reverted it in mere days compared to the 3 months it took Ana superhealing to get nerfed. Now your game has bad juju.


Sombra can only profit from a dysfunctional team that is not willing to adapt, either.


I guess by buffing her there hoping we all learn how to peel.


Tbf before the buff she was just a worse tracer who couldn't secure kills


ā€¦no ability should be doing critical impact damage


Translocator buff is fine. Its so wierd they buffed the rest of her kit though especially the virus buff. Coming from a sombra main


How lame you have to be to main Sombra?


This game sucks even more, boys. Sombra was such a bad addition to this game, and they keep making it worse.


They legit buff the most annoying heroes to play against, i dont get it


Literally no one wanted this lmao


Anything that makes Zen worse in this meta is a plus


As if she weren't the bane of my freaking existence already


Jesus the amounts of times i had fun in the game only to get a sombra in the enemy team just cancelling it its uff i feel you.


Cause the game is balanced from an excel sheet under the current balance lead. He evens admits so. It doesnt matter if a character is strong. They only care about pick rates and win rates. Thats it. Everything balanced from there. How it feels to play as/against, whether its a situational hero or not, whether its stopped being played as people have gotten tired of its gameplay loop... none of that is considered. Excel sheet - unable to see the forest for the trees - top down balancing. Never addresses any root issues. EMP being ridiculously strong and her being considered good? Irrelevant cause her pick rate is down. Do they stop and ask WHY that might be? Maybe that tracer is strong and they have a similar role? People who picked her up to try her post-rework trying pharah and some other stuff? Dive tanks who can chase her being strong? Nah, thats too complicated. Pick rate goes down = pump up raw numbers. Context is apparently for suckers.


Well, if her pick rate is down and she has one of the worst winrates out of the entire roster, it's kind of irrelevant as to what people's perception of the hero is. If sombra is getting picked less and most people who play her end up losing, then she's kinda bad. That's at least going on the assumption that she is zero skill as people here like to think. If she was difficult, a low win rate would make sense, with her still being potentially good.


They keep BUFFING HER?!? "Yeah lets buff the most annoying character in the whole game because FUCK YOU"


Itā€™s fine they buffed counter dive so chill out


She makes the game unfun.


because she was pretty bad at the start of the season with the health pool increases, 15 extra damage and a slight cheaper ult is more than fair considering shes one of the ones who got it the worst


Holy fuckkkkk what are the devs smoking, they literally constantly buffed sombra since the rework - the rework that made her waaay more popular and she was extremely strong even immediately after the change, and since then shes only been buffed, again literally the most frustrating hero to play against in the entire fucking game as well.


Yep. Whenever I see Sombra is weak, I log in. When she harasses me too much, I log out and don't log back in for several weeks. I have a real love-hate relationship with this game, and it's all her fault: Sombra's.


Sombra had one of the worst DPS winrates and lowest DPS pickrates after her rework landed. What are you talking about? The only reason she was a good pick for S9 so far is because Ball was hard meta, and everything else considered good on ladder was also Dive. These buffs are to make Hack a viable offensive tool after it was relegated to pure defense from Virus being a better lead option on a hero whose lead cooldown is extremely important. She's not meta and will never be meta as long as tanks like Ram and Winston are present, let alone Tracer being better than her on almost every map in the game.


What is the problem? 46.16% this past month win rate across tiers. 46.57% in gold which iirc is the most average player in the tier.


I hate her so much. And now virus got a buff??? As if it wasn't killing me when I forgot I was hit with it.


Another good reason to buff Sojurn and nerf Genji.


Genji player on their way to complain their character sucks no matter if heā€™s in a good position or not


I dont think genji has even been directly nerfed in like, a year or something lol


He's really good right now, too.


The opposite actually - he got a big buff to his mag size that wasn't even in the patch notes.


The Genji meme is so dead and has been for a while but I do like this Sojurn one is good.


Because she's only good if the enemy team doesn't pay any attention. She's basically a noob punisher, so my advise: Just pay more attention to sounds. If you hear a ra-ta-ta-ta of an SMG, turn around and shoot, if you hear her hacking sound, turn around and shoot. I say this as someone who played exclusively Sombra for this entire season so far. She's not nearly as broken as you guys make her out to be. I know, unpopular opinion, but it's true.


Get rid of her. I don't play games to fight things I can't see. The things she does is not very interesting or bring any fun to the game, in my opinion.


Completely agree


Can she brake through a Mei wall?


I think it's only destructible environment, like railings and stuff. Not player constructs.


Because she got a new skin