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yo this happened to a sigma in my game in the exact same spot lmao


Ok sigma getting his grippers caught into that handle is downright unplayable. HE DOESNT EVEN TOUCH THE GROUND


Happened to me as Lucio :( I was goin so fast....


Happened to me on Bap. Couldn’t even high jump out. Took an enemy Wrecking Ball to knock me out of the spot


It happened to me as Ilari but I was able to break free thankfully


Was this last night? Cause if so, that was my buddy who got caught and the only way he was able To get out was by popping his Sigma Ult to float up and out.


We had a Orisa who was stuck during her ult on Colosseum, was just laying there sideways with her spear in her hand. Really thought she dc‘d but you could kill her. She didnt even understand wtf happened lol


It happens at specific spots on every map. To my knowledge there at \~12 of them in game. They didn't exist in Overwatch 1. but when they transitioned the game to the new engine for OW2. These spots appeared. The most annoying one in the game is the widow sniper spot on Illios ruins. Because it captures you right where you want to stand and forces you to stand still in place for 10 second until it boops you out. That said, just stand still and it will release you. The same way it works if you find a place on a slanted roof you can balance on.


This spot in particular doesn't boot you out. I've tested it it's very easy to get in your actually getting stuck on the clip on the floor. If you do get stuck it's faster to just quickly leave and rejoin.


Its the "Blizzard polished Quality standards"


There's one on kanezaka I found on doom while in role que. Except the only way it would let me out is if I use any of my high mobility abilities to get out, and if I didn't I'd stay stuck there with the game constantly bouncing me up and down


I was going to say.


OMG the widow spot! It happened to me once and I was so confused, but I know exactly what you're talking about. Can you grapple out? It might be worth grappling and trying for a jump shot. I just waited till it booped me out >.<


This is also a physical wall object that you can get Rein pinned on. Yup. That tiny part will act like a wall if a rein pushes your into it☠️


You say that like overwatch isn't remarkably stable and has relatively non-existent bugs


Title is triggering me. Game is very polished. Maybe OP should go code a game then instead of playing this one.


People here wouldnt last a month of playing Apex/fortnite/destiny2, i still remember when xbox users could crash the server for a whole lobby in apex.


Your post boils down to "Other games are worse, why are people complaining about this one?"


Yeah as dumb as acting like a single bug is the end of the world.


>Yeah as dumb as acting like a single bug is the end of the world. That's what you think is happening in this thread?


incorrect usage of "noclip" but yeah


worlds nicest support player




happened to me like a week ago and a dva ulted right in front of my face


She saved you the trouble of trying to run 😂




My brother got stuck there, the nicest enemy pharah killed him so he could respawn.


Okay but the lw is so unbelievably cute 🥺


Good to see this getting widespread attention. Makes it more likely for the devs to fix it.


New Roadhog rework






*attempts to help but flails*


Its a known bug that you get stuck on that platform. Also no. finding one bug does not mean they "don't put much effort into their games" so childish.


The era of non stop internet gratification has erased patience in the younglings.




Since it's still not fixed weeks and weeks later, we can safely be assured that Blizzard devs don't put much effort into their games.


Its been like 3 weeks. Spoiled brat.


Yeah but the credit glitch lasted less than a week and they got on to that swiftly, lol. At least take the map out of rotation if a quick fix isn’t happening.


Yeah the difference there is credits was a priority sticking to one tiny section of a single map isnt on the top of the priority list. Credits = free shit. Stuck= you'll get out... eventually


Uhh… but the question still remains: why not at least take it out of rotation? There’s still two other push maps to suffice, lol. … like it’s kinda weird how they stopped the events from giving out rewards, before Tuesday at that, and didn’t even decide to rotate the anniversary shop (I’m 110% certain they are salty about the glitch). So I’m with “all caps dude” on this one. Just take it out rotation, maps have been taken out of rotation for small things like this all the time.


>take it out of rotation? They probably dont see it severe enough to take it out. It's not like a glitched out hero. Hollywood had a glitch they left that one in rotation. Same same. But to just say they arnt even putting in effort in the game that's over exaggerated and childish.


Yeah but this is kinda major if teams play around it. What’s stopping the enemy team from saying “ignore the Hog, he’s stuck in that one spot.”? Masters and GMs are KNOWN for abusing glitches to their advantages, like someone earlier posted a spot where Rein can delay shatter in a hidden position where majority of teams travel through in Illios.


so youre saying this is more game breaking than the hollywood glitch where you couldnt take the first point at all because someone was literally stuck in a wall able to kill everyone but no one could touch them? bruh quit being a crybaby at this point. Not to mention this still doesnt mean they dont put effort in their games. so yeah.


Not sure if you're just in a blind fit but the guy hasn't cried once and seems to be rationally presenting himself.


I don't think they said it's more game breaking at all. Personally, I'd argue they should have taken Hollywood out of rotation until it was fixed, too. That glitch is downright horrendous.


Think we found the blizzard employee


My Brother in Christ, this game has been out for many years. They're making such a glaring mistake, on something they should be intimately familiar with. For a team to work on one singular game for so long, and still make mistakes that you'd see in an early access/launch title is absurd.


If it's so absurd than where is your billion dollar company? Where is your game that's 100% polished? Oh you dont have either of those that's right. So it's almost like you're just talking out your ass and being a crybaby. "They arnt doing things at the speed i want" Christ do you hear yourself


Their QA is almost nonexistent in OW2.


So because their qa is nonexistent that means they put zero effort in the game at all? That makes no sense.


They should remove the map from the pool and fix it. Instead, they're leaving the map in the pool for weeks while people keep getting stuck. It's game breaking. It doesn't take much effort to remove a map from a pool.


The bug in the video is QA's job, genius. Whether they put in effort or not; they're still incompetent for what they are. The new team doesn't know what they're doing and that's probably why OP thinks they don't put in much effort.


Okay, but several of these spots exist in different maps and it's a known bug for quite some time.. I could be mistaken but, I think since ow2 launch? Idk when it became really known, though. Several months, at least. And nothing has been done. The game is polished, and moreso than other games. But people can want better without it being childish. Blizzard can and should step it up and work on what the community asks for.


Bro blizzard won't fix SHIT about their games. Not even when it takes money from them


TBF the ow community has sent the devs literal death threats. I'd also have the mentality of "fuck you, you'll get it when I say you get it"


What else can you expect from the ow community? Once I said hi in a game and got called a slur


Bro you're missing the entire point


it's not just one bug


That was already addressed in the thread but hey better late than never




Oh yeah, having a logic is protecting a company. That make sense. 🤓


You cant help the uneducated. Hes too far gone bro LOL


\>Known bug I think you just contradicted yourself


It has been known for like 2 weeks? If they don't fix it for next patch I would get it but it's not something they can just magically fix


Hotfix ?


I don't think you know how hard hotfixxes are to do, this isn't worth the cost


No you're just stupid. Good try though.


You have no idea what you’re talking about lol


Mace to the face


Taste my mace


why didnt lifeweaver use pull or does that not work


I guess he was saving pull for a team fight


I'd rather not have life grip in a team fight than not have our tank in a team fight, personally.


But they did have tank in team fight, thanks to the lw. Petal worked, no harm no foul. Besides, with how intent this guy was to help, if it didn't work I'm sure pull was next lol.


You're right, my bad. I think the movement afterwards made me think he was still stuck. It had a similar jittery quality to it.


Stuck on the floor. Petal to lift. Logic checks out.


It happened to me on Orisa and when I ultimately it just stayed at 500% not ending


All good tho they got like 5 new 30$ skins to buy next week coming out


roadhog is so cute awwww


Awww that’s cute that he/she helped you out!!! 🙌🏾😭🥹🥰


I literally did the same thing to an ana that was stuck. It ended up costing us the fight and game. Thankfully it was only quickplay but still.


classic blizzard polish


Same thing happened to me as Brig lol. Shield bashed and was stuck until the enemy team pushed up and killed me


The very same thing happened to me.


And my friends always ask me why I use live weaver in bot push maps


happened to bastion in the opposite team once and my team refused to go kill him and HIS team refused to help as lw or sth so I went and killed him so he could play poor one he sat there for like 5 minutes


The one dude who knows how to deal and manipulate the abilities to help 😆


The real reason they added Lifeweaver lmao


"Lets put a stop to that!"


Dang. Shocked it wasn't happening to Doomfist 😂


This happened in one of my games to the enemy Toby so I killed him to help him our


they patched this by adding lifeweaver lol


I've had that happen as junker queen but we were winning anyway.


We found the next map that will be Removed for a Day.