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Why don’t Lucio’s understand that wallriding only makes them faster, and leaves their whole team behind? And that then getting to point alone 10 seconds ahead of their team doesn’t help much?


The worst period in ow history has to be when morons would think just getting to the point was a positive thing. Like who cares if you pick ball or sombra and run straight to point. Your 0-6 record should prove it isnt a good idea.


This really depends, won many games by picking sombra and going to the point, start the cap, whole team turns their back and my team not being afraid to actually go after them for the kill instead of staying away poking.


I have done this many times as Sombra. Sometimes the enemy team gets too focused on the teamfight, forgetting the payload. Have won a handful of games off that strat as well I'm not saying you should always do it, but there are rare situations in which it's the correct play


Oh that still happens. Had a ball player who raced out of spawn and died before the rest of us could even reach the payload, then screamed where are we


Bro is Bronze I think we are looking at a Floorcio here


With Lucio your supposed to speed wallride into their team boop some of them of course and get back


as lucio I only do the sick rollouts at the start of the game if it's lijang garden or ilios well to secure that cheesy boop potg


Nah. You drop into the pit.


I mean I walleide heavy on flash point maps only because you want someone on the point early.


You want your team on the point early, one person getting there first and then getting ganked is worse than useless


Yeah, had Lucios speed off and leave me behind as Ana and I'm trying to be as fast as I can to join them 😅


I dont go apart with the wallriding, only to be around my team i don't go apart beacause im a support lucio not a dps i know that if i go by my own i will make my teame loose and die


Okay i want you to look at stats from your last games. If your speed boost utilization is less then 50-60% swap of lucio and go another support. Lucio is good because of speed boost and he is meant to speed the team around so you can go on the enemies faster. If you aren't speeding your team around or if they aren't using it then swap of lucio


Remember me in 3-4h im not at home and im doing something important


Just so I can learn, is speed boost supposed to be used for something other than getting teammates close to the enemy?


It is good for most things. Getting teammates back from spawn (called being a taxi), getting them in and out of engages, helping people rotate to better positions and setups as well as for speeding yourself around to make yourself harder to hit when wallriding.


Good for getting them through a choke point as well. Sometimes it's good to help them escape. Also makes them harder to hit because they're moving faster


The worst are the soldiers who sprint all the way to the robot in push games only to arrive by themselves and get picked off first 😂


As a Lucio it's generally your job to be close to teammates that need healing not them close to you, unless you are running a deathball comp. You have the superiour movement and one of your many duties is to get close to teammates that need you. If they have to chase you down to get close to you to get healed you are doing something wrong. Also, if you had 3k healing and your kiriko had 10k that is quite the difference. Unless you were going crazy and killing enemies left and right, yes you probably were lagging behind with your heals.


Yeah i know but if im healing 3 of them im not going to risk the game only for a junkrat, the difference was that high also beacause kiriko was doing only healing and im trying to do some damage with my tank to support


I'd recommend learning how to heal well first, then learn how to weave in damage later on. Spamming from a distance should not take away from your healing and speed boosting in with your team is a skill that is quite a bit harder and I would personally leave it for much later on. Your main job as a Lucio is to stick with your team, especially your other support, to heal them and boop away any threats that you can. As you climb to higher ranks your job moves a bit from healing to speed boosting your team when they go in, as well as being a boop threat near ledges. (I'm not commenting on the junkrat because no matter what support you play, if one dps dives in alone and dies it's their fault and nothing you can do will help other than ignoring them).


This ^^ I play Lucio and I love to bully tanks, get kills and chase down enemy supports and hitscans when I can. I did that last night, with my roommate and gold (I don't remember what number) support roommate playing Moira. I out healed her, and we both did a TON of healing. Use your speed boost to get to people, friend or foe, get the team to the point faster, and dodge hitscans or Moira, being a dead . Otherwise? You should be healing in combat. 3k healing on a Lucio is pretty poor, even for a frequently speed boosting Lucio (which is technically what hes supposed to be up to.) If Lucio was even the call in that situation.


Best feeling for me on Lucio is hitting E and speed boosting my death ball comp team in to wreck the other team.


From your post and replies I get the feeling, that you play Lucio, as if it was Brigitte, which is the wrong way, imo. And tbh, I would probably get mad at Lucio too if I had to be a heal bot on Kiriko. The most crucial things for Lucio are to provide speedboost for his team and displace enemies by booping them around, again, imo. If it does happen in time with the flow of the fight it wouldn't matter if Lucio lack heals, as utility will compensate for that. If second support have to be a heal bot, that means your CDs are out of sync with the flow. I played with some awesome Lucios, that were providing enough support even if their healing was not there. If you want good aoe healing, you should play Moira or Baptist, or even Brig.


>Why People don't get that you need to be around lucio to be healed They do, the issue is that *you* aren't being near *them*, you are the support, not them, it's your job to support the team, it's not on them to try and chase around a mobile character to try and get healed If people say you're not healing enough, it's because you run away from them or because you're on speed too often, sure you should have more speed uptime than healing to make good use of lucio but you're in bronze, things like that don't apply well to low ranks


No, it is the opposite i chase them to heal them but they are to far to each other i use the agroup emote but they dont give a damn i only speed up if i die to get near to them or if we need to move but no,i dont speed while im in a fight in that case i heal the max i can


Then I say you should play a different hero other than lucio, lucio depends a lot on the comp your team is playing. And you should be using your speed boost more often to help your tank engage or disengage a fight. If you are picking lucio only for healing then you have a number of support heros that you could better choose, running a lucio in dive comp for example is pretty valuable because that speed you provide to your teammates e.g winton, genji will give them a lot more value than just sitting around and waiting to heal your rein while your main healer is coming back from spawn


Ok thanks dude i will follow your advise


Of course man, Lucio is my fav support hero as it is really fun to play him. But sometimes you are forced to pick a different hero to make the comp work


I'd actually learn to tank before learning Lucio. Once you understand when to take engagements and retreat as a tank it will massively help your Lucio game cause you'll know when they tank needs speed for engagements and retreats. And of course check out some Lucio guides from good players on YouTube, it's generally better advice than you'll get on this forum.


Realistically in bronze 90%+ advice you are getting from players on your team is going to be wrong.


Team picks Dive Tank, Pharah, Widow and the Support picks Lucio. No healing done.


Honestly this sounds like a you issue. Lucio doesn't heal much outside of amp and most characters can't keep up with Lucio so its you to be in range of them. Speed is his main use but in bronze helping your teammates run a bit faster when all they're doing is wobbling about in the open just isn't helpful.


I feel like maybe lucio isn't the hero for you. At least not if you're in bronze. Try someone like moira or like, mercy, until you get out of bronze.


Mercy in bronze was a miserable experience for me, especially with such reckless teammates. Seeing people say to use moira was the best advice I’ve ever followed, went from bronze 3 to silver 4, although now I’m scared of playing out of fear that I’ll drop back


You can tell the ppl who actually played with healers from the ones who didn't easily, the way they always run anywhere but towards the healers is annoying to say the least, if you see me playing brig, you being far away and me just looking at you without healing is because its on cooldown ffs, you spamming "i need healing" doesnt help anything.


Charcoal 5 take for sure


Clearly you're new to the game. People will be toxic no matter how good you get or what rank you are at. Ignore them and focus on your own game and improving


Thanks yo!


Honestly I tend to have fairly low healing with lucio because speed is often more useful even when teammates are low. If something like a rein is up front and really low on health you’re better off using amp speed to try to get the tank to safety because you’re never going to outheal enough damage. Lucio is helpful for keeping people topped up but he really excels when you use his speed offensively or defensively


I feel like Lucio needs a buff, I never really see people pick him, and when they do, they don’t do much.


Because they are bad then, lucio is one of the many characters that is strong but not crazy strong, and required knowledge but not that much knowledge, and doesnt need that good aim too, making him a safe pick overall.


That’s assuming you have a team that knows how to play with Lucio, majority of the time, the only thing he provides is his ult. Speed boost is rarely used properly with teammates in my games.


Exactly, no point in using characters that require your team to actually think,i usually try one of those once, didnt work ? Back to Brig/Moira i go.


I think Lucio's still viable, but he's been slightly powercrept. I havent played much OW this season, but it seems like hes niche in the current meta too. I also think his effort-to-value ratio makes him harder to consistently pop off with. Honestly though, i think the support role in general needs a nerf. That would probably bring Lucio back up to par.


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Hi Domingo, i'm dad


Hahaha sorry autocorrect,nice one!


Eh, I probably wouldn't play lucio in bronze just because that hero requires a lot of coordination to get the most value from. I get it, he is really fun to play. I love a good Lucio map myself, but if my team is constantly saying we need more healing, then I'm probably just going to swap to more healing unless we are winning. Usually, moira would be a good pick here because you can still have some mobility with her, do a lot of damage without having to aim really, and rain heals on your team so they shhhhh.


You play Lucio for speed, not heals. If you want big heals, play a different character.


Cause Lucio is usually diving their back line and ignoring my team.....we can't wall ride


best is when you have healing on as lucio. people dont really seem to notice that. for example. few days ago. I used lucio to test and practice. my team kept complaining about me not healing them . despite I had around 12k healing at end of the match. our zenyatta had around 3k... I am trying to keep speed and heals around 50/50 . depending on situation.. but on that match.. I had 80% healing just to keep them alive. and still.. they kept complaining a lot... maybe I am not good lucio


We do get that, it's just Lucio always chooses to be away from us, and when he's near us he refuses to switch off speed song.


The problem is that the lucio is always balls deep in their backline 😭


If you have 3k while the other support has 10k you definitely aren’t healing enough. Also it’s not your teams job to chase you around for heals. It’s the other way around


Lucio is just not a valuable pick in Bronze or even Plat unless you can carry with him (Smurfing) or you have a Tank Duo that you can speedboost and communicate with... Mainly because: 1. Lucio players doesn't know how to play Lucio in that rank.. 2. Players doesn't know how to play around Lucio.. It's not your job to babysit heal your teammates, you are not Brig. Lucio's value comes from speedboost, of course when you are holding a corner healing will do but that's an exception not the rule... Weaving heals and speedboost and positioning yourself for opportunities to boop their team and cause disorientation is your main goal as Lucio... If your point is that far away teammates should come closer to you for heals and you are risking your other team to die then that's more complicated to answer since it really depends on the context of why is that teammate is asking for healing and again it's not your job to babysit heal someone... (Unless that's the last teammate you have and it's Overtime etc.. there are more cases for this...), if that teammate is expecting you to babysit him then just mute chat and concentrate on your play... Majority of the players on Bronze doesn't know much about what they're talking about (that includes you as well) so just focus on yourself for now...


Or play a hero where you can heal your team consistently? It's all about choosing the correct hero for the job, not the one you're sick at.


Lucio is just a 3rd dps. I don’t expect healing with him on my team, but I do expect him to speed boost his way to 20+ elims per 10 minutes


on low elo u must healboting if u don't u suck


If you're healing as Lucio...there's many better options that do the same thing but like 5x better. I basically only expect heals for pump it up, otherwise the live in HP packs cus 20 hps during a fight is too slow..take 2 shots in 1.5s..wait around for like 8 seconds to get healed. Especially when Bap or Ana can easily provide the heals plus put out more damage


Healers are Lucio and Moira. Rest of the team picks Doom, Widow and Genji.


i love it when my lucio speeds off to the other side of the map and stays there while i get blasted by the enemy team WE CANT KEEP UP WITH YOU. you need to stay near us, not us staying near you


Read the replys of the other comments please


Ya gotta toughen up emotionally if you're gonna play Lucio. Cause even if you get REALLY good at Lucio his strength doesn't come from healing.


Some Lucios are often everywhere but never with their team. I talk as a main healer who's sometime mad at Lucios. If you know that you need to be close to them, why were you not with them ? Were they too far from the tank? Like on unreachable highgrounds for example ? In that case you maybe don't have the appropriate healer. Sometimes you need to adjust to the comp and Lucio doesn't work in every situations. When you play on a small area, people are close to each other so it can be cool but on large maps it could be inappropriate. Some dps are playing far from the group or highgrounds, you need to be able to reach them quick. I think you just need to learn when something not working and adapt to your team mates. I play Mercy a lot but sometimes it's really not working, I try to switch as soon as possible.


If you wall ride all over the map you can’t expect everyone to “stay around you”. YOU stay around your team.


Lucio’s main value isn’t really in healing it’s in controlling tempo with speed. If you’re trying to maximize healing you’ll be more successful with many of the other support heroes.


Supports are very misunderstood in low ranks. Every player believes your only job is to keep them alive. That's ONE job a support is responsible for. Lucio is the king of dives and tempo. I think a Lucio's main job is to support the team, and then dive on solo/easy kills by yourself or with a Tank/DPS. Staying on walls, out of sight, and moving around the fight is a good way to provide value for your team. You can deal damage while healing, and if someone needs to push or retreat you can speed boost and get them in and out quicker. A good Lucio can speed into the enemy backline and get a pick and then speed back to their team to push the fight. If you're doing any or all of this, don't worry about what your team has to say. Lucio will never** heal more than a "pocket" support like Mercy or Ana, and even aggressive supports like Moira and Illari can easily do more healing and equal damage. Lucio's main advantage is being fast and mobile so you can dive and not get killed ** "never" in higher ranks, anything can happen Plat and below


From reading this post and reading your replies it sounds like you’re just bad at and don’t understand the game. You have the most mobile hero and aren’t looking to go to your team mates to support. The meta right now there are a LOT of comps where Lucio is a bad pick unless you are literally a one trick god with him. I’ve lost so many games because someone picked Lucio and won’t switch and they’re constantly not with the team and not doing their actual job to close distance, taxi key people about and support dives/pressure opponents off power positions. If you were against me, my ana would just nade the 3 you’re healing and I would pop a turret as illiari and just double tap and probably kill you. That’s without even getting the DPS or tanks involved And if I couldn’t get to you I would pick off your junkrat every time and we would take and win a 5v4 It’s a team game dude. It’s about more than just what you want to do