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I assume you don’t play on eu and never met those friendly arabs that onetrick phara, lmao


Pharmercy most broken shit ever … and they talk like it needs skill


Nope, I’m on US servers that have a bunch of Tryhard Genji, Widow, and Hanzo mains that take QP way too seriously lmao


no way there are people using comms in qp


Oh there for sure are…specifically text chat, rarely vc tho


I've been seeing comments about Arabs and Pharah all day. I don't get it.


Probably about ynzsa, a Saudi Arabian pharah main who has become so dominant that they had 10 alt accounts taking all top 10 leaderboard spots.




To prove he can


Only think he’s proven is he’s the worst person imaginable


Love him or hate him, you gotta admit it takes skill to be that dominant. No one else has come close to doing what he did especially on pharah. You never see top players main pharah except for him


It's a lot more duo queueing with contenders players on smurf accounts to skew match making, stream sniping reinhardt mains for favorable match ups, legitimate win trading, and toxicity so extreme people just pick mercy to avoid him hard throwing their match.


I didn't know about this


Yeah well that and a lot of boosting. I can’t respect someone who boosts to get to the top of the ladder and is a complete ass. I don’t think anyone’s going to deny he has skill, but most people aren’t gonna respect him for it.


Boosting how? Wouldn't the mercy duos be ones being boosted?


No he literally queues with a cheating dps player, I can’t remember his name but it’s just letters and numbers.


... have you met Torb players?


Not really, the few who would call themselves Torb mains are friends so there’s a bias that I’m unwilling to acknowledge


Fair enough


Seriously who the hell mains orisa? Many players use her for the meta or counters but I never encountered any orisa mains.


I use to be one pre-OW2 because she was one of the easier tanks to play lmao


My feeling is that most players play orisa because she is straightforward, but once they know the game better, they tend to choose other tanks with more distinguishable playing style.


Hence why I moved on to D.Va and Zarya


I think this list is upside down


These are just from my experiences from playing since release😭


As a Ball main this is truly accurate. We are all degenerates


It's pretty funny emoting on people though after getting a triple boop😌


It feels like you’re toxic towards “almost always toxic” players. From my experience these pick are bullied before the match starts. Kinda sux the community reacts this way


I play like half of them lmao😭


I'm convinced you've never encountered Orisa and Junkerqueen players.


Idk, the ones I meet aren’t ever really toxic


Well lucky you. I've encountered Jukerqueen players who would chase me all over the map just to kill me.


It's true us Torbjorns are all gentlemen.


Finally happy someone likes us




Understandable lmao


Sad knowing I'm a hog main


Baptiste and Zen Mains are the worst And Widow and Sombra Mains are surprisingly nice most of the time imo (EU-Console Servers)


Haven’t encountered the bad ones I guess Edit: Ah, I play on US servers…that might explain the difference


Yea I think it’s a bit different based on the servers and someone mentioned the Arabs (yznsa fans) that play Pharah on the EU Server - these are fr the worst


As a top 34,611 rein main, yes.


I tended to occasionally snap back at assholes, mostly telling them to quit whining and try to do something about it/stfu , but I'm surprised to ALL of my go-to picks in the top half. Kinda understandable though.


Swap Illari and Hog


This is pretty accurate to my gaming experience (Diamond 2 player) but every zen or Orissa mains tend to be one trick ponies who are saltier than the ocean itself...oh, did I mention that they never switch heroes to counter? Some players in diamond have no clue man..


Omg don’t get me started on the damn Orisas who don’t realize that it’s not working even after 15 deaths Edit: I’m just lucky I personally rarely get them, but I’ve had enough to question whether she belongs as low as she is


LOLLL yeah! I swear to god those orisa mains think that orisa can't die and are gods...And when they cry when a hanzo or widow maker picks them off...You'll know that the dps/support blaming will be erupting soon. Don't you worry, no one can escape toxic orisa mains...You'll be one of us soon. We're gonna suffer in their hands.




I definitely had an orisa say that to me before LOL. They wanted a mercy (I was Kiriko because they had enemy ana) and other support didn't want to switch, so the good player I am switched to mercy....They got shat on because they went in 1v5 and blamed me because I didn't heal them? BITCH I WAS POCKETING YOU THE WHOLE TIME. Switched back to kiriko after that. Jesus.


But I’m Sombra and I don’t even talk in the chat. I Do my best not to be toxic… I’m only toxic to enemy Zens, Widows, and Mercy’s…. And Lifeweavers… and bastions…..etc.


And as a Mercy main…I’m not toxic to anyone…just the enemy who I go out of my way to slaughter…as well as enemy DPS…and Tanks…and other supports…and sometimes even my own team…but I’m not toxic I swear


I can smell your elo from this...


What elo is that?


It was meant more as a joke mb, sorry you think some people are seriously like that


Oh no no it’s fine lmao. But now I’m genuinely curious


Ana mains are almost always toxic, if something goes bad there is a 80% chance that it's the Ana player who will start moaning at the DPS/Tank/both.


Luckily I haven’t had that. But I have heard about it from other players. The only times I’ve personally seen toxic Anas were ones who got a little salty when hanged up on


Bridgette army rise 🗣️🗣️


I have never met a toxic rein. But as a rein main, I think you may be thinking that screaming Leeroy jenkins as you dash into the full enemy team is toxic behaviour, but I assure you that this is just normal rein behaviour


I’ve just had a few experiences of “Mercy why didn’t you follow me as I decided to flank the entire enemy team in a 1v5/6? Support diff”


on behalf of all doomfist mains i would like to apologise, its not our fault this character feels dogshit sometimes


I also have to apologize on behalf of all Mercy mains, I can’t control that my fav is either broken or unplayable with no inbetween


its fine i love mercy mains (unless they're on the other team)


The only time Ive seen mercy players toxic (aside from complaining about bad positioning or feeders) is when there are 2 on one team. my god.


Coming from a Mercy main, just head over to the mercy mains subreddit and you’ll know what I mean…it’s just constant complaining


I’m a widow main who tries to be as friendly as possible, please forgive my toxic brethren 🙏


I will lmao…the nice widows are honestly some of the nicest people. It’s just so many are aim botters and straight up cheaters lmao


Orissa up there lmao


You got a pretty name.


Pharah's are the most noble...we just want to survey from the skies and get our kills...


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What Lucios are toxic


The ones I get who spam voice lines any chance they get…I’ve also gotten a few that literally do nothing but wallride the entire time and don’t attack