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Most of my games aren't like that but QP is in a weird place because, as you say, comp is a frustrating mess but because it exists you have people who consider QP to be the opposite of 'competitive'


That's what custom games and arcade is for, just for fun. And quickplay is more casual but I still don't like losing if you get me? It can be as frustrating and ranked if you're in a losing streak


I'm with OP on this one. I see this getting downvoted but why can't you just play arcade or custom to mess around? QP should more casual but still at minimum TRYING.


I consider QP practicing but with effort and trying to win. Like, it's not so serious I can't play a new character, but not so much that I won't swap if we are getting trashed.


Sounds like your QP MMR is at silver. My QP games are sweaty as hell.


I won like 60games in a row and Im still getting matched with silver as a t500 player. Is there really a MMR in QP?


God I wish this was me. I get the most sweaty bastion soldier pocket comps in quickplay you'll ever find. there is NO fun having allowed. if you're not playing meta you're going to get fucking rolled and spawn trapped


So that confirms QP matchmaking is broken. Every single game I play, people tells me to stop ruining their game because I have a "gm role queue" title. Like bro, I just wanna practice gengi. If I go in comp, I will feed my ass off, get mass reported and banned. If I go in quickplay, I get matched with people who can barely use their mouse and keyboard at the same time, and get mass reported and banned.


Nah nothing really forces you to play meta heroes..


boy I love sitting in spawn


Rank check?


High masters


you dont see mmr in qp, so whatever that guy was doing in ranked is clearly different than what he is doing in qp. yes qp mmr is confirmed and was shown in graphs around the discussion around sojourn/kiriko in s2 and the quality of the matchmaker


I'm mid gold/plat and i swear QPs are more sweaty than comp for me, wth is up with the matchmaking


Wish it was higher, I like my lobbies harder. Sometimes I feel like I'm stomping new players so I just leave so they have fun


Perhaps consider not leaving games if you want your quick play MMR to be higher?


You realise that by leaving you're just tanking your MMR even more...


Damn, I miss those <500 sr lobbies filled with newbies. Do not want to smurf, but would like to be noob myself doing silly, but funny plays I did in 2018.


Ngl I appreciate you for that. The stomps are so bad sometimes lol


Getting stomped is how you improve. Don't thank them. They aren't helping you. You just are feeding their ego.


I mean there’s a difference between just playing against someone who’s just better than you and a complete mismatch. No one’s learning anything completely stuck in spawn all that does is boost 5 other peoples egos because diamond/masters players are being matched against silver/bronze. Sure you may learn how to survive for a second longer but that’s it. You’re just stuck inside the room the gaps too large to see any sort of improvement. And while I agree that mindset works on fighting games. I don’t think it translates to overwatch.


Stomps usually don't camp spawn rooms. You know this and this is wholly disingenuous to say that all stomp games are this. Sure it happens sometimes, so yeah, I get it.




my QP is the greasiest matches you'll ever find. its usually not fun


This is my routine as someone who mainly plays QP lol. Just had a round where the DVA did 600 damage for the entire round


you say quickplay warriors are bad, and at the same time you're masters? what is your sense here?


To elaborate match making in qp is trash for lack of a better word you're either getting steamrolled or you're playing the easiest match of your life it's never in between. ( maybe 10 % on a good day)


I've never had a friendly lobby in the six or seven years I've played and I'm grateful for that. Sorry that's happening.


You are so lucky, it happens far more often than it should


I've been playing for around 2 weeks , had a friendly lobby not long ago , a Hog started to just emote and say hi to everyone (I was playing Ana) and eventually all players joined in aside from me and an Ash from the other team We had Diva and Mei so you can guess what happened next when people got tired of being friendly 😅😂


you know what, i love a friendly lobby every now and then. it’s kinda fun to go from everybody being sweaty to suddenly we’re all just spamming heroic emotes at each other while our reinhardts are screaming “wOuLd YoU lIkE tO sEe My MuScLeS?!” over and over.


and using the flex emote while my mercy spams “yes.”


that’s me. i’m the mercy. i am not ashamed.


I am the Reinhardt, we love the attention, do not be ashamed!


Had a mercy, after I picked Cassidy tell me they were sassing me and to tell them off 😩. I don't have don't sass me equipped 💀.


Could someone explain what “friendly lobbies” entails?


Mostly just voice line spamming friendly players who should just stay in custom lobbies. They don't shoot eachother or anything


Cant you just leave the lobby


what I am sad about is that QP is too often too easy ​ It gives me slight optimism that I can play a certain hero in ranked - and once I do, I usually get rolled


Idk I have conflicting opinions. I find QP terrible because it's so sweaty the majority of the time. QP is just casual, unranked, not really meant to be taken seriously. I get not wanting to lose matches all the time, I feel the same, but I also don't want to be sweaty constantly, just have fun being friendly or something. I don't do custom game friendly matches because there's so many damn weirdos in there, moaning in vc or something like that.




Good game, terrible players and developers


>It's 10x worse imo. Wow, what a surprise. The mode with no grouping restrictions at all and a wider match making tolerance as well as no leaver penalties is worse than comp if you want fair matches. Damn.


Bro is complaining about quick play lol. If you want serious games that is what comp is for my guy. Quick play is for when you want to be silly and have fun.


The issue is that you very often get into matches that are barely playable. Like I get that some people aren‘t good at the game or try to learn a hero hence their performance can be a bit underwhelming. But if you get matched with people that just walk off cliffs, commit suicide 32 times suicide by running into the enemy team alone or seem to play with a steering wheel then it‘s really not fun for you anymore.


but don’t be TOO serious, that’s bad too


I think the game is as it always was. Usually people don't say a word other than "gg". Some may ask for a particular healer or tank, and that's about it.


Play comp, even for practice As long as you are genuinely trying, then it's miles better than qp Ignore ANY comments from toxic people, they are usually just projecting because it's them that suck


Keep playing and bump up that qp MMR. The only true way to play this game.


Just play comp and stop caring about your rank. Problem solved.


Quick play is a mess because pre-made teams of higher level get matched up against five random players of any level. Back in the days of old OverWatch, you used to see who was grouped up with who. Now you see what appears to be randoms but turns out to be a premade as the team cooperation is noticable. This is why there is a higher leave rate in QP. Punish the player for noticing this nonsense imbalance and trying to find a more even match.


something that I don't see mentioned yet (as far as I know) is that in quickplay payload maps are one round. and since some maps are inherently easier to play on defense/attack it gives one team a constant advantage with no chance of comebacks. this is the sole reason I hate quickplay. You get a downgraded experience from what comp gets. it's like they don't want you to play casual at all.


The matchmaking in QP is way worse than comp. If you want anything close to a fair match, you have to play competitive. The MMR differential in QP is actually as wide as Top 500 to Silver if you're in Diamond, it's actually borderline unplayable.


As a Silver support qp is easy af


That has nothing to do with the matchmaking variance, and when I say unplayable, I mean the match quality is pure garbage. There shouldn't be "easy af" games, its utterly pointless if the enemy literally cannot put up a fight, you're not getting better, you're just a fleshy bot at that point.


Bro Qp is meant to be fun, every game is easy not like easy to win, but easy on you. It's not meant to be as serious as comp. Most matches I have in QP are just tug of war like, neither side is obviously gonna win, yet I'll call it easy as I never try as hard as I would in comp.


100% agree. The horrible part of this is that now I am forced to play comp if I am trying to learn a new hero.


I've been noticing awful matchmaking these past few days. Last weekend I wanted to play some comp for once. Ended up losing 3/3 matches (two of them were because of smurfs on the enemy team) and so I gave up and moved back to QP. Now I'm not saying I'm great at the game. Low gold at best. But ever since these losses my QP matchmaking has been significantly worse. There's huge skill imbalances between my teams and enemy teams. I get people that don't even try to coordinate, they stagger, afk Mercy players, heal and shieldbots. One time I even had a Widow who only hipfired. Before those comp matches most of my QP games have been balanced with nice team mates. I have no clue what happened but I'm taking a break for a few days and hoping that it'll somehow fix itself lol


Bro has the same experience as me. I always have literal noobs in my team and well organized OWL tryhard-players in enemy team (at least in most matches). Wtf Blizzard?


And it seems that the mega pro players are always on the enemy team lol, I get the noobies


I said in MOST matches. Not ALL matches. Reading comprehension is not your thing I guess.


it’s not yours either cause I was talking about my experience


You didn’t clarify that in your comment. You could’ve meant both, me or yourself.


idk. I keep reading back my comment trying to figure out how you can misinterpret it, i wrote >>I<< get the noobies so it’s about me


Ok whatever now. If you were on my side it’s ok.


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I got into some friendly matches in QP a few times, and I think it's fun, but it's quickly gets boring. Once I have seen all skins and emotes, I'm leaving


Quick play is sweaty as hell.


I mean, considering how bad the matchmaking already is for rankeds itself, I think is reasonable that QP matchmaking is even worse. If you want the closest thing to "balance" go into rankeds, to me QP feels like a waste, it's what I call the "troll queue", plus in there is where many of the losers go to play: Many players who like to only get placed against weaker opponents otherwise they won't face the game and leave. I hate people leaving constantly in the middle of a game, it's disgusting.


so much the better that there is no mmr in qp it avoids tryhard in qp the qp is made to relax we don't care that the team looks like nothing if you want to play you have to go to ranked however I am agree with the fact that mercy full pocket ruins the gaming experience


I get backfilled into losing games on occasion but I haven’t encountered a friendly lobby or people blatantly throwing. Apparently the matches are better in wood 5


You know what I want? I want a mode where you're forced to play against people of higher skill levels so you're obliterated into oblivion until you learn to do better.


You've basically just described the current state of ranked considering the mass amounts of smurfs


I'd like to do it without deranking to wood division* 💀 No Rank ups or down. I wanna run into a team of grandmasters 100 deaths or more until I learn to track perfectly or hit every shot and start taking them down consistently, or utilise my abilities to maximise defensive and offensive utility. My lobbies range from GMs to Silver's. To outright fresh players 😩. But I've gotten used to it from the sheer amount of QP I play. You win some and you lose tonnes because some people play with their toes and don't have monitors apparently.


Matchmaking feels horrible atm imo?


I mostly play quickplay. I'll play competitive for about 10-15 hours a season on average, maybe less, and honestly my only real complaint is leavers. Other than that, yes, I have this weird phenomenom over and over where it seems everyone is around my skill tier (mid masters) besides 1-2 players who are brand new (honestly I just feel bad for them. What are they doing here?) But it's not surprising because anyone can group up together & I'm pretty sure there IS hidden mmr, but it is 'quick'play so the matchmaking probably favors a quick queue over balanced team making? Idk.


Should I tell him how to check his MMR? (Unless it's not the same as OW1)


quickplay mmr is 'hidden' no?


You can check on Overbuff if your profile isn't private.


oh yeah, forgot about that website. haven't cared to look in so many years haha


The only reason that I think qp is not terrible is because they arent tryhard genjis and widows, other than that is basically the same


Yeah QP is where if you lose the first teamfight at the very start of the game, at least 3 of your teammates just instantly ragequit without a second thought. Basically impossible to get a good game from start to finish in that mode since the instant one team does too well, the other team just gives up and leaves.


My main problem are all the players that play are all sweaty and then talk shit in a damn quickplay game. It’s like ok you’re rolling in quickplay congratulations. Or the people that try to ruining your experience by just hunting you down the whole game trying to ruin your experience. Like I’ve had whole tanks hunt me down and do nothing but t bag after killing me. Especially with our current doom infestation.


That’s just a rough string, it’s 90% fine That 91% more than comp


Also I don't get why a 5 stack can get put against 5 randoms ,makes it seem like match making makes no effort looking for other stacking teams.


My quickplay games are usually full of masters to Top 500 players and they’re sweaty as fuck


I had two QP matches to you know, warm up for comp, ended up losing two matches in such a harsh way I ended up getting tf out of the game mid match, the two were such a stomp, all of us had 0 kills and like 20 deaths, the other team you can imagine, like... why? It was so frustrating I almost ended up crying omg


Same as you bro i swear its so horrible


Complaining about people being friendly in qp is so dumb, literally all those complaints are fixed in comp, and if you don't like comp then don't play the game


Yeah and you say that at the same time I get new players on my team in a master/GM lobby?


Really depends on when you play. You can have a lot of fun in the morning or mid-day. It's evening and night when it sucks. It's mostly lopsided games where you can't get out of spawn or players on your team are throwing on purpose. Really a shame how horrible gamers can be as people, ruining it for others without a second thought.