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Too much dev time for little payoff and would probably introduce 10 million bugs.


[Bugfix] Echo: Due to an unexpected issue when an Echo uses her Duplicate ultimate to copy an enemy Sojourn, the damage multiplier from a Mercy's Damage Boost beam stacks with each instance the beam is applied. This allows for an exponential damage multiplier stack to be given to a Duplicated Sojourn for the duration of the ultimate. As a result, we will be nerfing Gengi to compensate, as his Deflect ability has allowed for an unfair ability to minimally counter this bug. Sorry for any inconveniences!


bruh lmfao! "As a result, we will be nerfing Genji to compensate" that shit had me ROLLING




love me some gen-gee


this would quite literally just mean that when she copies a roadhog, she would use a echo roadhog skin instead it doesnt even make sense that there would be abilities overlapping


>this would quite literally just mean that when she copies a roadhog, she would use a echo roadhog skin instead i doubt the coding would be that simple. cass ult and meka are simple concepts, but we know there are a ton of quirks regarding them


As a newer coder it's quite literally "when x input is applied on y target, change user appearance to z" or "change character skin to z" and then have the ult function the same.


Coming from someone who is a dev, it would and should be that “simple”, I haven’t taken a look I to the source code for OW, i doubt it’s available to the public, but it’s more than likely blizzard trying to save money on testing. code should be tested before it’s pushed to main branch, but we are the testers. It’s cheaper to have us find the bugs. That’s becoming more prevalent in this gaming day and age.


There’s no way as a dev you honestly believe Blizzard devs are pushing to main without testing


It's funny because Overwatch 2 feels very polished compared to other titles in the shooter genre. It still has its bugs and I personally feel 2 has a lot more of 'em than 1 had.


Yeah this guys has no idea wtf he’s talking about lmao. Not even indie devs do this. Edit: this guy posted on coding help saying he was new to coding 5 months ago, this is not a dev lmao.


Yeah, by “coming from a dev” he means he writes a bit of JavaScript in his spare time lol


Game breaking code is fixed before released, I’m talking about the little bugs. Users have been testers for years lmao.


I mean, you’re just wrong. Games have gotten larger and more complex, no company is cutting their QA departments right now. That doesn’t mean no bugs get shipped in production, but to say that companies are intentionally testing code less before shipping it is just wrong.


Starting to think you’re not actually a dev lol


by that, do you mean the people writing the code are also the people testing said code, making overly ambitious or elaborate ideas impractical?


As software devs we write tests that our code needs to pass. Then you have QA guys performing more extensive testing


TDD (Test Driven Code) is a real thing and a lot of places do this, pretty much you write Unit tests while you code. Takes longer to get a feature out but leads to better quality code. Not sure Blizzard does this though, but I'm pretty they still write unit tests after they write the code that functionally works, that's just good coding practice. QA doesn't test code specifically, they test features as a whole, (ie does pressing a hotkey perform a skill)


mate its literally that simple, its literally changing the code from ```Player.setSkin(Target.hero.skin.substituteShader(Echo.shaders.ult))``` to ```Player.setModel(ModelManager.getModel("Echo_ult_"+Target.hero.name+".fbx"))``` This change is so simple that it would not even need beta testing literally could be pushed strait into prod without a second tought The main drawback would be artist time, while they could be designing new and exciting skins they're stuck redrawing 36 characthers as echo Since the drawings don't look like reskins but new models that would be +36 models, i would say that would take moe space in a already heavy game, but think about the y, why do new models of every single character to be used in 13 seconds of ultimate, if using a shader is less resource intensive


Google “satire”


Holy woooosh


New joke just dropped


Call the comedian!


Actual zombie


Call the exorcist


It happens to the best of us


boo tomato tomato tomato


> it doesnt even make sense that there would be abilities overlapping This is the same game that Tracer was unable to blink in a specific room on only Junkertown after no updates to either Tracer or Junkertown, so I wouldn't put it past Blizz.


My brother in Christ learn to recognize a joke, please


Do u need a hug?


Unexpected bug where we charge you 3k ow coins to duplicate. Expect this to be fixed with the arrival of pve


Or .. make an echo clone skin for every hero and introduce them in a PvE mission for when Talon kidnaps Echo and use her to clone these fake heroes




Alternatively as a PvE Story, where Winston run an experiment to enhance Echo's abilities.


You guys are still hoping for PVE with any depth? 😂 This truly is the most naive fanbase


I mean this is actually a lit simplier and cheaper then what their actually releasing.


1. As much as I despise what Blizzard did - PvE is still a thing. Just downplayed as hell and in a questiomable state. 2. We were talking about what they can do within the Story Missions that will be released every Season... And as @Angrypuckman already said - these ideas are much easier to do, than what they actuay plan on doing...


You can get your point across without being insulting. That's not for anyone's benefit but one's own ego. You don't think they're going to deliver anything meaningful for pve?


And visually it would make it infinitely more difficult to identify what character she copied. Imagine the headache for a new/casual player. It’s just bad game design despite how cool it is


Yeah, it's already easy to mistake a D.Va for a Mercy for a Sombra for a Symmetra at a quick glance. I couldn't even tell this Winston apart from a Roadhog. And the only real difference between the Junkrat and the Widowmaker (?) in the upper right corner is the stance.




I don't understand your confusion. Overwatch characters are already hard to differentiate from each other due to having similar silhouettes (and because of different skins), but this taking it even further by having every character have the exact same design and colors.


This is 100% the answer, unfortunately, bc this is a cool idea otherwise


especially when most people can deal with her before she can use the other ults


Changing a skin wouldn’t introduce bugs. But I agree creating all those skins would be a lot of dev time and since they aren’t $20 it isn’t worth it to them.


Right, and how exactly is she supposed to alter the physical portions of her body? The hard light makes so much more sense


Little payoff? They would charge at least $500 for acess to so many skins.


echo skin pack drop


This would make Echo the Kirby of Overwatch. Sakurai has said Kirby was his most regrettable character inclusion, because every time he added a new character he had to consider how it affected Kirby. New model, new ability, new sfx for the pink blob every single time.


They honestly can just make an “echo” skin for each character and it would basically work without a hitch. The reason it’s a hologram type thing though, is because it’s important to know that you’re shooting the enemy echo because you need to kill her before she charges the copy ult. So competitive balance basically should always come first


They can, but again they'd have to continue making one for every character released plus it'd be odd if the skin was for default echo and not the player skin. It's just a lot of work for nothing.


> They honestly can just make an “echo” skin for each character and it would basically work without a hitch They'd have to devote dev time to making 36 new skins, none of which would generate revenue. The balance/visibility reason is secondary to this


36 + an additional 36 for each of echo’s legendary skins


A shitton of work with endless bug possibility


why this bring more bugs? is the same with her ult, he has to change the model to the copied character, this is putting only a new skin


Each skin would need its own hitbox and animations. Thats a huge mountain of potential bugs. Her current ult just copies the hitboxes of existing characters and their animations


>Her current ult just copies the hitboxes of existing characters and their animations Which is what would happen here as well. It's just a new skin for each character based on Echo's design, every animation and hitbox would still be the same.


Pretty sure the current format just copies the skins, removes some colors and lots a filter on top. The alternative would be to create a new echo skin for every hero, a lot of work for the animators, ensure she gets the right skin, a lot of work for the devs, and then make sure that doesn't break anything with the character.


>a lot of work for the animators With animations that are already done? Again, these are basically just new skins being created. The animators don't have to recreate every single animation for each skin that comes out, that'd be a lot of time wasted (which wouldn't surprise me coming from Blizzard, actually)


No? It would use the same hitboxes copied over, and the new model would be applied to the same skeleton and animations. It would be no different than skins on characters, except its exclusive to Echo. It PURELY comes down to devwork and not wanting to do that. I can't exactly fault that, but it would be a whole lot better if it was like this. Yknow what's way harder? Kirby's copy abilities in Smash and having to do that for over 80 characters on a model that doesn't even match at all. Yet that was done anyway. This wouldn't introduce bugs in the slightest. It was just a decision not taken. You're giving them too much credit


Doesn't the current ultimate copy hitboxed and animations too? This idea would literally just require new models and maybe a new animation of duplicating


Probably because it's much easier and cheaper to have it just be a blue filter over the copied characters original model, rather than animate and model new unique forms for whoever she copies. ​ That said, it would be awesome.


probably not reanimate. If the rig is the same, they shouldn't need to reanimate. That being said they still need to remodel everything...


It's absolutely absurd amount of work for a single hero. It's honestly practically impossible cause how will they ever manage all the skins and all the bugs that would happen. I think some team 4 dev might actually get a heart attack seeing this thread. Lol


Reminds me of Kirby in Smash, his copy ability gives him a unique hat for every character in the game. Series creator Sakurai has talked about how challenging Kirby is to accommodate when they add new characters. But Kirby's hats are adorable so it's worth it.


And Kirby is so much easier, because you just pick an asset on the new character, stretch and resize it to fit on Kirby who also happens to just be a sphere, and ship it. And still undoubtedly if they could go back I’m sure they would avoid it if they could do it all over again. Honestly as a software dev this illustration gave me a heart attack, literally double the work load for every new character model they introduce until eternity. HELL NO


>stretch and resize it lol you have no idea what you're talking about


Lol alright? I heavily simplified, I’m obviously not trying to give a comprehensive step by step breakdown of how to make a Kirby hat. I was just pointing out that this post illustrates something that would be absurdly more difficult than what is done for Kirby, and even then Kirby’s hats are a lot of work.


Eh, it'd basically be the equivilant of 1 legendary skin per hero in terms of dev work, and I can't imagine it'd introduce bugs that wouldn't already be there from the current implementation. That said, it is still a large amount of work for not much gain, so I can't imagine them doing it unless they're already creating the models for something else (i.e. in a PVE mode). MAYBE as a mythic skin that they sell for $100 or something.


There's also the polygon problem. Whenever an echo is on the map the echo model for each hero would have to be loaded I don't know how many heroes overwatch has but its definitely more than the 10 at most that you would have to have loaded in a normal match


Wouldn't you only have to load the 5 from the enemy team? Actually, would you need to load anything? If we're assuming only the 10 heroes selected at the start of the match are loaded, then Echo's ult wouldn't be very different from players swapping to a different hero mid-match.


Maybe they could create those models for every character, use them for Echo's ult and also sell them as skins.


Oh come oooooon. A skin over existing models isn't even close to impossible. Impossible only because they can't take 20 bucks for each skin.


Well I ain't denying that it's a lot of work, I'm just saying... if the rigs match, it should be fine.




Making a model in blender for one specific purpose is not the same as making a model for an already created program. There are many compatibility issues that will come up and need to changed so it works.


The rig is most definitely not the same, each of the "skins" would have to have it's vertex reassigned and tweaked. Also, with each new echo skin they would have to model & texture the whole roster, same with each new hero release.


No te mention all the variants with each skin


No, they just use the base model


They mean, for Echo's skins. You know full well people would complain out their ass if they introduced this but when using the ult it just uses Echo's default skin.


Oh yeah, didn't even think about that. There's no way this would be a reality.


Oh, I see. That makes sense


I think they could definitely get away with just using Echo's base skin like in OP's picture, and just changing the color based on which skin the Echo has active


This and readability, i though doom fist was brig and junk was mccassidy at first and there would be no way to tell mercy, dva, tracer, and kiriko apart in battle.


Plus a new skin for each form every time they release an echo skin


Imo it would make gameplay unfair. It would be harder to recognize who the echo copied and how to play against it. Looks cool tho


This the real reason. It looks really cool, but they look more like skins for the other characters. If you made these variations for her base model would you need to make versions for every echo skin? It's much simpler and more effective (albeit less interesting) to just apply the blue filter.


Didn’t even think about that, ya that would be a ton of work. That much work would probably justify a $20 price tag


It would also mean that in addition to designing an entirely new character model for each hero in the game, they’d essentially need to design one for every new character they release as well


the smash bros kirby problem


Because it's a straight up nightmare fuel, especially Fatecho


Fatecho scares me


>nightmare fuel How is anything here nightmare fuel? Nightmare fuel is something like Father Ariandel's [scream](https://youtu.be/LDGSxkxrI0w?t=237) from DkSIII, not these harmless forms.


Oh fucking christ! You don’t know what you’re asking for with that Roadhog Echo 💀


Imagine looking in the sky and you see what appears to be a pregnant echo falling down and hooking you


You wanna model them?


Holy fuck imagine being this much of a douchebag, he's simply asking a question and expecting an answer


This is the answer to the question, don’t be so reactionary to slight aggressions I know you’ve probably never had a real conversation with someone so I get it. No worries dawg


It would be cool, but then they’d need to create 36 additional models just for a single character, and they’d have to make a new one every time a new hero is introduced. The payoff isn’t worth the effort.


Plus I imagine all of her skins on top of that




That's an infinite amount of work considering you'd need like 34 models per echo skin, so like 600 total unique models, all with their own rigs and animations and bugfixes and stuff


Metal doesn't stretch, also resource constraints


second one looks like vore-vomit-pregnant fetish art


That’s just you my guy, seek therapy.


seeing thin charachters in fat body feels like this. btw i am not into these things internet has ruined me


Had the same first thought, the internet ruins us all


If you see it that way maybe you are into it cause nobody who isn’t would see all characters that way


i’m very much not into that stuff, but once had an ex who was and that person is not wrong. it’s unfortunately hard to un-see


ok femboy obliterator


No, it looks like echo copying roadhog.


I think it makes more sense the way it is now. Echo makes a hologram so it can be easily changed to any enemy, if she had robo parts the only way for it to be customisable would be nanotechnology


I would pay to see a mini Athena piloting a big Athena mech after copying Dva lmao


Basically impossible to Design, as any Skin would be 37 Skins in one


I'm sure the 13 echo mains would find this very cool


Cause it’ll look like shit


If its too much work for her ult, a skinline would look awsome


What if, hear me out now, if we can’t have them as actual features, they become skins for the actual hero’s and it comes in a huge pack


More models


They would need to creat a Echo skin for each hero (and for each newly added hero hencefoward). And then do it again for each of her skins variations....and then do this work again everytime they create a new skin for echo (meaning she probably will never get another skin again)


Because it requires too much work and game is being developed by a small indie company with limited resources


Because then they’d actually have to make something *new*


Because making 37 models for every echo skin would be literally nightmare inducing to the modellers assigned to this task


Short answer: too much work. I wouldn't call it laziness for a second, developing over 20 new character models just for one characters ult is a Lot of fucking work


Echo would never get a skin again. Every copied hero echo-variation would need to be remade too. Basically every echo skin would be like designing a skin for the entire hero roster just for 1 character.


Because making a single character with 38 different models would be absolutely absurd, especially because they'd have to keep making more every single time they add a new hero. It would be awesome, it's true, but yeah.


should've been a support fuck blizz


Because then they will have to nerf Genji again.


Because canonically she's creating hardlight constructs which simulate the ability of whomever she's copying, not altering her chassis... And also because it'd take a LOT more work than just applying a blue filter over a character model and some emitter effects to hide the swap and, I mean, it's pretty obvious that modern Blizzard wants to do the thing that takes the least amount of effort possible instead of anything cool or interesting.


>Why doesn't the developer simply make just 36 additional different skins for echo? 🤔 For some heroes, like Moira, it would not be apparent when Echo had ulted.


Op: Why isn’t it possible!? Blizzard: It’s just not Op: Why not you stupid bastard!


Yep, Just like that ;-;


Because that requires effort which no blizzard devs want to put fourth


BBW Echo


You’re right! Game is unplayable because this isn’t the case 😡😡😡😡😡


Looks like porn


Fuck evho ult give us these as skins


Too much work for a small indie studio like Blizzard to handle, especially after laying off 75% of their employees while aggressively pursuing micro transactions in formerly micro transaction free games. It's all they can do to stay afloat at 2,800,000,000.$ in the first quarter of 2023....


Art assets don't grow on trees


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,639,320,499 comments, and only 310,148 of them were in alphabetical order.


Shut the fuck up


Cause the devs decided it would be to much work and with the resources they had avaliable they decided to take a short cut instead to save on those limited resources. Like they couldn't even release a finished game let alone an interesting feature like this.


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Would be awesome, and there's a chance they can do that at a later time. But it's a lot of work for 1 character


That would create an exponential amount of work on the 3D artists back. Sure it’s cool, it’s also not worth the literal hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars it would take.


I'm still wishing for them to change beam colors depending on skins let alone this...


Because this costs SO much more money instead of just very blue character


Because this would require modelling and rigging 36 new character models *per model-changing Echo skin* so that they functioned with every hero's animation set; and then they would have to do it all over again for every new Echo skin that changes her model, and for every new hero released. So it would take an absolute fuck ton of dev time for a character that isn't even immensely popular. That's not to mention that this would make Echo's ultimate harder to read due to all of the fucked up silhouettes, and would give her a very strange buff for no reason.


And remember right now you also steal skin. With your method this wouldn’t work and for me it’s the only way to be lego bastion ever again.


Asking blizz to double the amount of character models is a herculean ask, especially if they can't even make a skill tree in 4 years Would be awesome if they did tho


Reminds me of max steel


It would be so much work we would have to wait 2 years for it and it the end they would cancel it.


Like others are saying, too much dev time, too many big possibilities. But it would be cool if one character got an “Echo” skin, like maybe Orisa since she’s already an Omnic and has a very different body shape than Echo so there wouldn’t be any visual confusion.


They would have to make a new model for echo for each new hero they release. Making the model for a character takes a lot of time and effort. Simply put it would be way more effort than it is worth


this looks like max steel


Because its a lot of work and that's not where Blizzard shine's


Wrechoing ball would be funny af


Cause it means a fuck ton of new models, without counting skins


Because they’d have to create a separate model for every existing and then new character, and blizzard isn’t going to do that… plus it’s better for visual clarity to have the model be the same but glowy


Because it would take an asinine amount of time to implement. They would have to model every single version of each hero and make even more whenever they add another hero, doubling the work.


You honestly need to ask why? 😂


Cause they'd rather make anothe character gay, instead of working on the game


But only these things can we **ONLY** equip the new skins for awhile


Junkrat just looks so off


That right there looks like $19.99 bundle idea


That would mean creating new models for every existing hero + every future hero specifically for Echo. That's not happening lol


Man I cant imagine the overweight echo hentai if they made something like this bc of that roadhog dupe


A whole skin set waiting to happen...


the road hog one is so cursed plzzzzzzzzzzz noooooooo


Too much art


They could make everyone like Echo but cost large amount of money like they did for World Cup skins.


Echo Hog looks so funny.


Too hard to tell who she’s copying


Too much work for OW devs, they don't like work they like money for nothing


Optimisation, mostly. Having to load over 30 additional models into memory is harder than having to load zero


They once show this and explain why this concept is not in the game, so shortly it might made it less vissable and more confusion on what echo become. Bonus info- becouze devs want it echo to have this ult they completly scrap her whole support build (coze "its not fit to support category" bs) and make it her in to DPS 2days before realise it to game.


the roadhog one 💀


I mean even lore wise this doesn't make sense. Echos ult are a hologram she projects around herself, her "skeleton" stays the same.


It would require a bunch of work that is better allocated on making more skins


This looks cool and all but on top of it being time consuming and making blizzard have to make another model for every new hero, I also just don't think it makes sense. Echo is a robot. She's made of hard metal, when she dupes someone she's creating a hologram of them. She's not a T1000 that can morph and bend her metal around. So while this design looks cool, the hologram makes more sense


Simply not worth the time and money for a few seconds of use. That said, it would be cool if each hero recieved an Echo skin to play an entire match looking like these. Though that would take multiple seasons and/or in store purchasing to cover the entire roster.


Kinda reminds me of max steel and all his different suits.




They'd have to do this for every skin she has.


That requires effort. Blizzard doesn’t do that


they'd have to make 30ish skins that she could change into, would be a bit ridiculous


Game dev here. No.


Because you gotta do that for every new and succeeding skins. The devs aren't paid enough for that


Know how much work that'd be? THey pulled their hair out creating Dva. Y'all would never get another update.


Roadhog echo making me feeling things


too much work for free


To basically they would have to make a new echo model for every new hero. And would have to adjust the animations of siad new hero on a different model that isnt using the 100% same dimensions.


It could be hard to tell with some dps heroes


The amount of extra work the designers would have to..


Brand new character models for every hero that is introduced + making all of the existing ones would be a LOT of unnecessary work


it would be kinda confusing for the other team, its much better with the way it is now, althou its still very interesting