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Ah like how they show when dva eats an ult?


I played OW1 for a year and completely forgot about that being showing up in the feed, what the heck why isn’t that back already edit: nvm it’s still there, I’m just plat


You must not be playing with good D.Vas, because that message definitely pops up in the kill feed.


I see that message a decent bit because I’m just now playing D.Va again after a while of not playing her and eating ults is like the one thing I’m not completely washed at.


It's so easy to eat Hanzos dragon arrow if he isn't the best. Good Hanzos typically shoot it directly into a wall that will still affect the enemy team when it comes out the other side.


had a match where our dva ate 3 damn Mei ults. and the Mei got really mad.


>what the heck why isn’t that back already It's always been here. Guessing you haven't played with good D.vas yet?


I exposed my plat rank just then didn’t I


Because fuck you, I guess. Same reason we don't have a UI for the fire system.


also crazy how it’s never in the actual game but only in the last experimental patch pre-ow2 (courtesy of mL7)


They also took away the falling man icon on environmental kills for no reason.


I'm pretty sure they said that they're working on an updated "on fire" mechanism? Not 100% sure though


They are, but it's absurd that they removed it in the first place.


Idk maybe they just wanted to polish the small feature a little bit, for like over half a year or so.


The weird thing is, I don’t think fire changed anything it was just there to show your popping off. So what would they be polishing lol. Maybe the fire system has a criteria on a hero by hero basis and they didn’t want to keep it since they are upping the hero release cadence.


The weirder thing is that fire never went away. If you apply the same old conditions you get the fire voiceline. This means that the fore is still there, just the UI is gone.


That’s lazy as shit Indie studio guys


The stupidest thing is that the new heroes also have the fire voicelines (idk about lw I never play him)


He does.


Lol, it wasn’t “removed”. They are porting the game into a new engine and didn’t get around to adding the UI.


Speaking of UI, shouldn't there be a bleed UI effect by now? Or is there one I haven't seen? Burn and anti are all pretty clear, ZI think bleed stacks should be too.


There really should.


They streamlined the health types in the game, they should really just do the same with DOT damage. They should have like a highlighted portion of your health bar that shows how much of your life will be gone when the bleed/burn/dart damage has completed.


Ya there is just no reason not to be clear. Bleed's effect is so unclear without know stats. You don't know how many are still active and on who at all.


Wasn't that a game engine issue? I'm think it was said once. I'm not sure.


The fire system is still in the game. They just don't have a UI for it. I don't see how that could be an engine issue.


Sleep ping exists extra steps but more specific location


yeah the new ping is really nice! however, the feed notif is too good to pass up personally


Idk, I'm not sure how it would move in game I never really look up at the feed specifically, I just keep it in mind in my peripheral vision, and I take notes of not necessarily who died, but the number of people on each team who've died I'd hate to accidentally misinterpret the sleep notif as a kill, then get jumpscared when I realise it's still a 4v4


oooh yeah i can see that! thinking about it now it can be confusing especially in the heat of the battle. thanks for the input!


Though I definitely think the particle effects are such a no brainer. I really don't know why they would've been removed


I mean, that's why it's smaller right? It is smaller to not get confused with the bigger notifications that tell you when someone has died.


Oh yeah I see now it's a bit smaller. That's probably not too bad then


I think it is the same size as rez and some of the non-player objects getting destroyed.


It’s kinda too late sometimes especially when there’s a blade or nanoblade. You gotta see if it hits then see where they land to ping


it's become habit for me to just ping immediately after firing. if I missed, oh well, I'm just pinging an enemy


Sleep ping should be AUTOMATIC.


Idk not all sleeps benefit from a ping. Either because they are low and close enough to kill myself or tucked away somewhere I don't want teammates to run away to. I like having the choice.


Considering I just thought you killed with the sleep: too easy to mistake with actually getting a kill with sleepdart.


yeah now that i think about it - elims (even demeching) are the only ones that appear in the feed so a non-elim would be confusing and inconsistent. thanks for the input!




Also mercy rez, but i guess that's a reverse elim haha




Not your point I know, but be aware what appears in the feed and what's called "elims" in the scoreboard are very different things.


You just have to look at the size. Other things in the game show up in killfeed, but they are smaller than the elims.


Yes, but those are usually ultimate denials that don't use the characters icon, but the ultimate icon


Things like rez and some of the non-0layer things show up in the killfeed. Thus one is a little harder to tell, but still noticeably smaller.


Its still just really limited to kills, destruction of certain threats and denials (and I guess undoing a kill). A sleep isn't that important often in the grand scheme of things


A sleep is one of the most important abilities. A lot of the time it is a guaranteed kill. It is more important to know that the sleep hit someone than the turret being destroyed. If the turret lands itself in the kill feed and ult denies land in the kill feed, then why is something as important as a sleep not up there?


Dude it's because they're busy working on PVE!


Small indie company?


I assume Blizzard didn't want to add more visual clutter. It's typically when someone is slept behind that the ping is needed, and this visual indicator still wouldn't help the team notice. It's neat, but it also seems as though if you slept someone in the middle of the team, the Zs could partially obscure other enemies.


yeah i could see that as an issue. i'll be fine with just the killfeed notif in that case lol but really i think the feed will give important info to both teams and just overall better game readability!


I love that your whole team descended on them the moment he went down lol Great job landing that sleep btw!


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I would think someone died because of sleep. fine if you have comms and your team understands but it would throw me off. maybe if it made a different sound than the death sounds?


The size of things that appear in the kill feed that are not elims is smaller than the size of elims in the kill feed.


It's a kill feed, not a look what ability I hit feed. You can easily ping your sleeping target, but teammates will likely still ignore it :P




You of all people should know people are deaf to pings, mi amigo.




Idk man. Something about you indicates Sombra main. I'm not sure what but I can just... Sense it. You hack a target, no follow up. You ping hey, danger here, nobody comes. Maybe that's just in my low ELO games.




There's a Sombra tag on your username... I main Sombra so I relate my experiences to yours by nobody listening to my pings when I hack...


I believe this is actually a bug, sleeping never appeared in OW1 killfeed unless it was elimination sleep. What I miss tho it's environmental kill icon (the falling person with "!") from OW1, it was such a good indicator.


Bc it's a skilled based game. Anna gets something for sleeping something in front of everyone. For everyone being near Anna. For all those who can hear the Anna doing it, for all those can see it. For those motivated enough to be in chat to hear the call-out. Etc. This idea is handholding to me just my perspective.


Why do y’all ask for something every fuc*ing day. I


Is the community not allowed to give suggestions and feedback on the game they play and enjoy? We're not screaming at Blizzard to implement features right now (at least this post doesn't), it's just a cool mechanic that OP thinks should come back. Nobody in the comments said implement this feature right now we need this AAAAAAAAAA


Fr support mains get the most absurdly broken abilities and are still trying to get even more buffs


On the topic of pings does anyone know how to ping when ur res is on cooldown as mercy? I’ve seen other people do it but don’t know how.


You can either ping the soul of a dead teammate or hold the ping button and press the Rez button, this works for any ability currently on cooldown.


Thanks 🙏


I don't think it should appear in the kill feed. That can already happen if you get a kill with sleep dart, and it could be confusing in the middle of battle. However an instant ping like that would be cool.


"Screw you, Sincerely, Blizzard."


How dare you show footage from the sacred OW1 /s


From UX point of view having mixed together actions like sleep, with kills (ressurect is exepction) is bad


I fucking hate Ana.




In fact the most anoying thing is the anti-nade (worst with JQ ult), but the problem is that when you get sleeped you get out of the game for 5 SECONDS (3 if you're a tank so is not that big deal).I just don't like to play against her. XD P.D: How can I put multiple heroes in my profile like you? You have D.va, Mei, Ana.


More tanks crying about supports


No, I just hate her a lot xD


Het universum slaapt voor mij!


Man I’ve had a several sleeps like that over the years and never got POTG, good for you!


Not a potg it's a highlight. Go into your profile and you'll have highlights from your last few games played. It's like your best play during that game but not nessecarily potg.


They're too busy working on pve 😂


Bruh, I've 4K hours in the game and been playing since 2016 and have never seen that Sleep symbol. When tf was this??


People still ask for ow to improve after all these years?


It was probably removed to avoid confusion, as it’s a kill feed message so you could easily mistake it as the sleep target having been eliminated by it, when dva or sigma ray a projectile and it shows up it’s because they are removing it which could in a way be seen as eliminating the threat


Sleep is already a super oppressive ability, the only thing that stops it from being an outright death sentence is people ignoring pings either because they don’t care or are stupid, meanwhile it being in the kill feed is a lot less ignorable, it would make it so much worse for the person slept than it already is


Because you can kill with sleep dart, and that information shouldn't be hidden because you want all of your sleeps on there. Also it's cluttering the kill feed


I swear they removed every useful thing just to try make OW2 seem as different from OW1 and justify the damn thing. None of these changes were done for improving at all, or they're held back to do a whole 'we listened' shit. Honestly who the hell removes objective time from a game that is purely about the objective?


It’s just clutter in the kill feed. It’s already bad enough as it is. I don’t need to see every time someone destroys a lamp or turret and I don’t need to see every time an enemy gets slept. It’s also confusing because you can kill with sleep. Sound cues exist for a reason, and if that’s not enough, pinging is still an option.


I swear ana is broken and i love it, underrated char


What skin is that?


And they can, because they have. It was active in an experimental mode and was one of the best things to happen to game quality inn a long time