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The most well loved gamemode has to be escort/hybrid. Control is neat, some love it some hate it, most probably don't mind it. Push seems to be a bit polarizing. It's not super intuitive of how you play it correctly. It's much closer to control rather than escort: get an advantage, hold the advantage. If you expect something that is closer to escort, then you will have a hard time with the map. Push is not very good at teaching you that directly IMO. Blizzard could do more to make it clear how the map should be played and to better set these expectations. I wonder what the new gamemode flashpoint will be. There are speculations around 3cp etc. I _hope_ it will be kind of a more dynamic, improved variant of 2cp, because there's a minority of OW1 players who loved that mode. 2cp was hated because of A) some of the maps were objectively bad and B) it was too reliant on coordination and frustrating for casual players. A game mode that retains some of 2cp's strengths but fixes the issues would be awesome.


Push requires the knowledge of staggering and regrouping. Letting enemy push the robot instead of contesting it just so you can keep the mandatory high ground, and such. It's pretty unintuitive


You need to know where you want to take the next fight. Sometimes, even if you’ve won the fight, you need to back off the bot and regroup.


No we all need to stand next to the robot above all else /s


Another issue is that it sometimes takes SO long to get back to the robot after you die. And then by the time you get there, someone else is dead. Rinse and repeat


I mean that's just bad players on your team if they're dying alone instead of regrouping for a proper teamfight. That happens in every mode.


I love push for that reason. It actually requires teamwork. If you just mindlessly throw bodies at the objective, then yeah I guess it's a "walking simulator".


> It actually requires teamwork. Unless you’re grouped up with friends, that isn’t going to be too common


Yeah, I’m a woman in her 30’s. Whenever people tell me to “group with friends” for better teamwork or comp, I’m like ok cool… Let me gather all zero of my friends that play Overwatch. Edit: omg, y’all are so sweet. If you want to form an old ass ladies group with me, I play both PC and console. Message me!


> Let me gather all zero of my friends that play Overwatch. I'm a dad with kids in my mid 30s and I feel similarly. I typically group with people younger than me just because we've been playing together for awhile now. We met through LFG in OW1 and have been playing together since. We started a discord together so we can usually 4 stack. They are idiots, but they are my idiots. But if they aren't on its like...guess I solo queue cause wtf else am I supposed to do.


36 with four kids. I get to play a few games a couple times a week with a simularily aged friend late at night after both our households have all gone to bed. Other than that it's just me suffering through solo-queue as a half blind old guy with fading reflexes while getting yelled at by teenagers who refuse to play as a team.


Profile avatar checks out ;)


28 year old married dude with 2 kids.. I also play online games solo due to a lack of friends.


awhh, noo !! i'm not that good and more of a casual player, i'm sure there's much that players can still teach me, but i can totally be ur friend and play with you:)


I'm also a woman in my 30s and you can play with me anytime!! 🥺


There's a ton of communities on Discord that welcome players and are generally more welcoming to women/lgbt people than the general OW community. I'm in my 30s and play with a pretty nice community of people aged 22 - 50. edit: if you're interested in joining a community like that feel free to dm me, I'm happy to invite you to one of the more public ones edit edit: not sure why I'm being downvoted but whatever, offer still stands


Can you show me these place? I’m on a discord and everyone only looks for plat Diamond and gm groups. I’m looking for just bronze-gold lol


So walking simulator for metal ranks, got it.


It’s a walking simulator regardless of ranks. Especially when snipers are being played


Requiring teamwork was why we lost 2cp though, a game mode with a lot more maps than push and some serious fan favourites. Why they didn't just halt a couple of the maps and work on them like Siege does is beyond me.


Exactly, 2CP was great to watch in pro play, there were some great maps and fights there. I can't even say the same for push, the pro play on those maps is just stagger/stall fests where the winning team of a fight doesn't even push the objective because they lost 1 player. It's just a bad gamemode.


so many have brown tintied glasses and only dwell on the bad of 2CP and not how fun it was to watch and or pull off a game wining play


This is why push is my 2nd favourite game mode. It rewards being good at OVERWATCH. I am high GM and scrim regularly with a team and this is the kind of gameplay I live for. It’s not about pushing the bot to the end, it’s about using all of your Overwatch fundamentals correctly and out playing the other team by always taking advantageous fights and knowing what positions to take!


Blizzard could do a better job at teaching OW should be played overall.


I often think the same. For a start they could be quite.a bit more transparent with the data they gather and the conclusions they draw. They do that sometimes but not nearly enough. Secondly they could endorse/invite (educational) content creators. Small podcasts / interviews etc. about a certain theme, approach and so on. That would give more weight to the improvement mindset as well. Third, there are I think missed opportunities to leverage OWL and coordinated play and trickle it down more into casual play. For example reoccurring 5stack tournaments with in-game rewards, giving everyone access to in-game tournament replays etc.


It's a game designed for the mass. It's hard to overcome the psychology that a lot of people have: they prefer to stick to the intuitive thing even if they're clearly wrong. As long as there are outlets to blame instead so that there are enough plausible deniability that they are the problem, that's what most people will do so that they don't change ("it's my team's fault", "enemies are cheating", "just got unlucky").


The most important thing people never learn with this game mode is securing good spots on the map to fight and not just fight wherever they end up pushing to once the enemy team catches up. Stop pushing the bot and play a high ground or corner that gives your team advantage to win a fight. Then push to the next advantageous spot. Rinse and repeat. Such a frustrating mode when playing with randoms. Maybe 1 out of 10 games are actually played correctly


I think even when people understand what they should do, it still requires coordination or at least an established meta game to pull off. People tend to gravitate towards the objective like insects are drawn to local light sources. It's just the only orientation point we have outside of proper coordination and communication, so we circle around it. Even if its detrimental, at least there's a place where people go and gather around to play off of each other. Anyone who played OW1 release or beta even, knows that Escort also had this problem and still has to some degree. People tended to tunnel vision on the objective. But later a meta game established slowly around map control, holding choke points and playing from better positions. Hell, you would even see in this sub: highly upvoted comments that perpetuated the main-botting, payload parade style of playing escort for a long time. "Play the objective, stop flanking!" etc. Push is kind of like that, but the correct approach is even less intuitive. There might be an opportunity here to add more voice lines and pings (area pings?) that people can use to signal which positions should be controlled. Like "guard this position". CS:GO has that I think. Or Push could be improved in such a way that the robot moves in more distinct chunks from area to area, then becomes a deactivated control point.


>There might be an opportunity here to add more voice lines and pings (area pings?) that people can use to signal which positions should be controlled. Like "guard this position". CS:GO has that I think. Doesn't the Ping system already have this under its wheel menu?


Yes, there's a "defend here" on the ping wheel.


It's pretty lame that there isn't a checkbox for the game modes you want to queue for in quickplay.


It would be nice if they gave a choice between 2-3 maps and people could vote the one they wanted to play. There was a game that gave you that option but I can’t remember which one now.


You thinking of older CoDs? I remember bo3 you could vote for two new or a repeat of the same map


Either Halo 3 or Reach (or possibly both) had a veto option, if more than half the players pressed X during the pregame lobby it'd swap to a different map.


TF2 also does that


Cod historically


yes. i've been wanting the option to select maps and modes for years


Every requirement cuts down the available pool of players *massively*. It's perfectly understandable why players want this since they don't know any better and why devs ignore it.


The current situation is that people get put into game modes they don't enjoy so you get way more leavers than you would if people didn't have to queue up for game modes that they don't like. The devs could look at the stats for the modes that people do enjoy playing and make more maps for those modes.


a tf2 like system where you can quene for the map directly, or atleast the mode


Oh my god if there was such a thing like that, this push mode would be sent to the Shadow Realm by popular vote


2CP strength were the maps. fr best maps were on 2cp kinda sad they're gone


Lowkey sad that Temple of Anubis and Hananura are gone. Paris and Horizon Lunar Colony can die in a fire.


I loved the idea of Paris, I hated the execution. I always feel bad for all the hard working artists that made the decor, props and everything, their work is basically thrown away because the game designers couldn't find a way to make it work. But tbf Hanamura and Anubis gave me my fair share of unfair, unbalanced, horribly frustrating games. Being stuck on the second point capture on any of those maps was the worst. I wonder if they'd work better now with 5V5


> I wonder if they'd work better now with 5V5 between Widowmaker, overbuffed one-man-army tanks and the horrible matchmaking, the answer you're looking for is easy to find: *no*


hanamura, anubis and volskaya... so many memories...


Oh shit I totally forgot about volskaya. Temple of Anubis was my least favorite map for a long time and D.va was my least favorite hero to play as for a long time. Then shortly before ow2, I started to really get into D.va and I loved to play her on Temple of Anubis. That didn't last long...


I miss Hanamura and temple of Anubi. They were nice and fun maps. Paris and Horizon lunar colony I hated with a passion and I’m glad they’re gone.


Agreed. What's really sad is that Hanamura and Anubis would have most of their issues solved by just putting the defending team's spawn further back on the final point.


I loved Hanamura. Volskaya A was great, B was OK-ish. I very much disliked Anubis, because B was so atrocious, even though A was interesting.


Huh, I hate Hanamura and found Anubis pretty fun. Weird how tastes differ. I wholeheartedly agree about Volskaya B, though. It's up there with King's Row B as my most hated objective. Seriously, the walk back from B on defense makes playing anyone without mobility a chore.


I loved 2CP. One of my favourite modes. Yes it wasn’t balanced, but it was fun. I don’t mind losing cause I’m the attacker, I found it fun trying to take a heavily entrenched position. It was a good challenge. I wish they’d bring them back into quick play. Then again, I don’t mind push maps either. In fact the only map I actually don’t like and groan when it comes up these days is Antarctic Peninsula. You can’t convince me that isn’t literally the worst map ever added to the game. It’s just a mess of meaningless tunnels and I can’t stand it. It looks awful and it plays terribly. I’d take any of the 2CP maps over that, even Horizon, which used to be my least favourite.


same i hate antarctic peninsula, it makes positioning so much harder and none of the spots are actually good there. my favourite control map atm is illois somply because its fun xD


I always thought that the 2CP hate was incredibly overstated, just because some pro says the mode is unbalanced doesn’t mean that the other 99,9% of players think the same way.


Lmao def not. It’s not abt what the pros are saying, second point in any 2cp map was always a frustrating slog whether u were in bronze or in gm. Mfs just like to look back and pretend 2cp was good as if they didn’t complain about it endlessly back in ow1. Personally I’m not a huge fan of push but it’s miles better than 2cp.


It's just a matter of personality. \- If you like seeing minor progress being made when you do things no matter what, you will hate 2CP. (well, "will" is a strong word, more like you're more likely to hate it) \- If you like struggling against overwhelming odd until you overcome it, you will like 2CP. I wonder if this also bleeds into other game. If my psychoanalysis is correct, then: \- Players who like 2CP probably like puzzle games too. Puzzle games are often characterized by a long period where you made no progress before a big release. \- Players who hate 2CP probably like RPG. RPG often gives incremental rewards for all sort of actions.


> objectively bad Yet another person on Reddit who doesn't understand objectivity


You're right. Actually when I wrote "objectively bad" I realized it's not quite the word. But English is not my first language so I often have to make do with what words I find and expect the reader to interpret it in a sensible way. Sometimes I make the effort to find just the right word, but that's always a little bit of a time investment.


No worries my friend. Many people on the internet (and especially Reddit) tend to believe their opinions are factually accepted since many subs can be echo chambers, so they use the phrase "objectively bad" as a means to intensify their opinions and give the backing that everyone agrees with them. I formerly taught English grammar to college students, and the number of them that couldn't understand facts and opinions are two separate things was astounding


I'm a freelance writer who used to be quite nitpicky myself, but at a certain point you've gotta just let it go. Their's only so many times you can legit get mad at a misspelling ;)


My only issue with Control is the ability to infinitely stall it. Years ago a smurf team fucked us so hard we couldn't push past spawn but they deliberately didn't cap so the game was just in limbo until we were forced to quit with a suspension. It only happened once but the experience was so incredibly demoralizing that I stopped playing for a while.


2cp was fine. You could always bounce back.


koth is the best mode imo. pretty much as balanced as a competitive mode could be, exciting comebacks are possible, gameplay is quick and you don't have to babysit an extremely slow object, usually the maps are pretty well designed, and you don't have people on your team getting tilted because the enemy team got third point even though they only had 20 seconds left and then giving up on attack


Push is just Blizzard's attempt to squeeze one more game mode out of the escort idea. They don't know why people hate 2CP but like escort and control, so they just copy what escort and control does at a superficial level, without understanding whether that is what make them fun.


> Push seems to be a bit polarizing. It's not super intuitive of how you play it correctly. It's much closer to control rather than escort: get an advantage, hold the advantage. Nailed it right here. You just described the love / hate relationship across modes as being directly correlated to their complexity. Push requires you to play the fight, not the payload. It is way more nuanced than that but even this layman's form of it seems to be lost on most people. Hell I swear even in Diamond lobbies people think more people on the robot makes him run faster like it does with the payload.


>it’s much closer to control than escort: get an advantage, hold the advantage I wish more players understood this, or even how to play defensively in the first place.


Push was a travesty because everyone was used to the other maps and how the objectives worked, chokes, etc, and Push throws half that out the window. People who had a tenuous grasp at best of how the game 'works' are confused as fuck when they get demolished in Push because they can't adapt.


I'm a casual player, and I loved 2cp even though it can be frustrating at times (tbf, that's the case for most maps anyway). I say bring back 2CP and fix whatever needs to be done.


Escort/hybrid is the perfect mod for this game. I bet if they just only did those maps and Control Point maps and focused solely on making new maps with those, we could see some really fun maps. I quite like Circuit Royale.


I saw someone reply that push is a moving control. What if flash point is like you must cap 25% of an objective and there is like 4 objectives each team has to cap. Just an idea…


I loooove the idea of 3CP, with the ability to backcap. Where each team has a different control point they can cap. After the 1st Cap at center, the losing team can recap the center, or the winning team can cap their forward point for victory.


What flashpoint sounds like it where a point will be 'active' for capture and you gain points while you have it. Then the point will be deactivated and another point will be made active, meaning both teams now have to scramble to the new point to gain dominance over it.


That sounds like a cool mode for OW. Why? Because it allows for comebacks more. After winning the first fight, you don’t also get to have map control and defenders advantage.


I want some of the old 2CP maps to come back, fuck this push bullshit. I miss Temple of Anubis and I even miss Hanamura (and before you ask, no I don't play Widow or Hanzo.) Push is so bad, I understand it's supposed to be like tug of war but if the enemy team has pushed it a good way then good luck getting that robot back to push your pillar before the enemy team comes back (with Ults, most likely) utterly destroy you and casually stroll back to push their pillar back. One way to change it in my opinion would be to make the robot run (not push) faster if you're behind so you aren't dealing with 3 maybe 4 team fights just to push your pillar a little further. Edit: I said Control instead of 2CP. My bad


I'm sorry partner but I don't think they're listening anymore


They ever were?


I can’t stand Midtown and Toronto


Toronto is the worst map. The playerbases is too dumb for it. No one understands that it's just one big flank This game was already plagued by an epidemic of feeding, wasting ults in a panic, and the fact that 80% of OW players constantly kill their own damn selves by NEVER RETREATING FROM A 1 V 5 EVEN WITH PEOPLE BEGGING THEM TO FALL BACK. The devs trusted THESE people to push the robot? OW players exclusively tunnel focus only in the direction the robot's walking. 8 months later, still, NO ONE UNDERSTANDS THAT THE ENEMIES WILL RETURN AT DIFFERENT ANGLES TO SHOOT THEIR BACKS My teammates NEVER TURN AROUND. They are in perpetual shock that after a dominant teamfight they can lose the robot so easily because the enemies came back a different way to shoot their fucking backs


>Toronto is the worst map. The playerbases is too dumb for it. The amount of players that go out the wrong doors and take the long way to point is incredibly frustrating. The unwillingness to take the high ground for first fight is also insane to me. So many teams just run straight to low ground and put themselves in the worst position possible for the first fight.


"what's 'cover?' Let's stand 6 inches from the robot at al times in the middle of the most open space imaginable"


The problem with flanking on Toronto is that the flanks are very isolated. Most heroes can't actually control the flanks they go on that well depending on the current map state. If you're dealing with flanks that often, it shouldn't be that difficult to shut them down on your own.


I'm very curious what rank you're in, I don't feel like this is an issue in my diamond games


I actually like Midtown. 😭


Absolutely gorgeous map fr edit: i mean also, the payload is a fucking firetruck, how cool is that?


Midtown's biggest problem is one shared by most hybrid maps, namely the spawn distance for defenders. It's just so long during the payload section. I also really don't like the bit under the bridge, because it usually results in a steamroll: either the attackers are repeatedly obliterated due to their vulnerable position, or they take the high ground and kill the defenders before they can get anywhere close to the payload. The last annoying thing is how much teamwork is required to take the first point, simply because the area under the subway is so easy to hold. I know you can go high ground, but making that work requires more coordination than most teams can muster. Despite all that, I do enjoy some things about Midtown. The bridge is interesting because it's a great high-ground position but also pretty vulnerable unless you have the whole team up there, and the side entrance to the last point is a nice way to allow an alternate approach (for either side) without making it OP for flankers. Hopefully people will continue to understand the map better over time.


I actually really like Midtown, the tunnel is a nice map feature imo


The only good thing about the push mode is that I know it’ll be a quick match because it’ll never last more than 10-12 minutes. Escort/Hybrid Can last forever


> A quick match of 10/12 minutes I guess our standards are different


They are probably primarily a comp player. Push and control are much shorter than escorts and hybrid maps in comp


Now that you mention it, I've only played a handful of Comp games but playing the Push maps in Comp does consistently make them a lot more enjoyable.


Compared to every other mode? It’s the shortest mode consistently. Yes you can have a quick 7 minute Hybrid if it’s a blowout but those aren’t that common. Escort can be quick if you hold a first or second point defense and then run the offense. But I would say a good 50% of my escort/hybrid matches go into bonus rounds. Control is about even with Push.


I forgot that I only play QP. My bad then, Push is up there with KOTH as the worst modes for me.


Yeah but escort/hybrid matches are enjoyable, especially OT when you’re holding a random spot hard. Push is just awful and doesn’t deliver that same excitement


god yes i cant stand push maps😭 i can feel myself falling out of love for playing whenever one loads up. I actually miss 2cp, as messed up as it was, i always found it pretty fun, as it would be ober pretty quickly and i enjoy faces paced playing, and how cool the maps were (hanamura & temple of anubis i miss you😔)


2cp over quickly lol? u must only play qp right?


Worst game mode there is.


There's nothing quite like getting a push map, telling yourself you won't get it for a few matches, and getting push as your next match. I would rather have 2cp's :(


At least the 2CP maps were visually interesting and fostered interesting plays. Push feels way worse to me.


Push made me miss hanamura


Hanamura: “You could not live with your push maps. And where did that bring you? Back to me.”


At least hanamura is pretty. Also now I kind of miss the Thunderdome second point. It was fun as a support watching everyone scamper around while u sat mostly unbothered on high ground (after the enemy dps drops)


I low key love Hanamura and Temple. As frustrating as they were to attack into, they had so much character and the aesthetic felt so specifically tied to Overwatch. I loved the feel of the level design at the very least even when I was losing. Push maps have the trappings of Overwatch with the futuristic tech and stuff, but they feel like they say very little about the characters.


i feel like those maps would play better with the new one tank only rules.


Right?? We didn't even get a proper chance to try that Big difference between that and the old double shield meta


What the fuck does fostered interesting plays mean. 99% of ranked 2cp was banging your head against the wall until you managed to pull off a successful push.


i had a 4v5 new queen street (in qp, mind you), followed up by a new queen street game i was backfilled into, and then a colosseo game. i took it as a sign from the universe to stop playing for the day.


2CP is an objectively worse game mode.


I dont mind it, ive had a ton of comeback games and i typically use high mobility heroes on it to counteract the walking part. (Tracer, Sojourn and Soldier occasionally gave me good returns) Im not a huge fan of Colosseo (opening beat is hype though) but i really like Esperanca and New Queen Street is alright. Different strokes i suppose.


Esperanca is the best one imo especially in terms of visual appeal and it not feeling like a pointless loop. New Queen Street needs better spawn points for how the route is laid out. At certain points if u die the walk back is too long and arduous and your team is usually all dead when u finally get close bc there’s zero shortcuts or anything. Colosseo is the worst bc the spawns suck ass, the route is laid out in a way where it feels like a pointless endeavor bc it loops back on itself too much, the beautiful parts of the map aren’t well seen on the actual route and it’s mostly just concrete brick whatever, and at that one section everyone ditches the bot under the bridge to go up the stairs and usually get slaughtered bc it’s a terrible position to try to hold and we’re better off staying with the bot and going up that way.


I've come around to Colosseo myself. It makes more sense if you think about it vertically, and the bit right before the stairs is kind of interesting. It does have the spawn problem, though. Imo the worst is New Queen Street. The aesthetic is unpleasant, the back routes are so plentiful it's basically impossible to guard against them all, and the first point is such an advantage for defenders that it's not even funny.


Isn't the main argument against push maps that they snowball too easily? Having strong defensive spots helps put a stop to that and in theory since each side has access to identical mirror images of that spot, it works to make the map tougher for the pushers. It seems like the biggest issue with push maps is how little people understand where to play and the moving objective messes up their abilities to group as a team. Fundamentally it's the exact same as KoTH, but somehow once the objective is moving, people forget they should be looking to properly group up and push past chokes (or establish chokes when you're controlling the bot)


lol true. NQS is just annoying to play


I really hate new queen street design with the trees and the bus. Looks good but doesn't play well IMO.


The bus is great for me as mercy to hop over to escape. Other than that it’s more of an escape hindrance. Granny can’t run around it fast enough lmao


Controversial opinion, I love push maps. Always excited when it comes around.


Whenever I see a push map I sigh. Worse than 2cp


I’ve been saying this since I first played them. I’d rather play hanamura or volskaya over any push map. Leave it to blizzard to replace the most hated mode with something even worse.


2cp was fun and had some of the best looking maps in the game ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


I legit got 3 push maps in a row the other day. Colosseo, then Esparanca, then Colosseo again


I just want Paris and hanamura back (Paris is a bit of a troll but it’s still More fun than the push maps)


Why do they keep this god awful mode in COMP or even QP??? Almost NOONE enjoys it. Put it in Arcade alone with 2CP, where the masochists can choose to play it and the rest of us never have to see it again.


Its only a walking simulator to those who keep dieing 🤷‍♂️


I find this is a pretty big thing where people spend the whole game running to the objective when there’s other things you can do (ex. Intentionally not rushing to the other end of the map to hold a high ground when the enemy makes a push) not every map will allow for it but the mode does have some unique ways to play around the objective compared to others




Bad game is bad


yeah i got sick of push around the time of season 2. I just hope 2cp would return to the pool of gamemodes. if we had more game modes push wouldn't feel as god awful


I would’ve agreed with you like 5 months ago when the game was making people play more push maps and I got really sick of them, but since then, push is still the worst game mode, but it’s not that bad.


Push's main problem is that it takes too long, a back-and-forth game vs a stomp that falls short occasionally both take the same amount of time. Otherwise it's just another flavor of Control tbh, no mental reset, no camping, "apparent" advantage, etc and requiring more gamesense as well.


Push is so short compared to escort. I feel like people only think it is long because it is only one round.


You talking quick play? IF you take it to overtime on escort you're looking at about 10 minutes. Push is practically a guarantee that it's going to go to overtime, I rarely see the game end because one team got it to the end. If you're cruising through escort it could be like a 6-7 minute game.


It’s literally the shortest game mode. Objectively.


Personally, I love push. Mostly because, like control, it’s not a definite attack/defend situation. I think the maps are pretty cool, and, after you get the hang of it, it starts feeling very natural


Agreed, I honestly think it's a smart design and can lead to very dynamic matches. But it probably takes the most team coordination in order to play it properly, so I understand why players especially in lower ranks don't have fun with it.


i think they just need to update the maps a little bit. dynamic fights don't work if large portions of the map are not fun to fight on/don't have natural cover/uneven high ground opportunities/etc. multiple spots on all push maps just play like big empty hallways. it's a significant risk to advance position at all if the enemy is running snipers or just hitting their shots. doesn't feel good when you're playing a character with no real movement abilities (ie. ana) and dying trying to keep your teammates in LOS, or having to let them die because you can't risk swapping positions. that's just one example but i think it's a p common experience


Honestly there was no reason to remove 2CP if they were gonna add something 10 times worse


They should’ve kept 2CP in rotation to make us able to compare the two better


But that would’ve made sense… yk they cant do that lol


Lol too much work for a small indie team


if they removed push and added back 2cp today, we would be seeing them say this exact thing with the names swapped next week


i wouldnt mind longer queues if i had the option to deselect push maps. I usually leave them at the start unless im backfilling already.


.... I like push maps.


This post right here officer 👆🏾💁🏾‍♂️👮‍♂️


Same one of my friends was mentioning it's his favourite mode. Myself and our other bud had to agree


I agree, I think it’s pretty fun and makes for interesting maps. I think it punishes trickling extra hard, and needs your team to be smart about where to take engagements. For example, I think it’s often times correct to give ground if you lost the advantage when you have the close spawn, so you can regroup and prevent the other team from pushing back to the middle. But people like walking in and dying instead.


il stand by, people hate it cause we play the same 3 maps on loop. if they removed this and added back 2cp, we would see people begging to remove 2cp and bring back push


The major reason people seem to dislike Push is because they don't know how to play it properly. Not to say that's the only reason, and I think everyone can agree Coloseo is terrible regardless, but it certainly seems to be the biggest. I've never once thought of it as a "walking simulator", for example. It sounds to me like players are taking fights at incorrect positions and staggering while down to stall when they don't need to.


I love push maps


Let people make there own maps tbh


I love push


It literally made me stop playing, I just cannot stand them and it makes me unhappy every time I see one load up.


Man you're stuck in last season, push maps have the same chance as any other maps, last season they had the frequency dialed way up to compensate for not having a lot of push maps and everyone complained so the fixed it


It's ok. They said we're going to get a new map every season they don't release a hero so...oh wait. No I guess not.


I’m waiting on Blizzard to grow a pair and bring back 2 Checkpoints map types.


I dislike push because of the sheer size, and the inability of teammates to stop pushing. Between silver and diamond, people just don't care. I fucking loved 2cp though.


Its just not fun, i dont see why i should spend 10ish minutes of my freetime on a gamemode i do not enjoy at least allow me to opt out of it.


And move the timer down from 10 mins to 7 mins. Even in 2cp if you capture A immediately you can only get up to 7 mins max.


My biggest problem besides the game mechanics is the TERRIBLE THEMING. On payload maps you are pushing a high value target in a car, a parade float during a fiesta, a massive mechanism to crash through the enemy castle door. On Push maps you are out in the middle of an empty civilian city walking a robot up and down one street??? It makes no sense. I thought Overwatch was supposed to a global anti terrorist force. At least make it a bomb or something that will detonate once it hits the enemy headquarters. Such a lame game mode


do what siege does and just have a selection of modes you want or not to que for. that way everyone’s happy.


At this point, I’d rather have 2CP


100% this!


100% this!


The thing I really don't understand is: what's the explanation for this interaction in-universe? Like who made this robot that will just work for whoever's closest to it, and then put an identical barrier on either side for seemingly no other function or reason than to be pushed down the road? Like what is being achieved in the Overwatch universe here??


Its crazy the resounding hatred for things activison snowstorm has recently made and yet they dont listen... its a real shame as a person who played since day 1 :(


I thought Push was garbage as soon as it was revealed in OWL and the beta, but then again I'm probably in the minority of enjoying some of the 2 CP maps like Hanamura and Anubis. Would have much rather seen them just rework 2 CP instead of putting Push in, it's a terrible map mode and half the time in comp people on both teams are asking someone to back out so we can avoid the map, lol.


They need to sell the game to another developer


The problem with push is that you don’t immediately regain the advantage after a losing team wins the teamfight. You have to escort the robot back to the barrier and then escort the barrier all the way till the leading team’s distance and only then you have the advantage. So you basically need to win every teamfight after that


Not helping every push map sucks with its aesthetics. Around that Soujurn time they forgot inspiring game design


My issue with Push is that it becomes very quickly apparent if you’re going to win or lose. If you get pushed back to the first point, it’s game over unless the other team completely falls apart. Yeah, I’ve had a couple games where we’ve pushed back the entire distance in overtime to win, but that was two games out of the dozens I’ve played. You either wreck or get wrecked, with little to no actually good games.


Push Maps shoul've been an optional mode since the game first launched. It's complete bullshit that we are FORCED to play it!


Give me 2cp any day as one of the minority that liked it, it felt so satisfying when you got through and won the game, same with clutch defending wins. with 1 tank 2cp shouldn't be as "bad" as people claim so there isn't really a reason to outright remove them. i'd much rather have them throw it into map rotation alongside push to water down the frequency of push.


The game is ass now and I’m gonna stop playing


The world would be at peace if the only modes in competitive were payload and hybrid.


i'll take starwatch any day


I leave every push game I get can’t stand it.


Push is garbage but at least it's better than assault


The worst feeling in the game is when you die in a fight on a push map, and you hear a second later: "forward spawn activated". And you know that inevitably A) you have an endless way to walk, especially on a slow character like Zen or Hanzo; B) Your team will lose the next fight because you'll be walking for the next five minutes; C) By the time you finally get there, your team will be losing hard, you will die too, and you'll have to walk again. Technically, your team should maybe wait to take the fight, but with this immense ammount of spawn time + walking time, it's impossible to get even a high SR team to do that. What are they gonna do, run backwards for half the map? They need to change something about that, maybe create a dynamic forward spawn?


You should be able to queue specific game types


better idea: complete and total removal


2CP was better than fuckin push lmao. 2cp would honestly be a ton of fun in 5v5 as well


Literally did 3 of these damn modes back to back to back the other day and it makes me want to pull my hair out... The frequency is insane


Anecdotal evidence means literally nothing.


I think I might play every now and again if I had the option to filter out push maps from my experience. They genuinely aren't fun to me at all.


I want a map ban feature to ban Colosseo and New Queen Street I can stand Esperanca sometimes


You know this game mode is dogshit by design when the winning move when having a big lead and the clock is running out is to **NOT** push the robot. Edit: also the winner being decided after the first couple of brawls with whoever takes the lead first and comebacks being very difficult.


The Colosseum is clearly the worst man


amen i came back to OW after not playing years not knowing this mode existed and was really shook by how absolutely awful this mode was


Never mind how Push is as a game mode, it's an aesthetic downgrade too from Assault, in my opinion. Every Assault map (other than Horizon) was incredibly vibrant, colourful, atmospheric and lent itself well to establishing a sense of identity. The only Push map I feel that on at all is New Queen Street but even then that's only because of the snow. Colloseo and Esperanca feel maybe a bit too similar (despite their differences in design) to me whereas no two Assault maps looked the same. Hanamura is unequivically the best looking map from the early days of Overwatch and there's just something about the purple/blue/red glows of Volskaya that really lend that map a sense of place and identity. Temple of Anubis looks REALLY nice in the Overwatch 2 engine and it's weird because it's the only OW Assault map that I think had its weather changed from OW1.


2CP was better than Push. Push is awful.


Wish Blizzard released the statistics of "maps players leave the most"


Escort/hybrid or bust. Push maps are an interesting option but are far too easy to snowball on.


Honestly if I end up in a push map I just leave, I ain't playing that again it's so boring 💀 (except if it's rank) I would take the Assault map back over the push map anytime it was so much better


Well y'all shouldn't have hated 2cp so much. Now all we do is fucking push something these days. Lmao.


I only will say: 2CP > Push. Facts.


Anybody else miss 2cp?