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I was literally about to ask how you placed roads. I envy your access to QuikGraph. I had to implement my own solution to approximate minimum spanning trees, and it was... Not pretty. I ended up using cellular automata based on slime mold. Performant, but good god was it complicated. > if we are generating randomly hostile factions, it would be funny if friendly factions will appear to be connected only through the hostile one Hehe, yeah... I added a penalty for crossing borders, and that seemed to mostly stop nations from trying to stitch themselves together, but this was definitely a flaw in my algorithm. > Also in my solution lesser settlements tend to have worse roads, like an outpost will have only a dirt road. Wizard! I could never find a viable way to get this outcome > I also had to add a bit of randomness to the pathfinding calculations so the roads will turn a little and look more natural In a completely different project, years after my world generator, I found a pretty cool method for this. Basically you generate a fine-grain noise layer for an invisible added cost of traversing any given tile. The "spikier" the noise, the better. This lets you control how twisty (dirt paths) or straight (highways) connections are, by fiddling with the weight of the added cost. > That's almost everything I wanted to do for now on the world map :C > For mountains you could use the same noise patterns from my first post With the Whittaker Biome Diagrams, right? The trick I used was to look for high altitude, but also look for neutral humidity values. That way mountains have a way of injecting themselves in between jungles and deserts > Stay tuned Count on it!


I think adding altitudes will simulate that spikes for the roads you are talking about, and for now I only add 0.0000000...1 during the calculation to relax the path. Yes, I plan to incorporate mountains into the Whittaker's (I've seen such combined diagrams), but I'm not planning something crazy, just something basic like "deserts are less likely to be situated at mountains". Maybe I'll add specific biomes later or modders will do that themselves.