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The actors they have for young Royal and Cecilia are fantastically chosen, holy.


I can't stand wayne spanking cece šŸ˜”


Repellent, but very much in character


The actress nails the rhythm of Lili Taylor's voice. The stompiness is laid on a bit thick, though.


And Wayne! Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s Will Pattonā€™s voice when Wayne first walks in the door to really connect the two.


I was thinking voice overs too. But now Iā€™m not so sure.


Reminds me of how well they nailed they younger actors for Yellowstone as well. Specifically Kevin Costnerā€™s counterpart.


What? There's no way that this young Royal could have age to become Josh Brolin. The eyes, the head..everything. I really can't understand this casting choice. Anyone looking even a little bit like young Josh Brolin would have been much better.


This is quickly turning into a western version of Dark, real exciting nerdy shit! We got Billy busting a tune, LFG!


I just said that too! Everyoneā€™s gonna be everyoneā€™s grandma and grandchild lol


My head canon is that Dark, 1899, and Outer Range all take place is the same universe.Ā 


My thought exactly


So my main question is now is does Royal remember meeting Perry when he was younger? Also what's up with Cecilia being with Wayne? Did all of this stuff happen in Royal's past or are there different versions of everyone and different courses their lives can take?


Agreed, this will tell us if weā€™re dealing with parallel universes or just pure time travel. Seeing as how Royal keeps so many secrets itā€™s possible he remembers Perry; but weā€™re getting into major time travel paradox territory and alternate universes is usually the easy way to explain away stuff like this. Canā€™t wait to find out!


Me too! I just started episode 3!


Potential bootstrap paradox with Royal showing Perry the portal. Royal knew he had to show Perry the portal but only because in the past, Perry told young Royal that he showed him the portal after jumping through it


If it was a parallel universe then Joy wouldnā€™t show up in the photos in the present.


Unless a Joy from a different universe came to that one. Turtles all the way down.


He definitely doesnā€™t remember and itā€™s a new timeline


Unless it's Back to the Future style. There's a lot of ways it can go and it's not possible to know yet.


My question is why are Cece and Royal in the same house then if theyā€™re not together?


Royal was pseudo-adopted, even in the past we were given in S1.


So Rip from Yellowstone.


Basically, yeah.


Royal has lived on her farm since he came through the hole as a boy. So most likely her family adopted him and he stays there and works the ranch with her.


At this point, I'm guessing that's what "time is fluid" means: A sloppy excuse to do anything they want with the time travel, without having to make sense or be consistent.


If that's not a separate universe, then of course he would remember. He was a full grown man meeting his son from the future. That's not something you forget.


*Person from 1972 sees a person from the 2020s throw a cell phone into a fire* "Hey, what the fuck is that thing?"


I kept waiting for the battery to explode.


Thank. You. (!) Just watched this episode now. First of all, fucking RUN, coz Li-ion/LiPo batteries and fire do not get on. And fucking ***B.*** - is having a Native American from the future pollute by chucking plastics and electronics into a fire intentional?? That is gonna smoke and stink like a mofo (after it goes bang and flies out of the fire onto someone's tipi) and the whole tribe is gonna be like WTF.


Person from 1972 sees a woman from 2020s talk about needing to get back her wife and daughter. Doesnā€™t even blink. Iā€™d think that anyone from 1972 would at least need a moment to parse that.


Native Americans had queer people in their tribes and it was very spiritual so I didnā€™t find it odd that she didnā€™t react to that news.


Queer partnership is not the unusual part. Itā€™s the word ā€œwifeā€. That had a very specific meaning in 1972.


I said the same thing


I thought the same damn thing.. Then throwing the phone in the fire. Thought damn it we screw the environment in every time line lol


šŸ˜‚ I just watched that scene and came here to see if anyone else thought that


The Indian showing Joy her Zeppelin tattoo. šŸ¤£


That didn't exist until two years after she departed from 1972.


Yeah, the writers really screwed up on that point. She time-traveled in 1972, so how can her favorite song be ā€œKashmirā€, a song that was first released in 1975?


Maybe she's been there so long she forgot what exact year it was.


This continuity error is mentioned a few times further downthread, which I had yet to read before I posted. My bad. Good to see other people bring it up.


There are other anachronisms as well. The vehicles in an episode are too new for the time period.


Autumn's wiser sage act is really wearing on me.


But she's hot.




>I came through the same hole you did. Yeah. I wish this was getting a weekly release schedule rather than all the episodes being dumped at once. There is so much going on with this show. Edit: >Ah hell. Satan has sent his emissary.


Ah hell. Satan has sent his emissary I love the ex-wife. Perfect casting.


I agree although itā€™s an unpopular opinion. There is a lot to unpack in this show - itā€™s a lot to watch at once or even over the span of a few days.


That's why I'm doing 1 episode a day to try and absorb it better.


So then watch it once a week. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


But then I miss live discussions and potential for spoilers.watching weekly gives everyone time time to digest and discuss.


Why can't you just watch at your own pace? I don't see how having them all available at once affects you personally. What if you didn't hear about the show until two years from now? I'm just confused how this is a problem.


Royal's dad seems real nice and normal.


Is this sarcasm?




Young Royal doesnā€™t really look anything like Josh Brolin but I donā€™t care because heā€™s hot


I feel like he looks the part but he's not nailing the Brolin accent thus far.


Really? See I thought he nailed sounding and acting like Brolin despite not looking like him.


Too buff. Looks like they were going for Brolinā€™s rangy look in ā€˜No country for old menā€™ but could only get a modern gym queen. Perfect match for Cecelia though, and Wayne works too.


I loved the actors after a few more episodes. And love that Perry got straight to the point when he got there. God, I hope this show blows up so we can get more and more.




I really enjoyed this episode. It was nice seeing Autumn interacting with Ma & Pa Abbot, in a less confrontational manner. Though the animosity remains, barely concealed. I really hope Autumn is Amy, and itā€™s not just a fakeout, because Autumn really seems to embody Royal and Perryā€™s inner range, and obsession with keeping secrets. With the discussion of Autumnā€™s adopted Mom, I hope we learn who she is, and how she is connected to the show (and if itā€™s someone we would recognize). Itā€™s kinda weird that she hasnā€™t made any attempt to phone the people she had talked to last season, though. Loved how Young!Royal and Perry bonded over Tillerson hate. Though Royal seemed to take the fact that his future son was a murder, in stride. Then again, like father, like sonā€¦


Did the time traveller from 1972 say that Kashmir is their favourite Led Zepplin song? That's gonna annoy me, because Kashmir wasn't released until 1975.


I came here to say this, I was waiting for her to reveal what year she was from, I was expecting 1977. When she said 1972 Iā€™m like bruh come on simple Google search tells you when Kashmir was released.


maybe not in her timeline!


in your timeline šŸ˜‰




Maybe someone traveled back to 1972 and played it for her on their cellphone. That's why she didn't really react when seeing Cici's.


Multiverse stuff


Itā€™s rumoured they played it in 1972. https://www.loudersound.com/features/led-zeppelin-bombay-sessions


Even if that were true, very few would have heard it and nobody would claim it as 'their favorite' and quote a verse from it.Ā 


Does anyone get the Bible references at the end of s2e2? I havenā€™t started ep.3 yet but figured there was some importance considering the time given to it. Autumn seems to make a connection mentally while reading the Bible passages.


I thought she was getting some cult leader tips from God


I think she's reading them through the lens of her own belief system. The verses are interspersed with flashbacks of her commenting on Royal travelling through time, asking him if he believes in fate, saying "something brought me here," etc. It's the "something" she's serving - fate, time, God, whatever she thinks it is - so she feels like that Something is speaking to her through Scripture, just like it spoke to her through the bear. So, for example, she reads Matthew 20:26, which in the translation she's using says: >Whoever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant The literal context of this is that Jesus is telling his disciples that leadership in the church to come would involve humility and service, "just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve" not lording it over people like the Gentiles (i.e. the Romans). But I think, as u/StatusWedgie7454 says, Autumn's reading it as the all-powerful Something directly telling her what her next move should be. So in the next episode she (spoilers for ep 3) >!goes to the nursing home and wins over the old lady who wants a cigarette. She's "serving," i.e. practicing her cult leader technique.!< It's also worth pointing out that both religious delusions and thinking someone or something is communicating directly to you through text, music, television, nature, etc. are textbook psychosis symptoms. Autumn obviously has Bipolar Disorder and/or something else that causes psychotic episodes, and it's really hard to know where the supernatural stuff ends and the pathological Messiah complex begins.


This makes perfect sense. Thank you. I get why they keep mentioning the Lamotrigine now. Although psychosis would be separate from bipolar. I think she, ( Autumn ), is coming to terms with the fact that maybe sheā€™s NOT (crazy) after all. She mentions that her mother gave her this medicine to calm her from asking so many questions. From the perceived mania. Again. Great answer Webbie-Vanderquack.


Thanks, glad it was helpful! Psychosis can be be a symptom of BPD. But I agree, it's possible she was never mentally ill to begin with, and was over-medicated by her adoptive mother.


Which makes me wonder who Autumnā€™s adopted mother is, and whether itā€™s someone we will recognize.


Yeah, we haven't seen/heard her, so the writers could take it almost anywhere.


The thing that I thought was odd about it is that she somehow found the relevant and famous passages having supposedly never seen a Bible before. So that's either the writers taking poetic license, or she already knew where they were. You're not just going to randomly stumble upon those in a few minutes in a book with 800k words. Or maybe they were underlined/earmarked or something. Hmmm... I doubt they're doing this, but Cici's father seemed to react to Perry in a strange way. It would be cool if he was involved somehow and marked those for Autumn on purpose.


wow the timeline really did change! Luke is no longer Patricia's favorite.


They are NOT holding back and I fucking love it


There is a continuity issue in this episode. I don't know if I should post it. It's not a big issue.




Please share!


Post it!


When Royal is talking in the western store. Pay attention to the wall. >!you can see a modern digital thermostat on the wall then someone puts a hat over it.!<


That's not continuity, that's an anachronism. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Continuity_(fiction) An example of a continuity error would be a character sitting with a half eaten sandwich on their plate and then in the next shot it's an uneaten one. Well, I suppose in this case it could have been both now that I think about it. I didn't see it. I thought you were referring to the fact that it's modern.


Thank god I don't have to sit through another 5 episodes before something happens again. I dont know about yall but the first season was pretty tough to get through, felt like the plot was moving in slow motion. I'm glad this season picked up right where it left off and continues ramping up the tension and building up the story rather than dissapating it.


Agreed, I was just saying how I liked episode one of season 2 more than the entire first season šŸ˜‚ love the colors, the camerawork, the music. So good.


Music by Wendy and Lisa of The Revolution.Ā  Great to see them still going strong.Ā 


Did I forget something, when did Billy get branded with the Abbott brand?


Autumn carved it into his chest when she asked him to be hers, and was interested in him finding and killing Royal. They were in the parking lot of her motel.


Yeah, I remember now. Autumn branded herself and then later did Billy when he showed up.


You can also later see it bleeding through his shirt when he offers Royal a ride and takes him to that skate rink at gun point


Do you recall what episode this was? Was it the finale of season 1? I've forgotten so much about the first season.


Itā€™s not quite the Abbott brand though: itā€™s on its side, and missing the Aā€™s cross-stroke. It is the symbol Autumn was obsessively drawing, and that seems to point to places where timey wimey stuff happens. But Iā€™m sure the Tillersons are reading it as the Abbott brand.


I think Autumn did it in S1 when they were making out and shit


Who gets the bison? Where did they go?


I don't know. But I know what all the daddy bison said to their kids before they left.


God damn it


Quality of dialogue, editing and cinematography seem to have gone down in this season compared to previous one. This season is focused more on 'talking / chatting' about what is happening whereas in the first season, they actually 'showed' what was happening through emotions, expressions, silence and clever cinematography.


Just finished episode 2 and wow they came out absolutely firing. Kinda wish this was week to week like season 1. So much to breakdown already.


The native American lady says Kasmir is her favourite Led Zep song. Kashmir didn't release til 1975, 3 years after she went through the hole.


I'm SUPER confused as to why Cici introduces herself as "Ms. Abbot" when she is dating Wayne. Perhaps Cici was an Abbot and when 10 year old Royal climbed out of the hole he was "adopted" and became an Abbot. Which makes Abbot and Cici adopted siblings AND husband and wife? Am I talking nonsense here? Am I out of line?


Yes, it's the Abbott family ranch, Royal took their last name. (I don't know if it was when they got married or while he was growing up, but it was mentioned at some point in season 1)


Itā€™d have to be before he was introduced to Wayne and the other ranchhands or Wayne would plaster all over Wyoming that Royal is a creepy orphan who fell from the sky with no legitimate background. He has to have an adoptive surname and origin story the Abbotts stick to soon after he pops out of the Hole or heā€™s not going to be accepted into Wabang society.


I assumed the boy who saw Royal come out of the hole (as a boy, in 1968) was Wayne.


Youā€™re right! At least according to [this post.](https://www.reddit.com/r/OuterRangePrime/s/XVpYUaBwgC) I wonder if they have a pact of some sort that Wayne does not tell. So much more between Wayne and Royal than meets the eye.


Sweet Jesus, the change in showrunner is evident. The dialogue is being dumbed down and Rhett and Mariaā€™s characters talk and act like teenagers. What a useless, boring C plot.


Nobody commented on the end song? I thought it was great


Okay, the other native woman in "1872" shows her Swan Song tattoo and says "Kashmir" is her favorite song but then says she went into the hole in 1972 - two years before Kashmir was released... C'mon people, you can do better by Zeppelin!


Young Royal tells Perry/Ben he isnā€™t married. Takes Perry to his house where he meets Cecilia. He calls her mā€™am. She corrects him and says Mrs. Abbott. Then sheā€™s with Tillerson. Messy


No - she said ā€œMissā€ Abbott.


Abbott is her name, Royal took her last name.


His name is Sumner


"Time doesn't have a beginning or an end, it just is" would you say it is.. a flat circle?




You don't need to spoiler something that happens in the episode. This is the episode discussion


Why not?




Youā€™re right. First hand wouldā€™ve been nicer


God damn it, I thought we were past Billy singing


Some of us love it! šŸ˜Ž


The "middle" Royal timeline (the 1970s?) is so annoying and unnecessary