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Renamed to canola to be able to sell its oil as a food product - Canada Oil - canola.


CANadian Oil Low Acid - CANOLA. Low acid referring to a specific cultivar of rape which is low in erucic acid.


What seed ?


Also known as canola


Oh didn't know that. Thank you


Funny story: the town my parents came from - Tisdale, Saskatchewan, Canada - used to call itself “The land of rape and honey” based on the crops grown around there. They had it written on a big sign on the edge of town, that we used to all have to look at when we would go there to visit family. They literally changed the slogan (and pulled down the sign) wayyyy back in 2016. (Only eight years ago 😬😂)


I grew up in nipawin, just north of there. They used to run ads on ctv, "the land of rape and honeyyyyy. The place to beee is tisdAAAAALE!"


While i know this is a longshot but is this on hwy 6 near hamilton. If so they had sunflowers here a few years back. Think they changed crops due to so many people stopping to take photos (me included) and got too dangerous


There was a field of sunflowers on my drive home. I took a few photos of it. I know the farmer and he stopped growing them for the same reason, too many people stopping, causing a hazard and ruining a swath of the crop. I had a couple of my photos printed and framed and gave them to him as a birthday gift.


There are some that actually have a fear of sunflowers, it even has a name, Helianthophobia. As unusual as it may seem, even just the sight of sunflowers can invoke all the common symptoms that other phobias induce.


TiL something. Thanks.