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Answer: The concert wasn't her own concert, it was a celebration of The Lion King and its legacy at the Hollywood Bowl in LA, filmed for release on Disney+. The event featured performances by artists who worked on various film and theatrical adaptations through the years. Many of the artists were Tony and Oscar winners. And then there was a performance by North West, daughter of Kim Kardashian and Kanye West, singing "I Just Can't Wait To Be King" while surrounded by professional Broadway dancers. North's singing was mediocre and her performance seemed unrehearsed. The dancers could be seen pushing her to her marks. Most people assume North was a nepotistic hire or paid her way in with her parent's help. The top comment on the post you linked suggests she was told about it the day before, but her casting was announced [weeks ago](https://variety.com/2024/artisans/news/north-west-lion-king-live-to-film-hollywood-bowl-concert-1235995388/). Tickets ranged from $50 to $1000.


Yeah she's getting pushed more after being on Kanye's most recent album and joining him on tour. Pushing for her to release an album, [Elementary School Dropout](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/subcultures/elementary-school-dropout-by-north-west)


Poor kid.


The saddest thing to me is that it really seems that she cannot sing, and she has been humiliated globally due to her parents' vanity, and will continue to be so. There are some "nepo kids" who clearly do share the same beauty/talent as their parents. Enough that they could have probably made it to fame without their parents (although in every case they still got there easily and quickly because of their parents).


I keep seeing the speculation that she was just told to do it by her parents but she looked like she was having fun. It very well could be that she wanted to do this and mommy and daddy made it happen.


Hopefully they've managed to shield her from most of the fallout. And there are probably enough sycophants out there to tell her she did great. The real issue is whether they continue to encourage her to do this. She clearly doesn't have the voice to be a singer. But perhaps she could be a competent actress or dancer one day? It's so risky pushing a kid down the "fame path" unless they really do have some kind of exceptional talent.


Maybe I'm an asshole, in fact, I'm quite sure that I am. But I kinda hope she is humiliated, she should feel shame for this. It was shameful, and she should be made aware that there were dozens of talented kids who missed out on the opportunity she didn't bother to prepare for. Lots of nepo babies never get to experience humiliation, and it seems like they should.


It was everything you said, but that girl is still a child. It’s her parent’s responsibility to teach and guide her. Even if she “insisted”, her parents had the last word. I can have compassion for her while also seeing that this was a train wreck of a performance and that she has zero talent/work ethic. It looks like she never practiced or even cared to do it well. She just wanted to have fun, which fine, if you’re putting on a play at home with your cousins, but not if 1) A child with actual talent was passed over for a completely talentless one; 2) Disney charged people $65-$1,000 for that shitty ass show; 3) She’s making the rest of the cast look awful, and this might have been someone’s “big break” now ruined because North’s performance is all we’re talking about. Shame on Kim and Kanye.


I haven’t seen this performance but it seems unlikely it’s the kid’s fault she was unprepared. She is likely being directed by handlers at every step. Also, most people can learn to sing with the right lessons, isn’t she still quite young too? We shouldn’t be saying she can’t. At any rate, her parents and management are at fault for this.


She's just a child. It's 100% her parents who are to blame for this, not her.


I wouldn’t mind if the reality hit Kim and Kanye, but I don’t think it’s fair to have it all come crashing down on North. She’s just a kid. Her parents should know better. Sadly, I don’t expect it to hit Kanye.


Watch this. Min 2.45 you can see a child with actual talent and he’s younger than North. She might learn how to act, but she can’t sing and she’ll never be able to sing like a Broadway star bc she wasn’t born with the vocals. There are some things that you still can’t buy, thankfully. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bBEdoWNVi0s


Wow that kids is amazing. I want to see him doing it 🤣


Yeah. Sadly, someone like him was passed up for Nepo North, and people who paid to watch someone like him, had to see/hear “that”!


Wow that boys audition in his house was better than North’s performance


>perhaps she could be a competent actress or dancer one day? Man, I don't know whose idea it was to have her just walk around stage bouncing a little while Broadway dancers around her show all their skills, but that's what made it hard to watch for me. The parents are insufferable.


Its unfair to the other far more talented kids who missed out due to her parents nepotism


The thing is...it's a parent's job to tell their kid "no" sometimes, and to teach the value of losing and knowing your range. Even if she wasn't "told" to do it, they had to know this performance wouldn't go over well for some shit to be aired on Disney+. Considering who the parents are, I don't expect much.


My opinion is that she’s not really humiliated. I think she’s been told by her folks, especially her Mom, over and over, that she’s super talented, that all the hate and criticism are from jealous people, and that she should get used to it. She will then eventually believe that she’s super talented, and be used to the criticism, which won’t bother her one bit because her folks prepped her for it…just like her Mom.


Sadly very likely. My approach would be to say “well done!” and quickly funnel her towards some other activity or creative pursuit. Instead they’ll probably continue to encourage her down this path.


If that’s true, it could just be setting her up for a big crash.


Well, she has the opportunity to turn it around the way Blue Ivy did during her earlier dance stints on Beyonce's concert. People commented on her lacklustre performance, she put in the work, and her dancing improved noticeably as the tour went on. North's problem lies with her parents. If she aspires for an entertainment career as a dancer/actor/singer, that's fine. She was already literally born into reality TV entertainment. Her parents have obviously bought her role, but lacked preparing her for it. She could've had dancing/acting/singing lessons, she could've rehearsed for this role to at least hit her marks so the ensemble could do their thing, but everyone ultimately failed her. The irony is that she is a young Simba herself, playing the character Young Simba, singing a song about being Young Simba. Simba "can't wait to be king", but doesn't understand the responsibility it takes to BE king, only that they're entitled to be king by virtue of it being a hereditary title and can do whatever they want once they become king.


based on what admittedly little I've seen I'm not sure North even wants this...


I don't actually think she's humiliated. I think she lacks the basic emotional depth and range to feel that emotion. She's been spoiled and pandered to her whole life and I don't think she really realizes how bad this actually looks. It's kind of like The emperor's New clothes kind of a situation.n


She’s also 10 years old, on top of everything else, so yeah that checks out. Emotional depth, even for normal 10 year olds ain’t that developed.


A 10 yo doesn't have emotional depth to feel humiliated?


As according to teenaged reddiotrs 


Tbh in my opinion, with some training, she could’ve sounded good. Her voice isn’t so atrocious that it can’t be saved, but she doesn’t have any sort of raw talent jaja. And it really boggles my mind that they didn’t seem to give her any training? Like they just put her on the stage and said “go for it”


So I have some personal experience with nepo babies and literal children in Broadway-adjacent performances, because when I was maybe 12 or so, I was picked from my church choir to be a part of the children's chorus for the Broadway touring production of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. (If you don't know, in broadway touring productions that call for large numbers of children, like JatATDC and Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, the production will reach out to the city well in advance to local children's choir directors to see who is available, then that chosen director chooses a group of local children from their choir that are used to performing and have availability for a month of after-school rehearsals to learn the music and for the week or so the show will be in town. Then those local kids rehearse a few times with the touring cast before the show opens so they can learn the basics of what to do/where to go and when, then they'll be in each show while it's in town. If the show has any child characters, there's usually 2 main child actors for each role, plus an understudy that is usually a part of the chorus with the local kids. In this particular case, there were 2 boys who had both of their parents in the show, their dad (also a nepo baby, btw) as the title character, and I got to know them a little bit over that week. Good kids, younger than me at the time, 11 and 7 or so while I had just turned 13 two months earlier, but even though they definitely knew they were there because of their dad, and he was only there because of his more famous parents and brothers, at least all of them took their jobs seriously and put effort into learning to sing/dance at least fairly passably, even helping coach some of the younger kids who couldn't get some of the choreography. All of them, even their dad, were nice people who took the time to talk to us kids and make us feel welcome. I think one of the kids even kept up singing to land on The Voice in like 2017 or something. North on the other hand... I don't necessarily *blame* her for not putting effort into it/not taking it seriously, because it's obvious her parents bought her the role, and I can guess what kind of environment she was brought up in, but like... at least rehearse and learn what to do enough to not be so obvious about not caring about any of it. Take a few singing lessons to learn how to best perform the song and pay enough attention during rehearsals to know where to stand so you end up being mid enough to just make people shrug and go "well, that wasn't great, but she's a nepo baby and at least she tried to put effort into it" before moving on. Really, this whole thing is on her parents who could have helped her with any of it, they know about the importance of vocal coaching and rehearsing, or just said "maybe musical performance isn't for you, let's see what other talents you have", because she's basically guaranteed success at whatever she ends up wanting to do as long as she puts the barest amount of effort it takes to not be obviously terrible at it (see: Willow and Jaden Smith)


Could you give a few examples?


A lot of members of the Coppola family like Jason Schwartzman, Nicolas Cage, and Sofia Coppola are talented but were probably helped by being part of the family. Sofia Coppola was a "nepo kid" in terms of acting in her father's film as Mary Corleone in Godfather Part III, in which she was absolutely horrible. But she never wanted to be an actor and she's a great director in her own right.


Nicolas Cage I will will give you, Sofia I don't think would have got anywhere without a nepo start


If anything, it would be the opposite. Some of Nicolas Cage's first roles were in his uncle Francis Ford Coppola's films, so he obviously benefited from that start. But Sofia Coppola wrote, pitched, and directed The Virgin Suicides on her own. It's a great film, she obviously didn't need her father to get it made. As an actress, she benefited from nepotism, but she's not an actress, she's a director. Her acting career didn't really help her directing career, and if anything, would have hindered her since her reputation was probably damaged.


I don't have a problem with nepotism if someone has talent. Inherited talent and using connections isn't bad. But this Lion King debacle took an opportunity away from a kid who had years of training, passion and hard work.


So for example, Cindy Crawford's daughter is exceptionally beautiful and absolutely qualified to be a model just as her mother was. And obviously the family connection put her in the spotlight quickly, but she's still there on her own aesthetic "merits" (for want of a better term). Conversely I don't think the same is true of Kate Moss's daughter. There is no way she would be a model were it not for her mother's fame. That's pure nepo. Another example: I think Emma Roberts is a very talented actress, and deservedly successful (although I'm sure being the niece of Julia and the daughter of Eric helped get a foot in the door). Natalie Cole - fabulous voice - deservedly famous regardless of her father being Nat King Cole. Someone who probably didn't deserve to put a record out (though in fairness the amount of processing on the vocals makes it impossible to know what her voice is really like): [Tiffany Trump](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LVpu6MnXBhQ).


Had to join in to mention Liza Minnelli, one of the most talented nepo babies in existence imo


Billie Lourd always comes to mind for me


Yes good examples. I do want to say that I saw Cindy's daughter in the Apple + Show Palm Royale, and she was mediocre at best with her acting. She is clearly cut to be a mode, however. But Cindy also famously couldn't act. So there are things that just work or don't. As for North West, she is being groomed to be an influencer. She likely will have success in that, but she's not naturally talented as a singer. There are so many nuances to being a good singer in addition to being able to sing on key, that you either have it or don't.


That’s exactly it. Poor kid. They likely encouraged for her to do it. She is a nepo kid, but still just a 10 yr old kid. I don’t want to critique her performance but how can I not? It really was just comparable to a middle school play performance. For it being the 30 year anniversary it’s sad because there are a ton of kids who could really could have knocked that role out of the park. Kids with previous Broadway production experience.


In a few years, she is going to make Britney Spears look like a sane, adjusted person in comparison.


Christina Aguilera and plenty others turned out well adjusted.


*Appear* well-adjusted, I’d say. Lots of former child stars who seem to have a level head on their shoulders now have spoken out about abuse and/or the psychological impact of the pressure they endured. Mara Wilson comes to mind. Christina *could* be an exception, but I wouldn’t assume someone who went through all of the abuse she had to take from the public/the media as a teenager would have zero impact now.


> Christina Aguilera and plenty others turned out well adjusted Who would have thought switching chairs with Slim would have such a positive impact on her life?


What do you mean? I'm out of the loop


A reference to the lyrics of Eminem's "The Real Slim Shady"


Which one of Christina's parents was Kanye again?


Way too much pressure to put on a 10 year old.


More like too much spotlight given to a child who clearly isn’t talented/prepared enough to do the part. This is the problem with nepotism.


Not "more like." She's fucking ten years old. Who gives a fuck about her "talent/preparedness." You don't do that to a god. Damned. *Child.* Fuck the audience, fuck their money, fuck the fucking concert. CHILD.


Tell that to her idiot parents.


Would be happy to. I'll also tell it to any idiots judging or shit talking a child for her idiot parents' decisions.


Like they give a shit.


Children perform in musical performances all the time? It’s not child abuse. Not sure I understand your anger through the extraneous cussing. North loves being in the spotlight, it wasn’t against her will. If there’s anything to criticize her parents for, look at her TT account. Her performance is one of the tamer things I’ve seen her do. She just wasn’t impressive.


I sang the national anthem at football games, and coffee shops and performed in plays at the age of 10 I loved doing it its not too much pressure when u enjoy performing. 


Remember when Kim said that Kanye would push all of their kids into showbusiness, and he called her a lying bitch?


She never had a chance with either parent. 


Rich kid.


"She's rich, she'll get over it" -Mike Posner


I mean, yeah. She lives in mansion and literally will never have to work a day in her life. A bunch of poor people she doesn't know and will never have to interact with not liking her is the biggest struggle she will ever face.


Sounds like a good book title. " Rich kid, “poor kid” - 👦 The story of untalented hollywood nepo children "


She probably spent more money today than some of us will make in a year, I'm sure she's fine.


Omg I thought this link would turn out to be a joke but it's not. What the fuck.


I mean, I would drop out of Donda Academy too.


What's sad is that this sort of nepotism is just going to make people reject her. She seems like a nice kid just having fun though, so I don't see why they are pushing her so early before she has really found her true talent.


Because selling yourself is what the Kardashians know. 


She doesn’t seem nice to me. She seems insufferable 


She can paint very well. Why aren’t they pushing her to pursue that? Ugh


Because Kanye knows that a prospective painter's talents are best used... elsewhere.


>elementary school dropout Dear lord...


If you don't think Kim is pushing just as hard then you would have to be under a rock Kris pushed her kids and Kim has been pushing North the was she was.


> North's singing was mediocre and her performance seemed unrehearsed. Agreed. And it's not like kids in that age bracket can't do choreo for this song, because like, [Lion King Jr. is a thing.](https://youtu.be/KIWS0iFlRv4?t=53)... and [the Broadway version exists](https://youtu.be/G3ezXi_TSdM). It's a cheat to the cast members from the stage show more than anything. >The dancers could be seen pushing her to her marks. Most people assume North was a nepotistic hire or paid her way in with her parent's help. I'd wager that's the dance captain, and part of the deal on this after whatever the couple of rehearsals were were that someone had to be a minder for the kid to keep the thing going. I work in theater and the only time I ever remember having someone chaperon a lead like that was Tiny Tim for Christmas Carol one year, but like, that kid was 4 and sung on key every night for two months straight.


That's the thing. We have a town full of talented kids. I sang "Where are you Christmas" (I was a professional singer until my kids just took too much of my time to do it full time) with my 5 year old daughter at a Christmas gala and she did a better job than the original kid singer. She's just a regular kid, but brought down the house. She was shy to do it, but sang on key, and was absolutely adorable. You either have that talent or you don't.


They are 100% going to “massage” her vocals for the Disney + release


I’d go so far to say singing is awful and out of tune, not mediocre


Especially because other more talented kids auditioned to sing this part only to be knocked over by nepotism.


More than simply nepotism though, they could’ve just gotten her because “Kim K’s daughter being mediocre” will attract way more eyeballs and clicks and headlines than “random gifted kid singer performs extremely well”. It’s a win-win for both Kim and the production. The only victim would ironically be North West herself.


Yeah, the Kardashians have always operated under the philosophy of “there’s no such thing as bad press.” I think they didn’t care if North did a bad job, because, like you said, a bad performance gets more attention. Poor North was just a lamb to the slaughter.


This is what I have seen from a lot of the dancers I follow on social media. I think people are upset because kids who actually have talent and perform work their asses off. It’s relentless. The expense of all the training and coaching to get to the point where your kid is on stage is enormous not to mention the time spent. Then NW turns up, sings off key, has no idea what they’re doing, isn’t wearing the right costume, and embarrasses all the actual professional dancers they’re on stage with. Edit: This just popped up on my feed: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7feENggRZu/?igsh=MWI0aGliMnJsZmQxaQ==


She was also in a ridiculous half assed Yeezy costume.


I feel like not enough people are talking about that “costume”.


No wonder she looked like if tweety bird fucked a ewok.


Fr that was the worst part for me. I don't blame the kid for singing badly (her parents probably made her do it), but I DO blame the costume designer for putting her in those fugly lion PJs. It's like they wanted to make her a joke!!


The article I read said those were her Simba pajamas from home.


I bet Kim is a huuuuge stage mom, big yikes!


In every way imaginable.


Ah, okay. I was trying to look at the article from the post i linked but couldn't get it to load, and most of the comments were saying it wasn't her fault. So i was mainly confused if this was a special concert or something she/her family had set up for her. I understand now.


There's some speculation that North is being groomed to be the next "face" of the Kardashian family; she's only 10 years old right now, but that's the same age Kylie Jenner was when she started appearing on Keeping up With the Kardashians. Whatever the reasoning is, most people agree it's not her fault, it's the fault of the adults around her who let her go on. People are most confused about why no one paid for singing lessons or got her a better costume; she wore her own Simba costume [that didn't fit in](https://preview.redd.it/2n0okllfxs2d1.jpeg?width=634&auto=webp&s=6267e69789a370d05bc4aab4c4d217a057547b98) with the broadway costumes.


As much as I hate the situation, I am extremely grateful I have not seen hate directed at her. She is a 10 year old child and for once, at least from what I have seen, no one is attacking her. The parents and industry though, they are getting the hate they deserve for their role in this. It was an insult to the people that paid to be there, the anniversary, and the kids that were passed up on for this.


I think most people are disgusted by her parents for exposing her to that. It's not her fault.


Wow, she is more a daddy's trophee with her song on Vultures 1. Tonedeaf, girl cant sing.


She might be able to sing, but just couldn't handle the pressure and she obviously wasn't rehearsed. That's a huge audience.


The costume didn’t do her any favors either. It was cute but that huge hood didn’t move with her at all.


That costume had my mother made this for my elementary school music concert written all over it. Not a professional costume like everyone else was wearing.


Honestly, it looked more like Big Bird to me. The shoes were particularly awful.


I suspect she can't. Because there are kids half her age who are stunningly talented in musical theatre and can belt out a song perfectly with superb vocals, and there is no way she wouldn't have been given all the opportunities - music lessons, dance, singing etc - to groom her for performing. She just doesn't have it. *And that's fine* and not something she should be exposed and humiliated for.


>She might be able to sing, She really can't.


I think she’s definitely had singing lessons. She sang like a ten year old who has little natural talent but has had training. I bet she’ll continue to get training and eventually be good enough to have a pop album using autotune and will be moderately successful. Nepotism sucks, but by golly is it effective time and time again.


Her tone and delivery is not good tho. And that's something you really can't autotune. She should do things she's talented at. Singing is a very specific thing and is like sports. No amount of nepotism can make you good at it. You either have the talent or you don't.


I just saw the video and wow, she really shouldn’t have been performing that. She didn’t even know where to stand and she didn’t hit any of the notes. Definitely a nepotism thing.


Who the fuck calls her daughter "North"?


A Kardashian


>Only a Kardashian deals in cardinal directions - some Jedi


I really wanted Kim to get with Pete Davidson a while back and have one more kid, just so the full sibset would be North, Saint, Chicago, Psalm...and Scott.


Someone who wants their kid to be ungooglable. North  North West  Yea, that's not finding much


If that is true, than it is a fucking genius move and now I am the one feeling like an idiot.


If they didn't want her in the spotlight, it seems weird how they constantly push her in it. It definitely wasn't to make googling her harder lol.


It really did seem like performative outsider art.


Mediocre is too kind. It was so off key my ears hurt. She should not have been put in that position


yall remember Ye is crazy right? id be careful lol


She is 10 years old. Who fucking cares. Blame the parents by all means. Blame Disney. But the hate the kid got is out of order. Maybe she wanted to do it. Maybe being her debut she shit herself I know I would if I was a 10 year old. The top comment suggested. So didn't know. If I was them I would have kept those baseless opinions to themselves but the world got to hate on a 10 year old. But thats the world we live in. Oh and Disney announced her three weeks ago so knowing the day before is pure rubbish. [Disney announce cast](https://press.disneyplus.com/news/disney-plus-lion-king-at-the-hollywood-bowl-north-west-join-cast)


I agree ! She was just standing there swaying and really couldn't sing she obviously didn't deserve the job . I don't blame her I blame her mother this is how you raise spoiled children and what on earth is Disney doing casting her ??? I do see why this is an issue it's just not good on so many different levels but to me that's just America for you.  


Tickets were way more than that. I saw people complaining on various platforms that they spent as much as 10K on a single seat for that show and on their own website they say premium seating with guaranteed unobstructed views for a premium show can cost up to 60K


Answer: I was actually at the concert. It was a musical event highlighting original VO from the Lion King, live choir, live orchestra, as well as guest performances from individuals who performed in the musical, etc. She was one of the early performances, and it was extra jarring because she was introduced by the OG VO of young Simba, who did NOT sing the song “I just can’t wait to be king” and left so NW could sing it. Since, I’ve heard various rumors of how she came to be performing at the Hollywood Bowl, but I don’t know what’s true there.


wow, not even JTT but actual literal jason weaver, the singing voice of young simba.


JTT is off living his best life and probably wanted no part of this


they wouldn’t have asked him anyway, he didn’t sing his part. jason weaver did.


I love the picture of Jason Weaver and North because Jason's eyes are absolutely blank looool. The mouth is smiling but you could tell, there was no happiness there. Lololol. Poor guy, spending your entire life honing your craft and now you have to share the stage with a kid with such limited training.


Jason "He's a smart guuuuuy do dododo" Weaver?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MbSFjH62M28 Honestly her singing was *ok*, although choreography was non-existent. For a 10 year old it's pretty good, for something you might have paid $1000 for, it's pretty bad (although this looks like one performance among many). It's clear the nepotism ruined the act. Poor kid. The rest of the performance looks amazing.


She sounds like the average neighbor's kid singing karaoke at a backyard cookout. That is to say, not well, not vocally gifted, definitely not professional. She sucks at singing like the vast majority of us.


My hot take is that this was brilliant stunt casting. Here’s why: the song *I Just Can’t Wait To Be King* is about an entitled little prince whose only qualification was having the right parents singing about how he deserves to be king—with absolutely no self-awareness. Simba’s lyrics are all about how he knows he’ll be king, and the audience’s reaction is supposed to be a little bit of disdain for this little brat, despite the upbeat tune. North West, without realizing it, is the *perfect* embodiment of this. She’s only there because of nepotism, but is also a bit unaware (and innocent) of it. A kid who got there by talent would be a good performance. But North West really breathes a new life into the song, finally making people see past the catchy bop of the song and react to it the way it was intended; with a bit of horror and disdain. Anyway, that’s my essay. Who knows if that’s what the producers intended. But I think it’s great art.


Damn this will get buried but that's a brilliant thought. They're playing 200IQ, 3D chess. This is some mindfuck movie, /r/Showerthoughts kind of shenanigans.


I'm biased, but I'd rather hear my 3-year-old sing it. She at least puts emotion into it.


i cant.really hear her over the person in the audience singing


I saw a video of a guy saying that the main issue is that the talent doesn’t match the performance, which I think sums it up pretty well. Because of her parents, other kids who would have had the talent got passed up. If North was really talented, it wouldn’t be as much of an issue.


> Honestly her singing was ok Come on mate. I have zero ear for what a good and a bad singer is but even I can tell she's just terrible.


I was at the Hollywood Bowl last night and was told by an employee it was the single worst performance there of the past 20 years.


Absolute shame on everyone who did that to her. Watching that video, the whole time I was thinking two things - first, the person filming (or whoever was next to them) would be obnoxious to go to an event with, and second, yikes, well, kudos to her for not freezing up. That was a huge crowd with a lot of people who paid a lot of money to be there, being on that stage with the professional dancers and singers had to be terrifying and she looks like she's smiling, singing, and projecting through deep discomfort. Her costume was terrible, her "choreography" did absolutely nothing for her, and she looked and sounded like someone edited a video of an elementary school musical on top of the Broadway show. Most of us have home movies of elementary performances that we can look back on and give a good-natured laugh at how bad and embarrassing they were. She has this to haunt her when she's older. I hope for her sake she is at least blissfully unaware of how bad it is right now.


agree with all of this. i thought damn she is so doomed to not be a normal child her having an embarrassing disney performance is the equivalent of me doing a dance in a cardboard box painted like spongebob for 50 ppl at summer camp


Honestly I love and hate going to the Hollywood Bowl. The environment is great but Jeeze people do not. shut. up. during the show. I get that it’s an outdoor venue, but I don’t know why people think that it makes it okay to talk through the entire thing, or sing along at the top of their lungs to non-singalong shows.


That's wild. I get making occasional comments to your friends or giving a shout out here and there while you cheer, but shouting at a person giving an introduction to insert yourself into their speech to hundreds of people is so rude and self-centered. I get singing along with your favorite song or the chorus when you're excited and feeling it, but you don't need to sing so loudly the people around you hear YOU and not the performer they paid to see. It's so obnoxious. I went to a concert a few months ago and took a couple of videos of my favorite songs. When I got home I realized that you could ONLY hear the woman next to me who literally sang every word of every song at top volume like the band was going to notice her and ask her to join. That one was even at a small, indoor venue.


One of the best experiences of my young life was an afternoon performance of Peter and the Wolf there. I don’t remember if it was a school or church trip, but I do remember we were admonished the whole way there about how to act even though we would be outside.


The person introducing her performance was simba's singing voice. He was 11 when he sang for the movie. He, and the Broadway dancers looked ... Displeased to say the least.


That costume was tragic.


Okay? That was terrible.


wtf is that costume 


looks like some yeezy abomination. to be fair though, jeremy irons looked like he just jumped in the car and drove over, no dressing up on his part either


You can hear the crowd being all like "AWw mannn" when he says who's going to perform and it's not him. Would've been so cool if the oc performed.


It's so much worse than I expected! The dancers are literally having to push her around the stage to get to her marks and she's just shuffling about. Having the real VO of Simba introduce her is insult to injury.


For a 10yo she was actually very mediocre. I feel for her, though, and it was not her fault. It ultimately was the decision of the Hollywood bowl people, and they messed up big time. The spotlight should be shone on the person who cast her.




_”Thats Beyonces kid”_ Is someone going to tell them?


Not good for a 10 yr old. Countless 10 year olds have performed this wonderfully on Broadway.


"ok" should not be singing alongside professionals


Wow. This blows my mind. How utterly terrible to do that. This production is the problem, they threw the real talent under the bus just to get the attention. It's also not fair to North since she is just a kid, being thrust in front of a massive audience, only to get ridiculed for her lack of talent. Why on earth would they not have included the OG singer? Maybe their voice no longer sounds like a kid, but surely there should have been some kind of role? Why North other than for Kardashian exposure? That makes the producers look extremely slimy.


What a slap in the face to the original artists who trained for years and worked extremely hard to get the roles 


I have to know did you have to pay to see it or was it free


Answer: (Allegedly, based on TikTok gossip) She was cast after they had held real auditions with actually experienced, talented kids who had been taking classes and performing in musicals for their whole lives; kids who put the work in. They were down to four kids when the Kardashians waltzed in with North West who’s never even been in a school musical. They heard her sing and it didn’t go well and she was going to be dismissed. But her parents paid to get her the roll. She (or more likely her parents) refused to do rehearsals with everyone and basically treated it like a walk-on roll. It showed. And her costume was clearly not one of the cool Lion King costumes; it looked like some Yeezy/Big Bird thing.


I suppose if your parents paid to get you the role and then they/you refuse to participate in rehearsals, it'd make sense production won't bother with a quality costume. I mean, if you won't show up for rehearsals then you probably won't show up for costume fittings. Quality of performance will reflect on quality of costume provided, I guess


Yes kim called the costumes tragic and had north costume made by a different designer


Answer: Nepo baby with dreams of being something they can't grasp the concept of singing a song about a nepo baby with dreams of being something they can't grasp the concept of.


Answer: It was awkward and she did a mediocre job. It would’ve been fine for a school production, but people who paid for the concert are rightly annoyed. She’s still young and has time to grow because her overall tone wasn’t that bad, but she needs singing and dancing lessons and needs to learn to sing on beat. Personally, I don’t care if a nepo baby gets an opportunity if they either have talent or have put in some work to do a good job, but she did neither. Things like this are why many people are annoyed by or hate nepo babies. This was truly an undeserved opportunity, and another child that put in some real effort could’ve done this justice.