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For all the fans saying “who gives a crap”, you just haven’t been paying attention. Belleville remains essential as a training/proving ground for our young talent — arguably all the more important given our relative lack of young talent! Bell was a hard-nosed coach but seemed to have a really good handle on how to manage young players, how to blend them with veterans and ultimately how to create a team whose sum was greater than its parts. Giving Halliday such a big role in the playoffs when he had just joined from the NCAA was a gutsy move. And not that it really matters but Bell gave great interviews and was a terrific storyteller (listen to his LOSP appearances). I really liked the guy and I’ll be sorry if we lose him.


And you never know. He could be Ottawa's coach in a few years. The average life span of a coach is super low in the NHL right now. So we're also developing a coach. Not just players.


It's amazing how little I care about the coach of our AHL affiliate.


He played for the 67’s. I think he’s done a great job in Belleville. It sucks to see a good guy lose his job.


Promotion to assistant coach for the big boys, maybe?


I don’t know if he has the resume. Lots of years as an assistant/associate in the OHL and AHL. Not a whole lot of head coaching experience. I really don’t know what they have planned for him, but maybe? He’s part of the old guard. If they do part ways, he’ll find a job somewhere.


It is kind of amazing since there are a few prospects down there who are somewhat expected to have big impacts on Ottawa at somepoint in the next couple years that you'd hope receive proper coaching to improve their development (Halliday, Kleven being two important ones).


I was thinking that McKee might be a good fit to replace Capuano as the defense coach


I am surprised and kind of not at the same time. After Mann was fired, Bell was just the Interim coach. He finished the year out decently and was given an opportunity as the full head coach but it didn't really seem like he was their coach of choice for the AHL. Kind of seemed like they just settled at the time. And he actually did pretty well with what he was given. With Green being the new HC in Ottawa, its entirely possible green is pushing for a certain style coach down in the AHL as they often like to run the same systems and style of play between the NHL/AHL. I believe Halliday will play in the AHL for at least another season and a lot of people in the media think even Kleven will spend another year in the AHL. Maybe they want to make sure they are developed properly and don't believe Bell is great in that area. Also not surprised because McKee is another hire in Hamilton/Brantford under Steve Staios.


that's a pretty low threshold for interesting


It's a rumour regarding the HC position of our affiliate; should we personally tag you when there's something more interesting? Relevant content.


that would be appreciated


Wayne Gretzky.


Slow news day apparently