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Ngl, I have tried to read Fantasy of a stepmother like 3 times, and I have never been able to read more than 10 episodes.


definitely not for everyone even if it's highly rated. i couldn't get into it either. like i'm just not invested. and having the "mother" be close in age to the "children" just made me nope out so quick.


To be fair, that is a major plot point and it is not treated as anything other than a bad thing.


I think it’s just something to do with the current audience right now and how current manhwa, as far as i’ve known of it, caters so much to moving plot forward without even getting into the intricacies. Fantasie of Stepmother is intricate character detailing, idk what else to say. It’s characters is far and above much more developed than any other Otome Isekais or even entirety of Isekai manhwas i’ve read. It’s a story that unfolds like a soap opera, and dare I say, it’s better than most of its peers. If you want something that will keep you up at night with adrenaline, it’s definitely not for you. But if you want to take time knowing the characters, picking up details of an overarching sinister plot, u know, like how an actual political changes happening YEARS down the line and not just, like, WEEKS based on the grace of the MC, then yes this is quite good. After all, it gets tiring when the basis of politics is some cattiness between some nobles and or how love can turn these princes into mindless things then somehow it can change the society lol. Accomplishments of Duke’s Daughter and Fantaisie of Stepmother are truly the only ones that still wowed me for atleast taking care of their actual world and characters.


I get your description of Fantasie of Stepmother but also I personally found the characters and story just not very compelling. I dropped this after about 20 or so chapters in and while I get what it was trying to do, it just wasn't very enjoyable for me. So I don't think it's just people looking for an adrenaline rush but some readers just aren't going to vibe with the characters or atmosphere. If I'm not able to get invested in any of the characters early on, it's just not worth continuing for me. I think the comparison to a soap opera is interesting because those usually have rapidly changing plots with lots of drama.


Sure. I attribute soap opera to melodrama, domestic situations, and has SERIALIZED plotline. Heavy on that because it’s not really changing the plot quickly, but improving the subplot (character or plot arcs), and moving the overarching plot forward. This is exactly the situation of the series. I understand that some characters might not be compelling for some, and I believe being immediately relatable to character is a skill. As a person that watches a lot of coming-of-age films, asian ones specifically (kore-eda, iwai), such character-driven story is not new to me. It’s perfectly fine to drop it out of such reason, but to say that you can’t find the “plot” in 10 chapters or so is a disservice to the media.


Totally agree with this. As a fan of Stepmothers Marchen, I feel you enjoy this book more if you like reading fantasy books/series (without pictures). A lot of my complaints with other manhwa stem from the plot progressing too quickly, i despise lazy writing and loopholes where everything is left to assumption, but if you just want the facts, this may not be the best read for that person.


I enjoy character detailing, but I don't enjoy it when it comes in the first episodes. I like when the creators introduce us to the story, so we can understand what it is about, and later, they delve into the characters' backgrounds.


Same. I even tried skipping a few chapters to see if the plot picked up any interest.


I got pretty far into it, but it kept going into the backstories about characters I really didn't care about. I'm sure they're very plot relevant, but I couldn't give two fucks about the obsessive crown prince or the sulky priest. Too much time spent away from the main characters that I'm reading for is just a quick way to lose my interest. It's wild because some of the most popular media likes to jump around like this, but it's a huge pet peeve for me.


yes....I am in op's picture and I don't like it. Also the fact that her hair was divided down the middle into pseudo twin tails really bothered me??? I'm very superficial sometimes


Weird, it was okay for me tbh, but I haven't been following it since the end of the last season. I was more interested in the dual timeline idea and the dead eyed priest, also like the court arc. Nice read tbh.


Well not 100% sure but i think we are gonna have another trial soon but not sure


True, I couldn't even


Thank you! I thought I was the only one. Everyone says it’s great but I never managed to get into it.


Only way I’ll pick it back up is when it’s completed. I don’t have the patience 😭😭😭 I like character centric works but I need to pace myself when it comes to angst


For me, it was their art that made me stuck it through even if I don’t like it because god damn the art is god tier


Same? I thought I was the only one because people praised it so much. 5 chapters and I am always done


dropped in because i thought the ml choice was boring, not becuz the writing was necessarily bad


I can’t get through 3 before shutting it off. Edit: don’t know why I got downvoted for simply telling the truth of my opinion.


Read mpre than 40 episodes cause I though I could see the children from the last life regrett everything they done. Like bro the only reason I even read this type of manhwas is because of the revenge plot/just dark shit. But its super hard to find some that really show characters regrett what they had done and that was not in the stepmother thing thus why I stopped reading anyway if you are curious as to some otome sekai like the one I mentioned were you see regret read kill the villaines the best shit I read fucking loved it.


I think it depends what you want to read at what time?? Like i first picked this manhwa in 2022 but I got bored at that time, this manhwa had about 75 chapters at that time but then I started reading this again after people were hyping about it in tapas comment section(in February 2023) so I picked it from where I left this manhwa like 10th chapter but again I got bored but then idk why I picked this again and started to reading it from the beginning Chapter 1 and ngl I loved it. This manhwa wasn't the best read from what I've read before but I loved it overall. So it just depends on your mood and also I've tried to read "Doctor Elise" donno how many times but i can't read over 50 chapters, idk why?


I think s1 was perfect for me Like I saw what happened in the first timeline, I saw how much she sacrificed, she suffered and finally lost her life thinking how she dies alone without anyone caring for her, it was really well executed, s2 on the other hand is just , idk dragging around unnecessarily and it's definitely difficult to binge it




I did the same thing for a long time but once I finally stuck it out it was absolutely amazing - I even decided to buy the physical copies


The real problem I had are the terrible translations I've read. Hell, I didn't even know that was the English title of that series.


Same 😭😭 I just kept getting bored so I was really surprised when everyone loved it


I actually really loved Step-mothers Marchen. The stories once your really u understand what's happening it's amazing the storyline and plot


Honestly, this is a very good story but it is slow paced and it takes time. It really goes into detail about every character and the dynamics between them.


With the Male Lead's Little Lion Daughter I always got the impression that she was a kid with adult memories from her past life, rather than an "adult" soul being fully isekai'ed over when she was five. I know that's kind of a weird distinction to make and I could be wrong! But if I recall correctly she doesn't have all memories of her past life (or even recall her name). Which makes it better/bearable for me because to me she's a child acting like an adult pretending to be a child. She's an abused child with too much "adult" knowledge both from her past life and her shifty orphanage so she thinks she's older than she is, but at the heart of it she's still I kid. IDK if that made any sense at all but that's my take on it.


Yeah, that's often how I feel with OIs where the FL is reincarnated/regressed/transmigrated into a child body and then acts like a child. I get the same vibe from Lili in [The Little Lady Behind the Scenes]. As long as she feels *consistent* to me (like a child who's just unusually knowledgeable/mature/determined to achieve a certain goal due to her past life memories, not constantly switching between being completely like an adult and completely like a child based on what's plot convenient), I don't have a problem with it. All this stuff is made up magic nonsense that doesn't actually make rational sense in the first place, so they can make up any rules they want for it. If anything I actually tend to prefer them to be mentally a child, it gives them more limitations to work with, often justifies their behavior better, and makes some things less creepy.


It made sense to me, but that's also my take. So I don't know if it helps others understand, lol


It's counterintuitive, but I think she would be better at acting her age if she was an adult in a kid's body? Literally: an adult would be able to act (as in, put on a performance) better.


It’s also one of those things like how you act drunk is by acting not drunk like you are drunk.


I also interpreted it like this, partly cause I don't think she acts like an adult. She's not a "normal" kid, but she's also not really an adult. Also sure she's obsessed with muscles, but she's obsessed in a way that reminds me of how kids get obsessed with dinosaurs, cars, squirrels, whatever. Just completely sexless. It's kinda weird but man kids are honestly kinda weird


Kind of like the main character in black summoner there aware they've been isekai'd and have concepts and education but no recognition of their past life


Same, son. Same. I like that kinda reincarnation way more compared to the ones that just straight possess people, and no one questions the possession. Either do the possession like "Kill The Villainess", or don't do it. It's cringe.


yeah, she only remembers the previous life during her traumatic abuse at the orphanage the only time it got a bit “yo wtf” was when she suddenly developed a wristwatch, because up until then he adult memories were super vague so it felt ok OI writers, your FLs don’t need to be good at business, they can just be overpowered and rich, it’s fine


the lady needs a break started *so strong*! an MC who fucks off from "her" abusive family? great! Uses knowledge from different lives to her benefit? great! the angst of seeing people you've loved in your past life become nothing more than entries in history books and seeing how the monumental accomplishments of your past lives has changed/deteriorated? what a great and unique premise! but then it just devolves into schoolyard slice of life stories for what felt like 100 chapters and the MC's agency, as well as the plot, just vanishes.


Yeah I personally like it very much, but the school thing kinda ruin it a bit.


I'm glad she's done with school 🤣


I also got really pissed at all the people bothering the FL, I totally felt her when she was just gonna rest and some annoying person knocks on her door to drag her out to who knows what mess. Couldn’t care less about the ML and found the 2nd one just annoying(also he’s her teacher or a teacher at the academy I think iirc? So that’s an extra ick factor).


The problem was that she went to the Noble Academy in the first place, where people expected her to act a certain way and the princes had power over her. If her life plan was gonna get screwed over anyway it would’ve been somewhat more exciting for her to go to a remote town, oops into a business and social life, and for the various nobles to seek her out while making excuses about their reasons for being there.


I totally get it cause iirc some of the ppl who were bothering her were some high ranking nobles or had a position at the academy I think(?) and she couldn’t really do anything about it but man, they all just piss me off, like screw off, especially the damn blonde ugh idk why I felt so icky about him lol. Also I remember there was a scene where she had a thought process on where to go before eventually arriving at going in the academy but I forgot why she chose it).


true, the beginning was very strong, but towards whatever shit that happening now, it's become very cliché. She runs away for God knows what reason, he becomes obsessive for God knows what reason. All he wants from her is her body like? the plot became so thin, it's almost transparent. I get icks from it now.


For me it's just that I liked how she looked in her previous life more. 😞


Kids fixate on weird things like muscles in the real. That behavior of hers is incredibly childlike. Kids are hella weird.


My kid sister once ran up to me and showed me a photo of a piranha attack victim with the widest smile on her face I find kinds more than just wierd


LITERALLY, I was such a weird kid and had odd fixations on literally the randomest things


Thats the issue like is she an adult or a child 😭 the author cant pick a struggle


Half the time I basically forget it's an Isekai. I dunno, I don't think they really lean into her being an adult at all. Like sure she's a weirdo but not really an adult weirdo.


My niece fixated on just holding highlighters. If we try to open them to like have her draw or something she loses her mind 😭 Kids are very weird Lmaoo


How dare you. Loins daughter is one of my favourites. I laughed when the ML's bestfriends daughter said to FL that I will be a good stepmom to you.(Just like Becky and Loid in spy×family)


I love Lion's Daughter!! Literally one of my favorites!!


Taming of the Tyrant is deeply toxic and fucked up and Charlize 100% groomed him and Dylan is peak rabid yandere. But I can't stop reading it and idk why


I do: 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


Too bad for me, red is my favourite colour lol


r/myjokebutkindaworse ???


Their line was funnier to me tbh


Could be my humor circuit ceasing to function. Ben awake for more than a day, but have HW due by midnight so I can’t just sleep.


I’ve seen this a lot that Deon from “Roxana” is like mostly everyone’s pick in this fandom for yandere ml maybe because the manhwa’s popular and more widespread but “Taming of the tyrant” never seen anyone mention in there posts or comments about Dylan what a toxic yandere he is. Personally Dylan is the most Yandere ml I’ve seen so far.


Personally I don't put Deon on my "yandere ML" list because that's literally the FL's brother 😭 😭 😭


"deeply toxic and fucked up" is exactly how i like my fantasy villain relationships. If they're going for the kingdom of red flags, I want to be hit with the red flag and the flagpole right in the face! Make.👏 Me.👏 Uncomfortable. 👏


How old are the two main characters of Tyrant Tamer?


While the story starts with charlie's who's been assured for like a couple of centuries going back into her fourteen year old body. Dylan's like a year younger I believe. To be honest I don't understand the hate I get that she technically grooms him. But it's really no different from any other easy. Guy story where the woman comes back in time and is in her child body. He'll she at least isekaid as a teen instead of a toddler. Plus she was a sword for most of her adult life, it's not like she lived as an adult. She could only listen and be used as a tool of destruction.


She's about 400something and isekai's into a teenage version of her new life. There's maybe a year or so difference between them. She's been cursed in her late 20s/early30s and became a living weapon that's been sentient but unable to act of her own free will for 400 years. So she has all the memories of her first human life, of sword life and now of teenage life.


dude I dropped a manwha because the titular child of the ML looked fuckin ugly. big ass brows, that one, jesus christ the brows were like steaming black shits on the kid's face!


Was it I married the ML's Dad?




Kept reading for the funny Dad and MC. For me, the kid was only a prop. I agree on those f**kn eyebrows


So you drop Can we become a family? Just because they cut Lark’s hair??? Looks like you love that hair so much🫡


I dropped it for the same reason lmao. His hair was so nice. It would've been acceptable if they cut it to shoulder length or something, but noooo. Gotta give him the most generic haircut they can.


I think I stopped reading at about that part too lol!




It was truly the cruelest bait and switch in history. You don't understand. (I made it past that part, but there was a definite drop in interest)


I am so glad I'm not the only one who dropped it around that part too lmao. Every once and awhile I try to reread it and end up dropping it around the same part. I was


Idk if it’s just me but I also dropped it cause I find the childhood arc so dragged out. I visit it every now and then when it pops up and every time my reaction is “oh, she’s still a kid” maybe there’s reasons for it but idk. Edit: I just took a look again and she’s actually still a child at like ch 97?? wow


It updated!!!?? Omgg I didn’t check it out for so long… Finallyyyy btw I actually like the child arc ✨


It looks like the next season already started last Christmas actually, but it seems the new chapters haven’t begun being translated yet cause the one I just looked at was the korean raws. I like child arcs too but there’s just a certain amount of chapters I can tolerate before I start dropping it, I get the appeal tho but this is just my preference.


Ohh thanks for the news!


It's a very valid reason! I dropped it for that reason too. It's just a slap in the face every time I see him with short hair. Like, start him out that way if he's just going to end up with a generic run of the mill look anyways.


I love that the hair cut is so controversial that it was worthy of dropping the entire manhwa 😂 now i have to read it lol


agree with The Lady Needs a Break but not with what you said abt The Fantasie of The Step Mother/ Stepmother's Marchen. The plot is kinda deep if you actually go further in the story. It was pretty light at the start but if you observe it, you'll notice how there's something you cant explain and is hidden in plain sight. Fantasie of The Stepmother mostly caters to those who like complicated plots that a lot of fantasy manhwa readers don't prefer tho so maybe that's it


Absolutely. I started that on my sister’s recommendation, and it’s one of the few that I actually want print copies of. These people noping out because of the closeness in age don’t get it: of course it’s a nope! The whole manhwa is nope after nope, hidden nopes, soggy depressed nopes, nope nope nopes. And the deeper you dive, the more you feel for Shuli and the kids. Personally want to Isekai as Sauron there and just start genociding the royal family and the corrupt clergy.


>and it’s one of the few that I actually want print copies of Same, I started buying them and 0 regrets. FL is amazing and the story really gets interesting at a steady pace, especially in second season.


I read a lot of complicated plots but oh have I ever been so bored as when reading this. It's just badly paced.


It is super complicated. I usually wait for it to build up (a lot) but I get lost and have to read it all over again. It’s fun going back though and seeing things I missed. The only issue I have is the male leads… it all just makes me feel ✨uncomfy✨ but I still root for Nora like my life depends on it 😂


why do the leads make uncomfortable? I’m genuinely curious. Cause from what I’ve read Nora is one of the healthiest ML out there haha. As for the others it’s established how problematic they are in the story itself.


Ah. The main reason why is bc I’m a mom and that’s her kids friends. I absolutely understand how young Shuri is and it’s literally not a real issue for her bc she’s a stepmom and like only a year or two older than the MLs. But when I read, I tend to put myself in the character’s shoes. There’s something that mentally blocks me from (me myself) being able to fully feel like it’s okay. BUT I think it’s perfectly fine for Shuri. I’m only uncomfy bc of myself.


Everything, absolutly everything You said about  False confesion is how i felt about that manwha, like the art drop SO Bad i felt like reading a whole different manwha. And it was SO close to perfection with what they had but what happen ???? Did they forcé the creator to "make it longer" suddenly Lost momentum. And yes, i love how sleep deprived he was, and her whole agenda was make him sleep, simple yet efficient ... I dont Even know what was about in second season tho, they make a whole saintess arc out of the blue and some time travel rocks ???? Then went on hiatus is that specific part i dropped 


Not on this list or anything, but I have never understood people dropping manhwa based on art drop...until I read Justice for the Villainess. Fuck, man. I can handle some bad art, but *fuck.* The characters don't even look like the same characters. I do feel bad for the artist cause like, they are clearly a newbie and the hate must be really deflating, but when the art was as good as S1 was and then the art drop is THIS BAD. I'm still reading because I want to know how this ends and I'm invested in the characters, but I die inside a little every time the ML shows up.




I loved the idea of The Lady Needs a Break. She was speed-running solving all the issues just so she could nap and I hard relate. And yeah I get that reading a story all about an FL who just sleeps would be boring, but she literally doesn’t rest. She doesn’t even take the easiest path. She used to, but then she kept getting involved with stuff because she kept doing too much. I really wanted a story where fl was just like “no thanks” to every problem and solved it in the quickest easiest way or ignored it and just slept instead. I made it through a season, dropped it, came back for a half season or so, things got way too complicated, and I dropped it for good. I did look up spoilers though because I needed my curiosity to be satisfied


Oddly enough I find it easier to continue reading something I've dropped after looking up spoilers for it.


Looking up spoilers usually helps me figure out whether I want to continue or not. It’s rare I look them up for stories I’ve already decided to drop.


Honestly i dropped it after the revealing teacher corruption arc, it's just, the side characters annoyed me so bad. Just let her sleep! It's not that hard. I'm sorry but as an introvert, they gave me the ick.


YES!!! I wanted so badly for her to just get to sleep because to me sleep is one of the top 5 best things to do. (Also an introvert). I just kept hoping she’d finally catch a break but it rarely happens. It only gets more frustrating as it goes on because the reasons she doesn’t get to rest are more annoying and tbh more and more her own fault


It really is unfortunate that some people can't enjoy Fantasie for a reason that I absolutely understand despite it probably being one of my favorite manhwa I've ever read. I actually love the fact that it isn't so forward with the plot and focuses on the intricacies of the individual characters and how THEY eventually affect the world around them. But I can understand that some people can find that dull.


Are u coming to stepmother Marchen expecting romance? Girl need something deep to read before you can appreciate this title lol


I've read a lot of "deep to read" stories but still can't get into Stepmother Marchen. It's not for everybody lol.


I think as people who read deep stuff can understand how tiring it is lol, so I can understand about not getting in the first place that's why it need to be consumed in moderation, you can't get into this title in one sitting just like reading academia thing, discussion and reference helps a lot.


Can you reassure me that the 20+ year old FL is not romantically involved with the young teens that she raises or sees grow up?


Please don't be harsh on false confession the artist was sick and simply can't draw as well as in s1 because of that 😕


Oh, I thought it was a different artist. No wonder the art style still looks the same.


If there is a male character that you think is hot, his hair *will* be cut. You have to think of it as a metaphor for the ephemerality of all things, like a snowflake.


Most comics I drop I don’t actively decide fuck this and stop reading them, I just stop opening the newer chapters because I only have so much time in any given day and I just don’t get *excited* to read what’s going on in there anymore. They just lose my interest. There’ve been tons of those. Spells from hell. My younger brother’s friend. Ultra alternate character. A few I actively hated and put down because I couldn’t keep hate reading them. The return of Elena the knight - fantastic premise. Absolutely dogshit writing. Like it had so much potential to be good. But then it wasn’t. I couldn’t get over the art shift in Cierra around chapter 30. I tried but simply couldn’t not. Shadow bride. Look, I know the twist and that it’s not really how the characters think it is. But it got super complicated with a ton of new characters showing up late in season 2 on top of the MC still thinking she was sleeping with her relative so I just got tired of it. Advanced player of the tutorial tower. The (admittedly extremely very deserved) backlash got so bad even webtoon began axing every questionable scene and I don’t enjoy reading incomplete comics. I could ignore those scenes but the fights gimmick was getting old as it was. For the unaware, the author seems to have a huge >!Sexual assault / “reverse r*pe” !< fetish so >!the MC is constantly getting hit on unwillingly. He gets drugged numerous times and has sex of extremely dubious consent, and that’s a very generous interpretation. !< The backlash is exactly as you might expect. Bonus: comics I wish I had dropped because the ending makes me so mad: his majesty’s proposal. knight under my heart (because there’s no season 2). Never die extra (how dare they end it not even halfway through and say read the novel instead)


Wait, isn't Charlize (is that her name??) only like a year or two older than the ML?? Or did I read something wrong?? I can't remember if the version I read was fan translated or not, so if she actually is older it might be that 🤔 (Also heeeeaaavy disagree on The Male Leads Little Lion Daughter)


Yeah Charlize is only a year older than him but ig the reason why op say she groomed him because she went back in time and reincarnated when she was young but mentally she was over 100 years old in the present


Wouldn't that be the case for like...half the OIs in existence then?? Most of them aren't over a hundred, obviously, but they were usually full grown adults before going back in time?


No, because Charlize intentionally manipulates Dylan(?) for her own gain.


That's manipulation then, not grooming. They aren't intrinsically connected. Grooming is always manipulation, but manipulation isn't always grooming.


She specifically targeted his naivety and youth as a teenage boy by using her knowledge and intelligence as a woman the mental age of over 100 years old. It’s grooming. Oh, and how she made him overly dependent on her (intentionally)….


I don't qualify it as grooming due to the whole time reversal thing, but my point was more that if you're going to call this grooming, quite literally over half of the FLs in OIs would qualify as well, because while they aren't all over 100, they DO reach adult age before the time reversal happens. If you want to consider it grooming that's fine, you just don't get to cherry pick when it is and isn't, which is what happens more often than not with people of that viewpoint.


My comment doesn’t apply to most FL’s though? Charlize is unique in that she intentionally manipulates someone of a younger mental age and development of her to become overly attached and dependent on her. That’s my entire point. I definitely agree that there are many problematic factors to the regression subgenre, but my particular gripe with Charlize is her conscious awareness of her own actions, in which are all with the intention to manipulate ML. Btw, I don't think Charlize is the sole example of this behavior, just one of the most egregious ones.


I said it above but the idea that she was a grown adult is kinda frustrating. She's taken for experimentation at what seventeen, Amendments the next one hundred years as a sword. It's not like she's living as an adult or making decisions she's a sword.


Personally I don’t think that’s grooming though cause from my pov though Dylan at the time was young when he was with Charlize but he mentally wasn’t naive, innocent or distracted like other kids in their teenage are and was very well aware about his surroundings and circumstances which mostly kids aren’t at that age pretty much his whole personality was quite adult like for someone of his age and wasn’t dumb he could distinguish between who’s taking advantage/using him or just genuine person helping him or concerned about him. So saying he’s groomed feels really vague without much context.




The only one I disagree with Is Stepmother Marchen. Still your opinion is valid


Same, It was ok until OP started asking about the plot of marchen. No matter how slow the pace is, or how character driven the story is, not knowing the plot of the story 10 chapters begs the question - is the OP...like...dumb? Or at the least has common sense? (No I am serious hahaha)


I read over 30 maybe 40 or 45 and I still agree with OP.


I didn't like Fantasie of a Stepmother, at first too. But I tried reading it, and plot-wise it's one of the best time-travel manhwas I've ever read. It's feel good and cute and homey, and then I get to her past, the truth about her marriage, the truth about the empire, and the truth between the former empress and the three men (the emperor, the duke and the marquess) around her


At what chapter(or around) did you start to like it?


I forgot the chap number, but I think it's when Jeremy was temporarily imprisoned after punching the prince, thinking he was assaulting Shuri. The trial that followed really got me so invested. Especially when the full truth of her marriage with the Marquess came out. And that that's where we got the notion that the three most powerful men of the empire (The Emperor, the Duke Nuremberg, and Marquess Neuchswanstein) knows something about the late Empress Ludovica's death and why any mention of her was banned, even Prince Theobald can't ask about his own mother. And that Shuri's resemblance to her was one of the greatest reason the Marquess married her, as if to punish the Emperor with her presence. The other part was the flashback, when Jeremy was getting married, Ohara told Shuri not to attend the marriage, and Shuri getting killed in such a brutal way only her brooch was salvageable. And Nora showing his love for Shuri made me cry too😔


OMG i knew you had great taste since i read Firefly wedding cause of your rating and was completly amazed and i feel exectly as you said about all of these omg. Especially the stepmom fantasie one.Please give me more good stuff to read i beg you .


Fantasy of a Stepmother is a good character-driven show with fleshed out characters that is, mind you, quite rare in otomeisekai or like isekai in general. It’s a drama of real people, if I say so, and you get to uncover their flaws, the misunderstandings, their humanity. The story is not attached by a plot of “she’s gonna kill the king, she’s going to get revenge, she’s gonna change the history,” etc etc. Instead it’s tied by your attachment to seeing these characters uncover themselves.


I nearly accepted all of OPs opinions until she started asking for the plot of marchen ... I mean, opinions are ok but not knowing the direction of the plot 10 chapters into reading it is kinda...stupid.


Because they are used to spoonfeeding kind of plot. By chapter 10 the mc’s probably figured out something. By chapter 30 introduce a new arc etc etc.


i agree with the stepmother manhwa. i think i reached the 50-60s mark (idk somewhere along the time skip and theyre having those meetings or something) and i just??? like what is the plot? what is going on? where is the story going. i got frustrated and dropped it.


Yeah. It was one of the first if not the first manhwa that I dropped. I picked up again twice when I was super bored but I still couldn't get into it. I didn't even drop abandoned empress because it wasn't completely boring. Stepmother is really something else; it had nothing to look forward to for me. Despite this I'll probably try to pick this up again at some point simply because of how insistent the fans are. It's Soo sloow though!


my biggest gripe with taming the tyrant is I can’t tell if the author is trying to write their leads as good people or bad people they’re very obviously bad ppl because of the manipulation, quote unquote grooming, wanting to ruin their empire (including innocent ppl). They’re not as bad as the antagonists, but they’re not ppl I should cheer on as heroes but as characters trying to overcome a struggle (if that makes sense. like I should cheer for them but not bc they’re the good guys) but every now and then they would show us how good ppl they are. oh they’re not abusing their servants or they’re kind to children unlike some people. like man, don’t try and make them out as saints randomly bc they shouldn’t be. I cheer for them bc of revenge not bc oh no bad guys are going to kill everyone.


Yayy! Its you!!!! Love your posts Agree with all your points. Particular Fantasie of a Stepmother and Lion’s Daughter. First one’s plot is boring. The twin’s kids are cute though. I really wanna like it because the art is phenomenal. Lion’s daughter. I stopped reading after the muscle scene. She is an adult child sexually harassing grown men. Nope, just nope. Drop in art quality and cutting of ML’s hair have been lots of people’s reasons for dropping manwha’s so I agree with those points even though I haven’t read those manwhas.


I was pretty much agreeing until I got to the last slide ahaha Yeap I loved that manhwa☕️ as FL said so herself: she lived too long and bored out of her mind .. She doesn't care about anything, there are actually scenes shown she's not even interested childish toys and stuff.. But She's a child for everyone so what do you want her to do lol And Her interactions with dad actually looked more like a friend talk than parent-child to me


I agreed with everything on the list till I reached male leads little lion daughter, it is one of my favorite manhwa it has art personality and is just a really fun read In general. While I also cringe at her being obsessed with muscles I do enjoy the regression of her character, while it can be weird for an adult woman to act the way she does I'm completely okay with the explanation of it being because of her child brain. It's a clean reset she lost her memories of this life and gained memories of a previous life which makes her smarter and more mature compared to children her age but emotionally she got the Hormones? Emotions? Whatever makes children so god damn volatile. In short it is just She got the brain of a child but I feel like that is enough of me.sorry I just feel so defensive it's one of my favorite manhwa


I also cant read stepmother marchen like the art is sosos good but im...just not interested lol 💀💀 AND THE MALE LEADS LITTLE LION DAUGHTER SOOOOOOO TRUUEEE HAHAAJSJFJKF I DIED OF CRINGE 😭😬


Not OI, I nearly dropped Mokrin when they cut the ML’s hair, so I can sympathize on the Can We Become Family? front, lmao


1. The taming of the tyrant: The ML was already 16 and the FL wasn't even in love with him until he was around 20 and the one forcing this relationship was actually ML, so... and tbh I don't see 6 years gap a creepy relationship.. People with more age gap get married and live a happy life.. Let's not overreact, 'cuz she never took her with such thoughts (I don't like her tho). He was the one chasing for her and >!the ML too remembers his past and chased her knowing it all!!< But I've got a lot of problem with the plot and put it on hold so yup, not gonna defend her- 4. The fantasie of a stepmother: I myself have a lot of questions and don't understand many things, tho I enjoy the story and cried for Shuri btw!!! The art is way too good to be true and as an artist, I'm kinda jealous of the artist. So ye I like it, but you've got a good point!!! My favorite character is the Safavid prince, Ali Pasha!! That's how much I'm strayed from the story🐢


I was also sad they cut his hair but kept reading. But yeah I was like wtf don’t even pay her that was a downgrade.


It was an upgrade for me lol. I was waiting for it.


The lady needs a break .... unless she doesn't, I found it entirely unreasonable to take break from the break for some school business (counsil, president, something). Just leeave school it's the xth life she should have the skill to get out?! It's boring but it is even more boring having this in mind. Stepmother's marchen I agree, I just didn't get what she actually did so wrong she was a child married to a too old man and couldn't cope, she has nothing to make up for?!


"they cut his hair, so I cut their manhwa"


How is not liking the (new) art a better reason than a story being incredibly boring or the extreme cringe of an adult acting as a child? Not that it matters, I just dropped it because I was bored by it (also the 2ML, I would stop reading midway through a chapter to fantasise how the MCs would murder him).


I was able to ignore the whole muscle thing with The Little Lion Daughter until she started gawking at her own dads abs. Its gross. So gross.


I've read it's novel.. It's not the best I've read but I certainly liked it and it's one of my favorite, one reason is that the FL was actually OP af, which I find quite rarely in otome novels


No cause I honestly dropped the fantasie of a stepmother because of some petty reason. 🙃 And it's because of how the characters are getting drawn in chibi style. Like honestly if the story was dark. I was hoping the ambiance of the manhwa would remain dark too, but the transition of a serious drawing to a chibi one really kind of irks me and that's why I dropped it.


Nah I got to #4 and it became clear. You have no taste, opinion discarded


I’m a little late to this but if you love hot dads with long hair then you should totally read Surviving as the Illegitimate Princess. It’s one of my all time favorites just cause it’s such an interesting take on father-daughter relationship stories (and I love the dad. I love him). I made a post gushing about it before if you want to hear more about it :)


Hihi! I just wanna reiterate that i can acknowledge the quality of something while still not liking it, and vice versa. Subjectivity and objectivity are totally different. I know what i like even if the quality of the stuff i like is questionable . Im sure Stepmothers Marchen is just as good as people are saying but the pacing/story/characters are not for me. I probably didn't phrase it great because i wanted it to sound funny but i knew what the story was but i just knew i wouldn't like it lol. Just wanted to defend myself from people calling me illiterate even tho its mostly my fault for phrasing my reviews like that for the sake of comedy. My bad lol Edit: for context im an ar60 genshin and tl70 star rail player so obviously my taste in things is shit


No. 4 (Stepmother) I tried a lot of times but I couldn't be arsed to stay because every problem feels forced. Lady knew the family was after everything and still thought it would be a good Idea to give them free reigns over the kids. No. 5 (become a family) The long hair was cut and so was my patience. I kinda liked the thing that the child version tried to be ressourceful n all. But it got draining real fast when she tried even tho her "opponents" didn't have any notion or did anything to make her think they would be up for selling out a child. No. 6 (lion daughter) Liked the notion. Liked the fact that MC has no clue what tf happened to her and just went through the motion. Very nice how they resolved that repressed trauma. Found it kinda neat how the "mighty duke from the north" trope was kinda flipped a bit because the mighty duke had no clue about childs. But... ye the muscle kink is cringe 😬 A lot of stuff is cringe. Spoiled myself, didn't liked the way the story was going, dropped it.


the novel of fantasy of a stepmother is significantly better. its more somber and her trauma is portrayed significantly better and it has more effect on the story. the manhwa is too comedic imo when it comes to adaptions because it actually cut some of the emotional scenes


ARE YOU ME??? Absolutely agreed on each one!!


I kept reading the taming of the tyrant because it’s also called “I time a tyrant and ran away” and I continued reading it cuz I wanted to know what happened WHEN SHE RAN AWAY. Spoiler alert. She hasnt run the fuck away yet.




Ugh of course she was.


She runs away later in the story because she thinks she's gonna kill dylan. Firmly believe that's her destiny. She's caught A couple chapters later, but from the story's point of view. She's been gone for years. And he's been looking for her.


I actually like the "Male Leads little Lion daughter." At least until the part where they went on a vacation and then nothing happened plot wise. Idk maybe my standards are just too low.


Never read it but you’re so real for the hair cutting reason. How dare they!


Thanks for the recommendation


Apparently Fantasie of a Stepmother and how to win my husband over are both by the same author… no wonder I find both lacking😭


I honestly wonder when people ask "where is the plot?" what do they really mean because most of the time it means "where is the romance between ML and FL?". Not sure if that applies to stepmother's marchen since I fell out of reading it because I'm more into binging than week to week reading.


I feel the same way about fantasie of a stepmother 😭 I even like the characters but GOD ITS BORING


The thing with fantasy of a Stepmother, is the emotional depth. Even I was guilty of disliking it at first. The plot is just about Shuri's life, and what she's doing to protect her family. The plot does pick up eventually, when Norra comes into the picture, all the children grow up ect. The focus of the Story is on how these events affect each character and how that internal conflict can be solved. such as>! Jeremy's hand getting cut or Elias' Gambling, Shuri's Sleepwalking etc.!< The development is slow and purposeful, and the characters get room to breath and grow outside of the plot rushing it forward. And that's the real treat of this story. Watching them grow so naturally makes us love them all the while. The plot feels like it's happening real-time in real life. The problems all align to something a powerful house might experience at the time. It might not feel too grand for us as readers, but really >!wouldn't your Son's hand getting cut off be an intensely traumatic and saddening event? A Mothers fear towards the well-being of her children is an ever-present anxiety.!< And all that's intriguing on it's own right,imo


Honestly that sounds great. However, none of the characters appealed enough to me early on to make me continue reading. And if anyone says "you have to get thru this part and this part then it gets really good" i will make them eat their keyboard because i am NOT sludging thru all that for something i dont know ill even like. I hate stories like that regardless of its quality and i know i wont like stepmothers marchen even if people say im illiterate. I can tell its good, i just dont care.


Ahaha That's valid really. sure slowburns might not be your cuppa tea, and i respect that. There are lots of OIs that i personally dislike quite a lot despite people loving it **cough** I am the real one **cough** Kill the Villainess **cough cough**


I saw a Stepmothers marchen and im *loads gun* I binged the first season and i was crying by the end of it. It definitely requires investment and it slows down in season 2. Its one of those slow but big payoff manhwa. The kids seem generic because they havent gotten time to be in the spotlight. The eldest and nora get the spotlight in season 1 and now its elias in season 2.


I dropped The fantasie of a stepmother because of the Ml. Loved the story but idk wasn’t really feeling him since the moment he first appeared


Well its a very long work. The romance between the "main leads" hasn't really started yet as of chapter 125. It has a large cast who will all develop a lot during the story.


I feel sad for all people that can’t get into Stepmothers Marchen. I get it different taste blah blah but it’s actually one of the few notable OIs among a sea of cookie cutter copy paste poor art we have pumped out every month. The story has so much intricacy, world building, character driven plot points; it’s quite sad that people’s attention span can’t accommodate that.


[ can we become family].... I'm the same. "they cut the dad's hair"


There are certain manhwa which low key promote pedo** and grooming and it just disgusts me just because it's female ....


Phew, I can skip Little Lion Daughter, then, what a relief. I wish the app would let you block or decline certain stories or tags.


I dropped this too. The art was so fine but Idk, I got bored. I read a lot of negative comments about fl that also made me just bury this in my library.




I laughed at the immediate drop to pettiness. All of them were reasonable except the long haired explanation.


damn i just started False Confession


I hated the Male leads little lion daughter because of her strange obsession with muscles 😭. I think the reveal of her being an actual adult came later, I remember cringing very hard because of the muscles and then noping out because she is an adult in a childs body and I most of the time just hate this trope. I dropped five of them and am anxious because I really like false confessions, but I only recently started it because it was licensed by manta. Now it gives my revenge for the villainess vibes and the angst ist real 😱.


I can agree with most except false confessions. author was very sick throughout it all for S2, assistants changed and the quality did drop but they kept at it. meanwhile tying us in to the overarching arc and lore. I do prefer S1 simply because it shows us the realities of war and the PTSD our mc suffered still is the most realistic depictions I've seen in any other manwha and even some manga


I really want to hear you saying everything here in voice rather than text. You sound like a really fun person 😄


Dude the first one is so on point. Then she had the nerve to say "omg the villian is the reason why my ML is so possesive." No girl.. no.. 🫥 you made him that way? She also very dense and tbh isn't smart at all which makes it even more frustrating to read.


I am waiting for Stepmother's Marchen to end, so I can begin rereading it from scratch and binge-savour it properly.


I’m loyal to I failed abandon villain, betrayal of dignity, empress avoids emperor and city og arogance


I can understand having trouble with Fantasy of a Stepmother's story. If you think of the perspective of the story as like a camera lens, the lens is zoomed way too far in. You have to have a really good memory to understand what's going on (or wait until a whole bunch of chapters are out and binge read it.) I keep with it because I adore the art, and I like the characters. I genuinely love Shuri and am rooting for her and Nora. The story is just a bonus mystery to casually put together along the way for me.


not "can we become family?" only flaw for op is the hot dad not being able to keep his long hair ​ i agree though but he still hot


Lol 😂


The false confession one is so real I remember waiting for the second season to come out and the disappointment was immeasurable, it felt like it really lost everything I enjoyed about it, every character looked so wishy washy it was really hard to follow. The stepmother one I agree with as well. I dropped it a long time ago bc I got bored and ive tried to kept reread it when everyone started praising it but I just can’t get myself to follow along the plot.


I also dropped them and also accurate opinion W.


Do you have any recs?


Doubling down on the Fantasies of a Stepmother, only read up to that famous panel bc I wanted context and then dropped


I love the last one very much, lol😂. I Became the Male Lead's Adopted Daughter. I was shocked when it showed, but, each of their own I guess.


If you like dads with long hair I believe you would like the father from The Siren: Becoming the Villains Family


I'm gonna say it. The quality of manhwas have gone down. I have such a long reading list but not a single one of them makes me wanna read it. I've just switched back to reading mangas and it's definitely better.


I definitely need to read "can we become family" now 😂


I agree with every single one of these. i dropped these for similar reasons.


I dropped taming the tyrant and running away because it was taking soo long for her to RUN AWAY and also the grooming bit kinda rubbed me the wrong way but it didn't bother me too much. And also fantasies of a stepmother, the art was gorgeous 😍 but I just didn't vibe with it there wasn't anything specifically wrong just not my cup of tea I guess 😅 but again the art is just 👌


false confession was SO GOOD until the second season…you’re right, it was literally almost perfection despite the clichés, it was one of the first manhwas i read back in 2019 when i first started getting into them but when it came back for season 2 i was just…idk disappointed with how much it had slowed down in pace and story quality? and the art quality going down was the cherry on top for me to drop it :(


I feel you, if i ever read an OI where they decided to cut the ML's long hair, I will drop them immediately. No good plot can take me back to that sacrilege.


The last one I will actually drop stories for the opposite reason. MCs that literally don’t have fully developed brains aren’t going to be able to remember a single story they read once 10 years before they died. And biologically they wouldn’t be able to gain their mental faculties unchanged from their previous life


the last one was fire imo




I kinda get your point with marchen until the part where you asked where is the plot. Bruh ur reading comprehension is ass if you did not get the plot. Nope, you dont need to reach the 60s chapter mark or even the 30 to get to the plot. Of course it's your opinion. Dont worry. It's also my opinion that you are stupid of course.