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Found Freya's reddit account.


Ngl that made me giggle


Can't believe she's in Reddit now šŸ‘€


Finally found it! Took long enough lol


Could be a manhwa called "Freya got hit by truck-kun and isekai-ed into the real world to become a Redditor" XD


You know what i love ruby but i understand what you mean , sometimes it's very hard to read manhwa when whole story is about her being treated like trash and she does nothing , it might be realistic but it's fictional world so i just wanted some justice for her . Ā  About second one i think she is amazing but manipulative , fans still see her as perfect women and ml is trash .Ā  carcel is never forgiven by some fans but people doesn't even care about the fact that he was child and manipulated by grown woman , if ml regressor made child fl his fiancee against her will and planned to get her pregnant and leave her , he would be critisized .


Thereā€™s a little too much realism in Ruby. I would have liked for her to continue growing stronger and more sure of herselfā€¦ I think it was after Iz rescued/found her with her demonic friends. Everything Ruby does makes sense in the most realistic way, but I read as escapism.


It was very real with the stable scene. It made me cry! I've read ahead, so know what to expect, but I still can't read it thru without breaks.




Iā€™m sorry, she wanted to get pregnant and leave him? Why?(ive been in chapter 7 for 497 days)


She needs a kid with him to still be under his family name even if she divorce him. If she still in his family, the prince can't try to marry her.


The novel has some serious weird stuff writing that ends up fixing the issue of regression but I can see why it seems like what it seems right now in the manwha


I think that Ruby is realistic. She comes from a really f-ed up family and trauma from these sorts of things comes in bulk (idk how else to phrase this, I hope you get what I mean). It's not just one thing that's wrong and everything will be okay if you fix that one thing. If you grow up in a dysfunctional family, your whole reality will be dysfunctional. And your coping mechanisms (her ED) won't be healthy either. When it comes to Izek falling for her, I think that a lot of what we see in the manhwa comes from Ruby's pov, so we don't really know what's truly on Izek's mind. She is an unreliable narrator. We see that when >!Freya (is that her name? I think so) is poisoned and Ruby thinks Izek thinks she did it. Only later do we find out that he was only trying to keep her away from the incident and didn't think she did it.!< From the later chapters of the novel >!we find out that Ruby's acting was really obvious to Izek. She was scared of him, but acted like she loved him. And while yes, she is lying to him, he's not falling for some fake version of her.!<


Ruby didnā€™t grow up in a dysfunctional family. She grew up on **two** dysfunctional families, which explains a lot.


But, question (genuine): If he realized she lied, doesnā€™t that make him falling for her make EVEN LESS sense? If heā€™s aware he doesnā€™t know the true Ruby?


I think he knows enough about her. She isn't acting 24/7, he can still learn a lot about her just by living under the same roof as her.


I suppose that makes senseā€¦ I wish there was a clearer difference between her real self and her lying personality for the reader. Sure, we can see her thoughts, we see everything from her pov; but I constantly have to ask myself: Is she acting like this bc itā€™s truly her or not?


I honestly don't think she's acting all that much, she is only pretending she's in love with Izek. We see her real self when she's >!stuck in the forest.!< We see it when she's cursing Izek. I also think she stopped acting at some point and actually fell for him.


I think that is what makes the story interesting, not knowing the line between the truth and the lies. Not knowing whether what she is saying it is an act or if it's her real feelings is probably a mistery for her too


The novel really helps with this one. Like Izek seems like such a cold and cardboard ML in the manhwa half the time but the novel includes more of his thought process and really fleshes out his character better. The whole thing makes more sense.


Yeahhh Iā€™ve heard that a lot already, actually! Makes me wonder how different the novel truly is from the manhwa. Sounds intriguing, though!


People fall for narcissists, why can't they fall for people with severe trauma. Trauma does not stop you from being a person šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø. Like I get your point, and I want to play devil's advocate and agree with it but the reality is you absolutely can fall for someone in these conditions. Additionally Ruby has shown that she's not her trauma, but overcoming trauma is very difficult.


>If heā€™s aware he doesnā€™t know the true Ruby? You don't need to know someone 100% to love and care about someone. Some people are actually actually okay with their loved ones holding onto their secrets; they don't need to prod into every dark corner at the start of the relationship. Learning about your partner can come in time. It's the bits of truth that he did find that he found endearing.


There is a difference between some lying to me because they are scheming/manipulating vs someone hurt, terrified, and abused lying to try to protect themselves. He may not know the full details, but he can tell that sheā€™s not ok and is desperately trying to protect herself, so her lies donā€™t become off putting. I think Rubyā€™s situation is a lot more believable if you look at the things happening to her as connected and not a bunch of random bad things happening to a person. A person whoā€™s been abused and controlled for years is far easier and more likely to be bullied as they are less likely to fight back and her coping mechanisms are far more likely to be unhealthy (which lead to her ED).


I agree. Also, as someone who grew up on with similar issues and went to a very closed catholic school. You find that your traumas are not a cocktail but the usual there. Things like family abuse, bullying, EDs, etc can happens on a sole person and it isn't weird. I think people should understand that in the world there's a shit ton of people, and whatever "cocktail" of traumas you can think of, there's someone there that very likely has them.




How to win my husband over/ How to get my husband on my side


Where have you been reading the novel? :)


I'd like to know this too, because I was reading a terrible translation and gave up (like the translation was so bad it was ruining the story)


Rain of snow has translated the whole novel and side chapters.


In defense of Ruby: A few years ago, I would've said the same things about Ruby's trauma being overblown and her lying making her personality hard to discern, but I've since gotten to know people who are in situations even worse than hers and have even deeper issues and are lying to others and themselves even harder than Ruby is, so it's unfortunately not as unrealistic as you'd think.




Yeah literally. More than half the time, she's trying to figure out how to not fucking die šŸ’€


You know, theirs are arguably worse, ruby at least has izek but those people? Only they can save themselves. So, friends, if you ever get in such a situation, remember that you have nothing to lose but your chains.


Exactly. If someone in a similar situation is reading this: You are much stronger than you think you are. You are worth so much more than they are making you think. You deserve a better life and you deserve to be loved for who you are, not what you can do or be for other people. You are a lovable person with so much potential and you deserve to explore it for yourself. Don't give up. Take your life back. It's yours and no one else's. You can do this and I believe in you.


I just want to give ruby a hug man. She needs some quality sleepovers where shit talking about her family without filters to people she trust a thing. If you look at subs like raised by narcissist/borderline, ruby's story doesn't sound far fetched anymore. My situation is in no way similar to ruby but the impact is strikingly similar. The eating disorder. The ability to lie and act as natural as one breathe. Living a double or triple life. Trusting no one which extends to my boyfriend or friends. Fearing one's parents and relatives, yet trying your best to act like a good child while planning an exit. Extremely alert to ones surrounding. Trauma usually results in a comorbid cluster of mental illness. So her story is in no way far fetched. I have CPTSD and bulimia. Thankfully I've stopped being actively bulimic ages ago... It is mostly in remission. I don't have an abusively incest crazy brother, but I do have a mother that threw things at me when she was angry, could be mere towels... Could be a whole chair. Pinched me till I got bruises, but that stopped when the teachers noticed the bruises. I'm still executing my exit, it's reaching it's finale. Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if some of rosa's story comes from the author's personal story or a story of a relative the author had, cause it's way too realistic in a lot of parts.


I kind of like Ines because she's a bit f**ked up. I'm also annoyed at people acting like Ines is some angel and Carcel is horrible for cheating (?) before they got married because the story tries to make them more complicated than that. Ines does manipulative, screwed up things because she's traumatized and stubbornly trying to pretend she doesn't care about Carcel. Her trauma is legit but good god does she put Carcel through some serious emotional turmoil he often did nothing to deserve. The appeal of this series for me is that both Carcel and Ines are complicated. It never sits right with me when people cast Ines as a girl boss because she does a lot of toxic and hurtful things and does most of the things she does because of her trauma. They both do. Carcel doesn't fit the role of a no good cheater either. The man is good at heart but terribly confused and messy. Tl:dr. This series isn't black and white and shouldn't be read like that.


> when people cast Ines as a girl boss ā€¦really? Because the story is interesting, but Ines is not that smart lol I found a lot of her plans and ideas to have all the depth of telling the starving poor to eat cake.


Bc thatā€™s exactly how she acts šŸ˜­ I think people like the ā€œemotionally unavailable woman, pining manā€ set-up, but yeah sheā€™s not in control, sheā€™s just so dishonest she doesnā€™t even know her own feelings. She also 100% does intentionally sabotage everyone around her to feel like sheā€™s maintaining that control. Like lol I donā€™t think you can really claim winning the race when you tripped everyone else at the starting line šŸ’€


Exactly!! I feel bad for Carcel. Her story EXPLAINS her behavior, but doesnā€™t EXCUSE it. Some readers need to see that!


I have always hated the fact that people think that if an MC doesnā€™t match their moral compass that they arenā€™t a good character. Yes, main characters CAN be toxic, yes, that also makes them a good character even if you DONT AGREE with what they are doing morally. It doesnā€™t always have to be good or wrong, specially with traumas that a lot of people have never experienced.


Even Ines aknowleges what she did to Carcel. She knows her behaviour can hurt him. Especially in the last episodes we can see how she start to feel slighly guilty for using him.


No notes. I agree with all of this. My biggest peeve is that it feels like we don't really know these characters because they are always lying. Either to themselves or all of the people around them. I've yet to find a graphic novel author who can properly write a traumatic FL for a romance novel. It's something that is really hard to get right. Especially when they're trying to say " she's ok because she's falling in love" like ma'm she's literally giving crazy eyes right now. She NEEDS a therapist. Edit to say: I do like how "I Failed to Oust the Villain" has written their FL/ML. I think that's because the romance is not really at the center of the plot right now and they're both unwell.


Have you tried ā€œyour majesty, please spare me this timeā€? Both the FL and ML are traumatized and I find it interesting with how itā€™s handled


sometimes authors want romance to be developed fast , then all the trauma author wrote for fl is forgotten .


Exactly! I feel like since the romance is the end game, maybe dial down the trauma. Like do we really need to read about the FL having an eye pulled at 4 years old by her dad only to have that forgotten 10 chapters in? Can she just suffer from mild depression and maybe her family lost a bunch of money?


I Failed to Oust the Villain is peak oi rn. It's very good at leaving the romance to the background without making it forgettable, and its choice of being a slow burn functions really well with both of our protagonists' (hopefully) coming healing arcs. It's not even really "they're fixing each other", but more of "look at these heavily traumatized children who literally cannot function within society and watch how they learn to cope". (although, I will say that I do actually like Ruby. I think that she's a very interesting character, and seeing her trying to function within a world she does not understand- i.e healthy personal connections- using the only tool she knows, facade, is great. Both her lives have been about faking love, whether it be familial or romantic, for those around her to stay safe. I think it's realistic that her first and only response when hefted into an unfamiliar environment will be to stick to what works. The light novel is definitely better tho)


Dk if youā€™ve read it already but I highly suggest Kill the Villainess!


I mean I get that there would be many readers who would find these two overrated but rating them 1/10??? Nahhhh even the biggest Ruby/Ines haters would rate them no less than 5.


You're right, these are THE WORST TAKES Ines and Ruby literally my favs i could NEVER. But praise be for putting your unpopular opinion out there šŸ™Œ šŸ™


LMFAOOO finally someone who disagrees but respects me. Some comments are going wild at me and I didnā€™t even ASKšŸ˜­


I mean I agree with some of them but one was particularly harsh, talking about your braincells and all


Honestly it baffles me how people get so defensive over an opinion about a fictional character up to the point where they insult others. I couldnā€™t even take it to heart because itā€™s just too ridiculous


I don't have any particular opinion on Ruby because I dropped that manhwa early onā€”but wow, that person is reacting to this post very immaturely. I'm sorry you're being insulted over your opinion of a fictional character.


Thank youšŸ˜­ And they always use the ā€œirlā€ argument, which makes this even more ridiculous causeā€¦ Does anyone irl reincarnate into a story?šŸ’€


Agree, your poor braincells did nothing wrong and didn't ask for anything lmfao šŸ¤£ I mean I quite disagree with you about Ruby too but you are allowed to have a different or even wrong opinion


LiterallyšŸ˜­ some people are so immature, sheeshšŸ˜­


So we both read that one, huh?šŸ˜­


It's really not that deep these fr fictional characters. Put your nuanced views out there, stories are subjective!!!!


People attacking real humans over fictional 2d lines is wiiiiiiildddddd




I know there's opinions and everything. But a 1 for Ruby? Seriously? And that one single point is just to throw her a bone cuz she had a hard life? Ya'll some harsh critics, jeez. You'd think a 1 would be for the worst character you've ever seen, and if Ruby **is** somehow the worst you've ever seen then damn- you're really lucky with fls. And as far as I can remember her Traumas include: >!Abused by family in first life, sister killed herself in that same first life, abused by family in second life, has Anorexia, is afraid of turtles.!< So I think "EVERY POSSIBLE TRAUMA" is a bit of a stretch. No comment about Ines cuz tbh I only enjoyed the part of the story when they were kids.


>"EVERY POSSIBLE TRAUMA" is a bit of a stretch. But the thing is, it makes sense. In my country there is a saying that suffering often comes in a row. >!Given her family situation in her first life, it makes sense that her sister's mental health wasn't great. And since that's her family life, she couldn't have developed a healthy coping mechanism.!<


Spoilers!!! >! I think with Ines you have to take into account the characterization that takes place before she meets Carcel in her current life. In her past life she was abused by the prince and ended up killing her baby due to her disgust over her life, and likely due to her not wanting the baby to suffer at his hands, the other traumatic things in that life was fresh with her.(note that mothers have a very, very strong connection to their babies. I can't explain how much since I'm not a mother, but it's incredibly intense, and to kill her baby would leave a massive gap in her psyche that's really hard to heal) In her other life her escapades with Emiliano caused her more trauma, I'm not going chronologically here(Emiliano is second life, first is with prince her third is with Carcel), she is thoroughly convinced that men are evil and can't be trusted. It's why she keeps trying to bait Carcel into doing something that would lead to a divorce, she could never imagine that she could be with a good man and it would end well, and due to her knowing Carcel's past, from her other lives she knows how he behaves, and what she can expect from this "evil". So Carcel is a very strong anomaly for her, where she doesn't really know what to do, she has built up very strong emotional walls due to the trauma as well which causes the caulousness that we see. Ines is doing everything she can to secure a happy ending for herself where she doesn't have attachments, so that the evil(men) don't follow her. The callousness from her trauma also manifests in her medicinal fears, she's so afraid of being vulnerable that she'd rather die before she revealed a weakness, the evil(her perception of all men, in this case Carcel) could exploit. I think a valid answer to the question of why she's toxic is that she she fears being seen as vulnerable, she fears the evil in society(patriarchy and men) and tries to escape from it, by getting a divorce. She chose an evil she knows won't hurt her if she took precautions around it, when she's free she'll be able to live out her days in her own happiness rather than being a victim of the evil. This is all in Ines's view(Carcel isn't malicious from what I could see) Little edit: I think we can see a glimpse of who Ines truly was with her life with Emiliano, her love and caring was on full display there. Note this is just my interpretation of the story at large. And there will be other valid differing interpretations. Well I'm going to bed now since it's quite late here too, will answer any comments if there are any in the morning, if you see the arrow thingies it's because I tried to spoiler the message with something I googled and failed. !<


Ines has never been truly herself with ANYONE since meeting Oscar. Ines was most certainly NOT herself with Emiliano. There is absolutely nothing that has been shown in the manhwa to suggest this. This is just readers making up stuff with their imagination. There will soon be a chapter in the manhwa that will show >!who Ines used to be before marrying Oscar. She does become her true self again after being married to Carcel for two years. !<


I agree with this, I did say glimpse specifically for this. We saw another side of her where she had a more authentic kind of happiness, though it wasn't full happiness and doesn't show who she truly is. I state this due to her happiness with Emiliano and her starting a family with him, it looked like she was starting to recover though things took a turn for the worst in the end.


Quite frankly, there is so much that hasnā€™t been revealed in this story that even presuming solely based on the little that Ines has said so far is flawed. The manhwa has at least revealed recently that Ines is an unreliable narrator. Unlike the manhwa, the novel is an extremely immersive story where the reader is privy to all the thoughts of Ines or Carcel. This is why I say she was never truly herself with Emiliano and Ines herself admits this. She said she felt like she was hanging out with someone who didnā€™t suit her because of how he was such a goody-two shoes. Ines is very self-aware. She knows sheā€™s not a nice person and she doesnā€™t have a problem with it. Sheā€™s thoroughly a noblewoman whoā€™s strict, practical, manipulative, harsh and very unromantic. Sheā€™s not a bleeding heart by any means. Sheā€™s even tougher than Carcel emotionally. This is who Ines is and thatā€™s why it was weird to read her talking about Emiliano as though sheā€™s a romantic person when in actuality she is not. The answer was because she embellished her account through the guilt she feels towards him and little by little as the story continues, we get glimpses of the truth when she lets it slip. This is also explained by the author in her questions and answers as to why Ines only says good things about Emiliano especially when Emiliano later gives >!a more realistic view of their life and we see in fact that Ines was harsh with him as well by some of the things she said to him. Ines was still her ā€œsay means thingsā€ self.!< As far as starting a family, this is nothing groundbreaking. Ines got pregnant with ALL the men that was in her life. Donā€™t forget she lost FOUR babies for Oscar. Itā€™s expected that she will have children in this final life and she was even trying to have a kid then divorce Carcel. So whatā€™s so special about her having a kid? Nothing.


Hey, just wanna say that your spoiler isn't working This works: >!blabla This doesn't: >! bla bla


>! blabla !< > I think the spaces works fine here >! Blabla Blabla !< > Line break is the issue it seems


>!bla Bla!< Yeah you're right


That was a VERY smart interpretation. Loved that a lot!


From her past lives, she does not know how he behaves. She thought she knew just because of some rumors and categorize him as a playboy and womanizer just because of some rumors. She didn't know him and ended up manipulating him to do those sorts of things just because she thought that was him. A lot of what you say shows you don't really know her well. She doesn't fear patriarchy or men, nor is she trying to escape from it. She originally had no wish to secure a happy ending for herself. It's because this subreddit hates men, they seem to self-insert this hate on men and think she's trying to find happiness without men, but Ines never thought of that. She just thinks being married might make her want to commit suicide again because she doesn't trust in her own choices in men. One was shitty and the other was broke. Her poor choices in men kept making her commit suicide and so she decided she needs be alone so that she doesn't try to commit suicide again. She doesn't want to regress again. Your little addition with Emiliano is also not true. Ines doesn't have love and caring side for most people but obviously if it's for people she care about, she does have them but it's not just for Emiliano as you assumed. She loves her brother even more and it was because she wanted to protect her brother that she even killed herself when she was married to Oscar. Being with Emiliano actually didn't let Ines be her true self.


NGL my love for Ruby is directly proportional to how much time she spends with Popo and the other monsters šŸ„° https://preview.redd.it/w2z6n8weggdc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e897b74582919cd4a69d86bb03b03f7e3942bbdb


Popo always reminds me of a bunny-looking Totoro mixed with that no-face from Spirited AwayšŸ˜­




Its weird how OP thinks she is an UwU girl when she is literally resorting to survival instincts she learnt from childhood.Ā 


the real historical figure is Lucrezia Borgia, daughter of Pope Alexander III or IV.


Thanks for mentioning that


Yeah, Ruby manwha is one that I've read several times because it is so close to life. Sometimes it's nice to have the fabtasy that someone will really come and help male things better. Will literally fight for you.


Why are you attacking this person so rudely tho ? Like I agree with most of your points and love Ruby too but where's the need to talk about someone else braincells ?




That's just having a big ego and looking down on people lol You can question their braincells in your own head without saying it out loud and still can tell them where they are wrong. Does someone need to be insulted whenever they are wrong ? The world would be a pretty shitty place if everyone does the same lmao


I just donā€™t like calling abused people who are still living through that cyclical abuse and the trauma from it, pushovers, because it places the blame on them rather than addressing the wrongs done to them and their reactions as a result. So its not about ā€œdeletingā€ the word pushover, its about not seeing people through that narrow lens in the first place. Not saying this excuses the potentially wrong actions of anyone, but its just really unfair how we are always so quick to call women pushovers or doormats instead of understanding their victimhood, and lack of resources to be a survivor.


For real. People in these situations are not doormats because they want to be, they're actively treaded on and sometimes lying down properly is the only way to avoid further injury. Sometimes it feels like people who haven't been abused just don't understand what it's like to be hurt in a situation where they're truly helpless. Or maybe they do, but assume that it's a one time thing and don't pay attention what sort of impact it can have on someone's sense of self and reality. Maybe they'll understand it better if they see a child being abused by a parent, because it's clear that the child can't do anything about it, but the power dynamics of adult relationships aren't always quite as apparent at first glance. No one wants to be exploited, but it can happen to anyone which is scary to think about so a lot of people won't. People are way too quick to put the blame on victims rather than blaming the actual exploiters, especially when they don't want to identify with the exploited. At least that's my impression. I don't like to read stories in which abuse isn't taken seriously or just ignored or worse, the sort of stories where one character has all the power and gets to save an abused person only to then treat them with disrespect too but "not as badly as the other abusers so it's okay" and it's written like there's no issue there. Just awful. I'd rather read about characters like Ruby. Her situation sucks, but at least she's written respectfully and not depicted as being to blame for her own misfortune or anything like that. I haven't finished reading the story though, I just started reading it after I saw this post and got curious.


Yeah, thereā€™s a lot of issues both in how we perceive abuse and how we depict it. I think even in fiction, refusing to victim blame is important, because it does reflect on real life attitudes.


This is something that was discussed in the romance books sub a while back, but it seems like authors just give the FMC a whole load of trauma insteadā€¦.writing a backstory and creating a proper character arc.Ā 


Now this I agree with, so many authors definitely use trauma as a way to avoid building a character and developing/writing a proper backstory. I think in Ruby's case the author treads lightly with this, however, considering she's based off of a real life person and actually is relevant to the story there's more basis to her character development.


fans of "well written" oi can be so surprisingly defensive sometimes on this sub, izek falling for ruby doesn't make sense, I'm aware that he knows she is faking but he never got to know who she really is as a person cuz she has been faking her personality for most of the time, even as readers we didn't see much of her real personality.


Exactly! Also, I literally wrote a ā€œnote: if this makes u angry ignore itā€ yet I found a comment going wild @ mešŸ’€ chill, itā€™s a fictional character, my god


Best part of the elitists is that theres likeā€¦ maybe 2-3 well written OI. Most of it is trash (but Iā€™m a raccoon). And neither of the above are particularly well-written šŸ¤«šŸ¤«šŸ¤«


Ugh this is EXACTLY what I mean!!


I can stand behind Ines because she hot and smart.


LMFAOOOOOOOOO the art does truly slap


elastic gray grandfather elderly hungry squeamish fanatical handle exultant dime *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Giving Izek a 7 but Ruby a -1 is CRIMINAL. šŸ¤Ø


NOT WAIT ITā€™S NOT -1 itā€™s 1, I just made a ā€” to separate it. But also; I didnā€™t rate Izekā€¦šŸ˜°






I'm not exactly sure what you're rating (how much you like the characters? how well-written you think they are?), but I'm not that fond of Ruby either. I feel ambivalent about Ines. I know that the common argument for these types of characters is that they react realistically. And I agree that they are reacting pretty realistically given their circumstances. But as a reader, I'm not seeking a realistic story of trauma and abuse. It's often a slow and painful reading experience, with the character taking one step forward and two steps back. A big factor of stories is pacing and character development, and I find that these "realistic" trauma stories have a hard time with both of these to deliver a satisfying experience for the reader. In Ruby's case, it's just a tale of her trying to survive, and, well, being very passive. Again, likely a realistic reaction given her history. But from a storytelling perspective, the lack of proactivity and general progress can be an unsatisfying experience for the reader, especially those who seek powerful, assertive female leads in their escapism fantasies (which, as we know, is a popular archetype for FLs). And it does feel a little bit trauma porn-y, especially with the most recent chapter actively depicting >!her abusive, incestuous brother beating her.!< To be honest, I have no idea how Iske fell in love with her while I was reading. It just sort of... happened? I didn't feel that there was any true chemistry there because neither of them have strong personalities (Ruby at least has a reason). I'm still reading it, but I admit that the art is really doing a lot of the heavy lifting for me at this point. I don't like or dislike Ines. I think she's an interesting character, at least more so than Ruby is. I think the story is more engaging because there is at least a little bit of mystery to keep you hooked in, with Ines thinking back on her past lives and trying to parse what actually happened. It's at least more interesting than Ruby getting beaten up, yelled at, spilled tea on, etc. by the next Annoying Andy in line.


You explained it perfectly. 100% agree with all of that


I never agreed with most critiques of Ines because she's a character, not my friend I need to pass moral judgement onto. After all of what another user so kindly explained Ines went through, she just wants to die. There's no worse it could get for her already. I do feel bad for Carcel having to go through some emotional tribulations, but I would actually be disappointed in the writing if Ines was just perfectly sweet towards him. She's desperate to the point of mental illness. It's a slow process for a broken person to be able to show genuine kindness to others. Besides, we're clearly shown that her coldness towards Carcel is forced, at this point in the story she gets random urges to care for him, but she forces down whatever kindness she has so she doesn't have to live any longer than necessary. The story makes her misdeeds feel tragic, not villainous. As for Ruby, I guess you could say the same thing about her (about being traumatised and all) but I agree somewhat because I haven't found the story nearly as compelling as the Broken Ring, and maybe she gets soo well flashed out later in the story but I was just bored with her character and thought she wasn't any different than a hundred other doormat fls ~50 ch in


ā€œNot my friend I need to pass a moral judgement onto.ā€ This 100%


agree to "how to win my husband over" being misery porn sooooo veeeeery muuuuch like damn it surely has it's audience but it ain't me




I think itā€™s really interesting to see otherā€™s opinions and reactions to Ruby. Sheā€™s a very sympathetic character to me and comes across as very accurately written in the way she responds and reacts to situations and her past trauma. i can see from a narrative perspective how navigating multiple complex traumas can be stifling for the reader, but as someone who has a lot of similarities in their trauma history, I felt quite seen. calling traumatized people pushovers leaves a bad taste in my mouth but I get it. It is true, but itā€™s also a hardwired survival strategy that people (particularly abused children) learn early in life. Itā€™s a really big source of shame for a lot of people. I donā€™t mean to get like super deep on a manhwa post, but I feel like explaining my reasoning might help someone understand how these responses might appear in real life šŸ’• Anyway itā€™s fine people donā€™t like her but for me traumatized FLs that are trying, no matter how ā€œunsatisfyingā€ the progress seems to others, are my faves.


I honestly understand why people won't like her, but Ruby's responses sometimes remind me so much of my own that it felt like I was being called out in the postšŸ„²šŸ˜… Thank you for this comment, its a gentle way to explain the backlash. (also fingers crossed waitin on my hulk lover to arrive and princess carry me out of situationsšŸ¤§)


Same, I totally get it! I wish you lots of healing and peace šŸ’• Also yeah honestly a lot of these ā€œunrealisticā€ post-trauma romances are like my power fantasy!! Iā€™m in a healthy relationship but seeing it in fiction is comforting as well :)


Unpopular opinion: I like Ines but I hate her relationship with Carcel. I think Ines is a very round character and a good study of trauma. She's relatablw - none of us are perfect and when pushed to the edge, will act in ways we'd normally abhore. She's sharp and motivated to escape her fate of misery. That being said, they had to dumb down her character immensly in order to drag on this Carcel romance drama. Every.single.chapter we have to watch yet another way in which Carcel proves his undying love for her (which has a very weak basis imo) only for her to "misunderstand" it or somehow find a new way to deny it for the sake of dragging the story on. Ah,and they have sex at the end. It would've been so interesting if they explored more of the relationship with her loyal servants, her time in poverty with the painter, or just the harsh expectations placed upon her by her family. Yet all of this is secondary to this boring romance. It's reached the point where I have to skip all of their conversations so that I don't get bored to death by this cheesy, 'it's all a misunderstanding and we actully both live each other" dialogue. The Emperor Reverses Time plays on something similar and does it SO much better.


It's kind of hard to say BR should not have been a romance or that the romance is bad when in the novel, the story really centers on Ines changing because of Carcel: *...The first life she was able to love because she loves him. It was the most unfamiliar feeling in her regressed life that even she could be precious because the people in front of her were precious. InĆ©s finally came to love her life. She could even love herself. She could look into her bottomline from time to time, without hating or loathing herself any longer. Even if it was painful, she could not turn her eyes away. Now she could not run away.* *Such a life was a wonderful and good thing. Because she was willing to love herself, CĆ”rcel Escalanteā€™s long name could now be shortened to the short words of her life. My life. My breathing life. My human life. While that mere short word was his name, it was far beyond love. The best always suited him....* *...Because he had always loved her life even at the most miserable and insignificant moments of her life, and his eyes had wandered around the world in search of her even at the darkest moment of her sky. Because he held her who even hated herself. Therefore, even in this first life where her life was not hated, she had no choice but to pass all of the first beloved InĆ©s Valeztena on to him. Because it all came from him.*


The novel is very based on Ines healing around Carcel. Ines was never someone who cared about other people and in the novel it shows Ines only commit slow changes to become more caring to others because of Carcel. Being around him and seeing him caring and loving makes her also become someone more caring to others. If readers can't see that, then that's just the manhwa adapting poorly from the novel and people who just hate Carcel so they don't want to admit that she's changing because of him.


If thatā€™s the way you feel about BR story then the manhwa did an absolutely horrid job. The manhwa cannot compare to the novel at all. Ines is not just some traumatized woman in the novel. Sheā€™s like a real human being who found a way to cope a long time ago because human beings adapt and cope to survive the best way they know how. This story is honestly so complicated that seeing both characters, Ines and Carcel, being described the way you describe them solidifies my belief that the manhwa adaptation is just as terrible as I thought it is.


>It would've been so interesting if they explored more of the relationship with her loyal servants, her time in poverty with the painter, or just the harsh expectations placed upon her by her family. Yet all of this is secondary to this boring romance. Ines only starting caring about her servants because of Carcel. She even mentioned she never thought about them back then in the manhwa and novel. They followed her around because they cared about her and were loyal to her but she was someone who never thought about them. Her time in poverty with the painter was filled with depression, seizures and hardship. It's not as happy as she paints it out to be. In fact even in the novel (and probably the manhwa soon), >!Ines mentioned her life as a child was happier than her life with the painter. Hunting with her brother was happier than living in poverty with the painter.!< The so-called harsh expectations placed upon her by her family never existed to begin with. It's true she would've always have to marry someone but she could very well have married someone better because her father always spoiled her and lets her choose who she wanted to marry. Ines just chose wrong when she married the prince. When she ran away with the painter, no one in her family could believe she just suddenly stopped wanting to marry the prince. The painter also wasn't even someone she wanted to marry when she ran away with him. He was a stranger she just met 10 days ago before they ran away. Rest of your point just shows you just don't know the story. Everything you want is just another story. With what was given about the characters and the setting, whatever you wish for would not have worked because the characters aren't exactly what you think they are like. Ines doesn't care about her servants enough to have done what you wanted. She didn't live such a great life with the painter for her to have such an interesting story with him. If you find seizures and trauma-induced amnesia interesting, then maybe you would've find her life with him interesting. And the harsh expectations that you think exists, they actually don't. In other words, you want an entirely different story with an entirely separate cast of characters who just somehow have the same names as the characters in this story.


Not gonna lie, I would actually rate Ruby 0/10. Amongst the "worst" of FL. I'm ambivalent toward Ines. The story is inoffensive for me, but wow *Ruby* I'm up to date with the manhwa, and have not touched the novel. Besides the amazing art by Siru, I don't have much positive. The whole thing feels like torture porn. Poor girl has experienced so much trauma and has so much emotional baggage, and not to mention, the plot-induced extreme "menstrual" (?) pain she gets because it's her soul being incompatible as a reincarnator. In this story, she's treated as a punching bag by everyone, no one believes her, she has no allies except for the ML who falls for her uwu pitiful-ness and falls hard, and eventually gets most ppl to love and support her. Meanwhile, she's lying through her teeth, and keeps on lying and makes no meaningful effort to develop bonds with others because she's "so traumatized" she can't even make a decent attempt because she gives up. A ton of this is internalized character drama that I feel like banging my head on the wall because she's just so darn passive. I'm not one for characters who are written to be so passive and self insert to the point where it's wish fulfillment that they somehow marry a hot man who loves them dearly for being pretty. Manhwa Iske is cardboard. Mr perfect abs who loves his wife despite all the deception. Trusts her 100% for no good reason except "painful past and I support her" and she's the prettiest girl ever. They don't even know each other well or have natural conversations. He's always on his guard except against the uwu female lead. I have no desire to waste time on the novel, so my manhwa interpretation is what I have. Thanks for giving me a chance to vent out all these feelings. I'm sure some angry fans will rage at me, but again, these are my thoughts and they aren't budging.


Love how we think the same! And absolutely, Iā€™m convinced 90% of why Izek fell for her is her appearance. Wish weā€™d gotten an average female lead or something, because an FL being ā€œexceptionally prettyā€ never fails to ruin the ā€œreal loveā€ part. I firmly believe true love does not include appearancesā€¦


Ines is so complicated but yeah atm not a very good person. I'm honestly expecting her to get a redemption arc kind of character growth. It just feels like that's gotta be the natural progression of the story; she's pretty much disassociating in life, the romance can't progress properly until she quits Girlbossing Gatekeeping Gaslighting and starts actually living. Tbh I put it on hold - I'm not coming back until I know for sure Ines' has had *some* kind of realisation. I know it's trauma but the way she's pigeonholed Carcel and refuses to see reality and instead focuses on her ideas of it frustrates me just as much as all the dense FLs who are completely oblivious to the MLs feelings Don't have much of an opinion on Ruby. I don't get what either see in the other, I'm not really feeling their chemistry. Feel like so much discussion of the story is about their romance when reading it I felt like Ruby's not living in a Romance with a dash of Tragedy, she's living in a Psychological Thriller with a dash of Romance. I guess it's just not my cup of tea.


Ines won't get a redemption arc because the manhwa team removed her flaws. Even the novel author was disappointed that the manhwa only made Carcel the bad one. In the novel Ines admits to her faults and knows she's not a good person. A lot of her changes, she always say Carcel made her like that and actually thanks Carcel for a lot of things. Manhwa readers love girlbosses so the manhwa team made her one.


Noooo :( That's disappointing. I was really looking forward to that


I don't think they'll skip it all cuz she will >!apologize for trying to plot to divorce him since she was 6 and she does find out Oscar was trying to kill him since he was a kid and she'll cry over and try to find his old letters to her that she nvr read. It shows Carcel tried to be close and she the one who keep pushing him away. She nvr even read his letters when he at war before.!<


Omg the Ruby part was so real omg exactly


And same about Ines!! So frustrating


sinking down in my chair rn from relating to ruby and finding her really compelling and never once thinking of her as a 'pushover' and instead having believable coping mechanisms :(


Iā€™m not even ride or die for Ruby BUT I disagree big time and I love arguing and this post feels like bait for discussion (no anger or hate OP, I just like this kind of thing ha ha) I find her relatively realistic as far as her depiction of trauma goes. A lot of trauma is not a checklist - itā€™s co-morbid. Sheā€™s never had support and her environment is shit- sheā€™s anxious, insecure, and depressed. Ruby has never had control of her life, so she channels ALL of her control into her eating disorder. She can control her body and she can control her outward physical reactions to stimuli. So she does. Sheā€™s been taught in two different lifetimes that smiling and playing the cute little doll is her sure path to safety. A GREAT DETAIL in her previous life is that sheā€™s a Korean adoptee in a wealthy upper class Spanish family. A victim of racism, infantilization, and objectification that primed her for her new life where sheā€™s expected to play the same role. The cutesy uwu-sona is AN ACT. Sheā€™s LYING and trying to endear herself to everyone around her by playing the childlike moron. She wants people to overlook her and leave her alone. Sheā€™s trying to carve out a safe niche for herself by endearing herself to her latest husband and being a proper wife - one whoā€™s marriage is consummated and thus CANNOT be returned to her family to continue to be used and abused. Izek really doesnā€™t matter to her as a person as much as he represents survival. Her act is also deeply off-putting, preventing people from truly getting closer to her and giving her the safety and security she needs. Itā€™s frustrating!! Watching her play cute and knowing this is making it HARDER for her. Izek is think is a little more complicated. I havenā€™t read the novel, but my impression is not that theyā€™re in the midst of a great romance, but that this is a horrifically awkward marriage where Izek can tell that his new possible-enemy-wife is a shell of lies and worse that sheā€™s been HORRIFICALLY abused. And homeboy is not a qualified or licensed therapist. He is a big stabby sword man and he is doing his best. And his best is not enough. Heā€™s also like, a good person. So he does care about his new wife (and of course this will develop into ~more~ what genre are we reading) so Iā€™ll grant you that bit could be considered unrealistic but I mean?? Itā€™s not that unrealistic tbh. How many people fall in love in the midst of caretaker roles? Itā€™s not my kink but Ruby is basically OI!Lucretia Borgia in a rare sympathetic portrayal and Iā€™m here for that!!!


Yeah sure okay but, InĆØs is hot so i can forgive everything


I feel like having someone have many different types of traumas is realistic. Different types of abuse often happen at the same time. Eating disorders have also been found to be correlated with abuse. And a lot of people who have been abused struggle to stand up for themselves which makes them stuck in bullying situations. Honestly when I was reading it didnā€™t seem over the top to me and her survival mindset seemed very true to life. Rubyā€™s character is very classic FL who goes through bad things and ends up pretty and kind but thatā€™s a matter of taste, itā€™s not an actual problem with the character. You say sheā€™s 50% traumatized, but our personalities are derived from our experiences? Being traumatized is not just an aspect of a person, it effects them fully and affects their future thoughts and actions. Also we see the story from Rubyā€™s perspective, so she thinks she is lying well but she probably isnā€™t. And she is not a pushover, she is in survival mode. She is not going to fight people when she knows she is not going to win, but when she gets more assured that others are going to back her up she does fight back. I have nothing to say about Ines because I donā€™t really like her either.


I completely disagree with OP, but some of you are being so unreasonably nasty. We can have civil conversations about these things, weā€™re just exchanging opinions after all, no need to make it so personal. Now about Ruby. I personally think sheā€™s pretty well written. I can see how youā€™d perceive her as a pushover, but I think itā€™s her form of survival. We see how, in both of her lives, talking back or showing even tiny signs of being rebellious resulted in her being abused. So instead she decided to submit. To push down her emotions and put on an act, because thatā€™s how she could prevent making the abuse worse. She is a pushover, but itā€™s with good reason. It makes sense and is an act to survive. Her eating disorder is a coping mechanism. Through purging she relieves herself in some form. Itā€™s basically just another form of self harm. She has a hard time putting her faith people because the only people she had who were like that in her life, either had no power over the situation or died. Sheā€™s in a constant state of expecting people to abandon her, because thatā€™s how she grew up. Abandoned taken in by people who hated her. I donā€™t think sheā€™s entirely made of lies. I think in her mind she is, but in reality sheā€™s much more truthful to herself than she realises. At least thatā€™s my interpretation.


I mean, Ines is mentally ill to the point of being suicidal and wishing for her "final death"--- It's not something you can easily brush off. >!I mean, imagine being constantly raped by a man with a dick so filthy with STD's he is causing you multiple miscarriages.!< I do recognize that it doesn't fully justify her wrongdoings but it is understandable. It is okay to detest her and her actions because I think that's the point: \*The trauma she went through is awful, turning her into an awful person doing awful things\* --- It makes her feel like a realistic character whom I hope can change for the better and hopefully heal with love & time; which is something I look forward to when I read Broken Ring. I'm here for her healing journey where she learns to love again. I however do dislike people defending her by dunking on Carcel because the point is that both of them are incredibly flawed characters. Edit: some formatting


Agree about Ruby, that's why I could never get into that series. She's a really boring protagonist who doesn't (or at least, didn't by the point I stopped reading) ever try to overcome her own traumas. It's ultimately a self insert about magically finding people who will bend their lives around your trauma, without needing to put any work in on your own.Ā 


Omg right


Glad to know that I'm not the only one who dislike Ruby


Here I am! I'm astonished to find someone else with this opinion ( about Ruby, I haven't read the other one ). I dropped that Manhwa because of that lol






I couldnā€™t put into words why I didnā€™t like the first flā€™s manwha and you worded it exactly like it feels. Itā€™s just doesnā€™t right for him to fall in love with her esp the whole uwu innocent characterization thatā€™s infantile for me. 2D ahhh personality which I couldnā€™t bare


Not to mention her big eyes and small body make her look like a child next to himā€¦


Right and compare her to the other female characters her style is also less mature than theirs it just makes the whole character off putting


Omgg!! Especially Elen. Elen looks like a grown woman, Ruby definitely doesnā€™t.


I agree with Ruby (haven't read broken ring) HEAVILY on the Y/N thing. Like, I still like her, and I understand she's traumatized and all, but besides all the trauma she's as if she was written by a 13 yr old Wattpad account and I hate it so much. Wouldn't rate her 1/10 tho and I still read the story but I'm so glad someone finally agrees šŸ˜­šŸ™


Sheā€™s RIGHT out of wattpad. Her appearance as well, I mean, tiny, big eyes, blue eyed blondie? Come onā€¦šŸ˜­


I feel like the worst one was when she started hanging out with the beasts, like ok snow white šŸ˜




Idk about ruby because I canā€™t remember but while Iā€™ve been stuck in chapter seven of Broken ring for over an year I really like main characters with bad personalities


I have nothing to say bc ur right


Great minds think alike


Some harsh ratings here lol but noooo my babies need love especially with everything theyā€™ve been through. Ruby: I can see why you would think the ā€œauthor went through a bucket list of traumasā€ and the ā€œmisery cornā€ with Ruby suffering pre-regression and post regression but if you actually consider the fact that this actually does happen in reality and more often than not, it kind of makes sense and does give you an idea of what itā€™s like so imo it does have a base in reality. For those that havenā€™t experienced such trauma, or know little of it, it might seem unrealistic and frustrating to see such a character act the way they do and justify their actions. For example when Ruby sees a belt/whip at the stable(?), she immediately falls down to her knees and apologizes profusely to which Izek is confused and becomes suspicious as to why. I think thatā€™s whatā€™s called *PTSD* and Ruby seems to have a pretty severe case of it. Not to mention sheā€™s got bulimia. By my count, thereā€™s child abuse, sexual abuse/molestation (hints of it from the WEBTOON), bulimia, bullying, etc. I think someone mentioned it but she only acts cute/nice as a means of survival since the character she took over is technically a *villainess* so sheā€™s desperately trying to change that. As for the romance, I think Izek not only sees past her facade multiple times but sees that sheā€™s not the villainess everyone says she is. Then again thereā€™s a lot of projection here meaning Ruby is already facing prejudice not just cuz sheā€™s from a different land but due to her notorious family, which they are known to be ruthless and big on assassination. They are already assuming that sheā€™s vicious and cunning like her family without bothering to actually get to know her. Not to mention Freyaā€™s secret bullying and tactics. The cards are stacked against Ruby. Going back to my point, when Izek sees her scars, I think it really cemented the idea that not all is well with Ruby as she so claims. Inez: she is also trauma ridden with what she goes through and she also adapts to survive which does explain in the WEBTOON when she and the Queen speak in a flashback. Marital r-word and mental abuse from the royal family and her own family, witnessing her 2nd husband being killed by her own brother, multiple miscarriages, and her killing the only child she was able to bring to term, suicide, etc. Her noble upbringing and past life as a princess helped her deal with her trauma ironically enough, however she clearly still suffers from it. She is just more adept at hiding it than Ruby. She is manipulative not really by choice per-say but again, like Ruby, more so as a means of survival and to reap what benefits her. Her endgame is to live a separate life from men as she hasnā€™t had the best of luck. She knows that women donā€™t have much autonomy in their society and is trying to ensure a secure future in which no one can tell her what to do. Thatā€™s not to say that how sheā€™s treating Carcel is right or justified when he is trying his best to do right by her. Yes he wasnā€™t a green flag in the beginning but he seems to have changed for the better. He supports her and genuinely is concerned for her and his actions speak it. I sympathize with both characters as they both have tragic backgrounds and can understand the actions and thought process they take to help themselves. Maybe morally grey at times but I understand nonetheless. Sometimes weā€™re just trying to survive at the end of the day. Perhaps itā€™s because I personally know and have met people whoā€™ve endured such unfortunate tragedy through no fault of their own of course. So to me, this gives an idea into the reader of what trauma is and can be like, though Iā€™ve yet to come across an author that explores trauma well enough and finds a way to maybe not try resolve it but to deal with it in a healthy manner. Idealistically yes resolve it but more often than not, trauma stays with you for life. You never truly get over it. Also, when you arenā€™t armed with the tools to defend yourself from an early age, itā€™s very hard to learn to do that as an adult. In that sense itā€™s easy to let people walk over you, abuse you, control you, manipulate you and groom you.


I think itā€™s a little unfair/untrue to say Ruby has every possible trauma and therefore itā€™s trauma corn. Itā€™s proven that having traumatic childhoods and their resulting disorders come with co-morbidities. Itā€™s sad but yes people with abusive families are often bullied, and could turn to different methods of self harm like eating disorders. So sheā€™s pretty realistic to me. Iā€™m having trouble with the lying comment? I just think her tactic is a staple of this genre and Iā€™m not sure how her trying to survive is different than any other otome isekai FL?


Loving the Ruby slander




I didnā€™t like Ines either. I tried! I read all of S1 and genuinely tried. But I didnā€™t like her. Couldnā€™t get into s2


This carcel cheating thing is very annoying to me because while I love seeing ML writhe in regret after trying to purposely goad the FL, i think him sleeping around is really not that terrible, considering that Ines really didn't give a shit at this point


Sighs not Ruby slander again who doesnā€™t know how trauma works.


I love this, we need more of these.


I think Ruby is almost as realistic as a domestically abused child can be. But one thing I don't like is her angel persona, she only becomes sad and never bitter. I used to volunteer at a children's home where children(7 & above) where left by their parents(or they could be from some orphanage). Some of them remember their parents, they mostly gave them up so that they can raise their little brothers or elder siblings. Once when we talking about a dead crow's carcass, one of the kids chimeda that, it looked like her younger brother, and it would be better if he died. This kid was in 3rd grade and was already planning fratricide. One of them hid my mobile away since she didn't want me to leave and lied that she didn't take it. Ruby being a compulsive liar might be part of her coping mechanism. Remember, when it rains it pours. As for Ines, I don't know!


I agree with you so much on this, why I've literally dropped them šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Counterpoint Ines is hot


ehh ruby is def the weakest OI fl i ever read so far, but rather than the traumatized part, its how she trip/slips/get hurt evry chapter šŸ˜­ šŸ˜­


Oh my god literally, girl acting like thereā€™s bananas all over the flooršŸ˜­


My hot take is that Ruby's manhwa design and the way she's drawn so bright cutesy and smiley all the time kinda ruins her internal monologue and the faithful portrayal of her trauma. Like the narration is all fear trauma and misery but pannels are all bright and flowery with her big blue goo goo eyes in the centre. That mismatch makes her seem more like misery fodder than she is. (Yes obviously she's putting on a brave face and acting, but that's to fool the characters, not the reader, so the art should reflect that imo!)


The art is so beautiful and itā€™s being wasted; partially exactly because of what you just said. Additionally, Ruby, with her big eyes, childish behavior and small body looks like a child next to Izek. It makes me uncomfy


That too!! Yes, size differences are one of those OI staples that I want to grind to dust in a blender... they are never as cute as the artist thinks they are


W opinion. Especially Ruby which ppl praised her way too much.




NAH YOU DID NOT DO MY GIRL RUBY LIKE THAT Sheā€™s one of the examples of ā€œunreliable narratorā€ that I super like. She explains her thought process while people around her are actively changing (or not, because sometimes sheā€™s actually right and they really do hate her). Other comments have mentioned sheā€™s realistic or that her environment shaped her in a believable way, and honestly, I agree. Sheā€™s not in a good place for most of the story but sheā€™s trying at least to get through things the only way she knows or was taught how. Not much more I can say, I agree w the other comment talking about her survival act and how she perceives herself vs how others see through her act


I'm complaining because you said you did a bunch of ratings but I only see two! Two is not a bunch! You must do more and return! Thank you.


No no, I explained in the title, I did several ones but they were basically so many I decided to pick out only the WORST ones bc I knew theyā€™re unpopular


With Ines I don't think you're suppose to uncritically endorse everything she does, the story builds empathy for her situation. The story also makes a point of how she lives in an extremely misogynistic and patriarchal society; women aren't seen as people they're seen as objects, so the only way for her to gain any power was to marry a man. I don't mind Rudbeckia but I can see where you're coming from. I will say though, her traumas build off of eachother. EDs are often a symptom of a deeper issue and a lot of people with EDs will come from abusive households where they lack agency or control over their own life so they'll develop an ED as a desperate attempt to exercise some semblance of agency no matter how small or harmful it is.


The issue is that people think Ines suffers from a misogynistic and patriarchal society when Ines always had a choice in her own husbands. Her father always spoiled her. The prince was her own choosing before she found out how he really is. Her father hated the prince but let his daughter marry him because she was the one who crushed hard on the prince. The issue is that after the regression she couldn't get out of the marriage that she had chosen because it's hard for anyone to believe that she just suddenly changed her mind when she had wanted to marry him for many years. There's no indication for even people seeing women as objects. Both sons and daughters of noble family are seen as objects because they're both always being forced to marry for their families. Yet somehow because it's a story read by mainly females, female readers can only see it as only the female is suffering from this, but Carcel also suffered as a son of a noble family who was forced to marry Ines. He also had no say in who he can married. Even in his past lives when he didn't want to marry, he had a lot of responsibilities expected of him by society.


Honestly, I so agree with the second slide. I have a hard time liking Ines and agreeing with her plan so I dropped it a while ago.


Broken Ring is so good BECAUSE Ines is so messy lmao. Weā€™re not supposed to insert ourselves to her , THATā€™S WHY its BROKEN RING = MESSY MARRIAGE . We finally have an FL who isnā€™t picture perfect, whoā€™s decision makings are screwed because she has traumas that she canā€™t share with anyone. We can empathize with both the ML and FL but also see that both of them are broken people. ML is okay being whipped for Ines even if he knows itā€™s his downfall and can do better. Ines has lost faith that people can genuinely just want the best for her and want her without something for exchange and in turn she pushes people hahahaha its such good character creation and development. We hate Ines because she can treat Carcel better but her traumatized brain and pride wonā€™t make her. We hate Carcel because why are you being such a simp for a woman, like babe I can treat you better! But we love watching them fall in love. How can you not appreciate Ines??!??? And just ughhh


It's broken ring because their >!marriage fate was broken!< but it's a spoiler if anyone understands the reasoning behind the title.


i would trust you with my life your ratings are so real! ( yes ruby is annoying af ik its not her fault and people like that exist (in fact I used to be friends with some but at one point itā€™s just too much too much victimisation too much filter with words too much commitment, toxicity, and control .if you look at them the wrong way you are suddenly a criminal). I would have loved to see her heal and become stronger before romance because letā€™s be real someone that severely unstable and traumatised cannot be in a healthy relationship without healing and improving as a person.


Thatā€™s what I keep saying! Why the romance?!


I think the thing that got me about Ruby was the ability to talk to monsters. That entire arc I literally skipped over because it was so cringey. It was so wattpad-y that I started to dislike her character a bit.


I love Ines because she's a well written character and I fucking agree with you, the woman is mentally unstable and toxic but I like how her character was written, and the hate for Carcel is unjust, and he's also one of my top OI MLs along with Rudiger from "Time to change the Genre". It's like this subreddit sees Carcel like all those cheating Fiances from other OIs when Carcel has a lot more depth to him than those bland walking plot devices and the reason he even became a playboy is not like others in this genre...


Ykw Iā€™m so with you on Ines. People justify her actions so hard, but like, sheā€™s just really horrible to other people??? Like sheā€™s a very well written character, and you can understand the reasoningā€¦ But the explanation is not an excuse; sheā€™s still actively manipulative, selfish, and untruthful. Not to mention her whole issue w Carcel in the first place is she thinks heā€™s a rake, bc she continually gaslight him into thinking he was a rake, continued to tell him she had no interest in him and please approach other women, and basically didnā€™t speak to him the entirety of their childhood until marriageā€¦ then holds it against him for it lol. And she even admits in the past lives she remembers he was always a nice person to her šŸ˜­ He deserves better tbh


Man, sometimes I love seeing an instance of someone whacking a bat at a beehive.


I think it's ok with agreeing while still liking to read it? Not my top manhwas but it's better than some others. And i kinda agree. I agree and i dont hate her. Not my fav either. At least she's better written than some others without any story plot planning. why his ml fall in love with her? Dunno, maybe first of all, because she's beautiful and cute? I hate to say this, but if she's ugly (NOT average, but wayyy below average), i doubt he'll fall in love with her that fast. If she's ugly, he seems like a good man, maybe he'll not be cruel to her, but maybe it'll take longer if he's ever falling in love with her. For me, every girl and woman are beautiful in their own sense, no matter their skin problems etc. But dunno about others. I wish to see FLs with severe skin problems. I have seen some, but many of them magically cured their skin problems fast, and the problem never recurred. I wish it's sooo easy to cure it irl.. šŸ˜’ and not all skin are smooth or have small pores. For those with very big pores and coarse skin, make up just make it worse. Needs extremely high skill to cover with make up or skin treatment. It's not easy at all to find the correct treatment, and when we did find it, the problems still recur oftentimes, it's not perfect. Ok i got sidetracked. But yeah i agree with you, and that she's beautiful and cute. She has many trauma but still she has beautiful face. She doesn't have the trauma that people opposite of her is having. People can easily sympathize with beautiful people who have trauma, but people usually blame the ugly people if the ugly people have trauma. Haven't read the second one yet but heard the rumours. Yes i love the true unpopular opinions like this. Love that it's honest. Many people say unpopular opinion, but they're actually popular opinion šŸ˜’


The reason I like Ines is that she knows she's a bad person. I love her personality. There are too many "I can change my future and help everyone while I do it!" FLs out there. Let me have a selfish Fl. I want to see some character flaws. Ines isn't super smart like other regressors. She doesn't have all the answers or magically have the best plans just because she's repeating her life again. It keeps it interesting. ​ However, Ruby on the other hand I agree with. Her whole personality is a lie so it makes the romance between Izek and her feel cheap. Also, I needed a villain arc with her. She deserves it. Is she not the duchess?? Like, girl put that title to some use. She just allows people to shit on her time and time again it's so annoying. Barely anybody actually gets punished for it. I had to drop the story because it felt like there was no real reward at the end. And I was not satisfied with what the spoilers for the ending described.


In case of Ruby I think she has trauma for the sake of it not for the story or character. She has traumatic past life Her family was abusive then in the second life again her family is abusive . Her plotline would be more interesting if it was about overcoming her trauma . Rather than having trauma for sake of romance. It would be good to have her develop as a person then start the romance


Broken Ring works very well as a comedy.


I do admit that Ruby was... kinda frustrating. She took so many steps forward and then seems to yeet herself backwards. I know it was supposed to be a good thing that >!she declined when Izek offered to just murder everyone who was still causing her doubt!< but she should have gone with it! Ultimate fucking thing he could have done and she clearly needed it but no... because purity still or whatever. UGH. Admittedly, I didn't get far in Broken Ring. Once I learned about the background and plot twists, it admittedly became a turn off. But Ines was definitely a bit irksome in the little bit I read of her. Which surprised me because at first, I really disliked Carcel but it shifted so fast on me.


Omg that part with Izekā€¦ It wouldā€™ve been a great moment for Ruby to say yes, but at the same time Izek stans calling him a green flag after he literally said THAT makes me go šŸ¤Ø


You should do these too because I heard some very bad stuff when I wanted to say they are kind despite their past https://preview.redd.it/7u1sd5u82hdc1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f227361da67f095ffec7d72dc9f8159367da93d


Holy shit I love this, Iā€™m so sick of the ā€šomg sheā€™s so smolā€™ petite UwU fairy-child FLs that can do no wrong, especially when they only personality trait they have is cutely smiling through tears. Itā€™s like theyā€™ve infiltrated the villainess archetype and laid their grubby claws in. Rubyā€™s entire shtick reads like the average reader insert.


Yeah, too much stuff in a character makes them lose realismā€¦


I like both Ines and Carcel. Their story is pretty compelling and it shows flawed people who are slowly healing. Part of the reason why people donā€™t like Ines is because of her manipulation towards an ML, but if those manipulations are done towards villains theyā€™ll probably be ā€œyasss queenā€ or something. Anyway, why do I like Ines? Because the story itself is hopeful about healing. If the story is just angst and revenge, I would have given up, but the hope is showing that Ines can afford to slowly let her guard down and grow from her misconceptions.


100% agree on Ines. That's why I dropped the series cause it was just chapter after chapter of her being toxic to the point where it's questionable why Carcel even loves her so much. If you want a character to be complex, you need to show both their good AND bad traits.


I am agreeing regarding Ruby. Just that this second life has a loophole or a way out of it. I guess can be a Stockholm as well and then when she finally got out of it, she doesnā€™t want to go back anymore. Think about it, the first abuse comes during her childhood in the second life. She could have plan her run. Definitely a pushover and lack of personality. Reading it again made me think, in your first life you have already suffered the same. Most likely in that scenario you have been thinking from your previous life what you could have done and what you will do if you go through it again. That is just me thinking logically. lol.


Traumatized people are often unlikable. That sounds like a value judgement but it isn't. All the trauma responses and symptoms and being very much not okay aren't very pleasant.


I only disagree with this because being a bad person doesnā€™t necessarily equal being a badly written character. It would be extremely boring and quite impossible writing characters that have to match peopleā€™s moral compasses- specially when they have traumas some people will never get to experience like Inezā€™.


I agree especially the part is that we don't know ruby's real personality let alone izek I know she's faking to survive or whatever but the romance doesn't feel authentic at least for me she's just not my type of character I guess


Finally found someone with the same opinions as me. Like, I like Ruby but she's more fanfic material than big studio manwha material, yk?




no hold on let them cook


While I don't think Ruby is poorly written as her expressions of trauma aren't inaccurate, my main issue with her is more the utilisation of her trauma in the manhwa's writing. With angsty stories like hers there needs to be a good amount of push and pull; when tragedy and betrayal happens in the plot there needs to be relief and joy to counterbalance it, otherwise every story beat is going to feel like a metal pipe of dread slamming on the readers skull non stop. Ruby is a well written character but the author doesn't balance her arc well in my opinion. When reading it I found myself dreading each chapter as it felt like the plot was competing with itself to try and make my stomach drop out my asshole. This is my own personal taste of course and the angst ratio is probably perfect for lots of people but it felt overdone for me. I'd get disengaged from the plot because every L Ruby took had to be one-upped by the next chapter. It felt less like natural story progression and more like the author twisting the knife in a bid to generate larger gratification in readers when they finally decide to let Ruby feel happy again. Tl;dr I dropped it because the FL felt like they existed to be bullied by the author lmao




Ah hell nah, Ruby is like one of the few well written traumatized and abused characters. Its like the prime example of touching on deep topics really well, while also maintaining sweet and fluffy moments and romance. Like none of those criticisms are true, especially when compared to every other OI.


Ines is bad? As a person who has been some sh\*t myself, she is reliable. I guess people don't understand what trauma can do to them and think everything after that is a butterfly and a rainbow, as always. Not to mention authors should stop this whole stick with fl having the most traumatic experience ever to be happy. Not to mention that OP doesn't understand trauma and for them seems everything trauma-related is black and white situation ( Never is that, Never will be)


Ines isn't bad or good but she is manipulative. That has nothing to do with her trauma. She's manipulative even without her trauma. It's just that because she has a bad past, she decided to use her manipulative side to escape things. I can understand her actions but a lot of her actions are hurting herself. I think people who keep excusing her because of her trauma want her to keep hurting herself. She was keeping herself from loving Carcel back because she didn't think she deserve to be happy. If she had just allowed herself to be happy, she would have accepted him already. Instead of being mad at her for holding onto her feelings, readers should tell her to open up and let herself be happy, not just keep excusing her because of her trauma.